Review If-Clause e Textos
Review If-Clause e Textos
Review If-Clause e Textos
O zero conditional Indica fatos que ocorrem com 1) If you ______ (press) that button, the light
frequência, e ainda, é empregada para dar ordens. ______
If you need help, talk to the teacher. (Se você c) presses – come
precisa de ajuda, fale com o professor.)
d) press – will come
2) First Conditional
2) It’s easier to ______ (sleep) if you _______ (not /
O first conditional indica possibilidades ou ações be) stressed.
futuras prováveis.
a) sleep – is not
Sua estrutura é: If + simple present + simple
future + infinitivo b) sleeps – is not
Ex: If you buy one of these books now, I will get a c) sleeps – are not
good price for you. (Se você comprar um desses
livros agora, eu conseguirei um bom preço para d) sleep – are not
3) If I _______ (study) a lot, I _______ (get) tired.
If I go to London, I will buy an English guidebook.
(Se eu for a Londres, eu comprarei um guia de a) study – gets
b) study – get
c) studies – get
d) studies – gets 3) I _______ (go) to their party if they _________
(invite) me.
4) If she ______ (need) help, ______ (talk) to the
teacher. a) will go – invite
d) has – sees
- Form a Conditional sentence – type 2. b) would buy – won
4) If I ______ (have) a dictionary, I ______ (look) Apple CEO Tim Cook says coding is the best
these words up. foreign language that a student in any country can
learn. The tech executive made the remarks to
a) have – would look French outlet Konbini while in the country for a
meeting with French President Emmanuel Macron.
b) would had – look The tech leader gave some brief thoughts on
c) had – would look
“If I were a French student and I were 10 years old, I
d) would have – looked think it would be more important for me to learn
coding than English. I’m not telling people not to
5) I ______ (buy) a farm if I _______ (win) the learn English in some form – but I think you
lottery. understand what I am saying is that this is a
language that you can use to express yourself to 7
billion people in the world. I think that coding should
a) buy – would won
be required in every public school in the world.”
Of course, it’s in Cook’s best interest to b) Coding is going to be required in every
have the world learning how to code. He runs a tech public school.
company that depends on access to a constantly
growing pipeline of talent. But it could be in your c) Cook went to France to learn how to code.
interest too: studying coding could increase your
chances of pulling in a big salary. A computer- d) Cook and people in general can benefit from
science education, at least in countries like the US, coding.
is one of the most viable and lucrative career paths
open to Young people today. But, Cook says, the e) Coding and creativity don’t make a good
benefits go beyond that. “It’s the language that combina-
everyone needs, and not just for the computer
scientists. It’s for all of us”. He added that tion.
programming encourages students of all disciplines
to be inventive and experimental: “Creativity is the
goal. Coding is just to allow that. Creativity is in the
front seat; technology is in the backseat. With the
combination of both of these you can do such TEXTO 2: (TÍTULO OMITIDO
powerful things now.” PROPOSITADAMENTE)
1) The sentence “The tech leader gave some brief German explosives experts defused a massive
thoughts on education” (paragraph 1) can be Second World War bomb in the financial capital of
correctly paraphrased in the following terms: Frankfurt on Sunday after tens of thousands of
people evacuated their homes. About 60,000 people
were ordered to leave in what was Germany’s
a) The tech leader created regulations on education.
biggest evacuation since the war, with more than
1,000 emergency service workers helping to clear
b) The tech leader underestimated education. the area around the bomb, which was discovered on
a Building site last week. Police set up cordons
c) The tech leader was concerned about private around the evacuation area, which covered a radius
education. of just under a mile (1.5km), as residents dragged
suitcases with them and many families left by
d) The tech leader has been studying coding. bicycle.
e) The tech leader stated his opinion about The fire service said the evacuation of two hospitals,
education. including premature babies and patients in intensive
care, had been completed and they were helping
2) Which one from the underlined verbs in the text about 500 elderly people to leave residences and
conveys a verb tense that is different from the care homes. More than 2,000 tonnes of live bombs
others? and munitions are found each year in Germany,
even under buildings. In July, a kindergarten was
a) says (paragraph 1) evacuated after teachers discovered an unexploded
Second World War bomb on a shelf among some
b) made (paragraph 1) toys. British and American warplanes pummelled
Germany with 1.5 million tonnes of bombs that killed
c) think (paragraph 2) 600,000 people. Officials estimate that 15% of the
bombs failed to explode. Frankfurt police said they
d) runs (paragraph 3) rang every doorbell and used helicopters with heat-
sensing cameras to make sure nobody was left
e) needs (paragraph 4) behind before they began defusing the bomb on
3) According to the text, choose the correct
statement. 1) Choose the most appropriate title for the text.
a) Creativity is not a big issue for Tim Cook. a) Discovery of Germany’s biggest evacuation since
the war forces bombs to explode.
b) Kindergarten was evacuated after a the knowledge and skills to become nice
World War II citizens. Around the 1960s, experts began
questioning the system, citing the need for new
bomb exploded among the toys. types of schools to meet the changing demands of
the twentieth century. These reformers eventually
c) Discovery of unexploded bomb in German won for parents a much broader range of
financial capital forces evacuation. educational choices – including religious,
alternative, and charter schools and home schooling
d) 15% of World War II bombs were discovered on a – but they also sparked a debate on teaching and
learning that still divides experts to this day.
building site.
Nunan, David - Listen in book 2, second edition.
e) Emergency service workers exploded American
warplanes and killed 600,000 people in Germany. 1) The adjective form “the best” (line 3) and “nice”
(line 4), underlined in the text, have as their
2) Choose the alternative with the correct reference comparative forms, respectively:
for the underlined words from the text.
a) good and nicer.
a) their (paragraph 1) = experts.
b) better and nicer.
b) which (paragraph 2) = the area.
c) best and the nicer.
c) them (paragraph 2) = suitcases.
d) the better and the nicest.
d) they (paragraph 3) = the fire service.
2) According to the text, the public school system
e) that (paragraph 4) = warplanes. was in need of changes due to _______________.
TEXTO 3: Read the text to answer questions 1,2 E d) regular verbs in the present tense.
TEXTO 4: Read the text to answer question 1 E 2
Back to School
Across the Atlantic!
For generations in the United States, a nineteenth
century invention known as the public school _____ Monday May 24, 1976, two Concorde jets
system was seen as the best way to give students crossed the Atlantic ocean _____ three hours and
fifty minutes. The planes took off and a) a noun and a pronoun
landed _____ the same time. Source Bonner,
Margaret – Grammar Express - Longman b) an adverb and an adjective
1) Choose the best alternative to complete the text. d) an adjective and an adverb.
TEXTO 5: Read the text to answer questions 1 À 5 b) was arrested inside the airplane, where the police
A businesswoman’s desperate need for a cigarette c) was arrested because she turned the lights inside
on na 8-hour flight from American Airlines ________ the airplane’s toilet.
in her being arrested and handcuffed, after she was
found lighting up in the toilet of a Boeing 747, not d) had to pay an amount of money due to the new
once but twice. She ___________ because she laws for smoking inside an airplane.
_______ violent when the plane landed in England,
where the police subsequently arrested and 5) The sentence “There’s hardly anything in the
handcuffed her. Joan Norrish, aged 33, yesterday
________ the first person to be prosecuted under refrigerator”. means that:
new laws for smoking on board a plane, when she
was fined £440 at Uxbridge magistrates’ court. a) There’s very little food inside the refrigerator.
1) Choose the best alternative to complete the text b) John has no idea how much food there is.
using verbs in the Simple Past:
c) There’s a lot of food in the refrigerator.
a) result / were / turning / become
d) There’s nothing inside the refrigerator.
b) resulted / was / turned / become