Atlas de Uroanalise
Atlas de Uroanalise
Atlas de Uroanalise
A. Hemcia anular B. Hemcia polidivercular C. Hemcia espiculada
Aglomerado de leuccitos
Clulas escamosas
Clulas transicionais
Clulas tubulares
Clulas neoplsicas
nicos elementos exclusivamente renais Formao: interior da luz do tbulo contorcido distal e ducto coletor Formas: lados paralelos e extremidades arredondadas
Podem ser enrrugados ou contorcidos
Contar 10 campos no aumento de 100x, identificando cada cilindro no aumento de 400x, e calcular a mdia por campo, no aumento de 100x
Secreo tubular de protena de TammTammHorsfall que se agrega as fibrilas
Significado clnico
Gromerulonefrite Pielonefrite Doena renal crnica Insuficincia cardaca congestiva Estresse e exercicio fsico Normal 0-2/cpa 0Glomerulonefrite Exerccio fsico intenso Pielonefrite Nefrite intersticial aguda Pielonefrite Leso de tbulo renal
Hemcias emaranhadas ou ligadas matriz das protenas de Tamm-Horsfall TammLeuccitos emaranhados ou ligadas matriz das protenas de Tamm-Horsfall TammBactrias presas matriz da protena de TammTamm-Horsfall Clulas tubulares que permanecem ligadas s fibrilas da protena de TammTammHorsfall Desintegrao de cilindros leucocitrios Lisossomos das clulas tubulares Agregados proticos Cilindros hialinos e granulares Lipidria Corpos adiposos ovais Formao nos ductos coletores ou em tbulo distais distendidos
Glomerulonefrite Pielonefrite Estresse e exerccio fsico Estase do fluxo urinrio Sndrome nefrtica Extrema estase do fluxo urinrio
Cilindros Hialinos
So os mais frequentes Constituio: quase inteiramente de Tamm-Horsfall Tamm Assumem significado clnico quando o n elevado
<2 por campo
Morfologia varivel:
Formas normais Enrrugados ou contorcidos
Envelhecimento do cilindro
Cilindro Hialino
Cilindros Hialinos
Cilindros Hemticos
Presena geralmente indica grave doena renal Indica sangramento no interior do nfron So refringentes e possuem cor amarela/marrom medida que envelhece, tem inicio a lise celular e o cilindro torna-se mais homogneo torna A hemoglobina liberada mantem a caracteristica cor marrommarromamarelada
Cilindros Hemticos
Cilindros Hemticos
Cilindros Leucocitrios
Infeco ou inflamao no interior dos nfrons So refringentes, contem grnulos e podem conter ncleos multilobulados Indica a necessidade de realizar culturas microb. Diferenciao: cilindros de bactrias (contm bacilos revestidos com anticorpos)
Identificao pela colorao de Gram
Cilindro leucocitrio
Cilindros Epiteliais
Em presena de leso tubular, as cls saem facilmente durante o desligamento do cilindro Podem ser distinguidos dos leucocitrios pela existncia de ncleo redondo
Cilindros Epiteliais
Cilindros Granulares
Origem no-patolgica: no Lisossomos excretados pelas cels. dos tbulos renais durante metabolismo normal
Origem patolgica:
Desintegrao de cilindros celulares e de cels. tubulares
Necessrio estase e que os cilindros estejam no tbulo para que sua desintegrao produza grnulos
Cilindros Granulares
Cilindros Granulares
Cilindros Creos
Cilindros refringentes de textura rgida
Por isso fragmentam-se ao passar pelos fragmentamtbulos
Cilindro Creo
Cilindros Adiposos
Encontrados juntamente com corpos adiposos ovais em distrbios que provocam lipidria (ex. Snd. Nefrtica) Ligeiramente refringentes e contm gotculas gordurosas de cor marrommarromamarelada
Cilindros Adiposos
Diversos cilindros
A. hialino B. hemtico C. hemtico D. epitelial E. leucocitrio F. hemtico G. granular H. granular I. creo
Formados pela precipitao dos sais da urina submetidos a alteraes de pH, temperatura, ou concentrao afeta solubilidade Urina normal recm-eliminada: formados no tbulos recmou, com menor frequncia, na bexiga A maior parte ocorre em amostras que foram deixadas em temperatura ambiente ou refrigeradas
Alguns dissolvem-se quando a amostra aquecida dissolvem-
Marrom-amarelado Marrom-
lcalis e calor
HCL diludo
cido actico diludo cido actico diludo cido actico diludo cido actico com calor Gs do cido actico
cido cido
Amnia, HCL diludo Clorofrmio
10% de NaOH
Oxalato de Clcio
Oxalato de Clcio
Fosfato de Clcio
Carbonato de Clcio
Miscelnea de Cristais
A represents the residue of normal human urine, as seen under the microscope. In division B is represented oxalate of urea. An excess of this element indicates indigestion, and is also characteristic of a plethoric, or full habit of the body. Nitrate of urea is represented in division C. A deficiency of urea in the renal secretion is a certain indication of anmia.
In Fig. 2 (divisions A and B), highly magnified urinary deposits, which indicate different degrees of impairment of the digestive functions are represented. The crystals seen in division C indicate the same debility accompanied with derangement of the mental faculties. Those in divisions D and E indicate still more aggravated forms of the same disorder.
In division A is represented pus and mucus, the presence of which indicates suppuration of the kidneys (Bright's disease). In B pus globules are alone represented. In the division marked C are shown blood corpuscles as they are arranged in blood drawn from a vein or artery. D represents the same separated, as they always are when present in the urine. In E highly magnified oil globules are represented. If present in the urine, they indicate disease of the kidneys. In the division marked F are represented epithelial cells, the presnce of which in large numbers is indicative of diseaes of the mucous lining of the urinary organs.
In division A are presented urinary crystals, which indicate an irritable state of the nervous system. The crystals shown in division B are of the same character as the preceding, but bear evidence of greater mental debility. In division C are represented crystalling deposits indicating malassimilation of food and a tendency to hypochondria. Division D contains a representation of the mixed phosphates. They are indicative of severe diseases attended with hypochondria and general nervous prostration.
In division A are represented the mixed urates as they appear durin idiopathic fevers, as intermittent, remittent, etc. When appearing as seen in division B, a less violent affection of the same character is indicated. Division C represents urate of ammonia, occasionally observed when there is a tendency towards albuminuria, or dropsy, resulting from granular degeneration of the kidneys, as in incipient Bright's disease. In division D is represented urate of soda, which is present in the urine of persons suffering from gout. The crystals shown in division E consist of the same salt.
In division A, Fig. 6, is represented purulent matter as it appears in the urine. The absorption of pus from abscesses in different parts of the system is frequently followed by the appearance of pus globules in the urine. When fat globules, represented in division B, are found in the urine, they indicate fatty degeneration. In division C are representations of the cells found in the urine of persons suffering from consumption or other scrofulous diseases.
Fig. 7 represents the different forms of cystine found in the urine of scrofulous and consumptive persons. In division A it is represented as seen in an amorphous (non-crystallized) form, (nonand in B it appears in crystals. In division C is a representation of the deposits seen in the urine of those who are greatly debilitated. In division D are seen epithelial cells mixed with mucus.
In division A, Fig. 8, are represented the caudated cells characteristic of hard cancer. The cells represented in division B are concentric, and characteristic of the soft varieties of cancer.
Filamento de Muco