Englishconnect Workbook 1

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As histórias e os nomes usados neste manual, exceto nas páginas 9, 29, 33, 41, 45, 49, 56, 57, 69,
73, 81, 85, 89, 102, são exemplos ou nomes fictícios, e as imagens usadas são apenas ilustrativas.

Published by
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
Salt Lake City, Utah
© 2023 Intellectual Reserve, Inc.
Todos os direitos reservados.
Version: 9/19
Tradução de EnglishConnect 1 Workbook
PD60009742 059
Printed in the United States of America















iv | EnglishConnect 1















EnglishConnect 1 | 1

O livro de exercícios do EnglishConnect foi desenvolvido para ser usado como um recurso complementar
ao manual do aluno do EnglishConnect. O propósito deste livro de exercícios é ajudá-­lo a desenvolver suas
habilidades no idioma inglês e aumentar sua fé por meio de atividades e histórias. Ele também vai ajudá-­lo a
praticar o vocabulário e as estruturas para cada uma das lições do EnglishConnect em todas as quatro áreas
de habilidade: audição, fala, leitura e escrita. Cada lição do livro de exercícios é dividida nas seguintes seções
relacionadas a seguir.


Cada lição começa com uma ou mais conversações. O propósito é apresentar o vocabulário, o tópico e as
estruturas da lição e possibilitar a compreensão auditiva e de leitura. Cada seção “Conversação” segue o
mesmo padrão:
1. Ouvir. Ouça toda a conversa.
2. Ouça e repita. Ouça a conversa linha por linha e repita em voz alta o que ouvir.
3. Escreva a palavra que está faltando. Escreva as palavras que estão faltando na conversa. Escolha entre
as palavras que estão no quadro.
4. Leia em voz alta. Leia a conversa em voz alta e pratique como falar.
5. Responda às perguntas (não incluída em todas as lições). Essa parte verifica sua compreensão
da conversa.


O número de atividades varia para cada lição. Essas atividades incluem quadros de gramática; atividades
de leitura, escrita, audição e fala; e histórias. Siga as instruções para cada parte de uma atividade. Para as
atividades de audição, consulte o número e a letra da atividade correspondente na gravação de áudio — por
exemplo, “Activity 2B”. Para as atividades de fala, lembre-­se de falar em voz alta. Você pode conferir suas
respostas na “Answer Key” no final deste livro.


O objetivo dessa seção é ajudá-­lo a praticar como falar inglês usando o que aprendeu na lição. Ao trabalhar
em dupla, reveja o “Vocabulary” no final deste manual e faça as atividades dessa seção. Fale o máximo que
puder para cada atividade. Use esse tempo para realmente treinar falar inglês.


Essas histórias e atividades são destinadas a expandir suas habilidades de leitura, audição, fala e escrita em
inglês, e ajudar a aumentar sua fé em Jesus Cristo. Cada seção de “Expansion Activities” é desenvolvida em
torno de uma história inspiradora. Para essa seção, siga os passos a seguir:
1. Aprender o vocabulário. Aprenda o significado das palavras e frases do vocabulário fornecidas nessa
seção antes de ler a história. Isso vai ajudá-­lo a se preparar para ler a história assim como entender as
palavras e frases importantes da história.
2. Ouvir. Ouça cada seção da história. Você pode fazer isso quantas vezes precisar.
2 | EnglishConnect 1

3. Ler em voz alta. Leia a história em voz alta para praticar a leitura e a pronúncia, e para ajudá-­lo a
entender a história. Talvez seja melhor ouvir a história novamente e acompanhar a leitura.
4. Aprender o vocabulário. O objetivo desse vocabulário é ajudá-­lo a entender as escrituras e citações que
acompanham a história. Aprenda o significado das palavras e frases do vocabulário fornecidas antes de
estudar as escrituras e citações.
5. Ler em voz alta. Para praticar a leitura e a pronúncia, certifique-­se de ler as escrituras e citações em voz
alta várias vezes.
6. Ponderar. Essas perguntas têm o propósito de ajudá-­lo a pensar sobre o princípio que está sendo
ensinado na história. Reserve tempo para ponderar sobre elas. Talvez seja melhor escrever sua resposta
para a(s) pergunta(s).
7. Escrever. Para essa seção, você vai fazer uma atividade escrita, que tem o propósito de ajudá-­lo a aplicar
o princípio da história.
8. Falar. Para essa seção, você vai fazer uma atividade de conversação, que foi desenvolvida para ajudá-­lo
a contar em detalhes a história que leu e o princípio que aprendeu. Essas atividades incluem recontar a
história, contar uma experiência pessoal a ela relacionada, ou compartilhar com outros ideias e metas
associadas a elas.


O quadro a seguir mostra as instruções que são normalmente usadas neste livro. Os ícones indicam as
habilidades que serão usadas nas atividades. Veja a tradução das instruções caso não as entenda em inglês.


Listen. Ouça.
Listen and repeat. Ouça e repita.
Listen to the question/example. Ouça a pergunta/o exemplo.
Listen and read. Ouça e leia.
Listen, and then answer the question. Ouça e depois responda à pergunta.
You may listen more than once. Você pode ouvir mais de uma vez.
*The audio for this book can be accessed *O áudio para este livro pode ser acessado
at englishconnect.org/audio em englishconnect.org/audio

Repeat. Repita.
Answer aloud. Responda em voz alta.
Introduce _____. Apresente _____.
Retell the story. Reconte a história.
SPEAKING Tell the story/scripture to____. Conte a história/escritura para ____.
FALA Practice saying the questions aloud. Pratique lendo as perguntas em voz alta.
Say ____. Diga ____.
Practice saying _____. Pratique falar _____.
EnglishConnect 1 | 3


Read aloud. Leia em voz alta.

Read aloud, then listen. Leia em voz alta, depois escute.
Read the question. Leia a pergunta.
Study the chart. Estude o quadro.
READING Choose the correct response. Escolha a resposta correta.
LEITURA Choose all that are correct. Escolha todas as opções que estão
Answer the questions. corretas.
Number the pictures. Responda às perguntas.
Learn the vocabulary. Numere as gravuras.
Read the scriptures aloud. Aprenda o vocabulário.
Ponder. Leia as escrituras em voz alta.

Write the missing/correct word. Escreva a palavra que está faltando/

Rewrite the complete sentence. correta.
Write what you hear. Reescreva a frase completa.
Fill in the blanks/missing words. Escreva o que você ouve.
WRITING Write an/the answer (in a complete Preencha os espaços em branco/
ESCRITA sentence). palavras que faltam.
Finish the sentence. Escreva uma/a resposta (em uma frase
Be creative. completa).
Termine a sentença.
Seja criativo.

Aprender um novo idioma é um processo que exige tempo, paciência e persistência. Deus pode ajudá-­lo
a cumprir suas metas. Ore pedindo ajuda. Complete diligentemente as atividades deste livro de exercícios.
Aplique o que está aprendendo. Ao agir com fé para buscar a ajuda de Deus e fazer seu melhor, você aumen-
tará sua habilidade de fala, audição, leitura e escrita em inglês.

Felicidades em sua jornada de aprendizado do inglês!

4 | EnglishConnect 1—LESSON 1



A. Study the chart. The English Alphabet
Listen and repeat.
abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz vowels: a, e, i, o, u

B. Listen and repeat.

A a = apple B b = boy C c = cat D d = dog

E e = egg F f = fan G g = gum H h = hand

I i = itch J j = jump K k = key L l = leg

M m = mom N n = neck O o = olive P p = pot

Q q = quiet R r = rock S s = sun T t = tiger

U u = under V v = violin W w = water X x = X-ray

Y y = yellow Z z = zebra
LESSON 1—EnglishConnect 1 | 5


A. Study the chart. Vowel Short Long

a apple age
e egg eat
i itch ice
o olive open
u under uniform

B. Listen and repeat.

a e i o u


apple egg itch olive under


age eat ice open uniform

C. Listen. Choose the correct answer. Say the word aloud.

1. at 2. exit 3. ivy 4. old 5. up 6. it 7. east 8. on
a. short a a. short e a. short i a. short o a. short u a. short i a. short e a. short o
b. long a b. long e b. long i b. long o b. long u b. long i b. long e b. long o


A. Listen. B. Listen and repeat. C. Read aloud.

1. Hello. What is your name?
2. Daniel.
3. Could you spell that, please?
4. D-a-n-i-e-l.
5. Could you repeat that, please?
6. D-a-n-i-e-l.
7. Thank you!
D. Listen to the names. Write what you hear.
6 | EnglishConnect 1—LESSON 2



1. Listen. 2. Listen and repeat. 3. Write the missing word. 4. Read aloud.

Conversation 1 Conversation 2 Conversation 3

Hello! 1. Hi. What’s your ? 1. bye!
1. morning. 2. name is John. 2. See later.
2. are you? 3. are you from? 3. Bye.
3. I’m . 4. I’m Australia. 4. ya!
4. How are ? 5. It’s nice to you.
5. I’m good, . 6. nice to meet you too.
thanks fine Where name from you Good See
you Good How My meet It’s
What is What’s 1. What is . . . What’s
A. Study the
I am I’m B. Listen and repeat. 2. I am . . . I’m
It is It’s 3. It is . . . It’s

C. Read aloud, then listen. D. Rewrite the sentences with contractions.

1. What’s your name? Example: I am fine. I’m fine.

2. I’m Misha. 1. What is your name?

3. I’m fine. 2. I am good, thanks.

4. It’s nice to meet you. 3. It is nice to meet you too.


A. Read and circle the correct response.

1. How are you? 3. My name is Dan. What’s your

a. Fine, thank you!
a. I’m from Japan.
b. It’s nice to meet you. b. I’m fine.
c. Good morning! c. I’m Coco.

2. Where are you from? 4. It’s nice to meet you.

a. I’m fine. a. Hello.
b. I’m from France. b. It’s nice to meet you too.
c. I’m Jeanne. c. See you later.
LESSON 2—EnglishConnect 1 | 7


A. Read and choose the correct question.

1. My name is Misa. 2. I’m from Great Britain. 3. I’m fine.

a. What’s your name? a. What’s your name? a. How are you?

b. How are you? b. Where are you from? b. What’s your name?

c. Where are you from? c. How are you? c. Where are you from?

B. Listen. Choose the correct answer.

1. What is his name? 2. Where is he from?

a. Rag a. China
b. Raj b. Spain
c. Roj c. India

C. Read the question. Write an answer.

1. Good morning! How are you? 2. My name is Emma. What’s your 3. Where are you from?

D. Listen to the questions. Answer aloud. Listen to the examples.


A. Read and choose the correct answer.

Conversation 1 1. Where is Ika from?

Hiro: Hello! I’m Hiro. What’s your name? a. Germany b. Japan
Ika: My name is Ika. Where are you from, Hiro?
2. is from Japan.
Hiro: I’m from Japan. Where are you from?
a. Hiro b. Ika
Ika: I’m from Germany.

Conversation 2
Sandy: Hello!
3. Where is Renee from?
Renee: Hi! What’s your name? a. Canada b. France
Sandy: I’m Sandy. I’m from Canada.
Renee: My name is Renee. I’m from France. 4. is from Canada.
a. Sandy b. Renee
Nice to meet you.
Sandy: It’s nice to meet you too, Renee.
8 | EnglishConnect 1—LESSON 2


A. Listen and repeat.
1. I am 2. you are 3. we are 4. they are 5. he is 6. she is 7. it is
B. Choose the correct form.

1. you a. are 2. we a. are 3. I a. are

b. am b. am b. am
c. is c. is c. is

4. they a. are 5. it a. are 6. she a. are

b. am b. am b. am
c. is c. is c. is


Write a note to introduce yourself to Elfie from Ghana.
Examples: Hello! My name is Joe. I’m from New Zealand.
Hi, Elfie! I’m Zoey. I’m from Great Britain.


A. Help your practice partner review the vocabulary for this lesson in the learner manual. Make sure
they understand the meaning of the vocabulary.
B. 1. Show your practice partner pictures of your friends and family, and introduce them.
Example: “This is Susan. She is from Idaho.”
2. Ask your practice partner to restate what you told them about your family and friends.
3. Ask your practice partner to show you pictures of his or her family and to introduce them.
For example, ask, “What is her name?” and, “Where is she from?”
C. 1. Help your practice partner introduce someone. (Use the photos below for ideas.)
For example, ask your companion:
“What is her name?”
“How do you spell that?”
“Where is she from?”
2. Now let your practice partner practice asking you the same questions.

Joseph Smith Albert Einstein Mother Teresa Marie Curie Nelson Mandela
USA Germany Macedonia Poland South Africa
LESSON 2—EnglishConnect 1 | 9


1. Listen. 2. Read aloud.

It is 1944. He sees a girl. “My name is Henry,” he “Do you like apples?” she
Henry is 12 years old. “Hello,” he says. says. asks.
He is hungry. “Hello,” she says. “My name is Roma,” she “Yes,” he says.
says. “Take my apple,” says Roma.

Henry eats the apple. Every day, Roma says, One day, the boy says, In 1957, Henry lives in the
“Take my apple.” “Goodbye.” United States.
Every day, Henry eats the “Goodbye,” says Roma.

He sees a girl. “Do you like apples?” “Do you like apples?” she “Will you marry me?” asks
“Hello,” he says. “My name Henry asks. asks. Henry.
is Henry.” “Yes,” says Roma. “Yes,” he says. “Yes!” she says.
And she does.

4. Learn the vocabulary: love, serve, ponder 7. Ponder: Who do you love? Who can you serve?
5. Read aloud. Then listen.
Roma serves Henry.
8. Write: Finish the sentence.
Henry loves Roma.
Roma loves Henry. I love .
Jesus loves me. I can serve .

6. Read the scripture aloud 9. Speak:

three times. Then listen.
Tell the scripture John 13:34 to three people.

“Love one another; as I have loved you” (John 13:34).

10 | EnglishConnect 1—LESSON 3



A. Listen. B. Listen and repeat. C. Write the missing word. D. Read aloud.
Conversation 1 Conversation 2
1. Good morning, sir! What is your
1. Jen, when is your ? number?

2. It’s 7th. 2. M y phone is

(435) 210-8769.
3. W
 hen is birthday,
Sage? 3. What’s your ?

4. M
 y birthday is on 4. 229 West Palm Avenue.
20th. 5. your email?
5. O
 h! That’s . 6. email is [email protected].
Happy birthday!
7. you!

September birthday Thank number phone

October today your My address It’s What’s

A. Listen. Choose the correct month. JANUARY FEBRUARY MARCH APRIL

1. a. January 4. a. March
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1

8 9 10 11 12 13 14 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

15 16 17 18 19 20 21 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

b. February b. May 22



25 26 27 28 19



22 23 24 25 19






25 16








c. December c. June


2. a. November 5. a. August 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 1 1 2 3 4 5

7 8 9 10 11 12 13 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

b. December b. April
14 15 16 17 18 19 20 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 13 14 15 16 17 18 19

21 22 23 24 25 26 27 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 20 21 22 23 24 25 26

28 29 30 31 25 26 27 28 29 30 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 27 28 29 30 31

c. September c. June 30 31

3. a. March 6. a. January SEPTEMBER

1 2 1 2
3 4 5 6 7
1 2 3 4
1 2

b. July
3 4 5 6 7 8 9 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

b. April 10





























c. May c. June 24 25 26 27 28 28 30 29 30 31 26 27 28 29 30 24

25 26 27 28 29 30


A. Listen and repeat. B. Read aloud, then listen.
Possessive Adjectives
1. My birthday is in October.
1. I my my birthday
2. When is your birthday?
2. you your your birthday
3. Our birthdays are in August.
3. we our our birthdays
4. Their birthdays are in February.
4. they their their birthdays
5. he his his birthday 5. His birthday is in June.

6. she her her birthday 6. Today is her birthday.

LESSON 3—EnglishConnect 1 | 11


A. Rewrite the complete sentence.
(you ) When is birthday? 3. (they) birthdays are on the same day.
When is your birthday?

1. (we) birthdays are in October. 4. (she) When is birthday?

2. (he) birthday is on February 28. 5. ( I ) Today is birthday.

A. Choose the word that goes with the number. B. Read aloud. Then listen.
4 first January 1st
February 2nd
1 second
March 3rd
6 third
April 5th
8 fourth
May 21st
10 fifth
June 23rd
7 sixth July 4th

5 seventh August 8th

2 eighth September 9th

October 10th
3 ninth
November 7th
9 tenth
December 6th


A. Listen to the question. Choose the correct answer.

1. 2. 3. 4.
a. It’s [email protected]. a. It’s Remy. a. It’s [email protected]. a. It’s [email protected].
b. It’s John Harper. b. It’s (307) 198-5642. b. It’s January 2nd. b. It’s 459 Baker Street.
c. It’s August 5th. c. It’s [email protected] c. It’s 950 West 3rd Avenue. c. It’s (808) 432-7719.

B. Read the answer. Choose the correct question.

1. a. Where are you from? 2. a. When’s your birthday?
A: b. When’s your birthday? A: b. Where are you from?
B: It’s (370) 198-5642. c. What’s your phone number? B: February 28th. c. What’s your phone number?

3. a. Where are you from? 4. a. Where are you from?

A: b. What’s your address? A: b. What’s your name?
B: I’m from Prague. c. What’s your name? B: I’m Amelie. c. When’s your birthday?
12 | EnglishConnect 1—LESSON 3


A. Listen. Write the information you hear.
1. Name Emiko 3. Name Tomas
Phone number Email

2. Name Ari 4. Name Talia

Birthday Address

B. You are at the bank. Write your personal information.

Name: Birthday:

Email: Phone number:


A. Learn the vocabulary: doctor, breathe, oxygen, lie detector B. Listen and read. C. Read aloud.

A woman calls the doctor. “I can’t breathe,” says the woman.

“Can I help you?” asks the doctor. “What is your name?” asks the doctor.
“Joan Harris,” says the woman.

“What is your phone number?” he asks. The doctor goes to Joan’s house.
“It’s 125-730-1986,” she says. He asks, “How old are you?”
“What is your address?” he asks. “I’m 48,” says Joan.
“My address is 906 Main Street,” she says.

He puts something on her finger. It shows her oxygen.

“What is that for?” she asks. “Oh,” says Joan. “I’m really 57.”
“It’s a lie detector,” jokes the doctor.
LESSON 3—EnglishConnect 1 | 13


A. Help your practice partner review the vocabulary for this lesson in the back of this book. Make sure they
understand the meaning of the vocabulary. Help them retell the story in Activity 8.

B. Role-play calling the doctor’s office. Ask your partner for personal information. Then switch roles.
“What’s your name?”
“When is your birthday?”
“What is your phone number?”
“What is your email?”

C. Look at pictures of your practice partner’s friends and family. Ask about their birthdays.
“When is his birthday?” “When is her birthday?” “When is your birthday?”
Then switch. Show pictures of your friends and family. Answer your partner’s questions.


1. Learn the vocabulary: pray, Heavenly Father, blessings, help, learn 2. Listen.
3. Read aloud. 4. Practice saying your own prayer.

How to Pray

1. Dear Heavenly Father,

2. Th
 ank you for my blessings.
Thank you for my family. Thank
you for my English class.

3. P
 lease help me to learn English.
Please bless my family.

4. In the name of Jesus Christ, amen.

5. Learn the vocabulary: pray, listens, knows 8. Write: Fill in the prayer.
6. Read aloud. Then listen. Dear Heavenly Father,

Jesus taught, “Ye must always pray unto the Father Thank you for .
in my name” (3 Nephi 18:19). Please help .

Heavenly Father listens to my prayers. Please bless .

Heavenly Father helps me. In the name of Jesus Christ, amen.
Heavenly Father knows my name. 9. S
 peak: Practice praying in English. Try to pray in
English once a day. Ask Heavenly Father to help
7. Ponder: What can you pray for? you learn English.
14 | EnglishConnect 1—LESSON 4



Conversation 1: A. Listen. B. Listen and repeat. C. Write the missing word. D. Read aloud.

1. do you like to do?

2. I to play sports.
3. too!
4. you like to cook?
5. No, not really. I cook very often.
6. Me .
7. Do you like to ?
8. Yeah, I like to dance. don’t Me really What
9. Me ! neither Do dance too like

Conversation 2: A. Listen. B. Listen and repeat. C. Answer the questions.

1. What does Alice like to do? a. b. 3. Who does not like to shop?

a. Alice

2. What does Britta like to do? a. b. b. Britta


A. Study the chart. I / you / we / they like / don’t like

to “(verb).”
he / she / it likes / doesn’t like
B. Read aloud; then listen.

1. a. We like to dance. 2. a. She likes to read. 3. a. They like to run.

b. He doesn’t like to dance. b. I don’t like to read. b. She doesn’t like to run.

C. Study the chart. Do you / they

like to “(verb)?”
Does he / she

D. Read aloud; then listen. Example 1 Example 2

Do you like to read? Does she like to shop?
Yes, I like to read. No, she doesn’t like to shop.
No, I don’t like to read. Yes, she likes to shop.
LESSON 4—EnglishConnect 1 | 15


A. Listen. Number the pictures. Say what the people like to do.

B. Choose the correct word.

1. I to study 3. She to paint. 5. They don’t to cook.
a. like a. like a. like
b. likes b. likes b. likes

2. No, we like to dance. 4. He to study. 6. you like to play sports?

a. don’t a. like a. Do
b. doesn’t b. likes b. Does


A. Read the question. Write the answer in a complete sentence. B. Practice saying the questions aloud.

Example 3. Does he like to study?

Does she like to dance?
No, .
No, she likes to sing.

1. Does he like to play sports? 4. What does she like to do?

No, . She .

2. Do they like to shop? 5. What do they like to do?

Yes, . They .


Yes No 1. Does Soo Mi like to read? 3. Does Soo Mi like to cook?

I like to dance. x a. Yes a. Yes
Soo Mi I like to study. x b. No b. No
I like to cook. x
I like to run. x
2. Does Soo Mi like to sing? 4. Soo Mi doesn’t like to_____.
I like to read. x
a. Yes a. run
I like to play sports. x
b. No b. study
I like to sing. x
16 | EnglishConnect 1—LESSON 4


A. Listen, and then answer the question. B. Say what each person likes or doesn’t like to do.
1. What does Reba like to do? 3. Jordan likes to .
a. run a. read and shop
b. dance b. read and play sports
c. sleep c. play sports and shop

2. Sasha doesn’t like to . 4. K

 azumi and Naoki don’t like
a. cook to .
a. study
b. shop
b. watch movies
c. watch TV c. listen to music


A. Read Claudia’s letter. B. Write a letter to Claudia. Fill in the blanks.
Dear Friend, Dear Claudia,
My name is Claudia. I’m from My name is .
Bolivia. I like to play sports and I’m from . I like to
watch movies in English. I don’t and .
like to study or shop. What do I don’t like to . Do you like
you like to do? to ?
Best regards, Best regards,


A. Help your practice partner review the vocabulary for this lesson in the back of this book. Make sure
they understand the meaning of the vocabulary.
B. 1. Tell your practice partner three things you like to do, using complete sentences.
Example: “I like to swim.”
2. Ask your practice partner to tell you three things he or she likes to do.
Ask, “What do you like to do?”
3. Now ask them, “What do I like to do?” They should be able to restate what you said.
4. Tell your practice partner three things you don’t like to do; use complete sentences.
Example: “I don’t like to play sports.”
5. Ask your practice partner to tell you three things he or she doesn’t like to do.
Ask, “What don’t you like to do?”
6. Now ask them, “What don’t I like to do?” They should be able to restate what you said.
7. Help your practice partner ask and answer questions about the photos below.
Example: “Does he like to play sports?” “No, he doesn’t like to play sports. He likes to read.”
Example 1. 2. 3. 4.
LESSON 4—EnglishConnect 1 | 17

C. 1. Use famous people to ask questions. See the pictures below for ideas. Be creative.
Ask, “What does he/she like to do?”
Ask, “What doesn’t he/she like to do?”
2. H
 ave your practice partner practice asking questions about what famous people like or
don’t like to do.

Russell M. Nelson Yo-Yo Ma Mae Jemison Lionel Messi


1. Learn the vocabulary: faith, know, knowing, sun, hear, seed, plant, planted, grow, swelling, heart

2. Listen. 3. Read aloud.

Faith is knowing the sun lighting each new day. Faith is knowing the my prayers each time
will rise Lord will hear I pray.

Faith is like a little seed: if planted it will grow. Faith is a swelling within When I do right, I know.
my heart.

4. Learn the vocabulary: trust, hope, not seen, true 6. Ponder: What is faith?

7. Write a scripture about faith in English

5. Read aloud. Then listen.
(see Hebrews 11:1; Romans 10:17; James 2:17; ­
Faith is trust in Jesus Christ
(see Guide to the Scriptures, “Faith,” Moroni 10:4).
Faith is a “hope for things which are not
seen, which are true” (Alma 32:21).

8. Read the scripture aloud five times.

18 | EnglishConnect 1—LESSON 5



A. Listen. B. Listen and repeat. C. Write the missing word. D. Read aloud. E. Answer the questions.
1. H
 ey, Maria, you like shop?
2. Really? ?
3. I like to shop it’s fun.
4. Do like to , Luisa?
5. Really? Why ?
6. I like to cook because
7. Miguel, do you like to do? 1. Who likes to read? 3. Why does Maria like to shop?
8. I like to . a. Luisa a. because it’s relaxing
b. Maria b. because it’s fun
9. ? Why?
c. Miguel c. because it’s boring
10. I like to read it’s .
2. Luisa doesn’t like to cook because it’s .
read because you it’s do cook not a. boring
b. relaxing
relaxing don’t Why to what Really c. difficult


A. Read the lists.

Sam Rosie

play sports fun play sports tiring

sing difficult sing fun
travel expensive travel exciting
read books useful read books interesting
watch movies relaxing watch movies boring

B. Listen to 1–6, and repeat. C. Write the correct word.

1. Sam likes to play sports because it’s fun. 1. Rosie likes to because it’s fun.

2. Rosie likes to read books because it’s interesting. 2. Sam to sing because it’s difficult.
3. Sam likes to watch movies because it’s relaxing.
3. Sam likes to because it’s useful.
4. R
 osie doesn’t like to watch movies because it’s
boring. 4. Rose likes to because it’s interesting.

5. Sam doesn’t like to travel because it’s expensive. 5. Sam to watch movies because it’s relaxing.

6. Rosie doesn’t like to play sports because it’s tiring. 6. Rosie doesn’t like to watch movies because it’s .
LESSON 5—EnglishConnect 1 | 19


A. Listen. Answer the questions. Choose all that are correct.

A. B. C. D.

1. Sofia likes to . . . 3. Joe really likes to . . . 5. Tahir loves to . . . 7. Juliette likes to . . .

a. sing a. swim a. garden a. camp
b. study b. camp b. travel b. swim
c. sleep c. dance c. read c. go to the beach
d. dance d. run d. run d. run
e. listen to music e. bike e. write e. travel
2. because it’s . . . 4. because it’s . . . 6. because it’s . . . 8. because it’s . . .
a. difficult a. difficult a. easy a. easy
b. interesting b. interesting b. interesting b. interesting
c. fun c. fun c. relaxing c. relaxing
d. challenging d. challenging d. wonderful d. wonderful
e. exciting e. exciting e. exciting e. exciting


do / don’t you / they

What does / doesn’t he / she like to do?

A. Listen to the examples. Then repeat.

1. What do you like to do? I like to run.
2. What does he like to do? He likes to cook.
3. What don’t they like to do? They don’t like to study.

do / don’t you / they

Why does / doesn’t he / she like to run?

B. Listen to the examples. Repeat.

1. Why do you like to run? I like to run because it’s fun.
2. Why does she like to run? She likes to run because it’s challenging.
3. Why don’t they like to run? They don’t like to run because it’s tiring.


A. Listen to the question. Choose the correct response.
1. a. I like to camp. 3. a. She doesn’t like to travel.
b. He likes to camp. b. We don’t like to travel.
c. . . . because it’s difficult. c. . . . because it’s exciting.
d. . . . because it’s relaxing. d. . . . because it’s expensive.
2. a. . . . because it’s tiring. 4. a. . . . because it’s easy.
b. . . . because it’s fun. b. . . . because it’s expensive.
c. She likes to dance. c. They like to watch sports.
d. He likes to dance. d. She likes to watch sports.
20 | EnglishConnect 1—LESSON 5


A. Answer the questions in two to four complete sentences. Examples
1. D
 o you like to travel?
A. Y es, I love to travel! I like to travel
Why or why not?
­because it’s exciting and interesting
and because I like to visit new places.
B. N
 o! I don’t like to travel because it’s so
expensive. I don’t like it because it’s
2. D
 o you like to study English?
A. Y es, I like to study English. I like it
Why or why not?
­because it’s interesting and important
for me. It helps me speak better.
B. N
 o! I don’t like to study English. I don’t
like it because it’s difficult and tiring.


I / you / we / they like run cook dance study watch TV
he / she likes runs cooks dances studies watches TV
A. Read the
sentences aloud. Then listen.

1. I like to run. 3. We dance well. 5. They study English. 7. They watch movies at night.
2. She likes to run. 4. He dances well. 6. He studies English. 8. He watches movies at night.
B. Choose the correct form of the verb.
1. He to go to the beach. 2. I every day. 3. We dinner at 5:00 p.m.
a. like a. run a. cook
b. likes b. runs b. cooks
4. They to loud music. 5. You so well! 6. She at school.
a. listen a. sing a. dance
b. listens b. sings b. dances


Greta: Hey, Mario, what do you like to do? A. Read and answer the questions.
Mario: I like to swim. I swim every morning. I also 1. What does Mario do? 2. What does Tommaso do?
a. He swims. a. He cooks.
cook really good Italian food. On the weekends, b. He sings. b. He writes music.
I bike with my friend, Tommaso. c. He dances. c. He swims.
Greta: Oh? What does Tommaso do?
3. Who sings and dances? 4. What do Mario and Tommaso
Mario: He bikes and plays soccer. He sings and a. Mario do together?
b. Greta a. They play soccer.
dances really well. And he writes music.
c. Tommaso b. They swim.
Greta: Wow! That’s so interesting! c. They bike.
LESSON 5—EnglishConnect 1 | 21


A. Help your practice partner review the vocabulary for this lesson in the back of this book. Make sure
they understand the meaning of the vocabulary.
B. 1. Help your practice partner talk about their likes and dislikes.
Ask: “What do you like to do?” “Why do you like to do that?” “What else do you like to do?”
Ask: “What don’t you like to do?” “Why not?” “What else don’t you like to do?”
Ask: “What do you do with your friends?”
2. Switch roles. Let your practice partner ask you the same questions.
3. S
 hare pictures of your friends and family. Take turns asking each other about your families’ and
friends’ likes and dislikes.


1. Learn the vocabulary: companion, missionaries, scriptures, baptized
2. Listen. 3. Read aloud.

My name is Elder Lupaka, We are missionaries for We serve in Africa. I like to run and go to the
and my companion’s name The Church of Jesus Christ beach. I also like to read
is Elder Okar. of Latter-day Saints. the scriptures.

My companion likes to He doesn’t like to run We both love We are so happy when
cook, sleep, and pray. from dogs. to teach people about they are baptized.
Jesus Christ.

4. Learn the vocabulary: 6. Ponder: What do you know about Jesus Christ?
talk, rejoice, preach, prophesy
7. Write: How can the teachings of Jesus Christ help you?

5. Read aloud 5 times. Then listen.

“And we talk of Christ, we rejoice in Christ,

we preach of Christ, we prophesy of Christ” 8. S
 peak: Say the scripture 2 Nephi 25:26 to three
(2 Nephi 25:26). people.
22 | EnglishConnect 1—LESSON 6



A. Listen. B. Listen and repeat. C. Write the missing word. D. Read aloud. E. Answer the questions.
1. I’m Canada. I like to .
Also, I have a family.
2. Oh, yeah? Tell me about your .
3.  are 5 people in my family. I have
a brother and a . What about
you? are in your family? Li Wei
4. I have 3 sisters and no . So there Amber
6 people in my family.

small are dance from big friend family

How many What brothers There sister is

5. Where is Li Wei from? 6. How many people are in Li Wei’s 7. How many brothers does Li Wei
family? have?
a. China a. 5 a. 0
b. Canada b. 6 b. 1
c. The United States c. 7 c. 2


A. Study the chart. Listen and repeat 1–5.
Singular (1) Plural (1+) B. Study the chart.

1. brother brothers The verb have

2. sister sisters
I / you / we / they have
3. parent parents
4. uncle uncles
he / she / it has
5. child children

C. R
 ead aloud; 1. I have two brothers. 3. We have one son. 5. He has four nieces.
then listen. 2. You have 3 sisters. 4. They have 6 nephews. 6. She has 5 uncles.

D. Write a complete sentence.

1. She has two cousins.

1. She / have / two 2. They / have / 3. I / have / two /
/ cousin one / brother sister
LESSON 6—EnglishConnect 1 | 23

D. Write a complete sentence.

4. He / have / one 5. We / have / six / 6. She / have /
/ uncle child three / niece


A. Listen and answer the questions.

Sarnai has sisters.

Example: a. 2
b. 3
c. 8

1. Ken has one . 3. Agatha has 20 .

a. nephew a. nephews
b. niece b. cousins
c. cousin c. grandchildren

2. Manuel has four . 4. Daya has nieces.

a. sons a. 0
b. daughters b. 1
c. children c. 2


A. Write the answer to the questions about 1. How many children do George and Marie have?
George and Marie’s family.

2. John is George’s .
3. Sara is Ben’s .
4. How many sons do John and Anna have?
5. George is James’s .
George Marie
6. Sue is Sara’s .
7. Nikki is Ken’s .

8. Dan and Ben are .

Ken Sue John Anna
B. Talk about how the person is related to Sue.
Then listen.

1. Sara 2. George 3. James 4. Dan

Sara Dan Ben James Nikki 5. Nikki 6. Marie 7. John 8. Anna
24 | EnglishConnect 1—LESSON 6


A. Read and then write the answer to the questions. Then practice saying the questions.
1. How many people are in this family?

2. How many children do they have?

3. How many sons are in the family?

4. How many daughters are in the family?

B. Write about one of your parents in 3 or more sentences. Examples

Where is he/she from? What does he/she like to My mother is from Russia.
do, and why? How many people are in his/her She likes to cook because it’s fun.
family? She has 3 sisters.

My father is from Argentina.

He likes to play sports. He doesn’t
like to sing because it’s difficult.


A. Help your practice partner review the vocabulary for this lesson in the back of this book. Make sure
they understand the meaning of the vocabulary.

B. Look at the picture of George and Marie’s family in Activity 4. Help your practice partner talk about
how each person is related to John. For example, “Sue is John’s sister.”

C. Share pictures of your own family. Talk about your extended family. “How many cousins do you
have?” “How many aunts and uncles?” “What do they like to do?”
Help your practice partner talk about their extended family. How many people are in their
family? Do they all live together? What do they like to do?
Then help them fill in the chart. Practice asking and answering the questions.

Questions about family

How many . . . ? Possible answers

How many people are in your family? There are people in my

How many brothers do you have?
How many sisters do you have? I have . . .
How many cousins do you have?
Do you have any aunts or uncles? If so,
how many?
LESSON 6—EnglishConnect 1 | 25

D. Look at the pictures. Take turns with your practice partner asking and answering questions about
each family. For example, how many daughters does she have? How many parents are in the fami-
ly? How many grandchildren are in the family?


1. Learn the vocabulary:


founded upon



rear children


2. Listen.

3. Read aloud.

Scripture 1
“Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the
church, and gave himself for it”
(Ephesians 5:25).
Scripture 2
“Honour thy father and thy mother”
(Exodus 20:12).

4. Ponder: What do these quotes and scriptures mean to you?

5. Write one of the quotes or scriptures.

6. Speak: Memorize the quote or scripture. Say it to three people.

26 | EnglishConnect 1—LESSON 7



A. Listen. B. Listen and repeat. C. Write the missing word. D. Read aloud.

1. Tell me about your .

2. Well, six people in my family.
there are
3. I two brothers and one sister. your
4. Oh, I have one too. sister
5. What’s sister like? family
6. My sister 16 years old.
7. S
 he is and she long, have
brown hair. like
8. She to read.

A. Study the chart. B. Listen and repeat 1‒5.

the verb be the verb have

I am tall I have long hair
thin blue eyes
you / we / they you / we / they
old curly hair
are have
married glasses
he / she / it he / she / it
bald a beard
is has

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
C. Choose the correct verb.

1. She tall. 2. They green eyes. 3. Sarah curly hair.

a. is a. is a. is
b. are b. are b. are
c. has c. has c. has
d. have d. have d. have

4. We married. 5. He a beard. 6. I not old.

a. is a. is a. am
b. are b. are b. is
c. has c. has c. has
d. have d. have d. have
LESSON 7—EnglishConnect 1 | 27

A. Study the chart. B. Listen and repeat 1–4. Talking about Age: Questions
are you / they?
How old
is he / she?

Talking about Age: Answers

I am I’m
1. 2. you are you’re

we are we’re
they are they’re 25 years old.

he is he’s

she is she’s

4. it is it’s


A. Read the chart. Listen and respond to the questions aloud.

Sister Brother Brother Mom Dad
Maddie Marcus James Dawn Clark
10 years 15 years 18 years 45 years 49 years

Cousin Cousin Aunt Uncle Grandma

Simon Lucy Barb Dan Judy
6 years 12 years 37 years 38 years 77 years


A. Look at the picture. Listen to the description. Choose the correct person.

1. 2.
a. Katherine a. David
b. Susan b. Ray
c. Claire c. Alan
Katherine Jonathan Ray Emily Simon
d. Charlotte d. Jonathan

3. 4.
a. Charlotte a. Susan
David Mary Paul Charlotte Steven
b. Paul b. Ray
c. Jonathan c. Philip
d. Mary d. Marjorie

Alan Susan Marjorie Claire Philip

28 | EnglishConnect 1—LESSON 7


A. Read the description. Choose the picture that matches. 2. M
 y brother is energetic. He is 34 years old and
1. M
 y cousin is a friendly and fun person. She is 23 kind of short. He is bald but has a mustache
years old. She is thin and has straight red hair. and short beard. He is married and has two
She loves to travel, cook, and watch movies. children. He likes to run.

a. c. a. c.

b. d. b. d.


A. Write about the person in the picture. Write as much as you can. Be creative.

age 66
age 29


A. Help your practice partner review the vocabulary for this lesson in the back of this book. Make sure
they understand the meaning of the vocabulary.

B. Look at the pictures in Activity 7. Help your practice partner say as much as they can about the
­people in the pictures. Talk about age, physical description, personality, family relationships, and
­interests. Do the same for the pictures below.

Young-ja, age 78, grandmother Victor, age 27, husband

Min-seo, age 9, granddaughter Adele, age 26, wife

C. Look at the chart in Activity 4. Ask your practice partner questions about Daria’s family. Examples:
How old is Uncle Dan? How many cousins does she have? How old are they?
LESSON 7—EnglishConnect 1 | 29

D. Look at the chart in Activity 5. Give your practice partner some clues about people in the chart.
Then ask, “Who is it?” For example, “This person has dark hair, dark skin, and blue eyes. Who is it?”
Share pictures of your own families. Help your practice partner describe two family members.
Talk about: 1. age ( is years old)
2. physical description (he/she has eyes and hair, he/she is tall/short, and so on)
3. personality (funny, shy, loud, kind, athletic, and so on)
4. likes and dislikes


1. Learn the vocabulary: want, example, proud, decide, soften
2. Listen. 3. Read aloud.

My brother Carlos is handsome. He is going on a mission for I didn’t want to go on a mission.

He is tall and has dark hair. He is The Church of Jesus Christ of I didn’t want to leave my job, my
19 years old. Latter-day Saints. girlfriend, or my motorcycle.

Carlos spoke in church. He said, “I I am surprised. I am proud of He serves other people. He is

love Jesus Christ. I try to do good. him. Carlos is a good person. He honest. He is kind. He is like Jesus
I want my brother to be proud of studies the scriptures. Christ.

I think about my life. I don’t follow But my brother loves me. I want Two years later, I am a missionary.
Jesus Christ. to be like him. My heart softens. I thank Heavenly Father for my
I repent. I change my life. brother. He is a good example for

4. Learn the vocabulary: repentance, change, mind, view, suffered, pain, how, who
5. Read aloud. Then listen.
“[Christ] suffered the pain of all men, that all men might repent and come unto him”
(Doctrine and Covenants 18:11).

Repentance “is a change of mind and heart that gives you a fresh view about God, about yourself, and
about the world” (“Repentance,” True to the Faith [2004], 132).
6. Ponder: What can you do to be a better person?
7. Write: Who do you want to be like? Write 3–5 sentences about this person.

8. Speak: Talk about the person you want to be like. Tell three people.
30 | EnglishConnect 1—LESSON 8



A. Listen. B. Listen and repeat. C. Write the missing word. D. Read aloud.

1. Sasha, is your phone?

2. No, not.
3. phone is in my pocket.
4. Are your keys?
5. No, not.
6. My keys in my backpack.

My this it’s these are they’re your


A. Study the chart. B. Listen and repeat. C. Choose the correct missing word.
1. What is ? 5. this your pen?
This and These a. this a. Is
b. these b. Are
Singular (1) Plural (2+)
2. These my pencils. 6. What are ?
this / is these / are a. is a. this
b. are b. these
3. Do you like chairs? 7. This her computer.
a. this a. is
b. these b. are
4. is my phone. 8. Do you like book?
a. This a. this
b. These b. these


A. Look at the picture. Listen to the question, and respond. B. Ask a question aloud for each picture.

1. 2. 3. 4.

5. 6. 7. 8.
LESSON 8—EnglishConnect 1 | 31


A. Study the chart. B. Read. Listen and repeat 1–5. 1. What is that?
It’s my watch.

Possessive Adjectives—Review 2. Is this your pen?

Yes, that’s my pen.
I my my watch
3. What are these?
you your your pen
These are our books.
we our our books
4. Is this his wallet?
they their their phones No, it’s not.
he his his wallet
5. Are these her keys?
she her her keys Yes, they are.


A. Write what you hear.

1. This is our chair! 2. 3.

4. 5. 6.


A. Look at the picture. Write five things you see.
32 | EnglishConnect 1—LESSON 8


A. Listen. B. Read aloud.

My name is Nora. I like to read. I also like to write stories for I only write with this pen. I like to
These are my books. children. I write my ideas in these write with it because it helps me
notebooks. write good ideas.

Then I write the story on this Each day for 8 hours, I sit at this Writing is challenging. But I
computer. table to write. love to write because it’s also
interesting and exciting.

C. Answer the questions. Choose all that are correct.

1. What does Nora like to do? 2. What does Nora use in her writing? 3. Nora likes to write because it’s .
a. study a. a computer a. challenging
b. travel b. a pen b. fun
c. read c. a pencil c. exciting
d. dance d. a notebook d. interesting
e. write e. a table e. easy


A. Help your practice partner review the vocabulary for this lesson in the back of this book.
Make sure they understand the meaning of the vocabulary.

B. Look at the pictures in Activity 3, Activity 6, and below. Take turns asking questions. “What
is this?” “What are these?” Look around the room and ask your partner to name things.
LESSON 8—EnglishConnect 1 | 33

C. Look at Activity 7. Ask your practice partner to retell Nora’s story in his or her own words.
Ask questions about the story. For example, “What does Nora like to do?” and “How many
hours does she write?”
D. Ask your practice partner to retell the story in the “Expansion Activity.” Ask him or her
questions about the story. For example, “What did Laura lose?” or “Where did she look?” or
“What did her daughter say?”
Talk about prayer together. What do you pray for? How does Heavenly Father answer your
1. Learn the vocabulary: lose, need, look, find, vacation, under
2. Listen. 3. Read aloud.

“Where are the car Laura and her family Laura looks in the Laura looks on the table.
keys?” Laura asks are on vacation 800 km car. She looks in her She looks under the
herself. “I can’t lose from home. She needs backpack. No keys. chair. No keys.
them!” those keys.

She finds chewing gum, “Did you pray?” asks They pray. Laura has a Laura says another
a pen, some buttons, her daughter. “No,” thought to look in her prayer. She thanks
and a brush, but no says Laura. “Let’s pray computer bag. There are Heavenly Father for
keys. t o g e t h e r , ” says her the keys! answering her prayer
daughter. and helping her find her

4. L
 earn the vocabulary: humble, lead, hand, answer, 6. P
 onder: What do you pray for? How has Heavenly
talk, hear, thou, thee = you, thy = your Father answered your prayers?
5. Read aloud. Then listen. 7. Write three sentences about what you pray for:
“Be thou humble; and the Lord thy God shall lead thee
by the hand, and give thee answer to thy prayers”
(Doctrine and Covenants 112:10).
“Just talk to your Father. He hears every prayer and 8. Speak: Talk about what you pray for. Tell three
answers it in His way” (Richard G. Scott, “Learning to people.
Recognize Answers to Prayer,” Ensign, Nov. 1989, 3). Examples:
I pray for my family.
I pray for help with English.
34 | EnglishConnect 1—LESSON 9



A. Listen. B. Listen and repeat. C. Write the missing word. D. Read aloud. E. Answer the questions.
1. So, Camila, what are you ?
2. I’m looking for a new ?
3. shirts are nice.
4. Do you like ?
5. Yeah, but those shirts are all .
6. I’m looking for a red .
7. Look over !
8. Those are red and they’re on sale!

them there Those one shirt red shirts looking for green are is

1. What is Camila looking for? 2. Does she find what she is looking for?
a. a green shirt c. a red skirt a. yes
b. a red shirt d. a green skirt b. no

A. Study the charts. B. Listen to the examples, and then repeat.

Demonstrative Adjectives: this, these Demonstrative Adjectives: that, those

Singular (1) Plural (2+) Singular (1) Plural (2+)
this / is these / are that / is those / are
Close Far
to the from the
speaker speaker

C. Look at the pictures. Listen to the question, and respond. Then ask your own questions for each picture.

1. 2. 3. 4.

5. 6. 7. 8.
LESSON 9—EnglishConnect 1 | 35

D. Write the missing word. Use is, are, this, that, these, those.

1. are his green shoes. 2. Is your red jacket? 3. That his ring.

4. these his glasses? 5. I like dresses. 6. I don’t like orange sweater.


Verb + ing A. Study the chart. B. Listen and repeat 1–3.

I am I’m
1. I’m wearing a blue shirt.
you are you’re
we are we’re wearing . 2. They are wearing white shirts.
they are they’re looking for .
3. He’s looking for a green shirt.
he is he’s
she is she’s

C. Read about Milo, and then answer the questions.

1. What is Milo looking for?

a. shoes
b. socks
c. slippers

2. What color are his mother’s

Milo is looking for his He finds his sister’s He finds his mother’s a. black
black shoes. green sweater. blue earrings. b. blue
c. brown

3. What does Milo find?

a. blue socks
b. green earrings
c. brown slippers
He finds his brother’s He finds his father’s Where are his shoes?
dirty yellow socks. brown slippers. There they are! 4. Does Milo find what he is
looking for?
a. Yes b. No
36 | EnglishConnect 1—LESSON 9


A. Listen to 1–5. Choose the person described. Say what each person is wearing.
Omar 1. Who is it?
Mia Jorge a. Olga b. Omar c. Jon

2. Who is it?
a. Rosa b. Esther c. Olga
3. Who is it?
a. Mia b. Esther c. Olga
Rosa 4. Who is it?
a. Jon b. Jorge c. Raoul
Jon Raoul
5. Who is it?
a. Omar b. Jon c. Olga
B. Look at the picture. Write what the person is wearing.

1. What is Raoul wearing?

2. What is Esther wearing?

3. What is Omar wearing?


A. Help your practice partner review the vocabulary for this lesson in the back of this book. Make sure they
understand the meaning of the vocabulary.
B. Look at Activity 4. Describe one of the people. Have your partner guess who it is. Repeat. Switch roles.

C. Look at the pictures below. Help your practice partner talk about what they see and what the people
are wearing.

D. Look at the pictures below. Ask them to choose their favorite. “Do you like this green shirt or that
purple shirt?”
LESSON 9—EnglishConnect 1 | 37


1. Learn the vocabulary: neighbor, hang up clothes, window, wash, clean, soap
2. Listen. 3. Read aloud.

Mary likes to watch her neighbors. One day she sees her neighbor Mary looks out her window at the
Sue. Sue hangs up clothes on the clothes. She turns to her husband,
line. Sue hangs up red socks, blue Bill, and says, “Sue doesn’t know
pants, and a white shirt. how to wash clothes. Those shirts
are not clean.”

Bill looks out the window. A few days later, Sue hangs up Mary says to Bill, “She needs
He doesn’t say anything. clothes again. Mary watches. Sue different soap. Those socks
hangs up a green, white, and are not clean.” Bill doesn’t say
yellow dress and white socks. anything.

Mary continues to watch Sue A few weeks later, Mary watches Bill says, “I washed our windows.”
hang up clothes. Mary continues Sue hang up clothes. They are all
to tell Bill that Sue does not know clean! She says, “All of the clothes
how to wash clothes. are clean! How did this happen?”

4. Learn the vocabulary: judge, judging

7. Write: What lesson does Mary learn in this story?
5. Read aloud. Then listen.
“Judge not, that ye be not judged”
(Matthew 7:1).

6. P
 onder: What does Jesus teach about judging
people? How can you do better? 8. Speak: Tell this story to three people.
38 | EnglishConnect 1—LESSON 10



A. Listen. B. Listen and repeat. C. Write the missing word. D. Read aloud.

1. Hey, Jianyu, what do you usually do in the ?

2. I take a shower and eat .
3. What Kyung usually in the morning?
4. He usually his teeth and watches the .
5. What ?
6. I usually late, and then I go to .

breakfas get up news morning you about

do brushes usually does take work


A. Study the chart. B. Listen and repeat 1–4.

Usually + Verb

I eat breakfast
We brush (my / your /
They their / our) teeth
usually in the morning.

eats breakfast
He / She / It
brushes his / her teeth

C. Look at the picture, and choose the correct answer. Say the complete sentence aloud.
1. Farah usually in the morning. 4. Christopher usually in the morning.
a. brushes her teeth a. takes a shower
b. brushes her hair b. makes breakfast
c. makes her bed c. makes his bed

2. Chanhoon usually in the morning. 5. Izumi usually in the morning.

a. makes his bed a. feeds the dog
b. wakes up early b. makes her bed
c. goes to work c. eats breakfast

3. Patricia usually in the morning. 6. Lucien usually in the morning.

a. makes breakfast a. gets dressed
b. brushes her hair b. shaves his face
c. puts on makeup c. takes a shower
LESSON 10—EnglishConnect 1 | 39

D. Write a sentence to tell what the person usually does in the morning.

1. 2. Example:

Armani usually gets dressed in the morning.

take a shower make breakfast
get dressed

1. Claudia .
3. 4.
2. Michael and Susan .
watch the news brush teeth 3. I .

4. We .

5. 6. 5. Minhye .

6. Lin .
go to school go to work


A. Listen to 1–4. Repeat the question. B. Draw a line to show the answer.

1. 2. 3. 4.

Max Mei Tom and Luis Mateo

1. Max a. She usually reads the news.

2. Mei b. He usually eats breakfast.
3. Tom and Luis c. They usually go to school.
4. Mateo d. He usually brushes his teeth.

C. Listen to 1–4. Answer the questions. Choose all answers that are correct.

1. What does Najib do in the morning? 2. What does Emily do in the morning?
a. He wakes up early. a. She makes her bed.
b. He gets up late. b. She gets up early.
c. He takes a shower. c. She eats breakfast.
d. He shaves. d. She reads the news.

3. What does Jung-Eun do in the morning? 4. What does Andres do in the morning?
a. She puts on makeup. a. He shaves.
b. She feeds her cat. b. He makes breakfast.
c. She takes a shower. c. He goes to school.
d. She makes her bed. d. He prays.
40 | EnglishConnect 1—LESSON 10


A. Listen. B. Read aloud. C. Answer the questions in complete sentences.

1. What does Julie do after she

takes a shower?

Julie works for a radio She wakes up early She takes a shower.
show. at 3:30 a.m.

2. When does she begin working?

She puts on makeup She goes to work. She starts the radio
and eats breakfast. show at 5:00 a.m.
D. Listen to the story. E. Retell the story.


A. Help your practice partner review the vocabulary for this lesson in the back of this book. Make sure
they understand the meaning of the vocabulary.
Have him or her retell the stories in Activity 4A and 4D.
B. Look at the pictures below. Help your practice partner answer the question “What do they usually
do in the morning?” For example, “Sandra usually wakes up early in the morning.” Help them say as
much as they can about the people in the pictures.

1. 2. 3. 4.

Sandra Mafi Petra Ethan

5. 6. 7.

Tanya Reo Thiago

C. Help your practice partner talk about their daily routine. Have them ask you questions about your
daily routine. Ask them questions about their family members’ routines.
LESSON 10—EnglishConnect 1 | 41


1. Learn the vocabulary: tired, alone, take care of, feels, peace
2. Listen. 3. Read aloud.

Rosa has five children. She is a After that, she makes breakfast for She comes home and cleans the
busy mom. Every morning she her family. She feeds the dog. She house. She goes shopping.
gets up at 6:00 a.m. She takes a drives her children to school.
shower and gets dressed.

She works all day for her family. One day, Rosa is tired and She prays. She tells Heavenly
unhappy. She feels alone. Father that she is tired. She says,
“I don’t have time for everything.
I need help.”

A thought comes to her mind. It Rosa decides to pray every She does it. She feels better.
is this: “Put the Lord first. He will morning. She decides to read the She has peace. She has time for
take care of the rest.” scriptures every morning. everything. She feels closer to
4. Learn the vocabulary: feast
5. Read aloud three times. Then listen.
“Feast upon the words of Christ; for behold, the words of Christ will tell you all things what ye should do”
(2 Nephi 32:3).
6. Ponder: Why is it important to study the scriptures? How do the scriptures help you?
7. Write your favorite scripture (in English).

8. Speak: Say your favorite scripture (in English) to three people.

42 | EnglishConnect 1—LESSON 11



A. Listen. B. Listen and repeat. C. Write the missing word. D. Read aloud.
1. H
 ey, Dante, what are you right now?
I’m to Jamie’s house to eat
and watch a movie. Do you want come?
2. Oh, sounds . . . but I’m .
3. R
 eally? Do you usually on
Friday ?
4. N
 o, I relax, but I have a big
5. OK. Well, luck!

doing good fun going test pizza usually to study studying nights


A. Study the charts. Listen to examples 1–6. Repeat aloud.

Simple Present Tense Present Progressive Tense (Verb + ing)
subject verb time phrase subject be verb verb + ing time phrase
I I am
eat lunch
watch movies
We every day. You eating lunch now.
They We are
every night. watching movies right now.
He eats lunch every Friday. praying
She watches movies He
It prays She is

B. What are they doing? Write a sentence about the picture.

1. 2. 3.

He / eat lunch She / pray I / eat dinner

He is eating lunch.
4. 5. 6.

They / relax He / come home She / study

LESSON 11—EnglishConnect 1 | 43

C. Read each question aloud. Answer each question aloud. Listen.

1. What are you doing 2. What is Sergio doing 3. What are Teresa and 4. What are you all doing
right now? right now? Sam doing right now? right now?

clean house do homework visit friends exercise

D. Listen. Write the missing part of the sentence.

1. 2. 3.

a. Enzo is . a. Gamila is . a. Jeong Woo is .

b. He usually . b. She usually . b. He usually .


A. Listen to the story. B. Write the missing words.

1. 2.

3. 4.

1. Dongai’s days are . 3. Dongai is her children do homework.

2. Her children are now. 4. Today Dongai’s husband is .
44 | EnglishConnect 1—LESSON 11


A. Listen to the story. B. Read aloud.

“What are you doing right now?” “I’m cooking dinner,” “I’m watching the news. “I’m going to sleep,” he says.
asks the man. says the woman. How about you?” she asks. “Goodnight,” she says.
“I’m eating dinner too,” he says. “I’m reading a book,” he says.

“Good morning,” she says. “I’m walking too,” he says. “What are you doing now?” “Me too!” he says.
“I’m taking the dog for a walk.” he asks.
“I’m eating breakfast,” she says.


A. Help your practice partner review the vocabulary for this lesson in the back of this book. Make sure
they understand the meaning of the vocabulary.
Have him or her retell the stories in Activity 3 and Activity 4.
B. Look at the pictures below. Ask your practice partner, “What is he/she doing right now?” Help them
say as much as they can about the people in the picture. Then have your partner ask you questions
about the people in the pictures.

1. 2. 3. 4.

do homework visit friends brush teeth feed the dog

5. 6. 7.

exercise run errands get ready eat breakfast

C. Ask your practice partner what they usually do on Sunday. Ask what their family members usually
do on Sunday. Let them ask you about your weekend schedule.
Pretend that it is a certain time during the day. Ask your practice partner what they are doing. For
example: It’s morning. What are you doing right now? Ask about different times of day (afternoon,
evening, middle of the night). Then let them ask you questions.
LESSON 11—EnglishConnect 1 | 45


1. Learn the vocabulary: steep, sweaty, dinosaur, unfamiliar, becoming, pedaling
2. Listen. 3. Read aloud.

“What am I doing here?” Sister She is riding up a steep bridge in She is thousands of miles from her
Chau asks herelf. Vietnam. She is wearing a skirt. home. People say, “You look like a
She is hot, sweaty, and tired. dinosaur,” because she is tall.

She is eating new and unfamiliar She is a missionary for The Church Then she thinks, “I am learning a
food. The language is difficult. of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. difficult language. I am trying new

“I am serving people. I am teaching “I am here because I want to tell “I am here because I love God and
people about Jesus Christ. I am the people of Vietnam about Jesus Jesus Christ.” So she continues
changing. I am becoming a better Christ. I want to serve God and the pedaling up the bridge.
person.” people of Vietnam.”
4. Learn the vocabulary: service, fellow beings, embark, might, mind, strength
5. Read aloud. Then listen.
“When ye are in the service of your fellow beings ye are only in the service of your God”
(Mosiah 2:17).
“O ye that embark in the service of God, see that ye serve him with all your heart, might, mind and strength”
(Doctrine and Covenants 4:2).
6. Ponder: What are you doing to serve others? How can you improve?
7. Write three ways you can serve others.

8. Speak: Tell someone how you are serving others this week.
46 | EnglishConnect 1—LESSON 12



A. Listen. B. Listen and repeat. C. Write the missing word. D. Read aloud.
1. Do you a watch?
What is it?
2. Yes. 3:30.
3. OK, .
4. You’re .

have welcome thank you time It’s


A. Listen to the examples. Repeat aloud.

five o’clock five fifteen five thirty five forty-five

5:00 5:15 5:30 5:45
11 12 1 11 12 1 11 12 1 11 12 1
10 2 10 2 10 2 10 2
9 3 9 3 9 3 9 3
8 4 8 4 8 4 8 4
7 6 5 7 6 5 7 6 5 7 6 5

B. Listen to 1–6. Choose the correct time.

1. It’s . 2. It’s . 3. It’s .
a. 9:30 a. 1:00 a. 11:30
b. 9:15 b. 1:30 b. 10:30
c. 9:00 c. 1:45 c. 1:30
4. It’s . 5. It’s . 6. It’s .
a. 3:15 a. 7:00 a. 2:30
b. 3:00 b. 6:00 b. 11:30
c. 3:45 c. 9:00 c. 12:30
C. What time is it? Look at the picture. Say the time aloud. Listen to the answer.

1. 2. 3. 4.

5. 6. 7. 8.
LESSON 12—EnglishConnect 1 | 47


A. Read Jana’s schedule. Answer the questions.
1. What time does Jana wake up? 2. When does Jana eat lunch?
a. 8:30 a. 12:00 Jana’s Schedule
b. 7:45 b. 1:00
c. 6:00 c. 11:00
3. When does Jana go home? 4. What time does she eat dinner?
a. 3:00 a. 5:00
7:45 am: Wake up
b. 4:00 b. 5:30
c. 5:00 c. 6:00 8:00 am: Eat breakfast

8:30 am: Go to school

B. Listen to Turo’s schedule. Match the time with the activity.
12:00 pm: Eat lunch
1. eat dinner a. 8:00
5:00 pm: Go home
2. eat lunch b. 8:15
3. wake up c. 9:00 6:00 pm: Eat dinner

4. come home d. 11:30

5. watch news e. 4:45
6. run errands f. 5:30
7. take a shower g. 6:30
8. go to work h. 7:00


A. Listen. B. Listen and repeat. C. Write the missing word. D. Read aloud.

day fifteenth Friday fourteenth

1. Is today the ?
2. No, it’s the .
3. Oh, what is today?
4. It’s .
5. OK, thanks.

E. Read and listen to the dates. Repeat them aloud.

1. Today is Sunday, May 14th. 2. Today is Tuesday, May 16th. 3. Today is Friday, May 19th.
4. Today is Tuesday, May 30th. 5. Today is Monday, May 15th. 6. Today is Thursday, May 11th.

F. Look at the picture. Answer the question aloud. Listen to the answers.

1. What time is it? 2. What day is it today? 3. What is today’s date? 4. Is today the 14th?
48 | EnglishConnect 1—LESSON 12


A. Look at the picture and the answers. Choose the correct question.

1. Question: ? 2. Question: ?
Answer: No, it’s the eighteenth. Answer: It’s Friday.
a. Is today the seventeenth? a. What is today’s date?
b. What day is today? b. What day is today?
c. Is today Friday? c. What time is it?

3. Question: ? 4. Question: ?
Answer: It’s 10:15. Answer: Today is March 13.
a. What day is today? a. Is today Friday?
b. What time is it? b. What time is it?
c. Is today the 15th? c. What is today’s date?

A. Write about your family members’ or friends’ birthdays. Write at least 4 sentences. Listen to the example.


A. Help your practice partner review the vocabulary for this lesson in the back of this book. Make sure
they understand the meaning of the vocabulary.
B. Help your practice partner talk about time and dates. Use the questions in activity 2C, 4F, and 5A to
talk about the pictures in each activity. Take turns asking questions. Then ask each other questions
about today’s date and the time.
C. Ask your practice partner about
their schedule. For example:

What time do you wake up?

When do you usually eat lunch?

Write their information in the

first schedule.

Then let them ask you questions

and fill in the second schedule.

If your schedule is currently the

same, talk about another day.

D. Ask your practice partner to tell you about their birthday. When is their birthday? What do they like
to do on their birthday? What time do they do things on their birthday? Let them ask you about
your birthday. Talk about what they wrote in Activity 6.
LESSON 12—EnglishConnect 1 | 49


1. Learn the vocabulary: gift, what matters most, rise, list, mind, promise, most important, the Spirit
2. Listen. 3. Read aloud.

God has given us a great gift: our Every morning, I rise before the I read the scriptures.
time. We must do with it what sun. I dress and wash my face and
matters most. hands.

Then I make a list of what I should I pray to know God’s will, and I I thank God. I promise to do my
do that day. I think of who I must listen. Sometimes the names or best. I ask that He will do what I
save. faces of people come to mind. I cannot.
add them to my list.

I look at my list. I put a 1 by the Then I go to work. I look at number I know God will help me. So with
most important thing, then a 2. 1 and try to do it first, then number my list and the Spirit, I do what
2. matters most.

4. Learn the vocabulary: prepare, perform, labor, improve

5. Read aloud. Then listen.
“For behold, this life is the time for men to prepare to meet God; yea, behold
the day of this life is the day for men to perform their labors”
(Alma 34:32).
6. Ponder: Why is time one of God’s greatest gifts?
7. Write three ways you can improve how you use your time.

8. Speak: Tell someone how you will improve your use of time.
50 | EnglishConnect 1—LESSON 13



A. Listen. B. Listen and repeat. C. Write the missing word. D. Read aloud.

1. How’s the in London?

2. Not very good. It’s again.
3. That’s too bad. it rain tomorrow, too?
4. I think it will. It usually rains a lot in .

sunny snowing raining February

Will April weather


A. Read. Listen to the examples, and repeat them aloud.

1. How’s the weather?

2. What will the weather be tomorrow?
3. It’s raining. It’s rainy. 6. It’s snowing. It’s snowy. 9. It’s windy. 12. It’s foggy.
4. Will it rain tomorrow? 7. Will it snow tomorrow? 10. Will it be windy tomorrow? 13. Will it be foggy tomorrow?
5. Yes, it will. 8. I think it will. 11. I’m not sure. 14. No, it won’t.

B. Look at the pictures. Finish the sentences.

1. 2. 3.

It is . It’s . It’s .
4. 5. 6.

It’s . It’s . It’s .

C. Look at the pictures. Say a sentence about the weather. Listen to the examples.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
LESSON 13—EnglishConnect 1 | 51


A. Look at the picture. Listen to the speaker talk about the weather for the week. Answer the questions.

1. Sunday will be . 3. Thursday will be .

a. cool a. sunny
b. hot b. windy
c. cloudy c. foggy

2. Tuesday will be . 4. Friday there will be . +68 °F

a. cloudy a. fog
b. rainy b. snow
c. sunny c. lightning

B. Read the sentences aloud. Listen to 1–4.

1. Sunday will be sunny.

2. Wednesday will be rainy.
3. Friday there will be thunder.
4. Saturday will be sunny and warm.

C. Write three sentences about the weather.

32 °C 19 °C 19 °C 15 °C 10 °C 8 °C 20 °C
90 °F 66 °F 66 °F 59 °F 50 °F 46 °F 68 °F

D. Look at the picture. Answer the questions aloud. Listen to the examples.

1. How’s the weather in Moscow?

Moscow 2. How’s the weather in Cairo?

New York
Hong Kong 63°F/17°C
3. How’s the weather in Rio de Janeiro?
Los Angeles
4. How’s the weather in Anchorage?

5. How’s the weather in Tokyo?
Rio de Janero 72°F/22°C
6. How’s the weather in Melbourne?

E. Listen to the weather forecast. Answer the questions. You may listen more than once.
Part 1 Part 2
1. What will the weather be today? 3. What will the weather be on Sunday?
2. Which days will have thunder and lightning? 4. What will the weather be on Tuesday?
and and
F. Listen to 1–4. Write what you hear.

1. 3.

2. 4.
52 | EnglishConnect 1—LESSON 13


A. Listen to the story. B. Read aloud.

“Hello,” says an old woman. “I want to go “I don’t know,” she says. “Somewhere “How’s the weather in Costa Rica?”
on vacation.” sunny.” she asks.
“That’s great!” says the man. “Where do “Hmm. What about Costa Rica?” “It’s sunny, but it’s also rainy,” the man
you want to go?” replies.

“Oh. I don’t like rain,” says the woman. “What about Sweden?” asks the man. “It’s sunny but windy and cold,” he says.
“How’s the weather in Sweden?” “I don’t like cold weather,” she replies.

“What about Vietnam? It’s beautiful there.” “It’s sunny but hot. It’s also very “Hmmm,” says the old woman. “I’ve
“What is the weather like in Vietnam?” humid.” changed my mind. I think I will just stay
she asks. “I don’t want to be hot,” she says. here.”


A. Help your practice partner review the vocabulary for this lesson in the back of this book. Make sure
they understand the meaning of the vocabulary.
B. Help your practice partner say the sentences in Activity 2A. Help them make sentences for the
­pictures in Activity 2C.
C. Look at the weather map in Activity 3A. Ask your practice partner questions about the weather. For
example, you might ask, “What will the weather be on ?” Then look at the map in Activity 3D. Take
turns asking questions about the weather. If possible, look at a current forecast for your area or your
hometowns and take turns asking questions. “What will the weather be today?” “What about tomor-
row?” What about next week? Tell what the weather is like during different months of the year.
D. Ask your practice partner to read the story “Vacation Plans” aloud. Ask them questions about
the story. Where did the woman want to go? What doesn’t the woman like?
What is the weather like in Vietnam? Where did the woman choose to go?
Talk about places you want to go on vacation. Why do you want to go there? What is the weather
like there? What do you do there?
LESSON 13—EnglishConnect 1 | 53


1. Learn the vocabulary: disciples, blow, blowing, command, sink (verb), calm

2. Listen. 3. Read aloud. Matthew 8:23–27

Jesus and His disciples Jesus was asleep. The wind blew very hard. The disciples were
were in a boat on the Sea The waves filled the boat afraid. They woke Jesus.
of Galilee. with water. They asked Him to help.

Jesus commanded the The wind stopped. Jesus asked the disciples They were amazed that
wind to stop blowing. The sea became why they were afraid. He Jesus could command
He told the waves to go calm. said they should have the wind and the sea.
down. more faith.

4. Learn the vocabulary: peace, troubled, overcome, adversity, storm, stronger.

5. Read aloud. Then listen.
“Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you . . . Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid”
(John 14:27).

“As you overcome adversity in your life, you will become stronger”
(Joseph B. Wirthlin, “Finding a Safe Harbor,” Ensign, May 2000, 61).

6. Ponder: How can Jesus Christ help you during the storms in your life?
7. Write three ways that Jesus Christ can help you during difficult times in your life.

8. Speak: Tell three people how Jesus Christ helps you during difficult times in your life.
54 | EnglishConnect 1—LESSON 14



A. Listen. B. Listen and repeat. C. Write the missing word. D. Read aloud.
Conversation 1 Conversation 2

1. So, Carla, what do you do for ?

1. Guess ? I got a new .
2. I’m a .
2. Wow, that’s great! do you work now?
3. Oh, ? Do you like being a teacher?
3. I work at the on Main Street.
4. Yes, I love it! It’s rewarding.

job work very too teacher really doctor shop work job restaurant what where when


A. Read and listen to the examples 1–9. Repeat aloud.

1. What do you do for work? 6. Where do you work?

2. I am a nurse. 7. I work at a factory.
3. I have my own business.
8. Where does she work?
4. What does he do for work? 9. She works at a restaurant.
5. He is a mechanic.

B. Look at the pictures. Say what each person does for work. Listen to the examples.

1. 2. 3. 4.

5. 6. 7. 8.

secretary construction worker doctor custodian cashier server cook scientist

LESSON 14—EnglishConnect 1 | 55

C. Look at the pictures. Write a question to ask what each person does for work.

1. 2.

What does he do for work?

He is a nurse. I am a flight attendant. He is a mechanic.

3. 4. 5.

She is a factory worker. I have my own business. They are fishermen.

D. Read the conversation. Choose the person that works in that place.
1. Where do you work? 2. Where do you work? 3. Where does he work? 4. Where does she work?
I work at a restaurant. I work at a school. He works in a hospital. She works in an office.
a. a. a. a.

b. b. b. b.

E. Listen to each conversation. Read the sentences. Answer true or false.

Alicia Nimra Li Wei

1. Alicia is a teacher. 3. Nimra works in a factory. 5. Li Wei works in an office.

a. True a. True a. True
b. False b. False b. False
2. Alicia does not like her job. 4. Nimra likes to help people. 6. Li Wei works a lot of hours.
a. True a. True a. True
b. False b. False b. False

F. Write three sentences about what you do for work. If you do not have a job, write about any job.
56 | EnglishConnect 1—LESSON 14


A. Listen to the story. B. Read the story aloud. C. Listen to the questions. Answer aloud.

Alfonso lives in the city. He rides “Hurry! The train leaves soon,” He gets off the train. A taxi driver Alfonso is a carpenter.
the train to work. says Mac. says, “Watch out! It’s wet!” “Today you will build a wood
“Thanks for the tip!” says Alfonso. “Thanks for the tip!” Alfonso says. floor,” says his boss.

“The lady is angry,” says his boss. Alfonso smiles a lot. He smiles Every day Alfonso and his friend, They eat lunch. They laugh.
“Smile and be nice.” at the angry lady. She doesn’t Luis, work hard on the floor. They smile. The angry lady
“Thanks for the tip,” says smile. Alfonso smiles. The angry lady smiles too.
Alfonso. starts to smile.

Alfonso says, “It’s done.” She gives them an envelope. Alfonso and Luis get on the They laugh and laugh. “Keep
“Thank you. It’s beautiful,” says “Here’s a tip for you,” she says. train. They look in the envelope. smiling, Alfonso!” says Luis.
the lady. “You work hard. And She smiles. They count the money. One
you make me smile.” thousand dollars! It’s a very big


A. Help your practice partner review the vocabulary for this lesson in the back of this book. Make sure
they understand the meaning of the vocabulary.
Have him or her retell the story in Activity 3 in their own words.
B. Look at the pictures in Activity 2B. Ask your practice partner what each person does for work. Help
them answer in complete sentences.
Look at the pictures in Activity 2D. Help them ask questions about what each person does for work.
C. Ask your partner questions about the pictures.
For example, ask: What does he/she do for work?
When does he/she eat lunch? Help them talk
about a friend or family member’s work and
D. Ask your practice partner about their job or their dream job. Help them speak in complete
sentences. Tell them about your job or your dream job.
LESSON 14—EnglishConnect 1 | 57


1. Learn the vocabulary: passport, bananas, earn, strength, save (saving)
2. Listen. 3. Read aloud.

My name is Sedrick. I live in Africa. I am preparing to go on a mission. My father and I buy bananas to
I’m a member of The Church of I need a passport. A passport earn money. Some villages grow
Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. costs US$250. a lot of bananas. The villages are
many miles away.

We go there and buy bananas. We use a bicycle to go to the It takes 1½ hours each way on my
Then we bring them back to sell. villages. We can take four or six bike—that is, if the bike is working
bunches of bananas at a time. and I have the strength.

It gets very hot during the day. We It is a good way to pay for my I have worked for four years.
move slowly because of the heat passport. Now I’m earning money, I have enough money for my
and the sun. I wake up very early little by little. I’m saving for both passport and another $70 saved.
in the morning. I do two trips per school expenses and a mission.

4. Learn the vocabulary: glory, always, necessity, economic, curse, blessing.

5. Read aloud. Then listen.
“For behold, this is my work and my glory--to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man” (Moses 1:39).
“Work is not a curse but a blessing” (David E. Sorenson, “The Blessing of Work,” [Brigham Young University
devotional address, Mar. 6, 2005], 2, speeches.byu.edu).
6. Ponder: How is work a blessing?
7. Write. Finish the sentence. Work is a blessing because
8. Speak: Talk about how work is a blessing for you.
58 | EnglishConnect 1—LESSON 15



A. Listen. B. Listen and repeat. C. Write the missing word. D. Read aloud.

1. Hey, James, I’m for a new job.

2. Really, Lan? ?
3. Well, my job is only , and I
don’t really like it.
4. Why not? What do at work?
5. It’s . Every day I the same
building and the same people.
6. What about you? Tell me about your .
7. I’m a , and I like my job.
8. I like to hair and new people. meet Why hairstylist you do people see
clean job boring part-time looking cut
9. That’s great!

E. Read the sentence. Answer true or false.

1. Lan is happy about her job. 2. Lan works full-time. 3. James likes his job. 4. James cleans buildings.
a. True a. True a. True a. True
b. False b. False b. False b. False


A. Listen. Write what you hear.

1. 2. 3.

4. 5. 6.

B. Look at the picture. Say what you do every day for this job. Listen to the examples.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
LESSON 15—EnglishConnect 1 | 59

C. Read the sentences about each job below aloud. Choose the picture that matches.

1. I work full-time in a school. I teach students 2. I am self-employed. I write computer programs.

every day. It is difficult, but I like it. Sometimes it’s boring.
a. b. a. b.

3. I work part-time in a restaurant. I serve food to 4. I work part-time at a store. I help customers all
customers. It is difficult but fun. day. It’s interesting.
a. b. a. b.

D. Choose the correct question for the answer. Say the question aloud.

1. She programs computers. 2. Yes, he loves teaching. 3. My job is part-time.

a. What does she do for work? a. What does he do for work? a. What do you do for work?
b. Does she like her job? b. Does he like his job? b. Do you like your job?
c. Does she work full-time or c. Where does he work? c. Do you work full-time or
part-time? part-time?

E. Choose one of the pictures. Write about the person’s job. Answer the questions.

journalist mechanic salesperson construction worker server computer programmer

What is the person’s job? Where does the person work?

What does the person do for work? Does the person work part-time or full time?
Does the person like his or her job? What time does the person go to work?
What time does the person leave work?
60 | EnglishConnect 1—LESSON 15


A. Listen. B. Read aloud. C. Listen to questions 1–3. Answer aloud.

My grandfather is a very interesting He doesn’t like his job very much. It’s I love to visit Grandfather. His house is
person. He is a full-time accountant. boring. He likes to build things. very small.
He works at a factory.

My grandfather is not a carpenter. He He is not a painter. But he painted Grandfather likes to grow food. He is
is not an electrician. But he built two the bedrooms yellow. not a farmer. But he grows corn and
bedrooms. potatoes.

He is not a fisherman. But he loves to He is not a cook. But he cooks fish When I visit Grandfather, I sleep in a
fish because fishing is relaxing. very well. yellow bedroom. I eat potatoes and
corn. I go fishing. I love Grandfather’s


A. Help your practice partner review the vocabulary for this lesson in the back of this book. Make sure
they understand the meaning of the vocabulary.
B. Have him or her retell the story in Activity 3 in their own words. Ask him or her to tell you about a
friend or family member who can do many things. What is the person’s name? What can they do?

C. Help your practice partner answer the questions for three of the pictures in Activity 2E.

D. Ask your practice partner to pretend that he or she is the person in each of the pictures below.
Help them say two or three sentences to describe their job.

hairstylist salesperson doctor construction worker mail carrier

LESSON 15—EnglishConnect 1 | 61


1. Learn the vocabulary: vineyard, hire(s), pay (paid), generous, too late
2. Listen. 3. Read aloud. Matthew 20:1–16

Jesus tells a story about a man. He hires some workers at 6:00 They are happy to work. They Later, the man needs more
The man needs people to work in the morning. They agree to need money to feed their people. He hires more people
in his vineyard. work for a penny. families. at 9:00 a.m.

He hires people at 12:00 p.m. Finally, it is the end of the day. They, too, are happy to work. At the end of the day, each
and 3:00 p.m. He hires one last group of They need to feed their families worker gets paid. They all get
workers at 5:00 p.m. too. the same pay. They all get one

The workers who started at They ask, “Why do we get the The man says, “I am not being The man is like God. He wants
6:00 a.m. are angry. same pay as the other workers? unfair to you. I can be generous to bless all of His children. We
They started later than us.” with my own money. I choose to are never too late to come to
be kind to everyone.” Him.

4. Learn the vocabulary: heavy laden, mistakes, beyond the reach, divine love
5. Read aloud. Then listen.
“Come unto me [Jesus Christ], all ye that labour and
are heavy laden, and I will give you rest”
(Matthew 11:28).
“However many mistakes you feel you have made . . . you have not traveled beyond the reach of divine love”
(Jeffery R. Holland, “The Laborers in the Vineyard,” Ensign or Liahona, May 2012, 33).

6. Ponder: What do you need to do to come unto Jesus Christ now?

7. Write two things you learned from the story.

8. Speak: Retell this story to three people. Tell what you learned.
62 | EnglishConnect 1—LESSON 16



A. Listen. B. Listen and repeat. C. Write the missing word. D. Read aloud.

1. Ha-Eun, what do you want for ?

2. Do you want some ?
3. No, thanks, Marcia. I don’t really fish.
4. Really? My food is fish! Why don’t you like it?
5. I don’t like the .
6. I usually eat for lunch.
7. Oh, we have chicken too, and chicken is . lunch have favorite taste
8. Let’s chicken. fish chicken healthy like

9. Sounds good!
E. Read the questions about the conversation. Answer aloud. Listen to the answers.
1. Does Ha-Eun like fish? 2. Why or why not? 3. What do Ha-Eun and Marcia cook for lunch?


A. Listen to 1–5. Choose the picture that matches.

1a. 2a. 3a. 4a. 5a.

b. b. b. b. b.


A. Look at each picture. Listen to the question. Answer the question aloud. Listen to the examples.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Sarah John Rin Ye-Jun Elena and Paola

LESSON 16—EnglishConnect 1 | 63

B. Look at each picture. Read the question. Write an answer to the question in a complete sentence.

1. 2.

What do you usually eat for breakfast? What does he usually eat for lunch? What does she usually eat for dinner?

I usually eat eggs for breakfast.

3. 4. 5.

What do they usually eat for breakfast? What do you usually eat for dinner? What do you usually eat for lunch?


A. Listen to the story.

B. Number the sentences in the correct order. C. Listen to sentences 1–5. Write what you hear.
Madame Mallory sees what Hassan serves. 1.
Hassan moves to France. 2.
The storekeeper has no fish or lamb.
1 Hassan lives in India. 3.
Hassan has an Indian restaurant. 4.
Madame Mallory doesn’t like Indian food.
64 | EnglishConnect 1—LESSON 16


A. Read each conversation. B. Write your answer to the question in a complete sentence.

Alex: Ricky, what is your favorite food? 1. What is Ricky’s favorite food?
Ricky: Lamb is my favorite food.
Alex: Really? Why do you like it?
2. Why does he like it?
Ricky: It’s a little salty and delicious.

Marisa: Alexandra, do you like squash? 3. Does Alexandra like squash?

Alexandra: No, not at all.
Marisa: Really? Why not?
Alexandra: It’s gross. I don’t like the 4. Why or why not?

5. Does Milan like milk?

Pete: Milan, do you like milk?
Milan: Yes, I like it. It’s healthy and sweet.
6. Why or why not?


A. Write about two of your favorite foods. Why are they your favorite?

Example: My favorite food is chicken enchiladas. It is chicken with tortillas, cheese, and green chiles. I like it because
it is salty and spicy.
My other favorite food is squash soup. I like the taste. I like that it is warm when I am cold.


A. Help your practice partner review the vocabulary for this lesson in the back of this book. Make sure
they understand the meaning of the vocabulary.
B. Have your practice partner tell you the story in Activity 4. Ask them questions about the pictures.
How does the story end?

C. Look at the pictures in Activity 3A. Help your partner form questions and answers for each
picture—for example, “What does Sarah usually eat? Sarah usually eats ham.”

D. Talk about what you usually eat. Ask your practice partner: “What do you usually eat for breakfast?
lunch? dinner?” Let them ask you the same questions.

E. Take turns talking about foods that you like. Ask your practice partner to tell you about their
favorite foods. Ask them why they like them. Then let them ask you the same questions.
LESSON 16—EnglishConnect 1 | 65


1. Learn the vocabulary: conquered, youth, obey, decide (decided), servant, healthy, worried, wise
2. Listen. 3. Read aloud. Daniel 1:3–20

The king of Babylon Four of them were Daniel, The king sent food and wine They decided to not eat the
­conquered the Jews and Shadrach, Meshach, and to the youth. Daniel and his food or drink the wine. They
took some of their youth to Abed-nego. friends wanted to obey God. asked the king’s servant to
live in his house. God said that they should not bring them healthy food and
eat this food. It was not good water instead.
for them.

The servant was worried, “The The servant gave Daniel and After 10 days, Daniel and his God blessed Daniel and his
king will be angry,” he said. his friends healthy food. He friends looked healthier than friends because they obeyed
Daniel said, “Give us healthy gave them water to drink. the other youth. Him. He made them strong and
food for 10 days. And water to wise.
drink. We will show that God’s
way is best.”

4. Learn the vocabulary: revealed, physical, benefit, navel, marrow, bones, treasures, weary
5. Read aloud. Then listen.
“The Word of Wisdom is a law of health revealed by the Lord for our physical and spiritual benefit”
(“Word of Wisdom,” True to the Faith [2004], 186; see also Doctrine and Covenants 89).

“And all saints who remember to keep and do these sayings . . . shall receive health
in their navel and marrow to their bones; and shall find wisdom and great treasures of knowledge, even hidden
treasures; and shall run and not be weary, and shall walk and not faint” (Doctrine and Covenants 89:18–20).

6. Ponder: What are the blessings of obeying God’s law of health, the Word of Wisdom?
7. Write a list of blessings that you can receive from obeying the Word of Wisdom.

8. Speak: Tell three people about the blessings you can receive from obeying the Word of Wisdom.
66 | EnglishConnect 1—LESSON 17



A. Listen. B. Listen and repeat. C. Write the missing word. D. Read aloud.

1. Hey, A-Ra, I’m .

2. you want to get lunch?
3. Sure, Steven. That good.
4. Where do you to eat?
5. I like to eat at the .
6. The are delicious.
7. OK. Let’s go.

Do sounds sandwiches hungry cafe like


A. Listen to conversations 1–5. Number the correct picture.

5 Guys Po Cha Mod Pizza

Maria’s Tom’s Nando’s

B. Read what you can eat at the restaurants. Choose one. Read and answer the questions aloud.
Listen to the examples.
1. Where do you like to eat? What do you like to eat there?

The Cafe serves sandwiches The China Grill serves chicken, Motcombs serves expensive
and drinks. pork, and rice. fish and steak.
LESSON 17—EnglishConnect 1 | 67

2. Where don’t you like to eat? Why don’t you like to eat there?

Noodles and Company serves Yoshinoya serves Japanese and Sherlock Holmes serves soups,
many different pastas. American food. salads, and sandwiches.

C. Read. Then choose the correct answer for the questions.

Anoush likes to eat spicy food with Maro likes to sit outside with his Jean likes to eat pizza with his
beans and rice. She doesn’t like to friends when he eats. He doesn’t friends. He doesn’t like to eat
eat sandwiches. like to eat seafood. barbecue chicken or pork.

1. Where does Anoush like to eat? 2. Where does Maro like to eat? 3. Where doesn’t Jean like to eat?
a. Punta Cana a. Cafe Montmartre a. Little Italy Pizza
b. Subway Sandwiches b. Joe’s Crab Shack b. Dickey’s BBQ Pit

D. Write about your favorite restaurant. What restaurant is it? What do you order there?

I like to go to Smokie’s BBQ
near my house. I like to
order a meal that has pork,
beef, and chicken. It is


A. Look at the pictures. Order the food in the pictures. Listen to examples 1–4.

1. 2. 3. 4.

B. Listen to conversations 1–4. Then write what each person orders.

1. He orders tomato soup.



68 | EnglishConnect 1—LESSON 17


A. Listen to the story.

1. 2. 3. 4.

5. 6. 7. 8.

9. 10. 11. 12.

B. Check all of the answers that are correct.

1. What does Ben like to eat? 2. What does Sandra like to eat?
o soup o cheese o soup o cheese
o beef o chicken o beef o chicken
o bread o onions o bread o onions
o tomatoes o lettuce o tomatoes o lettuce
o apple pie o ice cream o apple pie o ice cream


A. Help your practice partner review the vocabulary for this lesson in the back of this book. Make sure
they understand the meaning of the vocabulary. Ask them to retell the story in Activity 4.
B. Help your practice partner talk about their favorite restaurant. “What is your favorite restaurant?” “Why
do you like it?” “What do you order there?” “What restaurant don’t you like?” “Why don’t you like it?”

C. Ask your practice partner, “How often do you eat in restaurants? Who do you eat out with? What
restaurants do you usually go to? What do you order?” Then let them ask you the same questions.
D. Look at the restaurants below. Take turns asking, “Where do you/don’t you like to eat? What do you
like to eat there? Why do you/don’t you like to eat there?” Ask the same questions about the restau-
rants in Activity 2B.

Hong’s Kitchen Hattie B’s Cafe Rouge

Hong’s Kitchen serves Chinese Cafe Rouge serves beef and

Hattie B’s serves fried chicken.
food like rice and pork. chicken with potatoes.
LESSON 17—EnglishConnect 1 | 69


1. Learn the vocabulary: widow, handcart, sea biscuit, trunk, lid, miracle, enough
2. Listen. 3. Read aloud.

In 1856, Anne Rowley came to The journey was very difficult. One Anne said, “I got on my knees to
Utah by handcart. Anne was a night, the family had no food to pray. I asked for God’s help.”
widow. She had her seven children eat.
with her.

She remembered two hard sea She thought, “Jesus fed 5,000 She put the biscuits in a pot. She
biscuits. They were in her trunk. people. He only had 5 loaves covered them with water. She put
They were small and too hard to of bread and 2 fish. Nothing is the lid on the pot. She put the pot
eat. It wasn’t enough for 8 people. impossible with God’s help.” on the fire to cook.

She prayed and asked God to Later, she lifted the lid. The pot Anne knelt down with her family.
bless them. was filled with food. It was a They thanked God for His
miracle! goodness. That night the family
had enough to eat.
4. Learn the vocabulary: faith, precedes, miracle, among
5. Read aloud. Then listen. “Faith precedes the miracle”
(Thomas S. Monson, in “Faith Precedes the Miracle” [video], ChurchofJesusChrist.org).
“For if there be no faith among the children of men God can do no miracle among them;
wherefore, he showed not himself until after their faith”
(Ether 12:12).
6. Ponder: Why does faith come before miracles? Why don’t miracles happen each time you need one?
7. Write about a miracle in your life. Write as much as you can.

8. Speak: Tell three people about a miracle in your life.

70 | EnglishConnect 1—LESSON 18



A. Listen. B. Listen and repeat. C. Write the missing word. D. Read aloud.
1. This is so delicious, Camille!
2. How do you it?
3. It’s easy! , you put some cheese on bread.
4. Next, you put some in a pan.
5. Then, you the pan on the stove.
6. , you cook the for five minutes.
7. Thanks! I’ll it!
Then try make oil First heat bread sandwich Last


A. Study the chart. B. Listen to sentences 1–5, and repeat.

Sequence and Directions

First, cut some cheese.
Then,* put the cheese on bread.
Next,* you** put some oil in a pan.
Last, heat the pan on the stove.
cook the bread in the pan.
*”Next” and “Then” are interchangeable.
**In recipes, “you” is not usually used.

C. Look at the pictures. Listen to the steps for making chicken soup. Say them out loud.

1. 2. 3.

4. 5. 6.

D. Your friend wants to make chicken soup. Write some steps for your friend to make chicken soup.

1. First, cut the . 4. Next, add the .

2. Next, chop the , , and . 5. Then, everything together.
3. Then, the chicken. 6. Last, for 30 minutes.
LESSON 18—EnglishConnect 1 | 71


A. Listen to the conversations. Then answer the questions.
1. Which ingredient is not in the soup? 2. Which ingredient is not in the dinner?

a. b. a. b.

c. d. c. d.
B. Talk about a food you like. What is it? What’s in it? Listen to the example. C. Write about it.

Example: What is it?

Pupusas What’s in it?

D. Listen to the directions. Read the sentences. Write the missing word.

1. , you cook in the microwave for 5 minutes. First

2. , you break 2 eggs into a microwave-safe bowl. Next
3. , you stir the mixture. Then
4. , you mix the eggs with the cake mix. Last

E. Read the recipe. Then read the sentences. Answer true or false.

Almond Candy
1. C
 ook the almonds in 3. A
 dd the almonds after
2 cups sugar 1/2 cup water the pan first. the candy is cool.
2 cups butter 2 cups chopped almonds a. True a. True
b. False b. False
First, put sugar, butter and water in a pan. Then,
boil and stir. Next add almonds. Cook until the 2. Stir
 and boil the sugar, 4. B
 reak the candy into
­mixture begins to smoke. Then, take it off the butter, and water. pieces.
a. True a. True
stove. Next, pour mixture into an oiled pan. Last,
b. False b. False
break candy into pieces.
F. Think about your favorite food to make or eat. Write the ingredients and steps below.

Name: Example
Ingredients: Name: Alaskan Ice Cream

Ingredients: 1 cup sugar, 3 cups frozen

Steps: animal fat, 4 cups frozen berries

Steps: First, mash the fat. Then stir the

fat until fluffy. Next, add the sugar
until well-mixed. Last, stir in the berries.
72 | EnglishConnect 1—LESSON 18


A. Listen to the story.

1. 2. 3. 4.

5. 6. 7. 8.

9. 10. 11. 12.

B. Read and listen to questions 1–3 . Answer aloud. Listen to the example answers.
1. Why does SuMin write Anna? 2. What was SuMin’s favorite part of the meal? 3. What will SuMin do with the recipe?

C. Listen to sentences 1–5. Write what you hear.

1. 4.
2. 5.


A. Help your practice partner review the vocabulary for this lesson in the back of this book. Make sure
they understand the meaning of the vocabulary. Have your practice partner use the pictures in
Activity 4 to retell the story.
B. Look at the pictures in Activity 2C. Ask your practice partner, “How do you make chicken soup?”

C. Talk about your favorite foods. Ask, “What is your favorite food? When do you eat it? What’s in it?
How do you make it?” Then let your practice partner ask you the same questions.

D. Activity 3 talks about six different foods. Ask your practice partner to choose which one they would
like to try. Why would they choose it? What’s in it? How do you make it? Then ask them to choose one
they would NOT like to try. Why not? Now have your practice partner ask you the same questions.

Corn chowder Briyani Pupusas Cake Almond Alaskan

candy ice cream
LESSON 18—EnglishConnect 1 | 73


1. Learn the vocabulary: widow, education, master’s degree, car accident
2. Listen. 3. Read aloud.

It is 1932. Virginia Cutler is a Education is important to her. She She is working on a master’s
widow. She has two young boys. wants her boys to have a good degree. It is very hard. Her boys
She goes to work as a teacher. education. But it is expensive. get sick. She is in a car accident.

But she finishes. She works hard to make a happy She teaches them to make bread.
She gets her degree. home for her boys. She teaches Every Saturday morning they make
them family values. She teaches bread.
them to work hard.

Each boy makes his own loaf. The The boys grow up. Now they make bread with their
smell of bread brings friends to One is a doctor. children. But it is more than just
their house. They share the bread. One works for the government. making bread, isn’t it?

4. Learn the vocabulary: succesful, established, maintained, principles, forgiveness, compassion, wholesome,
5. Read aloud. Then listen.

“Successful marriages and families are established and maintained on principles of faith, prayer,
repentance, forgiveness, respect, love, compassion, work, and wholesome recreational activities”
(“The Family: A Proclamation to the World,” ChurchofJesusChrist.org).

6. Ponder: Which of the principles in the quote do you need to work on?
7. Write: What are you going to do this week to work on one of the principles?

8. Speak: Tell three people what you are going to do this week to work on the principle you chose.
74 | EnglishConnect 1—LESSON 19



A. Listen. B. Listen and repeat. C. Write the missing word. D. Read aloud.

1. Excuse me, I’d like to some pants.

2. How much do those blue pants ?
3. dollars.
4. F
 ifty dollars?! I pants, but those
are too for me.
How much do the red pants cost?
5. . cost buy Fifty use need expensive
6. OK, great! I’d like to buy . those cheap Twenty-five


A. Study the chart. B. Listen to 1–4, and repeat.

Asking about Prices

Question Answer
1. How much is this shirt? $12.
It’s $12.
2. How much are those shoes? $25.
They’re $25.
3. How much does the car cost? $9,000.
It’s $9,000.
It costs $9,000.
4. How much do the apples cost? $4.
They’re $4.
They cost $4.
For singular (1): use is, does, it’s. For plural (2+): use are, do, they’re

C. Look at each picture. Say aloud what it is and how much it costs. Listen.

1. skirt 2. tie 3. shoes 4. phone 5. table 6. apple

$14 $21 $45 $140 $399 $1
LESSON 19—EnglishConnect 1 | 75

D. Look at the picture. Write what the item is on the line. Ask aloud how much the item costs.
Listen to the examples. Decide if you’d like to buy the item.

1. 2. 3. 4.
a. I’d like to buy them. a. I’d like to buy it. a. I’d like to buy it. a. I’d like to buy them.
b. I don’t need those. b. I don’t need it. b. I don’t need it. b. I don’t need them.

E. Look at each picture. Read the price. Write a question to ask for the price.

How much does the chicken cost? or How much is the chicken?
Answer: It’s $7.

1. 3.
Answer: It’s $4. Answer: It’s $4.
fish watermelon

2. 4.
Answer: They’re $5. Answer: They’re $5.
strawberries beans


A. Listen to the conversation. Then answer the question that follows.

1. Does Kate buy the sweater? 2. Does Emir buy the phone? 3. What does Claudia buy?
a. Yes, because it’s cheap. a. Yes, because it’s a good price. a. 1 pound of potatoes
b. Yes, because it’s pretty. b. Yes, because he needs it. b. 2 pounds of potatoes
c. No, because she doesn’t like it. c. No, because it’s expensive. c. 8 pounds of potatoes
d. No, because it’s expensive. d. No, because it’s not new. d. 10 pounds of potatoes
B. Look at the pictures and prices below. Say the one you want to buy and why, or say that you don’t want to
buy one of them and why. Listen to the examples.

1. blue hat: $15 2. blue pajamas: $43 3. purple shoes: $50 4. black bike: $1,100
red hat $12 green pajamas $23 black shoes: $17 blue bike $148
76 | EnglishConnect 1—LESSON 19


A. Listen to the story. Finish the sentences.

1. 2. 3.

I some food. is that chicken? I’d like to buy .

4. 5. 6.

That’s . How much is that ? I’d like to it.

7. 8. 9.

The lemon cake is . She loves . It’s my birthday!

B. What things did the friend buy for Sarah’s birthday? Write a list.
2. rice chicken pork dress old book
3. popular book lemon cake chocolate cake


A. Help your practice partner review the vocabulary for this lesson in the back of this book. Make sure
they understand the meaning of the vocabulary.

B. Help them retell the story in Activity 4. Ask questions: “How much is the chicken? How much does
the orange dress cost? Why is the book so expensive? How much is the popular book? Is the friend
surprised? Why? Have you ever surprised a friend? What did you buy?”

C. Look at the pictures in Activity 2C, 2D, and 3B. Take turns asking each other how much each item
costs. Say whether you would buy it or not.

D. Imagine you have $100 to buy things for school. Look at the pictures. Say two things you would like
to buy and two things you don’t want to buy. Explain why. Ask your partner to do the same thing.

book $60 computer $95 pen $3 alarm clock $10 batteries $7 pencils $4
LESSON 19—EnglishConnect 1 | 77


1. Learn the vocabulary: rich, heaven, obey, commandments, poor, follow, give away
2. Listen. 3. Read aloud. Mark 10:17–23

One day a rich young man came to see Jesus. He Jesus told the young man to do one more thing.
asked Jesus, “What do I need to do to go to heaven?” He said, “Sell everything you have. Give the money to
Jesus told him to obey all the commandments. the poor. Then, follow me.”
The rich young man said he always obeyed the

The young man felt sad. He did not want to give Jesus also said we should trust God and love Him
away everything he had. He left Jesus. more than anything else. Then we can live with Him
Jesus said it is hard for people who love riches to go in heaven.
to heaven.

4. Learn the vocabulary: before, riches, seek for, beggars, depend upon, more than
5. Read aloud. Then listen.
“But before ye seek for riches, seek ye for the kingdom of God”
(Jacob 2:18).
“For behold, are we not all beggars? Do we not all depend upon . . . God . . .
for all the riches which we have of every kind?”
(Mosiah 4:19).
6. Ponder: How can you increase your love for God?
7. Write a list of five things you can do to increase your love for God.

8. Speak: Talk about how you can learn to love God more than anything else.
78 | EnglishConnect 1—LESSON 20



A. Listen. B. Listen and repeat. C. Write the missing word. D. Read aloud.

1. do you live?
2. I in an apartment in New York City.
3. Do you like your ?
4. It’s very but it’s not very .
5. It only has one .
6. I like the though.
7. Do you have a ?
8. N
 o. Most in New York City
don’t have a garage.

big live bedroom nice garage Where apartments kitchen apartment


A. Study the chart. Listen and repeat.

a and an
a: before a consonant sound a house, a teacher, a dress, a bed

an: before a vowel sound an apartment, an onion, an egg, an alarm clock

B. Write the missing word.

1. I am teacher. 3. This is orange. 5. I have a question. I have answer.
2. We need new table. 4. My bed is in bedroom. 6. This is beautiful dress.

C. Read the words. Listen and repeat.

1. next to 2. to the left of 3. to the right of 4. on top of

5. on the bottom of 6. in 7. on 8. above
LESSON 20—EnglishConnect 1 | 79


A. Look at the picture of the house. B. Listen to the question.
Write the names of the rooms. Choose the correct answer.

1. 2.
5 a. the living room a. the family room
b. the bedroom b. the laundry room
1 6 c. the closet c. the kitchen

2 3. 4.
a. the kitchen a. the bedroom
3 b. the bathroom b. the bathroom
7 c. the bedroom c. the kitchen

4 8
5. 6.
a. the kitchen a. the kitchen
9 b. the laundry room b. the bathroom
c. the bathroom c. the family room

C. Look at the picture. Finish the sentences.

1. The is to the left of the kitchen.

2. The is in the top right corner.

3. A is in the bottom left corner.

4. The stairs are close to the .

D. Look at the picture. Answer the questions aloud, and then listen to the answers.

1. Where is the clock?

2. Where is the bed?
3. Where is the window?
4. Where is the mirror?
5. Where are the pillows?

E. Read and listen to the questions about your house or apartment. Answer aloud. Listen to the examples.
1. How many bedrooms does your home have ? 4. How many closets do you have?
2. Do you have a garage? 5. Is your kitchen big or small?
3. How many bathrooms do you have? 6. Do you have a living room?

F. Write about your home (color, size, rooms). Do you like it? Why or why not?
80 | EnglishConnect 1—LESSON 20


A. Listen to the story. Finish the sentences.

1. 2. 3.

Do you live in a or an My is too small. A yard is .


4. 5. 6.

Moshe Safdie is an . He doesn’t say, “You need a .” is important.

7. 8. 9.

He built apartment building. They have . The pool is the hotel.


A. Help your practice partner review the vocabulary for this lesson in the back of this book. Make sure
they understand the meaning of the vocabulary.

B. Help them retell the story in Activity 4. Ask: “Do you want to live in Moshe’s apartment? Why or
why not? Do you want to swim in the hotel swimming pool? Why or why not?”

C. Look at the questions in Activities 3E and 3F. Take turns asking each other questions about your
home. Ask as much as you can. For example, ask: “Do you live in a house or an apartment?
What color is your home? How old is your home? Do you like the floor plan?”

D. Look at the floor plan in Activity 3A. Ask your partner questions about the floor plan. For example,
ask: “Where is the kitchen?”

E. Both you and your practice partner label a floor plan for your dream house or apartment. Don’t look
at your partner’s floor plan. Describe your floor plan to your partner. Your partner should draw your
floor plan as you describe it. Now try to draw your partner’s floor plan as he or she describes it.
LESSON 20—EnglishConnect 1 | 81


1. Learn the vocabulary: vacation, attacked, search, broken heart, cross (verb), damaged, overjoyed
2. Listen. 3. Read aloud.

It is 1923. A family from Oregon is Their dog, Bobbie, is attacked by They go home to Oregon with
on vacation in Indiana. They are other dogs. He runs away. The broken hearts.
2,500 miles (about 4,000 km) from family searches everywhere for
home. Bobbie. They can’t find him.

For six months, Bobbie tries to get He swims across rivers. He Many people feed Bobbie. Some
home. He walks and walks. crosses mountains. He runs give him a place to sleep.
through snow. A woman takes care of his feet.

Finally, Bobbie arrives home. He The family is surprised and Bobbie just wanted to go home.
is dirty and thin. His feet are badly overjoyed to see him. The
damaged. newspaper calls him Bobbie the
Wonder Dog.
4. Learn the vocabulary: choices, choose, return, lose, point, degree, sacrifice, longing
5. Read aloud. Then listen.
“The greatest of all choices [God’s children] may make is to AT SOME POINT, TO SOME DEGREE. ...
choose to return to Him” (Russell M. Nelson, “Begin with the IT IS THE ATONING SACRIFICE OF THE
End in Mind” [address given at a seminar for new mission lead-
ers, June 2014]).
6. Ponder: Do you ever feel a longing for your heavenly home?
If so, why?
7. W
 rite some things you can do that will help you return home
to God.
8. Speak: Talk about how Bobbie’s story is like trying to return home to God.
82 | EnglishConnect 1—LESSON 21



A. Listen. B. Listen and repeat. C. Write the missing word. D. Read aloud.
1. This is the .
2. Th
 ere are extra and
in the closet if you need them.
3. There’s the .
4. towels in the cupboard.
soap under the sink.
5. This is !
6. I’m glad you’re !

bedroom wonderful pillows There is visiting blankets bathroom There are

E. Answer the questions.

1. What is in the closet? 2. Which room is small? 3. What is in the cupboard?

a. extra pillows a. the kitchen a. towels
b. extra towels b. the bedroom b. soap
c. extra soap c. the bathroom c. blankets


A. Study the chart.

There is + (singular noun) + (place) . There are + (plural noun) + (place) .

There is a mirror above the sink. There are two pillows on the bed.
There is a closet in the bedroom. There are towels in the bathroom.

B. Read the sentence. Listen and repeat.

1. There is a mirror above 2. There is a closet in the 3. There are two pillows 4. There are towels in the
the sink. bedroom. on the bed. bathroom.

C. Write the missing word. Say the sentence aloud.

1. There a shower in the bathroom. 4. There a closet in the bathroom.
2. There nightstands in the bedroom. 5. There drawers in the cupboard.
3. There lamps on the nightstands. 6. There a sink in the bathroom.
LESSON 21—EnglishConnect 1 | 83

D. Look at the picture of the bedroom below. Talk about what is in the bedroom. Listen to the examples.

1. 2.

E. Look at the picture of the bathroom above. Write 5 sentences about things in the bathroom.


A. Answer the questions aloud. Then listen to the answers.

1. Where is the mirror? 5. Is the bedroom tidy or messy?

2. Where is the toilet? 6. Where is the bed?
3. Where is the sink? 7. Where are the pillows?
4. Is the bathroom tidy or messy? 8. Where is the closet?
B. Look at the picture. Write an answer for each question. Use a complete sentence.

1. Is the bedroom messy or tidy? 3. Is the bathroom clean or dirty? 5. Is the floor dirty or clean?

2. What is on the bed? 4. What is under the window? 6. What color is the floor?
84 | EnglishConnect 1—LESSON 21

C. Look at the pictures. Listen to the descriptions. Choose the bedroom(s) that match the description.

A. B.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
a. bedroom A a. bedroom A a. bedroom A a. bedroom A a. bedroom A a. bedroom A
b. bedroom B b. bedroom B b. bedroom B b. bedroom B b. bedroom B b. bedroom B
c. both bedrooms c. both bedrooms c. both bedrooms c. both bedrooms c. both bedrooms c. both bedrooms

D. Write about your bedroom. Answer the questions. Use complete sentences.

Is your room big or small? What is in your room (bed, dresser, closet)? Where is the bed? Is there a window?
What color is your room? Is your bedroom tidy or messy?


A. Help your practice partner review the vocabulary for this lesson in the back of this book. Make sure
they understand the meaning of the vocabulary.
B. Look at the pictures in Activity 2D and 2E. Help your practice partner use There is and There are
sentences to describe both rooms. Ask: “What is in the room? Where is the ____________?”

C. Look at the pictures in Activity 3C. Help your practice partner describe the rooms. “Where is the bed?” “Is
there a clock?” “How many pillows?” “What color is the bed?” “Where is the window?” “What else can you say?”

D. Talk about a room in your house. Help your practice partner use There is and There are
sentences to describe a room in their house. Ask: “What is in the room? Where is the ____________?”

E. Take turns asking each other questions about your childhood homes. “What did your bedroom
look like?” “Is it big or small?” “Can you describe the bathroom or the kitchen?” Say as much as you
F. Look at the pictures below. Take turns describing one of the rooms. Then guess which room was
LESSON 21—EnglishConnect 1 | 85


1. Learn the vocabulary: hole, fix (verb), carpet
2. Listen. 3. Read aloud.

In 1951, Thomas Monson is a bishop in Bishop Monson looks at the apartment. There are no blankets or pillows in the
the Church. A man says, “My b ­ rother and The kitchen is old. The stove is bad. The bedroom. It is a sad apartment.“It is not
his family are coming from Germany. His cupboards are empty. The living room light much,” says the man. “But it is better than
name is Mr. Gertler. Will you look at their is bad. The paint is dirty. The floor has a nothing.” That night Bishop Monson can’t
apartment?” “Yes,” says Bishop Monson. hole in it. sleep.

On Sunday he goes to church. Someone “We can paint the apartment,” says Three weeks later, Mr Gertler’s ­family
says, “Why are you sad?” B­ ishop Monson another man. “We can put food in the arrives. They go to the apartment. “It is
talks about the apartment. “I can fix the cupboards,” says a woman. ”Great!” says not much,” says the brother.
bad light,” says one man. Bishop Monson.

Bishop Monson opens the door. The The carpet is soft. The paint is nice. The Mr. Gertler has tears in his eyes. “My
family sees a beautiful apartment. The light is bright. There is a Christmas tree in brother,” he says to Bishop Monson. “My
stove is new. The cupboards are full of the living room. brother.” They sing a Christmas song. It is
food. the best Christmas ever!

4. Learn the vocabulary: hunger, thirsty, serving, take someone in

5. Read aloud. Then listen. And the Savior said:
“For I was an hungred, and ye gave me meat: I was thirsty, and ye gave me drink: I was a
stranger, and ye took me in: naked, and ye clothed me: I was sick, and ye visited me”
(Matthew 25:35–36).
6. Ponder: How does serving others bless your life?
7. Write how you can help someone this week: This week, I will
8. Speak: Retell this story to someone. Tell them how you will help another person this week.
86 | EnglishConnect 1—LESSON 22



A. Listen. B. Listen and repeat. C. Write the missing word. D. Read aloud.

1. me, I think I’m lost.

2. Can you me?
3. Sure. are you going?
4. I’m looking for the .
5. How do you get ?
6. First, walk down to the .
7. Then turn .
8. The library is the park.
next to there Excuse right corner Where help library
E. Answer the questions.
1. Where is the library? 2. Where do you turn right?
a. next to the park a. at the store
b. next to the bank b. at the park
c. next to the store c. at the corner

A. Read aloud. Then listen.

1. The house is across from the beach. 2. The bridge is between the buildings. 3. The house is behind the family.

4. The lake is close to the house. 5. The river is in front of the church. 6. The people are around the table.

B. Study the chart. C. Read the sentence. Listen and repeat.

Giving Directions 1. Go west.

Verb + direction word + location 2. Walk past the bank.
Go south. 3. Turn left at the corner.
Turn right.
4. The church is across from the school.
Walk past the church.
Go down to the corner. 5. The store is on the right side of the street.
LESSON 22—EnglishConnect 1 | 87


Restaurant Bank Hospital

First Street
Church Park School Library

Second Street

Third Street
Apartment Building Store Store 1
Fourth Street

D. Look at the city map. Read the question. Write the answer to the question. Use the word given.

1. Where is the park? (between) 4. Where is the school? (in front of)

2. Where is the hospital? (across from) 5. Where is the bank? (next to)

3. Where is the store? (behind)

E. Look at the city map. Listen to conversations 1–4. Choose “true” if the answer is true or “false” if it is false.
1. 2. 3. 4.
a. true a. true a. true a. true
b. false b. false b. false b. false


A. Find 1 on the city map. Start at the airport. Read the directions to a location. Write the location.

1. Go straight on Third Street. Turn left. It is between 3. Go straight on First Street. It’s on the corner and
the school and the church. next to the bank.

2. Go straight on Fourth Street. Turn right on Second 4. Go straight on Third Street. It’s north of the
Street. It is in front of the store and across from airport.
the school.

 ind 2 on the city map. Listen to the question. Write the location. Give directions aloud from the ­
B. F
apartment building to the location. Listen to a possible answer.

1. How do you get to . . . 2. How do you get to . . . 3. How do you get to . . .

the hospital

C. Find 3 on the city map. You are at the library. Write directions to the place given.

1. How do I get to the church? 2. How do I get to the grocery store?

88 | EnglishConnect 1—LESSON 22


A. Listen. B. Read aloud.

A man gets off the train. “Excuse me,” he “Go two blocks and turn left,” says the taxi “There is a Lang Lang piano concert at the
asks a taxi driver. “How do I get to the driver. “Do you like piano music?” asks the park tonight,” says the driver. “It will be
bank?” driver.“Yes, I love piano music,” says the great.”
man. “Thanks!” says the man.

He goes to the bank. Then he crosses “Go past the library and turn right. It’s “Thanks,” says the man.
the street to the bakery. He buys two across the street from the park. There He eats his rolls.
steamed rolls. “Is there a museum in is a Lang Lang piano concert at the park He visits the museum.
town?” he asks the baker. “Yes,” says the tonight. It will be great!”

He walks to the park. At the park, he sees He walks onto the stage. “I’m happy to He sits at the piano and plays.
his new friends. be here,” he says. “The people are so


A. Help your practice partner review the vocabulary for this lesson in the back of this book. Make sure
they understand the meaning of the vocabulary.

B. Help your practice partner retell the story in Activity 4. Where does the man go? What does the man
do? What is happening at the park? Why does he say the people are friendly? What is his name?

C. Look at the city map on the previous page. Choose a location to start. Take turns asking for
directions and giving directions to a location on the map.

D. Find a local map or draw a simple map of your community. Take turns giving each other directions
to a location on the map. For example, give directions to the nearest school. Ask: “How do you get
to the nearest grocery store? a church? a park? a friend’s house?”

E. Tell your practice partner to close their eyes. Give them directions to a location in your house.
For example, say, “Go straight 10 steps. Turn right. Walk past the sofa. Go down the hall.” Then let your
partner give directions to you.
LESSON 22—EnglishConnect 1 | 89


1. Learn the vocabulary: path, narrow, wrong, backward, footprints, edge, cliff, drowned
2. Listen. 3. Read aloud.

George Albert Smith

Late one night, Elder Stout There was a mountain wall on one It was very dark. We didn’t have a
and I were walking to Brother side. There was a deep river on light. We walked slowly. My hand
McKinley’s home. The path was the other side. was touching the mountain wall.

I took my hand off the mountain I called Elder Stout. He answered I slowly walked backward until
wall for a while. Then I felt me from far away. I was on the I felt the wall again. Then we
something was wrong. I stopped wrong path. continued walking. We walked to
immediately. Brother M ­ cKinley’s home.

President George Albert Smith

The next morning, we walked back Just one more step and I would I almost died. I was grateful
the way we came. I followed my have fallen in the river. I would to my Heavenly Father for
footprints to the edge of a steep have drowned. protecting me.

4. Learn the vocabulary: Holy Ghost (the Holy Ghost is the Spirit that God sends to guide us and teach us),
guide, decisions, protect, physical, spiritual, danger
5. Read aloud. Then listen. The Holy Ghost will “show unto [us] all things what [we] should do”
(2 Nephi 32:5).
“He can guide us in our decisions and protect us from physical and spiritual danger”
(“The Holy Ghost Testifies of Truth,” Ensign, Mar. 2010, 11).
6. Ponder: How do you know when God is guiding you?
7. Write three ways God has guided you.

8. Speak: Retell the story about George Albert Smith, and talk about how God has guided you.
90 | EnglishConnect 1—LESSON 23



A. Listen. B. Listen and repeat. C. Write the missing word. D. Read aloud.

Conversation 1
1. Are you OK?
2. Not really. I have a .
3. Oh, I’m to hear that.
Conversation 2

1. What happened to your ?

2. I fell yesterday and it.
3. How do you today?
4. My foot a little.
foot feeling feel better headache hurts sorry broke
5. But I’m feeling .


A. Listen to 1–10. Number the correct body part. B. Study the charts.
How to talk about aches and pains
I have a headache.
I have a .
1 I have a toothache.

He / She She has a stomachache.

has a .
He has a backache.
My head hurts.
My ears hurt.

How to talk about injuries

I / You / cut . I cut my finger.
hurt . He hurt his head.
We / They /
burned . They burned their hands.
He / She broke . She broke her leg.

C. Look at the picture. Read the sentence. Write the missing word. Read aloud.

1. Her are brown. 3. Her are small.

2. His is big. 4. The baby has 10 .

LESSON 23—EnglishConnect 1 | 91

D. Look at the picture. Say what the problem is. Listen.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

E. Look at the pictures above. Write a sentence about the problem.

1. I have a headache.
My head hurts.
2. 5.

F. Look at each picture. Talk about the injury. Use the word given. Listen.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

I He She She He


A. Listen to the conversations. Answer the questions.

1. What happened to Nigel? 3. What happened to Maria?

a. He broke his foot. a. She cut her hand.
b. He hurt his knee. b. She burned her hand.
c. He cut his knee. c. She broke her hand.

2. How did he get hurt? 4. How did she get hurt?

a. playing sports a. A pan fell on her hand.
b. running b. She touched the stove.
c. in a car accident c. She touched a hot pan.

B. Look at each picture. Talk about what is happening. Talk about the injury. Listen.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
92 | EnglishConnect 1—LESSON 23


A. Listen to the story. Finish the sentences.

1. Jesus healed 2. He could not 3. Jesus made his 4. He could not 5. Jesus healed his
many people who . legs and . .
were . strong.

6. None of the 7. People said 8. When she 9. “Thy faith hath 10. Jesus has the
could Jesus could heal touched his made thee whole; power to
help her. any . clothes, she felt her go in ." us and
heal. give us peace.


A. Help your practice partner review the vocabulary for this lesson in the back of this book. Make sure
they understand the meaning of the vocabulary.
B. Take turns asking each other questions about the pictures below. How does the person feel?
What happened? How did he or she get hurt?

C. Help your practice partner retell the story in Activity 4. What does Jabari always say? What do J­abari
and the king do together? What happens to the king’s thumb? What does the king do to Jabari?
What happened to the king? Why is it good that Jabari is in jail?

D. Talk about a time you or someone you know got hurt. What happened? How did you feel?
LESSON 23—EnglishConnect 1 | 93


1. Learn the vocabulary: barge(s), promised land, hole, top, bottom, inside, stones
2. Listen. 3. Read aloud. Ether 2, 3, 6

The Lord talks to the brother The Lord tells the brother of The brother of Jared asks the The Lord tells him to make a
of Jared. He tells him to build Jared how to build the barges. Lord, “How will the people hole in the top and bottom
eight barges to take his people No water can get inside. breathe in the barges?” of each barge. They open the
to the promised land. hole to let air in and close it to
keep water out.

The brother of Jared says, “The The brother of Jared goes to a The brother of Jared says, The brother of Jared has great
barges are dark inside.” The mountain. He makes 16 small “Lord, touch the stones. They faith. He sees the finger of
Lord tells him to think of a way stones from a rock. The stones will light the barges.” The Lord the Lord. It looks like a human
to have light inside the barges. look like clear glass. touches each stone with His finger.

The Lord shows Himself to the The brother of Jared carries the The Jaredites go into the After 344 days on the water,
brother of Jared. He teaches stones down the mountain. He barges with their animals and the barges arrive at the
the brother of Jared many puts two stones in each barge. food. The Lord makes a strong promised land.
great things. There is light inside the barges. wind blow the barges to the
promised land.

4. Learn the vocabulary: muscle, immobile, weak, whatsoever, expedient, grow

5. Read aloud. Then listen.
“Faith is like a muscle. If exercised, it grows strong. If left immobile, it becomes weak”
(Gospel Topics, “Faith in Jesus Christ,” topics.ChurchofJesusChrist.org).

“If ye will have faith in me ye shall have power to do whatsoever thing is expedient in me”
(Moroni 7:33).
6. Ponder: How do you grow your faith in Jesus Christ? How does faith bring light to your life?
7. Write three things to do to grow your faith in Jesus Christ.

8. Speak: Tell the story above to three people. Say how faith brings light to your life.
94 | EnglishConnect 1—LESSON 24



A. Listen. B. Listen and repeat. C. Write the missing word. D. Read aloud.

1. Hey, how are you ?

2. I feel really .
3. I have a ,a ,
and a .
4. I’m sorry to hear that. That sounds .
You need .
5. Y
 es, I do. I am very , and I can’t go to
. I’ll try to rest today.
6. I hope you soon. sick doing fever awful sore throat
Me too. Thanks! cough tired feel better rest work later


A. Study the chart. B. Listen and repeat 1–8.

Nouns Verbs Adjectives

I have . . . I... I feel . . .
diarrhea a cold sneeze sick
heartburn a runny nose breathe weak
chills a sore throat cough dizzy
a fever a headache throw up nauseated
a cough blow my nose congested

C. Listen to conversations 1–6. Number the picture that matches the conversation.

LESSON 24—EnglishConnect 1 | 95

D. Look at the picture. Write a sentence about how the person feels. Use “I.”

I have a fever. 1. 2.

3. 4. 5.

E. Look at each picture. Say what is wrong with each person. Listen to the examples.

diarrhea fever congested blow nose weak sore throat

F. Look at each picture. Read the message to the doctor. Write the missing words.

1. Hello, Doctor,
weak cough throw up I am not doing very well. I feel
breathe nauseated sore throat sick. I have a and
a . I cannot
diarrhea stomachache
very well. What can I do?

2. Hello, Doctor, 3. Hello, Doctor,

I am not doing very well. I feel sick. I am not doing very well. I feel sick.
I have and a . I feel .I
I feel and tired. What a lot. What can I do?
can I do?

G. You are visiting a friend. Your friend is sick. Write about how he or she feels. Write 3 or 4 sentences.
96 | EnglishConnect 1—LESSON 24


A. Listen. B. Read aloud.

Tammy wakes up. She looks out the “I feel sick. I don’t think I can go to work,” “Hi, Tammy. How are you?” asks her boss.
window. It’s a beautiful sunny day, but she says out loud. Tammy calls her boss. “I feel really sick,” Tammy says.
Tammy is sad. She does not feel good.

“Oh?” says her boss. “Yes,” says Tammy. “I’m sorry to hear that,” says her boss. “I “You sound awful,” says her boss. “Drink
“I have a fever.” Tammy coughs loudly. have a sore throat too,” says Tammy. She some hot lemon water.” “Oh, I’m very
blows her nose. tired,” says Tammy. “And I don’t have any

“I will bring some to you,” says her boss. Tammy asks her boss, “May I please take a sick
“No, thank you,” says Tammy. “I just need day today?” “Yes,” says her boss. “You do not
to rest.” need to come to work today. I hope you feel
better soon.” “Thanks,” says Tammy, “I do too.”


A. Help your practice partner review the vocabulary for this lesson in the back of this book. Make sure
they understand the meaning of the vocabulary.
B. Look at the pictures in Activity 2C. Help your practice partner talk about each picture. Ask: “What’s
wrong?” “How do they feel?”
Look at the pictures below. One of you is the doctor, and one of you is the patient. Have a
conversation for each picture. Use the words given. Then switch roles.

headache, tired, fever nauseated, throw up dizzy, weak, tired congested, sneeze, cold

C. Ask your practice partner to retell the story in Activity 3. Is Tammy sick? Why doesn’t Tammy want to
go to work? Does Tammy want her boss to bring her lemons? Why or why not? Does Tammy know
it’s beach day? How does Tammy feel when she hangs up the phone?

D. Take turns talking about a time you or someone you knew got sick. What did you have? How did
you feel?
LESSON 24—EnglishConnect 1 | 97


1. Learn the vocabulary: idol, save, throw, built, angel, amazed
2. Listen. 3. Read aloud. Daniel 3:1–29

The king of Babylon made a gold idol. He Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-nego did Someone told the king. He was angry.
told the people to pray to the idol. They not pray to the idol. They prayed to God. He asked Shadrach, Meshach, and
would be burned in a fire if they did not Abed-nego to come to him. The king said,
pray to it. “You will be burned.”

Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-nego were The king was very angry. He told his The king’s servants built a big fire. The
not afraid. They said, “We know God can servants to throw them in the fire. servants threw Shadrach, Meshach, and
save us. But if not, we will not pray to the Abed-nego into the fire. The fire was very
idol. We only pray to God.” hot. The servants died.

The king looked into the fire. He saw four The king shouted to Shadrach, Meshach, The king of Babylon made a law. The law
men walking in the fire. One of them was and Abed-nego. He said, “Come out of the said no one should say bad things about
an angel of God. God saved Shadrach, fire.” The fire did not burn their hair or God. Only God could save men from fire.
Meshach, and Abed-nego. clothes. They did not smell like smoke. The
king was amazed.

4. Learn the vocabulary: confidence, ways, nevertheless, will (noun), thine = yours, trust
5. Read aloud. Then listen.
“Faith is . . . a confidence in the Lord” (Lance B. Wickman, “But If Not,” Ensign or Liahona, Nov. 2002, 31).

“My ways [are] higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts” (Isaiah 55:9).

“Nevertheless not my will, but thine, be done” (Luke 22:42).

6. Ponder: How can you increase your faith in God?

7. Write: I can trust God because
8. Speak: Retell the above story to someone. Talk about how you can show your trust in God.
98 | EnglishConnect 1—LESSON 25



A. Listen to 1–3. Answer the question after each conversation.

1. Where is Francisca from?

a. Chile c. Fiji
b. Italy d. Brazil
2. What does she do for work? She is a(n) .
a. computer programmer c. accountant
b. teacher d. office worker
3. Who is in Francisca’s family?
a. two sisters c. sons
b. two daughters d. two nephews

B. You have a new neighbor. Write a note to put on his or her door.
Write: 1. your name 3. where you work
2. what you do for work 4. what you like to do


A. Tell a friend about your family. Use this picture.

Talk about four people in the family.
• their name
• their relationship to you
• a physical description (hair, eyes, tall, short, etc.)
• a personal description (age, funny, happy, etc.)
B. Listen to the example.


A. Read the schedule. Answer the questions.

Lucy’s Schedule
1. What does Lucy usually do at 7:30? 3. What does she do after work? 6:00 Wake up
a. She wakes up. a. She makes dinner. 6:30 Exercise
b. She eats breakfast. b. She exercises. 7:00 Take a shower
c. She goes to work. c. She relaxes. Get ready
2. What time does Lucy eat lunch? 4. What does she do before work? 7:30 Eat breakfast
a. 11:30 a. She studies. 8:00 Go to work
b. 12:00 b. She exercises. 11:30 Eat lunch
c. 12:30 c. She eats lunch. 4:00 Come home
4:30 Relax
LESSON 25—EnglishConnect 1 | 99

B. Tell what you usually do on Saturday and what time you do it. Read and listen to the example.

On Saturday, I usually wake up at 9:30. At 10:00,
I clean my house. Then I take a shower. At 2:00, I
usually go shopping. I buy food for the week. In the
evening, I go out with my friends.


A. Write about your favorite place to eat.

• What is the name of the restaurant? • What do you order?

• When do you usually go there? • How much does it cost?

B. You are at a restaurant with your friend. Your friend doesn’t speak English. Look at the menu.
Say 3 things that you want to order. Say 3 things that your friend wants to order. Listen to examples 1 and 2.


A. Two friends are at a shop. Listen to their conversation. Write the missing words.
1. want to buy this blue shirt? It's pretty. this buy too Do you How much
2. Maybe. does it cost?
3. 23 dollars.
4. Really? That's expensive.
5. Do you like red blouse instead? It's 12 dollars.
6. Yes, that's pretty too. I'll it!

B. Listen to questions 1–3. Say the answers to the questions aloud.

C. You are cooking dinner for a friend. You need 10 things for dinner. Write a shopping list for your dinner.
Write how much of each thing you need.
100 | EnglishConnect 1—LESSON 25

A. A relative is coming to visit you. Write an email about your house.

Write about the bedroom.

Write about the bathroom.

B. Give directions to your house from a nearby school. Listen to the example.

Colonial Street

Maple Street
Baker Street

Main Street


A. Listen to the weather forecast. Answer the questions in a complete sentence.

1. What is the weather tonight?

2. What will the weather be on Saturday?

3. What will the weather be Sunday night?

B. Talk about your favorite month of the year. Listen to the example.
• Why is it your favorite? • What do you do? • What is the weather like?

A. Look at the pictures. Match the sentence to the picture it describes.

F 1. I feel dizzy and weak.

2. I have a headache.

3. My knee hurts. A. B. C.

4. I cut my finger.

5. I have a fever.

6. I have a sore throat. D. E. F.

LESSON 25—EnglishConnect 1 | 101

B. Write an email to your doctor.

• Tell her that your family member is sick. • Tell how he or she feels. • Ask what to do.

C. Say what you do to be healthy. Listen to the example.

Do you like to exercise? What activities do you do? What do you eat to be healthy?


A. Sit facing your partner, with the book between you. Partner A looks only at the Partner A section. Part-
ner B looks only at the Partner B section. Ask questions and write the missing personal information.

PARTNER A Favorite food: ______________________

Name: Emily Larkin
I like my job because I like to help
From: Puntarenes, Costa Rica
Age: 28 Birthday:
Dislikes: shopping, ___________
Family: 3 brothers, 1 sister
Likes: listening to music, ___________
Likes: cooking, ___________
Family: only child
Dislikes: jogging, ___________
Age: 35 Birthday:
From: Santa Monica, California, USA
I like my job because I love to cook.
Name: Jason Park
Favorite food: ______________________
Favorite food: chicken enchiladas
Name: Jason
From: Likes/dislikes her job?
Age: Birthday: May 2 Job: chef
Family: Dislikes: scary movies, ___________
Likes: playing soccer,_______ Likes: dancing, ___________
Dislikes: jogging, ___________ Family:
Job: doctor Age: Birthday: December 27
Likes/dislikes his job? From:
Favorite food: steak and salad PARTNER B

B. Emily and Dr. Park are at a soccer game. Emily falls

down the stairs. Dr. Park goes to help. He asks her Emily Dr. Park
questions to make sure she is OK. Create a conversa- 11:00 lunch
with friends
9:00 Mr. Jones
10:00 Sam
tion for them. Talk about personal information. Talk 11:00
12:00 Rosie
3:00 work
about what hurts. Talk about treatment. Give directions 11:00 go home 1:00
2:00 Devin
to the hospital. Using the schedules, make an appoint- 3:00 Go home

ment for Emily to visit Dr. Park.

102 | EnglishConnect 1—LESSON 25


1. Learn the vocabulary: fortunate, everywhere, common

2. Listen. 3. Read aloud.

Hello. My name is Claudio. I Now I work at the Santiago The guests that come here are
served a mission in Peru. My Marriott Hotel. It was a blessing from everywhere—Europe,
companions and my mission to learn English. I can use it in my America, Asia. And the common
president helped me study job. I help the guests and give language that they have is English.
English. them directions.

Hi. My name is Thomas. I’m from On my mission, I learned the I think in English. I speak English.
Tahiti. I’m a BYU–Hawaii student. English language. Now I am I have to use English for work and
fortunate to work at the in class. English is everywhere.
Polynesian C­ ultural Center. I am
a fire dancer.

Hi. My name is Nadia. I’m from I use English for reading, studying, My husband and I are happy
Russia. I started to study English and working. I use it most of all for to grow together. English has
on my mission. my family. blessed my life. I feel very happy.

4. Learn the vocabulary: press forward, steadfastness, brightness, hope, endure

5. Read aloud. Then listen.
“Ye must press forward with a steadfastness in Christ, having a perfect brightness of hope. . . .
If ye shall press forward . . . and endure to the end, behold . . . : Ye shall have eternal life”
(2 Nephi 31:20).

6. Ponder: How has learning English blessed your life? What does it mean to press forward with faith?
7. Write a list of things to do to help you press forward with faith.

8. Speak: Tell three people how learning English has blessed your life.
LESSON 25—EnglishConnect 1 | 103
104 | EnglishConnect 1—Vocabulary

EnglishConnect 1: Vocabulary LESSON 1

alphabet answer repeat

goal ask say
name listen speak
partner practice spell
please read write
thank you


where Great Britain Lima

Argentina India London
Brazil Japan Moscow
China Mexico Paris
Egypt Nigeria Salt Lake City
France Russia Sydney
Germany United States Taipei
Ghana Berlin Tokyo


when zero first

January one second
February two third
March three fourth
April four fifth
May five sixth
June six seventh
July seven eighth
August eight ninth
September nine tenth
October ten
Vocabulary—EnglishConnect 1 | 105


bike like sleep

camp listen to music study
cook paint swim
dance play sports travel
do read watch movies and TV
garden run watch sports
go to the beach shop what
go to the theater sing write


annoying entertaining popular

boring exciting relaxing
cheap expensive social
dangerous fun tiring
different important unimportant
difficult interesting useful
easy nice wonderful


aunt grandfather sister

brother grandmother sister-in-law
brother-in-law grandson son
children husband son-in-law
cousin mother/mom stepbrother
daughter mother-in-law stepdad
daughter-in-law nephew stepmom
father/dad niece stepsister
father-in-law parent uncle
granddaughter siblings wife
106 | EnglishConnect 1—Vocabulary


athletic selfish hair

artistic wild beard
energetic married mustache
excellent single bald
friendly old curly
funny young straight
giving short long
happy tall short
intelligent fat black
kind thin blonde
lazy eyes brown
loud glasses gray
loyal blue red
lucky green
messy hazel


alarm clock headphones postcard

battery key purse
book license scissors
brush light bulb stamp
button magazine table
camera newspaper television
chair notebook tissue
chewing gum pen toothbrush
clock pencil umbrella
comb phone wallet
computer photo watch
Vocabulary—EnglishConnect 1 | 107


belt sandals black

blouse shirt blue
boots shoes brown
bracelet skirt gray
coat slacks green
dress slippers orange
earrings socks purple
jacket suit red
jeans sunglasses white
necklace sweater yellow
pants tie
ring T-shirt


brush my teeth get up read the news

do my hair go to school shave
eat breakfast go to work take a shower
feed the cat make breakfast wake up
feed the dog make the bed wash my face
get dressed put on makeup watch the news
get ready


clean go to bed study

come home make lunch take a nap
cook dinner pray take a walk
do homework put on my pajamas visit my friends
eat relax wash my face
exercise run errands watch TV
fall asleep
108 | EnglishConnect 1—Vocabulary


Sunday eleven eleventh twenty-one

Monday twelve twelfth twenty-two
Tuesday thirteen thirteenth thirty-three
Wednesday fourteen fourteenth thirty-four
Thursday fifteen fifteenth forty-five
Friday sixteen sixteenth forty-six
Saturday seventeen seventeenth forty-seven
Sunday eighteen eighteenth fifty-eight
nineteen nineteenth fifty-nine
twenty twentieth
thirty thirtieth


cloudy raining lightning

cold snowing rain
foggy cloud rainbow
hot drizzle sleet
humid drought snow
rainy flood sun
sunny fog thunder
windy hail wind
Vocabulary—EnglishConnect 1 | 109


accountant entertainer scientist

architect factory worker secretary
artist farmer server
carpenter fireman surgeon
cashier fisherman teacher
clerk flight attendant veterinarian
computer programmer hairstylist welder
construction worker journalist factory
cook mechanic hospital
custodian nurse office
dentist painter restaurant
doctor postal worker school
electrician salesperson store


build take care of student

clean teach surgery
cut write articles boring
deliver customer difficult
help food full-time
perform hair fun
program computers mail interesting
sell packages part-time
serve product self-employed
110 | EnglishConnect 1—Vocabulary


taste fruit meat vegetable

texture apple bacon beans
delicious banana beef broccoli
gross blueberry chicken carrot
healthy grapes duck corn
salty mango fish green beans
sweet orange ham lettuce
bread peach lamb onion
cheese pear pork peas
chocolate pineapple sausage potato
egg raspberry turkey squash
milk strawberry tomato


cake hot dog pizza

chips ice cream relish
cookies ketchup salad
dessert mayonnaise sandwich
drink milkshake soda
fries mustard soup
hamburger pasta steak


first put oven

next slice pan
then stir plate
last blender pot
add bowl refrigerator
bake cup spoon
boil fork stove
chop knife ingredients
cook measuring cup flour
heat measuring spoon oil
mix microwave salt
peel mixer sugar
Vocabulary—EnglishConnect 1 | 111


seventy expensive buy skirt

eighty cheap cost tie
ninety good need apple
one hundred bad dress car
one thousand pretty pajamas chicken
one million ugly shirt phone
shoes table


house attic kitchen

apartment basement laundry room
floor plan bathroom living room
corner bedroom office
directions closet pantry
left dining room porch
right family room spare room
top garage stairs
bottom guest room yard
next to hall


behind bathtub furniture

in bed lamp
on blanket mirror
on top of carpet nightstand
under ceiling pillow
underneath closet shower
big cupboard sink
clean desk soap
dirty door toilet
messy drawer towel
neat dresser window
small floor
112 | EnglishConnect 1—Vocabulary


go in front of gas station

go past behind grocery store
turn across from library
walk next to museum
left between park
right on police station
north airport post office
south bakery restaurant
east bank road
west block school
straight church street
at the corner of drugstore train station


break chest leg

burn chin lips
cut ears mouth
hurt elbow neck
backache eyebrow nose
earache eyelash shoulder
headache eyes skin
stomachache face stomach
toothache finger throat
ankle foot toe
arm hair tongue
back hand tooth
blood head wrist
cheek knee
Vocabulary—EnglishConnect 1 | 113


congested body aches gas

dizzy chills heartburn
nauseated cold insomnia
sick constipation rash
weak cough runny nose
blow my nose cramps sore muscles
breathe diarrhea sore throat
cough dry eyes stiff muscles
sneeze fever watery eyes
throw up
114 | EnglishConnect 1—Answer Key

EnglishConnect 1 LESSON 1
Activity 2C: Activity 3D:
1. a 2. a 3. b 4. b 5. a 6. a 7. b 8. a 1. Sara 2. Jin 3. Trent 4. Rei 5. Quincy 6. Gaby

Conversation 1: Conversation 3: Activity 4A: Activity 4B: Activity 5A:
1. Good 1. Good 2. you 4. See 1. a 1. b 1. a
2. How Activity 2D: 2. b 2. c 2. a
3. fine 1. What’s your name? 3. a 3. b
4. you 2. I’m good, thanks. 4. a
Activity 4C Examples:
5. thanks 3. It’s nice to meet you, too. 1. I’m fine. How are you? Activity 6B:
Conversation 2: 2. My name is Susan. I’m Sarah. 1. a 4. a
Activity 3A:
1. name 4. from 3. I am from Italy. I’m from Peru. 2. a 5. c
1. a 3. c
2. My 5. meet 3. b 6. c
3. Where 6. It’s 2. b 4. b

Conversation 1: Conversation 2: Activity 4A: Activity 5A: Activity 6A: Activity 7A:
1. birthday 5. What’s 1. Our birthdays are in 4—fourth 1. b
1. Emiko
2. October 6. My October. 1—first 2. b 763-245-9801
3. your 7. Thank 2. His birthday is on 6—sixth 3. c
4. September February 28. 8—eighth 4. a 2. Ari
Activity 2A: December 2nd
5. today 1. b 3. Their birthdays are 10—tenth Activity 6B:
Conversation 2: 2. c on the same day. 7—seventh 1. c 3. Tomas
4. When is her birthday? 5—fifth tomasc@email
1. phone 3. a 2. a .com
2. number 4. b 5. Today is my birthday. 2—second 3. a
3. address 5. b 3—third 4. b 4. Talia
4. It’s 9—ninth 358 Oak Street
6. c
Conversation 1: Conversation 2: Activity 3A: Activity 4A: Activity 6A:
1. What 1. b 3 1 2 1. No, he likes to watch TV. 1. b
2. like 2. a 6 5 4 2. Yes, they like to shop. 2. c
3. Me 3. b 3. No, he likes to sleep. 3. b
4. Do Activity 3B: 4. She likes to listen to music. 4. a
5. don’t 1. a 5. They like to play sports.
6. neither 2. a Activity 5:
7. dance 3. b 1. a
8. really 4. b 2. a
9. too 5. a 3. b
6. a 4. b
Conversation 1: Conversation 1 E: Activity 2C: Activity 3A: Activity 5A: Activity 7B: Activity 8:
1. do, to 1. c 1. sing 1. a, d 1. a 1. b 1. a
2. Why 2. a 2. doesn’t like 2. c, e 2. b 2. a 2. b
3. because
4. you, cook
3. b 3. read books 3. a, d, e 3. d 3. a 3. c
5. not 4. read books 4. a, d 4. c 4. a 4. c
6. don’t, it’s 5. likes 5. c, e 5. a
7. what 6. boring 6. a, b 6. b
8. read
9. Really
7. c, e
10. because, 8. c, d, e
Answer Key—EnglishConnect 1 | 115

EnglishConnect 1 LESSON 6
Conversation 1: Activity 2D: Activity 4A: Activity 5A:
1. from, dance, big 2. They have one brother. 1. 2 / two 1. There are four people in
2. family 3. I have two sisters. 2. son this family.
3. There, sister, 4. He has one uncle. 3. cousin 2. They have two children.
How many 5. We have six children. 4. 2 / two 3. They have one son.
4. brothers, are 6. She has three nieces. 5. grandfather 4. They have one daughter.
5. b 6. mother
6. a Activity 3A: 7. niece
7. b 1. a 3. b 8. cousins
2. b 4. a

Conversation 1: Activity 2C: Activity 5A: Activity 6A: Activity 7A Examples:
1. family 1. a 1. c 1. d Hugo
2. there are 2. d 2. a 2. b This is Hugo. He is 29 years old. He has black,
3. have 3. c 3. b curly hair. He has a beard and a mustache. He
4. sister 4. b 4. d is thin. He likes to run. He is happy and athletic.
5. your 5. c Helen
6. is 6. a This is Helen. She is 66 years old. She has
7. tall, has short, gray hair. She is not young. She likes to
8. likes garden. She is quiet and artistic.

Converation 1: Activity 2C: Activity 3A: Activity 5A: Activity 7C:
1. this 1. a 1. This is a chair. 2. These are his books. 1. c, e
2. it’s 2. b 2. These are clocks. 3. Is this her wallet? 2. a, b, d, e
3. My 3. b 3. It’s a toothbrush. 4. Are these your pencils? 3. a, c, d,
4. these 4. a 4. They’re buttons. 5. Do you like these watches?
5. they’re 5. a 5. It’s a camera. 6. Does she like this table?
6. are 6. b 6. These are tissues.
7. a 7. This is an umbrella. Activity 6A:
8. a 8. They’re headphones. table, chair, computer, books, pencils, clock,
phone, lamp, candles, plants, flowers, bookshelf


Conversation 1: Activity 2C: Activity 2D: Activity 4A:

1. looking for 1. This is a purple tie. 1. These, Those 1. c
2. shirt 2. These are blue socks 2. this, that 2. a
3. Those 3. It’s a yellow dress. 3. is 3. a
4. them 4. They’re red shoes. 4. Are 4. b
5. green 5. It’s a brown belt. 5. these, those 5. c
6. one 6. These are orange 6. this, that
Activity 4B:
7. there sandals.
Activity 3C: 1. Raoul is wearing a blue shirt, blue pants
8. shirts 7. That is a black suit.
1. a and a brown belt.
Conversation 1E: 8. They’re blue skirts.
2. b 2. Esther is wearing a purple shirt, blue
1. b
3. c pants and a watch.
2. a
4. a 3. Omar is wearing glasses, a gray shirt,
and blue jeans.
116 | EnglishConnect 1—Answer Key

EnglishConnect 1 LESSON 10
Conversation 1: Activity 2D: Activity 4C:
1. morning 1. Claudia usually takes a shower in the morning. 1. She puts on makeup and eats breakfast.
2. usually, breakfast 2. Michael and Susan usually make breakfast in 2. She begins working at 5:00 a.m.
3. does, do the morning.
4. brushes, news 3. I usually watch the news in the morning.
5. about you 4. We usually brush our teeth in the morning.
6. get up, work 5. Minhye usually goes to school in the morning.
6. Lin usually goes to work in the morning.
Activity 2C:
1. a 4. c Activity 3B: 1. d 2. a 3. c 4. b
2. b 5. a
3. c 6. b Activity 3C: 1. a, c 2. c, d 3. a, d 4. a, d

Conversation 1: Activity 2B: Activity 2D: Activity 3B:
1. doing, going, 2. She is praying. 1a. Enzo is eating dinner now. 1. busy
pizza, to 3. I am eating dinner. 1b. He usually studies. 2. studying
2. fun, studying 4. They are relaxing. 2a. Gamila is relaxing now. 3. helping
3. study, nights 5. He is coming home. 2b. She usually does her homework. 4. cooking dinner
3a. Jeong Woo is praying now.
4. usually, test 6. She is studying.
3b. He usually puts on his pajamas
5. good before bed.

Conversation 1: Activity 2C: Activity 3A: Activity 4C: Activity 5A:
1. have, time 1. It’s 8:45. 1. b 1. fourteenth 1. a
2. It’s 2. It’s 11:15. 2. a 2. fifteenth 2. b
3. thank you 3. It’s 8:30. 3. c 3. day 3. b
4. welcome 4. It’s 11:30. 4. c 4. Friday 4. c
5. It’s 1:15.
Activity 2B: 6. It’s 7:45. Activity 3B: Activity 4F: Activity 6A Example:
1. b 7. It’s 10:30. 1. g 1. It’s 6:15. My birthday is March 25th. I usually
2. a 8. It’s 5:00. 2. d 2. It’s Wednesday. get up at 9:00. My husband makes
3. b 3. a 3. It’s April twelfth. me breakfast at 9:30. I go to work
4. c 4. f 4. No, it’s the fifteenth. late at 10:00 and I come home from
5. a 5. h work early at 3:30. I like to shop and
6. c 6. e read on my birthday. I like to go to a
7. b restaurant with my family at 6:00.
8. c

Conversation 1: Activity 3A: Activity 3E:
1. weather 1. b 1. cloudy, cold
2. raining 2. a 2. Friday, Saturday
3. Will 3. b 3. partly cloudy
4. April 4. c 4. sunny, hot
Activity 2B: Activity 3D: Activity 3F:
1. raining 1. It’s cloudy. It’s cold. 1. Today will be cloudy.
2. sunny (or hot) 2. It’s hot. It’s sunny. 2. Saturday will be rainy.
3. cloudy (or cold) 3. There’s thunder. It’s raining. 3. Sunday will be partly cloudy.
4. windy 4. It’s snowing. It’s cold. 4. Tuesday the weather will be
5. foggy (or cold) 5. It’s raining. sunny.
6. snowy (or snowing) 6. It’s sunny.
Answer Key—EnglishConnect 1 | 117

EnglishConnect 1 LESSON 14
Conversation 1: Activity 2B: Activity 2C: Activity 2E:
1. work 1. He is a secretary. 1. What do you do for work? 1. a 4. a
2. teacher 2. She is a custodian. 2. What does he do for work? 2. b 5. a
3. really 3. He is a doctor. 3. What does she do for work? 3. b 6. a
4. very 4. She is a construction worker. 4. What do you do for work?
5. She is a scientist. 5. What do they do for work?
Conversation 2: 6. He is a cook. Activity 3C:
1. what, job
Activity 2D: 1. He is a carpenter.
7. She is a cashier. 1. a
2. Where 8. He is a server. 2. The lady is angry.
2. b
3. restaurant 3. He makes her smile.
3. a
4. A lot of money!
4. b

Conversation 1: Conversation 1E: Activity 2C: Activity 2E Example:
1. looking 1. b 1. a 1. She is a journalist. She works in a tall building.
2. Why 2. b 2. a She works full-time. She writes articles. She
3. part-time 3. a 3. b talks to many people. She likes her job because
4. you do 4. b 4. a it’s interesting. She goes to work at 7:00 a.m. She
5. boring, clean, goes home at 6:00 p.m.
see Activity 2A: Activity 2D:
6. job 1. I work full-time. 1. a Activity 3C:
7. hairstylist 2. She is self-employed. 2. b 1. He is an accountant.
8. cut, meet 3. They clean buildings. 3. c 2. No, it’s boring.
4. She serves food. 3. He likes to fish, cook, and build.
5. He helps customers.
6. She teaches students.

Conversation 1: Activity 2A: Activity 3B: Activity 4C:
1. lunch 1. a 1. He usually eats vegetables for lunch. 1. Do you love food?
2. fish 2. b 2. She usually eats chicken for dinner. 2. He cooks Indian food.
3. like 3. b 3. They usually eat pineapple for 3. She doesn’t like Indian food.
4. favorite 4. a breakfast. 4. What will he serve?
5. taste 5. b 4. We usually eat potatoes for dinner. 5. He serves fish and lamb.
6. chicken 5. I usually eat sausage for lunch.
7. healthy
8. have Activity 4B: Activity 5B:
1. 5 Madame Mallory sees what Hassan serves. 1. Ricky’s favorite food is lamb.
Conversation 1E: 2. 2 Hassan moves to France. 2. It’s salty and delicious.
1. No, she doesn’t. 3. 6 The storekeeper has no fish or lamb. 3. No, she doesn’t like squash.
2. She doesn’t like the taste. 4. 1 Hassan lives in India. 4. She does not like the texture.
3. They cook chicken. 5. 3 Hassan has an Indian restaurant. 5. Yes, he likes milk.
6. 4 Madame Mallory doesn’t like Indian food. 6. It’s healthy and sweet.

Conversation 1: Activity 2A: Activity 2C: Activity 4B:
1. hungry 4 , 3 , 1 1. a 1. soup, beef, apple pie, chicken, lettuce
2. Do 5 , 2 , 2. a 2. bread, tomatoes, cheese, onions, ice cream
3. sounds 3. b
4. like
5. cafe
Activity 3B:
6. sandwiches
2. She orders a sandwich and a soda.
3. They order a cheese pizza.
4. He orders a steak and potatoes.
118 | EnglishConnect 1—Answer Key

EnglishConnect 1 LESSON 18
Conversation 1: Activity 2D: Activity 3A: Activity 3E: Activity 4C:
1. sandwich 1. chicken 1. b, carrots 1. b 1. First, heat the oven.
2. make 2. onions, carrots, celery 2. d, fish 2. a 2. Add two eggs. Stir.
3. First 3. boil 3. b 3. Next, add flour and baking powder.
4. oil 4. vegetables Activity 3D: 4. a 4. Last, chop the strawberries.
5. heat 5. stir 1. Last 5. Bake for 30 minutes.
6. Last, bread 6. cook 2. First
7. try 3. Then / Next
4. Next / Then

Conversation 1: Activity 2E: Activity 3A: Activity 4A: Activity 4A:
1. buy 1. How much is the fish? 1. b 1. need chicken, rice,
2. cost How much does the fish cost? 2. c 2. How much chocolate cake,
3. Fifty 2. How much are the strawberries? 3. d 3. some rice popular book
4. need, expensive How much do the strawberries cost? 4. expensive
5. Twenty-five 3. How much is the melon? 5. book
6. those How much does the melon cost? 6. buy
4. How much are the beans? 7. $15 / fifteen dollars
Activity 2D:
How much do the beans cost? 8. chocolate cake
1. boots
9. not
2. coat
3. suit
4. socks

Conversation 1: Activity 3A: Activity 3B: Activity 3C: Activity 3F Example: Activity 4A:
1. Where 1. bedroom 1. a 1. bathroom I live in a small blue 1. house, apartment
2. live 2. closet 2. c 2. living room house. There are five 2. bathroom
3. apartment 3. bathroom 3. c 3. bedroom rooms in my house. 3. important
4. nice, big 4. bedroom 4. a 4. bathroom / There is a bathroom, two 4. architect
5. bedroom 5. living room 5. b kitchen / bedrooms, a kitchen, 5. garage
6. kitchen 6. laundry room 6. c living room and a living room. I like 6. Light
7. garage 7. family room my home. It is just the 7. an
8. apartments 8. kitchen right size for me. 8. a yard
Activity 2B: 9. dining room 9. on top of
1. a 4. a
2. a 5. an
3. an 6. a

Conversation 1: Activity 2C: Activity 3B: Activity 3C:
1. bedroom 1. is 1. The bedroom is messy. 1. b
2. pillows, blankets 2. are 2. Clothes are on the bed. 2. a
3. bathroom 3. are 3. The bathroom is clean. 3. a
4. There are; There is 4. is 4. The bathtub is under the window. 4. c
5. wonderful 5. are 5. The floor is dirty. 5. b
6. visiting 6. is 6. The floor is white. 6. b

Activity 1E: Activity 2E Example: Activity 3D Example:

1. a In the bathroom, there is a shower. There My bedroom is small. In my room there is a bed, a
2. c is a sink. There is a mirror above the sink. dresser, a closet and a nightstand. There is a lamp
3. a There is a bathtub. There are towels. on the night stand. There is a window over my bed.
There are rugs on the floor. My room is gray. My bedroom is a little messy.
Answer Key—EnglishConnect 1 | 119

EnglishConnect 1 LESSON 22
Conversation 1: Conversation 1E: Activity 2E: Activity 3B:
1. Excuse 1. a 1. a 2. the bank 3. the airport
2. help 2. c 2. b
3. Where 3. b Activity 3C:
4. library Activity 2D: 4. a 1. Go straight on First Street. The
5. there 1. The park is between the church and the church is across from the
6. corner school. Activity 3A: restaurant and next to the park.
7. right 2. The hospital is across from the airport 1. Park 2. Turn left and go straight on Second
8. next to and the library. 2. Library street. The grocery store is on the
3. The store is behind the library. 3. Restaurant corner. It is behind the school.
4. The school is in front of the grocery store. 4. Hospital
5. The bank is next to the restaurant.

Conversation 1: Activity 2A: Activity 2C: Activity 3A: Activity 4A:
1. feeling 1. eyes 1. b 1. sick
2. headache 3 4 2. nose 2. a 2. walk
3. sorry 1 3. feet 3. b 3. feet
4. toes 4. c 4. see
Conversation 2: Activity 2E: 5. eyes
1. foot 5 6. doctors
2. My ear hurts.
2. broke I have an earache. 7. sickness
2 8. body
3. feel 3. My back hurts.
4. hurts 9 9. peace
I have a backache.
5. better 4. My stomach hurts 10. heal
7 I have a stomachache.
5. My tooth hurts.
I have a toothache.
6 10

Conversation 1: Activity 2C: Activity 2D: Activity 2F: Activity 2G Example:
1. doing 1. I sneeze. 1. sore throat, My friend Moeko is sick. She feels
2. sick 4 3 1 I blow my nose. cough, breathe tired and weak. She feels nause-
3. fever, sore 2. I feel dizzy. 2. diarrhea, ated. She throws up a lot. She is
throat, cough 5 2 6 3. I feel nauseated. stomachache, going to have a baby.
4. awful, rest 4. I have a cough. weak
5. tired, work, later 5. I throw up. 3. nauseated,
6. feel better throw up

Activity 1A: Activity 4A Example: Activity 6A Example 1: Activity 7A:
1. d My favorite restaurant is Hello, Milena. I am happy you are 1. It will be rainy.
2. a The Thai House. I usually go coming to stay with us. The bedroom 2. It will be warm and sunny.
3. a there with my mom for a you will sleep in is small but clean. 3. It will be cloudy and windy.
Activity 1B Example: birthday dinner. I order the The walls are blue. It has a bed for
Hi! My name is Luz. I’m a
green curry. It is spicy. It one person. It has a closet for your Activity 8A:
costs $9. It is delicious. clothes. There are 2 pillows on the 1. F 3. E 5. D
nurse. I work at the hos- bed for you. 2. C 4. A 6. B
pital. I like to play tennis
Activity 5A:
and cook. See you soon! Activity 6A Example 2:
1. Do you Activity 8B Example:
Luz The bathroom you will use has a
2. How much Hello, Dr. Perez. My baby son is
Activity 3A: 3. too shower but no bathtub. The towels
sick. He is throwing up a lot. He
1. b are under the sink. There is soap in
4. this is not eating or drinking. He has
2. a the shower. We are excited for you
5. buy diarrhea too. He does not have
3. c to visit! a fever. What can I do?
4. b Love, Jana

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