ELITE Simulado CN Dia1

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Nome: _______________________________________________________________________________ Turma: __________________

Unidade: ________________________ Professor: _________________________________________ Data: ______/______/_______

MATEMÁTICA Dado a  , defina p = a + a2 e q = a + a3 e considere

as seguintes afirmações:

Um número natural é palíndromo quando é o I. se p ou q é irracional, então a é irracional.

mesmo lido da esquerda para a direita e vice-versa.
II. se p e q são racionais, então a é racional.
Seja n um número natural palíndromo tal que
1.000  n  9.999. Se n é um cubo perfeito, então a III. se q é irracional, então p é irracional.
soma dos algarismos de n é
10 apenas I.
12 apenas II.
14 apenas I e II.
16 apenas I e III.

Quantos pares ordenados (x, y) de números inteiros

satisfazem a equação 1 x + 1 y = 1 23? Sejam A, B e C subconjuntos de um conjunto
universo U. Das afirmações:
I. A \ (B  C) = (A \ B)  (A \ C);
4 II. (A  C) \ B = A  BC  C;
5 III. (A \ B)  (B \ C) = (A \ B) \ C,

é(são) verdadeira(s)
Um inteiro positivo é escrito em cada uma das seis apenas I.
faces de um cubo. Para cada vértice, é calculado o apenas II.
produto dos números escritos nas três faces apenas I e II.
adjacentes. Se a soma desses produtos é 1105, a apenas I e III.
soma dos seis números das faces é: todas.
40 O menor número natural ímpar que possui o mesmo
42 número de divisores que 1800 está no intervalo:
[1, 16000]
[16001, 17000]
[17001, 18000]
[18001, 19000]
[19001,  )

alterar a ordem dos dígitos intermediários, o
número resultante é três vezes o número original. A
Seja Q um quadrilátero de vértices A, B, C e D cujos soma dos algarismos de n é
lados satisfazem AB = 5 = CD, BC = 3 e AD = 8. Se
Q é um quadrilátero inscrito em uma circunferência 25
de raio r, então o valor de r é 27
2 3 31
3 33
4 3
5 3 Considere um triângulo de vértices A, B e C,
3 retângulo em B. Seja r a reta determinada por A e C
7 3 e seja O um ponto equidistante de A e C no mesmo
lado que B com respeito a r. Sabendo que AO = 85,
AB = 10 e BC = 24 temos que a distância de O a r é
8 3
3 64.
Sejam x1, x2 e x 3 raízes da equação x3 − ax − 16 = 0. 84.
Sendo a um número real, o valor de x13 + x23 + x33
é igual a:
32 − a A solução da inequação
x 2 − 5x − 3x
 x − 10 ,
48 − 2a 9−x
48 x  0 , é um intervalo da forma [a, b[ . O valor da
48 + 2a soma a+b é
32 + a
Seja ABC um triângulo retângulo tal que BAC = 30. 14
Considere D um ponto na hipotenusa AC e retas r e 17
s passando por D, paralelas aos lados AB e BC,
respectivamente. Se E = r  BC, F = s  AB e
Os lados de um triângulo de vértices A, B e C
m(BC) = 1, o menor valor possível para m(EF) é
medem AB = 3 cm, BC = 7 cm e CA = 8 cm. A
2 circunferência inscrita no triângulo tangencia o lado
5 AB no ponto N e o lado CA no ponto K. Então, o
2 comprimento do segmento NK, em cm, é
. 2 2.
3 3.
3 2 3.
2 7
3. 2

Um número natural n, escrito na base 10, tem seis

dígitos, sendo 2 o primeiro. Se movermos o dígito
2 da extrema esquerda para a extrema direita, sem

 x  Considere um triângulo ABC isósceles em que o
Sejam os conjuntos A = x  * : x  100 e  e ˆ , mede 40°. Sobre
 2  ângulo distinto dos demais, BAC
ˆ = 15 . Sobre
o lado AB, tome o ponto E tal que ACE
 x 
B = x  * : x  100 e   . A soma dos o lado AC, tome o ponto D tal que DBC ˆ = 35 .
 3 
Então, o ângulo EDB
algarismos de n ( A  B)  (B  A ) é
10 45°
11 55°
12 75°
13 85°

Obs: n(X) é o número de elementos do conjunto X

Se x é um número real que satisfaz x3 = x + 2, então
x10 é igual a
Seja ABCDEFGH um octógono equiângulo tal que
5x2 + 7x + 9.
2 2AB = 6BC = 3FG = 3 2GH . Os pontos P, Q, R e S
pertencem aos lados AB, CD, EF e GH de modo que 3x2 + 6x + 8
PR e QS se cortam perpendicularmente em L. Se 13x2 + 16x + 12.
PL=6, LS=13 e LR=12, a medida de QR é 7x2 + 5x + 9.
13 9x2 + 3x + 10.
16 Sejam x, y e z reais positivos tais que
xy + 2x + 2y = 12

yz + 2y + 2z = 32
zx + 2z + 2x = 60
Sejam os reais x, y e z tais que x + y + z = 2 , 
x2 + y2 + z2 = 3 e xyz = 4 . O valor da expressão O valor de x + y + z é

1 1 1 43
+ + .
xy + z − 1 yz + x − 1 zx + y − 1 3
é 44
1 46
. .
9 3
1 47
− . .
3 3
2 49
− . .
3 3
− . Seja A um ponto externo a uma circunferência λ de
9 centro O e raio r. Considere uma reta passando por
A e secante a λ nos pontos C e D tal que o
segmento AC é externo a λ e tem comprimento
igual a r. Seja B o ponto de λ tal que O pertence
ao segmento AB Se o ângulo BAD ˆ mede 10, então
a medida do ângulo BOD ˆ é igual a

25. I have not scrupled to devote several pages of
30. large print to an attempt to show, vividly as in a
35. picture, some scene from the life of the time, here I
40. knock at the serfs door, & find him roasting rabbits
45. he has poached. I show you the Lord of the Manor
setting mit on some journey, or calling his dogs to
him for a walk in the fields, or sitting in the high
LÍNGUA INGLESA backed chair inscribbing laborious figures upon a
glossy sheet of parchment. In another room, I show
Read the text below and answer the questions that
you Dame Elinor, at work with her needle; & by her
on a lower stool sits her daughter, stitching too, but
Virginia Woolf's The Journal of Mistress Joan less assiduously. 'Child, thy husband will be here
Martyn before thy house linen is ready' reproves her
“Still it is not for me to complain, looking back as mother.”
I can look back, upon some very fine prizes that will (Virginia Woolf's The Journal of Mistress Joan Martyn Author(s): Susan M.
Squier, Louise A. DeSalvo and Virginia WoolfSource: Twentieth Century
have been of real interest to the historian, & upon Literature, Vol. 25, No. 3/4, Virginia Woolf Issue (Autumn -Winter, 1979), pp. 237-
others that because they are so fitful & so minute in 269 (pp. 241)

their illumination please me even better. A sudden

light upon the legs of Dame Elizabeth Partridge
sends its beams over the whole state of England, to The author describes scenes about:
the King upon his throne; She wanted stockings! & Medieval times.
no other need impresses you in quite the same way Modern times.
with the reality of mediaeval legs; & therefore with Ancient times.
the reality of mediaeval bodies, & 50, proceeding Her presente experience.
upward step by step, with the reality of mediaeval Some past experience.
brains; & there you stand at the centre of all ages:
middle beginning or end. And this brings me to a
further confession of my own virtues. My
researches into the system of land tenure in the In “A sudden light upon the legs of Dame Elizabeth
13th 14th & 15th Centuries have been made doubly Partridge sends its beams over the whole state of
valuable, I am assured, by the remarkable gift I have England,[...]” the pronoun ITS refers to:
for presenting them in relation to the life of the time. Dame Elizabeth.
I have borne in mind that the intricacies of the land The King.
tenure were not always the most important facts in A sudden light.
the lives of men & women & children; I have often England.
made so bold as to hint that the subtleties which Legs.
delight us so keenly were more a proof of our
ancestors negligence than a proof of their
astonishing painstaking. For what sane man, I have
had the audacity to remark, could have spent his According to the last paragraph:
time in complicating his laws for the benefit of half Dame Elinor is teaching her husband.
a dozen antiquaries who were to be born five Dame Elinor’s husband is about to arrive.
centuries after he was in the grave. Dame Elinor’s daughter is about to arrive.
We will not here discuss this argument on whose The husband of Dame Elinor’s daughter is about
behalt I have given & taken many shrewd blows: I to arrive.
introduce the question merely to explain why it is Dame Elinor’s daughter can’t stitch.
that I have made all these enquiries subsidiary to
certain pictures of the family life which I have
introduced into my text as the flower of all these
intricate roots; the flash of all this scraping of Flint. We can infer that the author is:
If you read my work called "The Manor Rolls" you From a new Family.
will be pleased or disgusted [3] according to your Reflecting about centuries before.
temperament by certain digressions which you will Reflecting about her own time.
find there. Reflecting about her life.
Criticizing her Family.
A flurry of murky, misleading reports surfaced,
which for some Russians recalled the lethal delays
In “If you read my work called "The Manor Rolls" you in acknowledging the Chernobyl accident three
will be pleased or disgusted [...]” the highlighted decades ago, although the radiation release last
word PLEASED can be replaced by: week was far smaller. Only on Sunday did Russian
Dull. scientists explain that a small nuclear reactor had
Annoyed. malfunctioned.
Tedious. TASS, the state news agency, initially carried a
Boring. report saying radiation levels were normal near the
Content. accident, which the scientists disputed on Sunday.
Read the text below and answer the questions that
follow: Vocabulary:
unacknowledged – não reconhecido
cloaked - camuflado
In Russia, Days of Fake News and Real Radiation broadcasts – transmissões
After Deadly Explosion

MOSCOW — In online posts and calls to local According to the text:

officials, Russians on Monday expressed anger that Several obscure reports and lack of clear
the explosion of a small nuclear reactor at a military information reminded some Russians of
test site last week has gone unacknowledged for Chernobyl.
days by their government. “Even if it is not as The radiation released was much higher than
dangerous as it seems, we deserve to know,” said Chernobyl, which worries the Russians a lot.
Danil Kotsyubinsky, a resident of St. Petersburg who The Russians had always known that the
has been pressing local officials for information. nuclear accident was nothing to worry about.
The accident, which has been cloaked in secrecy, Nuclear material accident was reported on all
took place on Thursday at the Nenoska naval TV channels.
weapons range _______the coast _______ the White The current incident released as much radiation
Sea _______ northern Russia, and it apparently as Chernobyl's.
involved a test of a new type of cruise missile
propelled by nuclear power, American analysts say.
The explosion killed at least seven people, In “...and set off a scramble by Western experts”, the
released radiation that briefly elevated readings in a underlined phrasal verb can be replaced, without
city 25 miles away and set off a scramble by loss of meaning, by:
Western experts to ascertain what happened. The
military and a state nuclear energy company defeated
announced the deaths but few details of the oversaw
accident. interrupted
So Russians have been mostly left guessing.
took out
Some Moscow television broadcasts were
mysteriously interrupted for as long as 53 minutes
on the night of the accident. A government
broadcast agency later described the disruption as Use the correct prepositions to complete the gaps:
a malfunction of a storm warning system. Screens at – in - in
went blue. A text urged people to stay at home at – of - on
because of a storm with strong winds, but it never at – in - on
arrived. on – of - in
When a state nuclear energy company first on – at - on
conceded the accident involved nuclear materials —
on Saturday, two days after the explosion — the
disclosure did not make the evening news on all
television channels. Channel One, the main state
broadcaster, gave the story just 36 seconds.
Muslim holiday of Eid-al-Adha the following day, a
spokesman said. Mosque director Irfan Mushtaq
______________the weather so bad, we could told local television network TV2 the suspect
______________ to the park. entered the building wearing a helmet and body
Has - gone armour, and armed with "two shotgun-like weapons
Did – been gone and a pistol". The gunman then opened fire before
Were not - go being overpowered by 65-year-old congregation
Does not - went member Mohammad Rafiq, who suffered minor
Had not - go injuries in the process.

Choose the incorrect option: mosque – mesquita
armour – armadura
We lay flowers on her grave once a week.
overpowered – dominado, derrotado
Here lays the body of Deryck Muller.
She was lying on the floor watching television.
For a few minutes she just lay there.
It can be inferred from the text:
Janet laid her head against my shoulder and fell
asleep. The suspect was young and had a criminal
The suspect was a middle-aged man and had a
criminal background.
He doesn't like fishing very much,
The suspect was elderly and had a criminal
__________________he didn’t go with his friends.
but The suspect was young and had no criminal
whilst background.
nonetheless The suspect was elderly and had no criminal
nevertheless background.

Read the text below and answer the questions that

follow: In “…where the mosque attack took place...”, the
underlined phrasal verb can be replaced, without
Norway mosque shooting probed as terror act loss of understanding, by:
gave up
What do we know about the suspect? pull out
The suspect has not yet been named, but police took out
have described him as a white Norwegian citizen of got rid of
"around 20 years old". He was said to be "from the did occur
area" where the mosque attack took place, in the
town of Baerum. Rune Skjold, the acting chief of the Read the text below and answer the questions that
police operation, said the suspect had been known follow:
to police before the incident but could not be The Ballad of John and Yoko
described as someone with a "criminal
background". Saving up your money for a rainy day
Mr Skjold said the man appeared to hold "far- Giving all your clothes to charity
right" and "anti-immigrant" views and had expressed Last night the wife said
sympathy for Vidkun Quisling, the leader of Oh boy when you're dead
Norway's collaborationist government during the You don't take nothing with you but your soul, think
Nazi occupation. Made a lightning trip to Vienna
Eating chocolate cake in a bag
The newspapers said
How did the attack unfold? She's gone to his head
Only three people were inside the Al-Noor Islamic They look just like two gurus in drag
Centre at the time of the attack, preparing for the

“Saving up your money for a rainy day…” means: Put the words into the correct order: "If, her mother,
exams, happy, be, Jane, passes, will, her:
A tentativa de salvar seu dinheiro molhado pela
chuva. If her mother be happy Jane will passes her
Economizar seu dinheiro para um dia chuvoso. exams.
O costume europeu de colocar dinheiro na If Jane will be happy her mother passes her
chuva para trazer sorte. exams.
Salvar um dia chuvoso do tédio, por meio da If Jane passes her exams, her mother will be
compra de algo. happy.
Uma expressão que pode ser traduzida por If Jane will passes her exams her mother are
“Salve-se quem puder”. happy.
If her mother passes her exams, Jane passes
her exams.
If she is a good pianist, she _______________ how to
play the piano well.
Choose the correct question tag to the sentence
would know
would have known
does know “Both of these techniques force you to slow down,
know ________?”
knew Won’t they
Do it
Don’t it
Derick had a difficult childhood, _______________ Don’t they
became an emotionally balanced man. Do they


Let’s play some music, __________________?

aren’t we
don’t we
would we
shall we
doesn’t we

The Turkish manager hasn't got _________ to say

about the teams's terrible performance.
No one

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