Viagens & Cultura - Edição Especial

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Patrick Jefferson P. Santos

Travel & Culture

Inglês Para Viagens + Culturas

1° Edição



Flying Voo
Este curso ensina palavras e frases para usar ao viajar de avião.

Lição 01
On an Airplane

Lição 02
Airline Food Services

Lição 03
Onboard Instructions

Lição 04
Bad Weather

Lição 05
In-Flight Entertainment

Airports Aeroportos
Este curso ensina palavras e frases para usar ao viajar pelos aeroportos.

Lição 01
At Immigration

Lição 02
Missing Baggage

Lição 03
Transit and Delay

Lição 04
Exchanging Money

Lição 05
At an Airport Lounge

Transportation Transporte
Este curso ensina palavras e frases para usar ao alugar um carro ou usar
transporte público.

Lição 01
Getting a Taxi

Lição 02
Taking an Airport Bus

Lição 03
Getting on a Train

Lição 04
Renting a Car

Lição 05
Getting Back to the Airport

Hotels Hotel
Este curso ensina palavras e frases para usar ao se hospedar em um hotel.

Lição 01
Checking in at a Hotel

Lição 02
Changing a Room

Lição 03
Asking About the Internet Connection

Lição 04
Making a Call From a Hotel Room

Lição 05
Using Room Service

Travel Emergencies Emergências de viagem

Este curso ensina palavras e frases para usar ao lidar com emergências
relacionadas a viagens.

Lição 01
Asking for Help

Lição 02
Calling an Ambulance

Lição 03
Police Department

Lição 04
Contacting the Embassy

Lição 05
Lost and Found

Sightseeing Pontos
Este curso ensina palavras e frases para usar ao visitar atrações turísticas.

Lição 01
Finding the Way

Lição 02
At a Tourist Information Center

Lição 03
Asking Someone to Take a Picture

Lição 04

Lição 05
At a Restaurant

Going Home Voltar para casa

Este curso ensina palavras e frases para usar ao voltar para casa de uma

Lição 01
Change of Booking

Lição 02
At a Duty-Free Shop

Lição 03

Lição 04
Inflight Sales

Lição 05

Tourist Destinations Destinos turísticos

Este curso ensina palavras e frases para usar ao discutir sobre destinos
turísticos famosos.

Lição 01
Stonehenge (England)

Lição 02
Angkor Wat (Cambodia)

Lição 03
Alhambra Palace (Spain)

Lição 04
Teotihuacan (Mexico)

Lição 05
The Prehistoric Temples of Malta (Malta)

Lição 06
Machu Picchu (Peru)

Lição 07
The Pyramids and the Sphinx (Egypt)

Lição 08
Moscow (Russia)

Lição 09
The Taj Mahal (India)

Lição 10
Moai Statues (Easter Island)

Lição 11
Big Ben (United Kingdom)

Lição 12
The Eiffel Tower (France)

Lição 13
Statue of Liberty (USA)

Lição 14
The Colosseum (Italy)

Lição 15
The Prague Astronomical Clock (Czech Republic)

Lição 16

Lição 17

Lição 18
Fushimi Inari Taisha

Lição 19
The Three Great Gardens

Lição 20
The Three Views of Japan

Prepare for Takeoff

This course covers a variety of topics related to international travel.

Lição 01
Study Finds the Best Time to Buy Plane Tickets

Lição 02
How to Get the Best Seat When You Fly

Lição 03
The Benefits of Living Abroad

Lição 04
The History of In-Flight Peanuts

Lição 05
Airplane Etiquette: Don't Make These Mistakes

Lição 06
Tips for Surviving a Long-Haul Flight

Lição 07 (Extra)
Rio De Janeiro: An Unmissable Destination

On an airplane

Aisle Seat

Um assento que está situado ao lado do corredor

I would like an aisle seat. Eu gostaria de um assento no corredor.

All of the aisle seats are full. Todos os assentos do corredor estão cheios.

Your seat number is 13D. It's the aisle seat on the right side. Seu número de assento é
13D. É o assento do corredor no lado direito.

Window Seat

Um assento que está situado ao lado de uma janela

My son asked for a window seat. Meu filho pediu um assento na janela.

I got a window seat on the flight. Eu tenho um assento na janela no vôo.


Manta (Cobertor) \ Lençol

They wrapped the baby in a soft blanket. Eles enrolaram o bebê em um cobertor

I covered myself with a blanket to stay warm. Cobri-me com um cobertor para me
manter aquecida.

Boarding Pass

Cartão de embarque

Can I see your boarding pass? Posso ver seu cartão de embarque?

Here's your boarding pass. Aqui está o seu cartão de embarque.

Can you show me a boarding pass? Você pode me mostrar o cartão de embarque?

Dialogue Practice
Prática de diálogo

Matt is looking for his seat.


Excuse me, could you help me find my seat?

Flight Attendant

Certainly. May I have your boarding pass?


Here it is.

Flight Attendant

Thank you! Let me see... Your seat number is 13D. It’s the aisle seat on the right side.


Thank you!

Someone is sitting in 13D.


Excuse me. I’m afraid you’re sitting in my seat.


Oh, really?

Nicole looks at her boarding pass.


Yes, you are right. I got the wrong seat. I'm so sorry!


No problem.

A flight attendant approaches Matt.

Flight Attendant

Would you like something to drink?


Yes, I’d like to have an orange juice.

Flight Attendant

Sure. Here it is.



Thank you. May I recline my seat?

Flight Attendant

Yes, of course.


And, can I have a blanket, please?

Flight Attendant

Sure, I will bring you one right away.


Thank you so much!

Fill in the Blanks

Preencha os espaços

Scene 1: Nina is looking for her seat.


_______________ me, I’m afraid you’re sitting in the wrong __________________.


Really? Let me ________________ . My seat is 26A.



I suppose 26A is a ______________ seat, not an aisle seat. So your seat is next to this


I’m _________________ , I misunderstood.


No ___________________.

Choose answers from the options below that fit in blanks 1 to 6

Scene 2: A passenger is asked if he wants to have something to drink.

Flight Attendant

Would you like ______________ to drink?


Could I _______________ a can of beer, please?

Flight Attendant

Yes, _________________ it is.



Role Play
Interpretação de papéis


You are trying to find your seat in the airplane. Ask the flight attendant to
help you. After that, ask for a blanket and order a drink. Your teacher will act
as a flight attendant.


1 When was the last time you took an airplane? Where did you go?

2 What do you usually drink on a plane?

3 What do you usually do during flights?

4 Are you afraid of flying? Why? Why not?

5 Which do you prefer, taking an airplane or a train? Why?


Airline food services

Free Of Charge

Gratuito (algo que você não tem que pagar)

We can fix this bike for you free of charge. Podemos consertar esta bicicleta para
você gratuitamente.

If our product has any problems in the first year after purchase, we promise to repair it
free of charge. Se o nosso produto tiver algum problema no primeiro ano após a
compra, prometemos repará-lo gratuitamente.

I'll have to charge you for the parts, but I can offer you the repair work itself free of
charge. Vou ter de cobrar pelas peças, mas posso oferecer-lhe o trabalho de
reparação em si, gratuitamente.

How much are the drinks? // The non-alcoholic beverages are free of charge. Quanto
custam as bebidas? // As bebidas não alcoólicas são gratuitas.

No problem, sir. It's free of charge. Here it is. Sem problema, senhor. É grátis. Aqui

Is this water free of charge? Esta água é grátis?

Vegetarian Meal

Comidas vegetarianas

Is a vegetarian meal available? Tem comida vegetariana?



No meio entre dois pontos ou no meio do caminho

The men are halfway across the street. Os homens estão do outro lado da rua. (No
meio entre dois pontos)

When I pass the library, I know that I am halfway home. Quando eu passo pela
biblioteca, eu sei que estou no meio do caminho para casa.

The president's assistant has an office halfway down the main corridor. O assistente do
presidente tem um escritório na metade do corredor principal.


Porção (uma quantidade de comida suficiente para uma pessoa)

A serving of almonds has around 160 calories. Uma porção de amêndoas tem cerca
de 160 calorias.

Dialogue Practice
Prática de diálogo

A flight attendant approaches Matt to offer him a drink.

Flight Attendant

Would you like something to drink? We have soda, coffee and tea as well as alcoholic


Sure, how much are the drinks?


Flight Attendant

Non-alcoholic beverages are free of charge. Alcoholic drinks are five dollars each.


Ok. I'd like to have a cup of coffee, please. Are meals going to be served on this flight?

Flight Attendant

Dinner will be served halfway through the flight. I will also bring you a snack with your


Can we choose what we will have for dinner?

Flight Attendant

Certainly. I will be bringing the menu for you to choose from. We have chicken, fish,
and beef.


Is a vegetarian meal available?

Flight Attendant

Yes, but only if you have requested a special meal when you booked your flight. If not,
I will try to find some extra servings of vegetables for you.


That would be great. Thank you very much.


Fill in the Blanks

Preencha os espaços

A flight attendant asks Andrei if he wants a drink.

Flight Attendant

Would you like something to _______________ ?


Sure, can I ______________ some hot tea?

Flight Attendant



Thank you! Are meals going to be _____________ on this flight?

Flight Attendant

Yes. The meals will be served in about half an hour.

30 minutes later.

Flight Attendant

Excuse me, _______________ you like to have chicken, or fish?


Do you have any _______________ meals, perhaps?


Flight Attendant

I'm sorry, we don't have vegetarian meals. But I could bring some extra vegetables, if
you'd like. Would that be okay?


That sounds __________________.

Role Play
Interpretação de papéis


A flight attendant asks you if you would like to order a drink. Order one and
inquire about the meals on the flight. Your teacher will act as a flight



1 What do you usually eat during a flight?

2 Which airline serves the best food in your opinion?

3 What can you say about airline food services?

4 Do you have any suggestions for airline companies on how to improve their food

5 Do you think airline companies should lower the flight fees at the expense of airline

Onboard Instructions

Onboard Instructions

(Instruções de bordo) Um conjunto de instruções sobre como responder a situações de

emergência, geralmente dadas por um comissário de bordo.

Can I ask you some questions about the onboard instructions? Posso fazer algumas
perguntas sobre as instruções a bordo?



The exit is located over there. A saída está localizada ali.

Please keep clear of the fire exit. Por favor, mantenha-se afastado da saída de

Seat Pocket

Um pequeno bolso na parte de trás do assento, que geralmente contém instruções a

bordo ou uma revista.

The instruction card in your seat pocket shows you where your nearest exit is. O cartão
de instruções no bolso do seu assento mostra onde está a sua saída mais próxima.

Oxygen Mask

Máscara de oxigênio

Could you tell me where my oxygen mask is placed? Você poderia me dizer onde
minha máscara de oxigênio esta localizada?

Reading Light

(Lâmpada de leitura) Pequenas lâmpadas localizadas acima dos assentos de aviões,

ônibus, carro, etc.

It is above you, next to the reading light. Está acima de você, ao lado da lâmpada de


Cabine (uma área em um avião onde os passageiros sentam)

The cabin of the airplane is totally empty. A cabine do avião está totalmente vazia.

This cabin is much more comfortable than I expected. Esta cabine é muito mais
confortável do que eu esperava.

You can have only a limited amount of baggage in the cabin. Você pode ter apenas
uma quantidade limitada de bagagem na cabine.

Life Jacket

Um colete inflável projetado para manter uma pessoa à tona

Do we have life jackets just in case? Temos coletes salva-vidas só por precaução?

Flotation Device

Dispositivo de flutuação

Your seat cushion can also be used as a flotation device. Seu assento também pode ser
usado como um dispositivo de flutuação.

Dialogue Practice
Prática de diálogo

Matt calls a flight attendant to ask about the onboard safety instructions.


Excuse me! Can I ask you some questions about the onboard instructions? I did not hear
the announcement well, I'm sorry.

Flight Attendant

Of course. I would be happy to help you.


Could you help me find out where my nearest exit is?

Flight Attendant

Certainly. The instruction card in your seat pocket shows you where your nearest exit is.
It is directly behind you. Right there. Can you see it?


Yes. Thank you. And what about the oxygen mask? Where can I find it?

Flight Attendant

It is above you, next to the reading light. It will drop down when we lose cabin pressure.


I see. And, do we have life jackets, just in case?


Flight Attendant

Yes, they are under your seat. Your seat cushion can also be used as a flotation device.


Ok, thank you. And sorry for all the questions. It is my first time on a plane, so I'm a bit

Flight Attendant

No need to apologize, I'm here to help. There is no reason to be worried, everything will
be all right. Just relax and try to enjoy the flight. And always make sure that your seat
belt is fastened when the seat belt sign is turned on.


I will. Thank you!

Fill in the Blanks

Preencha os espaços

Andrei calls a flight attendant to ask about the onboard instructions.


Excuse me, could you give me some information about the ___________________

Flight Attendant

Of course, what would you like to _________________?



Where are the __________________ on this plane?

Flight Attendant

There are six exits; two are in the front, two in the middle and two in the back of the


I see. And what about the ___________________ masks?

Flight Attendant

You can find them above each seat, next to the reading light.


Okay. And the ______________ are _______________ the seats, right?

Flight Attendant

That is correct. You can find your life jacket under your seat. We will give the
instructions to all passengers after the takeoff.


Okay. Thank you for your ________________. I'm sorry for asking so many questions,
I'm a bit nervous about flying.

Flight Attendant

No problem! I’m ________________ to help.


Role Play
Interpretação de papéis

You are worried about the weather and you would like to ask about some
details related to onboard instructions. Ask the flight attendant about the exits,
life jackets and oxygen masks. Your teacher will act as the flight attendant.


1 Do you read the inflight instruction card thoroughly just in case of emergency?

2 Do you think the instruction cards are easily understandable for passengers?

3 Have you ever experienced an emergency situation during a flight?

4 Do you think you would be able to remain calm in an emergency?

5 What do you think is the biggest threat to flight onboard?


Bad weather



In the event of turbulence, please fasten your seatbelt. Em caso de turbulência, por
favor, aperte o cinto de segurança.

The severe turbulence caused injuries to 5 flight attendants and 3 passengers. A grave
turbulência causou ferimentos em 5 comissários de bordo e 3 passageiros.


Com segurança (De uma forma que protege a pessoa de perigos ou danos).

Make sure all the data is securely erased. Certifique-se de que todos os dados estão
apagados com segurança.

Please make sure any small baggage is securely placed in the compartments overhead.
Por favor, certifique-se de que qualquer bagagem pequena esteja colocada em
segurança nos compartimentos.

All our financial information is securely stored on our server. Todas as nossas
informações financeiras são armazenadas com segurança em nosso servidor.

Please fasten your seat belt securely. Por favor, aperte o cinto com segurança.


A parte de um assento que você apoia suas costas

Cabin Announcement

Um anúncio oficial em um avião, dado por alto-falantes.


Flight attendants usually make cabin announcements in English. Os comissários de

bordo costumam fazer anúncios de cabine em inglês.

Flight Attendant

Comissários de vôo

My sister works as a flight attendant for Delta Airlines. Minha irmã trabalha como
comissária de voo na Delta Airlines.


(Cautela\Precaução) uma medida tomada antecipadamente para evitar que algo

indesejável aconteça.

He is taking precaution by riding with a helmet. Ele está tomando precauções por
andar com um capacete.

As a precaution, she checked to make sure that the door was locked. Como precaução,
ela verificou se a porta estava trancada.

Consumers can avoid exposing children to dangerous household chemicals by taking

simple precautions. Os consumidores podem evitar expor as crianças a químicos
domésticos perigosos tomando precauções simples.

Dialogue Practice
Prática de diálogo

The seat belt sign turns on.

Flight Attendant

Ladies and gentlemen. We are expecting some turbulence. Please fasten your seat belt
securely and refrain from using the restrooms while the sign is on.

Matt looks out the window.


Hmmm... The weather seems to be getting worse.


Yes, it does. We might be flying through a storm.


That doesn't sound good.


Yes, but that happens often. There's nothing to worry about.

Flight Attendant

Excuse me, could you return your seatback and table to their original positions while the
seat belt sign is turned on?


Sorry, I didn't notice. I will do that right away.

Flight Attendant

Thank you.

After a few minutes, the seat belt sign turns off.


Flight Attendant

Ladies and gentlemen. The seat belt sign has just been turned off. For your own safety,
please keep your seat belt fastened at all times as a precaution against any sudden


Phew! I hope it won’t happen again...

Fill in the Blanks

Preencha os espaços

Some turbulence is expected during a flight. The seat belt sign turns on.

Flight Attendant

Ladies and gentlemen. We are expecting some ________________. Please fasten your
seat belt securely and __________________ from using the restrooms while the sign is


Excuse me, is the weather that bad?

Flight Attendant

We are having a safe _______________, sir, turbulence is quite common in this region.
The instructions are just a precaution. So just make sure to fasten your
_________________ securely. Also, I’m afraid you need to return your (5) and table to
their original (6) while the seat belt sign is turned on.



Flight Attendant

Thank you for your _____________________.


Should I expect a delay because of this bad weather?

Flight Attendant

So far, the flight is due to arrive at the Hong Kong International Airport on time.


Okay, thank you.

Role Play
Interpretação de papéis


After hearing the announcement about the turbulence, ask the flight attendant
about the weather, safety and the arrival time. Your teacher will act as a flight


1 What do you usually do when you experience turbulence on a flight?

2 Have you ever had a frightening experience during a flight? Please share.

3 Which do you prefer, flying on jumbo jets or on small airplanes? Why?


4 What is your opinion about the people who don’t follow directions or announcements
given by flight attendants?

In-flight entertainment

In-Flight Entertainment

Tipos de entretenimento disponíveis para os passageiros durante um voo.

Do you have in-flight entertainment? // Certainly. Você tem entretenimento a bordo?

// Certamente.


Um tipo de tela de computador que também serve como dispositivo de entrada.

You can operate it with the touchscreen. Você pode operá-lo com a tela sensível ao


Fones de ouvido

There is a headset placed on the left side of your seat. Há um fone de ouvido
localizado no lado esquerdo do seu assento.

Moving Map Display

Uma espécie de sistema de navegação que exibe a posição atual de uma aeronave no
centro de um mapa.

This button is to see the moving map display. Este botão é para ver a exibição do
mapa em movimento.



Planes fly at an altitude of around 20,000 feet. Aviões voam a uma altitude de cerca
de 20.000 pés.

Outside Air Temperature

A temperatura do ar ao redor de um avião; também conhecida como temperatura do ar


For example, it tells altitude, outside air temperature, ground speed and estimated
arrival time aside from the present position. Por exemplo, ele informa a altitude, a
temperatura do ar externo, a velocidade no solo e o tempo estimado de chegada,
além da posição atual.

Ground Speed

A velocidade de um avião em relação ao solo

Estimated Arrival Time

A hora em que o avião deve pousar (Tempo estimado de chegada)

Dialogue Practice
Prática de diálogo

Matt calls a flight attendant to inquire about in-flight entertainment.


Do you have in-flight entertainment?

Flight Attendant

Certainly. We have a wide range of movies, music, and games.



That’s good to know. Could you tell me how to operate it?

Flight Attendant

Of course. You may adjust the angle of the screen on the seatback in front of you. Then,
when you turn the screen on, you can choose the content that you want. It is a
touchscreen, so it is easy to use. Here you can choose whether you want to watch
movies, TV shows, listen to music or play games.


Oh, I see. And, how can I listen to some music?

Flight Attendant

There is a headset placed on the left side of your seat. You just plug it in, select the
station on the screen and you're all set.



Flight Attendant

Please press the button right there if you need some assistance.


Thank you very much.

Flight Attendant

You’re welcome, sir. Enjoy the flight!


Fill in the Blanks

Preencha os espaços

Anne wants to ask a flight attendant about in-flight entertainment.


Excuse me, do you offer _______________ entertainment?

Flight Attendant

Yes, madam. We have a wide selection of movies and music. You can also
________________ some television shows.


A TV show sounds nice. Where can I find the list of _________________ TV shows?

Flight Attendant

Available TV shows are ________________ in this magazine. You can

_______________ a show by inputting its number with this device.


I see. What is this button for?

Flight Attendant

That button is to see the moving map display. You can use it to __________________
real-time flight information. There, you can see the altitude, outside air temperature,
ground speed and our estimated arrival time.


I ________________. Thank you for your guidance.

Flight Attendant

No problem. I’m glad I could _________________.

Role Play
Interpretação de papéis

Ask the flight attendant about the in-flight entertainment and how to operate
it. Also, ask if you can find any flight information on the display. Your
teacher will act as the flight attendant.


1 Have you ever been on an international flight? How long was it?

2 How do you usually spend time during a long flight?

3 What kind of in-flight entertainment do you think will gain popularity in the
future? Why do you think so?

4 In your opinion, what is the worst thing about long flights?

5 What do you think airlines should introduce to make long flights more
bearable for passengers?


At Immigration



You have to show your passport at immigration. Você tem que mostrar seu
passaporte na imigração.

A traveler is at the immigration desk. Um viajante está no balcão de


Passaport Control

O processo de verificação dos passaportes dos passageiros

Passengers have to go through passport control before boarding. Os

passageiros têm que passar pelo controle de passaporte antes de

Arrival Card

Um documento usado pelas autoridades de imigração para obter informações

adicionais sobre os passageiros (saúde, antecedentes criminais, propósito da
visita, etc.)

May I have your passport and arrival card, please? Posso ter seu passaporte e
cartão de chegada, por favor?


Um objetivo ou intenção de algo

The purpose of business is making money. O objetivo do negócio é ganhar dinheiro.


Most tools serve a specific purpose. A maioria das ferramentas atende a um

propósito específico.

Don't forget the purpose of your work. Não esqueça o propósito do seu trabalho.

This section is about the purpose of the project. Esta seção é sobre o propósito do

My job gives me a sense of purpose. Meu trabalho me dá um senso de propósito.

Return Ticket

Passagem de volta (Retorno)

I bought two return tickets for my friend and me. Eu comprei dois bilhetes de retorno
para o meu amigo e eu.

Dialogue Practice
Prática de diálogo

James is at immigration.

Immigration officer

May I have your passport and arrival card, please?


Sure, here it is.


Immigration officer

What's your occupation?


Sorry, what was that?

Immigration officer

Your occupation. What do you do for a living?


Oh. I’m an office worker.

Immigration officer

Okay. What's the purpose of your visit?


I'm here for business.

Immigration officer

How long are you going to stay here?


I will be here for five days.

Immigration officer

Where are you going to stay?



At the ABC Hotel.

Immigration officer

Do you have a return ticket?



Immigration officer

Can you show it to me?


No problem. Here it is.

Immigration officer

Okay. Here’s your passport.


Thank you.

Fill in the Blanks

Preencha os espaços

Ms. Sato is at the immigration desk.

Immigration officer

May I see your ___________________ and _________________ card, please?

Lisa Sato

Yes, here ______________ are.

Immigration officer

What is the __________________ of your visit? Business?

Lisa Sato

No, I'm here for __________________.

Immigration officer

How long are you _______________ to stay in this country?

Lisa Sato

For a week, I will go back to Japan on August 7.

Immigration officer

Do you have a _______________ ticket?

Lisa Sato

Yes. Here it is.


Immigration officer

Thank you.

Role Play
Interpretação de papéis


You are going on a business trip to San Francisco, and you will stay there for
5 days. Talk to the immigration officer and answer their questions. Your
teacher will be the immigration officer.


1 Have you ever experienced any troubles at immigration?

2 What questions are you usually asked at an airport immigration desk?

3 Do you think immigration officers are performing their duties well? Why or
why not?

4 What do you think the purpose of immigration is?

5 What would you like to change about immigration procedures at airports?


Missing baggage



The police dog checked the baggage for drugs. O cão policial verificou a
bagagem por drogas.

Please pick up your bags at the baggage claim. Por favor, pegue suas malas
na esteira de bagagens.

Can you keep my baggage? Você pode guardar minha bagagem?

She was shocked to learn that the airline had lost her baggage. Ela ficou
chocada ao saber que a companhia aérea havia perdido sua bagagem.

Please make sure any small baggage is securely placed in the compartments
overhead. Por favor, certifique-se de que qualquer bagagem pequena
esteja colocada em segurança nos compartimentos.

Baggage Claim

Reivindicação de bagagem

Where is the baggage claim? Onde está a reivindicação de bagagem?


Baggage Claim Tag

Etiqueta de reivindicação de bagagem

May I see your baggage claim tag? // Here it is. Posso ver sua etiqueta de
reivindicação de bagagem? // Aqui está.

Name Tag

Um crachá ou uma etiqueta com o nome do proprietário anexado a uma mala

Don't forget to put a name tag on your suitcase! Não se esqueça de colocar um crachá
na sua mala!


Uma sala de espera

We enjoyed a great view from the bar's lounge. Nós apreciamos uma excelente vista
na sala de espera do bar.

My client told me to wait in the hotel lounge. Meu cliente me disse para esperar no
salão do hotel.

Dialogue Practice
Prática de diálogo

Matt is at the baggage claim area, looking for his bag.

Airport officer

Good morning! How may I help you?



My baggage seems to be missing. I can’t find it!

Airport officer

May I see your baggage claim tag?


Here it is.

Airport officer

All right. Can you please tell me what your suitcase looks like?


It’s a big, blue suitcase with a yellow name tag on it.

Airport officer

Ok, thank you. Could you please fill out this form? Make sure to write your phone
number and the address where you will be staying. We will do everything we can to
return your baggage as soon as possible.

Matt fills out the form.


When can I expect to get it back?

Airport officer

In most cases, lost baggage is found within 24 hours. We will deliver it to your address
as soon as it arrives, free of charge.


Okay. Thank you for your help.

Airport officer

I’m sorry for the inconvenience.

Fill in the Blanks

Preencha os espaços

Zach is at the baggage claim area, looking for his bag.

Airport officer

How ____________ you?


My baggage is ______________. I can’t find it!

Airport officer

May I see your _____________?


_________________ it is. It is a black suitcase.

Airport officer

Can you give me a more detailed description of the suitcase?


It’s a _____________.

Airport officer

Okay, please wait for a few minutes, I will see what I can do. I’m sorry for the


Okay, I'll be waiting in the lounge.

Role Play
Interpretação de papéis


Your baggage is missing. Go to the baggage claim area and ask the staff to
help you find it. Your teacher will be the airport officer.



1 Do you usually travel with a lot of baggage?

2 Have you had any bad experiences with your baggage at the airport?

3 How would you react if you found out that your baggage was missing?

4 Do you think it’s okay to blame the airport personnel for a missing baggage? Why or
why not?

5 What should be the appropriate compensation for a missing baggage?


Transit and delay

Connecting Flight

Voo de conexão

I waited seven hours for my connecting flight. Esperei sete horas pelo meu voo de

I flew to London then took a connecting flight to Paris. Eu voei para Londres, em
seguida, tomei um vôo de conexão para Paris.

What will happen if I cannot get on a connecting flight because of that delay? O que
acontecerá se eu não conseguir entrar em um voo de conexão devido a esse atraso?


Que oferece outra escolha

We need an alternative way to drive home. Precisamos de uma maneira alternativa

de dirigir para casa.

People are starting to use alternative sources of energy. As pessoas estão começando a
usar fontes alternativas de energia.

If there is none, we can also look for an alternative flight with another carrier. Se não
houver, também podemos procurar um voo alternativo com outra transportadora.

The army is considering an alternative route for the oil pipeline. O exército está
considerando uma rota alternativa para o oleoduto.

Airport shuttle bus

Um ônibus que transporta pessoas de / para o aeroporto

The airport shuttle bus would take you to a local hotel. O autocarro do aeroporto iria
levá-lo para um hotel local.

Cover the cost of

Ser incluído dentro de uma faixa de preço

We would cover the cost of your hotel room. Nós cobriríamos o custo do seu quarto
de hotel


O ato de passar por um lugar no caminho para outro lugar

Dialogue Practice
Prática de diálogo

Matt's flight is delayed. He starts worrying and asks an airport clerk about it.


I heard the announcement about my flight being delayed. I won't be able to get to the
airport on time, will I?

Airport clerk

Unfortunately, that is correct. But don't worry, sir. We are keeping track of all flights.


What happens if I don't get on a connecting flight because of the delay?


Airport clerk

We can check online if there is another available flight with the same airline. If there is
none, we can also look for an alternative flight with another carrier.


And what happens if you can't find a flight?

Airport clerk

The airport shuttle bus will take you to a local hotel.


Who will cover the cost of that?

Airport clerk

We would cover the cost of your hotel room.


That’s a relief. Thanks for the information.

Fill in the Blanks

Preencha os espaços

Yan-ting's flight is delayed. He begins to worry and asks an airport clerk about it.


I heard that my flight would be ____________. I’m afraid I might miss my

____________ flight.

Airport clerk

Can you show me your ______________ ?


Here it is.

Airport clerk

Thank you. I see. You have a good three hours for your transit. The delay would be
within one hour, so you don’t need to worry about missing your ________________.


Okay, that’s a relief. And _____________ should I go after I get off the flight? I don't
need to check in again, right?

Airport clerk

You should go to the transit area, proceed to Terminal 2, and check the gate number.
This boarding pass is for Manila, your final ________________, so you don’t need to
go to the counter to check in again.


Okay, thanks for everything.

Role Play
Interpretação de papéis

You heard the announcement of the flight delay. Ask the airline manager what
will happen if you miss the connecting flight. Your teacher will be the airline


1 What can you do in order to avoid missing a flight?

2 Have you ever missed a flight? If so, how did you feel?

3 Airline companies sometimes make mistakes that affect your travel schedule. What
can you say about that?

4 How do you feel about long layovers? What is the longest layover you have ever had?

5 What would you do to kill time during a long layover?


Exchanging Money

Money Exchange

O ato de trocar moedas

Before we go shopping, I need to find a money exchange office. Antes de ir

às compras, preciso encontrar uma casa de câmbio.

Exchange Rate

Taxa de câmbio

What's today's exchange rate for the euro? Qual é a taxa de câmbio atual
para o euro?

The exchange rates here are good. As taxas de câmbio aqui são boas.

Changes in the exchange rate can dramatically affect a company. Mudanças

na taxa de câmbio podem afetar drasticamente uma empresa.

Here is a listing of today's exchange rates. Aqui está uma lista das taxas de
câmbio de hoje.

Can I see the exchange rate? // Sure, the rate is here. Posso ver a taxa de
câmbio? // Claro, a taxa está aqui.

Small Change

Moedas de baixo valor

The boy's pocket was full of small change. O bolso do garoto estava cheio de
moedas de baixo valor.



Here's your receipt. Aqui está o seu recibo.

A receipt is required to exchange goods. Um recibo é necessário para trocar


Remember to get a receipt when you buy gasoline so that you can get reimbursed.
Lembre-se de receber um recibo ao comprar gasolina para que você possa ser

If you order from our online store, you will receive a printable receipt by e-mail within
one business day. Se você fizer o pedido em nossa loja on-line, receberá um recibo
por e-mail dentro de um dia útil.

Dialogue Practice
Prática de diálogo

Matt is looking for a place to exchange his money.


Excuse me, could you tell me where I can exchange my money?

Airport clerk

Sure. Right over there. Can you see the signboard? That is a branch of the China Bank.
You can exchange your money there.


Oh, yes. Thanks.


At the money exchange counter.


Hello. I'd like to exchange my money to Hong Kong dollars.


Certainly. What currency are you exchanging?


US dollars. Can I see the exchange rate?


Sure, you can find it here. How much would you like to exchange?


$1000, all to Hong Kong dollars. Could you include some small change as well?


Sure. That’ll be 7750 HKD. Here you are.


Thanks. Can I have a receipt, too?


Here’s the receipt. Thank you very much!


Fill in the Blanks

Preencha os espaços

Zach is looking for a place to exchange his money.


Excuse me, where can I ____________ money?

Airport clerk

There is a _____________ exchange office over there.


I see! Thank you!

At the money exchange counter.


Hi, I’d _______________ to exchange money.


What currency do you want to exchange?


Philippine Pesos. I’d like to __________________ P10,000 into dollars. What is the
exchange ______________________?


You can find the rate here. The amount would be $197.30.


Okay. Can I please get some 1 dollar bills?


No _________________, here are the bills and here's 30 cents.



Role Play
Interpretação de papéis


You have just arrived at the JFK airport in New York and you need to
exchange money.Ask the officer about the place where you can exchange your
money and then go there. Your teacher will be the airport officer and the bank


1 Do you usually exchange money before going on a trip, or after you arrive at the

2 Are you ever worried about big fees and unfair exchange rates when you are
traveling? Why? Why not?

3 Are you sometimes confused when using foreign currency?


4 Do you use cash or credit card more often when traveling? Why?

5 What do you usually do with leftover foreign currency after a trip?


At an airport lounge

Airport Lounge

Saguão do aeroporto

Mr. Tanaka has a Priority Pass, so he goes to the airport lounge to relax. O Sr. Tanaka
tem um passe prioritário, então ele vai ao saguão do aeroporto para relaxar.

Frequent Flyer

Uma pessoa que viaja frequentemente de avião e tem certos benefícios.

This traveler is one of the frequent flyers. He is looking for the airport lounge to kill
time. Este viajante é um dos passageiros frequentes. Ele está procurando o saguão
do aeroporto para matar o tempo.

Priority Pass

Um cartão que oferece acesso a saguões de companhias aéreas.

You may use that lounge only if you have a Priority Pass. Você pode usar esse saguão
apenas se tiver um passe prioritário.

Boarding Time

O momento em que os passageiros são convidados a embarcar no avião

Your boarding time is 11:15. Seu horário de embarque é 11:15.


Dialogue Practice
Prática de diálogo

Matt has a Priority Pass, so he goes to the airport lounge to relax.


Hi. I’d like to use this lounge. I have a Priority Pass.


Certainly. Could you please show me your boarding pass, too?


Sure. Here it is.


Thank you. You may go in. Enjoy your time and let me know if I can help you with



In the lounge.


Excuse me! Where can I have a drink?


The bar is over there, sir. But I can take your order.


Alright, then can I have a tea?


Certainly. Just a moment.


And, do you perhaps have any magazines that I could read?


Yes, sir. Over there, you can find a wide variety of magazines. Feel free to pick up any
and please relax until your boarding time comes.

Fill in the Blanks

Preencha os espaços

Mr. Smith is a frequent flyer; he is looking for the airport lounge to kill time.

Mark Smith

Excuse me, ______________ is the lounge for the American Airline?

Airport clerk

If you go straight this way and turn right at the end, you will _________________ the

Mark Smith


At the lounge counter.


Mark Smith

Hi! Can I ________________ this lounge?


Certainly. Do you _________________ a gold card or lounge coupon?

Mark Smith

I have a __________________ coupon. Here. Is this valid?


It’s valid, sir. Thank you very much. Please come in and ________________ your time

Mark Smith

Thank you

Role Play
Interpretação de papéis


You have a coupon for the British Airways lounge. Ask the airport officer
where it is.After you get there, ask the lounge clerk about the things you can
do there. Your teacher will be the airport officer and the lounge clerk.


1 Have you ever used an airport lounge?

2 Do you think airport lounges are worth the cost?

3 What do you do or what would you like to do in an airport lounge?

4 What is the best thing about airport lounges, in your opinion?

5 Can you describe your ideal airport lounge?



Getting a Taxi

Wait In Line

Ficar em uma fila de pessoas que estão esperando por algo

I had to wait in a line at the bank. Eu tive que esperar em uma fila no banco.

We waited in a long line to get in the castle. Esperamos em uma longa fila para
entrar no castelo.

The cost of these taxis will be cheaper than prepaid taxis, but you need to wait in line. O
custo desses táxis será mais barato do que os táxis pré-pagos, mas você precisa
esperar na fila.

Arrival Terminal

Terminal de Chegada

There are always lots of taxis outside the arrival terminal. Há sempre muitos táxis fora
do terminal de chegada.

You could walk out of the arrival terminal to the pickup area. Você poderia sair do
terminal de chegada para a área de coleta.

Prepaid Taxi

Táxi Pré-pago (um táxi que foi previamente organizado e pago por)

Prepaid taxis are very expensive in this city. Táxis pré-pagos são muito caros nesta

Pickup Area

Uma área onde os carros / ônibus de traslado esperam que os passageiros os levem aos
destinos desejados.

The clerk told the girl to wait for the taxi at the pickup area. O funcionário disse à
garota que esperasse o táxi na área de coleta.

Dialogue Practice
Prática de diálogo

Matt is looking for where to get a taxi.


Good morning. Do you know where I could get a taxi?

Airport clerk

You can go to the taxi reservation booth and purchase a ticket for a prepaid taxi to your
desired destination. That way, you don’t have to wait in line. It’s the most convenient


I see. How much would that cost?

Airport clerk

The price would depend on the destination. The clerks at the taxi reservation booth will
provide all the information you need. I can only tell you that it might be a bit expensive.


Is there an alternative?

Airport clerk

Yes, there is. You could walk out of the arrival terminal to the pickup area. There, you
will see people lining up to get a taxi. You'd have to wait in line for a while, but it
would cost less.


In that case, I'll go for the second option. I don’t mind waiting in line. Thanks for your

Fill in the Blanks

Preencha os espaços

Mr. Smith is looking for where to get a taxi.

Mark Smith

Excuse me. Do you know where I could ____________________ a taxi?

Airport clerk

You can go to the taxi reservation booth and get a ticket for a _________________ taxi

Mark Smith

I see, thank you. And, is that the only way to take a ____________________?

Airport clerk

No, it isn't. You can also go out of the _______________ terminal. There is a
_______________________ area where you can get a taxi for a cheaper price. But you
need to walk for about 10 to 20 minutes.

Mark Smith

That's okay, I don’t _________________ walking. Thanks for your help!

Role Play

Interpretação de papéis


You need a taxi from the airport. Ask an airport clerk about the place and the
ways to get a taxi. Your teacher will be the airport clerk.


1 In your experience, is it easy or difficult to catch a taxi from the airport? Why?

2 Which do you think is more convenient, taking a taxi or renting a car? Why?

3 What kind of transportation does your local airport have?

4 What kind of transportation do you usually use to leave the airport?

5 Have you had any bad experiences while using a taxi?


Taking an Airport Bus

Airport shuttle bus

Um ônibus que leva passageiros de / para o aeroporto

The airport shuttle bus would take you to a local hotel. O autocarro do aeroporto iria
levá-lo para um hotel local.

One-Way Ticket

Um bilhete para um destino sem uma viagem de retorno

I bought a one-way ticket to Sydney. Eu comprei uma passagem só de ida para


Can I have a one-way ticket to HK? Posso ter um bilhete só de ida para Hong Kong?

Round-Trip Ticket

Passagem de ida e volta

I bought a round-trip ticket to London. Eu comprei uma passagem de ida e volta para

Round-trip tickets to New York are really cheap right now. Os bilhetes de ida e volta
para Nova York estão realmente baratos no momento.

This round-trip ticket is for a flight that leaves tomorrow and returns next Saturday.
Este bilhete de ida e volta é para um voo que sai amanhã e retorna no próximo

Automatic Ticket Machine

Uma máquina que emite bilhetes de ônibus / trem automaticamente

Automatic ticket machines are often found in metro stations. Máquinas de bilhetes
automáticas são frequentemente encontradas em estações de metrô.

Then you can buy it from one of these automatic ticket machines. Então você pode
comprá-lo de uma dessas máquinas de bilhetes automáticos.

Bound For

Indo a; com a intenção de ir para

He was on a train bound for London when he got sick. Ele estava em um trem com
destino a Londres quando ficou doente.


Um caminho fixo que pode ser seguido para ir de um lugar para outro

They used a map to plan their route across Spain. Eles usaram um mapa para
planejar sua rota pela Espanha.

This is the quickest route through the maze. Este é o caminho mais rápido pelo

Which route do you think will take us to the station faster? Qual rota você acha que
nos levará para a estação mais rápido?

So if you need to head south from downtown, we recommend you take an alternate
route. Então, se você precisa ir para o sul do centro da cidade, recomendamos que
você tome um caminho alternativo.

Bus Terminal

(Rodoviária) Um lugar onde um ônibus começa ou termina a rota agendada

There are several shops and cafes at this bus terminal. Existem várias lojas e cafés
neste terminal de ônibus.

And where is the bus terminal? E onde fica o terminal de ônibus?

Dialogue Practice
Prática de diálogo

Matt thinks there's something wrong with his bus ticket. He asks a clerk at the counter
about it.


Excuse me. Can you help me with my bus ticket?


Sure. What seems to be the problem?


I bought this ticket from an agency and paid for a round-trip ticket, but there's been a


What kind of mistake?


I've just realized they gave me a one-way ticket instead. What should I do?


The best thing to do would be to go and talk to someone at the agency. They can issue a
new ticket for you.


I’m afraid I will miss my bus if I go there. The line is so long.


Oh, I see. Could you tell me which agency you bought the ticket from?


It’s the one just around the corner with the red logo.


I know the one! I’ll make a quick call to the manager there. Just a moment, sir.


Thanks a lot for your help.

Fill in the Blanks

Preencha os espaços

Anne wants to buy a ticket for a shuttle bus, but she doesn't know how to.


Excuse me, where can I _______________ a ticket for an airport shuttle bus?

Airport clerk

Where do you want to ______________, madam?


I want to go to Disneyland.

Airport clerk

Then you can buy it _____________ one of these automatic ticket machines. You can
buy the _____________ by pushing the “Disneyland” button on the machine.


I see. And where is the bus terminal?

Airport clerk

Follow the directions on the sign above ticket machines, and you ______________ get


Alright, thank you so much!

Role Play
Interpretação de papéis

You've noticed a mistake on your bus ticket. You wanted to go to the Grand
Central Station, but you were given a ticket to Newark Airport instead. Ask
the desk clerk for help. Your teacher will be the desk clerk.


1 Have you ever taken an airport bus in a foreign country? If so, please share your

2 What means of transportation do you usually use in foreign countries?

3 Do you usually buy bus tickets online or offline? Why?

4 Which is more convenient for you, taking a train or taking a bus? Why?

5 What is the best transportation system that you know of? Why do you think it’s the

Getting on a train

Airport Train

Um trem que leva um passageiro para um aeroporto

Mr. Tanaka wants to go to the city by taking an airport train. O Sr. Tanaka quer ir
para a cidade tomando um trem do aeroporto.

Get On A Train

Pegar um trem

You should get on the train here. Você deve pegar o trem aqui.

Excuse me, I'd like to take an Airport Express Line. How can I get on the train? Com
licença, gostaria de pegar uma linha expressa do aeroporto. Como posso pegar o

Direct Train

Um trem que leva um passageiro diretamente a um destino, sem fazer paradas no


This direct train will take you straight to Manchester. Este trem irá levá-lo direto para


Bilhete único

Do you want a single ticket or return ticket? Você quer um bilhete único ou de


Um bilhete para volta de um destino

I bought two return tickets for my friend and me. Eu comprei dois bilhetes de retorno
para o meu amigo e eu.

Dialogue Practice
Prática de diálogo

Matt wants to go to the city by an airport train. He asks an airport clerk about it.


Excuse me, I’d like to take the Airport Express Line. How can I get on the train?

Airport clerk

You can just go straight to the platform.


Can you tell me how to buy a ticket? This is my first time taking the airport train.

Airport clerk

It's very simple. You can buy your ticket at one of automatic ticket machines just beside
the platform. Where do you want to go?


I want to go to Kowloon. Is there a direct train that can take me there?

Airport clerk

No, sir. But the one that goes there only stops at a few stations, and it’s fast.


I see. How long does it take?

Airport clerk

It takes about 25 minutes to reach Kowloon.


Do you know what time it leaves the airport?

Airport clerk

I'm not sure about the exact time, but it usually leaves every ten to fifteen minutes.


Oh, okay. That sounds great. Thank you so much.

Airport clerk

You’re welcome, sir. Have a safe trip.

Fill in the Blanks

Preencha os espaços

Zach is at a ticket office. He wants to buy a ticket to Manchester.

Ticket Clerk

Good morning. _______________ may I help you?



I'd like to get one ticket to Manchester, please. What time ______________ the train

Ticket Clerk

It is scheduled to leave at 10:00 A.M. Do you _____________ a single ticket or return



A single ticket, ______________. And how long does it take to get to Manchester?

Ticket Clerk

It takes around 2 hours and 30 minutes to get ____________________.


Okay, thank you.

Ticket Clerk

That will be seven pounds, please.


Here ______________ are.

Ticket Clerk

Thank you. Here’s your ticket. Enjoy your trip.



Thank you! Oh, and just one more question. What _________________ does the train
leave from?

Ticket Clerk

Usually, it _________________ from platform 10A or platform 10B. You can check
that at the information screen.


Thanks a lot!

Role Play
Interpretação de papéis


You have arrived at the airport and you want to take a train to the central
station. Ask the ticket officer about the schedule, platform and the arrival time
and buy a single ticket. Your teacher will act as a ticket officer.


1 Do you like traveling by train? Why? Why not?

2 Have you ever taken an airport train or a local train in a foreign country? Please share
your experience.

3 What is the biggest train station in your country and how many platforms does it
have? Can you describe it?

4 What is the most convenient means of transportation in your country? Why do you
think so?

Renting a car

Rental Car

Um carro que se aluga por um curto período de tempo

I picked up a rental car at the airport. Eu peguei um carro alugado no aeroporto.

International Driving Permit

Uma carteira de motorista que permite dirigir no exterior

Can I drive a car with this international driving permit? // Sure, sir. Posso dirigir um
carro com essa permissão internacional de motorista? // Com certeza, senhor.

Right-Hand Drive Car

Um carro com o volante do lado direito

If there is a right-hand drive car, that would be perfect. Se houver um carro com
volante à direita, isso seria perfeito.

Left-Hand Drive Car

Um carro com o volante do lado esquerdo

I'm afraid to say, but we only have left-hand drive cars. Receio em dizer, mas só temos
carros com volante à esquerda.

Unlimited Mileage

Milhagem ilimitada

It includes unlimited mileage and full insurance. Inclui quilometragem ilimitada e

seguro total.

Dialogue Practice
Prática de diálogo

Matt wants to rent a car at the airport. He is at the car rental counter.


Hi. Do you have any available cars? I'd like to rent one.


Certainly. Do you have a reservation?


No, I don't.


No problem, sir. We have several cars available. What size car would you like?


A small car would be fine. I'm traveling by myself.


Okay. We have one small car available. It costs $70 per day.

The clerk shows Matt a picture of the car that is available for rent.


What does this price cover?


It covers the car rental fee and insurance.


Does the price cover fuel as well?


No, it doesn't. You will need to fill up the fuel tank before you return the car.


Alright. And just one more question. Can I drive a car with this international driving


Of course you can, sir.


Okay, thanks. I’ll rent it for a week.


Thank you very much. Please, fill out this form. I will arrange for the car to be here


Alright, thanks.

Fill in the Blanks

Preencha os espaços

Andrei wants to rent a car at the airport. He goes to the car rental counter.


Good morning. Can I arrange for a car rental here?


Certainly, how long do you want to __________________ a car for?


I ______________ like to hire it for four days, starting tomorrow.


Okay. What kind of car would you like?


A small one. If there is a right-hand drive car, that would be perfect.


I’m afraid we only have left-hand _________________ cars.


That's okay. So, what kind of cars do you have available?



Would a Toyota Yaris be alright?


That sounds fine. How _________________ would it cost?


It will be 50 dollars per day.


What does that price ___________________?


It includes unlimited mileage and full ___________________.


Perfect. I'll take it.


Great, I just need to ___________________ out this form. Just a moment.


Sure. Here’s my passport and my international driver’s _________________.


Thank you. How will you be paying for the car?



Do you take Visa?


Yes, of course.


Here you go.


Thank you.

Role Play
Interpretação de papéis


You want to rent a comfortable car for your family for 5 days. Ask about the
available cars, price, and coverage. Your teacher will be a rent-a-car clerk.


1 Have you ever rented a car abroad? Please share your experience.

2 Do you think it's difficult to switch from left-hand drive cars to right-hand drive cars
and vice versa? Why? Why not?

3 What was your most memorable driving experience?


4 What are the advantages and disadvantages of hiring a car compared with using other
means of transportation?

5 What kind of a car would you choose, if you were to rent a car?

Getting back to the airport

On Time

(Não tarde) Pontual

The project is never going to be finished on time. O projeto nunca será concluído a

You should be on time when you're getting married. Você deve chegar na hora
quando for se casar.

Your flight is leaving on time. Seu voo está saindo no horário.

Please turn in your proposal on time if you want to become a member of this project.
Por favor, entregue sua proposta a tempo se você quiser se tornar um membro
deste projeto.

Did you clock in on time today, or were you late as usual? Você chegou na hora hoje,
ou você estava atrasado, como de costume?

It is extremely important that the conference starts on time, as the timetable is very
tight. É extremamente importante que a conferência comece no horário, pois o
horário está muito apertado.

Reserve A Seat

Organizar antecipadamente um lugar para ser guardado para o seu uso.

I will reserve a seat for you. // Thanks. Vou reservar um lugar para você. //


Táxi (Inglês Norte Americano)

It was late so they caught a cab. Já estava tarde, então eles pegaram um táxi.

It's easy to find a cab downtown. É fácil encontrar um táxi no centro da cidade.

We can take a cab, but we might get there faster if we walk. Podemos pegar um táxi,
mas podemos chegar lá mais rápido se andarmos.

The company will pay you back for your cab fare if you need to work overtime on this
project. A empresa pagará de volta pela sua tarifa de táxi se você precisar
trabalhar horas extras neste projeto.

Departure Time

A hora em que um avião sai do portão (Hora de partida)

Your departure time is 12:10. Sua hora de partida é 12:10.

I want to get to the airport at least one and a half hours before the departure time. Quero
chegar ao aeroporto pelo menos uma hora e meia antes da hora da partida.

Dialogue Practice
Prática de diálogo

Matt is wondering if he could take a shuttle bus from his hotel back to the airport. He
asks the hotel receptionist about it.


Hi. I was wondering if there are any airport shuttle buses available from the hotel or
would taking a taxi be a better idea?


What time will you be leaving the hotel?


Tomorrow at around five o’clock in the morning. I have a flight to catch at 7:30 A.M.


In that case, there is a shuttle bus available. I'd recommend taking it. It stops at 5:10
A.M. just in front of the hotel and arrives at the airport at 5:30 A.M.


How much does it cost?


It’s twenty Hong Kong dollars, which is less expensive than taking a taxi.


That’s good. Tell me, please, should I worry about delays because of traffic jams?


There's no need to worry about that. The bus runs on the highway so it usually gets to
the airport on time.


I see, thanks. I'll take it.


Would you write down your full name here? I will reserve a seat for you.



Fill in the Blanks

Preencha os espaços

Anne needs to go back to the airport tomorrow morning. She goes to the reception to
ask for help.


Good morning. I was __________________ if there are any airport shuttle buses that I
could take from the hotel or would it be better to take a cab instead?


What _____________ will you be leaving, madam?


Tomorrow at around 4 in the morning. My flight is at 6:30.


I'm afraid there are no buses _____________ at that time. The first shuttle bus arrives
here at 5:10 A.M. Would you like to reserve a _________________ on that one?


No, I want to get to the airport at least an hour and a half ____________________ the
departure time.


Then, _________________ you like to reserve a taxi instead?


Yes, that would be better. How long does it take to get to the _________________ in a


It shouldn't take longer than 30 minutes.


Should I be worried about _________________ due to traffic jams?


Roads are usually clear early in the morning, so I don’t think you need to worry about
_________________ jams.


I see. Then ___________________ you, please, reserve a cab for me at 4 A.M.? Just to
be sure.




Thank you for your help. I’ll be here at 4:00 A.M. ____________________________

Role Play
Interpretação de papéis


You have a flight to catch at 5 A.M. and you want to ask the hotel receptionist
what kind of transportation would be the best to get to the airport on
time. Your teacher will be the receptionist.


1 How early before the departure time do you like to get to the airport? Why?

2 Have you ever missed checking in on your flight because of a delay caused by a
traffic jam? If so, how did you feel? If not, what do you do to prevent that?

3 Which do you prefer: taking a taxi, taking a local bus or taking a shuttle bus? Why?

4 Do you think airline companies should provide free transportation for their
customers? Why? Why not?

5 Would you ever use public transportation in major cities to get to the airport? Why?
Why not?

Checking in at a hotel


Registrar (Fazer check-in)

You can check in over there. Você pode fazer o check-in ali.

Reception is where guests check in at a hotel. A recepção é onde os hóspedes fazem o

check-in em um hotel.

Good afternoon. I'd like to check in. Boa tarde. Gostaria de fazer check-in.

Front Desk

A recepção em um hotel ou escritório

Hello, this is the front desk. How may I help you? Olá, esta é a recepção. Como posso


Um recibo dado a alguém para provar que o dinheiro foi pago

After making the payment, you will receive the voucher via email. Após efetuar o
pagamento, você receberá o voucher por e-mail.


Assinatura (A maneira como uma pessoa geralmente escreve seu nome)

The contract required my signature. O contrato exigia minha assinatura.


Please write your signature in the space provided. Por favor, escreva sua assinatura
no espaço fornecido.

We just need your signature on the contract to complete the deal. Nós só precisamos da
sua assinatura no contrato para concluir o negócio.

We require that your signature be placed neatly at the top of this form. Exigimos que
sua assinatura seja colocada na parte superior deste formulário.

Can you write down your name and the signature here? // Okay. Você pode anotar seu
nome e a assinatura aqui? // OK.

Dialogue Practice
Prática de diálogo

Matt is at a hotel and he wants to check in.


Good afternoon. I'd like to check in. I have a reservation.


May I have your name, please?


Matt Davidson.


Could you spell your last name, please?





Let me check... We have your reservation for two nights starting today. May I see your


Here’s my passport.


Thank you. Could you fill out this form, please?




Thank you. Your room number is 504. Here is the key to your room.


All right.


Breakfast will be served in the cafeteria from 7:00 to 10:00 A.M. If you have any
requests, please call the front desk.


Thanks. Can I use the Internet in my room?



Yes, we have a Wi-Fi connection in each room. Here’s the password.




Enjoy your stay.

Fill in the Blanks

Preencha os espaços

Hyun-woo is at a hotel, ready to check in.


Hi, I’d like to _________________.


Good morning, sir. Do you have a ________________?


Yes, I have reserved the room online.


Okay. Can I have the voucher?



Here it is.


Thank you. Can I see your _______________, please?


No problem. Here’s my passport. Can I use the ________________ in my room?


Of course, sir. High speed Wi-Fi connection is available in every room. The password is




Can you, please, write your name and signature here?




Here is the key to your _________________. Your room ________________ is 505.

Have a nice ________________.

Role Play
Interpretação de papéis


You arrived at a hotel, but you didn’t make a reservation. Ask if there are any
available rooms and check in. Your teacher will be the receptionist.


1 Do you like staying in hotels? Why or why not?

2 What are some of the alternatives to staying in hotels? Have you tried any of them? If
so, please share your experience. If not, would you like to?

3 Do you think the quality of check-in services is an important factor to consider when
rating a hotel? Why do you think so?

4 What was the best hotel you have ever stayed in?

5 Do you have any unforgettable experiences related to hotels? If so, please share.

6 What is most important for you when you are looking for accommodation? Why is
that so important?

Changing a room


Fornecer uma visão (Vista) de algo, de uma posição mais alta.

The office overlooks downtown. O escritório tem vista para o centro da cidade.

My room overlooks a main road. Meu quarto tem vista para a estrada principal.

I want to find an apartment that overlooks the lake. Eu quero encontrar um

apartamento com vista para o lago.

The house is on a cliff overlooking the ocean. A casa está em um penhasco com vista
para o oceano.

Alright, I can give you another room on the 5th floor. // Does that room overlook the
sea? Tudo bem, posso dar-lhe outro quarto no 5º andar. // Aquele quarto tem vista
para o mar?


(Aquecedor) um dispositivo que torna a água ou o ar mais quente.

It's cold here. Shall we turn on the heater? Está frio aqui. Vamos ligar o aquecedor?

Is there something wrong with the room? // The heater is not working. Há algo de
errado com o quarto? // O aquecedor não está funcionando.

Light Bulb


Is there something wrong with the room? // The light bulb is not working. Há algo de
errado com o quarto? // A lâmpada não está funcionando.


Dar algo a alguém, geralmente colocando-o nas mãos deles.

Could you pass the salt, please? Você poderia passar o sal, por favor?

Dialogue Practice
Prática de diálogo

Matt wants to change his room. He calls the front desk.


Hello. I'd like to know if it's possible for me to move to a different room.


Is there something wrong with your room?


The water heater is not working.


I apologize for that. Let me check our room availability. Alright, we can give you
another room on the 5th floor.


Does that room overlook the sea?



Yes, it does.


Wonderful! I’ll take it. Thank you very much!


You’re welcome. I’ll be there shortly to pass the room key.

Fill in the Blanks

Preencha os espaços

Nathan wants to change his hotel room. He calls the reception.


Hello, I’d like to _____________ my room, if that's possible.


Is there something _____________ with your room?


The heater is not __________________.


I'm sorry for the inconvenience. I will prepare another __________________ for you.
Do you have any special requests?


Do you have a room that ________________ the mountain?


Just a moment, sir. Yes, we have an available room on the 6th _________________.


That’s fine, I’ll take it. Thanks.


You are welcome, sir.

Role Play
Interpretação de papéis


You would like to change your room, because the air conditioner is not
working. Call the receptionist and ask for a different room. Your teacher will
be the receptionist.


1 How often do you ask to change your room at a hotel?

2 What would you do if a guest staying in a room next to yours was noisy?

3 What would you do if you wanted to change your room but there was none available?

4 What kind of room do you usually prefer when you stay at hotels?

5 What do you think about people who always complain about their hotel rooms?

Asking about the internet connection

Ethernet cable

(Cabo Ethernet) Um cabo que transporta o sinal de banda larga do roteador para os
dispositivos conectados a ele.

Can I borrow an Ethernet cable? Posso pedir emprestado um cabo Ethernet?

Ethernet port

Uma abertura em um roteador ou computador que um cabo Ethernet entra

The problem is that my laptop doesn't have an Ethernet port. O problema é que meu
laptop não tem uma entrada Ethernet.


Um bilhete comprado online (Eletrônico)

I'd like to print out my e-ticket. Eu gostaria de imprimir meu bilhete eletrônico.

The Ground Floor

O chão de um edifício, localizado ao nível do solo.

I'm sorry sir, we have a printer in the computer room on the ground floor. Sinto muito
senhor, temos uma impressora na sala de computadores no andar térreo.


Uma moeda que vale um quarto de um dólar americano


Every morning, on my way to work, I give a quarter to that homeless man. Toda
manhã, a caminho do trabalho, dou um quarto àquele sem-teto.

Dialogue Practice
Prática de diálogo

Matt wants to use the internet. He asks the hotel receptionist about it.


Excuse me, I was wondering if I could use the internet in my room.


Yes, sir. Each room is equipped with an Ethernet cable. You can plug it into your


The problem is that my laptop doesn’t have an Ethernet port.


I see. In that case, you can use the Wi-Fi connection here in the lobby.


So, I cannot use Wi-Fi in my room?


I’m sorry, sir. Wi-Fi connection is only available in the lobby. The signal doesn't reach
the rooms.


Okay. Can I have the password?


Certainly. Here's the password, sir.



Fill in the Blanks

Preencha os espaços

Nina wants to use the internet. She asks the hotel receptionist about it.


Hi, can I _______________ the internet in my room?


Sure, we have an Ethernet connection in each room. We also ________________ Wi-Fi



I’d rather use the line. _______________ I borrow an Ethernet cable?


No problem, miss. Here it is. It’s free of charge. You can _________________ it when
you check out of the hotel.


Okay, thanks. And is there, by any chance, a printer I could use at this hotel? I’d
_______________ to print out my e-ticket.


We do have a printer in the computer room on the ground _____________, but there is
a small charge of one quarter per sheet.


That's okay. Could _______________ tell me how to use it?


Certainly. Come this way, miss. I’ll help you.



Role Play
Interpretação de papéis


You realized that there is no Wi-Fi in your room. Ask the receptionist if
there's any way to get access to internet. Your teacher will act as the


1 Do you think the internet is an important factor to consider when booking a room at a
hotel? Why? Why not?

2 Do you think it's necessary for all hotels to have internet connection? Why? Why not?

3 Do you usually ask to have internet connection at the hotel or not? Why?

4 What do you usually use the internet for when you are abroad?

5 How inconvenient do you think it is to stay in a room with no internet connection?


Making a call from a hotel room

International call

Uma chamada feita entre dois países

I'd like to make an international call. Eu gostaria de fazer uma chamada


Outgoing call history

Histórico de chamadas efetuadas (Uma lista de todas as chamadas feitas de

um telefone)

Can I have an outgoing call history? Posso ter um histórico de chamadas


Put a call through to

Conectar uma pessoa a alguém com quem eles querem falar ao telephone.

And could you please put a call through to room 1115? // May I ask you the
name of the guest in that room? E você poderia ligar para o quarto 1115? //
Posso perguntar o nome do hóspede naquela sala?

Be of assistance

Ser útil

Let me know if I can be of any assistance. Deixe-me saber se posso ajudar.


Dialogue Practice
Prática de diálogo

Matt calls the front desk of the hotel to ask something.


Hello, this is the front desk. How may I help you?


Hello, I'm calling from room 1205. I’d like to turn on the air conditioner but I cannot
find the switch. Could you tell me where it is?


Of course, sir. The switch is next to the TV.


Let me see... I found it. Thanks.


You’re welcome sir.


Oh, one more thing. Could you please put a call through to room 1115?


May I ask for the name of the guest staying in that room?


Zach Williams. We checked in at the same time yesterday.


Oh, yes. Please hold the line. I’ll put a call through to the room.


All right, thanks.


Happy to be of assistance, sir.

Fill in the Blanks

Preencha os espaços

Henry wants to make a call to Japan. He calls the front desk.


___________ me, can you help me make an outgoing call?


Certainly. Where do you want to call?


I _________ to call someone in Japan. Can I make an international call directly from
my ______________?


Yes, sir. Please press 100 and add the country code.


I’m not _______________ what the country code for Japan is.


Japan is 81, sir.




Then dial the number. But you don’t need to press another 0 before the number, sir.


So, I should press 100 81 and then the number without 0?


That is correct, sir.


Okay, thank you. And, can I have the outgoing call history?


Of course, sir. We will give it to you when you check out of the ______________.
Would that be okay?


Yes, perfect. Thank you for your __________________.


You’re welcome, sir.

Role Play
Interpretação de papéis


You are staying at a hotel in the US. You need to call a coworker in
France. Ask the receptionist to assist you in making the call. Your teacher will
be the receptionist.


1.Have you ever used a phone in a hotel room abroad?

2.Have you ever called the front desk to ask them to do something for you
while staying at a hotel abroad? Describe the situation.

3.How often do you make international calls? Why?

4.Do you think free internet call services like Skype, LINE, Viber or
WhatsApp are replacing conventional calls? Why do you think so?

5.Do you often use these apps to make calls?


Using room service

Room service

Serviço de quarto

Room service is available at any time. O serviço de quarto está disponível a

qualquer momento.

We ordered room service for breakfast. Pedimos serviço de quarto no café

da manhã.

Wake-up call

Uma ligação que um funcionário ou operador de hotel faz para acordar


I asked for a wake-up call at seven. Eu pedi uma ligação para acordar às

I'd like a wake-up call at eight. Gostaria de acordar às oito.

Place a call

Fazer uma ligação

I just need to place a few calls for my boss and then I'll join you. Só preciso
fazer algumas ligações para meu chefe e depois me juntarei a você.


Pedir (solicitar comida ou bebida em um restaurante, café etc. )


Are you ready to order your meal? Você está pronto para pedir sua

Would you like to order a bottle of wine? Gostaria de pedir uma garrafa de

I ordered lasagna for dinner. Eu pedi lasanha para o jantar.

Customers can order their products by phone for faster service. Os clientes
podem solicitar seus produtos por telefone para um serviço mais rápido.

I ordered a bottle of beer. Eu pedi uma garrafa de cerveja.

Are you ready to order? Você está pronto para fazer o pedido?

Dialogue Practice
Prática de diálogo

Matt wants to order something from room service. He calls the front desk.


Hello, this is the front desk. How may I help you?


Hello. Can I order coffee from room service?


Certainly. May I have your room number?



It's room 715.


Thank you, sir.


And can I ask you for a wake-up call for tomorrow?


Sure. What time would you like us to place the call?


At 4:30 A.M., please.


All right, sir. Is there anything else you'd like us to do for you?


No, that would be all. Thank you.


Ok, we will bring your coffee in 5 minutes. Thank you for calling.

Fill in the Blanks

Preencha os espaços

Anne calls the room service to order something.

Room Service

Hello, this is room service.


Hi, I'd like to have some food brought to my room, if that's possible.

Room Service

Of course, madam. I can take your order.


Thanks. ______________ have an Asian Chicken Salad, and the Jo-Nigiri Set.

Room Service

____________, but we’re currently out of the Jo-Nigiri Set. May I suggest California
Rolls instead?


Thank you for the _______________, but do you maybe have Chirashi Zushi?

Room Service

Yes, we do.


Then I’ll _____________ one.

Room Service

Sure. What would you like to drink?


I’ll have some ice tea.

Room Service

All right. Is there anything else you’d like to order?


That’s all. Thanks.

Room Service

Your food and drink will be brought to your room shortly. Enjoy your


Thank you!



You are in a hotel room and you would like to order dinner. Call the room
service and order what you would like to have. Your teacher will act as a


1.Have you ever used room service abroad? What hotel has the best room
service, in your opinion?

2.Do you think ordering food or drinks from room service is extravagant?
Why do you think so?

3.Do you think hotel room service is efficient? Why or why not?

4.Do you usually give tips to the room service attendants? If not, why not?

5.Do you think it's more convenient to order from room service than eat out?
Why or why not?

Asking for help

Fire brigade

Um grupo de pessoas treinadas e organizadas para apagar incêndios.

Call the fire brigade! There is a fire in my room! Ligue para os bombeiros!
Há um incêndio no meu quarto!



He was lying unconscious on the floor for half an hour before he opened his
eyes. Ele ficou deitado inconsciente no chão por meia hora antes de abrir
os olhos.

Rush into

Correr para (neste caso) entrear em uma sala rapidamente, de repente.

The boy was out of breath when he rushed into the classroom. O garoto
estava sem fôlego quando entrou correndo na sala de aula.


Que precisa acontecer imediatamente ou que precisa ser tratado primeiro .

He is rushing to an urgent meeting. Ele está correndo para uma reunião


The patient needs urgent medical attention. O paciente precisa de atenção

médica urgente.

The president argued that it was urgent to raise the defense budget to fight
terrorism. O presidente argumentou que era urgente aumentar o
orçamento de defesa para combater o terrorismo.

He dropped everything in order to work on the more urgent new job. Ele
largou tudo para trabalhar no novo emprego mais urgente.

This is an urgent issue that we have to resolve immediately. Esse é um

problema urgente que precisamos resolver imediatamente.

Dialogue Practice
Prática de diálogo

A small fire started in Matt's hotel room.


I need help!


What is going on?


Call the fire brigade! There is a fire in my room! The phone wasn’t working so I...

The receptionist dials the number.


Can you inform the security guard as fast as you can?



After a few minutes, James rushes into the lobby.


Quickly! We need medical help! It’s urgent!


What's the matter, sir?


My friend got hit by a motorbike! He is unconscious! Can you call an ambulance?!


Oh my... Yes! Yes, of course!

The receptionist dials the number.

Fill in the Blanks

Preencha os espaços

Scene 1: Jim’s friend got hit by a car.


My friend is _____________! We need ______________! Please!


Oh my... What happened?


He got _____________ by a car! ______________ an ambulance?



Yes, of course!

Choose answers from the options below that fit in blanks 1 to 4

Scene 2: Lauren asks her neighbor, Ms. Jackson, for help.



Ellen Jackson

What happened, dear?


It’s ______________! There’s a fire in my kitchen!

Ellen Jackson

Oh, my!



Ellen Jackson

I will call the fire brigade right away!


Please, hurry!



While riding a bicycle your friend was hit by a car. Ask the staff from the
convenience store to help you and call the ambulance. Your teacher will be a
shop assistant.


1.Has anyone ever asked you for help on the street?

2.Do you know how to perform CPR?

3.Have you ever called an ambulance for someone?

4.What should you do if there was an emergency and you didn’t know any
emergency numbers?

5.Are children in your country taught in schools how to act in emergency


Calling an ambulance


Um assunto sério ou perigoso que precisa ser tratado imediatamente, a fim de evitar
sérias consequências.

Please help, I have an emergency. Por favor, ajude, eu tenho uma emergência.

It's an emergency. Isto é uma emergência.

The patient was taken straight to the emergencyroom. O paciente foi levado
diretamente para a sala de emergência.

The fire engine is going to an emergency. O carro de bombeiros está indo para uma

An emergency came up at the office, and I have to stay late tonight. Surgiu uma
emergência no escritório, e eu tenho que ficar até tarde esta noite.

If there is an emergency, please use the stairs, not the elevator. Se houver uma
emergência, use as escadas, não o elevador.

This is an emergency; we need help. Isto é uma emergência; nós precisamos de




She fainted at the sight of blood. Ela desmaiou ao ver sangue.




The nurse carefully cleaned his wound. A enfermeira limpou cuidadosamente o


This wound will take several days to heal. Esta ferida levará vários dias para

It took 80 stitches to close the wound on his face following the attack. Foram
necessários 80 pontos para fechar a ferida no rosto após o ataque.

Apply pressure

Pressionar e segurar uma ferida aberta para parar o sangramento.

You have to apply pressure to the wound until it stops bleeding. Você precisa
pressionar a ferida até que ela pare de sangrar.

Dialogue Practice
Prática de diálogo

The Operator's phone starts ringing.


Hello. What's your emergency?


A person fainted in the middle of the street.



Where are you?


I’m on Gothenburg Street. Just opposite the central library.


An ambulance will arrive shortly.


What should I do until they arrive?


Stay beside the man, but don’t move him!

The phone starts ringing again.


I’m listening! What's your emergency?


I burnt my leg with boiling water!


We will send out an ambulance immediately. What is your address?



13 Kingston Street.


Is there anyone around you?


No, I'm alone at home.


Okay, stay calm. The ambulance will be there in 5 minutes.

Fill in the Blanks

Preencha os espaços

The Operator's phone starts ringing.


I have an emergency.


What happened?


My wife cut _____________. She is bleeding very badly!


Where are you?



We ____________ Brisway Road! House number 57!


Okay. Don’t panic, the ambulance is on its way.


___________ they arrive?


Try to find a clean cloth, put it on the wound and apply a bit of pressure.

The phone starts ringing again.


Hello. What is your ___________?

Lisa Sato

Ah... I am in Abby park near the building of the museum... I think... My son is
_______________. He fell off the swing and hit his head badly! His head is (6)!


Are you near the museum of modern art?

Lisa Sato

Yes! I think so.



The ambulance will be there in a few minutes! Please, stay where you are!



Your friend suddenly fainted on the street and hit his head badly. Call the
ambulance and tell them what happened and where you are. Your teacher will
act as the operator.


1.What is the ambulance number in your country?

2.Have you ever called an ambulance? Describe the situation.

3.Have you ever fainted? What happened?

4.What are the most common emergency situations? How can you deal with

5.If you cut or burnt yourself, how would you decide whether or not to call an

Police Department


Roubar dinheiro ou propriedade de alguém.

I was robbed. Fui roubado.

I've just been robbed. Acabei de ser assaltado.

Someone robbed her house while she was away on holiday. Alguém roubou
sua casa enquanto ela estava de férias.

No one knew that the company was robbing its customers. Ninguém sabia
que a empresa estava roubando seus clientes.

Crime scene

O local exato em que um crime ocorreu.

He said that he was not guilty, but his fingerprints were found at the crime
scene. Ele disse que não era culpado, mas suas impressões digitais foram
encontradas na cena do crime.

Flee the scene

Fugir de um lugar onde algo aconteceu, geralmente porque você está com

The driver who caused the car crash had fled the scenebefore the police
arrived. O motorista que causou o acidente de carro fugiu do local antes
da chegada da polícia.



He doesn't speak English. We will need an interpreter. Ele não fala inglês
Vamos precisar de um intérprete.



Unfortunately, there were no witnesses to the murder. Infelizmente, não

houve testemunhas do assassinato.

There were many witnesses to the accident. Houve muitas testemunhas do


The witness remembered the incident as clearly as if it had happened just

yesterday. A testemunha lembrou o incidente tão claramente como se
tivesse acontecido ontem.

Dialogue Practice
Prática de diálogo

Mr. Adachi is looking for the local police department.

Akio Adachi

Excuse me, where is the nearest police department?


It’s on Elm Street, next to the bank. I can take you there, if you'd like.

Akio Adachi

Yes, please. Thank you!


No problem. Follow me, please.

They reach the police department. Mr. Adachi enters.

Police Officer

How can I help you?

Akio Adachi

I have a big problem.

Police Officer

Okay, tell me what happened.

Akio Adachi

I was robbed. Um... I can't explain in English. I need an interpreter.

Police Officer

Ok, we’ll find one right away. Please, have a seat.

Akio Adachi

Thank you so much.

Meanwhile, Carol is at the police department because she saw a traffic accident. She is
there as a witness.

Police Officer

Miss, did you see the accident take place?


Yes, I saw the whole accident. One car crashed into the other.

Police Officer

Did it happen at the traffic light?


Yes. The man who caused the accident fled the scene. He even left his car behind.

Police Officer

We believe the car was stolen and the man responsible was a drug addict. Now, could
you please try to remember any details about the accident?

Fill in the Blanks

Preencha os espaços

Scene 1: Nicole is looking for the police department.


Excuse me, where is the nearest _______________?

Mr. Nakamura

I’m not sure. What happened?



There was a ______________. I crashed into another car!

Mr. Nakamura

Oh, my! Is anyone ________________?


No, luckily, no one got injured.

Mr. Nakamura

Good! I can call the _____________, if you want. They should arrive in a few minutes.


Thank you so much!

Choose answers from the options below that fit in blanks 1 to 4

Scene 2: Saya is at the police department.


Help! Can someone help me, please?

Police Officer

What happened?


I ______________! They took my bag. It just happened, around the corner.


Police Officer

What did the robbers look like? Did you see them? Did they leave the ____________
right away?


Uhm... Yes... I don’t speak English well. I need an ______________.

Police Officer

Okay, I’ll see what I can do. Have a ______________, I'll be right back.



You are at the police department. You saw a bank robbery from the
street. Tell the officer what happened. Your teacher will be the police officer.


1.Have you ever been to a police department? If so, why?

2.Have you ever seen a traffic accident? If so, what happened?

3.Do you think being a police officer is difficult? Why? Why not?

4.What kind of uniform do the police officers wear in your country?


Contacting the Embassy



The Japanese embassy is over there. A embaixada japonesa está lá.

I need to go to the embassy. Eu preciso ir à embaixada.

I need to contact the embassy. Eu preciso entrar em contato com a embaixada.

Excuse me, do you know where the embassy of Australia is? // I think down this street.
Com licença, você sabe onde fica a embaixada da Austrália? // Eu acho que é
descendo nessa rua.

Make an appointment

Marcar uma consulta ou um horário para um fim específico.

She made an appointment with her doctor over the phone. Ela marcou uma consulta
com seu médico por telefone.

I made an appointment to meet her at 12:30. Marquei um horário para encontrá-la

às 12:30.

Would you like to make an appointment for later? // Yes, that'd be good, thanks.
Gostaria de marcar uma consulta para mais tarde? // Sim, isso seria bom,

Hello! Do I need to make an appointment? // It depends on your matter. Olá! Preciso

marcar uma consulta? // Depende do seu problema.


Candidato\ Requerente (Uma pessoa que faz um pedido formal para algo)

The applicant answered the interviewers' questions. O requerente respondeu às

perguntas dos entrevistadores.

She is one of two applicants for the job. Ela é uma das duas candidatas ao cargo.

Five of the forty applicants were invited to do a follow-up interview. Cinco dos
quarenta candidatos foram convidados a fazer uma entrevista de

There are four applicants for the position so far. Até agora, existem quatro
candidatos à vaga.

Applicants with a criminal record will not be considered for the position. Candidatos
com antecedentes criminais não serão considerados para o cargo.

Applicant Service Center

Um local onde as pessoas possam solicitar vistos ou ter problemas com relação a vistos

Dialogue Practice
Prática de diálogo

Matt and Hannah are having some troubles abroad.


We both need to go to the US embassy and deal with these issues as soon as possible,
Hannah. Do you know where the embassy is?


I think it's just down the street.

At the embassy.




Do we need to make an appointment?


Good day to you both! It depends on your matter...


Well, we both need help fast. You see, my passport was stolen.


And I was wondering how I can contact the Applicant Service Center. There's been a
mistake with my visa.


Usually, you'd have to make a phone call or use our website to make an appointment.
But, both of these matters are urgent. We shall look into them at once.


Thank you so much!


Fill in the Blanks

Preencha os espaços

Grace is having some troubles abroad, so she goes to the embassy.


Excuse me, how can I contact the _____________?


What is the matter? Perhaps we can help you now.


My passport ____________ stolen.


This is an ____________ matter. We shall look into it right away.


Thank you so much!

Ten minutes later, Masa walks in.


Excuse me, can you help me? I think there's been a _____________ with my visa!


Okay we will look into it.



Do I need to make an ______________?


No, there is no need to do that. You will just have to wait for a few minutes. Please,
have a seat.



You are in a foreign country and you seem to have lost your passport. Call the
embassy and try to explain the situation and make an appointment. Your
teacher will be the embassy worker.


1.Have you ever been to your country’s embassy abroad? If so, why?

2.Do you know what problems the embassy can help you with?

3.Have you ever lost your passport?

4.Which countries can you visit without a visa?

5.Which country do you wish you didn’t need a visa for?


Lost and found


Um pequeno pedaço de papel com uma imagem, logotipo ou algo escrito de um lado,
que você pode colar em uma superfície.

Wherever he goes, he always buys a sticker for his suitcase as a souvenir. Onde quer
que ele vá, ele sempre compra adesivos para sua mala como lembrança.

By any chance

Por acaso

By any chance can I print out some paper for free? Por acaso posso imprimir algum
papel de graça?

Distinctive features

Características que tornam algo único e diferente de outras coisas semelhantes

It was a big, black suitcase. // Were there any distinctive features? Era uma mala preta
grande. // Havia algum recurso distinto?

Bear with (someone)

Ser paciente com alguém

Please bear with me for a moment, while I finish filling out this form. Por favor,
aguarde um momento enquanto termino de preencher este formulário.

Dialogue Practice
Prática de diálogo

Lauren is at the train station and she has just realized that she lost her bag. She goes to
the Lost and Found counter.


Excuse me, I think I have lost my bag. Could you please check if somebody found it
and brought it here, by any chance?


Certainly. We had several bags brought in this morning. What does your bag look like?


It's a big black bag.


Okay. Does it have any distinctive features?


Well... There are a few stickers on it. One says Shanghai and the other is a sun wearing


Okay. And what is in the bag, if you don't mind me asking?


Mostly clothes, but also a makeup set and some chocolate.



All right. I think someone brought in a similar bag. I will go and take a look. Please,
bear with me.


Thank you.

Fill in the Blanks

Preencha os espaços

Hannah is at the Lost and Found counter at an amusement park.


Hi! I have ______________ my wallet! It must have dropped from my bag while I was
on a roller coaster. Can you please check if someone found it, _________________?


Of course. What does it _______________ like?


It's a small, brown, leather ____________________.


Does it have any ________________?


No, it looks very simple. But there are a lot of cards and my ID inside.


Okay. I will go and check if anyone has found it yet. Please, _________________ with



You are at an amusement park and you realize that you have lost your
phone. Go to the Lost and Found and ask the clerk for help. Give a detailed
description of your phone.Your teacher will be the clerk.


1. Do you often lose your things?

2. Have you ever lost something while traveling? Describe what happened.

3. Have you ever found something that someone else lost? If so, what did you

4. What would be the worst thing to lose when traveling? What would you do
if you lost it?

5. What things do people lose the most? Why do you think that is?

Finding the way

Out of town

De uma cidade diferente

He is from out of town and he got lost. Ele é de fora da cidade e se perdeu.

Find one's way around

Se deslocar em um lugar e não se perder

Do you think you can find your way around or do you want me to take you there? Você
acha que pode encontrar o caminho de volta ou quer que eu o leve até lá?

Department store

Uma grande loja dividida em seções menores que vendem diferentes tipos de

This is one of the most famous department storesin the world. Esta é uma das lojas de
departamento mais famosas do mundo.

We went to the department store to buy gifts for our friends. Fomos à loja de
departamentos para comprar presentes para nossos amigos.

Show the way

Explicar a alguém como chegar a um lugar

Just follow me, I'll show you the way. Apenas me siga, eu mostrarei o caminho.

Dialogue Practice
Prática de diálogo

Mr. Adachi is looking for a bank.

Akio Adachi

Excuse me, could you help me, please?


I can try. What do you need?

Akio Adachi

I'm from out of town and I'm trying to find my way around this place. Can you tell me
where I can find a bank?


Well, the closest one is in the Woodpecker’s department store.

Akio Adachi

Could you please tell me how to get there?


Of course. Let's see... You go down this street, then turn left and walk straight. The
department store will be on your right.

Akio Adachi

I'm so sorry, but it’s a bit confusing. Can you show me the way on the map, please?

Mr. Adachi takes out a map.


Akio Adachi



Let me see.

David points his finger at a place on the map.


You are here now. The department store is right here, so you turn left here and go

Akio Adachi

I see. Thank you very much!


You're welcome!

A few hours later, Mr. Adachi is out walking. He seems to be lost. He asks a police
officer to help him.

Akio Adachi

Excuse me, officer, could you help me, please?

Police Officer

What seems to be the problem, sir?

Akio Adachi

I think I might be lost. I’m searching for Grand Duffel hotel.


Police Officer

Oh, I see. Don't worry. It’s close! Go down this street, take the first right turn and the
hotel will be next to the tourist agency.

Akio Adachi

Oh, wonderful! Thank you!

Police Officer

Good luck!

Fill in the Blanks

Preencha os espaços

Nathan wants to buy souvenirs, so he’s looking for a souvenir shop.


Excuse me, _________________, please?


Of course.


Can you tell me where __________________ a souvenir shop?


There are a few souvenir shops on Bentinck Street, I think. It’s not far away.


That's good to hear. So, how do I ______________ there?



Go ____________ the street. When you see a Starbucks coffee shop ______________
left. Then, you will be on Bentinck Street!


Thank you for your help!

After a few hours of walking around, Nathan seems to be lost. He goes into a shop to
ask for directions.

Shop Clerk



Hi! Can I just ask you something?

Shop Clerk

Of course, go ahead.


Can you tell me _________________? I can't see the street name anywhere.

Shop Clerk

This is Northcote Road.


Can you _______________ on the map, please?


Shop Clerk

Sure. Here! This is where we are.

The shop clerk points on the map.


Ah! Thank you!

Shop Clerk

You’re welcome.

Role Play
Interpretação de papéis


You are trying to find the closest post office. Ask a passer-by to help
you. Your teacher will act as a passer-by. Switch roles after that.


1.Have you ever been lost? If so, describe the situation.

2.Do you know your city/town well? Do you think you could help a lost

3.Are you good at finding your way or do you easily get lost?

4.What do you think people who are lost shouldn’t do?

5.Do you think that being lost can be a fun experience? Why?

At a Tourist Information Center

Tourist information center

Um lugar que fornece aos turistas todas as informações sobre os lugares que estão

Let's stop by at the tourist information center to ask about local events. Vamos parar
no centro de informações turísticas para perguntar sobre eventos locais.



They are looking at a pamphlet of home furniture. Eles estão olhando para um
panfleto de móveis para casa.


Um estilo de cozinha típico para um determinado país ou area.

The restaurant serves Mediterranean cuisine. O restaurante serve culinaria


Sushi is one type of Japanese cuisine. Sushi é um tipo de culinária japonesa.

As a professional chef, he was interested in the cuisine of other countries. Como chef
profissional, ele se interessou pela culinária de outros países.

French and Italian cuisines are probably the most popular around the world. Culinária
francesa e italiana são provavelmente as mais populares em todo o mundo.



We had our wedding at an outdoor chapel. Tivemos nosso casamento em uma capela
ao ar livre.

An old chapel appeared in the middle of nowhere. Uma antiga capela apareceu no
meio do nada.

Dialogue Practice
Prática de diálogo

Yan-ting goes to the tourist information center to find out more about the town he is


Welcome! How can I be of assistance?


Hello! I have a few questions.


Okay, go ahead. What would you like to know?


I'd like to learn more about the history of this town. Do you have any pamphlets
perhaps, or some books to recommend?


Well... We have a few interesting tour books here!


That sounds great.

Yan-ting takes a look at the bookshelf.


Do you have these in Mandarin?


Yes! Here you go!


Thank you. Are there any sights that I can visit in this area?


Hmm... Let's see.

The clerk opens one of the books.


Ah, yes. There is an 18th century chapel you can visit. It’s 10 minutes away from here.
You can find the directions and information in the book. I'd recommend visiting it - it's


It does seem interesting... Okay, I will go there. Thank you very much!


You’re welcome! Have a great day!

As Yan-ting leaves, James walks in.




Hi! How can I help you today?


I'd like to know where I can try local cuisine.


Here! Take these pamphlets. Here are the names and addresses of quite a few
restaurants that serve great local cuisine. Look, they even have maps with directions on
the back.

The clerk shows a map on one of the pamphlets.


You are here right now. This is where the closest restaurant is. Will you be able to find
your way?


Yes, thank you. And I have another question, if you don't mind.


Not at all! What else would you like to know?



Where can I find information on local events?


There will be a beer festival next week, so you can visit it. For information about events
in neighboring towns you can read this!

The clerk gives James another pamphlet.


Thank you so much!


It was a pleasure, sir. Have a nice day!

Fill in the BlanksPreencha os espaços

Zach goes to the tourist information center to get some information about the town he is




Hello! How can I help you?


Well, I've just arrived here, so I have a few questions, if you don't _______________-?


Of course not, I'd be glad to _______________ you. What would you like to know?


First of all, do you perhaps have some ________________ I could take?


Of course, feel free to take any of these. This one, for example, is very useful; it has all
the major sights marked.


That's great! So, what sights can I _________________ in this area?


There is a history museum close by. Also, take a look at these pamphlets, you may find
something you like.


Thanks. Do you perhaps __________________ Greek?


I'm sorry, we don't.


That's okay, English will do as well. Is there any place nearby where I can try


There are a few traditional restaurants on High Market Street. It’s not far from here.


Great! And what about the events? Where can I find information about


Take this pamphlet. You can find everything about the upcoming events there.


Perfect! Thank you so much for your help!


You're welcome! Enjoy your stay!



You are in your teacher’s hometown and you go to the tourist information
center to find out about the places to visit, events, the places to eat, etc. Your
teacher will act as a clerk in the center. Switch roles after that.


1. Have you ever been to a tourist information center? Why?

2.Is there a tourist information center in your town/city/living area?


3.What are your favorite places to visit? (e.g. museums/art galleries/historical

sights/just city streets/other) Why?

4.Do you prefer eating street food or eating at a restaurant? Why?

5.Do you like buying souvenirs? Why?


Asking Someone to Take a Picture



We explored the area by bike. Exploramos a área de bicicleta.

They like to go on hikes and explore nature. Eles gostam de fazer

caminhadas e explorar a natureza.

They are exploring a cave by the beach. Eles estão explorando uma caverna
na praia.

The astronaut is exploring the surface of the Moon. O astronauta está

explorando a superfície da lua.

On weekends I leave the city to explore the countryside. Nos fins de semana,
deixo a cidade para explorar o campo.



You should take off your shoes before entering the mosque. Você deve tirar
os sapatos antes de entrar na mesquita.

Zoom button

Botão de zomm (Câmeras)

The zoom button is here. // Okay. O botão de zoom está aqui. // OK.


Pôse (Uma posição em que alguém se senta ou fica de pé, especialmente

quando são fotografados)

Let's take a picture together. Strike a pose! Vamos tirar uma foto juntos.
Faça uma pose!

Dialogue Practice
Prática de diálogo

Lauren is exploring Istanbul. She approaches a woman on the street.


Excuse me. Hi. I need to ask you for a favor.


Hello. How can I help?


Umm... Can you take a picture of me, please?




Thank you so much! I've taken plenty of pictures, but I don't have any with me in them.
People seem to have a problem using my camera...


Oh, I see. Okay. Show me how it works.


It's very simple. You need to press this button to take a picture. The zoom button is


Okay, got it. Now, what kind of picture do you want?


Could you take a full body picture, please?


Sure! Take a pose.

Lauren poses. Meryem takes a picture. She approaches Lauren to show her the shot
she's made.


Hmmm... I hope this won't be too much to ask, but... Can you retake it so that the Blue
Mosque is visible, please?


Yes. But in that case, you have to stand over there. And, you owe me a cup of coffee.


It's a deal.

Lauren moves to stand where Meryem told her. Meryem takes another picture and
shows it to Lauren.


There. How about that?


Perfect! Now, how about that coffee? Where should we go?


I've been living here for three years now. I know the perfect place.


Well, shall we?


Let's go!

Fill in the Blanks

Preencha os espaços

Scene 1: Jessica asks a stranger to take a picture of her.


Excuse me? Could you ________________, please?


Of course!


Here is my camera.


What should I press?


Ah! _____________ this button to take a picture and the ______________ is here.


Okay. Do you want a __________________ picture or only the upper part of your


It doesn’t matter.


Okay! Smile!

Choose answers from the options below that fit in blanks 1 to 4

Scene 2: Nicole and her friends are taking photos in Paris.


Hello! Excuse me, could you _________________ of us?



Yan-ting takes a picture and Nicole looks at it.



I hope this isn't much of a bother, but... Could you _____________, please? I think I


Yes, of course.


Oh, and could you take it ______________ the Notre Dame Cathedral is


I'll do my best.

Role Play
Interpretação de papéis


You are visiting Barcelona and you want to have a picture in front of the
Sagrada Familia.Your teacher will act as a passer-by. Ask him/her to take a
picture of you.


1. Do you like taking pictures? Why?

2. Do you usually bring your camera on holidays or do you take pictures with
your phone?

3. Do you have a favorite picture? Describe it.


4. In front of which famous sight would you like to be photographed?

5. Which do you like better: black and white or color images? Why?


Um copo grande, geralmente usado para bebidas quentes

She took a coffee mug from the shelf. Ela pegou uma caneca de café da

Troco (Dinheiro)

I'll go in and buy a soda, to get some change. Vou entrar e comprar um
refrigerante, para conseguir algum troco.

Corredor (um espaço longo e estreito entre duas fileiras de algo (por exemplo,
assentos, prateleiras etc.)

The flight attendant is standing in the aisle. A aeromoça está de pé no


She made her way slowly down the aisle looking for an empty seat. Ela
caminhou lentamente pelo corredor procurando um assento vazio.

Some bottles have been stacked in the aisle so that shoppers might make a
purchase. Algumas garrafas foram empilhadas no corredor para que os
compradores possam fazer uma compra.

The bride looked so fabulous and happy as she walked down the aisle. A
noiva parecia tão fabulosa e feliz enquanto caminhava pelo corredor.

Nota de dinheiro (Papel)

Do you know whose face is on the $20 bill? Você sabe quem está com a nota
de 20 dólares?

Caxeiro (Uma pessoa cujo trabalho é cobrar por mercadorias compradas)

Go straight to the cashier and pay after you choose the one perfect for you, so
that we can save time. Vá direto ao caixa e pague depois de escolher o que é
melhor para você, para que possamos economizar tempo.

Dialogue Practice
Prática de diálogo

Matt is in a supermarket abroad.

Hello! Do you have paper cups?

Yes, they are in aisle 3.

Thank you. And where are the paper towels?

They're in the same aisle as paper cups, sir.

Oh, I see. One more thing.
Matt points to a shelf with souvenir mugs.

How much are these?

They're 15 dollars each.

I see... They're all white and black. Do you have these in other colors?

I'm afraid we don't, sir.

Okay, thank you very much.
Having found all that he needed, Matt goes to the cashier.

Hello, sir.

Hi. I'd like to pay for these. Do you accept credit cards?


Great. And, can I ask you a favor?

What can I do for you?

Do you have change for a 20 dollar bill? I have all these bills in my wallet,
but I really need some small change for the bus.

Of course, sir.

Thank you so much! I really appreciate it.

Fill in the BlanksPreencha os espaços

Scene 1: James is shopping in a clothing store abroad.

Excuse me, ______________ this shirt in other sizes?

Shop Clerk
We do. What size do you need?

Size M, please.

Shop Clerk
Just a second. I will be right back.
After trying the shirt on, James decides to buy it.

_______________ is it?

Shop Clerk
It’s 34 pounds.

Do you _______________ credit cards?

Shop Clerk
Yes, of course.
Choose answers from the options below that fit in blanks 1 to 3
Scene 2: Lauren is in a grocery store.

Shop Clerk
Can I help you?

Yes! _____________ the soft drinks?

Shop Clerk
They are in the next aisle.

And _________________ I find liquor, if you have any?

Shop Clerk
We do have a wide range of liquor. It's in ____________ 12.

Okay, thank you! And just one more question. Do you have ______________
for a fifty?

Shop Clerk
Yes, you can get change at the cash register.

Great! Thank you for your help!

Role Play
Interpretação de papéis


You are in the shopping mall and you cannot find jeans in one of the stores.
Ask the shop assistant where you can find them, ask for the right size and
check if you can pay by credit card. Your teacher will be the shop assistant.


1.Do you like shopping? Why?

2.Do you think that working as a shop assistant is difficult? Why or why not?

3.What things make the best souvenirs in your opinion?

4.What kind of souvenirs can tourists buy in your area?

5.Do you think “oniomania” (an uncontrollable desire to buy things) is


At a Restaurant

Entradas (Um pequeno prato servido como o primeiro prato de uma refeição )

Where are the starters? // Right here. Onde estão as entradas? // Bem aqui.

Main course
O prato principal de uma refeição

Do you have any recommendations for the main course? Você tem alguma
recomendação para o prato principal?


The dessert looks delicious. A sobremesa parece deliciosa.

What would you like for dessert? O que você gostaria para a sobremesa?

I don't mind sharing my dessert with you. Não me importo de compartilhar

minha sobremesa com você.

The dessert menu is on the wall. O menu de sobremesas está na parede.

I'll have a sweet potato for dessert. Vou comer uma batata doce para a

I like eating different kinds of desserts everyday, like muffins and cake. Eu
gosto de comer diferentes tipos de sobremesas todos os dias, como muffins
e bolos.


I ignored my doctor's recommendation to stop smoking. Eu ignorei a

recomendação do meu médico para parar de fumar.

Do you have any recommendations? Você tem alguma recomendação?


Thank you for writing this letter of recommendation for me. Obrigado por
escrever esta carta de recomendação para mim.

The committee published a report of its recommendations. O comitê publicou

um relatório de suas recomendações.

Do you have any recommendations? // Today's soup of the day is very popular
with our customers. Você tem alguma recomendação? // A sopa do dia de
hoje é muito popular entre nossos clientes.

Aconchegante (Confortavél)

Sitting near the fire is warm and cozy. Sentar perto do fogo é quente e

The bed at the hotel was warm and cozy. A cama do hotel era quente e

My house has a very cozy living room where I like to read. Minha casa tem
uma sala muito aconchegante, onde eu gosto de ler.

Dialogue Practice
Prática de diálogo

While sightseeing, Matt came across a very cozy restaurant.

Hello! Do you have any free tables? I'd like to have lunch here.

Yes, come this way, please.
The waiter leads Matt to a table. He sits down.

Could I have the menu, please?

Certainly. Here is the menu. Would you like something to drink while you're

Just a glass of water for now, thank you.

Very well, sir. Take your time.
After a few moments.

Excuse me.

Yes, sir?

I need some help. Umm... Where are the starters?

Right here.

Thank you. What is this dish?

Oh, this is a meat dish with steamed vegetables. You can also have potatoes, if
you wish.

That sounds delicious!

It is. Would you like to order it?

Hmmm... I'm still not sure. Do you have any recommendations?

Today’s soup of the day is very popular with our customers. It’s chicken pea

That sounds great. I'll take both the soup and the meat dish, please.

Certainly, sir. Anything else?

A bottle of sparkling water. And when you bring the food, bring the bill,

All right.

Fill in the Blanks

Preencha os espaços

Camille walked into a busy restaurant.

Hi! Do you have any _______________, by any chance?

Yes, there is one by the window!

Perfect! Could I have the ___________, please?

Of course, here it is.
A few moments later.

Are you ready to ________________, miss?

I'm not sure. Hmm. ________________ this dish?

It’s an assorted cheese platter with olives and crackers. It goes very well with
red wine.

Okay, I would like that as a __________________.

Okay. Would you like to order a main dish, as well?

Yes, do you have any _________________?

Our barbecue ribs are very popular. Or, if you prefer seafood, grilled codfish
is one of our best sellers.

Codfish sounds good, I'll have that.

Very well. Anything else?

A glass of your best wine.
After Camille has finished her meal.

Excuse me! Can I get the _________________, please?

Of course! Right away!

Role Play
Interpretação de papéis


You enter a restaurant and you would like to get a table in the non -smoking
area. Ask the waiter for the recommendations and place an order. The teacher
will act as a waiter.


1.Do you prefer having meals at home or at a restaurant? Why?

2.What is your favorite foreign dish?

3.What is the most popular dish in your country or region?

4.Do you like going out to eat with friends? If so, where?

5.Do you like cooking? What do you usually cook?


Change of Booking

O ato de reservar um ingresso, acomodação etc. com antecedência.

Online booking for flights and hotel reservations has become standard. A
reserva on-line de voos e reservas de hotel tornou-se padrão.

I was able to upgrade my hotel room, thanks to a double booking. Consegui

atualizar meu quarto de hotel graças a uma reserva dupla.


Membership fees at this gym are very expensive. As taxas de inscrição neste
ginásio são muito caras.

I got charged late fees for not paying my credit card bills. Recebi taxas
atrasadas por não pagar as contas do cartão de crédito.

The conference fees were very high this year, but I came anyway. As taxas da
conferência foram muito altas este ano, mas eu vim assim mesmo.

I was surprised to find out that some of the wineries there now charge a fee
for tasting wine. Fiquei surpreso ao descobrir que algumas das vinícolas de
lá agora cobram uma taxa pela degustação de vinhos.

Fees are subject to change without notice. As taxas estão sujeitas a

alterações sem aviso prévio.

I don't have enough money for the bus fee. Eu não tenho dinheiro suficiente
para a taxa de ônibus.


You pay your fare at the front of the bus. Você paga sua tarifa na frente do

The fare for the taxi ride was ten dollars. A tarifa do táxi era de dez dólares.

Taxi fares go up at night. As tarifas de táxi sobem à noite.


Please pay the bus fare when you get off. Por favor, pague a tarifa do
ônibus quando descer.

I got a very low discount fare for my airline tickets. Recebi uma tarifa de
desconto muito baixa para minhas passagens aéreas.

Subway fares have recently increased. As tarifas de metrô aumentaram


Local time
Horário local

The local time in New York is almost 4:00 pm. O horário local em Nova
York é quase 16:00.

Dialogue Practice
Prática de diálogo

Mr. Adachi is at a travel agency, trying to change his flight booking.

Good afternoon! What can we do for you today?

Akio Adachi
Hello. I have a problem. I booked a flight to Tokyo for September 15th, but I
will need to stay in San Francisco for another day. So, would it be possible to
change the date of my return flight to one day later?

Yes, sir. That is possible if there are still some seats available for your desired
date. But the fee for the change of flight would be $50. Also, you would need
to pay for the difference in fare between the old ticket and the new one.

Akio Adachi
I understand.

Could you tell me your flight number?

Akio Adachi
American Airlines, 537.

Just a moment, please. Okay, so, you would like to leave on September 16th
instead, is that right?

Akio Adachi
Yes, that's correct.

There are available seats left for the flight departing San Francisco at 6:05
A.M. and arriving in Tokyo at 9 A.M., local time. And the fare difference is
$125. So, that would be $175 in total.

Akio Adachi
That is okay. Can I pay by card?

The clerk prints out the new ticket and gives it to Mr. Adachi.

Thank you for choosing American Airlines. I hope you’ll have a nice trip back
home too.

Akio Adachi
Thank you very much!

Fill in the Blanks Preencha os espaços

Henry is at a travel agency, trying to change his flight booking.

Hello! I’d like to _________________ of my flight, if that's possible. I
booked a flight to London for March 13th, but I will have to go earlier.

I see. Could you tell me your _______________, please?


Just a moment. Here.

Henry shows the itinerary of the flight.

Thank you. Okay, with the Economy ticket that you have, it is possible to
change the date, but there is a ______________ of $50.

That is okay. So would it be possible to ______________ a flight on March

Let me see. Yes, there is a seat available for the flight departing from Paris on
March 1st at 11:15 A.M. and arriving in London at 11:30 A.M.,

That's perfect. What would be the difference in ______________ between my
old ticket and that one?

The difference would be $55. So you would need to pay $105 altogether.

Okay. Can you book that flight for me?

Certainly. It will take just a few minutes.

Role Play
Interpretação de papéis


You are at a travel agency and you want to change your flight from Barcelona
to Moscow to a week later. Your teacher will be the travel agent.


1.How do you usually book your flight, online or through a travel agent?

2.Have you ever had to change your booking? If so, why?

3.Do you often change your travel plans?

4.Do you prefer booking a flight in advance or do you wait until you are
certain that your plans won't change?

5.What do you think about the fees for flight changes?


At a Duty-Free Shop

Duty-free shop
Uma loja que vende mercadorias sem impostos

Mr. Tanaka is at a duty-free shop, enjoying his shopping. O Sr. Tanaka está
em uma loja duty-free, desfrutando de suas compras.

Bebidas alcoólicas

The liquor store across the street is open late. A loja de bebidas do outro
lado da rua fica aberta até tarde.

Excuse me, I'd like to ask you about this liquor. Com licença, gostaria de
perguntar sobre este licor.

Embrulhar ou enrolar (Cobrir com alguma coisa, geralmente papel)

The store did a beautiful job of wrapping the gift. A loja fez um belo
trabalho de embrulhar o presente.

In Muslim countries, it is common for women to wrap scarves around their

heads. Nos países muçulmanos, é comum as mulheres enrolarem lenços na

They wrapped the baby in a soft blanket. Eles envolveram o bebê em um

cobertor macio. (Embrulharam)

The piece of sushi is wrapped with seaweed. O pedaço de sushi é

embrulhado com algas marinhas.

Could you wrap this gift in paper? Você poderia embrulhar este presente em

Make sure this present is nicely wrapped. Verifique se este presente está
bem embrulhado.

Could you wrap this? Você poderia embrulhar isso?

Uma tira colorida, longa e estreita de material usado para decoração .

She tied the present with red ribbon. Ela amarrou o presente com fita

Traveler’s check
Um pedaço de papel que os turistas podem comprar de uma agência de viagens
ou de um banco e depois usar como dinheiro

Do you accept traveler's checks? Você aceita cheques de viagem?


Dialogue Practice
Prática de diálogo

Mr. Adachi is at a duty-free shop.

Akio Adachi
Excuse me, I’d like to ask you about this liquor.

Sure. What would you like to know?

Akio Adachi
Is it popular as a souvenir?

Yes, very popular. It is produced in a traditional way and it has very mild and
soft taste. For example, this one.
The clerk points to a bottle.

This one is as sweet as a soft drink, but it contains a rather high alcohol

Akio Adachi
I see. I'll take three bottles, then.

Very well, sir.

Akio Adachi
Could you wrap them separately if possible?

Sure, no problem. Will you pay in cash or by credit card?

Akio Adachi
Do you accept international credit cards?

Of course. Could you put your signature here?

Akio Adachi

Thank you. Would you like to pay in Japanese yen or dollars? You can

Akio Adachi
In that case, I'd like to pay in yen, please.

Certainly. Here you are. Thank you for shopping with us, and have a safe trip!

Akio Adachi

Fill in the Blanks

Preencha os espaços
Alejandro is at a duty-free shop.

Shop Clerk
Good evening! Are you _______________ for something specific? Can I help
you, perhaps?

Oh, yes. I’m thinking of buying this vase as a _______________, but it might
be a bit difficult to carry, as it's quite big and heavy.

Shop Clerk
We provide shipping all over the world. Perhaps that would be easier.

Oh, really? How long would it take to ship it to Mexico?

Shop Clerk
It would take no longer than two weeks.

Fine. Then, I'd like to _______________ this bowl, too.

Shop Clerk
Sure. Do you want me to wrap it?

Yes, please. But, could you wrap them _____________?

Shop Clerk
Certainly. Would you like a ribbon on this?

That’d be perfect.

Shop Clerk
No problem, sir. Do you ____________ anything else?

No, that’s all.

Shop Clerk
Okay. Just a _____________, I’ll have it wrapped. Will you pay in cash or

Can I pay by traveler’s check?

Shop Clerk
Of course, sir. Could you just put your _____________ here? Thank you!

Role Play
Interpretação de papéis


You are at a duty-free shop and you want to buy some food and drinks as
souvenirs. You also notice a beautiful vase, but it seems to be a bit large to
carry. Talk to the shop clerk (teacher).


1.Have you ever bought something at a duty-free shop abroad?

2.What do you think about the prices in duty-free shops?

3.Do you usually buy souvenirs during your trip or just before you go back

4.What is your opinion about spending a lot of money on souvenirs?

5.Have you ever used a traveler’s check? If so, where and why did you use it?

Take off
Decolar (começar a voar)

Mr. Tanaka is on an airplane that is about to take off. O Sr. Tanaka está em
um avião que está prestes a decolar.

Decolagem (o momento em que uma aeronave sai do chão )

Please keep your seat belts on during takeoff. Mantenha os cintos de

segurança durante a decolagem.

This airplane is in preparation for takeoff. Este avião está preparando-se

para a decolagem.

Carry-on luggage
Bagagem de mão

Carry-on luggage weight must be less than ten kilograms. O peso da bagagem
de mão deve ser inferior a dez quilogramas.

Your carry-on luggage must be placed in the overhead compartments or

underneath the seat in front of you. Sua bagagem de mão deve ser colocada
nos compartimentos superiores ou embaixo do assento à sua frente.

Check-in luggage
Check-in de bagagem

Don't put expensive electronics in your check-in luggage. Não coloque

eletrônicos caros no check-in de bagagem.

Overhead compartments
Compartimento superior (Avião)

I helped the old lady put her luggage into the overhead compartments. Ajudei
a velha senhora a colocar sua bagagem nos compartimentos superiores.

Underneath the seat

Embaixo do assento

You can put your smaller bag underneath the seat. Você pode colocar sua
bolsa menor embaixo do assento.

Apoio de braço (Poltrona de avião, carro, etc)

Your reading light switch can be found on the armrest of your seat. O
interruptor da luz de leitura pode ser encontrado no apoio de braço do
seu assento.

Dialogue Practice
Prática de diálogo

Matt is on an airplane that is about to take off.

Flight Attendant
Ladies and gentlemen. We are now preparing for takeoff. Electronic devices
such as portable compact disk players, portable computers, and cellular
phones must be turned off and may not be used during takeoff. Please return
your seat-back and tables to their full upright and locked position. Your carry -
on luggage must be placed in the overhead compartments or underneath the
seat in front of you.

Excuse me, can I use my digital camera now?

Flight Attendant
I’m sorry, but using electronic devices is not allowed during takeoff.

Then when can I take photos?

Flight Attendant
You can use the camera once the seatbelt sign is switched off. We will
announce it, so please refrain from using it for a while.


Flight Attendant
Thank you for your understanding. And could you please return your seatback
and table to their original positions?

Alright. I will.

Flight Attendant
Thank you for your cooperation.

Fill in the Blanks

Preencha os espaços

Ms. Jackson is on an airplane that is about to take off.

Flight Attendant
Ladies and gentlemen. We will be __________ shortly. Please make sure that
your seat belt is securely fastened. Also, please ____________ your seatback
and table to the full upright and locked ___________. Electric devices such as
laptop computers and cellphones must be ___________ off. Excuse me miss,
could you place your bag underneath the ______________ or in the overhead

Ellen Jackson
Oh, sorry. Could you help me put it up?

Flight Attendant
Sure. There’s some space here; I’ll place it here.

Ellen Jackson
Thank you so much.

Flight Attendant
Ladies and ______________. We will be dimming the cabin light shortly for
the night ______________. Thank you for choosing to fly with American
Airlines. We hope you ___________________ your flight.

Role Play
Interpretação de papéis


The passenger sitting next to you didn’t hear the announcement about the
takeoff properly. He/she asks you what they said about the bags, electronics
and seatback. Help him/her by explaining what he/she should do. Your teacher
will be the other passenger.


1.Do you feel excited or nervous when you are on an airplane that is about to
take off?

2.What would you tell someone who is afraid of flying to do during takeoff?

3.Which do you prefer, having a window seat or an aisle seat? Why?

4.Do you think passengers should strictly follow the directions of the cabin
attendants on airplanes? Why do you think so?

5.If you had the chance, would you like to become a flight attendant? Why?
Why not?

Inflight Sales

Inflight sales
Vendas a bordo (a venda de diferentes mercadorias durante um voo )

The flight attendants announced inflight sales. Os comissários de bordo

anunciaram vendas a bordo.

Duty-free item
Um item no qual não é necessário pagar impostos nacionais / locais

I bought a few duty-free items when I flew to Belgrade. Comprei alguns itens
isentos de impostos quando voei para Belgrado.

Inflight magazine
Revista de bordo (uma revista fornecida por uma companhia aérea )

This inflight magazine has quite a few interesting and useful articles about
travel. Esta revista de bordo tem alguns artigos interessantes e úteis sobre

Limited item
Um item que está disponível em número limitado e que não pode ser adquirido
em qualquer lugar

I'm not sure if I want it because I need it or because it's a limited item. Não
tenho certeza se o desejo porque preciso ou porque é um item limitado.

Dialogue Practice
Prática de diálogo

Flight Attendant
Ladies and gentlemen. We will start selling drinks and food shortly. Please
give your orders to the cabin attendants when they come to your seats.

Excuse me, can I order a drink?

Flight Attendant
Sure. We have Coca-Cola, Sprite, orange juice and green tea.

I’ll have green tea, then. And cup noodles, please.

Flight Attendant
What flavor would you like? We have plain, seafood and chicken.

Seafood, please.

Flight Attendant
Okay. That'll be 50 Hong Kong dollars.

Alright. Here you are.

Flight Attendant
Thank you. Please be careful when drinking and eating. Always be prepared
for sudden turbulence.

Alright, thanks.

Fill in the Blanks

Preencha os espaços

Flight Attendant
Ladies and gentlemen. We will be starting our ___________________ of duty -
free items shortly. Please refer to your copy of our inflight magazine “Fun
America!” for details. You can find the _____________ in the seat pocket in
front of you. Please give your ___________ to the cabin attendants as they
come to your seats.

Excuse me, ______________ I order something?

Flight Attendant
Certainly. What would you like to order, miss?

I’m thinking of ordering item No.5 and item No.11. Can you show them to me,

Flight Attendant
Of course. These are only available in _________________ sales.

I see. So, those are limited ________________?

Flight Attendant
That is correct. And also duty-free, miss.

Okay. I’ll buy both. How can I _______________ for them?

Flight Attendant
You can use Hong Kong dollars or US dollars.

Okay. I’ll pay in Hong Kong dollars. Here you are.

Flight Attendant
Thank you very much.

Role Play
Interpretação de papéis


After the announcement about the inflight sales, you decide to buy some
perfume. Make your order and ask about the available payment methods. Your
teacher will be the flight attendant.


1.Have you ever bought a duty-free item on board? If so, what did you buy?

2.Do you think inflight limited sales usually draw passengers’ attention?

3.Do you think items sold in inflight sales are expensive?

4.Do you think airline companies should adapt to various currencies in

inflight sales?

5.What would you sell if you were managing the inflight sales?

Pousar (Aterrisagem)

We are landing in 5 minutes, so we should be on time. Estamos pousando em

5 minutos, então devemos chegar a tempo.

Pouso (o processo de alcançar o solo no final de um voo )

Please return to your seats for landing. Por favor, retorne aos seus assentos
para o pouso.

Toalhete (Banheiro)

Where are the restrooms? Onde ficam os banheiros?

You can't smoke in the restrooms. Você não pode fumar nos banheiros.

Excuse me, can I use the restroom? Com licença, posso usar o banheiro?


The apartment will soon be occupied. O apartamento estará em breve


Because all of the parking lots at the mall were occupied, we parked on the
street. Como todos os estacionamentos do shopping estavam ocupados,
estacionamos na rua.

The stools are all occupied so we may need to find a nother place to eat. Os
bancos estão todos ocupados, por isso precisamos encontrar outro lugar
para comer.

Vago (Livre para uso)

We have three vacant rooms in this apartment. Temos três quartos vagos
neste apartamento.
This office is vacant so you can move in at any time. Este escritório está
vago, para que você possa se mudar a qualquer momento.

Our team is moving into some vacant work spaces on the third floor. Nossa
equipe está se mudando para alguns espaços de trabalho vagos no terceiro

A bordo

The airline is now offering onboard Wi-Fi. A companhia aérea está agora
oferecendo Wi-Fi a bordo.

Dialogue PracticePrática de diálogo

Mr. Adachi is on an airplane that is about to land.

Flight Attendant
Ladies and gentlemen. We will be landing at Haneda Airport in about 10
minutes. The local time is 6:10 in the morning. The weather in Tokyo is sunny
and the ground temperature is 18 degrees Celsius. In preparation for landing,
please make sure your seat belt is fastened.

Akio Adachi
Excuse me, can I use the restroom? When I checked before, it was occupied. I
suppose it’s vacant now. I’ll be back quickly.

Flight Attendant
I’m very sorry, but we need you to refrain from using the restrooms during

Akio Adachi
Yes, I know. But I really need to go now...

Flight Attendant
Okay sir, please use that restroom over there.

Akio Adachi
Thank you.

Flight Attendant
Please, hurry back.
Fill in the BlanksPreencha os espaços
Ms. Jackson is on an airplane that has just landed.

Flight Attendant
Ladies and gentlemen. We have just landed at Haneda __________________.
The _________________________ time is 6:20 in the morning. For your
safety and comfort, please remain seated until the seatbelt sign is turned off.
Also, please be careful when opening the overhead compartments as some
items may fall out. Thank you for flying with us. We ________________
forward to seeing you again.

Ellen Jackson
Excuse me, could you help me get my bag down?

Flight Attendant
Certainly. Which one is _________________ bag?

Ellen Jackson
That blue one, over there.

Flight Attendant
Just a moment... _______________ it is.

Ellen Jackson
Thank you so much.

Flight Attendant
You’re _________________. Enjoy your stay here in Japan.

Ellen Jackson
Thank you!

Role Play
Interpretação de papéis


The passenger sitting next to you didn’t hear the announcement about landing
properly.He asks you to repeat to him what they said about the overhead
compartments. After that, ask him to help you with your bag. Your teacher
will be the other passenger.


1.Do you enjoy flying? Why? Why not?

2.Have you ever stayed in a foreign country for a long time? If so, how did
you feel when you went back to your home country?

3.How do you usually feel when you get back home from a trip?

4.What is the first thing you usually do when you return from a trip?

5.What country would you like to visit if you were given a chance now?

Tourist Destinations

Destinos turísticos

Stonehenge (England)


I have always been interested in history and archaeology. Sempre me

interessei por história e arqueologia.

Archaeology is the study of ancient people through their material culture.

Arqueologia é o estudo de povos antigos através de sua cultura material.

You know, the more I read about Stonehenge, the more I want to study
archaeology. Sabe, quanto mais leio sobre Stonehenge, mais quero estudar

Um ritual em que o corpo de uma pessoa falecida é colocado no chão.

The family attended their grandfather's burial. A família compareceu ao

enterro de seu avô.


In the Northern Hemisphere, summer solstice usually falls on June 21st. No

Hemisfério Norte, o solstício de verão geralmente cai em 21 de junho.

(Precisão) a qualidade de ser correta, exata ou precisa .

The object needs to be weighed with a high degree of accuracy. O objeto

precisa ser pesado com um alto grau de precisão.

Investors questioned the accuracy of the company's financial data. Os

investidores questionaram a precisão dos dados financeiros da empresa.

Colocar algo em uma certa posição.

He placed his papers on the floor. Ele colocou seus papéis no chão.

She's placing a cup in the dish washer. Ela está colocando uma xícara na
máquina de lavar louça.


Never underestimate what people can do when they work together on a shared
goal. Nunca subestime o que as pessoas podem fazer quando trabalham
juntas em um objetivo compartilhado.

It's important not to underestimate the competition. É importante não

subestimar a concorrência.

I admit that I underestimated her level of skill. Admito que subestimei o

nível de habilidade dela.

Extraordinário ou extremamente incomum

The Alps are remarkable for their high peaks. Os Alpes são notáveis por seus
altos picos.

Peacocks have remarkable tail feathers. Pavões têm penas de cauda notáveis.

I found it remarkable that she could make such a beautiful speech on such
short notice. Achei notável que ela pudesse fazer um discurso tão bonito
em tão pouco tempo.

Despite its remarkable population growth, the school district has managed to
keep class sizes down. Apesar de seu notável crescimento populacional, o
distrito escolar conseguiu reduzir o tamanho das turmas.

Dialogue Practice
Prática de diálogo

Jessica is reading about Stonehenge and is telling her friend about it.

You know, the more I read about Stonehenge, the more I want to learn about

Why? What did you learn about Stonehenge?

Well, for example, I have just read that Stonehenge might have actually been a
burial site, at first.

Really? I thought it was designed to help people observe events such as an
eclipse, or a solstice.

That's also one of the theories. The truth is, no one really knows. Some
researchers say it may have been built as a symbol of peace and unity; others
say that it was originally built as a place for healing. And a lot of them also
believe that Stonehenge was used as a “clock”, to observe the passing of the
seasons, like you said.

That's interesting. I always wondered how they managed to carry those large

Yes, and how they placed them with such accuracy!

It’s sort of a mystery for us now...

Yes. But this means we should not underestimate the abilities of people from
that time.

True. I think it is truly remarkable how they managed to build something that,
nowadays, we could only build with advanced tools and machines.

Yes, that really is amazing.

Fill in the Blanks

Preencha os espaços

In most cultures, people are all dressed in black when they attend
______________ ceremonies.

I thought my rival was weak, but he defeated me. I ___________ him.

Could you ____________ the flowers in the vase, please?

My sister is a doctor and my brother studies ______________ .

We need to check the reports for the ___________ of the information.

Leonardo da Vinci was a truly ______________ man.


1.Would you like to visit Stonehenge? Why? Why not?

2.What do you think about the people who built it, and the reason why it was

3.How do you think ancient people studied the sky without telescopes?

4.Is there any place in your country that is believed to have mystical powers?

Angkor Wat (Cambodia)

Manter em uma condição original e inalterada

Some buildings in Hiroshima have been left to preserve history. Alguns

edifícios em Hiroshima foram deixados para preservar a história.

We need to work harder to preserve the rainforests. Precisamos trabalhar

mais para preservar as florestas tropicais.

Museums help to preserve valuable historical and cultural artifacts. Os

museus ajudam a preservar valiosos artefatos históricos e culturais.

The government is trying to preserve the pandas' habitat. O governo está

tentando preservar o habitat dos pandas.

European Union lawmakers want help to preserve 72 mass graves in Syria and
Iraq. Os legisladores da União Europeia querem ajuda para preservar 72
valas comuns na Síria e no Iraque.

We should do everything we can to preserve our national heritage. Devemos

fazer tudo o que pudermos para preservar nossa herança nacional.


A cross is a divine symbol of Christianity. Uma cruz é um símbolo divino do


Religion is belief in the divine. Religião é crença no divino.

Passage of time
Decorrer do tempo

You will forget about this awful night with the passage of time. Você
esquecerá esta noite terrível com o passar do tempo.

Uma grande estátua ou escultura dedicada a uma importante figura ou evento
histórico, geralmente colocado ao ar livre.

This is one of America's most famous monuments. Este é um dos

monumentos mais famosos da América.

This monument is dedicated to soldiers killed in battle. Este monumento é

dedicado aos soldados mortos em batalha.

The monument is built in white marble. O monumento é construído em

mármore branco.

Scaffolding has been put in the park, and work has begun on several
monuments. Andaimes foram colocados no parque e começaram os
trabalhos em vários monumentos.

This is the most visited monument in Nice. Este é o monumento mais

visitado em Nice.

To my shame
Uma frase usada para expressar o fato de que alguém se sente envergonhado
por causa de algo

To my shame, I have never read any of the books you mentioned. Para minha
vergonha, nunca li nenhum dos livros que você mencionou.

Complexo (um grande grupo de edifícios consistindo em vários edifícios
menores conectados entre si)

The resort complex is huge and it has a pool and a gym. O complexo do
resort é enorme e possui piscina e academia.


The building has deteriorated with age. O edifício deteriorou-se com a idade.

Even metal deteriorates outdoors due to rust and exposure. Até o metal se
deteriora ao ar livre devido à ferrugem e exposição.

The patient's condition is rapidly deteriorating. A condição do paciente está

se deteriorando rapidamente.

If we don't do something, the situation is going to deteriorate further. Se não

fizermos algo, a situação vai se deteriorar ainda mais.

O estado de ser abundante, de ter muitos bens valiosos.

The richness of the soil makes it very easy to grow crops. A abundância do
solo facilita o cultivo.

Dialogue Practice
Prática de diálogo

Nina is talking with her friend David, who used to live in Cambodia. She is
curious to learn more about the country.

Unfortunately, I do not know much about Cambodia. I have heard of Angkor
Wat, but to my shame, I do not know what it is exactly.

Oh, you've heard about it? It is a temple complex and also the largest religious
monument in the world. The name, Angkor Wat, actually means “City of

Wow, sounds interesting. Is it still well-preserved?

Well, with the passage of time some parts have deteriorated. But generally,
yes, it’s still in a pretty good shape.

That's good to hear. Do you know who built it?

It was built by a king in the 12th century. But there are also some legends
saying that a god or a divine architect built it in a single night.

That’s interesting!

Yeah, it is. I guess those legends make it even more popular.

I'm sure they do.

Anyway, it’s a very beautiful place to visit. It has become a symbol of the
country. It shows the richness of their culture, in a way.

I wish I could go there one day.

I hope you will! I'm sure you'd love it!

Fill in the Blanks

Preencha os espaços

Food is best __________ at a cold temperature.

With the ___________, we will forget most things from our childhood.

His business has _____________ rapidly over the last five years.

I love the ___________ of the colors in his paintings.


___________, I must say I do not know anything about science.

The ____________ was built in honor of the soldiers who fought bravely for
the country.

In ancient times, people feared the __________ punishment of the gods.


1.Have you ever been to Angkor Wat? Would you like to visit it?

2.Angkor Wat is said to be the national symbol of Cambodia. Could you give
an example of a monument or thing that is symbolic for your country?

3.How are old monuments and buildings preserved in your country? Are they
in a good state?

4.Are there any legends associated with monuments in your country?

5.What do you know about Cambodia?


Alhambra Palace (Spain)

Um grande edifício ou complexo construído para fins defensivos

This fortress was the only thing left standing after the war. Essa fortaleza era
a única coisa que restava depois da guerra.


It's ridiculous to call the Niagara falls a cascade. É ridículo chamar as

Cataratas do Niágara de cascata.

Take a stroll
Fazer um tour (dar um passeio)

I would like to take a stroll in the Dubai Miracle Garden. Eu gostaria de dar
um passeio no Dubai Miracle Garden.

Rico em detalhes minuciosos

The building has a very intricate design. O edifício tem um design muito

Deslumbrante (de tirar o fôlego)

She looked stunning in that blue dress you bought for her. Ela estava linda
naquele vestido azul que você comprou para ela.

Restaurar \ renovar

I had my apartment renovated last year. Meu apartamento foi reformado no

ano passado.

Dialogue Practice
Prática de diálogo

Nina and Nicole are talking about the Alhambra Palace, located in Spain,
well-known for its wonderful architectural style.

Oh, I forgot to tell you! I'm going on a trip to Spain with my family in two
weeks. We're planning to visit the Alhambra Palace and fortress complex.

Alhambra? I have never heard of that. What a strange name! I can barely
pronounce it!

Yes, it means Red Castle in Arabic. It was p robably named like that due to its
reddish walls.

Is it old? And why is it Arabic, if it’s in Spain?

Yes, it's very old, actually. It was renovated in the 11th century, but it is older
than that. At that time, Spain was occupied by the Moor s, Muslims from North
Africa. So that's where the Arabic name comes from.

Interesting. I guess I don't know that much about the history of Spain. But
still, I wonder why I haven’t heard of that place. Is it famous?

Yeah, it's pretty famous, actually. It is a World Heritage site. The architecture
of the place is very intricate. From what I've seen in the pictures, it looks

Now you've made me really curious. I'll have to look it up!

I also spent a few hours last night looking at pictures and reading about the
place. There seems to be a beautiful park around the palace with fountains and
cascades. I can’t wait to take a stroll there!

You're so lucky, I envy you now! Please send me some pictures as soon as you
get there!

I will!

Fill in the Blanks

Preencha os espaços

The weather is so nice! Let’s _________ in the park!

The ___________ was partially destroyed in the war.

I don’t like this __________ color and I don’t think it looks good on me.

I really like the calming sound of the _________.

The view of Mount Fuji is simply ____________!

My parents are having their house ___________.

The carving on this vase is very ____________.


1.Would you like to visit Alhambra? Why? Why not?

2.Can you describe some World Heritage Sites in your country?

3.Are fountains and/or cascades common in parks and gardens in your

country? If not, what is common?

4.Do you like architecture? Why? Why not?

5.What is the most impressive architectural sight that you've ever seen?

Teotihuacan (Mexico)

Avenida (Uma estrada larga em uma área urbana)

New York City has many avenues. Nova York tem muitas avenidas.

We need to get to a big avenue to catch a taxi. Precisamos chegar a uma

grande avenida para pegar um táxi.

This avenue has a lot of restaurants and nightclubs. Esta avenida tem muitos
restaurantes e discotecas.

Auge (O ponto mais alto e mais bem-sucedido de uma atividade)

The singer is at the peak of his career. O cantor está no auge de sua

Consistindo em uma vasta variedade de etnias

The USA is one of the most multiethnic countries in the world. Os EUA são
um dos países mais multiétnicos do mundo.

Uma pessoa responsável por estabelecer uma empresa, instituição, país etc.

He is the founder of the company. Ele é o fundador da empresa.

He was excited to meet with one of the founders of the organization he

worked for. Ele estava animado para se encontrar com um dos fundadores
da organização em que trabalhava.

The founder of the supermarket chain has retired and left his son and daughter
to run the business. O fundador da rede de supermercados se aposentou e
deixou seu filho e filha para administrar o negócio.

My grandfather was the founder of the winery. Meu avô foi o fundador da

Pete's great-great-grandfather was the founder of the factory. O trisavô de

Pete foi o fundador da fábrica.

Um palpite hipotético de que algo pode ser verdade; uma suposição.

Lionel Messi's future has been the subject of speculation in the media lately.
O futuro de Lionel Messi tem sido objeto de especulações na mídia


Animal sacrifices are common in many cultures. Os sacrifícios de animais

são comuns em muitas culturas.

Dialogue Practice
Prática de diálogo

Matt and Carol are talking about Mexico’s ancient city, Teotihuacan, which
Carol has visited recently.

I am telling you, it was fascinating. And not just the pyramids, but the whole
site! There is a long avenue that goes between the pyramids, called the
Avenue of the Dead.

That sounds spooky. To be honest, I don’t know much about the ancient Aztec
civilization, apart from what I’ve seen in the movies. I didn't even know about
Teotihuacan, until recently.

Well, yeah, most people think about Egypt when they hear the word
'pyramids'. Anyway, at its peak, the city was the largest city in the Americas.

Wow. And who were the founders of the city?

Unfortunately, that is still uncertain. It is the subject of much speculation, but
there is no definite answer. But it is believed that Teotihuacan was a
multiethnic city.

Interesting. And what about the name, Teotihuacan, does it mean anything?

Yeah, it means “Birthplace of the Gods”. Oh, speaking of gods, it is believed
that Teotihuacanos offered human sacrifices to the gods.

Yes, I have heard about that. It sounds scary.

Yes, very much so! And what else... Oh, yeah, we went to the museum and
saw a lot of interesting masks, statues, and vessels.

That's nice. I love art, so that is definitely something I would be interested in.
I wish I could see all those things. Seems like a unique experience.

It sure was! I hope you'll get a chance to go there one day.

Fill in the Blanks

Preencha os espaços

This society can be called __________, because there are people from many
different races and nationalities living here.

There was a lot of ________ about how the accident occurred but no one knew
the truth.

At the ______________ of his career, he got a lot of support from the team's

The ____________ of this school was my great-grandfather.

The goat was offered as a _____________ to the gods.

You can find that store on Park __________.


1.Would you like to visit the ancient city of Teotihuacan? Why? Why not?

2.Are you interested in ancient civilizations? Why? Why not?

3.Do you like going to museums? What kind of museums do you like? (Art,
History, Science, etc.)

4.What are the main forms of art in your country's culture and history?

The Prehistoric Temples of Malta (Malta)


The team has excavated prehistoric weapons from the cave. A equipe escavou
armas pré-históricas da caverna.

Uma pessoa que cultiva ou cria animais (Agricultor, criador,fazendeiro,etc)

He works as a sheep farmer. Ele trabalha como criador de ovelhas.

Farmers provide a large part of a country's food. Os agricultores fornecem

grande parte da comida de um país.


The polar bear is one of few animals that inhabit the Arctic. O urso polar é
um dos poucos animais que habitam o Ártico.

Câmara (Uma sala que tem um propósito específico )

The local government meets in this chamber. O governo local se reúne nesta

The castle is said to have a secret chamber. Diz-se que o castelo tem uma
câmara secreta.

Impor limites (Restringir)

Smoking is restricted in this area. Fumar é restrito nesta área.

The new law restricted people's freedom of speech. A nova lei restringia a
liberdade de expressão das pessoas.

Access to this building is highly restricted. O acesso a este edifício é

altamente restrito.

The new law restricts sugar in some food products. A nova lei restringe o
açúcar em alguns produtos alimentícios.

Um membro do clero, autorizado a realizar rituais religiosos . (Sacerdote,
padre, etc)

I asked to receive the priest's blessing. Pedi para receber a bênção do padre.

The priest poured water on the baby's head. O padre derramou água na
cabeça do bebê.


In this ritual, a priest pours water over a baby's head. Nesse ritual, um padre
derrama água na cabeça de um bebê.

Come to mind
Vir em mente (ocorrer instantaneamente, sem pensar muito em algo )

First thing that comes to mind when you see him is that he needs a haircut! A
primeira coisa que vem à mente quando você o vê é que ele precisa de um
corte de cabelo!

Dialogue Practice
Prática de diálogo

Zach is telling his friend, Hannah, about the ancient temples of Malta.

Did you know that the oldest buildings in Europe, and possibly in the whole
world, are located in Malta?

Really? I had no idea. When I think about ancient Europe, the Romans and
Greeks usually come to mind.

Well, actually, Malta became part of the Roman Empire, but that was much
later. What I'm talking about is prehistoric Malta, and the buildings are from
that period of time. They’re even older than the Pyramids of Egypt.

Wow. So, what kind of buildings are they?

The remains of some large, stone temples with surprisingly small chambers.

Why were the chambers small? Is there an explanation for that?

It is believed that the access to the chambers was restricted. Only the priests
and priestesses could enter and they would perform rituals for the gods there.

I probably don't want to know all the details about those r ituals... And who
were the people that lived there?

The first people that inhabited the islands were most probably farmers from
Sicily. I found an article with a lot of information about all this. I can send it
to you, if you're interested.

Please do! You've got me interested now.

Fill in the Blanks

Preencha os espaços

That house has not been __________ for years. I have never seen anyone

The ___________ officiated the wedding ceremony.

Please lead the guests to that ____________.

My grandfather was a ___________.

In every culture, there are certain _____________ for important events.

I tried to think of a plan, but nothing __________.

The access to that area is __________ . No one can go in there.

I like to read about the __________ history of ancient people.


Valetta - the capital city of Malta

1.Can you describe some of the oldest buildings in your country?

2.Are there any temples, fortresses or shrines in your country? How are they
different from those in Malta?

3.Would you like to visit the prehistoric temples of Malta? Why? Why not?

4.Can you give an example of a ritual performed at a certain event in your


Machu Picchu (Peru)

Muito animado ou disposto a fazer algo

My dogs are always keen to run in the park. Meus cães estão sempre
dispostos a correr no parque.

Alvorecer (O momento em que a luz do sol começa a aparecer no céu )

Dawn in the mountains is a beautiful sight. O amanhecer nas montanhas é

uma bela vista.

The view of the horizon at dawn was beautiful. A vista do horizonte ao

amanhecer era linda.

I left my house before dawn this morning. Saí de casa antes do amanhecer
esta manhã.

We stayed up talking almost until dawn. Ficamos acordados conversando

quase até o amanhecer.

Uma pessoa que assume o controle de um povo / local estrangeiro .

The king was known for being a great conqueror. O rei era conhecido por ser
um grande conquistador.

Extremamente grande e / ou pesado

Elephants are massive animals. Os elefantes são animais enormes.

The surfer is riding a massive wave. O surfista está surfando uma onda

The pyramids of Egypt are actually massive tombs. As pirâmides do Egito

são na verdade túmulos enormes.

O fornecimento de água a uma área de terra, geralmente para fins agrícolas.

My grandpa developed a special irrigation system for his garden. Meu avô
desenvolveu um sistema de irrigação especial para o seu jardim.

If you want your crops to survive, you need to have an irrigation system. Se
você deseja que suas plantações sobrevivam, você precisa ter um sistema
de irrigação.

Um edifício com um grande telescópio a partir do qual as pessoas podem
observar o céu.

There is also a massive tower that seems to be an observatory. Há também

uma torre enorme que parece ser um observatório.

Deixar algo para trás

This boat was abandoned many years ago. Este barco foi abandonado há
muitos anos.

The little girl abandoned her tricycle. A menina abandonou o triciclo.

Some people easily abandon their pets when they can't keep them anymore.
Algumas pessoas abandonam facilmente seus animais de estimação
quando não conseguem mais mantê-los.

She abandoned her dream of becoming a singer. Ela abandonou o sonho de

se tornar cantora.

The city has abandoned its plan to raise property taxes after citizens organized
to protest the bill. A cidade abandonou seu plano de aumentar os impostos
sobre a propriedade depois que os cidadãos se organizaram para protestar
contra a lei.

At one point, nearly half of Diet members were in favor of abandoning nuclear
energy. A certa altura, quase metade dos membros da Diet era a favor do
abandono da energia nuclear.

Ajustar-se a uma nova situação ou ambiente.

Some environments are easy to adapt to. Alguns ambientes são fáceis de se

She seems to be having trouble adapting to her new job. Ela parece estar
tendo problemas para se adaptar ao seu novo emprego.

It took me two years to adapt to this hot climate. Levei dois anos para me
adaptar a esse clima quente.

It will be very difficult for farmers to adapt to climate change. Será muito
difícil para os agricultores se adaptarem às mudanças climáticas.

Dialogue Practice
Prática de diálogo

Zach is planning to visit Machu Picchu on his vacation. He is talking about it

with his friend, Matt.

So why did you choose Machu Picchu? I know it’s said to be one of the places
we should all visit at least once in our lifetime, but it’s rather expensive to get
there. Why are you so keen on going there?

Well, I am really interested in ancient cultures. The Incas were fascinating.
Can you imagine how much effort they put into building this city? The
architecture is adapted to the form of the mountain. They even managed to
create irrigation systems and shaped the land in such a way that the y could use
it for agriculture.

Yes, that really is fascinating. It must have been a very complex and advanced

It sure was! But it's not just that. There are different areas of the city used for
different purposes: the residential and the religious areas, the royal area, and
so on. There is also a massive tower that was probably used as an observatory.

Wow. It sounds like the city was very well-planned.

Yes, but unfortunately it was abandoned only 100 years after it was built,
when the Spanish conquerors arrived.

Yes, I know that part of their history. By the way, I've heard that the area is
prone to earthquakes, flooding and landslides.

Yes, that is true. See, all the more reason to visit it as soon as possib le! Just
imagine how great it would be to catch the dawn or the sunset from the
Temple of the Sun, on the top of the mountain. The view from there must be

Yes, that would be an amazing experience.

Fill in the Blanks

Preencha os espaços

When I moved to Japan, I had to __________ to a whole different culture.

I really like to watch the first rays of sunshine, so whenever I can, I try to stay
awake until ___________.

I was never ______________ to study a foreign language.

One time, my friends left and forgot about me. I really felt _____________

Will you be able to carry it? That's a _____________ _ piece of furniture!

Let's go to the ___________ to watch the stars!


__________ systems are essential for modern farmers.


Montana de Siete Colores, or Rainbow Mountain, Peru

1.What do you think of Machu Picchu? Are you interested in it?

2.Are there any places in your country that are similar to Machu Pichu? If yes,
can you describe some of them?

3.Would you like to witness the sunset or sunrise in a special place? What
place would that be? Or if you have already had such an experience, could you
tell more about it?

4.If you could visit only one place in the world, what would it be?

5.What do you know about Peru?


The Eiffel Tower (France)

Extremamente bonito, de tirar o fôlego.

She looked magnificent in her evening gown. Ela estava magnífica em seu
vestido de noite.

The view from the mountain top was magnificent. A vista do topo da
montanha era magnífica.

(Construir algo) colocar algo na posição vertical

Multiple fences have been erected to prevent people from illegally entering
the country. Várias cercas foram erguidas para impedir que pessoas
entrem ilegalmente no país.

The local government has been planning to erect a bridge over the river. O
governo local planeja erguer uma ponte sobre o rio.


The reception will commemorate the city's centennial. A recepção

comemorará o centenário da cidade.

Reutilizar (usar um produto, ideia ou objeto de uma nova maneira)

I like to repurpose old items, instead of throwing them away. Eu gosto de

reutilizar itens antigos, em vez de jogá-los fora.

Carry out
(Realizar) executar ou conduzir uma série de ações

They are carrying out scientific research. Eles estão realizando pesquisas

He is carrying out a building inspection. Ele está realizando uma inspeção

no prédio.

While she's away, each person in the office will have to carry out some
additional duties. Enquanto estiver fora, cada pessoa no escritório terá que
executar algumas tarefas adicionais.

The police are now carrying out inspections of all cars crossing the border. A
polícia está agora realizando inspeções em todos os carros que cruzam a

(Inspirador) Causar admiração e respeiro

The pyramids in Egypt are really awe-inspiring. As pirâmides no Egito são

realmente inspiradoras.

Dialogue Practice
Prática de diálogo

Zach is standing in front of the Eiffel Tower admiring the structure. A

passerby approaches him.

Hello, young man. My name is Henry. I see you are enjoying this magnificent
structure. I think it is a masterpiece, but may I ask, what do you think of it?

I think the tower is an architectural wonder, but I don’t like the fact that most
people see it only as a perfect dating site, and connect it with romance. What I
see in it is science.

Your point of view is quite interesting. What do you really know about “Le
Tour Eiffel”?

I know that The Eiffel Tower was designed by Gustave Eiffel. It was erected
for the 1889 World’s Fair to celebrate the centennial of the French
Revolution, and it was not planned to be permanent. They were supposed to
demolish it twenty years later, but they repurposed it as a giant radio antenna.

You know your facts! That is very good! But there is more to it. The Tower
was not just an antenna, it was also a place where a lot of scientific research
was carried out.

Yes, I know a little bit about that, too. I think I've read somewhere that there
was a laboratory installed on top of the tower where Eiffel and the French
scientists conducted experiments in the fields of astronomy, meteorology, and

And aerodynamics, too. Eiffel built a wind tunnel at the bottom of the Tower
that was used for the experiments on the Wright Brothers' airplanes and
Porsche automobiles...

That surely is awe-inspiring!

Well, I must leave now. Enjoy Paris, it’s a place filled with science, but also
love and passion.

Thank you, sir! It was really nice talking to you!

Fill in the Blanks

Preencha os espaços

This was originally my daughter's playroom, but we __________ it into a


Our honeymoon was __________ . We traveled to some amazing places and

had plenty of time to relax.

This monument was ______________ in honor of the great king.

I believe that the beauty and size of the Himalayas is simply ______________
The company has made a _____________ plan that will keep them in business
for a long time.

The investigation will be ____________ by the CIA.


1.Have you ever been to Paris? If so, what do you think of it? If not, would
you like to go?

2.What do you think of the Eiffel Tower?

3.Why do you think Paris is considered to be one of the most romantic cities
in the world?

4.Is there a place in your country that is considered to be romantic?

5.Why do you think the Eiffel Tower is so popular?

6.What do you know about France?


Statue of Liberty (USA)


The pedestal for the monument was made of concrete. O pedestal do

monumento era de concreto.

Manilha\ algemas (um tipo de restrição de metal colocada nos tornozelos e
pulsos dos prisioneiros)

Can you please take the shackles off of my hands? They are cutting into my
skin. Pode tirar as algemas das minhas mãos? Eles estão cortando minha

Uma maneira de governar caracterizada pelo uso injusto de poder e opressão

Her boss's tyranny was too much to take. A tirania de seu chefe era demais
para suportar.

Coberto com ouro ou uma substância que se parece com ouro .

The gilded roof of the castle shone brightly in the sun. O teto dourado do
castelo brilhava ao sol.

Compartilhado ou feito por duas ou mais pessoas

They are joint owners of the company. Eles são co-proprietários da


Para ajudar a alcançar ou fazer com que algo aconteça

She contributed to the success of the project. Ela contribuiu para o sucesso
do projeto.

Dialogue Practice
Prática de diálogo

Jessica is visiting her brother in New York. They went to Liberty Island to see
the Statue of Liberty up close.

So, little sis, this is Lady Liberty. Isn’t she something?

She is magnificent! The statue was made by a joint effort between the French
and American people, right?


That is correct. She was actually a gift from the people of France, and she
symbolizes friendship between the two countries. The Americans built the
pedestal and the French built the statue itself.
From what I understand, she represents freedom for all people.

Exactly. We can’t see them from here, but the broken shackles next to her feet
represent the victory over tyranny and oppression.

I have also read that her crown represents the connection between people.
Have you noticed that there are seven rays on it? They stand for the seven
continents, all joined together. But what I cann ot understand is how they
managed to build it. I mean, it’s huge!

I know, right? It must have been really difficult to transport it all the way
from France. By the way, have you ever heard of the Eiffel Tower designer,
Gustave Eiffel? He also contributed to the construction of the Statue.

Wow, I didn't know that! By the way, the torch in her right hand is gilded,
isn’t it?

Correct. And with 24 karat gold, for that matter. Now, let’s go up to Lady
Liberty’s crown and enjoy the sunset from up there.

Fill in the Blanks

Preencha os espaços

He helped the prisoner remove his _________ so he could escape.

I have a _________ watch that I received as a prize.

The statue fell from the _______ and broke into numerous pieces.

Throughout history, many wars were fought against _____________ .


We cannot do everything by ourselves. We need a _________ effort to

complete this task.

He has greatly __________ to the team's success.


1 Have you ever visited the USA? If not, would you like to? Why? Why not?

2 What do you think of the Statue of Liberty? Would you like to see it?

3 What do you think of the USA?

4 Do you know what “The American Dream” is?

5 Do you have any monuments in your country similar to the Statue of


The Colosseum (Italy)

Um antigo escravo romano cuja tarefa era se envolver em combate para fins de

In ancient Rome, gladiator fights were a common source of entertainment. Na

Roma antiga, as lutas de gladiadores eram uma fonte comum de

Um local ao ar livre usado para sediar eventos de entretenimento .

Over 200 Roman amphitheaters have been found across Europe. Mais de 200
anfiteatros romanos foram encontrados em toda a Europa.

Muito chocante de uma maneira desagradável, geralmente envolvendo morte
ou lesão.

I don't like watching gruesome horror movies. Eu não gosto de assistir filmes
de terror chocantes (cabuloso).

Fazer de conta (Irreal)

It's a mock wedding, actually. É um casamento simulado, na verdade.

Based on
Servir como fundamento ou núcleo de algo; que ajuda a criar ou gerar algo
(como idéias, opiniões etc.)

The doctor's decision was based on the test results. A decisão do médico foi
baseada nos resultados do teste.

Their friendship was based on their love of golf. A amizade deles era
baseada no amor pelo golfe.

Based on these numbers, we recommend aggressive expansion abroad. Com

base nesses números, recomendamos uma expansão agressiva no exterior.

Based on this research, we feel that the Chinese market has the most potential.
Com base nesta pesquisa, sentimos que o mercado chinês tem mais

This movie is based on a true story. Este filme é baseado em uma história

I think we should just wait and see, and then make decisions based on the
results. Acho que devemos esperar e ver, e depois tomar decisões com base
nos resultados.

What is your choice based on? Em que sua escolha se baseia?


Ter ou oferecer uma grande variedade de algo

This shop has a diverse selection of fruit. Esta loja tem uma seleção
diversificada de frutas.

The coral reef has a diverse ecosystem. O recife de coral tem um ecossistema

We live in a diverse society. Vivemos em uma sociedade diversificada.

America has a diverse population of people from around the world. Os

Estados Unidos têm uma população diversificada de pessoas de todo o

The company's Hong Kong headquarters make it easy for it to attract a diverse
work force. A sede da empresa em Hong Kong facilita a atração de uma
força de trabalho diversificada.

Toronto is one of the most ethnically diverse cities in the world. Toronto é
uma das cidades mais etnicamente diversas do mundo.

Uma pessoa que assiste a um show ou evento

The spectators were greatly disappointed in the game's result. Os

espectadores ficaram muito desapontados com o resultado do jogo.

The spectators were all excited over the victory of their favorite team. Os
espectadores ficaram animados com a vitória do seu time favorito.

There were many spectators at the soccer match. Havia muitos espectadores
na partida de futebol.

Dialogue Practice
Prática de diálogo

Alex is in Rome on a business trip and Camille, who has been working in the
Italy office for some time, is showing him around.

Rome is a very beautiful city. It's rich in history and has such amazing
architecture. But tell me, what do locals do for fun?

Well Alex, as you can see, they love sitting in cafes and drinking espresso
during the day. And during the night, people enjoy going to the bars, night
clubs, cinemas, or festivals.

Maybe we can do that later as well. Thank you for bringing me to the
Colosseum, by the way. I’ve heard that this was the place where all the maj or
events happened, and that the ancient Romans enjoyed festivals and games
that could last up to 100 days, is that true?

That’s correct. The most popular games were the gladiator fights, as you
probably know already. The Colosseum, being the larg est amphitheater ever
built, could accommodate around 50.000 spectators. And they would all
usually get free food during the events.

Entertainment and free food. I’d sign up for that, too. Actually, on second
thought, I'd rather not. Gladiator fights and fights with animals were quite
gruesome, I wouldn't want to see that.

Yes, but there were other forms of entertainment as well. Ancient Romans
would occasionally flood the Colosseum and organize mock ship battles, or
act out dramas based on Classical mythology. The entertainment was quite

It sure was. I didn’t know about that. It's a real shame that the earthquakes
damaged it, but I suppose it has more historical value this way, when you can
clearly see the effect of time.

Fill in the Blanks

Preencha os espaços

The stadium was packed with more than 50.000 ________ watching the final

This is a very _______ community, with people from many different cultures.

_______ fights were one of the main sources of entertainment in ancient


I think it is __________ to kill animals for sport.

I don't understand why you are so nervous. This is just a _________ test.

The presentation will be held in the ________ on the first flo or.

This movie is ________ a popular book.


1 Have you ever been to Rome? If not, would you like to go? Why or why

2 What do you think about Italy and its culture?

3 What do you think of the forms of entertainment in ancient Rome?

4 How did people in your country entertain themselves in the old days?

5 What do people in your country do for fun nowadays?


The Prague Astronomical Clock (Czech Republic)

Uma estrutura em forma de cone no topo de uma torre de catedral ou castelo

Cathedrals are often famous for their long and pointy spires. As catedrais são
famosas por seus pináculos longos e pontudos.

(Contemplar) Observar de perto, com muita atenção.

This waterfall and its surroundings are a beautiful view to behold. Esta
cachoeira e seus arredores são uma bela vista para se contemplar.

Orgulho excessivo na própria aparência.

His vanity is really getting on my nerves; I wish he was more humble. A

vaidade dele está realmente me dando nos nervos; Eu gostaria que ele
fosse mais humilde.

(Ganância) Desejo de possuir grandes somas de dinheiro ou bens

Greed is one of the worst traits a person can possess. A ganância é uma das
piores características que uma pessoa pode possuir.

Retalhação (um ato de agressão praticado em resposta a outro ato semelhante )

I told him that retaliation is not the answer, but he wouldn’t listen. Eu disse a
ele que retaliação não é a resposta, mas ele não quis ouvir.

(Desprezar) Odiar; não gostar de algo.

I despise my boss. Eu desprezo meu chefe.

I despise working with selfish people. Detesto trabalhar com pessoas


She despises long meetings and tries to limit them to thirty minutes at most.
Ela despreza reuniões longas e tenta limitá-las a trinta minutos, no

Dialogue Practice
Prática de diálogo

Matt is visiting his sister Nina, who has been working on a project in Prague
for several months.

These buildings are so beautiful, it feels like they all came out of a fairy tale.
And the cathedrals with their long spires are simply mesmerizing. By the way,
I saw some pictures of Prague Castle. Can you take me there?

Slow down, Matt. You’ve just come here; we have plenty of time to visit
everything. First, I want to show you something really amazing. Behold, the
most beautiful clock in the world, the Prague Astronomical Clock, the pride of
the city!

Oh, wow! It looks incredible. But it seems complicated. How do you tell time?

You tell time by looking at the Roman numerals. The other pointers are
connected to the ancient times, and to astronomy and astrology.

I can see the positions of the Sun and the Moon, the Zodiac signs... Oh, those
figures are interesting. What do they represent?

Well, these represent four things that were despised during the period the
clock was built. They are Vanity, Greed, Death, and Infidels. These figures
move at the strike of every hour. And below, we have The Astronomer, The
Chronicler, The Philosopher and an Angel.

It must be very interesting to see them move. Can we stay here for a few more
minutes until they start moving? And while we wait, you can tell me more
about the clock. What else do you know?


There's this legend I heard. It was believed that the maker of the clock was
blinded by the Czech Council so that he could never make anything more
beautiful. In retaliation, the clock maker threw himself in the clock’ s
mechanism, committing suicide and stopping the clock for a whole year.

Wow! That’s grim. I’m glad that it’s just a legend... Oh, oh, it’s noon, the
show’s starting.

Fill in the Blanks

Preencha os espaços

The cathedral has at least ten really high and pointy ______________.

U.S. diplomats were expelled from Russia in ____________ to the sanctions.

That actress is very beautiful and smart, but she is also well -known for her

This garden is an incredible sight to _______________.

His crime was motivated by _________. He simply wanted to have more and
he believed he could just take it.

I __________ hypocrites.


1 Have you ever been to Prague? If not, would you like to? Why or why not?

2 What is the most popular location in your town/city?

3 Are there any legends about your city, or country? Can you share some?

4 What do you know about the Czech Republic?


Enfatizar a importância de algo

When I was growing up, my parents emphasized the importance of good

manners. Quando eu era criança, meus pais enfatizavam a importância de
boas maneiras.

The teacher emphasized that he would fail any student who cheats on exams.
O professor enfatizou que reprovaria qualquer aluno que colasse nos

I want to emphasize how important this project is. Quero enfatizar a

importância deste projeto.

I underlined the words that I wanted to emphasize. Sublinhei as palavras que

queria enfatizar.

We need to emphasize the quality of this product, not its low price.
Precisamos enfatizar a qualidade deste produto, não o preço baixo.

U.S. and Indian officials have emphasized the close ties between the two
nations. Autoridades dos EUA e da Índia enfatizaram os laços estreitos
entre as duas nações.

(Integrar) reunir partes diferentes e unificá -las em um todo

We need to better integrate our product and marketing teams. Precisamos

integrar melhor nossas equipes de produtos e marketing.

She is trying to integrate reading into her daily routine. Ela está tentando
integrar a leitura em sua rotina diária.

Add to
Fazer alguma coisa maior

The recent scandal only adds to the band's popularity. O recente escândalo só
aumenta a popularidade da banda.

Gold leaf
Uma fina folha de ouro, geralmente usada para decorar outras superfícies

The entire picture frame is covered in gold leaf. O porta-retrato inteiro está
coberto de folhas de ouro.

Um pequeno corpo de água parada, que às vezes é artificial

There is a beautiful pond in the middle of the garden. Há uma bela lagoa no
meio do jardim.

We took a walk around the pond in the park. Demos um passeio ao redor da
lagoa no parque.

Uma imagem de algo que pode ser visto em um espelho, copo ou água

The baby started laughing when he saw his reflection in the mirror. O bebê
começou a rir quando viu seu reflexo no espelho

Dialogue Practice
Prática de diálogo

Nina is thinking about visiting Japan and is talking to Daisuke about his
favorite places there.

There is one place that you absolutely have to see when you come to Japan.

Oh, you've made me very curious. What is it?

Have you heard of Kinkaku-ji? It means "Temple of the Golden Pavilion".

I don't think I have, but then again, I am not that good with Japanese names.

Kinkaku-ji is one of the most beloved places, both for foreigners and Japanese
people. It attracts a great number of tourists every year.

What does it look like?


The temple is almost entirely covered with gold leaf, and there is also a
beautiful golden ornament on the roof. Three different architectural styles
were used when it was designed and built.

It must be very unique, then.

Indeed. At the time it was built, people were trying to emphasize the
relationship between buildings and nature, so Kinkaku -ji is a great example of
how a building can be well-integrated in the natural landscape.

That's fascinating. And I imagine that the nature surrounding the temple is
equally beautiful.

It is. There's a pond outside, that gives such a nice reflection of the pavilion.
It really adds to the beauty of the place. An d all the rocks, plants and bridges
are arranged in a specific way to illustrate some famous places in Chinese and
Japanese literature. Everything is placed with a certain reason, in a certain
order. You'll find out more about all that, when I take you the re.

Oh, I can't wait!
Fill in the BlanksPreencha os espaços

This issue just _________ the problems we already had with this project.

The ________ of the moon in the lake was simply breathtaking.

Let's go take pictures by that duck ___________!

You need to __________ exercise into your daily routine.

The manager ____________ the importance of working hard during office

hours, so that employees don’t have to stay overtime to finish their tasks.



1 What do you think of Kinkaku-ji? Would you like to visit it?

2 Are there any similar places in your country?

3 What would you recommend as a must-see place in your country? Why?

What is it like?

4 When traveling, do you enjoy visiting historic buildings? Why? Why not?



The two sisters closely resemble each other. As duas irmãs se parecem

How come his ideas always resemble mine? Como as idéias dele sempre se
assemelham às minhas?

She resembles neither her mother nor father. Ela não se parece nem com a
mãe nem com o pai.

This area resembles the streets of Paris. Esta área se assemelha às ruas de

Incluir algo; ter algo como elementos

This story is comprised of 30 chapters. Esta história é composta por 30


The cake comprised eggs, sugar, honey, butter, lemon and flour. O bolo
incluía ovos, açúcar, mel, manteiga, limão e farinha.

Our department comprises three teams that each have their own focus. Nosso
departamento é composto por três equipes, cada uma com seu próprio

His new publication comprises an introduction, seven chapters and a

conclusion. Sua nova publicação inclui uma introdução, sete capítulos e
uma conclusão.

This report comprises a history of our company's performance over the last
five years. Este relatório contém um histórico do desempenho de nossa
empresa nos últimos cinco anos.

Usado para proteger alguém ou algo

That attack was actually a defensive move. Esse ataque foi na verdade uma
jogada defensiva.

(Submeter) passar ou experimentar, geralmente algo difícil

The house is undergoing a huge renovation. A casa está passando por uma
grande reforma.

The patient is put to sleep before undergoing an operation. O paciente é

colocado em sono antes de ser submetido a uma operação.

China is undergoing rapid economic development. A China está passando

por um rápido desenvolvimento econômico.

She had to undergo a series of surgeries after the accident. Ela teve que
passar por uma série de cirurgias após o acidente.

While the main library is undergoing renovation, patrons will have to borrow
books from other branches. Enquanto a biblioteca principal estiver em
reforma, os clientes terão que pedir emprestados livros de outros ramos.

Under the new president, the company has undergone a profound change. Sob
o novo presidente, a empresa passou por uma mudança profunda.

The city has undergone many changes over the years. A cidade passou por
muitas mudanças ao longo dos anos.

All nuclear facilities undergo regular safety checks. Todas as instalações

nucleares passam por verificações regulares de segurança.

The building has to undergo a major renovation. O edifício precisa passar

por uma grande reforma.

Intacto (sem danos)

My bike is old but still perfectly intact. Minha bicicleta está velha, mas
ainda está perfeitamente intacta.

They are still struggling to keep their marriage intact by seeing a family
counselor. Eles ainda estão lutando para manter o casamento intacto
vendo um conselheiro da família.

The artifacts had been very carefully packed and therefore were still intact
when they arrived at the museum. Os artefatos foram cuidadosamente
embalados e, portanto, ainda estavam intactos quando chegaram ao


The house needs to be inspected before the auction. A casa precisa ser
inspecionada antes do leilão.

The rare violin was sold at auction for a million dollars. O violino raro foi
vendido em leilão por um milhão de dólares.

The furniture from the estate will be available at auction within six weeks. Os
móveis da propriedade estarão disponíveis em leilão dentro de seis

On the brink of
Perto de uma situação nova e tipicamente negativa;

Unable to tackle the financial crisis, the government is on the brink of

collapse. Incapaz de enfrentar a crise financeira, o governo está à beira do

World leaders are concerned that the country stands on the brink of a
devastating civil war. Os líderes mundiais estão preocupados com o fato de
o país estar à beira de uma guerra civil devastadora.

Destruir (geralmente edifícios)

The writer's house was demolished in the '70s. A casa do escritor foi
demolida nos anos 70.

Dialogue Practice
Prática de diálogo

Ayako is telling her friend, Emily, about Himeji -jo.

My parents want to take me to Himeji-jo during the Golden Week holiday. It’s
been undergoing restoration work for several years and soon it will finally be
open to public!

I've heard about that place! It's a castle, right? The one that's all white and
apparently resembles a bird that is about to fly!

That's right! It's one of the few castles that have never been destroyed by
earthquakes, wars or fire. It has survived many catastrophic events, and has
remained intact. It is one of our national treasures and also a World Heritage

I didn't know that!

I can’t wait to visit the whole complex! It is comprised of 83 buildings with a
strong defensive system.

I had no idea it was that large. I have heard some legends about it, there’s
even a ghost story related to it, if I remember correctly.

Yes, I know all of that, but I don’t believe in any of them.

Yeah, me neither. Anyway, I think it is incredible how the castle has survived
for so long.

Yes. And all those events aside, it was also on the brink of being demolished a
few times!

Really? What do you mean?

Well, at one point, many castles in Japan were destroyed because they were
unwelcome reminders of the past, and Himeji could have been one of them...
Also, the castle was put up for auction once, and the buyer wanted to use the
land for other purposes, but the cost of destroying the castle was too high. So
it was spared.

Wow! That's one lucky castle!

Fill in the Blanks

Preencha os espaços

She _________ her mother more and more as she gets older.

This shopping mall __________ 50 stores.

He has to ________ strict training in order to prepare for the competition.

You can say the immune system is our __________ system, since it tries to
protect us from diseases.

Not long ago, the Siberian tiger was ___________ extinction, but conservation
efforts have led to its recovery.

The famous painting will be sold at an ________ next month.


1 What do you think of Himeji Castle? Would you like to visit it?

2 Why do you think the castle managed to stay intact during all those terrible

3 Are there any legends or ghost stories related to castles or other historic
buildings in your country?

4 Are you interested in the history of the places you visit?


Fushimi Inari Taisha

Uma pessoa que negocia mercadorias para obter lucro

Merchants sell all sorts of things here. Os comerciantes vendem todo tipo de
coisa aqui.

He is a merchant who sells his goods in the market. Ele é um comerciante

que vende seus produtos no mercado.

Amazon plans to sue merchants that sell fake or illegal items on their website.
A Amazon planeja processar comerciantes que vendem itens falsos ou
ilegais em seu site

Dizer a diferença entre itens ou pessoas semelhantes

The twins are impossible to distinguish. Os gêmeos são impossíveis de


My son still cannot distinguish fantasy from reality. Meu filho ainda não
consegue distinguir fantasia da realidade.

It's hard to distinguish one shopping mall from another. É difícil distinguir
um shopping de outro.

Her bright red hair helps people distinguish her in a crowd. Seu cabelo
vermelho brilhante ajuda as pessoas a distingui -la na multidão.

It's his quiet, serious manner that distinguishes him. É o jeito quieto e sério
que o distingue.

Significando exatamente o que é dito; palavra por palavra; no sentido literal

This idiom cannot be translated literally. Este Idiom (Expressão) não pode
ser traduzido literalmente.

Sagrado (Tendo algum significado religioso)

In India, cows are considered sacred animals. Na Índia, as vacas são

consideradas animais sagrados.

He considered his days off sacred and never even checked his email. Ele
considerava seus dias de folga sagrados e nunca checava seu e -mail.

Uma parte estreita de um edifício que leva a outras salas; um corredor longo e

The corridor was empty at the end of the day after everyone went home. O
corredor estava vazio no final do dia, depois que todos foram para casa.

Some students remained in the corridor and continued their conversation after
class. Alguns alunos permaneceram no corredor e continuaram a conversa
depois da aula.

Dialogue Practice
Prática de diálogo

Daisuke is talking to Nina about her upcoming trip to Japan.

You know, if you go to Kyoto, I suggest you visit Fushimi Inari Taisha.

Why? What is that?

It’s the head shrine of the largest shrine network, which is dedicated to Inari,
the god of rice. This god was worshiped by merchants and manufacturers in
the past.

Interesting. Is there anything that distinguishes it from the rest of the shrines?

As a matter of fact, there is. You see, there is a path lined with thousands of
torii, and that path leads to the inner shrine.

Torii? What is that? What does it mean?

It literally means “bird’s home” and it is a gate found at the entrance of a
Shinto shrine, which marks the transition to the sacred world.

I see. So there are thousands of such gates in Fushimi Inari Taisha? How

That’s typical of an Inari shrine, because successful business people often
donate such a torii, as a sign of gratitude. Their names are written on the

So this shrine has the largest number of torii ?

Yes. It’s like a corridor of red gates, it’s very beautiful.

I see. I will definitely put it on my list of places to visit!
Fill in the BlanksPreencha os espaços

I am sorry but I cannot translate this text __________ .

It’s hard to _________ the original painting from the copy.

The priests used to perform ______________ rituals and ceremonies here.

This ________ will take you directly to the art gallery.

A wealthy ___________ used to live in that old house.



1 What do you think of Fushimi Inari Taisha? Would you like to visit it?

2 Would you donate a Torii if you owned a successful business? Why? Why

3 Have you ever donated anything to a religious organization? Why? Why


4 What do you know about Kyoto?


The Three Great Gardens

Refer to
Mencionar ou falar sobre algo

I don't know what you're referring to. Não sei a que você está se referindo.

The president of the company referred to the most recent quarterly sales
figures as evidence of the company's financial health. O presidente da
empresa mencionou os números trimestrais mais recentes de vendas como
evidência da saúde financeira da empresa.

Carpa (Peixe)

I will have a grilled carp, please. Quero uma carpa grelhada, por favor.


The bride looked splendid in her wedding dress. A noiva parecia esplêndida
em seu vestido de noiva.

We had a splendid dinner at the high-class restaurant advertised in the

magazine. Tivemos um jantar esplêndido no restaurante de alta classe
anunciado na revista.

There is a splendid waterfall here, with beautiful flowers on both sides of the
river. Há uma esplêndida cachoeira aqui, com lindas flores nos dois lados
do rio.

Organizar tarefas e atividades de maneira que as mais importantes sejam
realizadas primeiro

You must learn to prioritize your tasks. Você deve aprender a priorizar suas

Dialogue Practice
Prática de diálogo

David is interested in finding out more about the Japanese gardens.

I've never been to a Japanese garden, but from what I've seen in the pictures,
they look splendid!

Then I should definitely take you to the Great Gardens. They are the finest
gardens in Japan. We should go and visit at least one of them.

That would be great! What are they like? Could you describe them for me?

Of course! Let’s start with Kenroku Garden. It has the oldest water fountain in
Japan. There's also a two-legged stone lantern, which has become a well-
known symbol of Kenroku. And another interesting feature is the Flying
Geese Bridge, which is made of eleven red stones laid out in a way that will
remind you of flying geese.

How interesting! So there's a pond there? I love ponds! Does it have carp? I
believe it’s called koi, right?

Yes, and you're right, there is a carp pond there. And there are a lot of other
things to see; there's a tea house - the oldest building in the garden, the statue
of the 12th emperor of Japan, and also a pagoda.

I'd really love to see all that! I know that there are many principles to follow
when designing a Japanese garden.

Yes, speaking of that, the name Kenroku refers to the six characteristics that
an ideal garden should have.

So in a sense, it is a perfect garden. And what about the other two?

The other two are Koraku Garden, or “garden of pleasure after”, and Kairaku
Garden. The latter basically led to the development of public parks. Initially ,
it was a private garden, but it was then opened to the public. That's why
Kairaku actually means “to be enjoyed with others”.

And what about Koraku? It has a strange name.

The name is related to the idea that a leader should prioritize the needs of
other people before their own. Anyway, all three are important cultural sites.
You really have to see at least one!

Fill in the Blanks

Preencha os espaços

There are many things I need to do at work, but I need to _________________

the most important ones.

Vienna is such a _______________ city! I wish I could live there!

I do not understand what he’s saying, because I have not read the book he’s

This kind of hooks are commonly used for _______ ____ fishing.


1 What do you think of these three Japanese Gardens? Would you like to visit

2 Are there any famous gardens in your country? What are they like?

3 Do you enjoy spending time in a park or a garden? What do you usually do

when you go there?

4 What characteristics do you think an ideal garden should have?


The Three Views of Japan

Guardar algo querido (de valor)

That trip with my family was great; I will always cherish the memory of it.
Aquela viagem com minha família foi ótima; Eu sempre guardarei isso na

Uma cadeia ou grupo de várias ilhas

Tenerife is the most popular island of the Canary Islands archipelago.

Tenerife é a ilha mais popular do arquipélago das Ilhas Canárias.

(Encantador) Muito bonito e atraente; cativante

She didn't look friendly, but her smile was truly enchanting. Ela não parecia
amigável, mas seu sorriso era verdadeiramente encantador.

Uma parte do mar onde a costa é curvada para dentro

We enjoyed a great night view of the bay. Nós apreciamos uma excelente
vista noturna da baía.

This bay is popular with tourists. Esta baía é popular entre os turistas.

The ship is approaching the bay. O navio está se aproximando da baía.

This bay is used mainly by shipping boats. Esta baía é usada principalmente
pelo transporte de barcos.

Uma longa e fina faixa de areia em um rio ou no mar, formada por correntes
ou ondas.

When the tide is low, you can cross the sandbar to get to the other island.
Quando a maré está baixa, você pode atravessar o banco de areia para
chegar à outra ilha.

Tendo uma bela vista natural

We took a scenic drive along a coastal road. Demos um passeio panorâmico

ao longo de uma estrada costeira.

I'd like to go somewhere scenic like Hawaii or Thailand. Eu gostaria de ir a

algum lugar cênico como o Havaí ou a Tailândia.

This road has been designated a scenic route by the state government. Esta
estrada foi designada como rota cênica pelo governo do estado.

The hotel rooms with a scenic view are much too expensive. Os quartos do
hotel com uma vista panorâmica são muito caros.

The road to the lake was very scenic. A estrada para o lago era muito

Vestido ou coberto com

A woman clad in black passed by with a grave look on her face. Uma mulher
vestida de preto passou com uma expressão séria no rosto.

Dialogue Practice
Prática de diálogo

Emily has learned about the Three Views of Japan in school and is talking to
her Japanese friend about it.

Our teacher told us about the Three Views of Japan today. She said these are
the places we should definitely visit at least once. They’re some of the most
cherished sights in Japan.

Hmm, I’ve been to the torii gate at Itsukushima shrine, but I don’t even
remember what the other two are...

The pine-clad islands of Matsushima and the sandbar of Amanohashidate. All
three have been named Special Places of Sc enic Beauty in Japan.

Oh, really? They don't sound very familiar to me!

The sandbar is a thin piece of land that connects two opposing sides of
Miyazu Bay. It is covered with almost 7000 pine trees and is part of a
National Park. Apparently the best place to admire the scenery is from the
mountains that are on both sides of the bay. My teacher said it's very

What about the other place?

Matsushima, a group of around 260 small islands, also covered in pine trees.
There are four very popular spots where you can view the archipelago. They

are called the Beautiful View, the Magnificent View, the Grand View, and the
Enchanting View.

Interesting. There must be many things to see there, then.

Definitely! By the way, you said you’ve been to the third sight? What was it

Well, it’s also part of a National Park, it’s a World Heritage site and one of
our national treasures. It’s my favorite torii so far. The fact that it’s
surrounded by water makes it seem really mystical. It left me speechless,

I really hope I can visit all these places someday!
Fill in the BlanksPreencha os espaços

This musical was simply ____________ . The dances and the songs were

If I could, I would visit the whole Japanese ________________ .

I really ____________ the time spent in school. I have so many great


We went on a ______________ drive along the beautiful coast of Italy.

From that village, we could enjoy the stunning view of the snow
____________ mountain range.

The _____________ disappears during high tide, but you can still walk into
the shallow water.


1 What do you think of these places? Would you like to visit them?

2 Are there any such special places in your country that you would
recommend visiting?

3 Is there any place that left you speechless when you saw it?

4 If you could go anywhere in the world to enjoy the scenery of the place,
where would you go?

Study Finds the Best Time to Buy Plane Tickets

At the last minute

Pouco tempo antes de algo acontecer; na última oportunidade

Sam decided what to wear to the job interview at the last minute. Sam decidiu
o que vestir na entrevista de emprego no último minuto.

Negotiations fell apart at the last minute. As negociações desmoronaram no

último minuto.

Acessível (Disponivél)

I'm sorry, but we don't have any rooms available. Sinto muito, mas não
temos quartos disponíveis.

Our new cell phone is now available for sale online. Nosso novo telefone
celular já está disponível para venda online.

This is all the available information I have at the moment. Esta é toda a
informação disponível que tenho no momento.

Do you have any single rooms available? Você tem quartos individuais

There is technical assistance available either online or by telephone during

normal business hours. Há assistência técnica disponível on-line ou por
telefone durante o horário comercial.

The company has a technical support team readily available to answer any
questions. A empresa possui uma equipe de suporte técnico prontamente
disponível para responder a qualquer pergunta.

I was very surprised that the newly released book wasn't available yet. Fiquei
muito surpreso que o livro recém-lançado ainda não estivesse disponível.

On average
Geralmente ou tipicamente

Life-long smokers are said to lose about 10 years of life on average. Diz-se
que os fumantes ao longo da vida perdem cerca de 10 anos de vida em

A 2010 study found that on average New Yorkers take in more than 3.2 grams
of sodium each day. Um estudo de 2010 descobriu que, em média, os nova -
iorquinos ingerem mais de 3,2 gramas de sódio por dia.

Japanese people sleep for 7 hours and 50 minutes on average per night. O
povo japonês dorme por 7 horas e 50 minutos, em média, por noite.

Acontecendo dentro de um país em particular; não internacional

The check-in area for domestic flights is on the other side of the airport. A
área de check-in para voos domésticos fica do outro lado do aeroporto.

Our company is focusing on the domestic market first, and then the
international market. Nossa empresa está se concentrando no mercado
interno primeiro e depois no mercado internacional.

Most of our sales are in the European domestic market. A maioria das nossas
vendas é no mercado doméstico europeu.

Domestic products are usually less expensive. Os produtos domésticos

geralmente são mais baratos.

In advance
De ante-mão (Antecipadamente)

Let me know in advance if you want to go, so I'll know how many reservations
to make. Avise-me com antecedência se você quiser ir, para saber quantas
reservas você deve fazer.

When shopping online, you have to pay in advance. Ao fazer compras online,
você deve pagar antecipadamente.
They prepared the meal in advance. Eles prepararam a refeição com

We have offered to pay the design firm twenty-five percent of the fee in
advance and the remainder on completion. Nos oferecemos pagar à empresa
de design vinte e cinco por cento da taxa antecipadamente e o r estante na

Fácil de entender, reconhecer ou ver

It's obvious that she loves shopping. É óbvio que ela adora fazer compras.

It's obvious that she doesn't like her job. É óbvio que ela não gosta do
trabalho dela.

The right thing to do is not always obvious. A coisa certa a fazer nem
sempre é óbvia.


Study Finds the Best Time to Buy Plane Tickets

Everyone knows that buying plane tickets at the last minute can be very
expensive. But did you know that buying them as soon as they become
available usually isn't the cheapest option?

Travel website looked at 917 million airfares sold in the US.
They wanted to answer the question, "When is the best time to buy my airline

The study found that in 2017, on average, the best time to buy a domestic
flight within the US was 70 days in advance. That's longer than in 2016, when
they found that 54 days in advance was the best time to buy.

The study recommended checking domestic flight prices b etween four months
and three weeks before the date of travel. During this time, the average ticket
was within five percent of the lowest possible price.

Most flights can be booked as early as 11 months before the date of travel.
However, the study found that domestic US flights booked between six and 11
months in advance were on average $50 more expensive than the lowest
possible price. Flights booked less than a week in advance were $208 more
expensive on average.

Interestingly, the average ticket changed price 62 times between becoming

available and the actual date of travel. That's about once every five to six
days. Each time, the price went up or down by an average of about $36.

For international travel, the best time to buy was less clear as i t changed a lot
depending on the destination. But "the most important rule is ... obvious,"
says Jeff Klee, CEO of CheapAir. "Don’t wait until the last minute, as that
rarely works out."


1.When was the best time to buy a domestic flight ticket in the US in 2017?

2.When should you check flight prices within the US, according to the study?

3.What is the most important rule for booking flights, according to Jeff Klee?


1.Do you find it surprising that booking plane tickets as soon as they become
available usually isn't the cheapest option? Why? Why not?

2.Why do you think ticket prices change so often? Please explain your answer.

3.Do you usually book flights online or through a travel agent? Why?

4.Do you have any tips for finding cheap plane tickets? If so, please share

5.Do you think air travel will become cheaper over the next few decades?
Why? Why not?

Further Discussion
Discussão Avançada

1.When was the last time you flew? Where did you go?

2.Can you remember the first time you flew on an airplane? Please explain
your answer.

3.What's the best airline you've ever flown with? Why?

4.What do you imagine are the most popular holiday destinations for people in
your country? Please explain your answer.

5.Travel is the only thing you can buy that makes you richer. - Unknown.
What are your thoughts on this statement?

How to Get the Best Seat When You Fly

Entrar em um navio, avião, trem ou ônibus

Your flight has already started to board. O seu voo já começou a embarcar.

All passengers should proceed to the gate now to board the plane. Todos os
passageiros devem seguir para o portão agora para embarcar no avião.

The pilot was the first person to board the new Boeing jetliner. O piloto foi a
primeira pessoa a embarcar no novo avião da Boeing.

O ato de dar a alguém um assento, sala, carro etc. melhor do que aquele pelo
qual eles pagaram

The lady at the check-in desk offered me a free upgrade to business class. A
senhora da recepção me ofereceu uma passagem gratuita para a classe

Frequent flyer
Passageiro frequente (Uma pessoa que voa frequentemente )

This offer is only available to frequent flyers. Esta oferta está disponível
apenas para passageiros frequentes.

Solicitar que uma quantia em dinheiro seja paga por bens ou serviços

How much do they charge for a haircut? Quanto eles cobram por um corte
de cabelo?

This restaurant charges a lot for its cocktails. Este restaurante cobra muito
pelos seus coquetéis.

For this project, we are charging per hour. Para este projeto, estamos
cobrando por hora.

Trocar algo que você tem por algo que outra pessoa tem

I used to trade baseball cards when I was a kid. Eu costumava trocar cartões
de beisebol quando criança.

A passagem entre fileiras de assentos

The flight attendant is standing in the aisle. A aeromoça está de pé no


I would like an aisle seat. Eu gostaria de um assento no corredor.

She made her way slowly down the aisle looking for an empty seat. Ela
caminhou lentamente pelo corredor procurando um assento vazio.

The bride looked so fabulous and happy as she walked down the aisle. A
noiva parecia tão fabulosa e feliz enquanto caminhava pelo corredor.

The bride slowly walked down the aisle with her father. A noiva caminhou
lentamente pelo corredor com o pai.


How to Get the Best Seat When You Fly

The right seat on a flight can make the difference between a good and bad
journey. But what do you do if you can't get the seat you want?

First, check again online before you fly, or try calling the airline. Some seats
may have become available since you bought your ticket.

If that doesn’t work, try changing seats at the gate right before you board.
You could even ask for an upgrade, although these are usually only given to
frequent flyers.

Your last chance to change seats is on the plane. "Most flight attendants don’t
mind if passengers change seats," says Michael, a flight attendant on a US

However, even if there are empty seats, don't just take one – sit in your own
seat until the doors close and wait to see if another passenger sits in it.

If the seat you want is far away, politely ask a flight attendant if you can have
it – they may save it for you if someone else asks for it. But don't expect to
get a seat by the emergency exit: most airlines charge extr a for these seats,
and flight attendants don't think it's fair to let people move there for free.

If the seat you want is beside you, don't change until you're sure nobody else
is coming, or ask the passenger if they mind changing when they arrive.
Passengers in middle seats are more likely to trade if you offer them a window
or aisle seat.


1.Is it a good idea to call the airline if you want to change seats on a plane?

2.Who usually gets upgrades on flights?

3.Do most passengers prefer middle or aisle seats?


1.Where do you prefer to sit when you fly? Why?

2.Have you ever paid extra for a better seat on a plane? Please explain your

3.Have you ever asked another passenger to trade seats? If so, did they agree?
If not, why not?

4.What do you do to make sure you're comfortable when you fly? Please
explain your answer.

5.What's the worst flight you've ever been on? What made it so bad?

Further Discussion
Discussão Avançada

1.Do you usually book flights online? If so, what websites do you use? If not,
why not?

2.How often do you talk to the people sitting next to you when you fly? Please
explain your answer.

3.Have you ever had a decent meal on a plane? Please explain your answer.

4.Do you think you'd enjoy working as a flight attendant? Why? Why not?

5.The only thing I like about air travel is it gives me time to read. - Jane
Lindskold. What do you like about air travel?

The Benefits of Living Abroad

Em relação a países estrangeiros

I often go overseas on business trips. Costumo ir ao exterior em viagens de


Our company has just created a new subsidiary overseas. Nossa empresa
acaba de criar uma nova subsidiária no exterior.

You need a passport to travel overseas. Você precisa de um passaporte para

viajar para o exterior.

With recent free trade agreements, the overseas market has become especially
important to our company. Com recentes acordos de livre comércio, o
mercado externo tornou-se especialmente importante para nossa empresa.

After working overseas for ten years, she returned to the company's London
headquarters. Depois de trabalhar no exterior por dez anos, ela retornou à
sede da empresa em Londres.

A situação em que as pessoas vivem e trabalham

Working conditions at my office are quite stressful. As condições de trabalho

no meu escritório são bastante estressantes.

Most of these conditions look good to us. A maioria dessas condições parece
boa para nós.

Do you have any issues with these conditions? Você tem algum problema
com essas condições?

Cactuses can't grow in these weather conditions. Os cactos não podem

crescer nessas condições climáticas.

It's difficult for us to work under such poor conditions. É difícil trabalhar em
condições tão precárias.

Comportamento destinado a ferir ou matar alguém

Homeless people are often victims of violence. Os sem-teto são

frequentemente vítimas de violência.

Some people enjoy watching physical violence. Algumas pessoas gostam de

assistir à violência física.

Um sentimento geral ou compreensão de algo

The chef has a good sense of taste. O chef tem um bom senso de gosto.

We need someone with a strong business sense. Precisamos de alguém com

um forte senso comercial.

He has a unique sense of humor. Ele tem um senso de humor único.

Some people say they have a special sixth sense. Algumas pessoas dizem que
têm um sexto sentido especial


Crenças sobre o que é importante na vida e sobre o que é certo e errado

Young people have different values to the older generation. Os jovens têm
valores diferentes para a geração mais velha.

Find oneself
Saber mais sobre que tipo de pessoa você é e o que deseja na vida

In the book, he explains that he found himself through music. No livro, ele
explica que se encontrou através da música.


The Benefits of Living Abroad

Last year, 258 million people lived abroad. In 2017, the countries with the
most people living overseas were India, Mexico, and Russia. And the most
popular destination countries for people moving abroad were the US, Saudi
Arabia, and Germany.

People move abroad for many reasons. Some peopl e leave their home
countries for love, or for better jobs and living conditions. Others run away
from violence or war.

Businesspeople might hope to make contacts in other countries or improve

their communication skills. Students may move abroad to study a t a university
or language school. And some people just like to have new experiences.

In March 2018, research from Rice University in Houston, Texas, showed that
people who lived abroad had a stronger sense of who they were – a clearer
“sense of self.”

The study showed that living abroad helped people think about their values
and decide what was important to them, instead of believing what their family
and friends taught them to believe.

The study also showed that this effect was stronger among people wh o lived in
one foreign country for a long time. The effect was weaker among people who
visited many countries for a short time.

So if you want to “find yourself” through travel, put down your tourist guide
and look for an apartment!


1.How many people lived abroad in 2017?

2.What were the most popular destinations for people moving abroad in 2017?

3.Should you live in many countries for short periods of time if you want to
develop a clearer sense of self?


1.What are your thoughts on the benefits of living abroad?

2.Have you ever lived overseas? If so, please share your experience. If not,
would you like to?

3.Would you rather live in the US, Saudi Arabia, or Germany? Why?

4.What do you think you'd miss the most about your country if you moved
abroad? Please explain your answer.

5.What do you make of the claim that people who have lived abroad have a
stronger sense of who they are?

Further Discussion
Discussão Avançada

1.Is your country home to many foreigners? Why do you think this is the case?

2.What parts of your culture do you imagine foreigners find hard to get used
to? Why?

3.What do you imagine are the most popular destinations for people from your
country who move overseas? Please explain your answer.

4.If you were to write a tourist guide for your country, what would you
include in it? Please explain your answer.

5.The best way to travel abroad is to live with the locals. - Unknown. Do you
agree? Why? Why not?

The History of In-Flight Peanuts

(Mortal) capaz ou provável de causar morte

A knife can be a deadly weapon. Uma faca pode ser uma arma mortal.

Sharks are deadly predators. Tubarões são predadores mortais.


My girlfriend has an allergy to shellfish. Minha namorada tem alergia a


He uses an inhaler for his allergies. Ele usa um inalador para alergias.

She remembered to ask the patient if she had any allergies. Ela lembrou-se de
perguntar à paciente se ela tinha alguma alergia.

(de algo ruim) muito intenso ou sério

The toothache is causing her severe pain. A dor de dente está causando dor

There is a severe water shortage here. Há uma escassez severa de água aqui.

We couldn't go sailing because of the severe weather. Não podíamos velejar

por causa do mau tempo.

Um pó fino feito de pequenos pedaços de terra, areia, etc.

The old typewriter is covered in dust. A velha máquina de escrever está

coberta de poeira.

The horses kicked up clouds of dust into the air. Os cavalos levantaram
nuvens de poeira no ar.


Company policy requires male employees to wear a tie. A política da

empresa exige que os funcionários do sexo masculino usem gravata.

It's the policy of customs to inspect everyone's bags. É política da alfândega

inspecionar as malas de todos.

He is informing his co-workers about the new policy. Ele está informando
seus colegas de trabalho sobre a nova política.

The committee is working to establish a policy regarding public access to the

shoreline. O comitê está trabalhando para estabelecer uma política
relativa ao acesso do público à costa.

The canning company made a policy last year not to use preservatives in any
products. A empresa de conservas fez uma política no ano passado para
não usar conservantes em nenhum produto.

It is the store policy not to accept the return of products more than seven days
after the purchase. É política da loja não aceitar a devolução de produtos
com mais de sete dias após a compra.

Uma resposta alérgica a algo que geralmente é perigoso ou mortal

James had a reaction to the bee sting and was rushed to the hospital. James
teve uma reação à picada de abelha e foi levado às pressas para o hospital.


The History of In-Flight Peanuts

It's not clear when the first peanuts were served on a flight, but Southwest
Airlines made them famous.

Southwest began flying in 1971 as the world's first low -cost airline. It offered
"peanut fares" – flights so cheap they "cost peanuts." So to help make their
point and save money, Southwest didn't serve meals: it only served peanuts.

Until 1978, US airline ticket prices were controlled by the government. But
once that changed, airlines wanted to reduce costs so they could lower prices.

Some chose to serve simpler food, and peanuts – which are cheap and last a
long time – were a popular choice.

After the September 11 terrorist attacks in 2001, many airlines lost money and
meals became even smaller. Some airlines even started making people pay for
their peanuts.

Around the same time, deadly peanut allergies were becoming more common
in the US. People with severe peanut allergies can die from just breathing in
the dust from peanuts, so airlines created special policies for people with
peanut allergies. Some airlines let them board early to clean their seats, or
created areas where nobody was allowed to eat pe anuts. Other airlines stopped
serving peanuts altogether.

Southwest still served more than 106 million packages of peanuts in 2017. But
in 2018, a nine-year-old boy had a severe reaction to them on a Southwest
flight. The boy survived, but Southwest decided to stop serving peanuts on
August 1.

A few US airlines, such as Delta, continue to serve peanuts. Others, like

United and American Airlines, have stopped. However, since other passengers
may still bring peanuts on board, and some meals may include nuts , no airline
can say for sure that its flights will be completely peanut -free.


1.When did Southwest Airlines begin flying?

2.Why did airlines start serving simpler food after 1978?

3.What airlines can say for sure that its flights are completely peanut free?


1.What are your thoughts on the history of in-flight peanuts?

2.Do you ever bring snacks with you when you fly? Why? Why not?

3.If you were to write an airplane menu, what foods would you include?
Please explain your answer.

4.Do you have any allergies? If so, how did you find out about them?

5.Do you know anyone with severe allergies? Please explain your answer.

Further Discussion
Discussão Avançada

1.Have you ever had a good meal on a plane? If so, please share your

2.What airline have you traveled with the most? Would you recommend them?

3.What are the cheapest airlines where you live? Please explain your answer.

4.What's the longest flight you've ever been on? Please share your experience.

5.I love flying so much. I even like airplane food. - Margot Robbie. What do
you like most about flying? Please explain your answer.

Airplane Etiquette: Don't Make These Mistakes

As regras de comportamento que as pessoas devem seguir para que outras
pessoas se sintam confortáveis.

It's bad etiquette to take food from someone else's plate. É má etiqueta tirar
comida do prato de outra pessoa.

Não usar sapatos ou meias

They walked barefoot on the beach. Eles andaram descalços na praia.

A passagem entre fileiras de assentos

The flight attendant is standing in the aisle. A aeromoça está de pé no


I would like an aisle seat. Eu gostaria de um assento no corredor.

She made her way slowly down the aisle looking for an empty seat. Ela
caminhou lentamente pelo corredor procurando um assento vaz io.

Some bottles have been stacked in the aisle so that shoppers might make a
purchase. Algumas garrafas foram empilhadas no corredor para que os
compradores possam fazer uma compra.

The bride slowly walked down the aisle with her father. A noiva caminhou
lentamente pelo corredor com o pai.


It's important to stretch before exercising. É importante alongar antes de se


She is stretching her legs before going running. Ela está esticando as pernas
antes de correr.

I often stand up and stretch during the long flights. Costumo levantar e me
alongar durante os longos vôos.

Uma discussão em que as pessoas discordam, muitas vezes com raiva

They often get into terrible arguments. Eles costumam entrar em discussões

I had an argument with my boss yesterday. Eu tive uma discussão com meu
chefe ontem.

What began as a small misunderstanding grew into an argument. O que

começou como um pequeno mal-entendido se transformou em uma

The argument brought about the end of the relationship. A discussão trouxe o
fim do relacionamento.

The meeting turned into one long argument. A reunião se transformou em

uma longa discussão.


Airplane Etiquette: Don't Make These Mistakes

Everyone shares a small amount of space on an airplane, so it’s important to

always think about how your actions affect other passengers. If you want to
help everyone have a good experience, try not to make these etiquette

1. Going barefoot
An Expedia survey found that 90 percent of people say going barefoot on a
flight is bad etiquette. If you do want to take your shoes off, consider putting
on a clean pair of socks just before you fly.

2. Talking to someone who wants to be left alone

Expedia also found that nine out of 10 Americans want to be left alone when
they fly. Sixty-nine percent said they’d rather sleep than talk to the person
beside them.

3. Taking the middle armrests


Passengers in window seats can rest against the wall , and passengers in aisle
seats can stretch out their legs. So passengers in the middle seat should always
get two armrests.

4. Reclining your seat too far

Etiquette expert Lizzie Post says you should avoid reclining your seat all the
way back. If you do recline your seat, first check if the person behind you has
a child or a laptop, and let them know you’ll be reclining.
If the person in front of you reclines their seat too far, Post says it’s OK to ask
them to pull it up, but ask in a friendly way. Howev er, she says it’s better to
stay quiet than to start an argument on the plane.
Other etiquette mistakes include taking smelly food on the plane, not covering
your mouth when you cough, and being rude to airline staff.


1.Do most Americans enjoy talking to passengers sitting next to them when
they fly?

2.Why should passengers sitting in the middle seat get two armrests?

3.According to Lizzie Post, what should you do before reclining your seat?


1.What are your thoughts on airplane etiquette?

2.Do you agree that going barefoot on flights is bad etiquette? Why? Why

3.Do you prefer window, middle, or aisle seats when you fly? Why?

4.Do you like talking to the people sitting next to you or do y ou prefer to be
left alone? Please explain your answer.

5.In your opinion, is it bad etiquette to recline your seat all the way back?
Why? Why not?

Further Discussion
Discussão Avançada

1.What do you do to make sure you're comfortable when you fly?

2.Do you ever get up to stretch on long flights? Please explain your answer.

3.Have you ever sat next to a rude passenger? If so, please share your

4.Have you ever asked another passenger to trade seats? If so, were they
willing to?

5.Do you find it easy to sleep on flights? Please explain your answer.

Tips for Surviving a Long-Haul Flight

(de um produto ou serviço) que possa ser adquirido pelo público em geral

For the first time in 55 years, commercial flights between the U.S. and Cuba
will now be possible. Pela primeira vez em 55 anos, vôos comerciais entre
os EUA e Cuba serão agora possíveis.

His business was not a commercial success. Seu negócio não foi um sucesso

I applied to a commercial bank for a loan to open my new business. Solicitei a

um banco comercial um empréstimo para abrir meu novo negócio.

The product wasn't a commercial success. O produto não foi um sucesso


You are not allowed to use, download or print materials on this site for
commercial use. Você não tem permissão para usar, baixar ou imprimir
materiais neste site para uso comercial.

Envolver transportes a longa distância

I'm a bit nervous because this is my first long-haul flight. Estou um pouco
nervoso, porque este é o meu primeiro voo de longo curso.

O fluxo de sangue através do corpo

Blood circulation is powered by the heart. A circulação sanguínea é

alimentada pelo coração.

These pills will assist circulation. Essas pílulas ajudarão a circulação.

Blood clot
Coágulo de sangue

This medicine is used to prevent blood clots. Este medicamento é usado para
prevenir coágulos sanguíneos.

(de roupa) que não se ajustam firmemente ao seu corpo

I like to wear loose clothes whenever I travel. Eu gosto de usar roupas soltas
sempre que viajo.


My hands get very dry in winter, so I always carry a moisturizing cream in my

purse. Minhas mãos ficam muito secas no inverno, então eu sempre
carrego um creme hidratante na bolsa.


Tips for Surviving a Long-Haul Flight

On October 11, Singapore Airlines broke the record for the world’s longest
commercial flight. The flight from Singapore to Newark, New Jersey, travels
16,700 kilometers in about 19 hours.

There are no economy seats on the flight – just premium economy and
business class seats. Most travel writers recommend flying business or first
class for long-haul flights, but how do you survive if you can’t afford to

A common fear for long-haul travelers is blood clots. Many people bel ieve
that sitting for a long time may slow blood circulation and increase your
chances of getting a blood clot.

For this reason, you should wear loose clothing, drink lots of water, and try to
walk around and stretch often.

What else can travelers do to make long flights more comfortable? Here are
seven more tips from travel writers:

1. Book your seat early.

2. Bring a travel pillow, an eye mask, and earplugs.
3. Don’t keep luggage at your feet.
4. Wear comfortable socks.
5. Bring a laptop, tablet, or phone for entertainment.

6. Bring a small case with headphones, a charger, your passport and a pen,
and always keep it with you.
7. Bring extra snacks.
Different travel experts have different opinions, of course. Travel writer
Cynthia Drescher says you should bring body lotion, lip balm, wet wipes, and
moisturizing face masks. And Ben Groundwater says you should drink some
champagne to celebrate your trip. However you travel, just be sure to enjoy
your destination!


1.Which of the tips featured in the article did you find most useful?

2.What is the longest flight you've ever been on? Please share your

3.Do you use a travel pillow, an eye mask, or earplugs when you fly? Why?
Why not?

4.Do you like airplane food? If so, what's the best meal you've had on a plane?
If not, do you ever bring extra snacks with you?

5.Do you drink alcohol when you fly? If so, what do you usually have?

Further Discussion
Discussão Avançada

1.In your opinion, what is the most enjoyable thing about air travel? Please
explain your answer.

2.Do you usually prefer to sit in a window or aisle seat? Why?

3.How do you keep yourself entertained when you fly? Please explain your

4.Have you ever been late for a flight? If so, please share your story.

5.Would you rather visit the United States or Singapore? Why?



1.Being on a commercial airplane is actually one of the safest places you can
be on the planet. — Doug Liman. Do you agree?

2.It's only when you're flying above it that you realize how incredible the
Earth really is. — Philippe Perrin. What do you make of this statement?

Rio De Janeiro: An Unmissable Destination

Bucket list
Uma lista de coisas que uma pessoa quer fazer antes de morrer .

Skydiving has been on my bucket list for quite some time. Pára-quedismo
está na minha lista de coisas para realizar há algum tempo.

Travel bug
Um forte desejo de viajar ou fazer algo derrepente

She caught the travel bug and started with a trip to Bali. Ela ficou com
vontade de viajar e começou uma viagem a Bali.

Estar de cada lado ou de um lado de algo ou alguém

He entered the room flanked by his bodyguards. Ele entrou na sala ladeado
por seus guarda-costas.

Monólito (Um grande pedaço de pedra na vertical)

This monolith is 422 meters tall. Este monólito tem 422 metros de altura.

Amostras (Comida, bebida, trabalho,etc.)

We stopped by to sample some local wine and cheese. Paramos para provar
um pouco de vinho e queijo local.


Rio De Janeiro: An Unmissable Bucket List Destination

For anyone with the 'travel bug', Rio de Janerio, Brazil, is an unmissable
bucket list destination.
But no trip to Rio is complete without visiting these famous locations:

1. Copacabana

With one of the longest coastlines in the world, Brazil has no shortage of
beautiful beaches, but none are more iconic than Rio's Copacabana. With 4
kilometers of golden sand flanked by luxury apartments and hotels,
Copacabana is the perfect place to work on your tan whil e taking in the sights
and sounds of Brazil's second largest city.

Unsurprisingly, soccer is played regularly on Copacabana beach, but it's not

unusual to see locals also playing "footvolley" - a version of volleyball in
which players aren't allowed to use their hands.

An estimated 2 million people visit Copacabana every year to watch Rio's

famed New Year's Eve fireworks display, making it one of the largest in the

2. Christ the Redeemer

Towering over central Rio atop Corcovado mountain, Chris t the Redeemer
attracts almost 800,000 visitors every year. Completed in 1931, the statue's
construction was funded primarily by Brazil's Catholic community and is
estimated to have cost the equivalent of $3.2 million in today's currency.

A small chapel was built below the statue in 2006 to celebrate its 75th
anniversary, meaning it's now possible to get married looking out over Rio's
many peaks and beaches.

3. Sugarloaf Mountain

This 396 meter quartz and granite monolith was declared a UNESCO World
Heritage Site in 2012 and is extremely popular with rock climbers.

Since opening in 1912, Sugarloaf cable car has carried over 35 million
passengers. Boasting a jewelry store as well as multiple bars and restaurants,

Sugarloaf's summit offers stunning panoramic views of the city. It is also one
of the best places in the country to sample Brazil's national cocktail, the


1 When did sugarloaf cable car open?

2 What is "footvolley"?

3 How many people visit Christ the Redeemer each year?


1.Which of the locations featured in the article appeal to you the most? Why?

2.Do you consider Rio De Janerio to be "an unmissable bucket list

destination"? Why? Why not?

3.Would you like to try your hand at "footvolley"? Why? Why not?

4.Do you enjoy watching fireworks? If so, what is the best fireworks display
you have ever seen? If not, why not?

5.Have you ever been rock climbing? If so, please share your experience. If
not, would you like to?

Further Discussion
Discussão Avançada

1.What destinations are on your bucket list? Why?

2.If you could celebrate New Year's Eve anywhere in the world, where would
it be and why?

3.What is the most beautiful beach you've ever been to? Please describe it.

4.Are there any famous statues in your town or city? If so, please share your

5.Do you like sampling local cuisine when you travel? If so, what foreign food
or drink did you enjoy the most?


1. I haven't been everywhere, but it's on my list. - Susan Sontag. Have you
ever caught the "travel bug"?

2. The world is a book and those who do not travel read only one page. -
Augustine of Hippo. Do you agree? Why? Why not?

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