(11175 - 32558) Ingles - Aplicado - Aviacao-I
(11175 - 32558) Ingles - Aplicado - Aviacao-I
(11175 - 32558) Ingles - Aplicado - Aviacao-I
Inglês Aplicado à
Aviação I
Palhoça, 2019
Denise de Mesquita Corrêa
Inglês Aplicado à
Aviação I
Livro didático
2ª edição
Designer instrucional
Marina Cabeda Egger Moellwald
Palhoça, 2019
Copyright © UnisulVirtual 2019
Nenhuma parte desta publicação pode ser reproduzida por qualquer meio sem a prévia autorização desta instituição.
Esta obra foi publicada originalmente com o título Inglês Aplicado no ano 2017 com o ISBN 978-85-506-0147-2.
Livro Didático
Professor conteudista Projeto Gráfico e Capa
Denise de Mesquita Corrêa Equipe UnisulVirtual
Designer Instrucional Diagramação
Marina Melhado Gomes da Silva Pedro Teixeira (2ª edição)
Marina Cabeda Egger Moellwald (2° edição) Revisão Ortográfica
Diane Dal Mago
Corrêa, Denise de Mesquita
Inglês aplicado à aviação I : livro didático / Denise de Mesquita Corrêa.
– Palhoça : UnisulVirtual, 2019.
236 p. : il. ; 28 cm.
Inclui bibliografia.
Introdução | 7
Capítulo 1
Linguagem e comunicação
em aviação | 9
Capítulo 2
Aviação e sinalização: problemas
na comunicação | 39
Capítulo 3
Meteorologia aeronáutica | 87
Capítulo 4
Tomada de decisão | 137
Capítulo 5
Terminologia aeronáutica | 175
Considerações Finais | 209
Referências | 211
Anexo | 233
Linguagem e comunicação
em aviação
Capítulo 1
Seção 1
Definição de linguagem e comunicação
Preparado para decolar? Bem, vamos iniciar nosso voo no inglês aplicado,
falando sobre dois conceitos muito importantes que servem para nortear nossa
compreensão de mundo: linguagem e comunicação.
A linguagem pode ser dividida em duas partes: verbal e não verbal. Linguagem
verbal se refere à escrita e à fala como meio de comunicação; já a não verbal está
vinculada ao uso de imagens, figuras, desenhos, símbolos, entonação de voz,
postura corporal e gestos como meio de comunicação.
• Falada: • Gráficos:
diálogo entre o piloto e o
controlador de tráfego aéreo.
• Escrita:
manual de mecânica aeronáutica.
• Figuras:
Inglês Aplicado à Aviação I
Agora que você reconheceu, então, que existem dois tipos de linguagem, vamos
refletir sobre qual a função da linguagem. De maneira geral, pode-se dizer que a
função principal é comunicar uma mensagem. Para ilustrar esse aspecto, verifique
os exemplos de linguagem não verbal e tente identificar a mensagem por meio
das imagens na sequência:
Capítulo 1
Inglês Aplicado à Aviação I
Faça, agora, a primeira atividade de autoavaliação, que consta no final deste capítulo,
e verifique se você consegue identificar a mensagem revelada nas placas indicadas na
atividade. Lembre-se de que todas elas estão inseridas no contexto da aviação.
Percebeu como é familiar? Você certamente já deve ter visto alguns, se não todos
os sinais mostrados. Eles são muito comuns em ambientes de aeroportos no
mundo todo e objetivam facilitar as instruções implícitas nas suas figuras, uma
vez que, normalmente, em um ambiente de aeroporto, os frequentadores provêm
de diferentes origens, com línguas de comunicação distintas.
Capítulo 1
Seção 2
Alfabeto e números
Para que a comunicação básica entre pilotos e demais integrantes da área da
aviação se efetue, faz-se necessária a utilização de um código alfabético comum,
conhecido como código alfabeto radiofônico. O código alfabeto radiofônico,
utilizado com o intuito de facilitar a transmissão de informações via rádio ou
telefone, foi criado para evitar interferência na comunicação, em função da
própria dificuldade de se fazer entender, devido às semelhanças das letras e
palavras. Por causa dos inúmeros sistemas para identificar as letras do alfabeto,
surgiu a necessidade de se criar um alfabeto-padrão pela Organização de Aviação
Civil Internacional, também adotado pela Organização do Tratado do Atlântico
Norte (OTAN).
Inglês Aplicado à Aviação I
Capítulo 1
Note que as sílabas em negrito são consideradas tônicas, ou seja, a sílaba mais
forte das palavras.
0 Zero ZE-RO
1 One WUN
2 Two TOO
3 Three TREE
4 Four FOW-ER
5 Five FIFE
6 Six SIX
7 Seven SEV-EN
8 Eight AIT
9 Nine NIN-ER
Inglês Aplicado à Aviação I
•• Números inteiros;
•• Horas;
•• Nível de voo;
•• Velocidade;
•• Marcação, rumo e proa;
•• Ajuste de altímetro, pista em uso e transponder.
Capítulo 1
Number Statement
Number Statement
Number Statement
Inglês Aplicado à Aviação I
Number Statement
Number Statement
Number Statement
Capítulo 1
Number Statement
Ajuste de altímetro “altimeter (or altimeter setting or qnh) one zero one
1017 seven”
Certamente, para cada situação há uma forma mais adequada para identificação
dos números. Entretanto, o mais importante é lembrar que, a despeito da forma
utilizada para repassar as informações numéricas, os dados a serem informados
devem seguir um padrão claro e preciso, de maneira que não ocorra nenhum
ruído na comunicação.
Agora, vamos testar seu conhecimento sobre números! Siga para o segundo exercício
de autoavaliação, no final deste capítulo.
Inglês Aplicado à Aviação I
Seção 3
Substantivos e pronomes
Nesta seção, você vai relembrar alguns aspectos básicos da gramática da língua
inglesa, de forma que sua utilização na língua seja coerente. Inicialmente, serão
abordados os substantivos da língua inglesa.
Fique ligado(a)!
O substantivo é uma parte da classe de palavras variáveis que possui flexões
de gênero, número e grau. Ele dá nome aos seres, coisas, lugares, ideias e
sentimentos. Observe alguns exemplos de substantivos da língua inglesa na
figura a seguir, na qual são identificadas partes de uma aeronave.
Capítulo 1
Como você notou, os substantivos são utilizados para identificar coisas e lugares,
como no caso dos exemplos mencionados. No entanto, para evitar a repetição da
mesma palavra em um texto, por exemplo, utilizamos outra classe gramatical: os
pronomes. Siga a explicação sobre esse item gramatical.
Você sabe quais são os pronomes na língua inglesa e para que eles servem?
Os pronomes exercem uma função nominal e são usados para substituir ou
acompanhar os substantivos.
De maneira geral, pode-se afirmar que os pronomes são usados com o objetivo
de não repetirmos a mesma palavra diversas vezes no texto.
Inglês Aplicado à Aviação I
Pilots fly aircraft of all sizes, transporting passengers and cargo across the state
and around the world. They 1 are responsible for the safety of the airplane, its 2
passengers, the crew, and any cargo on board. Airlines require two pilots in the
cockpit flying the plane: the captain and the co-pilot, also known as the first officers.
Before a flight, they3 examine the airplane’s control equipment, checking each item
of a list. After determining the weather and flight conditions, the captain has his4
flight plans approved by the air traffic controllers. Meanwhile, the co-pilot charts the
airplane’s route and computes the flying time. By radio, the captain then requests
that the aircraft dispatcher give permission for them5 to taxi, or begin moving, to the
runway. After receiving clearance for take-off, the pilots accelerate the plane down
the runway until it6 achieves lift and is airborne. (Adaptação de StateUniversity.com,
1. They pilots
2. Its airplane
6. It plane
Capítulo 1
Após o estudo dos substantivos e pronomes, será apresentada, então, uma breve
explanação sobre os tempos verbais em língua inglesa.
Inglês Aplicado à Aviação I
Seção 4
Tempos verbais
Quando se fala em tempos verbais em inglês, a primeira coisa que vem à cabeça
é o popular verbo “to be”. Mas, fique tranquilo, pois nesse momento vamos
explorar os tempos verbais de maneira mais abrangente.
Cabe salientar, antes de concentrar seus estudos nos verbos, que para
reconhecer e usar confiantemente cada tempo verbal é preciso acompanhar os
passos a seguir:
Observe o quadro que segue com atenção, pois você certamente o utilizará no
decorrer da sua caminhada linguística.
Capítulo 1
Simple Two years ago, I I study English 1) If you are having problems, I
studied English in every day. will help you study English.
2) I am going to study English
next year.
Inglês Aplicado à Aviação I
Task 1 4
Utilize o Quadro 1.5 para identificar os tempos verbais dos verbos que seguem.
Insira os verbos nos balões equivalentes, de acordo com a sua conjugação.
Lembre-se de que você está iniciando seus estudos com os tempos verbais mais
simples para que, posteriormente, você possa se aprofundar nesse assunto. Você
deve inserir cinco verbos em cada balão.
4 Resultado desta Task está na seção Tasks no final deste capítulo, após a Síntese.
Capítulo 1
comuns na sua área de trabalho/estudo, de maneira que você esteja cada vez
mais inserido dentro do contexto da aviação.
Seção 5
Diferenças entre o inglês americano e o
Você sabe que o inglês é a língua oficial de diversos países, certo? Então, veja
alguns exemplos do inglês britânico, bem como do inglês americano, na figura
que segue. Perceba que existem diferenças no vocabulário, assim como na
pronúncia, advindas dos processos de colonização desses países.
Apesar do inglês ser uma língua universal, ele apresenta várias peculiaridades
Inglês Aplicado à Aviação I
com referências às regiões onde ele é falado. Isso acontece não somente em
função do inglês ser a língua oficial de 54 países, mas por ser a língua com mais
falantes não nativos, uma vez que uma grande parcela da população mundial
utiliza o inglês como segunda língua. Observe, no mapa que segue, a localização
dos países onde a língua inglesa é considerada como oficial.
Capítulo 1
First floor / Second floor etc. Ground floor / First floor Térreo / Primeiro piso
Inglês Aplicado à Aviação I
Capítulo 1
Neste capítulo, você aprendeu sobre linguagem verbal e não verbal, sobre
o conceito de comunicação e os elementos que compõem o processo de
comunicação, dentro do contexto da aviação.
Inglês Aplicado à Aviação I
Task 1
Future: will travel / will land / will lose / will fly / will show
Atividades de autoavaliação
1. Prepare-se para fazer um breve teste sobre algumas indicações relacionadas à
área da aviação. Relacione as figuras (1-6) com as seguintes palavras (a-f):
Capítulo 1
( ) No Entry Sign
( ) Escalator
( ) Luggage cart
( ) Destination Sign
( ) Taking off
Inglês Aplicado à Aviação I
1. Wings
2. Vertical Stabilizer
3. Fuselage
4. Flaps
5. Slat
6. Engine
7. Rudder
8. Ailerons
9. Elevator
10.Horizontal Stabilizer
Capítulo 1
On Christmas Day last year, three months after the attacks on New York on
September 11th, a group of passengers was waiting to board a flight from
Baltimore to Dallas-Fort Worth. One of the passengers, Walied Shater, was a secret
serviceman, who was on his1 way to guard President Bush at the “Western White
House” in Texas, with his girlfriend Jena, who was traveling to attend a conference.
While passing through security procedure, both of them2 were asked to answer
some questions. Because Walied was a secret serviceman, he was carrying a gun.
He wanted to take the gun with him onto the plane, so he had to fill in a special
form. On the other hand, his girlfriend, Jena, was soon released to wait for Walied.
She3 was invited to remain in a small room, near the airport’s toilets. While filling in
the form, Walied made some mistakes, so he had to fill in the form again. He made
some mistakes the second time too. The airline staff at the check-in desk asked
him a lot of questions. They 4 also searched his bag. Walied Shater was an Arabic
name, and his parents were from the Middle East. In his bag, the airline staff found a
book on Arab history. They asked him more questions. Mr. Shater became very, very
angry. The Secret Service had confirmed that he was a secret serviceman and they5
became surprised that the airline staff was asking him so many questions. In the
end, they decided that he could not board the plane and he was left at the airport in
Inglês Aplicado à Aviação I
b) Walied Shater
c) Jena
1. ( ) his1
2. ( ) them2
3. ( ) she3
4. ( ) they 4
5. ( ) they5
Capítulo 1
5. Escreva, nos parênteses que seguem, “A” nas palavras do inglês americano
e “B” para inglês britânico. Analise cada palavra horizontalmente e utilize a
primeira coluna com a tradução em português para auxiliá-lo
Capítulo 2
Capítulo 2
Seção 1
Material visual e problemas na comunicação
Vamos iniciar nossa decolagem para o Capítulo 2?
Você já deve ter ouvido falar naquele provérbio: “uma imagem vale mais do que
mil palavras”, certo? Atualmente, vivemos em uma sociedade icônica na qual a
maioria das mensagens é transmitida por meio de um discurso visual (imagens),
sem necessariamente ser acompanhada de um texto predominantemente verbal
Um exemplo claro da conjugação entre texto escrito e registro visual seriam as mídias
sociais, como: Instagram, Facebook, entre outras.
Inglês Aplicado à Aviação I
Capítulo 2
A frase: “We apologise to passengers for the severe delays. Rest assured our
engineers are working flat out to trace the computer fault…” evidencia um pedido
de desculpas do ATCO em função do atraso nas saídas dos voos, e assegura que
os engenheiros estão trabalhando no sentido de consertar a falha. Visualmente,
observa-se que a falha aconteceu em função da pessoa responsável pela limpeza
ter retirado o fio da tomada para ligar o aspirador de pó.
Inglês Aplicado à Aviação I
ATC Clearance
Acknowledge Transmit
or Correct
Controller’s Pilot’s
Hearback Readback
Listen Transmit
O loop da Figura 2.5 revela o seguinte: o ATC – air traffic controller – aqui
desempenhando o papel de emissor, transmite uma mensagem ao piloto, nesse
caso, o receptor, que a repete para confirmação e retorna ao piloto para que o
mesmo esteja ciente da compreensão da mensagem enviada. Portanto, o pilot-
controller communication loop objetiva um entendimento mútuo da informação
e clareza na recepção dos dados, de maneira que erros na comunicação sejam
definitivamente minimizados, se não totalmente erradicados.
Capítulo 2
Inglês Aplicado à Aviação I
Seção 2
Estratégias de leitura: brainstorming
e prediction
No processo de decodificação de um texto, utilizar a estratégia adequada para
iniciar a leitura é um dos fatores que contribui para uma melhor compreensão
dele. Observe, a seguir, uma figura ilustrativa da estratégia de leitura conhecida
como brainstorming e tente identificar seu objetivo.
Capítulo 2
Inglês Aplicado à Aviação I
Did he say
Bigjet 123,
Was that for us? maintain flight level
Por meio da ilustração e dos diálogos, você já deve ter percebido que a charge
ironiza a questão da comunicação entre pilotos e controladores de tráfego aéreo,
certo? Enquanto o controlador dá uma instrução, um dos pilotos tenta identificar
o nível de voo correto e o outro questiona se a informação está relacionada a eles.
Em outras palavras, houve um ruído na comunicação entre pilotos e controlador
de voo, e a mensagem não seguiu o pilot-controller communication loop, que
ratifica a importância da confirmação de todas as informações repassadas.
Mas, continue sua leitura para confirmar a resposta! Perceba que o título do texto
a ser lido é: Mishmash of technology. Então, antes de iniciar seu processo de
leitura, utilize a estratégia brainstorming e escreva nas linhas abaixo as palavras
ou frases que surgem na sua mente a partir da Figura 2.8 e do título do texto
mencionado. Não se preocupe com a ordem, simplesmente vá inserindo as
informações no espaço a seguir. Você pode escrevê-las em inglês ou português,
pois a ideia principal é somente recuperar seu conhecimento prévio sobre o
assunto do texto.
Capítulo 2
Inglês Aplicado à Aviação I
Mishmash of technology
As with any large, diverse, and evolving enterprise, the communications
infrastructure for the aviation industry is often a mishmash of
technologies that were installed over many years and intended to serve
individual groups of users or specific functions without consideration
for how they might interoperate with other technologies. Take radio
networks as an example. Airport operations, airlines, and their service
officers are major users of this group communications technology. In
fact, most airside operations like security, airplane marshalling, refueling,
baggage handling, catering, and maintenance are managed by staff
equipped with radio handsets. Most of these radio networks are private,
as are the dispatch services that are typically provided from different
locations. Within terminals and operations buildings, however, telephony
is the mainstream communication technology. Employees that have
to interface directly with airside operations staff from their desks are
required to also have one or more radio handsets available. This can
become an expensive requirement for large airports and airlines that
may employ hundreds, if not thousands, of workers with cross-functional
communications needs. Two-way radio systems used by the majority of
aircraft maintenance professionals were never designed to interoperate
with telephony, intercom, and other broadcast systems commonly used
in the passenger terminals and at operations centers. In addition, the
business processes designed to mitigate these incompatibilities are
themselves a contributor to inefficiency and higher costs.
Capítulo 2
Seção 3
Problemas na comunicação: interpretação de
textos e diálogos
Neste momento, vamos trabalhar com alguns textos e diálogos que explicitam a
importância de uma boa comunicação para evitar possíveis erros na condução
das tarefas de pilotos e controladores de tráfego aéreo.
Task 1 1
1 Resultado desta Task e das demais tasks estão na seção Tasks no final deste capítulo, após a Síntese.
Inglês Aplicado à Aviação I
Task 2
Aircraft: Fuelstate
Aircraft: Again....
After this, the tower controller switches off his radio and climbs down the
stairs to drink coffee the rest of the afternoon.
Capítulo 2
The student in his primary trainer was flying a solo cross-country. He lost
his way and before he finally ran out of fuel, he decided to put it down on
a road. With hardly any cars on the road, he managed to coast his aircraft
into a gas station and said to the attendant, “Fill ‘er up!”
“I bet you don’t get too many airplanes asking for a refuel,” said the pilot.
The attendant replied: “True, most pilots use that airport over there.”
( ) O piloto faz um pouso forçado, pois percebe que está ficando sem
Inglês Aplicado à Aviação I
Veja a explicação.
No diálogo 1, o piloto entende que deve repetir exatamente o que a torre solicita;
portanto, ao invés de fornecer a informação correta, o piloto repete a palavra
again, que significa novamente (letra d).
No diálogo 2, a torre repassa uma informação geográfica, “... you have traffic
at 10 o’clock, 6 miles!” segundo as coordenadas habituais, mas o piloto não
consegue identificá-la, dizendo que possui somente relógio digital (letra b).
Capítulo 2
Seção 4
Wh-words, verbos no simple present, present
continuous e simple past tenses
Nesta seção, você vai conhecer as palavras interrogativas, popularmente
conhecidas como wh-words, e alguns tempos verbais mais utilizados na língua
inglesa: Simple Present Tense, Present Continuous Tense e Simple Past Tense.
4.1 - Wh-words
Vamos iniciar esta seção utilizando um questionário padrão de entrevista para
futuros pilotos.
Você deve ter notado que as palavras iniciais das frases seguem um padrão,
Inglês Aplicado à Aviação I
Capítulo 2
Task 4
Leia os textos que seguem e observe o uso das wh-words. Em seguida, tente
responder às questões de acordo com os respectivos textos.
While the Wright brothers are thought to be “first in flight” in 1903, they
merely created the first successful aircraft. There are many types of
airplanes, from civilian to military. The one most people use to travel is a
jet aircraft, powered by two “turbine,” or jet engines. The first jet aircraft,
as we know it, was first flown in Germany in 1939.
b) ( ) Albert Einstein
c) ( ) Thomas Edison
a) ( ) 1899
b) ( ) 1905
c) ( ) 1903
a) ( ) Rotor
b) ( ) Jet
c) ( ) Propeller
Vamos recapitular!
Inglês Aplicado à Aviação I
A rotor and blades lift a helicopter straight up and make it hover in the
air at one point for a long time. A relatively new technology, the first
successful helicopter was mass-produced in 1942. Today’s helicopters
are used in the army, by news and weather stations and the police, but
some tourists fly high above scenic locations. like the Grand Canyon and
a) ( ) A rotor
b) ( ) A piston
c) ( ) An engine
a) ( ) 1941
b) ( ) 1942
c) ( ) 1953
a) ( ) Hawaii
b) ( ) Los Angeles
c) ( ) Chicago
Capítulo 2
“I fly because it releases my mind from the tyranny of petty things […]”.
Perceba as palavras sublinhadas na frase. Você deve ter identificado que são
verbos no presente, certo? Mas você conseguiria explicar por que os verbos
têm formas diferentes? O primeiro, fly, não tem ‘s’ no final, diferentemente do
segundo, releases. Veja a explicação completa a seguir.
Os verbos no Simple Presente Tense são utilizados para se referir a ações que
acontecem com determinada frequência 3. Utiliza-se esse tempo verbal também
para falar sobre hobbies e eventos agendados, indicando, assim, que a ação é
usual, repetitiva.
Veja o exemplo: To fly (voar) => “I fly because it releases my mind from the tyranny
of petty things […]”.
Inglês Aplicado à Aviação I
Exemplo: To release (liberar) => “I fly because it releases my mind from the tyranny
of petty things […]”.
Exemplo: To watch (observar, assistir) => Avionics expert, Peter, watches the
engineers fix the IFF and a VHF radio.
Exemplo: To play (jogar, tocar, interpretar) => Captain Smith plays basketball in his
free time.
Exemplo: To fly (voar) => This plane flies to New York every week.
Capítulo 2
Inglês Aplicado à Aviação I
Agora, observe a seguinte figura, pois ela contém as partes de uma aeronave e
suas funções.
Você notou que os verbos utilizados estão presentes na parte inferior dos itens
que compõem a figura, certo?
Capítulo 2
Task 5
Siga o exemplo.
a) Propellers
b) Wings
c) Fuselage
d) Elevators
e) Motor
f) Wing tips
Inglês Aplicado à Aviação I
O Present Continuous Tense é usado para descrever uma ação que está acontecendo
no momento em que se está falando, ou seja, ele se refere a ações temporárias.
Algumas expressões são comumente utilizadas com este tempo verbal, tais
como: now (agora), right now (imediatamente), at the moment (no momento),
today (hoje), currently (atualmente), this month (neste mês), entre outras.
Mas, tome cuidado, pois nem todas as palavras terminadas em “ing” são verbos
do Present Continuous, uma vez que elas podem pertencer a outras classes
gramaticais, como:
Capítulo 2
Inglês Aplicado à Aviação I
Você deve ter percebido que o verbo to be finalmente surgiu com alguma
utilidade, certo? Você também já deve saber que ele é o verbo mais utilizado na
língua inglesa, e essa informação realmente faz sentido. Esse verbo é utilizado
como verbo principal e como auxiliar, pois segundo a própria palavra sugere, ele
tem como função primordial “auxiliar” o verbo principal.
Airlines are waiting for a reason to spend millions of dollars to equip their fleets with
next-generation (NextGen) communications, navigation and surveillance (CNS)
technology. They are expecting to have more convincing arguments from the FAA in
the very near future.
Along with the awarding of a contract to establish and operate a domestic data-link
system that includes $80 million in financial help for equipage, the agency is also
reaching completion of a public-private partnership that is providing more than $1
billion to help cover buying and installing NextGen CNS avionics.
“The FAA is showing some little victories,” said Gerald Dillingham, d irector of
physical infrastructure for the Government Accountability Office (GAO), at a NextGen
avionics conference last month in Atlantic City. “In the past, the sense has been that
airlines are equipping and the FAA is not following through. If we could get to the
point where airlines see the benefits, hopefully that will increase the credibility of the
Como você deve ter notado, todos os verbos sublinhados fazem uso do verbo
to be - are, is, is not - seguido de outro verbo no gerúndio – waiting, expecting,
reaching, providing, showing, equipping, following – provendo a ideia de algo que
está acontecendo naquele instante. Em outras palavras, a mensagem do texto se
refere a uma tecnologia de comunicação que está prestes a ser inserida na rotina
das aeronaves.
A maioria dos verbos se configura no Present Continuous Tense. Como você já deve
ter notado, esse tempo verbal é usado para descrever ações que estão acontecendo
no presente.
Capítulo 2
Task 7
Captain’s Announcement
Good afternoon passengers. This is your captain speaking. First, I’d like to welcome
everyone on Rightwing Flight 86A. We are currently cruising at an altitude of 33,000
feet at airspeed of 400 miles per hour. The time is 1:25 pm. The weather looks good
and with the tailwind on our side, we are expecting to land in London approximately
fifteen minutes ahead of schedule. The weather in London is clear and sunny, with a
high of 25 degrees for this afternoon. With the weather cooperation, we are getting
a great view of the city as we descend. The cabin crew is coming around in about
five minute’s time to offer you a light snack and beverage, and the inflight movie is
beginning shortly after that. I’ll talk to you again before we reach our destination. Until
then, sit back, relax and enjoy the rest of the flight.
Task 8
Inglês Aplicado à Aviação I
Ladies and gentlemen, welcome onboard Flight 4B7 with service from Hong Kong
to San Francisco. We are currently __________4 for take-off and are expected to be
in the air in approximately fifteen minutes time. Because we are __________5 a short
delay, the flight attendants are __________6 in some newspapers and magazines for
your comfort and also __________7 you some other options of entertainment. We are
deeply sorry for this inconvenience and assure you that we are __________8 anything
we can to offer you a pleasant flight.
Vamos praticar um pouco mais sobre o Present Continuous Tense? Siga para o
exercício de autoavaliação 4, proposto em Atividades de Autoavaliação, no final
do capítulo.
Capítulo 2
The Wright brothers’ ideas for flight control were tested on a series of unpowered
aircraft between 1900 and 1902. These aircraft were all flown as kites to obtain
aerodynamic performance. The Wright Brothers were kite enthusiasts and they used
the kite flights in the same way that modern engineers use wind tunnels and flight
testing to try out their ideas concerning flight control. They chose Kitty Hawk, North
Carolina for their early flight experiments because its consistent high winds off the
ocean are perfect for kite flying. The brothers correctly reasoned that a free flying
object had to be controlled about all three primary axes; roll, pitch, and yaw. They
built an aircraft with movable surfaces on the wing, elevator, and rudder. Control of
the surface shape was in the hands of the pilot. They extensively tested these ideas
by glider flights of the aircraft.
Inglês Aplicado à Aviação I
Capítulo 2
Task 9
O texto que segue é uma breve biografia de Orville Wright, reconhecido por
muitos como um dos pioneiros da aviação. Complete o texto com o verbo to be
no passado, ou seja, utilizando was ou were. Lembre-se de fazer a concordância
com o sujeito, conforme a tabela do verbo to be no passado.
Orville ____________ 7 the more mischievous of the two brothers had a healthy
childhood. He ____________ 8 also “a champion bicyclist and so the brothers went
into the bicycle business, which gave full vent to their mechanical aptitude.”
Inglês Aplicado à Aviação I
The early kite and glider experiments did not meet the performance goals, which
the brothers calculated before the flights. In late 1901, the brothers began to doubt
the data which they were using to design their aircraft. They built a wind tunnel
and developed model-testing techniques including a balance to more accurately
determine the lift and drag of their aircraft. They tested over two hundred different
wings and airfoil models to improve the performance of their gliders. At first, they did
not succeed, but later it became a huge hit.
Você percebeu que os verbos grifados estão todos no passado e que eles
apresentam uma diferença na sua forma? Siga a explicação!
Capítulo 2
Inglês Aplicado à Aviação I
Vale ressaltar que alguns verbos, apesar de regulares, exigem mudanças antes de
receberem a terminação ed. Siga para a explicação!
Exemplo: To study – studied (estudar) => The pilots of that company studied a lot
to get to know the new communication procedure.
Exemplo: To destroy – destroyed (destruir) => The security system destroyed any
trace of danger in that airplane.
Capítulo 2
Exemplo: To step – stepped (pisar) => Nobody stepped in the aircraft due to a
bomb alert.
1. I didn’t see anything at first, but then my co-pilot told me there was
a smoke coming from the back.
2. At first I called the flight attendant, but she didn’t know what was
really happening.
3. I tried to contact the nearest airport, but it didn’t work out.
4. The passengers reported a fire coming from the back of the plane,
but they didn’t know its origins.
Você deve ter percebido que em todas as perguntas utilizamos did, assim como,
nas respostas negativas, foi utilizada a forma negativa didn´t (did not).
Inglês Aplicado à Aviação I
Task 10
Beginning in 1946, two XS-1 experimental research aircraft (later redesignated X-1s)
conducted pioneering tests at Muroc Army Air Field (now Edwards Air Force Base)
in California to obtain flight data on conditions in the transonic speed range. These
early tests culminated on October 14, 1947, in the first piloted flight faster than Mach
1.0, the speed of sound.
The XS-1 was the first high-speed aircraft built purely for aviation research purposes.
The model was never intended for production. The XS-1 was designed largely in
accordance with specifications provided by the National Advisory Committee for
Aeronautics (NACA) [now National Aeronautics and Space Administration], paid for
by the Army Air Forces, and built by Bell Aircraft Inc. The XS-1 #2 (serial number
46-063) was flight tested by the NACA to provide design data for later production
high-performance aircraft.
The research techniques used in the X-1 program became the pattern for all
subsequent X-craft projects. The NACA X-1 procedures and personnel also helped
lay the foundation of America’s space program in the 1960s. The X-1 project defined
and solidified the post-war cooperative union between U.S. military needs, industrial
capabilities, and research facilities. The flight data collected by the NACA in the X-1
tests then provided a basis for American aviation supremacy in the latter half of the
20th century.
As a result of the X-1’s initial supersonic flight, the National Aviation Association
voted its 1948 Collier Trophy to be shared by the three main participants in the
program. Honored at the White House by President Truman were Lawrence “Larry”
Bell for Bell Aircraft, Captain Charles E. “Chuck” Yeager for piloting the flights, and
John Stack of NACA for the NACA contributions.
The sharing of this award exemplified the partnership among the three participants
that had led to this significant aviation milestone. Further testifying to the partnership
between the NACA and the Air Force (as the Army Air Forces [AAF] became in
September 1947) in the latter part of the program was a statement by Major General
Albert Boyd, who had headed Wright Field’s Flight Test Division and then the Air
Force’s flight test unit at Edwards:
Capítulo 2
The combination of talents served two purposes. First, the accelerated USAF program
permitted a rapid exploration of the capabilities of the X-1 to the highest speed attained;
and, secondly, the detailed NACA program provided the comprehensive data needed to
develop complete envelopes of aircraft performance which might reveal unsatisfactory flight
characteristics at some intermediate point. When considered separately, each program was
a notable contribution to flight research, however, when combined, the results stand as a
monumental tribute to both the USAF and the NACA since the sonic barrier monster was not
only completely licked, but a blow-by-blow account of its defeat was recorded for future use.
Copie os verbos sublinhados no texto nos espaços que seguem, de acordo com a
sua formação: regular ou irregular. Caso tenha alguma dúvida em relação a essas
duas formações, retorne à explicação dada anteriormente.
Para praticar um pouco mais sobre esse tempo verbal, realize a Tarefa 11.
Inglês Aplicado à Aviação I
Task 11
Leia o texto a seguir e realize a atividade proposta. Note que a maioria dos verbos
está no Simple Past Tense.
Airbus says it has turned the corner after a crisis connected to production problems
and turmoil in the boardroom at its A380 super-jumbo project that has gone on for
the past year. Speaking at the Paris air show, Louis Gallois, CEO of the European
planemaker, said, “Airbus is back.”
Airbus, which announced a raft of orders on the first day of the show, is competing
with Boeing, its American rival, for the title of the largest planemaker in the world.
Boeing is expected to reveal the numbers of orders for its 787 Dreamliner soon.
Airbus orders unveiled on Monday included Qatar Airways confirming a $16bn order
for 80 A350 Airbus planes and ordering three A380 super-jumbos for about $750m.
Boeing and Airbus are also competing for orders from aircraft leasing firms. Orders
from these companies - who rank highly among the biggest global buyers of aircraft
- are often regarded as an indication of how successful a model will be in the long
Airbus also secured orders from US Airways that are worth $10bn for 22 of its A350
jets, 60 A320s and ten of its A330-200 wide-body planes. A few months ago, Airbus
unveiled a major cost-cutting programme aiming to reduce the workforce in Europe
by 10,000, as well as announcing a group restructuring. “I can tell you with full
confidence that Airbus is back and fully back, as you have started noting yesterday
as demonstrated by our first day announcements,” said Mr Gallois on the second
day of the air show. However, Boeing also announced a deal with General Electric
(GE) on the show’s first day. GE’s commercial aviation services placed an order for
six 777 Boeing freighters valued at around $1.4bn, to be delivered in the last quarter
of 2008.
A Wall Street Journal website report, quoting the Delta operating chief yesterday
said that Delta Air Lines were on the verge of ordering as many as 125 Boeing 787
jetliners by the end of this year. However, a spokesman for Delta later said that it had
been having conversations “with several aircraft makers” and that “no final decision”
had been made on future fleet purchases.
Assinale as respostas adequadas, conforme leitura:
2) Airbus announced
a) ( ) a large number of orders on the first day of the show.
b) ( ) some orders on the first day of the show.
c) ( ) a few orders on the first day of the show.
4) US Airways
a) ( ) placed an order for the new super-jumbo.
b) ( ) didn’t place an order for the new super-jumbo.
c) ( ) may have placed an order for the new super-jumbo.
5) Boeing
a) ( ) announced sales of the Dreamliner.
b) ( ) may sell some Dreamliners to General Electric.
c) ( ) may sell some Dreamliners to Delta Air Lines.
Após a realização das atividades propostas aqui, você deve ter entendido a razão
pela qual tantas pessoas dizem que é mais fácil aprender os verbos em inglês do
que na nossa própria língua, considerando que, na maioria das vezes, os verbos
não são conjugados. Cabe ressaltar que os verbos são partes primordiais de
uma frase e deles depende a boa comunicação entre os interlocutores. Lembre-
se de que uma informação incorreta entre pilotos e controladores de voo pode
comprometer a segurança de todos.
Parabéns! Você chegou ao final do Capítulo 2, momento em que você relembrou
alguns itens importantes para a leitura e interpretação de textos em língua inglesa.
Além de estudar as estratégias brainstorming e prediction, você compreendeu a
importância de identificar a mensagem transmitida por meio do uso de materiais
Task 1: d
Task 2: b
Task 3: a) 3; b) 2; c) 4; d) 1.
Task 4: 1) a; 2) c; 3) b.
Task 5: 1) a; 2) b; 3) a.
Capítulo 2
Task 6
a. Propellers generate thrust;
b. Wings generate lift;
c. Fuselage holds things together (carries payload);
d. Elevators change pitch (up-down);
e. Motor drives propellers;
f. Wings tips warp to change roll (rotate body).
Task 7
Good afternoon passengers. This is your captain speaking. First I’d like to
welcome everyone on Rightwing Flight 86A. We are currently cruising at an
altitude of 33,000 feet at airspeed of 400 miles per hour. The time is 1:25 pm. The
weather looks good and with the tailwind on our side we are expecting to land in
London approximately fifteen minutes ahead of schedule. The weather in London
is clear and sunny, with a high of 25 degrees for this afternoon. With the weather
cooperation, we are getting a great view of the city as we descend. The cabin
crew is coming around in about five minute’s time to offer you a light snack and
beverage, and the inflight movie is beginning shortly after that. I’ll talk to you again
before we reach our destination. Until then, sit back, relax and enjoy the rest of the
Task 10
Verbos regulares: redesignated, conducted, culminated, provided, used, helped,
defined, solidified, collected, provided, voted, shared, exemplified, served,
permitted, attained, provided, considered, combined. Verbos irregulares: was,
built, paid, built, was, became, were, became, was, was.
Task 11: 1) b; 2) a; 3) c; 4) b; 5) c; 6) b.
Inglês Aplicado à Aviação I
Atividades de Autoavaliação
1. Leia o texto Improving aviation communications system e responda à
questão a seguir, identificando se a informação citada é verdadeira (T - true) ou
falsa (F - false).
g) ( ) Incorrect usage of standard phraseology and poor language skills are some
of the reasons for miscommunications.
Avoiding an accident
A commuter plane had to take evasive action after a Suffolk-based US fighter jet
came within 800m of colliding with it, a report revealed yesterday.
The pilots of the KLM UK Fokker 50, which was carrying 37 passengers, sent it
into a dive and then into a climb to avoid the US Air Force F15E Eagle from RAF
Lakenheath. The incident happened as the aircraft, from Amsterdam’s Schiphol
Airport, was coming in to land at Teesside Airport on August 13, 2001.
The two US crewmen on the F15 had been on a training exercise and were heading
south to return to Lakenheath.
An Air Accident Investigation Branch (AAIB) report said an air traffic controller warned
the Fokker when it was approaching Teesside that a fast-moving aircraft was five miles
away and closing. The turboprop plane’s collision warning system sounded, prompting
the 35-year-old captain to scan the horizon, where he spotted the oncoming jet.
Capítulo 2
An alert saying “Descend, descend, descend” then sounded, and the co-pilot sent it
into a dive – but seconds later, the warning system sounded again, telling the crew
to climb immediately. As the F15 passed below, the captain’s radar display showed
it as being just 300ft below the Fokker. The captain then saw the plane moving away
to his left.
After the incident, which happened 35 nautical miles from Teesside, the captain
asked a cabin attendant to check that no one had been injured. The report said
passengers had been subjected to a force of 2G by the avoiding manoeuvre, but
fortunately the ‘Fasten seat belts’ sign had been on at the time.
The rear seat crewman of the F15, which recorded the incident with an on-board
video camera, said he had seen the Fokker and estimated it was about 400ft above
and would pass behind their aircraft. A report by the safety and quality section of
the Manchester Air Traffic Control and Airport found that the controller managing the
situation had acted correctly by not giving the Fokker any instructions, as they might
have aggravated the situation.
The AAIB report found that at their closest point, the two aircraft were 800m apart
horizontally and 1500ft apart vertically. Had evasive action not been taken, it is
believed the vertical separation of the two aircraft tracks would have been less than
100ft and the lateral separation less than 500m.
There had been a previous near-miss in the same area involving a RAF Tornado and
a Shorts SD-360 passenger plane in March 2000, the report added. As a result, a
number of recommendations were put into force by the Civil Aviation Authority.
c) ( ) The passenger plane’s pilots saw the plane before the plane’s
systems sounded a warning.
e) ( ) The passenger plane’s pilots took evasive action to try and avoid
a collision.
Inglês Aplicado à Aviação I
Leia as frases a seguir e identifique se elas estão no afirmativo (A), negativo (N) ou
interrogativo (I).
Capítulo 2
a) Leia o diário de Jane, uma comissária de bordo que está descrevendo seu
primeiro dia de trabalho, e sublinhe os verbos no Present Continuous Tense.
Dear Diary,
This is my life! Today is my first day working as a flight attendant and I am enjoying
my new job a lot! The crew is great and they are showing me what to do when I
As I write, we’re flying over the Pacific Ocean and I am looking down at the Great
Barrier Reef below. I’m imagining what Australia might be like, and I’m getting
excited. I’m wondering if I’ll have time to visit my old university friend, Dave, while
we’re in Brisbane. I hope so – he said he’s expecting me and that he’s looking
forward to it. I am taking a break now, but the short time I get for a break is passing
quickly – I’m writing as fast as I can!
I’m drinking plenty of water to stay hydrated and I’m eating some healthy snacks.
p.s. I’m sending attached a picture of mine near the airplane I’m flying today.
Note que esse texto está repleto de verbos no Present Continuous Tense, uma vez
que a comissária de bordo está descrevendo suas ações naquele momento. Além
disso, como esse texto reflete uma linguagem informal, pois é a escrita de um
diário, você também deve ter observado uma variação no uso do verbo auxiliar,
nesse caso, o verbo to be, em sua forma regular (am, are, is) e contraída com a
utilização do apóstrofe (‘m, ‘re, ‘s). Lembre-se de que a forma contraída deve ser
utilizada somente para textos informais, pois ela enfatiza a comunicação oral.
Para que você possa se aprofundar mais no uso do Present Continuous Tense, vá
para o próximo exercício.
b) Leia o texto que segue e complete com os verbos que estão nos parênteses,
utilizando o Present Continuous Tense em suas formas afirmativa, negativa,
interrogativa, de acordo com o contexto (Lembre-se: verb ‘to be’ + main verb + ing).
Inglês Aplicado à Aviação I
5. Vamos continuar um pouco mais explicitando o uso do Simple Past Tense com
um exercício sobre verbos. Leia o relatório de Thomas, um médico a caminho
da Itália, que se tornou o grande herói da viagem.
Capítulo 2
Thomas’s procedures:
/ out information, such as the kind of airplane, how many passengers and
the flight number.
I steer / with the yoke, pull / it left and forward. Then, I try/
Later, I pull / back on the throttle to slow the descent. Then, I put /
Capítulo 3
Meteorologia aeronáutica
Capítulo 3
Seção 1
Diálogos e textos relacionados a aspectos
Quando nos referimos a aspectos meteorológicos, estamos, de certa forma,
tentando fazer uma avaliação de condições de estrada, de voo de modo a ter
uma previsão de nossas saídas para o trabalho, viagens, entre outros. No caso
da aviação, as condições meteorológicas são fatores preponderantes para a
restrição ou suspensão de voos. Portanto, conhecer os aspectos meteorológicos
é uma questão fundamental para evitar potenciais riscos à vida humana.
Task 1 1
1. ( ) 2. ( )
1 Resultados desta e das demais tasks estão na seção Tasks no final deste capítulo, após a Síntese.
Inglês Aplicado à Aviação I
3. ( ) 4. ( )
5. ( )
Na figura que segue, você observar três colunas: a primeira contém o vocábulo, a
segunda fornece o significado e a última ilustra a palavra com exemplo(s).
Capítulo 3
Cloud/cloudy Water in the sky that It may look cloudy in the morning,
noun/adjective appears as a white or but the sun always comes out by
grey mass afternoon.
Cool Temperature in between The days were boiling hot, but the
adjective warm and cold nights were cool and comfortable for
Drought A long period with no Forest fires are a serious danger during
noun rainfall a drought.
Flood Overflow of rain water The flood was so bad, our basement
noun was full of water.
Fog/foggy Thick water vapor that We couldn’t see the bridge because
noun/adjective blocks one’s vision there was too much fog.
Frost Ice crystals on a frozen Some flowers are so strong they can
noun surface withstand frost.
Hail Small pieces of ice that There was so much hail that some of
noun fall during a storm the trailer homes were destroyed.
Inglês Aplicado à Aviação I
Icy Slippery because of ice The roads are icy so please avoid
adjective driving down any hills.
Lightning Electric flash caused by The outdoor pool always closes when
noun two clouds hitting the lifeguards suspect lightning.
Rain/raining/ Water that falls to earth My hair is all wet and messy from the
noun/continuous verb/
Smog heavy, dark cloud cover You really notice the smog downtown
noun caused by pollution in this type of humidity.
Sun/sunshine/ The gassy star that We hope to have sunshine on the day
warms the earth of the beach picnic.
Thunder/ The crashing of clouds Let’s close all of the windows. It looks
(often followed by a like a thunderstorm is coming.
Thunderstorm strike of lightning and
noun heavy rain)
Wind/windy Blowing air outside It’s too windy to play golf today.
Capítulo 3
Você deve ter observado, na primeira coluna, algumas palavras com terminação
diferente. Vale lembrar que aquelas palavras terminadas em Y são os adjetivos, ou
seja, para transformar alguns substantivos em adjetivos, adiciona-se Y ao final da
DZ Drizzle Garoa
RA Rain Chuva
SN Snow Neve
GR Hail Granizo
Inglês Aplicado à Aviação I
BR Mist Névoa
FG Fog Nevoeiro
HZ Haze Neblina
SA Sand Areia
DR Drifting À deriva
BL Blowing Ventando
SH Showers Chuvas
TS Thunderstorm Trovoada
RA Rain Chuva
Capítulo 3
Visto que você já está apto a identificar as condições climáticas, faça a leitura de
diferentes textos que descrevem o clima em três cidades da Espanha: Barcelona,
Madri e Valencia. Siga o relato de Pablo, Victoria e Juan sobre suas cidades e
fique atento às informações climáticas.
Fonte: Flickriver (2007). Fonte: Style and beauty (2010). Fonte: Free Stock Photos (2013).
Despite being in the north Madrid is the highest capital Valencia provides good
of Spain, Barcelona isn’t a city in Europe and its altitude access to the Costa Blanca,
million miles from the French gives it quite unpredictable a popular tourist area, and
Riviera and so enjoys good weather conditions for with good reason. The
weather for much of the year. much of the year. I spent weather isn’t as hot as on
From July to September, the whole of 2004 in Madrid the Costa del Sol, but is still
Barcelona enjoys quite - up until mid-May I saw very pleasant throughout
hot weather, with average glorious sunshine in February the summer. However, if it
temperatures in excess and torrential rain in May, is winter sun you are after,
of 20ºC (68ºF). Note that although 2005 was far more Valencia isn’t your best bet.
this includes night time reasonable. The average
temperatures - in the day temperatures shoot up after
time, temperatures can reach May, with July and August
30ºC (86ºF). September being incredibly hot. Many
and October are typically Spaniards leave the city for a
Barcelona’s wettest months. couple of months during this
time, which can leave the
city feeling like a ghost town
(albeit inhabited by large
quantities of tourists).
Inglês Aplicado à Aviação I
Task 2
Barcelona (a)
Madrid (b)
Valencia (c)
Task 3
Capítulo 3
Winter Wonderland!
Jerry and Fei are walking down the street on a cold, windy Beijing afternoon.
Jerry: Oh, it’s not so bad. I mean, it could be worse. Imagine if you lived in Heilongjiang or
somewhere like that.
Fei: Well, what’s winter like in New York? It must be better than here in Beijing.
Jerry: Actually, it’s worse! Not only is it colder with more snow, but winter lasts longer as
Fei: That sounds terrible. People there must be happy when February comes around. They
can really look forward to spring.
Jerry: Actually, February is the worst month of the winter. And we usually have snow in
March, often in April too. In a very bad winter, we can even have snow in May!
Jerry: People who love to ski or ice skate would be so crazy. For them, winter is the best
season of the year rather than spring, summer and fall.
Fei: I guess I can understand their feelings. Maybe I should learn to ski or ice skate.
Inglês Aplicado à Aviação I
Seção 2
Estratégias de leitura: skimming e scanning
Para ler um texto e captar sua ideia principal, você pode lançar mão de várias
estratégias de leitura, dependendo do seu objetivo. A agilidade no processo de
leitura facilita seu estudo e direciona seu trabalho. Portanto, ao decidir ler um
texto, escolha adequadamente a estratégia a ser empregada, uma vez que este
é um fator preponderante para nos tornarmos leitores eficientes. Prepare-se
para conhecer um pouco sobre duas estratégias de leitura muito relevantes no
processo de leitura: skimming e scanning!
É uma estratégia que consiste na leitura rápida de um texto para se adquirir uma
impressão geral sobre o assunto. Normalmente, utiliza-se o skimming quando
há muito material para ler em pouco tempo, uma vez que esta estratégia ajuda o
aluno a decidir se o assunto do texto é realmente relevante para o seu objetivo de
Capítulo 3
Faça uma experiência para verificar se você já consegue utilizar essa estratégia
na prática. Leia o texto que segue e tente identificar o assunto dele. Atente para
as dicas mencionadas anteriormente. Você deve completar seu processo de
leitura em menos de cinco minutos.
“Sometimes pilots receive false clearance from the air traffic control because their
call sign sounds similar to another call sign on the same frequency. Sometimes
they hear what they expect to hear and not what is actually being said. Sometimes
the clear radio frequency is just not clear enough. However, the most common
problem between controllers and pilots is a mutual lack of understanding with
regard to each other’s capabilities. Controllers are not magicians who can read
pilots’ minds or predict their intentions. All in all, communication with ATCs involves
exchanging safety-critical information and successful communication relies on the
use of standard phraseology whenever possible,” said Skaiste Knyzaite, the CEO at
According to S.Knyzaite, the first and foremost important lesson for pilots learning
to use the right words is not to be afraid of using the wrong words. Section 2 of
AIM Chapter 4, “Radio Communications Phraseology and Techniques,” covers the
basics of all aviation communications. The section provides the information about the
essentials — radio technologies, contact procedures, aircraft call signs, ground station
call signs, and the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) phonetic alphabet.
Inglês Aplicado à Aviação I
Another factor which often leads to mistakes is the fact that pilots sometimes omit
some of the information the controller needs. At a busy airport, where air traffic can
be very heavy at times, it might be difficult for anyone to get a word in edgeways.
Students must learn not to punch the mic button and speak to controllers
spontaneously, but to formulate their statements mentally before actually speaking
with ATC.
‘Actually, the main thing, along with good actual language skills, is not to be afraid
to confirm clearance. This also means listening carefully to other communications
on the frequency in order to build situational awareness. Several things, that could
be done to avoid misunderstandings and tragic accidents or incidents are the
following: do not be afraid to ask controllers for deviations as many miles in advance
as possible, be brief during check-in, be attentive to the frequency, especially on the
VFR; be prepared to go with an alternative plan; provide controllers with detailed pilot
reports, which helps controllers to share the information with other pilots and get a
more accurate picture of weather conditions,’ commented S.Knyzaite.
It is impossible to change humans to fix the problems, however the system can
be amended to remedy the issues that might impede the communication between
controllers and pilots. Proper training for pilots and controllers involves more practice
so that both pilots and controllers have the opportunity to gain enough knowledge
needed to understand the required and recommended SOPs. According to
AviationCV.com, implementing a mechanism for language proficiency assessment for
both pilots and controllers ensures that everyone is at the ICAO recommended level
(level 4) or above.
Conforme você deve ter observado pelo título, “Tips for improving
intercommunication between pilots and ATC”, esse texto explora a questão da
intercomunicação entre pilotos e controladores de tráfego aéreo.
Capítulo 3
Essa estratégia permite ao leitor localizar informações específicas, sem recorrer
à leitura linear do texto. É, portanto, uma leitura rápida em que os olhos do leitor
percorrem o texto para descobrir aquilo que realmente lhe interessa. Por meio da
utilização dessa estratégia, o leitor consegue obter informação de um texto sem
ler cada palavra, já que ele faz uma rápida visualização do texto, assim como um
scanner, que decodifica rapidamente a informação contida naquele espaço.
Prepare-se para aplicar a estratégia scanning para testar seu entendimento sobre
ela. Leia o texto que segue e complete as frases da Task 4 com as informações
Task 4
Hello everyone. This is Peter Brooke from Ohio and you’re listening to Radio One,
your friendly radio station. Today the topic of our conversation is the weather! Have
you ever wondered what the weather is like in other places around the world? Today,
I’d like to talk to you about the changing seasons in my city which was the assigned
topic for this class.
First of all, the winter season usually begins in December and ends in early March.
The coldest month is January, and temperatures can drop below freezing for most
of this month. The city usually averages about 30 inches of snow during this entire,
3-month period. Occasionally, we have snow storms that can drop a foot of snow
in a very short period of time. Winter activities during this season include sledding,
skiing, and snowshoeing.
Inglês Aplicado à Aviação I
Spring usually arrives in late March, and the temperatures hover around 50 degrees
during the day. It is a beautiful season because the flowers start to bloom. It is also
sometimes windy, and this is great for flying kites. People in my city often like to go
on picnics, stroll through the parks, and play outdoor games.
Next, summer starts in June, as temperatures slowly rise to around 80 degrees. The
summer in my city is very dry with little rain throughout the season, and temperatures
can soar above 100 degrees in August. Fortunately, the weather is very dry with low
humidity, so it is pleasant even on hot days. Popular activities during this season
hiking, fishing, camping, water skiing, and outdoor sports including football and
And finally, summer changes to fall in late September when the weather cools off,
and the trees begin to change colors. A lot of people enjoy driving into the mountains
and viewing the fall colors. It is also a time when people clean up their yards and
gardens in preparation for the winter season.
So, as you can see, my city has a lot to offer no matter when you visit this area.
Capítulo 3
Prepare-se para praticar as estratégias de leitura explicadas até aqui! Siga para o
exercício de autoavaliação 2 proposto no item Atividades de Autoavaliação, no final do
Inglês Aplicado à Aviação I
Seção 3
Diálogos e textos no âmbito da aviação
Na seção anterior, você observou o emprego de textos e diálogos para
exemplificar a utilização das estratégias skimming e scanning. Nesse momento,
prepare-se para efetivamente praticar a interpretação e produção de textos e
diálogos. Para tal, inicie com a leitura dos textos que seguem, pois eles servem
de modelo para sua prática.
Task 5
Utilizando a estratégia skimming, leia o texto que segue e escreva, com suas
palavras, o assunto do mesmo. Você pode escrever em português ou em inglês,
pois a ideia é que você consiga detectar, de maneira geral, o tópico explorado.
Capítulo 3
Task 6
Leia o diálogo que segue e diga sobre qual assunto ambos os personagens estão
conversando. Para tal, empregue a estratégia skimming, de modo a ter uma ideia
geral da conversa. Você pode escrever em português ou em inglês.
Inglês Aplicado à Aviação I
Task 7
The thing is: helicopters are different from planes! An airplane by its
nature wants to fly, and if not interfered with too strongly by unusual
events or by a deliberately incompetent pilot, it will fly. A helicopter
does not want to fly. It is maintained in the air by a variety of forces
and controls working in opposition to each other, and if there is
any disturbance in this delicate balance the helicopter stops flying;
immediately and disastrously. There is no such thing as a gliding
Capítulo 3
Task 8
Nesta task, empregue as estratégias skimming e scanning para ler o diálogo Life
in winter e inserir as frases de Christopher, no local apropriado. Coloque o número
correspondente nas linhas do diálogo.
Life in Winter
Aiste: Oh, Lithuania is very cold in the wintertime. Usually we have snow from the
beginning of November till the beginning of April. That means almost five months
of snow, but the good thing about snow is that after miserable autumn, where it
rains every day, and when the snow starts falling, you have the white atmosphere
everywhere, and when people walk in now, they’re not that unhappy and not that
desperate anymore, so I actually like snow because snow keeps your mood up.
What about Belgium in wintertime?
Aiste: Oh, it is very cold. Just a few years ago we had a temperature that reached
minus 26 in wintertime. It was really freezing. You almost can’t get out of your house.
Once you get out, your eyelashes get frozen, and when you get inside, you’re just
naturally crying because the ice is melting and running all through your face.
Aiste: Well, when it’s so cold, it’s really a problem to heat your house at the proper
temperature, and it definitely costs a lot of money. So far I don’t have my house and
I live with my parents, so my father was taking care of that. He was combining three
heating parts with two different kinds of wood and also natural gas from central
heating system and by combining this three parts of heating system, he was heating
up the house, but still when it was minus 26, once the pipes were frozen, and it was
really a huge problem to make the system running back again.
Inglês Aplicado à Aviação I
2) Christopher: Wow, that sounds like a really complicated and expensive heating
system. I prefer rain in my country then.
5) Christopher: Belgium in wintertime is really miserable. It’s raining all the time,
almost every day rain, rain, rain. It’s so miserable that people just look at the
pavement when they are walking outside all the time. They look like they’re so
depressed. There’s only one thing in their heads, “Oh, I hope it will be spring time
soon.” But, I was wondering, if it’s snowing in Lithuania, isn’t it cold?
Task 9
Well, for those of you who went out today, I don’t have to tell you it was
clear, but muggy for most of the state, with the high temperatures in
the low to mid 90s. The city of Elkview had the high for the day of 97
degrees. And that’s hot. I’m glad I’m working indoors today!
For those of you planning outdoor activities tomorrow, you can expect
fair skies for most of Saturday with temperatures in the high 90’s.
However, things might change by Saturday evening with a storm front
moving in. We can expect light scattered showers over the northern part
of the state bringing slightly cooler temperatures in the eighties, but this
rain should taper off by mid Sunday morning. It will be partly cloudy
for most of the morning, but these clouds should move out by mid-
Skies should be clear Sunday night for those wanting to catch a glimpse of the
partial lunar eclipse. It should start at 10:47 pm. And that’s all for today’s weather!
Capítulo 3
Task 10
Leia o seguinte texto e escolha a resposta correta para as perguntas que seguem
(1-5). Utilize a estratégia scanning para que você possa encontrar a resposta mais
The seasons
Hello everyone. Have you ever wondered what the weather is like in other places
around the world? Today, I’d like to talk to you about the changing seasons in my
city which was the assigned topic for this class.
First of all, the winter season usually begins in December and ends in early March.
The coldest month is January, and temperatures can drop below freezing for most
of this month. The city usually averages about 30 inches of snow during this entire,
3-month period. Occasionally, we have snow storms that can drop a foot of snow
in a very short period of time. Winter activities during this season include sledding,
skiing, and snowshoeing.
Spring usually arrives in late March, and the temperatures hover around 50 degrees
during the day. It is a beautiful season because the flowers start to bloom. It is also
sometimes windy, and this is great for flying kites. People in my city often like to go
on picnics, stroll through the parks, and play outdoor games.
Next, summer starts in June, as temperatures slowly rise to around 80 degrees. The
summer in my city is very dry with little rain throughout the season, and temperatures
can soar above 100 degrees in August. Fortunately, the weather is very dry with low
humidity, so it is pleasant even on hot days. Popular activities during this season hiking,
fishing, camping, water skiing, and outdoor sports including football and soccer.
Inglês Aplicado à Aviação I
And finally, summer changes to fall in late September when the weather cools off,
and the trees begin to change colors. A lot of people enjoy driving into the mountains
and viewing the fall colors. It is also a time when people clean up their yards and
gardens in preparation for the winter season.
So, as you can see, my city has a lot to offer no matter when you visit this area.
2. Based on what you heard, how would you characterize the winter
Capítulo 3
Após a leitura dos textos e diálogos propostos, prepare-se para praticar as estratégias
de leitura explicadas até aqui! Siga para o exercício de autoavaliação 3 proposto no
item Atividades de Autoavaliação, no final do capítulo.
Seção 4
Tempos verbais: Future Tense e Conditional
Preparado para conversar sobre o futuro? Neste momento, você vai conhecer
dois tempos verbais muito utilizados na área da aviação: o Future Tense e o
Conditional Tense. Veja, a seguir, a sua utilização e composição. Iniciamos esta
seção com um texto que aborda o conteúdo explorado neste capítulo: weather
forecast (previsão do tempo), com vistas à explicação dos tempos verbais
Inglês Aplicado à Aviação I
Weather Forecaster: Good afternoon and welcome to the weather forecast! Let’s
take a look at the weather outside now. What’s it like? Well, it’s currently raining
and cloudy in southern Oregon while northern Oregon is cold and clear. The sun
is shining, but it’s rather cold up here in the North! The temperature is currently 45
degrees in the southern Oregon and only 30 degrees in the North.
Shall we see what the weather will be like tomorrow? Well, it will be rainy in the
morning in southern Oregon and windy in northern Oregon. In the afternoon, the
South will see cloudy weather with some rain later in the day. Northern Oregon will
also see rain turning to snow and quite windy, with winds coming from the North-
That’s the weather forecast for this afternoon. This is Martha Baker speaking live
from Oregon! Have a good day!
Task 11
a) morning
b) afternoon
c) evening
Capítulo 3
a) 30 degrees
b) 45 degrees
c) 13 degrees
a) 30 degrees
b) 45 degrees
c) 13 degrees
a) rainy
b) sunny
c) windy
a) snowy
b) sunny
c) windy
Inglês Aplicado à Aviação I
a) rain
b) snow
c) be clear
a) southern Oregon
b) northern Oregon
c) Seattle
a) North-East
b) North-West
c) South-East
Prepare-se para voltar ao texto The Oregon Weather Forecast with Martha Baker
e ao exercício de interpretação. Veja as frases selecionadas a seguir e observe as
partes sublinhadas.
Capítulo 3
É possível verificar, nas frases afirmativas, que o verbo auxiliar will é sempre
usado com o tempo verbal do futuro simples e que o verbo principal, utilizado
com o futuro simples, está sempre na forma base.
Inglês Aplicado à Aviação I
É possível verificar, nas frases negativas, que a partícula not é acrescentada entre
o verbo auxiliar will e o verbo principal.
Fica claro que, quando queremos fazer perguntas, o verbo auxiliar will deve vir
antes do sujeito.
Viu como é fácil entender e expressar uma ideia de futuro? É só utilizar o auxiliar will
antes do verbo principal, certo?
Capítulo 3
Thomas: Hello, sit down, please. Let me introduce myself, I`m Thomas and I`m in
charge of carrying out this interview. Your name is John Paterson, am I right?
Thomas: ok, my first question is: why would you like to be a pilot for Air Canada?
John: Well, there are many reasons, but mainly because I would like to get to know
different places and people and I heard Air Canada flies around the world, right?
Thomas: Yeah, that’s correct. Well, where would you go now, if you were able to fly?
John: I would firstly fly to Tokyo, because I’ve always dreamed of visiting the city and
secondly I would travel to my hometown, because I haven’t been home for three
years due to the unavailability of time.
John: Originally, I’m from Melbourne, but I’ve lived all my life in South Africa because
I moved there when I was very young.
Thomas: I see. What would you do if the airplane you were flying had an engine
John: Well, it depends on the problem, but surely I would try to fix it and make
contact with the nearest airport in order to find a place to land the aircraft safely.
Anyhow, the fact is that we are trained to handle engine failures in every phase of
flight and I have experienced technical problems in my previous job.
Thomas: Why should Air Canada hire you? Give us some reasons, please!
Inglês Aplicado à Aviação I
John: Well, I think my qualities would meet the requirements of Air Canada, provided
I’m a skilled pilot, I speak six languages, English, French, Portuguese, German,
Spanish and Japanese and I have a degree in mechanical engineering, besides my
diplomas as a pilot. Furthermore, I think I would be able to help the company with
some other experiences I had along the 15 years I have been flying.
Thomas: Ok, Mr. Paterson. I think that’s all. Thank you very much for your interest in
our company. We will let you know the results by email no later than next week, ok?
John: Right, thank you for the opportunity. Have a nice day!
Releia a entrevista e observe as palavras sublinhadas. Note que todas elas são
Você deve ter observado que a formação dos verbos da entrevista, em suas
formas afirmativa, negativa e interrogativa, segue a mesma lógica dos verbos
no futuro, ou seja, insere-se uma partícula, neste caso would, antes do verbo
principal e se expressa uma condição.
Capítulo 3
•• I would be at the airport before the schedule if I knew the time for
the flight.
•• They would travel to Paris tomorrow, in case they had planned in
•• The passengers would get the meal before eleven, if the airplane
had left earlier.
Inglês Aplicado à Aviação I
•• I would not be late for the flight if I knew there was a huge line to get
there.They would not travel to Paris, if they were aware of the strike
at the air company.
•• He would not come back earlier, had they known there was a huge
traffic line.
Fica claro que, em frases negativas, o not é acrescentado entre o verbo auxiliar
would e o verbo principal.
Está claro que, em perguntas, o verbo auxiliar would vem antes do sujeito.
Percebeu como os tempos verbais são fáceis em inglês? Agora, vamos praticar
um pouco mais.
Task 12
Siga para a próxima entrevista, entre Tom Peterson, um candidato para a vaga de
controlador de tráfego aéreo, e Stewart Green, um psicólogo. Sublinhe os verbos
que estão no Conditional Tense.
Capítulo 3
Stewart: Good afternoon, sit down, please. I’m Stewart and I’ll be asking you some
questions. You are Tom Peterson, right?
Stewart: ok, my first question is: Do you have any experience working as an ATC?
Tom: Well, I have already worked in Washington as an ATC. In fact, I worked at the
airport in Washington for 5 years.
Stewart: ok, good, then. My second question is: What would your attributes be as
an ATC?
Tom: Well, as an ATC I would evaluate alternatives and establish priorities. I would
also estimate probable outcomes of alternative courses of action and, finally, I would
work on whatever has the highest momentary urgency without losing control over
routine traffic operations.
Stewart: Right. Now, in your opinion, what activities and abilities would your work as
an ATC involve?
Tom: Well, I think that I would work with people and write reports. Besides, I would
follow and apply procedures as well as decide on and initiating action. My job
would involve presenting and communicating information, planning and organizing,
adapting and responding to change. Finally, I would apply my expertise and
technology in my job in a professional way. And, above all, I wouldn’t lose my temper
in any critical situation.
Stewart: Ok, Mr. Peterson. That’s all for me. Thank you very much for coming. We
will let you know the results by phone no later than next Monday, ok?
Tom: No problem, thank you for the opportunity. Have a nice afternoon!
Stewart: Likewise!
Inglês Aplicado à Aviação I
Vamos praticar sobre os dois itens gramaticais apresentados aqui: Future Tense e
Conditional Tense?
Neste momento, você finalizou o capítulo 3! Congratulations!
Capítulo 3
Task 1
1) c; 2) b; 3) e; 4) d; 5) a.
Task 2
a) 2; b) 3: c) 2; d) 1; e) 3; f) 1; g) 2.
Task 3
Jerry and Fei are walking down the street on a cold, windy Beijing afternoon
Jerry: Oh, it’s not so bad. I mean, it could be worse. Imagine if you lived in
Heilongjiang or somewhere like that.
Fei: Well, what’s winter like in New York? It must be better than here in Beijing.
Jerry: Actually, it’s worse! Not only is it colder with more snow, but winter lasts
longer as well.
Fei: That sounds terrible. People there must be happy when February comes
around. They can really look forward to spring.
Jerry: Actually, February is the worst month of the winter. And we usually have
snow in March, often in April too. In a very bad winter, we can even have snow in
Jerry: People who love to ski or ice skate would be so crazy. For them, winter is
the best season of the year rather than spring, summer and fall.
Fei: I guess I can understand their feelings. Maybe I should learn to ski or ice
Inglês Aplicado à Aviação I
Task 4
Task 5
Task 6
Um passageiro questiona o piloto se ele tem medo de voar. O piloto responde que
tem um pouco de medo e é isso que o faz ser tão bom na sua profissão. Ele relata
que outros colegas que se consideravam bons pilotos já não estão mais vivos em
função disso.
A passenger asks the pilot if he is afraid of flying. The pilot responds that he is a
little afraid and that’s what makes him so good at his profession. He reports that
others who considered themselves good pilots are no longer alive because of this.
Task 7
Capítulo 3
Task 8 - 4, 1, 5, 3, 2.
Task 9
Task 10
Task 11
Task 12
Stewart: Good afternoon, sit down, please. I’m Stewart and I’ll be asking you
some questions. You are Tom Peterson, right?
Stewart: ok, my first question is: Do you have any experience working as an ATC?
Tom: Well, I have already worked in Washington as an ATC. In fact, I worked at the
airport in Washington for 5 years.
Stewart: ok, good, then. My second question is: What would your attributes be as
an ATC?
Tom: Well, as an ATC I would evaluate alternatives and establish priorities. I would
also estimate probable outcomes of alternative courses of action and, finally,
Inglês Aplicado à Aviação I
I would work on whatever has the highest momentary urgency without losing
control over routine traffic operations.
Stewart: Right. Now, in your opinion, what activities and abilities would your work
as an ATC involve?
Tom: Well, I think that I would work with people and write reports. Besides, I
would follow and apply procedures as well as decide on and initiating action.
My job would involve presenting and communicating information, planning
and organizing, adapting and responding to change. Finally, I would apply my
expertise and technology in my job in a professional way. And, above all, I
wouldn’t lose my temper in any critical situation.
Stewart: Ok, Mr. Peterson. That’s all for me. Thank you very much for coming. We
will let you know the results by phone no later than next Monday, ok?
Tom: No problem, thank you for the opportunity. Have a nice afternoon!
Stewart: Likewise!
Capítulo 3
Atividades de Autoavaliação
1. Relacione as seguintes palavras com as suas respectivas definições
(Adaptação de NDLA, 2012):
_______________: Tropical storms with wind speeds well above a hundred km/h.
_______________: A cold air mass that has its origin in the Polar Regions.
Inglês Aplicado à Aviação I
The biggest safety threat facing airlines today may not be a terrorist with a gun,
but the man with the portable computer in business class. In the last 15 years,
pilots have reported well over 100 incidents that could have been caused by
electromagnetic interference. The source of this interference remains unconfirmed,
but increasingly, experts are pointing the blame at portable electronic devices such
as portable computers, radio and cassette players and mobile telephones.
The fact that aircraft may be vulnerable to interference raises the risk that terrorists
may use radio system in order to damage navigation equipment. As worrying
though, is the passenger who can’t hear the instructions to turn off his radio because
the music’s too loud.
Capítulo 3
II. Scan the text and select a suitable answer to the following question: what is
said about the over 100 aircraft incidents in the past 15 years?
a) ( ) they may have been caused by the damage to the radio systems.
b) ( ) they may have taken place during take off and landing.
III) Skim the text to answer complete this sentence: few airlines want to impose a
total ban on their passengers using electronic devices because _______.
c) ( ) most passengers refuse to take a plane which bans the use of radio and
cassette players.
IV) Scan the text to identify the following information: why is it difficult to predict
the possible effects of electromagnetic fields on an airplane’s computers?
c) ( ) because research scientists have not been to produce the same effects in
Inglês Aplicado à Aviação I
V) Skim the text and choose the most suitable response. It can be inferred from
the passage that the author _______.
I) Leia o diálogo entre Betty e Billy e escolha a frase (a-e) que melhor se encaixa
para completar a conversa que segue. Utilize a estratégia skimming para ajudar
nesta tarefa!
Billy: _________________________________
e) ( ) You should have listened to the weather forecast before you went out.
Capítulo 3
Modern aircraft use many additional methods of navigation. The pilot plots
his course on a flight plan before he takes off. After take-off, an altimeter tells
his height or ‘altitude’ above the ground or water. Instruments controlled by
gyroscopes show whether he is climbing or turning. The safety board, which can
only make recommendations, wants the Rolls-Royce engine redesigned. Another
instrument informs him of ‘drift’ from his chosen course. An automatic pilot can
navigate the plane while he rests. Satellites in orbit around the Earth give him
information about the weather and his position. When he lands, radio beacons
guide him down to the runway.
II) Sublinhe a frase que não se encaixa no contexto. Utilize a estratégia scanning!
b) ( ) gyroscopes are the devices which inform the pilot about weather
c) ( ) the direction in which the pilot keeps going is determined before the flight.
2) A pilot
b) ( ) is an automatic pilot who conducts the aircraft with the help of some
c) ( ) has nothing to do with the altitude since he can locate his position with
help of longitudes.
Inglês Aplicado à Aviação I
a) ( ) an automatic pilot can direct the plane according to the radio signals.
d) ( ) one instrument tells the pilot the deviation from the direction.
a) ( ) If I spoke to your previous boss, what would she/he say are your greatest
strengths and weaknesses?
b) ( ) To cope with increasing civil air traffic, Civilian Aviation Authorities will
progressively put in place new airspace structures, Air Traffic Management (ATM)
procedures, and Communication, Navigation and Surveillance (CNS) systems.
d) ( ) The new E-3A CNS/ATM systems will also enhance information flow.
e) ( ) What will you do if you are not selected for a job here?
g) ( ) The instructor will also answer any knowledge based questions so that you
feel fully prepared for the big day of the interview.
h) ( ) You get a technical failure, how would you go about solving it with no
engineering cover?
l) ( ) The full motion simulator is a powerful tool used for airline procedure
training and will be familiar to pilots who have their type rating already.
Capítulo 3
II) As perguntas que seguem foram selecionadas de várias entrevistas para pilotos
de diferentes companhias aéreas. Responda às perguntas utilizando os verbos
no futuro ou no condicional, de modo a estar preparado para uma eventual
b) What would you firstly do in an emergency situation if a bird were sucked through
a turbine jet engine of your aircraft?
c) What will you focus on while reading the instructions of your flight?
Inglês Aplicado à Aviação I
e) How would you deal with an internal engine fire in a turbine engine?
f) How do you think your life will change by living here in the USA?
Capítulo 3
j) What will you say to the passengers on your first flight in our company?
III) Com base nas atividades I e II, simule uma entrevista com um piloto e outra
com um controlador de tráfego aéreo, e elabore cinco perguntas para cada
uma. Lembre-se de concentrar as perguntas nos tempos verbais estudados
até o presente momento, ou seja, presente, passado, futuro e condicional. Para
ajudá-lo na tarefa, seguem alguns exemplos de perguntas que comumente são
utilizadas nesse tipo de entrevista (1-13). Em seguida, responda às perguntas
confeccionadas por você.
Inglês Aplicado à Aviação I
7. W
hy do you want to work at this company?
Why should we hire you?
How will you handle stress with tight schedules of flights?
8. Would you fly fatigued?
9. What qualities make a good captain?
10. Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
11. What would you do if you lost your medical?
12. Which airplane do you currently fly?
13. How many hours a day does an ATC work?
Interview 1 – Pilot
Capítulo 4
Tomada de decisão
Capítulo 4
Seção 1
Tomada de decisão
Você deve conhecer situações em que uma tomada de decisões foi crucial para
o salvamento de vidas humanas, certo? Mas, qual seria a definição do termo
‘tomada de decisão’? Veja, então.
Vale salientar que a decisão mais adequada a ser tomada por um piloto ou
controlador de tráfego aéreo implica a prevenção ou redução de acidentes.
Portanto, em sendo a tomada de decisão um fator preponderante na
carreira daqueles envolvidos em aviação, faz-se necessário treinamento
e aperfeiçoamento constante, além da utilização de todos os dispositivos
tecnológicos disponíveis para melhorar o processo decisório. Incluem-se, nesse
contexto, todos os envolvidos na área da aviação, como o: controladores de
tráfego aéreo, comissários de bordo, mecânicos, entre outros, pois o objetivo é
melhorar o desempenho de cada um nas suas respectivas funções.
Para entender melhor esse processo, observe, na figura que segue, as fases do
processo da tomada de decisão do piloto.
Inglês Aplicado à Aviação I
evaluate options
act choose
Capítulo 4
3:27:32 - New York Tracon: “Cactus 1549, turn left heading 2-7-0.”
3:27:36 - Flight 1549: “Ah, this, uh, Cactus 1539. Hit birds, we lost thrust in both
engines. We’re turning back towards LaGuardia.”
3:27:42 - New York Tracon: “OK, yeah, you need to return to Laguardia. Turn left
heading of uh, 2-2-0.”
Inglês Aplicado à Aviação I
3:27:49 - New York Tracon: “Tower, stop your departures. We got an emergency
3:27:54 - New York Tracon: “It’s 1529, he ah, bird strike. He lost all engines. He lost
the thrust in the engines. He is returning immediately.”
3:28:01 - New York Tracon: “He lost thrust in both engines, he said.”
3:28:05 - New York Tracon: “Cactus 1529, if we can get it to you, do you want to try
to land runway 1-3?”
3:28:31 - New York Tracon: “All right cactus 1549. It’s going to be a left. Traffic to
runway 3-1.”
3:28:46 - New York Tracon: “Cactus 1549, runway four is available if you want to
make left traffic to runway four.”
3:28:50 - Flight 1549: “I am not sure if we can make any runway. Oh, what’s that over
to our right? Anything in New Jersey, maybe Teterboro?”
3:28:55 - New York Tracon: “OK yeah, off to your right is Teterboro airport.”
3:29:02 - New York Tracon: “Do you want to try and go to Teterboro?”
3:29:05 - New York Tracon: “Teterboro, uh, Empire actually. LaGuardia departure got
an emergency inbound.
3:29:11 - New York Tracon: “Cactus 1529, Over the George Washington bridge want
to go to the airport right now.”
3:29:14 - Teterboro: “He wants to go to our airport check. Does he need any
3:29:17 - New York Tracon: “Ah, yes, he, ah, was a bird strike. Can I get him in for
runway one?”
Capítulo 4
3:29:21 - New York Tracon: “Cactus 1529, turn right 2-8-0, you can land runway one
at Teterboro.”
3:29:26 - New York Tracon: “OK, which runway would you like at Teterboro?”
3:29:41 - New York Tracon: “Jetlink, 2760, contact New York. O-2-6 point 8.
3:29:51 - New York Tracon: “Cactus, ah, Cactus 1549, radar contact is lost. You also
got Newark airport off your two o’clock and about 7 miles.”
3:30:06 - New York Tracon: Eagle flight 4718, turn left heading 2-1-0.
3:30:09 - Eagle Flight 4718: “2-1-0, um, 4718. I don’t know, I think he said he was
going in the Hudson.”
3:30:14 - New York Tracon: “Cactus 1529, uh, you still on?”
3:30:22 - New York Tracon: “Cactus 1529, if you can, ah, you got, ah, runway 2-9
available at Newark off your two o’clock and 7 miles.”
3:30:32 - New York Tracon: “Eagle flight 4718, climb and maintain one two
3:30:34 - Eagle flight 4718 “OK, 1-2 thousand and, ah, leaving 5 and 280 heading.”
3:30:41 - New York Tracon: “And Eagle flight 4718, I”m sorry, I missed that, say
3:30:45 - Eagle Flight 4718: “And uh, we’re up to 12,000, uh, 280 on the heading.”
3:30:48 - New York Tracon: “OK, thank you Eagle flight 4718, Turn left. 2-2-0.”
3:31:32 - New York Tracon: “Uh, yeah, it was a cactus. He was just north of the, ah,
George Washington Bridge when they had the bird strike.”
Inglês Aplicado à Aviação I
Como você pôde notar pelo diálogo descrito, o piloto decidiu pousar no rio
Hudson, pois percebeu que não conseguiria chegar a nenhum dos aeroportos
sugeridos e, afortunadamente, obteve sucesso na sua decisão. Todos os 155
passageiros foram resgatados, assim como a tripulação, que foi posteriormente
condecorada com a Medalha de Mestre da Guild of Air Pilots and Air Navigations.
A decisão do piloto em aterrissar nas águas do rio Hudson provou ser a mais
adequada; portanto, sua tomada de decisão demonstrou ser extremamente útil e
em tempo oportuno.
After the problem has been identified, the pilot must evaluate the need to react to
it and determine the actions that may be taken to resolve the situation in the time
available. The expected outcome of each possible action should be considered and
the risks assessed before deciding on a response to the situation.
The pilot determines if there is insufficient fuel to reach the destination, and considers
other options, such as turning around and landing at a nearby airport that has been
passed, diverting off course, or landing prior to the destination at an airport on the
route. The expected outcome of each possible action must be considered along
with an assessment of the risks involved. After studying the aeronautical chart, the
pilot concludes that there is an airport that has fueling services within the remaining
fuel range along the route. The time expended for the extra fuel stop is a worthwhile
investment to ensure a safe completion of the flight.
Capítulo 4
Task 1 1
Coloque, nas linhas que seguem, sua compreensão do texto apresentado (em
português ou inglês). Lembre-se de utilizar as palavras cognatas assim como as
estratégias de leitura explicadas até aqui.
Você deve ter observado, por meio dos exemplos mencionados (diálogo e texto),
como é importante envolvermos o emprego sistemático de estratégias discursivas
de modo a identificar algumas informações pertinentes para atender expectativas.
Entre essas estratégias discursivas, cabe salientar as estratégias de leitura que
visam a facilitar nosso processo de compreensão textual. Vamos conhecer outra
estratégia de leitura? Atente para uma estratégia conhecida como selectivity.
1 Resultados desta e das demais tasks estão na seção Tasks no final deste capítulo, após a Síntese.
Inglês Aplicado à Aviação I
Seção 2
Estratégia de leitura: selectivity
Selectivity é uma estratégia que se refere à seleção de trechos nos quais se
deseja encontrar uma determinada informação como seções do texto, parágrafos,
entre outros. Ao lermos um texto, podemos ter vários objetivos em mente, como
a compreensão geral do texto ou a compreensão específica, ou seja, a busca de
determinados elementos no texto. No caso de informações específicas, utiliza-se
a estratégia selectivity de modo que possamos extrair dados pertinentes ao que
estamos procurando. Então, seleciona-se um capítulo, um trecho, um parágrafo,
uma frase para encontrar a informação desejada. Veja um exemplo na sequência.
Task 2
Regimes of flight
After the invention of the airplane, designers and engineers created new aircraft for
a variety of uses. Airplanes became a part of daily life. Aircraft were used regularly to
ship cargo and to transport people. Over time, the speed of aircraft has increased.
We put aircraft into groups based upon how fast they can fly. We call these groups
the speed regimes (pronounced ``ra-jeems’’) of flight. There are five basic speed
regimes. These include the earliest aircraft to the most modern.
The first speed group flies in the low speed regime. Aircraft in this group travel
at speeds between 0 and 100 miles per hour (mph). These tend to be lightweight
vehicles with a small engine or no engine at all. The aircrafts in this group include the
earliest types of aircraft, such as kites, balloons and early airplanes. Modern aircraft
in this speed regime are hang gliders, balloons, ultralights and airships (blimps,
The second group flies in the medium speed regime. These aircraft fly between 100
and 350 mph. These vehicles are usually airplanes with straight, thick wings. This
category includes sailplanes, biplanes, propeller planes, helicopters and autogyros.
Early German-made planes like the Fokker and the Junkers are in this category.
Small planes, like the modern Cessna and Beechcraft, are also grouped within this
speed regime.
The third group flies in the high speed regime. The aircraft in this category are the
powerful propeller airplanes and jet planes that fly between 350 and 700 mph. These
vehicles usually have thin, sweptback wings. The greater the sweep, the faster they
can go. The fuselage is a sleek shape.
Capítulo 4
The Boeing 747 Jumbo Jet, the Lear Jet, the Sikorsky Blackhawk helicopter and
many fighter planes fly within this speed regime.
The fourth group flies in the supersonic speed regime. This group includes aircraft
that can go faster than the speed of sound, which is approximately 760 mph. The
supersonic speed regime goes up to 5 times the speed of sound. These vehicles
have high-powered jet engines, a sleek fuselage and super thin, sweptback or delta
wings. The Concorde, the F-15 Eagle, and the SR-71 Blackbird are some examples
of airplanes that can fly at supersonic speeds. The X-1 was the first plane to fly faster
than the speed of sound.
The last speed regime is hypersonic flight, which is between 5 and 10 times the
speed of sound. This is 3,500-7,000 mph. These vehicles have high-powered rocket
engines with short, thin wings. They have highly advanced heat protection systems
to protect the aircraft from the extreme heat faced during re-entry. Rockets travel
at these speeds as they accelerate into Earth orbit. Also, re-entry capsules like
Apollo travel at these speeds as they descend from orbit. The best known examples
of hypersonic aircraft are the X-15 and the space shuttle which flies through all
of the speed regimes when it re-enters Earth’s atmosphere. The space shuttle is
coasting from a very high speed and high altitude when it flies hypersonically. There
is currently no aircraft that can cruise at these speeds; however NASA is currently
researching flight at hypersonic speed using experimental prototypes like the X-33
and X-34.
a) The Concorde ( )
c) Apollo ( )
Vamos praticar um pouco mais sobre a estratégia selectivity? Siga para o exercício de
autoavaliação 1 proposto no item Atividades de Autoavaliação, no final do capítulo.
Inglês Aplicado à Aviação I
Seção 3
Grupos nominais e adjetivos
Para conseguirmos identificar as informações pertinentes e responder
adequadamente a alguns princípios da tomada de decisão, faz-se necessário ter
um conhecimento mais aprofundado da gramática da língua inglesa. Dessa forma,
as informações a serem repassadas estarão mais próximas da realidade e do fato
Grupos nominais
Observe as partes sublinhadas das frases que seguem, selecionadas do texto
Regimes of Flight.
a. Early German-made planes like the Fokker and the Junkers are in
this category.
b. These vehicles have high-powered rocket engines with short, thin
Grupo nominal 2
modificador-adjetivo modificador-adjetivo núcleo-substantivo
Capítulo 4
Sobre os adjetivos, primeiramente cabe perguntarmos se você saberia definí-los
e/ou reconhecê-los nas frases. Se ainda está em dúvida, aprofunde um pouco
mais seu conhecimento na sequência.
Vamos identificar alguns adjetivos no texto ATC Takes a Bite out of 2013, que
elucida sobre a companhia ATC, responsável por cargas para empresas aéreas.
Leia o texto e observe a utilização dos adjetivos.
Inglês Aplicado à Aviação I
The Frankfurt-based general sales agent expects 2013 to be a tough year for
the global cargo industry due to weak markets, financial instabilities, incalculable
political risks, rising energy costs, and the ongoing European crisis. Despite these
critical external circumstances, however, ATC’s CEO, Ingo Zimmer, is confident
that his agency will notably increase its turnover and financial results in the twelve
months ahead compared to “the very successful outcome we achieved in 2012.”
“We expect our enterprise to generate further business due to new airline contacts,
and also to the additional frequencies that some of our carriers have put into the
market, providing more capacity that we can fill with air freight,” says an optimistic
Herr Zimmer. It all started in 1971 in Switzerland, when ATC Aviation Services was
introduced. At that time, forwarders and airlines hardly knew what a cargo general
sales agent was. ATC was a pioneer and trailblazer, paving the way for other
contenders to step into this business. Since then, the company has generated an
annual turnover of more than 250 million euros. In some markets, says CEO Zimmer,
“we rank among the top players in terms of uplifted tonnage.” One example is
Switzerland, where ATC accounts for nearly the same air freight volume that home
carrier Swiss WorldCargo is transporting annually. Germany is another stronghold.
There, Zimmer and his team are responsible for filling the cargo compartments or
main decks of some fifteen capacity providers, among them All Nippon Airways,
Ethiopian Airlines, Etihad Airways, Royal Air Maroc. All across Europe, more than
60 airlines rely on ATC’s cargo services, with some agreements being valid in only
one country, says Ingo. Finnair’s contract for the Belgian market and the GSA’s
representation of Air China in Switzerland are just two examples that illustrate these
sorts of local agreements. Looking back, Zimmer says that joining ATC more than 20
years ago “was the best decision I have ever made.” Europe’s GSA landscape then
was still in its infancy, with airlines considering the few players as barely qualified. “In
those days, we all had a severe image problem,” Ingo recalls.
a. weak markets
b. financial instabilities
c. incalculable political risks
d. energy costs
Capítulo 4
NextGen is a GPS-based system that will give pilots much more precise information
about where other planes are. This will allow them to fly closer together — meaning
that they can take off at shorter intervals and fly more direct routes. In addition, by
giving pilots direct access to some of the information they now get from air-traffic
controllers, it cuts a step out of the process, making flight safer. NextGen is, thus,
the newest product in the market with the latest technology to help pilots improve
their jobs in the everyday tasks.
Another key change that a private organization could make — or that could be
imposed on the FAA, for that matter — is to fund operations in a more logical way.
A better funding mechanism could not only raise enough money to implement
NextGen quickly, it could address congestion in and of itself. NextGen could be,
then, the best solution to our problems.
Inglês Aplicado à Aviação I
Adjetivos Comparativos
closer – shorter - better - safer – faster – more –
Adjetivos Superlativos
newest – latest – quickest - most advanced - best
Adjetivos comparativos
Capítulo 4
Os adjetivos comparativos, usados para comparar dois ou três itens, podem ser
de dois tipos:
•• adjetivos curtos;
•• adjetivos longos.
Nos adjetivos terminados em “y”, com uma sílaba, substitui-se o “y” pelo “i” e
adiciona-se a terminação ER ao final.
Os adjetivos longos são aqueles que possuem mais de uma sílaba e formam o
comparativo adicionando a palavra MORE (superioridade) ou LESS (inferioridade)
na frente do adjetivo.
Por exemplo: more logical - more precise - more direct ou less logical – less
precise – less direct.
Os adjetivos terminados em “y”, com mais de uma sílaba, seguem a mesma regra
dos outros adjetivos longos.
Adjetivos superlativos
Os adjetivos superlativos, usados para comparar um item no meio de um grupo,
seguem a mesma lógica, ou seja, são divididos em:
•• adjetivos curtos;
•• adjetivos longos.
Para aqueles terminados em “y”, com uma sílaba, deve-se substituir o “y” pelo “i”
e adicionar a terminação EST.
Inglês Aplicado à Aviação I
Vamos visualizar melhor essa explicação? Veja o seguinte quadro, com outros
Capítulo 4
Você observou que nesses casos mencionados acima não há uma forma fixa,
certo? Isso acontece em função de não obedecerem a mesma regra dos outros
adjetivos. Portanto, memorize a regra aplicada a eles separadamente.
Task 2
Leia o texto a seguir, que salienta a diferença entre o Boeing Dreamliner e o Airbus
A380, e sublinhe os adjetivos comparativos e superlativos no texto.
Within one of the larger duopoly industries, the Boeing-Airbus aircraft battle wages
on with Boeing’s 787 Dreamliner and Airbus’ A380. Considering this latest issue
in the plane production competition, Boeing and Airbus split ways on their fuel-
conserving strategies. With the monstrous size of the A380, Airbus aims for a new
level of airborne mass transit as it opted for two decks each with dual isles and a
total carrying capacity of over 520. The A380 family is designed for longer trips and
more passengers, seeking fuel-conservation by consolidation. On the other hand,
Boeing explored a handful of roles for its three 787 Dreamliner planes (its first new
planes since 1995). While the 787-3 is modeled for larger capacity-shorter distance,
the 787-8 and 787-9 look to provide smaller capacity-longer distance aircraft.
Inglês Aplicado à Aviação I
The niches of the A380 family and 787 Dreamliner group do not completely overlap.
Boeing’s 787-3 is closest in statistics to the A380, yet the A380 has over one and
a half times more capacity and nearly three times the range. Moreover, with smaller
and more fuel-efficient planes in the 787-8 and the 787-9, Boeing avoided direct
competition with the A380.
Within the aircraft-producing duel, many companies are invested in Boeing or Airbus.
For instance, General Electric, Goodrich, and Thales -- an information systems
manufacturer -- hold more expensive contracts with Boeing. These firms create,
supply, and assemble all sorts of airplane parts, ranging from simpler engines to
more sophisticated landing systems. On the other side of the industry, Airbus has
signed billion dollar agreements with transportation and logistics giant DHL as well
as engine producer Honeywell International. However, a handful of suppliers are
engaged on both sides of the industry. Aviation systems producer Rockwell Collins
and electric/landing systems manufacturer Goodrich make parts for both Airbus and
Task 3
Capítulo 4
e) ( ) Airbus A 380 has ……………. (wide) internal cabin than Boeing 787
f) ( ) Airbus A 380 has ……………. (many) seats than Boeing 787 Dreamliner.
Modo imperativo
Você já deve ter notado que a comunicação é um fator de grande relevância no
contexto da aviação, certo? Quando uma aeronave está no pátio, normalmente
os pilotos e os mecânicos se comunicam para troca de informações. Leia os
diálogos na Figura 4.7 e observe que os mecânicos estão repassando algumas
orientações para os pilotos. Perceba que as frases iniciam com o verbo,
fornecendo assim uma ideia de orientação e sugestão.
Inglês Aplicado à Aviação I
Como você deve ter notado, as frases não possuem sujeito. Isso acontece em
função de utilizarmos o modo imperativo para expressar ordem, orientação,
pedido, solicitação, sugestão. O imperativo é um tempo verbal bastante fácil em
inglês, pois ele é formado pelo verbo no infinitivo sem a partícula to, assim como
os exemplos sublinhados nas frases dos diálogos acima.
Capítulo 4
Task 4
Affirmative Negative
Switch off APU (auxiliary power unit). Don’t switch off APU.
Reduce magazines/newspapers.
Fly higher
Inglês Aplicado à Aviação I
Task 5
• state your position whenever making initial contact with any tower or ground
controller, regardless of whether you have previously stated your position to
a different controller;
• use standard ATC phraseology at all times in order to facilitate clear and
concise pilot/ controller communications;
• when holding in position for takeoff and when on final approach, actively
monitor the assigned tower frequency, or the Common Traffic Advisory
Frequency (CTAF), for potential conflicts involving your runway;
• read back all takeoff and landing clearances, including the runway designator;
• if unfamiliar with the taxi routes at an airport, ask for progressive taxi
Capítulo 4
Task 6
Agora, traduza os verbos sublinhados nas linhas que seguem. Siga o modelo.
Você deve ter percebido que, ao longo desse capítulo, você teve contato com
uma série de informações pertinentes à tomada de decisão, à estratégia de leitura
chamada selectivity e a alguns itens gramaticais de grande importância na língua
inglesa. Dessa maneira, você está próximo de dominar a comunicação na língua
estrangeira de maior relevância para o contexto da aviação, o inglês. Continue
estudando cada vez mais para aprimorar suas habilidades linguísticas!
Inglês Aplicado à Aviação I
Você completou mais um capítulo desta unidade de aprendizagem, que explorou
diálogos e textos relacionados à tomada de decisão para elucidação de
situações-problema dentro do contexto da aviação.
Prossiga para o último capítulo deste material, que vai explorar outros aspectos
determinantes para a área da aviação!
Task 1
Task 2
Within one of the larger duopoly industries, the Boeing-Airbus aircraft battle wages
on with Boeing’s 787 Dreamliner and Airbus’ A380. Considering this latest issue
in the plane production competition, Boeing and Airbus split ways on their fuel-
conserving strategies. With the monstrous size of the A380, Airbus aims for a
new level of airborne mass transit as it opted for two decks each with dual isles
and a total carrying capacity of over 520. The A380 family is designed for longer
trips and more passengers, seeking fuel-conservation by consolidation. On the
other hand, Boeing explored a handful of roles for its three 787 Dreamliner planes
Capítulo 4
(its first new planes since 1995). While the 787-3 is modeled for larger capacity-
shorter distance, the 787-8 and 787-9 look to provide smaller capacity-longer
distance aircraft.
The niches of the A380 family and 787 Dreamliner group do not completely
overlap. Boeing’s 787-3 is closest in statistics to the A380, yet the A380 has over
one and a half times more capacity and nearly three times the range. Moreover,
with smaller and more fuel-efficient planes in the 787-8 and the 787-9, Boeing
avoided direct competition with the A380.
Task 3
d) Boeing 787 Dreamliner has less (little) capacity than Airbus A 380.
e) Airbus A 380 has wider (wide) internal cabin than Boeing 787 Dreamliner.
f) Airbus A 380 has more (many) seats than Boeing 787 Dreamliner.
Inglês Aplicado à Aviação I
Task 4
Affirmative Negative
Switch off APU (auxiliary power unit). Don’t switch off APU.
Start APU just before engine shutdown. Don´t start APU just before engine shutdown.
Dust and moisture slow it down. Dust and moisture don´t slow it down.
Stop taking excess fuel unless required. Don´t stop taking excess fuel unless required.
Avoid level flying with gear down and full Don´t avoid level flying with gear down and full
flaps. flaps.
Use light leather for seats. Don´t use light leather for seats.
Task 5
Capítulo 4
Task 6
Check = verifique
use = use
state = identifique
use = use
read = confirme
monitor = monitore
read = confirme
clarify = esclareça
Inglês Aplicado à Aviação I
Atividades de Autoavaliação
1. Releia o texto Regimes of Flight e selecione a parte do texto que ressalta os
itens a seguir. Identifique em qual parágrafo (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7) as informações
se encontram:
d) As aeronaves que viajam com uma velocidade entre zero e cem milhas
por hora. ( )
Por exemplo: Atualmente, não há avião que possa voar nessas velocidades =
There is currently no aircraft that can cruise at these speeds.
Capítulo 4
Inglês Aplicado à Aviação I
barely qualified
local agreements
financial results
annual turnover
cargo compartments
successful outcome
Capítulo 4
Inglês Aplicado à Aviação I
When air traffic controllers communicate, they have to use specific commands and
be as direct as possible. Given that they are responsible for the safe and expeditious
flow of air traffic by issuing clearances, instructions, and information, it is essential
that ATC speak clearly and listen carefully to all kinds of verbal communication. When
the accuracy of a message is doubted, the complete message or essential parts are
repeated. Because ATCs make use of radiotelephone communications, they follow
the speech techniques below:
Capítulo 4
Inglês Aplicado à Aviação I
Safety Briefing
Ladies and gentlemen, on behalf of the crew I ask that you please direct your
attention to the monitors above as we review the emergency procedures. There
are six emergency exits on this aircraft. Take a minute to locate the exit closest to
you. Note that the nearest exit may be behind you. Count the number of rows to
this exit. Should the cabin experience sudden pressure loss, stay calm and listen
for instructions from the cabin crew. Oxygen masks will drop down from above your
seat. Place the mask over your mouth and nose, like this. Pull the strap to tighten
it. If you are traveling with children, make sure that your own mask is on first before
helping your children. In the unlikely event of an emergency landing and evacuation,
leave your carry-on items behind. Life rafts are located below your seats and
emergency lighting will lead you to your closest exit and slide. We ask that you make
sure that all carry-on luggage is stowed away safely during the flight. While we wait
for take-off, please take a moment to review the safety data card in the seat pocket
in front of you.
Capítulo 4
6. Releia o texto FAA transcript of Hudson river plane landing, que relata o
acidente de uma aeronave no rio Hudson, em Nova Yorque, e sublinhe as
frases no imperativo. A primeira frase serve como modelo para você realizar a
3:27:32 - New York Tracon: “Cactus 1549, turn left heading 2-7-0.”
3:27:36 - Flight 1549: “Ah, this, uh, Cactus 1539. Hit birds, we lost thrust in both
engines. We’re turning back towards LaGuardia.”
3:27:42 - New York Tracon: “OK, yeah, you need to return to Laguardia. Turn left
heading of uh, 2-2-0.”
3:27:49 - New York Tracon: “Tower, stop your departures. We got an emergency
3:27:54 - New York Tracon: “It’s 1529, he ah, bird strike. He lost all engines. He lost
the thrust in the engines. He is returning immediately.”
3:28:01 - New York Tracon: “He lost thrust in both engines, he said.”
3:28:05 - New York Tracon: “Cactus 1529, if we can get it to you, do you want to try
to land runway 1-3?”
3:28:31 - New York Tracon: “All right cactus 1549. It’s going to be a left. Traffic to
runway 3-1.”
3:28:46 - New York Tracon: “Cactus 1549, runway four is available if you want to
make left traffic to runway four.”
3:28:50 - Flight 1549: “I am not sure if we can make any runway. Oh, what’s that over
to our right? Anything in New Jersey, maybe Teterboro?”
Inglês Aplicado à Aviação I
3:28:55 - New York Tracon: “OK yeah, off to your right is Teterboro airport.”
3:29:02 - New York Tracon: “Do you want to try and go to Teterboro?”
3:29:05 - New York Tracon: “Teterboro, uh, Empire actually. LaGuardia departure got
an emergency inbound.
3:29:11 - New York Tracon: “Cactus 1529, Over the George Washington bridge want
to go to the airport right now.”
3:29:14 - Teterboro: “He wants to go to our airport check. Does he need any
3:29:17 - New York Tracon: “Ah, yes, he, ah, was a bird strike. Can I get him in for
runway one?”
3:29:21 - New York Tracon: “Cactus 1529, turn right 2-8-0, you can land runway one
at Teterboro.”
3:29:26 - New York Tracon: “OK, which runway would you like at Teterboro?”
3:29:41 - New York Tracon: “Jetlink, 2760, contact New York. O-2-6 point 8.
3:29:51 - New York Tracon: “Cactus, ah, Cactus 1549, radar contact is lost. You also
got Newark airport off your two o’clock and about 7 miles.”
3:30:06 - New York Tracon: Eagle flight 4718, turn left heading 2-1-0.
3:30:09 - Eagle Flight 4718: “2-1-0, um, 4718. I don’t know, I think he said he was
going in the Hudson.”
3:30:14 - New York Tracon: “Cactus 1529, uh, you still on?”
3:30:22 - New York Tracon: “Cactus 1529, if you can, ah, you got, ah, runway 2-9
available at Newark off your two o’clock and 7 miles.”
Capítulo 4
3:30:32 - New York Tracon: “Eagle flight 4718, climb and maintain one two
3:30:34 - Eagle flight 4718 “OK, 1-2 thousand and, ah, leaving 5 and 280 heading.”
3:30:41 - New York Tracon: “And Eagle flight 4718, I”m sorry, I missed that, say
3:30:45 - Eagle Flight 4718: “And uh, we’re up to 12,000, uh, 280 on the heading.”
3:30:48 - New York Tracon: “OK, thank you Eagle flight 4718, Turn left. 2-2-0.”
3:31:32 - New York Tracon: “Uh, yeah, it was a cactus. He was just north of the, ah,
George Washington Bridge when they had the bird strike.”
Capítulo 5
Terminologia aeronáutica
Capítulo 5
Seção 1
A técnica de word mapping
No processo de aprendizagem de uma língua estrangeira, a aquisição de novos
vocábulos se torna um dos maiores desafios, na medida em que tentamos
decorar listas de palavras sem relacioná-las entre si. O resultado é o fácil
esquecimento das palavras ou termos!
Inglês Aplicado à Aviação I
Capítulo 5
Dessa forma, ratifica-se a ideia de que um word mapping pode ser produzido,
utilizando todo tipo de linguagem: expressão escrita, expressão visual, entre
Inglês Aplicado à Aviação I
A Figura 5.3, Mapping about the U.S. economy, utiliza um efeito de mash-
up, técnica em que há uma combinação de vocábulos a partir de vários
caminhos de intersecção para formar uma mensagem final. Nessa formatação,
especificamente, foram utilizadas palavras como uncertain, vulnerable, fragile,
sluggish, weak, recoverning, que revelam a situação econômica de um país,
nesse caso, dos Estados Unidos, reforçado pela configuração geográfica do word
train motorcycle
bicycle trolley
truck, van semi-tractor
ship sailboat
glider blimp
submarine water air
canoe helicopter
cargo/container aircraft hot air space
ship carrier baloon shuttle
Fonte: Pinterest, 2016.
Capítulo 5
A Figura 5.5, Mapping about meteorology, revela um word mapping com tipologia
quadrada, articulando o conhecimento a partir do tema central, meteorology,
categorizado em cinco partes: instruments, global, precipitaion, pattern e
storms. Na parte inferior de cada divisão, surgem as palavras relacionadas às
subcategorias e ao tema central.
Inglês Aplicado à Aviação I
A Figura 5.7, Mapping about the digital environment, utiliza o tema sobre
ambientes virtuais para ilustrar um word mapping que se expande infinitamente,
se considerarmos a tela de fundo da ilustração com seus vários nós de conexão.
Esses nós indicam a possibilidade de infinitas conexões.
Capítulo 5
Prepare-se, então, para praticar essa técnica de forma a ampliar seu vocabulário
da língua inglesa focada ao contexto da aviação.
Inglês Aplicado à Aviação I
Seção 2
Produção de word maps e vocabulário da área
da aviação
Nesta seção, você terá oportunidade de praticar a técnica de expansão e
retenção de vocábulos, ou seja, word mapping, visto que um dos maiores
desafios no processo de aprendizagem de uma língua estrangeira é a
memorização e ampliação de vocabulário. Essa técnica de aquisição de
vocabulário pode ser concretizada pela inserção de palavras, frases, pequenos
textos, ilustrações, entre outros, em determinados grupos.
Vamos praticar?
Capítulo 5
Inglês Aplicado à Aviação I
Capítulo 5
Você deve ter percebido que é muito fácil relacionar as palavras, certo?
Seção 3
Termos aeronáuticos, prefixos e sufixos
Um dos requisitos básicos para aqueles que objetivam trabalhar no campo da
aviação é estar familiarizado com a terminologia da área. Portanto, nesta seção
você vai estudar alguns termos técnicos aeronáuticos e siglas com vistas à
padronização da comunicação entre pilotos, controladores de tráfego aéreo e
outros participantes desse contexto.
Inglês Aplicado à Aviação I
Capítulo 5
Inglês Aplicado à Aviação I
Task 1 1
CG Centro de Gravidade
1 Resultados desta e das demais tasks estão na seção Tasks, no final deste capítulo, após a Síntese.
Capítulo 5
Percebeu como é fácil? Quanto mais você ler e pesquisar, mais familiarizado
estará com esses termos específicos da área da aviação.
Prefixos e sufixos
Agora, observe alguns termos selecionados da atividade de Autoavaliação 2:
Inglês Aplicado à Aviação I
Expanda seu conhecimento sobre prefixos por meio da leitura dos quadros que
seguem. Observe a explicação sobre o sentido dos prefixos na linha superior de
cada quadro na figura que segue, assim como, na primeira coluna, as partículas
a serem inseridas nas palavras originais e, finalmente, alguns exemplos com suas
respectivas traduções.
Capítulo 5
UN_ Ex:
unauthorized = não autorizado
unavailable = não disponível
NON_ Ex:
non-smoker = não fumante
IN_ Ex:
impossible = impossível
(IL_, IM_, IR_) improper = impróprio
DIS_ Ex:
disconnect = disconectar
disobey = desobedecer
UN_ Ex:
unload = descarregar
unlock = destravar
DE_ Ex:
defrost = descongelar
deforestation = desmatamento
MIS_ Ex:
misconduct = mau comportamento
misunderstanding = mal-entendido
MAL_ Ex:
malfunction = funcionamento defeituoso
maltreat = maltratar
Inglês Aplicado à Aviação I
OUT_ Ex:
outdistance = deixar para trás
outnumber = ultrapassar em número
SUB_ Ex:
subatomic = subatômico
subnormal = anormal
overdo = exagerar
undercharge = pagamento insuficiente
underprivileged = desprivilegiado
ultrasonic = ultra-som
CO_ Ex:
cooperate = cooperar
copilot = copiloto
SUB_ Ex:
subdivide = subdividir
inter-continental = intercontinental
international = internacional
transatlantic = transatlântico
forename = prenome
Capítulo 5
6. Outros prefixos
autobiography = autobiografia
automation = automação
PAN_ Ex:
pan-African = Pan-Africano
pan-American = Pan-americano
telecommunications = telecomunicações
telescope = telescópio
Na figura 5.12, leia as indicações da formação das palavras com sufixos (em cada
quadro, de 1 a 10), assim como alguns exemplos e suas respectivas traduções.
force (força) forceful (vigoroso, coercitivo) forceless (sem força, que não se
harm (dano, prejuízo) harmful (prejudicial) impõe)
power (potência) powerful (potente) harmless (inócuo, inofensivo)
powerless (impotente)
Inglês Aplicado à Aviação I
Capítulo 5
Inglês Aplicado à Aviação I
Capítulo 5
Task 2
Além desses itens gramaticais, neste capítulo você teve contato com alguns
termos específicos da área aeronáutica, que podem ser mais facilmente
memorizados a partir da utilização da estratégia de word mapping. Basta
selecionar o word mapping mais adequado para você explorar os vocábulos da
área da aviação com mais propriedade.
Inglês Aplicado à Aviação I
Parabéns! Você encerrou o último capítulo deste material de Inglês Aplicado, que
explicitou sobre a estratégia de word mapping. O objetivo aqui foi a exploração
de vocabulário específico da área da aviação, com vistas à criação de um corpus
específico e auxílio na memorização de vocábulos. Além disso, este capítulo
esclareceu sobre dois itens gramaticais envolvendo prefixos e sufixos, elucidando,
portanto, a formação de novos vocábulos a partir da raiz das palavras.
Task 1
Task 2
1) d; 2) g; 3) a; 4) h; 5) b; 6) e; 7) f; 8) c.
Capítulo 5
Atividades de Autoavaliação
1.Para fortalecer a sua capacidade de aquisição e retenção de vocábulos,
prepare-se para completar alguns mapas conceituais. A partir da configuração
sugerida, complete os diagramas que seguem, conforme a palavra-chave
indicada para cada diagrama.
Inglês Aplicado à Aviação I
o que, qual
Capítulo 5
Simple Present
Present Continuous
Imperative Simple
Conditional Future
Inglês Aplicado à Aviação I
Capítulo 5
Para relembrar os nominal groups, ou grupos nominais, insira nos campos que
seguem as legendas: modificador-adjetivo ou núcleo-substantivo, conforme sua
posição/função na frase. Você pode repetir as legendas.
Termos aeronáuticos
Inglês Aplicado à Aviação I
Air speed
Alighting gear
Balked landing
Engine roughness
Go around
Hard landing
Instrument panel
Jammed linkage
Jet propulsion
Lifting force
Nautical mile
Neutral position
Capítulo 5
No-lift area
Out break
Power off
Quick release
Rate of descent
Rated horsepower
Sea level
Take off
Under priming
Warm up
Weather condition
Zero lift
Zero visibility
Inglês Aplicado à Aviação I
A. B.
q. ( ) Friendship
r. ( ) Freedom
Capítulo 5
Considerações Finais
Esse livro objetivou ressaltar alguns aspectos da língua inglesa no que tange ao
contexto da aviação, enfocando, especialmente, as áreas ligadas ao trabalho
dos pilotos e controladores de tráfego aéreo. A ideia foi inserir você, aluno(a)
de Ciências Aeronáuticas, nesse cenário, apresentando estruturas textuais e
gramaticais, técnicas de estudo e nomenclatura da área da aviação.
AIRPLANE HANGAR FOR SALE BY OWNER. abr. 2016. Disponível em: <http://
PNG_Clipart-421.png>. Acesso em: 09 jan. 2017.
ATC AVIATION. ATC Takes a Bite Out Of 2012. 12 jan. 2012. Disponível
em: <http://www.atc-aviation.com/fileadmin/user_upload/News_PDFs/atc-
aviation_2012-01-12.pdf>. Acesso em: 09 jan. 2017.
BENNETT, COLEMAN & CO. LTD. The Times of India. 2017. Disponível em:
<http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/>. Acesso em: 10 jan. 2017.
Universidade do Sul de Santa Catarina
CLARK, Jeff. Shaped Word Clouds. Neoformix. 30 set. 2009. Disponível em:
<http://neoformix.com/Projects/portfolio/>. Acesso em: 21 nov. 2016.
DRUM, Kevin. The Economy in 50 Words or Less. Mother Jones. 30 jul. 2011.
Disponível em: <http://www.motherjones.com/kevin-drum/2011/07/economy-50-
words-or-less>. Acesso em: 17 nov. 2016.
FLIGHT SAFETY FOUNDATION. Pilot-Controller communication. FSF ALAR
Briefing Note 2.3 – Flight Safety Digest (Aug/Nov), 2000.
Universidade do Sul de Santa Catarina
LOO WATCH. Sweden: First a gender neutral pronoun, now a gender neutral toilet
sign. 1 maio 2015. Disponível em: <http://www.loowatch.com/2015/05/sweden-
first-a-gender-neutral-pronoun-now-a-gender-neutral-toilet-sign/>. Acesso em: 21
nov. 2016.
NOVAK, Joseph D.; CAÑAS, Alberto J.. The Theory Underlying Concept Maps and
How to Construct and Use Them. Cmap. jan. 2008. Disponível em:
<http://cmap.ihmc.us/docs/theory-of-concept-maps>. Acesso em: 12 jan. 2017.
OCAL. Sign no smoking clip art. clker.com. 24 ago. 2010. Disponível em:
<http://www.clker.com/clipart-sign-no-smoking.html>. Acesso em: 21 nov. 2016.
SANTOFIMIA, Maria J.; FAHLMAN, Scott E.; TORO, Xavier del; MOYA, Francisco;
LOPEZ, Juan C. A Semantic Model for Actions and Event in Ambient Intelligence.
ARCO. 10 maio 2011. Disponível em: <http://arco.esi.uclm.es/public/papers/2011-
EAAI.pdf>. Acesso em: 21 nov. 2016.
SKYBRARY.2016. <http://www.skybrary.aero/images/thumb/PCCom_Fig1.
jpg/500px-PCCom_Fig1.jpg>. Acesso em: 11 jan. 2017.
SMARTE PARTE. 10 Airplane Tot Trays & Activities!. [201?]. Disponível em:
<http://smarteparte.com/10-airplane-tot-trays-activities/>. Acesso em: 11 jan.
THE GUARDIAN. FAA transcript of Hudson river plane landing. 05 fev. 2009.
Disponível em: <http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2009/feb/05/us-airways-crash-
transcript> Acesso em: 09 jan. 2017.
Universidade do Sul de Santa Catarina
WATWOOD, Britt. Social Media and Education Redux. Learning In a Flat World. 10
out. 2016. Disponível em: <https://bwatwood.edublogs.org/>. Acesso em: 21 nov.
WIKIHOW. How to Listen to Your Local Air Traffic Control. 2016. Disponível em:
<http://www.wikihow.com/Listen-to-Your-Local-Air-Traffic-Control>. Acesso em: 21
nov. 2016.
Sobre a Professora Conteudista
Respostas e Comentários das
Atividades de Autoavaliação
Capítulo 1
1. a) (3); b) (1); c) (6); d) (5); e) (2); f) (4).
Universidade do Sul de Santa Catarina
1. wings G
2. vertical stabilizer A
3. fuselage I
4. flaps E
7. rudder B
8. ailerons F
9. elevator C
10.horizontal stabilizer D
Wing G
Jet Engine H
Inglês Aplicado à Aviação I
a) cor ( A ) color ( B ) colour
Capítulo 2
1. T, F, F, T, T, F, T
2. T, F, F, T, T, F, T
3. I)
1. What
2. Where
3. How big
4. Where
5. Why
6. Where
7. What time
8. What
9. How old
10. Who
Universidade do Sul de Santa Catarina
N, I, A, A, I, I, N, I
Dear Diary,
This is my life! Today is my first day working as a flight attendant and I am enjoying
my new job a lot! The crew is great and they are showing me what to do when I
As I write, we’re flying over the Pacific Ocean and I am looking down at the Great
Barrier Reef below. I’m imagining what Australia might be like, and I’m getting
excited. I’m wondering if I’ll have time to visit my old university friend, Dave, while
we’re in Brisbane. I hope so – he said he’s expecting me and that he’s looking
forward to it. I am taking a break now, but the short time I get for a break is
passing quickly – I’m writing as fast as I can!
I’m drinking plenty of water to stay hydrated and I’m eating some healthy snacks.
p.s. I’m sending attached a picture of mine near the airplane I’m flying today.
1. Are showing
2. Are being
3. Are moving
4. Is not following
5. Is leaning
6. Are...doing
Inglês Aplicado à Aviação I
Thomas’s procedures:
I contact / contacted air traffic control, tune / tuned the radio to 121.5,
and give
/ gave out information, such as the kind of airplane, how many passengers
and the flight number.
I prepare / prepared the cabin for landing, tell / told the passengers
to stow their baggage, take their seats and put their seat belts on. I try / tried
to keep everyone calm and prevent panic.
I steer / steered with the yoke, pull / pulled it left and forward. Then, I
tried to find the thumb on the yoke so I don’t have / didn’t have to pull as
hard. The big red dial in the middle of the instrument panel is / was the
altitude reading I check checked often.
Later, I pull / pulled back on the throttle to slow the descent. Then, I put /
Then I realize / realized that the airspeed dial is / was on the top left of
the instrument panel. The numbers are / were in knots. I slow / slowed the
airplane down to 85 knots before putting the wheels down by using the lever with
the wheel symbol.
When I see / saw the runway, line / lined up the plane and keep /
kept the wings straight. I try / tried to land on the runway and not
before or after. I reduce / reduced the power and pull on the yoke to keep the
plane level. Once the plane touches / touched down, I brake / braked to a
complete stop.
Universidade do Sul de Santa Catarina
Capítulo 3
2. c, d, b, c, a
3. I) b
II) The safety board, which can only make recommendations, wants the Rolls-
Royce engine redesigned.
Inglês Aplicado à Aviação I
The safety board, which can only make recommendations, wants the Rolls-Royce
engine redesigned.
I) a.C, b. F, c. C, d. F, e. F, f. C, g. F, h. C, i. F, j. F, k. C, l. F
II) Serão aceitas questões que sigam a estrutura apresentada dos tempos futuro
e condicional.
Capítulo 4
Universidade do Sul de Santa Catarina
a) The greater the sweep, the faster they can go.
b) Over time, the speed of aircraft has increased.
c) They have highly advanced heat protection systems to protect the aircraft from
the extreme heat faced during re-entry.
d) The aircrafts in this group include the earliest types of aircraft, such as kites,
balloons and early airplanes.
a) Frankfurt-based general sales agent: frankfurt-based, general, sales, agent.
Critical external circumstances: critical, external, circumstances, severe image
problem: severe, image, problem.
Inglês Aplicado à Aviação I
(1) speak directly into the microphone.
Negative: Don’t speak directly into the microphone.
Translation: Fale diretamente no microfone.
(2) speak in a normal, conversational tone.
Negative: Don’t speak in a normal, conversational tone.
Translation: Fale num tom normal de conversação
(3) avoid monotonous voice pitch.
Negative: Don’t avoid monotonous voice pitch
Translation: evite o tom de voz monótono.
(4) avoid speaking too slow or too fast.
Negative: Don’t avoid speaking too slow or too fast.
Translation: evite falar muito devagar ou muito rápido.
(5) avoid emotion, nervousness, and indecision in voice tone.
Negative: don’t avoid emotion, nervousness, and indecision in voice tone.
Translation: evite emoção, nervosismo e indecisão no tom de voz.
(6) speak with confidence, especially in emergencies.
Negative: don’t speak with confidence, especially in emergencies.
Translation: fale com confiança, especialmente em situações de emergência.
5. Direct, take, note, count, stay, listen, place, pull, make sure, leave, make sure,
6. Turn left heading of uh, 2-2-0, traffic to runway 3-1, go ahead, turn right 2-8-
0, contact New York, turn left heading 2-1-0, climb and maintain one two
Universidade do Sul de Santa Catarina
Capítulo 5
1. Diagrama 1: aileron, aircraft, airfoil, airplane, biplane, blimp, cockpit, dirigible,
elevator, elevator trim tab, engine, flaps, flashing beacon, fuel tank, fuselage,
glider, horizontal stabilizer, jet engine, landing gear, monoplane, navigation light,
propeller, radio antenna, rocket, rudder, sailplane, tail, vertical stabilizer, wings.
Diagrama 2: What, what...for, when, where, which, who, whom, whose, why,
why don´t, how, how +adj/adv, how far, how long, how many, how much, how
old, how come.
Diagrama 3:
Simple present=– travel/travels
Present continuous =am/is/are traveling (travelling)
Simple past = traveled (travelled)
Future = will travel
Conditional = would travel
Imperative = travel
Diagrama 4:
Large – larger – largest
Fast – faster – fastest
Efficient – more/less efficient – most/least efficient
Bad – worse – worst
Far – farther/further – farthest/furthest
Near – nearer – nearest
Dangerous – more/less dangerous – most/least dangerous
Diagrama 5:
Excellent = modificador-adjetivo
Cargo= modificador-adjetivo
compartments= modificador-substantivo
Inglês Aplicado à Aviação I
1. Aboard A bordo
2. Abort Interromper
6. Band Faixa
7. Civilian Civil
8. Crew Tripulação
9. Decrease Desacelerar
14 Gauge Calibrador
Universidade do Sul de Santa Catarina
Inglês Aplicado à Aviação I
Universidade do Sul de Santa Catarina
Inglês Aplicado à Aviação I
Universidade do Sul de Santa Catarina