Projeto Computacional Em503

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Instrues: O projeto consistir de um programa computacional, escrito em MatLab e desenvolvido por grupos de 3 alunos. Cada grupo dever elaborar um relatrio de resultados que deve ser copiado para o Teleduc at s 18hs do dia 13/06/2012, juntamente com os arquivos fonte (arquivos.m) de seus programas. A cpia impressa deve ser entregue na Secretria do DPM at s 16hs da data de entrega. Caso sejam identificados relatrios e/ou programas semelhantes de grupos distintos, os membros de ambos os grupos recebero nota zero. Cada grupo receber um conjunto especifico de exemplos, que devero ser analisados usando o cdigo elaborado. Estes exemplos sero disponibilizados posteriormente. No dia 20/06/2012, no horrio da aula, ser realizada uma arguio oral e individual com cada grupo sobre o projeto. Descrio geral do projeto Cada grupo dever elaborar um cdigo em MatLab, sobre o mtodo de elementos finitos aplicado ao estudo de trelias e vigas. O programa dever: Ser escrito de modo que as variveis de entrada possam ser facilmente alteradas a partir de um arquivo de texto. Fazer a leitura dos dados de entrada e executar os procedimentos, usando o mtodo de elementos finitos, para a anlise de modelos de barra, viga em flexo pura e viga+trao/compresso aplicado a estruturas treliadas. Gerar um arquivo de sada com o ps-processamento dos dados.

Observao: Os modelos de arquivos de entrada e sada sero fornecidos em anexo. Bibliografia

1) Marco L. Bittencourt, Anlise Computacional de Estruturas, Editora da UNICAMP, 2010. 2) Notas de aula e textos fornecidos ao longo do semestre.



Input File
The following keywords are used in the .fem input file.


COORDINATES This keyword starts the input of nodal coordinates of the mesh. Syntax:

*COORDINATES <number of nodes> for each node in ascending order based on the node number: <node number><X and Y coordinates>

Example: truss with 4 nodes.

*COORDINATES 6 1 0.0 0.0 2 0.0 4.0 3 3.0 0.0 4 3.0 4.0 5 6.0 0.0


ELEMENT_GROUPS A finite element group is a set of elements with the same material and geometric properties.. Groups of finite elements are required when it is necessary to define trusses with different material and/or geometrical properties. Syntax:

*ELEMENT_GROUPS <number of groups> for each group in ascendant order based on the group number: <group number><number of elements in the group><element type>

Example: 3 groups, the first with three bars, the second with four beams and the third with two general beams (bending+bar).



INCIDENCES This keyword is used to define the nodes of the finite elements (incidences). Syntax:

*INCIDENCES for each element in crescent order: <local number of the element in the group> <incidence of the element>

Example: incidences of the three finite element groups of the previous section.

*INCIDENCES 1 1 2 2 3 4 3 5 6 4 1 3 5 3 5 6 2 4 7 4 6 8 1 4 9 5 4



This keyword specifies the Young modulus and the tensile and compressive admissible stresses for each material. The number of materials is equal to the number of finite element groups.

*MATERIALS <number of materials>

for each of material:

<Young modules> <admissible tensile stress> <admissible compressive stress>

Example: materials for the example. *MATERIALS 3

210E9 120E6 80E6 80E9 70E9 70E6 85E6 60E6 56E6



This keyword specifies the cross-section area for the bar elements. The number of geometric property sets is equal to the number of finite element groups.

Example: materials for the example. *GEOMETRIC_PROPERTIES 3

1E-4 2E-4 3E-4


BCNODES This keyword specifies nodes for which the degrees of freedom are prescribed with zero value. Those degrees of freedom are eliminated of the model in the assembling procedure. Syntax:

*BCNODES <number of nodes>

for each of these nodes: <node number><number of eliminated DOFs> for each of these eliminated DOFs: <DOF label =1 for UX and =2 for UY>

Example: boundary conditions for the example. *BCNODES

5 1 1 1 2 3 2 5 1

5 2


LOADS This keyword specifies the concentrated loads on nodes. Syntax:

*LOADS <number of nodes>

for each of these nodes: <node number><number of loaded DOFs> for each of these loaded DOFs: <DOF label =1 for UX and =2 for UY and load value>

Example: boundary conditions for the example. *LOADS

4 2 2 -5000 4 2 -10000 6 2 -5000 6 1 3000



Output File
The following keywords are used in .out output file.


DISPLACEMENTS This keyword collects the nodal displacements. Syntax:

*DISPLACEMENTS <number of nodes for the truss>

for each of truss node: <node number><UX and UY displacements> Example: *DISPLACEMENTS 3

1 0.0000 0.0000 2 0.0000 0.0000 3 0.0018 -0.0035


REACTION_FORCES This keyword collects the reaction forces on the supports. Syntax:

for each node with supports: <node number><FX = or FY = > <reaction value> Example:

*REACTION_FORCES 1 FX = 6.000000e+004 1 FY = 8.000000e+004 2 FX = -1.000000e+005


ELEMENT_STRAINS This keyword collects the strains on each element. Syntax:

*ELEMENT_STRAINS <number of elements>

for each element: <element number><strain> Example:

*ELEMENT_STRAINS 2 1 2 3 0.000000e+000 8.333333e-004 -4.000000e-004


ELEMENT_STRESSES This keyword collects the stresses on each element.


*ELEMENT_STRESSES <number of elements>

for each element: <element number><normal stress > Example:

*ELEMENT_STRESSES 2 1 2 3 0.000000e+000 1.666667e+008 -8.000000e+007

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