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Bibliografia de Ronald Fisher

Origem: Wikipédia, a enciclopédia livre.
Ronald Fisher como criança

A Bibliografia de Ronald Fisher contém as obras publicadas pelo estatístico e biólogo inglês Ronald Fisher (1890 – 1962).

Capítulos em livros

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  • Heath, AE, ed. (1951). «Statistics». Scientific Thought in the Twentieth Century. London: Watts & Company 
  • Huxley, J; Hardy, AC; Ford, EB, eds. (1954). «Retrospect of criticisms of the theory of natural selection». Evolution as a process. London: Allen & Unwin. pp. 84–98 

Coleção de livros

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  • Bennett, JH, ed. (1971). Collected papers of R.A. Fisher. [S.l.]: University of Adelaide 
  • Bennett, JH, ed. (1990). Statistical Methods, Experimental Design and Scientific Inference. [S.l.]: Oxford University Press 

Artigos em revistas

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Fisher en 1912.
Ronald Fisher em 1913.
Anos 1910
Anos 1920
Anos 1930
Anos 1940
Anos 1950
Anos 1960
  • «Scientific Thought and the Refinement of Human Reasoning». Journal of the Operations Research Society of Japan. 3. 1960 
  • «On Some Extensions of Bayesian Inference Proposed by Mr. Lindley». Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series B. 22: 299–301. 1960 
  • (com EA Cornish) Fisher, Sir Ronald A.; Cornish, E. A. (1960). «The Percentile Points of Distributions Having Known Cumulants». Technometrics. 2 (2): 209–225. doi:10.1080/00401706.1960.10489895 
  • «Possible Differentiation in the Wild Population of Oenothera Organesis». Australian Journal of Biological Sciences. 14: 76–78. 1961 
  • Fisher, R (1961). «A Model for the Generation of Self-Sterility Alleles». Journal of Theoretical Biology. 1: 411–414. PMID 13893275 
  • «The Weighted Mean of Two Normal Samples with Unknown Variance Ratio». Sankhya. 23: 103–114. 1961 
  • «Sampling the Reference Set». Sankhya. 23. 1961 
  • Fisher, Sir Ronald A. (1962). «Confidence Limits for a Cross-Product Ratio». Australian Journal of Statistics. 4. 41 páginas. doi:10.1111/j.1467-842X.1962.tb00285.x 
  • «The Place of the Design of Experiments in the Logic of Scientific Inference». Colloques Internationaux du Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique: 13–19. 1962 
  • Fisher, Ronald A. (1962). «Enumeration and Classification in Polysomic Inheritance». Journal of Theoretical Biology. 2 (3): 309–311. doi:10.1016/0022-5193(62)90033-4 
  • «Self-Sterility Alleles: a Reply to Professor D Lewis». Journal of Theoretical Biology. 3: 146–147. 1962. doi:10.1016/s0022-5193(62)80011-3 
  • Fisher, R.A. (1962). «The Detection of a Sex Difference in Recombination Values Using Double Heterozygotes». Journal of Theoretical Biology. 3 (3): 509–513. doi:10.1016/S0022-5193(62)80042-3 
  • «The Simultaneous Distribution of Correlation Coefficients». Sankhya. 24. 1962 
  • «Some Examples of Bayes' Method of the Experimental Determination of Probabilities a Priori». Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series B. 24: 118–124. 1962