Silva (2016)
Silva (2016)
Silva (2016)
Profa . Dra . Karla Patrı́cia S. O. R. Esquerre
Prof. Dr. Luciano Matos Queiroz
S586 Silva, Carlos Eduardo Pereira Mendes da.
Modelagem matemática e simulação da remoção
simultânea de carbono e nitrogênio em reator anaeróbio-
anóxico: uma aplicação do ADM1 / Carlos Eduardo Pereira
Mendes da Silva. – Salvador, 2015.
139 f. : il. color.
Antes de tudo, gostaria de registrar meus sinceros agradecimentos ao Deus eterno imortal, invisível,
mas real. Criador dos céus, da terra e tudo que nela há, a saber, Jesus Cristo. Agradeço a Ele por
todas as bênçãos em mim derramadas e pelo constante auxílio em tempos de tribulação.
À minha amada esposa, Carolina Mendes, por ter sido paciente durante o tempo em que precisava
para dedicar a pesquisa. Sem seu amor, apoio, carinho, cumplicidade, incentivo e orações esta
pesquisa não teria sido possível.
Aos meus pais, Eduardo Mendes da Silva e Maria da Paixão da Silva, pelo amor incondicional, pelo
carinho e preocupação constante, ensinando-me os valores de respeito e de responsabilidade. Por
estimular-me a seguir no doutorado e por sempre acreditar no meu potencial e mostrá-lo para mim.
Por simplesmente serem meus pais e fornecerem todos os subsídios para minha formação.
Ao meu irmão, Alexandre Mendes, pela amizade, pelo companheirismo, pelo incentivo e pela torcida
nesta tarefa tão árdua de execução da tese.
Aos meus orientadores e também meus amigos, professora Dra . Karla Esquerre e o professor Dr.
Luciano Matos, por sua paciência, dedicação e atenção dada ao longo desses anos de convivência.
Pelos ensinamentos e contribuições para o meu crescimento intelectual.
À minha Tia Kátia e toda sua família pela hospedagem em sua residência e pelo cuidado durante o
período do doutorado sanduíche na Universidade de São Paulo.
Aos membros da banca examinadora de qualificação e defesa, professores Dr. Mario Kato, Dr. Theo
Syrto Octavio de Souza, Dr. Cláudio Leite de Souza e Dr. Márcio André Fernandes Martins, pelos
pertinentes apontamentos que engradeceram essa pesquisa.
Ao professor Dr. Márcio Martins, pelo exemplo de pesquisador, amizade, solidariedade e importan-
tes discussões e sugestões no desenvolvimento desta pesquisa.
Aos professores Dr. Damien Batstone do Advanced Wastewater Management Centre da Univer-
sidade de Queensland/Austrália e Dr. César Huiliñir Universidad de Concepción, Chile pela opor-
tunidade de aprendizado no tema de modelagem matemática de digestão anaeróbia e importantes
sugestões no desenvolvimento desta pesquisa.
A Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (Capes) por conceder auxílio finan-
ceiro, possibilitando a formação de mão-de-obra altamente qualificada, esforçando-se em colocar
e manter o Brasil como gerador e desenvolvedor de ciência e tecnologia, um dos passos rumo ao
desenvolvimento e reconhecimento da nossa nação.
A todos aqueles que contribuíram, direta ou indiretamente, para realização desta pesquisa.
“Eu sou a Sabedoria! Em mim habita todo o conhecimento, o discernimento e o ensino”
Esta tese tem como objetivo principal avaliar a remoção simultânea de carbono e nitrogênio
(RSCN) em reator anaeróbio-anóxico por meio da modelagem matemática e simulação. Na
primeira etapa da pesquisa, o Anaerobic Digestion Model No. 1 (ADM1) foi implementado
no software Matlab/Simulink e ajustado aos dados experimentais obtidos a partir de um
digestor anaeróbio utilizado para estabilização do lodo de esgoto doméstico. Os resultados
mostram uma boa concordância entre os dados experimentais e os simulados para as con-
centração de propionato, acetato, produção e composição de biogás e pH, corroborando
a potencialidade de utilização do modelo para prever o comportamento dos processos
biológicos de digestão anaeróbia. Na segunda etapa, foi desenvolvida uma extensão do
ADM1 incluindo o processo de desnitrificação, para simular o efeito do tempo de detenção
hidráulica (TDH) e da relação DQO/NO−
3 na RSCN em um reator anaeróbio-anóxico
tratando águas residuárias doméstica. O modelo foi calibrado com dados experimentais
previamente publicados e obtidos a partir de ensaios em bateladas. Os experimentos foram
conduzidos em reatores operados em bateladas, alimentados com substrato sintético (1500
mg DQO.L−1 ) e inoculados com lodo floculento (500 mg SSV.L−1 ) proveniente de um rea-
tor UASB. Diferentes concentrações de nitrato de potássio foram adicionadas nos reatores
a fim de obter relações de DQO/NO−
3 de 40 e 150, respectivamente. Adicionalmente, foram
Por fim na terceira etapa, o modelo ADM1 foi adaptado para avaliar a RSCN em um
reator anaeróbio-anóxico tratando águas residuárias sintética simulando efluente de pro-
cessamento de pescado. O modelo foi calibrado e validado a partir de dados experimentais
obtidos em ensaios em bateladas. Os resultados simulados mostraram boa aderência aos
dados experimentais, com um erro médio absoluto variando entre 15 e 38 % na calibração e
19 e 36 % na validação. Os resultados obtidos nessa pesquisa mostraram que as adaptações
do ADM1 para RSCN de águas residuárias de origens doméstica e de processamento de
pescado podem ser utilizadas como uma ferramenta para melhor compreensão da RSCN,
permitindo a definição de melhores condições de operação e processo.
Palavras-chave: Anaerobic digestion model - ADM1, Desnitrificação, Remoção simultânea
de carbono e nitrogênio, Simulação, Modelagem matemática.
The aim of this thesis is to evaluate the simultaneous carbon and nitrogen removal (SCNR)
in anaerobic-anoxic reactors through mathematical modeling and simulation. In the first
stage of the research, the Anaerobic Digestion Model No. 1 (ADM1) model was coded
using the Matlab/Simulink and adjusted to the experimental data obtained from an ana-
erobic digester used for the stabilization of sewage sludge. The simulation results indicate
good agreement with the experimental data of effluent propionate, acetate, composites
and biogas flows and pH, thus corroborating the potential use of this model to predict the
behavior of anaerobic digestion processes. In the second stage, ADM1 was extended by
the addition of the denitrification process to simulate the effects of nitrate concentration
and hydraulic retention time (HRT) on SCNR in anaerobic-anoxic reactor treating domes-
tic wastewater. The model was calibrated using previously published experimental data
obtained from anaerobic batch tests. The experiments were conducted in batch reactors
fed with synthetic substrate (1500 mg COD.L−1 ) and inoculated with flocculent sludge
(500 mg VSS.L−1 ) from a UASB reactor. Different amounts of potassium nitrate were ad-
ded into the reactors to achieve COD/NO−
3 ratios 40 and 150, respectively. Furthermore,
model simulations were performed to evaluate the SCNR in a continuous stirred tank re-
actor (CSTR) operating under mesophilic conditions considering six different scenarios.
Each scenarios was evaluated to investigate the performance of the SCNR based on typical
effluent characteristics of domestic wastewater. The model was calibrated satisfactorily
and the simulated results indicate that the best scenario for the occurrence of SCNR was
with COD/NO−
3 ratio and HRT equal to 10 and 15 hours, respectively. Finally in the
third stage, the ADM1 model was adapted for SCNR in an anaerobic-anoxic reactor tre-
ating synthetic wastewater simulating fish processing effluent. The model was calibrated
and validated from experimental data obtained in tests on batch. The simulated results
showed good agreement with experimental data, with a mean absolute error between 15
and 38% in the calibration and 19 and 36% in the validation. The results obtained in
this research showed that ADM1 adaptations for SCNR domestic wastewater and salmon
fishery wastewater can be used as a tool to better understand the SCNR and to define
best operating and process conditions.
Keywords: Anaerobic digestion model - ADM1, Denitrification, Simultaneous carbon and
nitrogen removal, Simulation, Mathematical modeling.
Lista de Figuras
4.3 Model calibration for a batch reactor inoculated with strict methanogenic
sludge after the addition of different concentrations of nitrate 0 (control),
10 and 37.5 mg N/L: (a) methane production; (b) production/consumption
profiles of acetate; (c) consumption of nitrate; and (d) (DP) and (MP) % of
COD used for the denitrification and methanogenic process, respectively. . 94
4.4 Results of the model simulation for continuous flow systems treating domes-
tic wastewater: (a) removal COD; (b) methane production; and (c) VFA . 95
4.5 Results of the model simulation for continuous flow systems treating domes-
tic wastewater: (a) consumption of nitrate; (b) consumption of nitrite; and
(c) nitrogen gas production . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96
4.6 Results of the model simulation for continuous flow systems treating domes-
tic wastewater: (a) pH; (b) (DP) % of COD used for denitrification; and (c)
(MP) % of COD used for methanogenic. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97
4.7 Results of the model simulation for continuous flow systems treating strong
domestic wastewater experiencing three step decrements in the HRT from
15 to 4 hours: (a) removal COD; (b) methane production and (c) VFA . . 99
4.8 Results of the model simulation for continuous flow systems treating strong
domestic wastewater experiencing three step decrements in the HRT from
15 to 4 hours: (a) consumption of nitrate; (b) consumption of nitrite; and
(c) nitrogen gas production . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100
4.9 Results of the model simulation for continuous flow systems treating strong
domestic wastewater experiencing three step decrements in the HRT from
15 to 4 hours: (a) pH; (b) (DP) % of COD used for denitrification; and (c)
(MP) % of COD used for methanogenic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101
Lista de Abreviaturas e Siglas
Carlos Mendes, Leonardo de Souza, Ricardo Kalid, Karla Esquerre, Asher Kiperstok.
Assessment of the uncertainty associated with the energy indicator. Renewable and Sus-
tainable Energy Reviews, 15, 3156 - 3164, 2011. (Fator de impacto 5.627 - Qualis A1 da
CAPES Engenharias III).
Carlos Mendes, Márcio A.F. Martins, Karla Esquerre. Evaluating the uncertainty associ-
ated with the industrial effluent generation indicator and its impact in a decision-making
process. O artigo deve ser submetido para o Journal of Cleaner Production. (Fator de
impacto 4.16 - Qualis A1 da CAPES Engenharias III).
Carlos Mendes, Robson da Silva Magalhães, Karla Esquerre, Luciano Matos Queiroz. Ar-
tificial neural network modeling for predicting organic matter in a full-scale UASB reactor.
Environmental Modeling and Assessment, 20, 625 - 635, 2015. (Fator de impacto 0.980 -
Qualis B1 da CAPES Engenharias III).
Carlos Mendes, Karla Esquerre, Luciano Matos Queiroz, Cesar Huiliñir. Modeling of
simultaneous carbon and nitrogen removal in an anaerobic-anoxic reactor treating salmon
fishery wastewater. O artigo deve ser submetido para o Water Research. (Fator de impacto
6.279 - Qualis A1 da CAPES Engenharias III).
1. Introdução 29
1.1 Motivação e justificativa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
1.2 Objetivos da tese . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
1.3 Estrutura da tese . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
2. Revisão da literatura 33
2.1 Processos biológicos de digestão anaeróbia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
2.1.1 Fermentação e metanogênese . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
2.1.2 Redução de nitrato . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
2.2 Processo convencional de remoção biológica de nitrogênio . . . . . . . . . . 40
2.3 Remoção simultânea de carbono e nitrogênio em sistema integrado anaeróbio-
anóxico . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
2.4 Anaerobic Digestion Model No. 1 (ADM1) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
2.4.1 Processos bioquı́micos . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 Modelo de inibição e toxicidade . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
2.4.2 Processos fı́sico-quı́micos . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 Processo lı́quido-lı́quido . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 Processos lı́quido-gás . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
2.4.3 Processos excluı́dos do ADM1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
2.4.4 Implementação do ADM1 em um reator CSTR . . . . . . . . . . . 58 Modelagem da fase lı́quida . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58 Modelagem da fase gasosa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 Estimativa do pH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
2.5 Extensões do modelo ADM1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
2.5.1 Extensão do ADM1 para processo de desnitrificação . . . . . . . . . 62
2.6 Metodologias e estratégias para aplicação do modelo ADM1 . . . . . . . . 63
2.6.1 Simplificações do ADM1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
2.6.2 Métodos para caracterização do afluente . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
2.7 Considerações finais . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
Referências 123
Capı́tulo 1
Nos últimos anos, um fator-chave nos processos de decisão e escolha de um sistema ade-
quado para tratamento de águas residuárias está relacionado ao investimento e a operação.
No contexto de pesquisa, tais perspectivas frequentemente estão associadas à inovação e de-
senvolvimento de tecnologias simplificadas e sustentáveis. Estudos que envolvem inovação
tecnológica e a compreensão dos mecanismos para o desenvolvimento de tecnologias sim-
plificadas dependem de estudos avançados, nos quais, a modelagem matemática é uma das
ferramentas que tem sido utilizada em estágio crescente no contexto de pesquisas brasilei-
Em relação às tecnologias simplificadas, os reatores anaeróbios quando aplicados como
unidades principais de tratamento de águas residuárias apresentam vantagens para a
remoção de matéria orgânica, podendo-se destacar: (i) menor produção de lodo, (ii) baixo
consumo energético (com potencial de produção de energia a partir do uso do biogás),
(iii) menor susceptibilidade a variação de carga orgânica, entre outras. As diversas carac-
terı́sticas favoráveis desse processo, aliadas às condições ambientais, principalmente nas
regiões onde há predominância de temperaturas mais elevadas, têm contribuı́do para a co-
locação dos sistemas anaeróbios de tratamento de águas residuárias em posição de destaque
em relação aos sistemas aeróbios. No entanto, dificilmente esses reatores produzem efluen-
tes que se enquadrem a padrões estabelecidos pela legislação ambiental vigente na maioria
dos paı́ses, tonando-se necessário a aplicação de um pós-tratamento visando complementar
à remoção de matéria orgânica, bem como o de proporcionar a remoção de nutrientes eu-
trofizantes (nitrogênio e fósforo) e organismos patógenos. Desse modo, o pós-tratamento
dos efluentes de sistemas anaeróbios se torna indispensável.
O sistema convencional de tratamento biológico de águas residuárias que visa promo-
30 Capı́tulo 1. Introdução
Esta tese está dividida em capı́tulos de tal forma que os assuntos são apresentados com
um aprofundamento gradativo no tema. Os capı́tulos são auto suficientes, contendo os
seus próprios resumos e objetivos especı́ficos, portanto, podem ser lidos separadamente.
Em consonância com a prática de uso intensivo e difundido do idioma inglês como meio de
comunicação e divulgação, usual na comunidade cientı́fica das áreas de engenharia e tecno-
logia, e respeitadas as normas do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia Industrial
da Universidade Federal da Bahia (PEI-UFBA), alguns dos capı́tulos que apresentam os
principais resultados e novas contribuições são apresentados em idioma inglês. Adicional-
mente, busca-se ampliar o acesso da comunidade cientı́fica internacional ao trabalho. Além
disso, também, buscando aderência com as normas de publicação cientı́ficas internacionais,
32 Capı́tulo 1. Introdução
Figura 2.1: Sequência de processos metabólicos durante a digestão anaeróbia. Fonte: Adaptado de
Batstone et al. (2015)
sob baixas concentrações. Como resultado de sua afinidade por substrato e magnitude
de produção de metano, podem ser divididas em dois grupos principais: um que forma o
metano a partir de acetato, e outro que produz metano a partir de hidrogênio e dióxido
de carbono. As Archaeas metanogênicas acetoclásticas usam o acetato como fonte de
carbono e energia. As Archaeas metanogênicas hidrogênotróficas utilizam o dióxido de
carbono como fonte de energia e aceptor final de elétrons, e o hidrogênio, como fonte de
energia. Ao contrário das Archaeas metanogênicas acetoclásticas, praticamente todas as
espécies conhecidas de Archaeas metanogênicas são capazes de produzir metano, a partir
do hidrogênio e dióxido de carbono, resultando em uma maior liberação de energia. No
entanto, embora poucas espécies sejam capazes de formar o metano a partir do acetato,
as Archaeas metanogênicas acetoclástica são responsáveis por cerca de 60 a 70% de toda
produção de metano em ambientes anaeróbios (Chernicharo, 2007). As Equações 2.1 e
2.2, mostram a comparação energética entre as Archaeas metanogênicas acetoclásticas e
as Archaeas metanogênicas hidrogenotrófica.
1 1 1 3
H2 + HCO3− + H + → CH4 + H2 O ∆G◦ = −33, 9 kJ (2.2)
4 4 4 4
Além dos processos fermentativo e metanogênico que levam a produção do biogás,
podem se desenvolver outros processos biológicos em ambientes anaeróbios. Na presença
de oxidantes alternativos (aceptores de elétrons), como nitrato e sulfato, muitos compostos
intermediários formados por meio da fermentação anaeróbia, passam a ser utilizados pelas
bactérias redutoras de nitrato e sulfato, respectivamente, provocando alterações das rotas
metabólicas no ambiente anaeróbio. O nitrato pode ser usado como agente oxidante, sendo
reduzido a nitrogênio molecular (N2 ) ou a ı́on amônio (NH4 + ) e o sulfato pode ser reduzido
para sulfeto de hidrogênio (Batstone e Jensen, 2011).
A redução do nitrato por meio de processos biológicos pode ser realizada de duas
formas: assimilativa e desassimilativa. Na redução assimilativa do nitrato, a catálise é feita
pela enzima redutase nitrato, convertendo nitrato a amônia, seguindo a rota metabólica
inversa da nitrificação, sendo a amônia resultante usada na sı́ntese de novas estruturas
celulares. Na redução desassimilativa, o nitrato é reduzido a nitrogênio gasoso na presença
de doadores de elétrons, que podem ser de origem orgânica ou inorgânica, caracterizando
Seção 2.1. Processos biológicos de digestão anaeróbia 37
A redução de cada óxido de nitrogênio é catalisada por uma enzima especı́fica: nitrato
redutase, nitrito redutase, óxido nı́trico redutase e óxido nitroso redutase, respectivamente.
Além do nitrato, os óxidos de nitrogênio intermediários servem também como aceptores de
elétrons na respiração, acompanhada da oxidação de compostos orgânicos como doadores
de elétrons para geração de energia e nova matéria celular (Philips et al., 2002).
A literatura reporta uma vasta quantidade de micro-organismos que são capazes de re-
alizar a desnitrificação, sendo a maioria bactérias. Algumas Archaeas também são capazes
de realizar esse processo, assim como alguns fungos filamentosos. Com poucas exceções,
os micro-organismos desnitrificantes também são capazes de respirar utilizando o oxigênio
como aceptor final de elétrons. Somente na ausência de oxigênio no meio, é que esses micro-
organismos utilizam nitrato e nitrito como aceptor final de elétrons. Dentre os gêneros de
bactérias envolvidas, podem ser citadas as Archromobacter, Aerobacter, Alcaligenes, Bacil-
lus, Flavobacterium, Micrococcus, Proteus e Pseudomonas (Shapleigh, 2006).
Nos ambientes anaeróbios, nos quais o nitrato está presente, uma gama de substra-
tos podem ser utilizados pelos micro-organismos desnitrificantes como fonte de energia
para crescimento, incluindo glicose, aminoácidos Marazioti et al. (2003), ácidos graxos
voláteis (AGV) Elefsiniotis e Wareham (2004) e hidrogênio Scheid et al. (2003). Alguns
estudos na literatura reportam que, dentre os AGV, o propionato tem sido a mais prefe-
rida fonte de carbono das bactérias desnitrificantes (Aboutboul et al., 1995; Elefsiniotis e
Wareham, 2004). Além disso, tem sido mostrado que para uma mistura de cultura fer-
mentativa/metanogênica, a presença de nitrato, nitrito e óxido nı́trico pode resultar em
uma diminuição da pressão parcial H2 para um nı́vel que não permite a ocorrência da
metanogênese (Kluber e Conrad, 1998a; Scheid et al., 2003). A Figura 2.2 mostra um
esquema da inter-relação dos processos de digestão anaeróbia com o ciclo de nitrogênio.
As equações estequiométricas das reações de alguns substratos considerados neste estudo
38 Capı́tulo 2. Revisão da literatura
Reação global:
24 6 12 6
+ 15 N O3− + 51 H + → 7
20 2
+ 41 CO2 + 1
10 2
Reação global:
CH3 CH2 COO− + 15 N O3− + 51 H + → 17
10 2
+ 1
HCO3− + 1
10 2
Reação global:
CH3 COO− + 15 N O3− + 51 H + → 9
40 2
+ 18 HCO3− + 1
10 2
• Desnitrificação com H2
2 2
→ H + + e− ∆G0 = −39, 87 kJ/eeq
N O3− + 56 H + + e− → 1
10 2
+ 35 H2 O ∆G0 = −72, 20 kJ/eeq
Reação global:
2 2
+ 15 + N O3− 15 H + → 53 H2 O + 1
10 2
A utilização desses compostos orgânicos pode gerar uma competição entre as bactérias
fermentativas, Archaeas metanogênicas e desnitrificantes. No entanto, alguns pesquisado-
res apontam que a inibição por N-óxido é a principal causa para supressão da metanogênese
Seção 2.1. Processos biológicos de digestão anaeróbia 39
2° etapa da 1° etapa da
nitrificação nitrificação
(nitratação) (nitritação)
Carboidratos Proteínas Lipídeos do nitrato a íon
amônio (RDNA) Não
Assimilação pelas mud
células ança
Amonificação redo
assimilatória x
Açúcares Aminoácidos LCFA (Proteína) Não
Assimilação pelas há
células mud
Fixação redo
Ácidos orgânicos
Valerato, isovalerato, propionato,
butirato, etc
Acetato H2 autotrófica
Não há mudança
Redução Oxidação
CH4 ,CO2
(Roy e Conrad, 1999; Tugtas e Pavlostathis, 2007a). Segundo Kluber e Conrad (1998a), o
efeito inibidor de óxidos de nitrogênio sobre a metanogênese foi relatada da seguinte forma:
NO > NO− −
2 > N2 O > NO3 . Além de NO ter o maior efeito inibidor, é também irreversı́vel.
Por outro lado, a inibição causada pelo N2 O foi parcialmente reversı́vel (Kluber e Conrad,
Segundo Zumft (1997), a redução do nitrito é a etapa mais lenta do processo de des-
nitrificação, logo as taxas de redução de nitrato, óxido nitroso e óxido nı́trico são mais
elevadas. Como resultado, a acumulação de nitrito é frequentemente observada em siste-
mas desnitrificantes. Os valores da constante de meia velocidade para N-óxidos (KS,nox )
variam dependendo do tipo de micro-organismo e, geralmente, estão em uma faixa de
3 × 10−8 a 4 × 10−3 kg N/m3 , embora, um valor elevado como 0,018 kg N/m3 tenha sido
reportado (Zumft, 1997; Kluber e Conrad, 1998a).
A competição entre os micro-organismos desnitrificantes, fermentativos e metanogênicos
pelo substrato depende dos valores da taxa de utilização do substrato e dos valores da cons-
tante cinética de meia saturação de cada micro-organismo (KS,subs ). A taxa de utilização
de glicose e aminoácidos pelos micro-organismos desnitrificantes é dez vezes menor do que
40 Capı́tulo 2. Revisão da literatura
Assimilação pelas células Não há
(Monomeros) mudanç
Fixação a redox
Desnitrificação autotrófica
Redução Oxidação Não há mudança redox
Figura 2.3: Ciclo biológico do nitrogênio. Adaptado de Metcalf e Eddy (2007) e Henze et al. (2008).
28 1, 3N O2− + N H3+ → 1, 02N2 (g) + 0, 26N O3− + 2H2 O -357 Henze et al. (2008)
42 Capı́tulo 2. Revisão da literatura
Figura 2.4: Variação do número de oxidação do nitrogênio. Adaptado de Van Haandel (1999).
Assim, o consumo de O2 para nitrificação de 1 mol de N-NH3 = 64/14 = 4,57 mgO2 .mg
N−1 . Deve-se considerar o fato que o processo de nitrificação produz efeito sobre a alcali-
nidade da água residuária, estequiometricamente, nota-se que há produção de 2 moles de
H+ por mol de nitrato formado. Levando em conta que a produção de 1 mol de H+ é equi-
valente ao consumo de 1 mol de alcalinidade ou 50 gCaCO3 para nitrificação, a variação
da alcalinidade (VA ) é dado por:
VA = = −7, 14 mgCaCO3 .mgN−1 (2.4)
A segunda etapa do processo de remoção biológica de nitrogênio envolve a desnitri-
ficação heterotrófica. A Figura 2.4 mostra que no processo de desnitrificação heterotrófica,
há uma transferência de 5 elétrons por átomo de nitrogênio na redução do oxidante do ni-
trato para nitrogênio molecular, ou seja, dos oito elétrons liberados durante a oxidação do
Seção 2.2. Processo convencional de remoção biológica de nitrogênio 43
N-NH3 a NO−
3 , cinco são recuperados na redução. Assim, observa-se que uma fração igual a
5/8 do oxigênio necessário para nitrificação pode ser recuperada durante a desnitrificação.
Ou seja:
Or = × 4, 57 = 2, 86 mgO2 .mgN−1 (2.5)
onde Or é a quantidade de oxigênio recuperado durante a desnitrificação. Desta maneira,
o consumo lı́quido de oxigênio (CLO ) para remoção de nitrogênio de uma água residuária,
utilizando o processo biológico de nitrificação/desnitrificação, é dado por:
Embora o método mais aplicado para remoção de nitrogênio de águas residuárias seja os
processos de nitrificação seguido da desnitrificação, existem algumas limitações econômicas
para sistemas que o adotam, principalmente, com relação ao alto consumo de oxigênio, ao
requerimento de doadores de elétrons exógenos e à geração de lodo. Para contornar essas
limitações, uma alternativa é a remoção simultânea de carbono e nitrogênio (RSCN) em um
sistema integrado anaeróbio-anóxico. Nesse caso, o efluente aeróbio nitrificado é recirculado
para o sistema integrado anaeróbio-anóxico, onde ocorrem os processos simultâneos de
desnitrificação e digestão anaeróbia. As principais vantagens são: a redução dos custos com
tratamento devido a menor produção de lodo, menor consumo de energia e possibilidade
de redução dos efeitos do gás sulfı́drico, responsável por corrosão das estruturas fı́sicas dos
reatores anaeróbios, emissão do odores, etc. As Figuras 2.5a e b mostram os métodos de
tratamento biológico convencional (sistema A2 O) e o alternativo (RSCN) aplicado para
remoção de matéria orgânica e nitrogênio de águas residuárias.
Diversas pesquisas investigaram a RSCN em reatores anaeróbios tratando águas re-
siduárias concentradas (Hendriksen e Ahring, 1996; Bernet et al., 2001; Lee et al., 2004;
Baloch et al., 2006; Ruiz et al., 2006; Huang et al., 2007; Chen et al., 2009; Huiliñir et al.,
2012; Xie et al., 2012) .
Hendriksen e Ahring (1996) investigaram o potencial da RSCN em um reator UASB
tratando água residuária sintética. O reator foi inicialmente inoculado com lodo granular
metanogênico e foi gradualmente adaptado ao nitrato por meio do aumento das concen-
trações de nitrato afluente. Durante uma carga de 336 mg NO− −
3 / L.dia e 6600 mg NO3 /
L.dia, cerca de 99% da matéria orgânica e do nitrogênio foram removidos. Os autores, ci-
tam, ainda, que no experimento realizado em batelada, cerca de 90% do nitrato foi reduzido
a nitrogênio gasoso indicando que ocorreu a desnitrificação completa.
Bernet et al. (2001) estudaram a RSCN em um reator anaeróbio seguido de um rea-
tor aeróbio, operado em bateladas sequenciais tratando águas residuárias de suinocultura.
Nesse estudo, o efluente nitrificado foi recirculado para o reator anaeróbio para ocorrência
do processo de remoção simultânea de carbono e nitrogênio. Três razões de recirculação
Seção 2.3. Remoção simultânea de carbono e nitrogênio em sistema integrado anaeróbio-anóxico 45
Recirculação do nitrato
Recirculação do lodo
Lodo residual
Recirculação do nitrato
Recirculação do lodo
Lodo residual
Figura 2.5: Diagrama esquemático: (a) método convencional (sistema A2 O); e (b) método alternativo
variando entre 0,04 a 0,05 kg NOx-N/m3 .dia. Os autores observaram para todas as razões
de recirculação, a eficiência de remoção de carbono foi de 97% no reator anaeróbio e 99%
nos dois reatores. Ocorreu a produção de metano, com sua composição variando de 25 a
50%, evidenciando que ambos os processos simultâneos de metanogênese e desnitrificação
ocorreram no reator anaeróbio.
Ruiz et al. (2006), avaliaram o efeito da razão DQO/NO−
3 na RSCN em 5 reatores
UASB operados em paralelo. Os reatores foram inoculados com lodo granular, proveni-
ente de um reator UASB em escala piloto tratando águas residuárias de cervejaria. A
carga orgânica volumétrica aplicada foi 7,5 kg DQO/m3 .dia. Os autores observaram que
a razão DQO/NO−
3 tem uma forte influência na via metabólica para utilização de nitrato
e matéria orgânica. Baixos valores dessa relação geraram altas atividade desnitrificantes,
e altos valores, elevada atividades metanogênica. A estrutura granular não pode ser man-
tida em reatores desnitrificantes com razões abaixo de DQO/NO−
3 de 5. Sendo assim, o
pleta nitrificação foi obtida com uma razão de recirculação igual a 2. Os autores também
observaram um aumento na eficiência de remoção de nitrogênio total e uma redução da
produção de lodo no sistema com um aumento da razão de recirculação.
Huiliñir et al. (2012) avaliaram o efeito da razão DQO/NO−
3 e da carga orgânica sobre
55, a desnitrificação foi a principal via de redução de nitrato. O melhor resultado, em ter-
mos, de eficiência de remoção simultânea de carbono e nitrogênio, foi obtido para relação
3 de 7. Os autores observaram o acúmulo de intermediários da desnitrificação
remoção de matéria orgânica no reator UASB aumentou de 87 para 92%, quando a razão de
recirculação aumentou de 1 para 4, para valor de TDH de 44 horas. A eficiência de remoção
de nitrogênio do sistema integrado aumentou de 49 a 86%, quando a razão de recirculação
aumentou de 1 para 4, para todos os TDH testados. Os autores observaram elevada
presença de nitrogênio no biogás com o aumento da razão de recirculação, enquanto, que
o conteúdo de metano no biogás apresentou uma tendência inversa, independentemente do
TDH. Os autores concluı́ram que a RSCN pode ocorrer no reator anaeróbio manipulando
o TDH e a razão de recirculação.
Banihani et al. (2009) estudaram a toxicidade de nitrato e nitrito nas Archaeas meta-
nogênicas a partir de um inóculo de lodo granular, oriundo de um reator UASB operado
em escala real, tratando águas residuárias domésticas e um lodo oriundo de um digestor
anaeróbio de uma estação de tratamento de águas residuárias domésticas. O ensaio de to-
xicidade foi conduzido em dois experimentos com diferentes doadores de elétrons: acetato
(2.000 mg O2 /L) e hidrogênio (1.500 mg O2 /L). O lodo do UASB e o lodo do digestor
foram adicionados em frascos de vidro de 160 mL com concentrações de 1.500 mg SSV/L
e 12.100 mg SSV/L, respectivamente. Os resultados obtidos na pesquisa indicaram que
o tipo de substrato teve um forte impacto na taxa de utilização de nitrato. A taxa de
utilização de hidrogênio pelas desnitrificantes foi mais lenta comparada com a taxa de uti-
lização de acetato pelas desnitrificantes. Consequentemente, houve um maior acúmulo de
intermediários da desnitrificação e maior inibição da atividade metanogênica. A produção
final de metano foi inversamente proporcional à quantidade de nitrato e nitrito adiciona-
dos, indicando que esses foram os aceptores de elétrons preferenciais comparando com a
Kassab (2009) estudou a RSCN em um reator UASB operado com lodo floculento,
simulando um reator recebendo recirculação de um efluente nitrificado. O reator UASB
foi operado em escala de laboratório tratando águas residuárias diluı́das simulando es-
goto doméstico. A razão DQO/NO−
3 utilizada foi de 23, resultando em uma eficiência
reator integrado, cerca de 67% da DQO foi utilizada para o processo da metanogênese.
Os autores atribuı́ram que a baixa utilização de DQO pelas metanogênese foi atribuı́do a
perda de biomassa no reator.
e butirato. Além disso, a maior contribuição do seu modelo foi colocar, pela primeira
vez, a importância da pressão parcial de hidrogênio no meio como elemento regulador da
digestão anaeróbia.
Com base na abordagem proposta por Mosey (1983), foram desenvolvidos diversos
modelos matemáticos incluindo os de Costello et al. (1991); Angelidaki et al. (1993); Siegrist
et al. (1993); Vavilin et al. (1994, 1995); Kalyuzhnyi (1997a,b); Kalyuzhnyi et al. (1998);
Von Munch et al. (1999); Angelidaki et al. (1999); Batstone et al. (2000); Bernard et al.
(2001); Tartakovsky et al. (2002). Esses modelos incorporam o conhecimento sobre o
processo de digestão anaeróbia, incluindo mais subprocessos, espécies de micro-organismos
e equações cinéticas mais complexas considerando diferentes substratos.
Apesar do progresso significativo na modelagem de processos de digestão anaeróbia, no
ano de 1998 a International Water Association (IWA) criou um grupo de trabalho (TG-
MMADP) com a responsabilidade de propor um modelo de digestão anaeróbia abrangente,
que servisse como base para simulações dinâmicas do processo e uniformizar os parâmetros
e as variáveis dos modelos de digestão anaeróbia propostos anteriormente. O ADM1 foi pri-
meiro apresentado na 9a IWA Conference on Anaerobic Digestion, realizada na Antuerpia
no ano de 2001 e publicado pela IWA no seu relatório técnico e cientı́fico no ano 2002 (Bats-
tone et al., 2002a,b). O ADM1 foi proposto com o objetivo de ampliar o conhecimento,
aplicação, operação e otimização do processo de digestão anaeróbia e engloba fenômenos
biológicos, quı́micos, bioquı́micos e fı́sico-quı́micos decorrentes da digestão anaeróbia dos
compostos orgânicos complexos até produtos finais (CH4 e CO2 ) (Batstone et al., 2002a).
O ADM1 tem sido aplicado para controlar o processo de digestão anaeróbia de resı́duos
sólidos, lodo de esgoto (Batstone, 2006a,b; Huete et al., 2006; Kerroum et al., 2010) e
compostos orgânicos presentes em águas residuárias (Blumensaat e Keller, 2005; Mu et al.,
2007; Fezzani e Cheikh, 2008; Mu et al., 2008; Tartakovsky et al., 2008; Tejasen e Taruya-
non, 2010; Dereli et al., 2010; Garca-Diéguez et al., 2013).
O ADM1 é um modelo generalizado de digestão anaeróbia para diversos tipos de pro-
cessos, considerando os bioquı́micos como processos irreversı́veis e os fı́sico-quı́micos como
reversı́veis. Esse modelo inclui: 19 processos bioquı́micos de taxas e de transferência da
fase gasosa para lı́quida, com 105 parâmetros cinéticos e estequiométricos; e 6 proces-
sos cinéticos adicionais do equilı́brio ácido-base, quando considerado como conjunto de
equações diferenciais ordinárias.
As Tabelas 2.2 e 2.4 apresentam as variáveis de estado estruturadas na forma matricial
com coeficientes para reações bioquı́micas e cinéticas. Na primeira coluna da esquerda
têm-se os processos j de 1 a 19. Os processos de 1 a 12 foram descritos no item 2.1, e os
Seção 2.4. Anaerobic Digestion Model No. 1 (ADM1) 51
8 Consumo de Sva -1 (1-Yc4 )0.54 (1-Yc4 )0,31 (1-Yc4 )0,15 -(Yc4 ) Nbac
9 Consumo de Sbu -1 (1-Yc4 )0,8 (1-Yc4 )0,2 -(Yc4 ) Nbac
10 Consumo de Spro -1 (1-Ypro )0,57 (1-Ypro )0,43 i=9,11−24 Ci νi,10 -(Ypro ) Nbac
11 Consumo de Sac -1 (1-Yac ) i=9,11−24 Ci νi,11 -(Yac ) Nbac
12 Consumo de Sh2 -1 (1-Yh2 ) i=9,11−24 Ci νi,12 -(Yh2 ) Nbac
13 Decaimento de Xsu
14 Decaimento de Xaa
15 Decaimento de Xfa
16 Decaimento de Xc4
17 Decaimento de Xpro
18 Decaimento de Xac
19 Decaimento de Xh2
* Ácidos graxos
* Solúvel inerte
* Aminoácidos
* Propionato
* Hidrogênio
* Butirato
* Valerato
* Acetato
* Metano
Tabela 2.3 - Matriz estequiométrica para compostos solúveis (i = 13-26, j = 1-19). * kgDQO.m−3 ** kmol.m−3
Tabela 2.4 -
Componentes → i 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26
j Processos ↓ Xc Xch Xpr Xli Xsu Xaa Xfa Xc4 Xpro Xac Xh2 Xi Scat San
2 Hidrólise de carboidrato -1
3 Hidrólise de proteı́na -1
4 Hidrólise de lipı́deo -1
13 Decaimento de Xsu 1 -1
14 Decaimento de Xaa 1 -1
15 Decaimento de Xfa 1 -1
Seção 2.4. Anaerobic Digestion Model No. 1 (ADM1)
16 Decaimento de Xc4 1 -1
17 Decaimento de Xpro 1 -1
18 Decaimento de Xac 1 -1
19 Decaimento de Xh2 1 -1
* Compostos
* Carboidrato
* Proteı́na
* Lipı́deos
valerato e butirato
* Degradadores de
* Degradadores de hi-
* Particulados inerte
** Cation
** Anion
54 Capı́tulo 2. Revisão da literatura
Inertes insolúveis
Acetato H2
Morte, decaimento
Metanogênese 6 7
CH4 ,CO2
(c) duas fórmulas empı́ricas usadas para inibição pelo valor de pH do meio;
(d) consumo competitivo, considerado como complemento apesar de não ser modelo de
inibição; e
(e) modelo cinético de Monod para substrato secundário necessário para descrever a
diminuição do crescimento celular pela limitada concentração de nitrogênio (incluı́do
como complemento do modelo e não como modelo de inibição).
O ADM1 considera dois processos não biológicos que comumente ocorrem em reatores
anaeróbios: processo lı́quido-lı́quido (associações e dissociação iônica) e o processo lı́quido-
gás (transferência da fase gasosa para lı́quida). O processo sólido-lı́quido (precipitação
Seção 2.4. Anaerobic Digestion Model No. 1 (ADM1) 57
SC + − S A− . (2.7)
SAc− SP r− SBu− SV a−
SCat+ + SN H4+ + SH + − SHCO3− − − − − − SOH − − SAn− = 0 , (2.8)
64 112 160 208
2.11) e deu origem às equações que traduzem o fluxo de gás entre o volume livre do reator
e o lı́quido.
Na fase lı́quida, as equações dos estados são balanços de massas, contendo termos
cinéticos que caracterizam as velocidades especı́ficas de conversão. As Equações 2.12 e
2.13 representam o cálculo das variáveis em estado solúvel e particulado, respectivamente.
dSliq,i q X
= (Sin,i − Sliq,i ) + ρj νi,j i = 1, ..., 12 , i = 25 − 26 , (2.12)
dt Vliq j=1
Seção 2.4. Anaerobic Digestion Model No. 1 (ADM1) 59
dXliq,i q X
= (Xin,i − Xliq,i ) + ρj νi,j i = 13, ..., 24 , (2.13)
dt Vliq j=1
pgas,H2 = Sgas,H2 , (2.16)
pgas,CH4 = Sgas,CH4 , (2.17)
pgas,CO2 = Sgas,CO2 RT . (2.18)
Substituindo a pressão de vapor a 298K por 0,0313 bar e ∆H◦ vap por 43800 J.mol−1 ,
obtêm-se a seguinte correção:
1 1
pgas,H2 O = 0, 00313 exp 5290 − . (2.19)
298 T
60 Capı́tulo 2. Revisão da literatura
A vazão de biogás é dada pela transferência total para a fase gasosa, corrigida pelo
vapor de água é dada por:
RT ρ
T,H2 ρT,CH4
qgas = Vliq + + ρT,CO2 . (2.21)
Pgas − pgas,H2 O 16 64 Estimativa do pH
SOH − = , (2.23)
SH +
assumindo que:
SAc− SP r − SBu− SV a−
Θ = SCat+ + SN H4+ − SHCO3− − − − − − SAn− . (2.24)
64 112 160 208
A Equação 2.8 que representa o balanço de carga pode ser resolvida como:
Θ2 + Θ2 + 4KW
SH + = . (2.25)
Tugtas et al. (2006) desenvolveram uma extensão incluindo quatro etapas do processo
de desnitrificação (NO− −
3 , NO2 , NO, N2 O e N2 ) no modelo ADM1. Os resultados das si-
mulações foram comparados com dados obtidos a partir de uma série de experimentos con-
duzidos em um reator operado em bateladas utilizando cultura mista de micro-organismos
(fermentativos e metanogênicos). O reator foi alimentado com uma mistura de dextrina e
peptona e alterada com várias concentrações de nitrato.
O processo de redução desassimilatória do nitrato a ı́on amônio não foi considerado
na extensão por causa das condições experimentais (ausência de sulfeto e baixa relação
3 ). Durante a realização do experimento, os autores observaram redução de
nitrato na ausência de N-óxido. Portanto, nessa extensão do ADM1 foi assumido que
a desnitrificação foi realizada por um grupo de micro-organismos capazes de utilizar do-
adores de elétrons na ausência desses aceptores (chamado pelo autor de desnitrificantes
fermentativas). Os substratos utilizados (doadores de elétrons) pelos micro-organismos
desnitrificantes na presença de N-óxido foram butirato, propionato, acetato e hidrogênio.
Na ausência de N-óxido, os micro-organismos utilizaram butirato, valerato e propionato.
A utilização de açúcares, aminoácidos, ácidos graxos de cadeia longa pelas desnitrificantes
foi negligenciado por causa da cinética mais lenta da utilização de glicose e ácido glutâmico
por desnitrificantes. O efeito inibitório de N-óxido sobre as Archaeas metanogênicas foi si-
mulado utilizando uma função de inibição não-competitiva. Entretanto, o efeito inibitório
de N-óxido nos micro-organismos fermentativos e desnitrificantes foi negligenciado devido
a pouca informação disponı́vel na literatura.
A composição de alimentação do ADM1 foi ajustada para refletir as condições dos subs-
tratos utilizados no experimento realizado. Portanto, foram realizadas duas modificações,
a saber: o fracionamento da matéria orgânica e a distinção entre a constante cinética da
hidrólise de decaimento de biomassa e substrato afluente. Após a etapa da desintegração,
assumiu-se que o fracionamento do decaimento da biomassa resulta em 80% de matéria
orgânica biodegradável (10,4% carboidrato, 66,4% proteı́na, e 3,2% lipı́deo) e 20% de ma-
terial inerte (10% solúvel e 10% particulado). A hidrólise do substrato e decaimento de
biomassa foram considerados dois processos separados: a) decaimento de biomassa, com
constante de desintegração igual a 2 d−1 e constante de hidrólise da degradação de car-
boidrato, proteı́na e lipı́deo iguais a 0,15, 0,5, 0,15 d−1 , respectivamente; b) alimentação,
com constante de hidrólise da degradação de carboidrato e proteı́na iguais a 2 d−1 . A
etapa de desintegração foi excluı́da da alimentação, devido a caracterı́stica do substrato
Seção 2.6. Metodologias e estratégias para aplicação do modelo ADM1 63
rização do afluente.
Tabela 2.7 - Comparação da complexidade entre o ADM1 e o modelo simplificado (Garca-Diéguez et al.,
ADM1 Modelo reduzido
Parâmetros 89 13
Variáveis de estado 28 7
Tipos de micro-organismos 8 2
Número de reações 21 2
Saı́das 32 8
Razão da complexidade 7/89 = 0,08 7/13=0,54
Esse método pode ser aplicado para diversos tipos de substratos e de reatores opera-
dos em escala real. No entanto, a determinação conjunta da caracterização do afluente e
parâmetros cinéticos pode ser complexa, devido às questões de identificabilidade, aumen-
tando as incertezas associada aos resultados (Batstone et al., 2009).
• Conversão da saı́da do ASM nas variáveis de entrada do modelo ADM1 (Copp et al.,
2003; Vanrolleghem et al., 2005; Zaher et al., 2007; Nopens et al., 2009)
Seção 2.7. Considerações finais 67
• Testes de biodegradabilidade anaeróbia (Yasui et al., 2008; Zaher et al., 2009; Girault
et al., 2012)
e pouco explorada.
Capı́tulo 3
Application of Anaerobic Digestion Model No. 1 for
simulating anaerobic mesophilic sludge digestion
Anaerobic Digestion Model No. 1; Simulation; Sewage sludge; Hydraulic retention time
70 Capı́tulo 3. Application of Anaerobic Digestion Model No. 1 for simulating anaerobic mesophilic sludge digestion
3.1 Introduction
The investigation was carried out using a set of data derived from experiments con-
ducted by Siegrist et al. (2002). Two anaerobic rectors in lab-scale (28 L liquid volume,
5 L headspace) were maintained at 35◦ C and continuously fed with a mixture of primary,
secondary, and tertiary sludge from a municipal treatment plant mixed with acetate and
propionate. The reactor was operated with a hydraulic and solids retention time of 17.5
days. The hydraulic and solids retention time was reduced to 8.7 on day 16 and then to
5.3 on day 37. Table 3.1 shows the composition of the wastewater sludge described in the
study of Siegrist et al. (2002).
Fractionation of organic matter measured as total COD of the sewage sludge (46.7 kg
m−3 ) was divided into 40% inert particulate COD, 30% particulate degradable COD, and
30% hydrolysis products which were divided into 9% amino acids, 6% sugars, 13.5% LCFA,
1.5% inert soluble COD. The inputs applied to the variables of the implemented model are
described in Table 3.2.
ADM1 has been implemented in many software packages WEST, GPS-X, SIMBA and
Aquasim (Gernaey et al., 2004). In the present research, the set of ordinary differential
equations of ADM1 was coded and implemented using Matlab/Simulinkr and integrated
with the ODE15s solvers to solve stiff ODE systems. ADM1 is a highly complex model
and its implementation requires simultaneously solving 32 differential equations in the
liquid phase and 3 differential equations in the gas phase. There are 24 equations based
72 Capı́tulo 3. Application of Anaerobic Digestion Model No. 1 for simulating anaerobic mesophilic sludge digestion
on biochemical processes in the liquid phase, two for cation and anion states and 6 for
acid-base pairs.
The Matlab/Simulink was chosen because of its flexibility for further structural modifi-
cations (ADM1 implement extensions) to enable integration of the model with other blocks
containing other elements (e.g., controllers) and to monitor the evolution of each variable in
the course of a simulation in real time throughout a output block (display). Furthermore,
when a simulation is complete, its output matrix can be exported to a spreadsheet.
A parametric sensitivity analysis was performed to define the most sensitive ADM1
parameters during the production and consumption of acetate, propionate and biogas flow.
The parameters evaluated were hydrolysis constant rates for disintegration of composites,
carbohydrates, proteins and lipids (kdis , khyd,ch , khyd,pr and khyd,li , respectively), Monod
maximum specific substrate uptake rate (km ), half-saturation constant (KS ) and yield of
biomass production (Y ). The km , KS and Y values underwent a sensitivity analysis for
each of the seven different microbial communities. Although Jeong et al. (2005) mentioned
that yield of product on substrate (f ) values showed high sensitivities to components of
the ADM1 analyzed, in this study these parameters were negligible due to their small
variations. Lee et al. (2009) also reported that with regard to sensitivity, f is negligible.
According to Jeong et al. (2005) the methane concentration was set as the focused variable
to measure sensitivity methane production and the sensitivity index (SI) is defined as
|CST D (t) − CSEN S (t)|
SI = , (3.1)
Seção 3.2. Materials and methods 73
where CST D (t) and CSEN S (t) are the simulation results with the suggested parameter values
and the parameters with a relative change of target parameter (m3 .d−1 ), respectively, for
each given time (t), and N is the number of data. The ranges tested were defined as those
suggested by Batstone et al. (2002a), varying within 30, 100 and 300% depending on the
parameter. Whereas the original parameter has a value of 100%, the generated values
range between: 70 and 130% in condition 1 (varying within 30%), 0 and 200% in condition
2 (varying within 100%), and -200 to 400% in condition 3 (varying within 300%). Since
the values of 0 and -200% in conditions 2 and 3 are not physically acceptable, we used a
minimum value in these cases, 10%.
The ADM1 parameters selected by the sensitivity analysis were estimated by minimi-
zing the difference between the measurements and model outputs. Measurable process
variables included flow biogas, pH, propionate, and acetate concentrations. Parameters
were optimized only with measured experiment data of the methane concentration. The
following objective function (Fobj ) was used for parameter estimation:
Fobj (Θ) = min (yexp (t) − ysim (t, Θ))2 , (3.2)
yexp are the collected measurements, ysim are the model predicted outputs, Θ represents
the parameters to be determined and n is the number of measurements. Minimizing the
objective function is an important issue for prediction purposes or process stability (Bats-
tone et al., 2003). Optimization was made with the fminsearch function in the Matlabr
Figure 3.1 describes the method used to fit the ADM1 model to the set of experimental
results. In the first step, the sensitivity analysis was performed using the set of initial values
of all the model parameters. Then simulations were undertaken to fit the model outputs
to the experimental results data by changing ADM1 parameters selected by the sensitivity
analysis until the best parameters values are found. The other parameters showed low
sensitivity in the model outputs and therefore they were used without any modification.
3.2.5 Effect of organic shock loads on the stability of the anaerobic reactor
Model simulations were used to investigate the effect of shock loads on the composition
of biogas, pH and VFA production under continuous conditions over 100 days. The liquid
and gas volume of the reactor were the same as those used in the parameter estimation. The
composition of the simulated influent was same as that used in the parameter estimation,
see Table 3.2 with a flow rate of 1.5 m3 day−1 . The temperature and HRT of the system
74 Capı́tulo 3. Application of Anaerobic Digestion Model No. 1 for simulating anaerobic mesophilic sludge digestion
Initial values of
Sensitivity analysis
ADM1 parameters
Initial estimation
of sensitive parameter set
Imput data
ADM1 (Flow,
concentration, etc.)
Experimental output
Comparaison with lab-
data (output
scale experiments
Optimal fit
parameters set
Adjusment of
parameters set
The results of the sensitive analysis are shown in Figure 3.2. The sensitivities of the
hydrolysis constants, kdis , Y , and KS displayed significant range variation and asymmetric
characteristics, as shown in Figure 3.2a, c and d.
Higher sensitivity values were also observed for km,ac , km,h2 , km,su and km,aa at ranges
below (Figure 3.2b). Low values of km,ac caused accumulation of acetic acid, lowering the
pH and inhibiting methanogenesis, which resulted in greater sensitivity. Higher hydrogen
concentrations (km,h2 ) are quite important as they may inhibit LCFA and organic acid
degradation. The same is true for km,f a which showed moderate sensitivity. KS and Y
presented very low sensitivities (Figure 3.2a, c and d) with values below 1.5 m3 d−1 . Jeong
et al. (2005) also reported that, with regard to sensitivity, Y and KS are not so important,
except for KS,ac sensitivity to acetate and methane concentrations. Based on the sensitivity
Seção 3.3. Results and discussion 75
( a ) 1 .2 (b ) 3 0
k k m ,h 2
d is
k k m ,s u
1 .0 h y d ,c h 2 5
k k m ,a a
h y d ,p r
k k m ,p ro
0 .8 h y d ,li 2 0
] k m ,c 4
m ,a c
0 .6 1 5
m ,fa
S I [m
S I [m
0 .4 1 0
0 .2 5
0 .0 0
6 0 8 0 1 0 0 1 2 0 1 4 0 0 1 0 0 2 0 0 3 0 0 4 0 0
R a n g e [% ] R a n g e [% ]
( c ) 1 .2 ( d ) 1 .2
K S ,c 4 Y h 2
K S ,s u Y
1 .0 1 .0 p ro
K S ,a a Y c 4
K S ,h 2 Y fa
0 .8 K 0 .8
S ,p ro Y s u
K S ,a c -1 Y
a a
0 .6 K .d 0 .6
S ,fa a c
S I [m
S I [m
0 .4 0 .4
0 .2 0 .2
0 .0 0 .0
0 1 0 0 2 0 0 3 0 0 4 0 0 6 0 8 0 1 0 0 1 2 0 1 4 0
R a n g e [% ] R a n g e [% ]
Figure 3.2: Sensitivity indices (SI) calculated for different ranges of (a) hydrolysis constant rates; (b) Mo-
nod maximum specific uptake rates; (c) half-saturation constants; and (d) yields of biomass on substrate.
results, we decided to use km,ac , km,h2 , km,su and km,aa for parameter estimation.
Table 3.3 shows the initial values of the kinetic parameters and their respective optimi-
zed values. Maximum specific substrate uptake rate of acetate (km,ac ), hydrogen (km,h2 ),
monosaccharides (km,su ) and amino acids (km,aa ), were considered as having the greatest
impact on experimental data and they were estimated in comparison with the experimental
Figure 3.3 shows a comparison of simulation and experimental results for anaerobic di-
gestion of acetate and propionate. We can conclude that the concentrations of acetate and
propionate were well predicted by the ADM1 model. Moreover, the simulation results with
optimized parameters showed good agreement with the experimental data. Furthermore,
76 Capı́tulo 3. Application of Anaerobic Digestion Model No. 1 for simulating anaerobic mesophilic sludge digestion
acetate and propionate failure at a HRT of 5.3 days was well justified by the ADM1 model
but it was predicted with some deviations between the simulation results without optimi-
zation and measurements. These discrepancies between the simulations and measurements
observed may be due to the correlation of some sensitive parameters such as hydrolysis
constants with feed concentration and HRT as mentioned by Gavala et al. (2003) and to
some potential weaknesses in the ADM1 model as addressed by many researchers such as
Parker (2005); Kleerebezem e van Loosdrecht (2006); Batstone (2006c).
(a ) 1 .0
H R T = 1 7 .5 d 8 .7 d 5 .3 d 4 d
0 .8
A c e ta te [k g C O D .m
0 .6
0 .4
0 .2
0 .0
(b ) 1 .0
W ith o p tim iz a tio n
W ith o u t o p tim iz a tio n
0 .8 E x p e r im e n ta l
P r o p io n a te [ k g C O D .m
0 .6
0 .4
0 .2
0 .0
0 1 0 2 0 3 0 4 0 5 0 6 0 7 0
T im e [d a y s ]
Figure 3.3: Comparison between simulations and experimental data with and without optimization: (a)
acetate and (b) propionate.
The model calibration results for effluent biogas flow and composition, pH, using the
optimized parameter set are presented in Figure 3.4. Effluent pH value, biogas flow and
methane, carbon-dioxide and hydrogen composition were predicted with high accuracy for
all HRTs.
Seção 3.3. Results and discussion 77
(a ) 6 0
H R T = 1 7 .5 d 8 .7 d 5 .3 d 4 d
5 0
S im u la te d
E x p e r im e n ta l
4 0
3 3 0
B io g a s [m
2 0
1 0
(b ) 8 0
6 0 C H S im u la te d
C O 2
S im u la te d
H 2
S im u la te d
C H E x p e r im e n ta l
[% ]
4 0
C O 2
E x p e r im e n ta l
H 2
E x p e r im e n ta l
2 0
(c ) 0
8 .0 S im u la te d
E x p e r im e n ta l
7 .5
E fflu e n t p H
7 .0
6 .5
0 1 0 2 0 3 0 4 0 5 0 6 0 7 0
T im e [d a y s ]
Figure 3.4: Comparison between simulations and experimental data after parameter estimation: (a)
biogas production, (b) biogas composition and (c) pH
78 Capı́tulo 3. Application of Anaerobic Digestion Model No. 1 for simulating anaerobic mesophilic sludge digestion
As can be seen in Figures 3.3 and 3.4, from day 11 there was an increase in the
concentrations of acetate, propionate and biogas flow. This was due to a reduction in the
HRT. In this case, the reduction in HRT did not cause process inhibition and the methane
concentration in the biogas was not significantly affected. The pH value remains within the
range (6.5 - 8.5) recommended in the literature for anaerobic bacteria (the methanogens)
(Kalyuzhnyi, 1997a).
The performance of the microbial community growing in an anaerobic digestion system
is determined primarily by biological solids retention time (SRT). For a CSTR system
without recycling, SRT equals HRT, as is the case in this study. The reactions of the
anaerobic digestion process are directly related to the SRT. There is a minimum SRT for
each reaction. If the SRT is less than the minimum SRT, the microorganisms can not
grow rapidly enough and the digestion process will fail eventually. Metcalf e Eddy (2007)
reported the typical minimum value and design of SRT as 4 and 10 days, respectively,
when the reactor is operated in mesophilic conditions. After the simulation, we therefore
concluded that the optimum HRT for such a system is in the range of 6 - 9 days.
3.3.2 Effect of organic shock loads on the stability of the anaerobic reactor
The results of model simulation for a organic shock loading are shown in Figure 3.5.
The organic loading rate increased from 5 to 35 kg/m3 day on day 30, then to 70 kg/m3
day on day 60. The organic loading rate was chosen to be above the value range minimum
suggested in the literature (2 - 32 kg/m3 day) (Metcalf e Eddy, 2007).
Model simulations revealed that the accumulation of carbon dioxide results in an incre-
ase in the dissolved carbonic acid concentration, thereby increasing the production of H+ .
The accumulation of hydrogen results in a greater production of propionate and butyrate
whose degradation is inhibited by the presence of a high concentration of acetate (Figure
3.5c). Although ADM1 reported a low value of KS for hydrogenotrophic methanogenic
Archaea compared to other organisms of the microbial consortium, the results in Figure
3.5b show that these microorganisms reduce carbon dioxide below the maximum working
capacity. According to Giraldo-Gomez et al. (1992) this occurs because the concentration
of dissolved hydrogen is available and generally low due to mass transfer limitation.
Inhibition of the syntrophic bacteria by the accumulation of the products formed by
fermentative bacteria will lead to a continued accumulation of VFA which contributes to
the consumption of alkalinity and a pH decrease (Figure 3.5a). The pH decrease affects
the growth of methanogenic microorganisms and consequently reduces the composition of
Seção 3.4. Conclusions 79
(a ) 8
p H
(b ) 1 0 0
C H 4
8 0 C O 2
H 2
6 0
[% ]
4 0
2 0
(c ) 0
1 2 0
B u ty ra te
P r o p io n a te
V F A s [k g C O D .m
9 0 A c e ta te
6 0
3 0
0 2 0 4 0 6 0 8 0 1 0 0
T im e [d a y s ]
Figure 3.5: Model simulations for a continuous flow system with shock loading of 5 kg/m3 day experiencing
a step increase in organic loading rate to 35 kg/m3 day on day 30 and to 70 kg/m3 day on day 60. (a):
pH and (b) Biogas composite (c) VFAs (18 days HRT).
3.4 Conclusions
The ADM1 model is a powerful tool for predicting the dynamic behaviour of anaerobic
digesters treating sewage sludge under mesophilic conditions. This chapter evaluates the
application of the Anaerobic Digestion Model No. 1 (ADM1) developed by the IWA task
group for mathematical modelling of anaerobic processes.
A sensitivity analysis showed that among all the kinetic parameters, the Monod maxi-
mum specific substrate uptake rate affects biogas production significantly, which was re-
lated to all the processes used in the model. Important parameters including km,ac , km,h2 ,
80 Capı́tulo 3. Application of Anaerobic Digestion Model No. 1 for simulating anaerobic mesophilic sludge digestion
km,su and km,aa were estimated using iterative methods, which optimized the parameters
with experimental results. With regard to the model output for acetate and propionate
concentrations, the simulation results showed good agreement with the experimental data
after parameter optimization. Despite in practice for CSTR sludge digestion, values for
the SRTs range from 10 to 20 days are reasonable considering that the optimum HRT for
such a system is in the range of 6-9 days where there was a greater production of methane
in the reactor.
The simulation results obtained to evaluate the effect of organic shock loads on the
anaerobic reactor using the ADM1 clearly show that an organic loading rate above 35
kg/m3 day causes process instability and even failure when fermentation processes exceed
methanogenesis, leading to the accumulation of VFAs, falling pH, and a reduction in
methane production.
Capı́tulo 4
Modeling simultaneous carbon and nitrogen removal in
an anaerobic-anoxic reactor treating domestic
Artigo submetido (em revisão) para publicação na revista
Journal of Environmental Management (0301-4797),
Fator de impacto (JCR 2015): 3.895.
This chapter presents a mathematical model based on the Anaerobic Digestion Model No.
1 (ADM1) to simulate the effects of nitrate concentration and hydraulic retention time
(HRT) on the simultaneous carbon and nitrogen removal (SCNR) in anaerobic-anoxic re-
actor treating domestic wastewater. The model was calibrated using previously published
experimental data obtained from anaerobic batch tests for different COD/NO−
3 ratios. Mo-
del simulations were performed to predict the SCNR in a continuously stirred tank reactor
(CSTR) operating under mesophilic conditions (35 ◦ C). Six different scenarios were evalu-
ated to investigate the performance of the SCNR based on typical influent characteristics
of domestic wastewater. The variables analyzed were chemical oxygen demand (COD) re-
moval, nitrate concentration, methane production, nitrogen gas, volatile fatty acids (VFA)
concentration, pH and percentage of COD used by the denitrifying and methanogenic mi-
croorganisms. The HRT was decreased stepwise from 15 to 4 hours. The results indicate
that Scenario (S5) with a COD/NO−
3 ratio equal to 10 and an HRT equal to 15 hours
ensures the occurrence of the stable SCNR. Furthermore, the accumulation of denitrifica-
tion intermediates and a significant reduction in the biogas production when the organic
matter is limited was verified.
Simulation; Denitrification; Anaerobic Digestion Model No. 1; Domestic wastewater
Capı́tulo 4. Modeling simultaneous carbon and nitrogen removal in an anaerobic-anoxic reactor treating domestic
82 wastewater
4.1 Introduction
Anaerobic processes have been successfully applied to highly concentrated soluble was-
tewater treatments. This process is also feasible for the treatment of low-strength was-
tewaters, such as domestic wastewater, particularly under tropical conditions in which the
supply of heat is not required. Experience has been gained from full scale application of
anaerobic systems in Brazil, Indonesia, India and Colombia (Khan et al., 2015).
Compared to conventional aerobic treatment systems, the anaerobic treatment process
can serve as a viable and cost-effective alternative due to its relatively low operational cost,
operational simplicity, low production of excess sludge, production of methane gas, with
can be collected and used as an energy source, and low energy consumption (van Haandel
e Lettinga, 1994). However, the residual concentration of certain pollutants, primarily
organic matter and nutrients, in its effluent typically exceeds the maximum permissible
level prescribed by the effluent discharge standards of most countries. Little or no nutrient
removal may be expected in an anaerobic system treating domestic wastewater (Foresti
et al., 2006). The reason for low nutrient removal is that during the anaerobic process,
organic nitrogen and phosphorous are hydrolyzed to ammonium nitrogen and phosphate,
which are not removed from the system; consequently, the nutrient concentration increases
in the liquid phase. Thus, post treatment of the anaerobic effluent is necessary to further
polish the remaining organic pollutants and nutrient removal (Moawad et al., 2009).
The conventional biological treatment method used to remove the organic matter and
nutrients consists of a three-stage process, anaerobic-anoxic-aerobic (A2 O). For the nitro-
gen removal, the treatment is accomplished in two separate stages, i.e., the oxidation of
ammonia to nitrite, and then to nitrate in the first aerobic nitrification stage followed by
the second anoxic denitrification stage related to the sequential reductive reactions from
nitrate (NO− −
3 ) to nitrite (NO2 ), nitric oxide (NO), nitrous oxide (N2 O) and finally to ni-
trogen gas (N2 ). The practical application of this technological arrangement often poses
extra costs due to the need of an external carbon source because the amount of organic
matter in the effluent of the anaerobic systems is normally lower than that needed for
denitrification and its organic fraction is not readily biodegradable.
Therefore, a possible alternative is the integrate anaerobic digestion and the denitrifi-
cation (AD/DN) processes in the first stage to create an anaerobic pre-treatment system
for simultaneous carbon and nitrogen removal (SCNR) purposes. The first stage is then
followed by an second stage (aerobic) for nitrification, and a subsequent partial recircula-
tion of the nitrified aerobic effluent remains in the anaerobic system (van Lier, 2008). This
Seção 4.1. Introduction 83
configuration could lead to an SCNR with a reduction in the treatment costs, removal
of toxic compounds, lower energy consumption, and reduced sludge production (Bernet
et al., 2000; Del Pozo e Diez, 2005; Chuan et al., 2009). Nevertheless, previous studies
indicate that the presence of nitrite and nitrous oxides, generated as intermediates, have a
strong impact and a deleterious effect on the fermentative/methanogenic consortia (Kluber
e Conrad, 1998b,a; Tugtas e Pavlostathis, 2007b,a). These oxides are generated as inter-
mediate compounds during the denitrification pathway of the anaerobic organisms with
denitrifying (facultative anaerobes) capabilities existent in the anaerobic sludge, rather
than the presence of the nitrate itself. Nevertheless, the effects this production appeared
to be reversible, and the methanogenic activity was recovered after the nitrogenous com-
pounds were fully reduced to dinitrogen gas by the denitrifying microorganisms (Kluber e
Conrad, 1998b; Tugtas et al., 2006).
Several studies have reported the use of integrating AD/DN processes in the anaerobic
pre-treatment system to the SCNR treating high-strength wastewaters (Bernet et al., 2001;
Del Pozo e Diez, 2005; Baloch et al., 2006; Huang et al., 2007; Chuan et al., 2009; Ghaniyari-
Benis et al., 2010; Huiliñir et al., 2011) and only a few studies have focused on low-strength
wastewaters (Tai et al., 2006; Yingyu et al., 2008, 2009; Banihani et al., 2009; Kassab,
2009). Within this context, research on the integrate AD/DN processes in the anaerobic
pre-treatment system treating domestic wastewater to the SCNR is justified to consolidate
the application of the two-stage process (sequential anaerobic-aerobic) primarily in warm-
climate countries, with several treatment systems operating in full scale.
Models describing the anaerobic degradation of organic matter have been proposed
in the literature, such as the ones reported by Angelidaki et al. (1999), Siegrist et al.
(2002), Tartakovsky et al. (2008) and Muha et al. (2012). They present different levels
of complexity and are based on various assumptions and simplifications. The Anaerobic
Digestion Model No. 1 (ADM1), which has been developed by the IWA Task Group for
Mathematical Modeling of Anaerobic Digestion Processes, is one of the most sophisticated
and complex anaerobic digestion models, involving nineteen biochemical processes and two
types of physicochemical processes. However, the denitrification process is not currently
a part of the model, even though a few suggestions have been made by Batstone et al.
(2002a) to take them into consideration.
Tugtas et al. (2006) developed an extension including four stages of nitrate reduction to
nitrogen gas for the ADM1 model. The model was calibrated against data from a series of
experiments conducted in a batch reactor operating with mixed cultures of microorganisms
(fermentative and methanogenic). The simulation results from the extended ADM1 had a
Capı́tulo 4. Modeling simultaneous carbon and nitrogen removal in an anaerobic-anoxic reactor treating domestic
84 wastewater
good agreement with the measurements. Other models describing the integrate AD/DN
processes also been proposed in the literature (Chaudhry e Beg, 1997; Garibay-Orijel et al.,
2006; Huiliñir et al., 2008, 2009, 2011; Huiliñir e Montalvo, 2013). Although there are
several studies on the performance and kinetic evaluation of the AD/DN processes, there
is a lack of applications in the SCNR for the anaerobic pre-treatment system treating
domestic wastewater.
Therefore, this chapter aims to adapt an extension of the ADM1 which considers the
denitrification process to evaluate the SCNR in an anaerobic pre-treatment system treat-
ment domestic wastewater. To achieve this objective, the effect of nitrate concentration
on the SCNR in a anaerobic-anoxic reactor was simulated for various domestic wastewater
composition. Furthermore, the influence of the hydraulic retention time (HRT) on the
SCNR was investigated.
4.2 Methodology
The mathematical model proposed here presents ADM1 extension with denitrification
to describe the SCNR in the anaerobic pre-treatment system treating domestic wastewater.
The proposed model only considered a two-step denitrification process (NO− −
3 → NO2 →
et al., 1992). Additionally, although sulfate is often found in domestic wastewater with
concentrations in the range of 50-100 mg.L−1 , the biological sulfate reduction process was
Seção 4.2. Methodology 85
not considered (Batstone, 2006c). The prediction of the pH charge balance proposed by
Batstone et al. (2002a) was modified by adding a concentration of the NO− −
3 and NO2 ions.
The denitrifying and the anaerobic microorganisms were assumed to reach optimal growth
at a nearly neutral pH (Campos e Flotats, 2003; Estuardo et al., 2008).
Lastly, the hydrolysis of the influent substrate and the decay of the biomass were
considered as two separate processes (Tugtas et al., 2006). The hydrolysis rate for the
carbohydrates, proteins and lipids of the influent substrate and the decay of the biomass
were selected based on the classical literature data, as indicated in Table 4.1 (O’Rourke,
1968; Christ et al., 2000; Batstone et al., 2002a). Because the influent substrate is readily
biodegradable and rapidly hydrolysable, only a disintegration step was used to represent
the lysis of the biomass.
Figure 4.1 presents the proposed conceptual model for the simultaneous AD/DN pro-
cesses of the domestic wastewater. It includes the following biochemical processes: (1)
hydrolysis of carbohydrates; (2) hydrolysis of proteins; (3) hydrolysis of lipids; (4) aci-
dogenesis from sugars; (5) acidogenesis from amino acids; (6) acetogenesis from LCFA;
(7) propionate from acetogenesis; (8) butyrate and valerate acetogenesis; (9) acetoclastic
methanogenesis; (10) hydrogenotrophic methanogenesis; (11) nitrate reduction; (12) nitrite
reduction; and (13) death and disintegration of the biomass into carbohydrates, proteins,
lipids, and inert. The biological kinetic rate expressions and the stoichiometric parameters
of the extended ADM1 model related to the AD/DN process are reported in the Petersen
matrix form as indicated in Table 4.2.
The degradation equations of the soluble substrate (valerate, butyrate, propionate and
acetate, i=4-7) in the ADM1, including the denitrification processes with the proposed
modification is given as follows:
Capı́tulo 4. Modeling simultaneous carbon and nitrogen removal in an anaerobic-anoxic reactor treating domestic
Table 4.2 - Denitrification process included in the modified Anaerobic Digestion Model no1
Component → i 4 5 6 7 25 26 27 30 Process rate (ρj,n )
j Process Sva Sbu Spro Sac Sno3 Sno2 Sn2 Xf,nox (kg COD m−3 .d−1 )
Sva Sno3
8-1 Uptake − -1 - (1-Yc4 )/1.14 (1-Yc4 )/1.14 Yc4 kno3,va K Xf,nox k
NO3 no3,va +Sva no3 +Sno3
of vale-
Sva Sno2
8-2 − -1 - (1-Yc4 )/0.57 (1-Yc4 )/0.57 Yc4 kno2,va K Xf,nox k
NO2 no2,va +Sva no2 +Sno2
Sbu Sno3
9-1 Uptake − -1 - (1-Yc4 )/1.14 (1-Yc4 )/1.14 Yc4 kno3,bu K Xf,nox k
NO3 no3,bu +Sva no3 +Sno3
Sbu Sno2
9-2 − -1 - (1-Yc4 )/0.57 (1-Yc4 )/0.57 Yc4 kno2,bu K Xf,nox k
NO2 no2,bu +Sva no2 +Sno2
Spro Sno3
10-1 Uptake − -1 - (1-Ypro )/1.14 (1-Ypro )/1.14 Ypro kno3,pro K Xf,nox k
NO3 no3,pro +Spro no3 +Sno3
of pro-
Spro Sno2
10-2 − -1 - (1-Ypro )/0.57 (1-Ypro )/0.57 Ypro kno2,pro K Xf,nox k
NO2 no2,pro +Spro no2 +Sno2
Sac Sno3
11-1 Uptake − -1 - (1-Yac )/1.14 (1-Yac )/1.14 Yac kno3,ac K Xf,nox k
NO3 no3,ac +Sac no3 +Sno3
Sac Sno2
11-2 − -1 - (1-Yac )/0.57 (1-Yac )/0.57 Yac kno2,ac K Xf,nox k
NO2 no2,ac +Sac no2 +Sno2
20 Decay -1 kdec,Xf,nox Xf,nox
Seção 4.2. Methodology 87
Inactive biomass
1 2 3
Amino Acids Long Chain
Sugars (Ssu) (Saa) Fatty Acids (Sfa)
4 5 6
Acidogenesis Death
N2 9 10
Methane (Sch4)
Figure 4.1: Conceptual model of the simultaneous AD/DN processes of domestic wastewater.
dSliq,i q X X
= (Sin,i − Sliq,i ) − ρj νi,j − (ρj + ρj,nox ) νi,j − ρ11 ν7,11 Inox − ρj,n (4.1)
dt Vliq j=5−7 j=8−10
In Equation 4.1, the first term on right side is the substrate mass balance for a CSTR.
The second term represents the process equations for the uptake of sugars, amino acids
and LCFA by fermentation, as obtained from the ADM1 matrix. The third term is the
fermentation (acetogenesis) of the soluble compounds i in the absence of the N-oxides
by the denitrifiers. The fourth term represents the methanogesis obtained by the ADM1
matrix multiplied by an N-oxide inhibition factor (Inox ) to account for the inhibitory
effect of the N-oxide on the acetoclastic methanogens. The inhibitory effect was simulated
using non-competitive inhibition functions. The fifth term represents the uptake of the
soluble substrates by the denitrifiers in the presence of nitrate and nitrite. The general
rate equation for the utilization of butyrate, valerate and propionate using facultative
anaerobes in the absence of the N-oxides can be expressed as follows:
Si KS,no3 KS,no2 Si
ρj,nox = km,j × Xf,nox , (4.2)
KS + Si KS,no3 + Sno3 KS,no2 + Sno2 Sva + Sbu + Spro
where km,j is the rate constant for the fermentation of process j (kg substrate COD/kg
biomass-COD.d); and Xf,nox is the facultative anaerobes population (kg biomass-COD/m3 ).
The general rate equation for the use of the N-oxides (nitrate, nitrite and nitrogen gas, i
= 25-27) can be defined as follows:
Capı́tulo 4. Modeling simultaneous carbon and nitrogen removal in an anaerobic-anoxic reactor treating domestic
88 wastewater
dSi,nox q
= (Sin,i,nox − Sliq,i,nox ) + ρj,n , (4.3)
dt Vliq
where Si,nox is the concentration of the N-oxide i (kg N/m3 ); and ρi,nox is the rate of pro-
duction/consumption of the N-compound i as a result of the denitrification (kg N/m3 .d).
The biomass retention in the reactor has been modeled in a simplified manner as suggested
in the ADM1 report by Batstone et al. (2002a), which includes a term of the residence time
of the solids (tres,X ) in the biomass mass balance equation to account for the difference
between the hydraulic retention time (HRT) and the solid retention time (SRT). Equation
4.4 can represent the mass balance used by the ADM1 model to describe the dynamic
behavior of the particulate in the liquid phase as follows:
To predict the pH temporal profile and the associated potential inhibition in the acid-
base equilibrium, the charge balances of the ADM1 model can be modified by adding the
SNO−3 and SNO−2 components (Huiliñir e Montalvo, 2013), in Equation 4.5 as follows:
where, SAc− , SPr− , SBu− , SVa− , SNH+4 , SHCO−3 , SNO−3 and SNO−2 are the concentrations of the
ionized forms of the buffer components.
The set of governing equations is solved simultaneously to simulate the dynamics and
the biological kinetics in the reactors. The details of the model governing equations, input
parameters, and underlying assumptions are described in Batstone et al. (2002a) and Tug-
tas et al. (2006). The ADM1 extension using denitrification for the domestic wastewater
was coded by the authors using MATLAB/Simulink 2008b following the original ADM1
(Batstone et al., 2002a). The model was implemented as a set of ordinary differential
equations using ODE15s as the numerical solver.
The model calibration was performance using a set of data derived from batch expe-
riments conducted by (Kassab, 2009). His experiments consisted of inoculating a reactor
with 10 L of flocculent anaerobic sludge, originating from a continuous pilot upflow ana-
erobic sludge blanket (UASB) reactor. A synthetic wastewater medium of approximately
Seção 4.2. Methodology 89
1500 mg COD.L−1 , which simulate the organic matter strength of the domestic sewage,
was fed to the UASB reactor.
During the batch experiments, the sludge withdrawn from the bottom of the UASB
reactor corresponding to a concentration of 500 mg VSS.L−1 was added to twelve 250 ml
capacity serum bottles. Sodium acetate corresponding to an initial concentration of 1500
mg COD.L−1 was added as the substrate. Different amounts of potassium nitrate were
added to four of these bottles to achieve COD/NO−
3 ratios of 150, and 40 in duplicates.
The remaining two bottles did not receive any potassium nitrate and served as blanks. The
total volume of 250 ml was achieved by adding distilled water. The anaerobic conditions
were established by flushing each bottle with pure helium for five minutes. Incubation
was performed at 32 o C with agitation. The total pressure of the cumulative biogas inside
each bottle was measured using a digital manometer (SPER Scientific). The cumulative
biogas composition was measured using a Philips Pye Unicam pu 4500 gas chromatograph
operated under the previously mentioned conditions.
The proposed mathematical model was calibrated to minimize the sum of squared er-
rors between the experimental and the simulated data. The calibration procedure was
based on the results conducted using the data from batch assay conditions consecutively
performed with 1500 mg COD.L−1 with 0, 10, and 37.5 mg NO− −1
3 .L . During the calibra-
tion procedure, the denitrifying and the methanogenic biomass concentration represented
by Equation 4.6 as the objective function (Fobj ) can be used for the parameter estimation
as follows:
Fobj (Θ) = min (yexp (t) − ysim (t, Θ))2 (4.6)
where yexp are the collected measurements; ysim are the model predicted outputs, Θ re-
presents the biomass concentration to be determined; and n is the number of measure-
ments. The optimization was performed using the fminsearch optimization function in the
R toolbox, which is based on the Nelder-Mead simplex algorithm. The stoichio-
metric and kinetic parameters were the same as described here and in the original extended
model (Tugtas et al., 2006).
Capı́tulo 4. Modeling simultaneous carbon and nitrogen removal in an anaerobic-anoxic reactor treating domestic
90 wastewater
The mathematical model proposed in this study was applied to simulate the AD/DN
process in a completely mixed reactor (CSTR) operating under mesophilic conditions (35
C) with tres,X equal to 40 days. The flow rate and the volume liquid were equal to 4,000
m3 .d−1 and 1,000 m3 , respectively, based an HRT value of 6 hours. The assumed gas
headspace of the volume reactor was equal to 100 m3 .
The input fractionation and characterization, i.e., the definition of the composition of
the influent based on the model input variables is a critical step in modeling anaerobic
digestion (Kleerebezem e van Loosdrecht, 2006). Thus, for this reason, this study used a
few simplifications based on the general information of domestic wastewater, as indicated
in Figure 4.2 (Van Haandel e Van Der Lubbev, 2007).
88 % 12 %
68 % 20 % 5% 7%
X pr 30 % Saa 40 %
X li 10 %
Figure 4.2: Schematic representation of the simplified COD fractionation. Percentages correspond to
COD fractions immediately before each compound.
The influent total COD concentration can be divided into a biodegradable (CODb ) and
a non-biodegradable (CODi ) fraction, both subdivided into soluble and particulate. The
subdivision considers the physical size of the organic material.
The soluble biodegradable COD (CODbs ) was considered to be composed of sugars
and amino acids (Ssu and Saa ) and the other biodegradable soluble inputs were assumed
to be zero (Sva , Sbu , Spro , Sac , Sh2 and Sch4 ). The soluble inert COD (CODis ) was allocated
directly to Si . The particulate biodegradable COD (CODbp ) was divided among the car-
bohydrates, proteins and lipids (Xch , Xpr , Xli ), and the particulate inert (Xi ) was assumed
Seção 4.2. Methodology 91
to be equal to the particulate inert COD (CODip ). Ammonia (Sin ) and bicarbonate (Sic )
were obtained from the data provided in Table 4.3. The anion concentration (San ) was
assumed to be equal to Sin according to Rosen e Jeppsson (2002), and the cation concen-
tration (Scat ) was adjusted in each case based on each pH assumed in the simulation. The
organic matter proportions between the carbohydrates, proteins and lipids were obtained
by the characterization of the domestic wastewater, resulting in 60%, 30% and 10% of the
corresponding particulate biodegradable COD, respectively, as reported by Orozco (2005)
and Metcalf e Eddy (2007).
The initial biomass concentration of the seven microbial populations contained in the
ADM1 (Xsu , Xaa , Xfa , Xc4 , Xpro , Xac and Xh2 ) can be defined as follows:
Xi = Xtotal , i = 17, ..., 23 , (4.7)
where, Yi is the observed yield coefficient of each microbial group; Ynox is the overall
observed yield coefficient; and Xtotal is the total biomass concentration in the reactor
measured as the volatile suspended solids. The Yi and Ynox values were obtained from the
yield coefficients and decay rate (0.02 d−1 ), respectively, as suggested by Batstone et al.
(2002a) and Tugtas et al. (2006). The denitrifiers were assumed to be 40% of the butyrate,
valerate and propionate degraders in the baseline model.
From the assumptions made for the input fractionation and characterization, six dif-
ferent scenarios (S1-S6) were evaluated to investigate the effects of nitrate concentration
on the SCNR. The proposed scenarios were based on the typical influent characteristic
of domestic wastewater described by Metcalf e Eddy (2007): i) Scenarios S1, S2 and S3
correspond to weak, medium and strong domestic wastewater, respectively, with a nitrate
concentration of 50 mg.L−1 ; ii) Scenario S4 considers strong domestic wastewater without
the presence of nitrate (control); and iii) Scenarios S5 and S6 correspond to strong do-
mestic wastewater with nitrate concentrations of 100 mg.L−1 and 20 mg.L−1 , respectively.
These scenarios are summarized in Table 4.3.
The model simulations were used to investigate the effects of the change in the HRT on
the SCNR under continuous conditions over 150 days. The composition of the simulated
influent was the same as considered in Scenarios S3, S4, S5 and S6.
Capı́tulo 4. Modeling simultaneous carbon and nitrogen removal in an anaerobic-anoxic reactor treating domestic
92 wastewater
Table 4.3 - Different scenarios to simulate the effects of nitrate concentration on the SCNR in anaerobic-
anoxic reactor for weak domestic wastewater (S1), medium domestic wastewater (S2), and strong domestic
wastewater (S3 to S6)
Parameter/Compounds Symbol Units S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6
Total COD CODT kg m−3 0.27 0.50 1.00
Particulate COD CODbp kg m−3 0.18 0.34 0.68
Soluble COD CODbs kg m−3 0.054 0.10 0.20
Volatile suspended solids VSS kg m−3 0.095 0.16 0.315
Total alkalinity Salk kg CaCO3 m−3 0.050 0.100 0.200
Ammonium nitrogen N-NH4 kg N m−3 0.012 0.025 0.045
Carbohydrates Xch kg m−3 0.110 0.204 0.408
Proteins Xpr kg m−3 0.055 0.102 0.204
Lipids Xli kg m−3 0.018 0.034 0.068
Particulate inerts Xi kg m−3 0.014 0.025 0.050
Monosaccharides Ssu kg m−3 0.032 0.060 0.120
Amino acid Saa kg m−3 0.022 0.040 0.080
Soluble inerts Ssi kg m−3 0.019 0.035 0.070
Inorganic carbon Sic kmol C m−3 0.0033 0.0067 0.010
Inorganic nitrogen Sin kmol N m−3 0.0009 0.0018 0.0036
Cations Scat kmol m−3 0.0383 0.0417 0.0450
Anions San kmol m−3 0.001 0.002 0.004
COD/NO− 3 ratio 5.4 10 20 0 10 50
Nitrate concentration Sno3 kg m−3 0.05 0.05 0.05 0 0.1 0.02
The results of the model calibration are illustrated in Figure 4.9a. The experimental
data were obtained through a series of batch assays allowing the inhibitory effects of
nitrate on the methane production to be assessed; strict methanogenic sludge was used
as the inoculum at an initial nitrate concentration of 0 (control), 10 and 37.5 mg N/L.
Generally, the simulation results showed a good agreement with the experimental data.
Figure 4.9a indicates that the early addition of nitrate resulted in the immediate sup-
pression of the methanogenesis in the 10 and 37.5 mg N/L solutions. The recovery of
methanogenesis was concomitant to the complete reduction in the nitrate and the nitrite.
The observed inhibition of the methanogenesis is attributed to the increased accumula-
tion of nitrite. The inhibition of the methanogens by the nitrate and nitrite as well as
the substrate competition between nitrate reducers and methanogens has been identified
as the primary mechanisms involved in the suppression of the methanogenesis (Akunna
et al., 1994). The continuous increase in the methane after the sixth day was observed even
with zero concentrations of acetate. The kinetic constants values suggested in the ADM1
Seção 4.3. Results and Discussion 93
and the extension were estimated without isolating each stage of the anaerobic digestion
process. In this case, several syntrophic relationships and a competition in the process
are disregarded; consequently, the acetate derived from the decomposition of the biomass
is not considered in the model. However, the input acetate is quickly consumed, and the
continuous production of methane in the reactor is the result of the use of this substrate
by the methanogenic Archaea acetoclastic and the hydrogenotrophic. A slight increase in
the acetate concentration occurred concurrent to the complete nitrate and nitrite reduc-
tion, which was attributed to the cessation of the acetate utilization by the denitrifiers.
This result is corroborated by a net increase in the percentage of the denitrifying after
the nitrate and nitrite reductions. A net increase in the percentage of the acetoclastic
methanogens was predicted at 0.5 and 1 days, which coincided with the complete nitrate
and nitrite reduction as well as the beginning of the acetate utilization as a result of the
methane production.
Figures 4.4, 4.5 and 4.6 demonstrate the simulation results for the six scenarios descri-
bed in Table 4.3. The variables analyzed were the COD removal, nitrate concentration,
methane production, nitrogen gas, volatile fatty acids (VFA) concentration, pH and per-
centage of COD used by the denitrifying (DP) and methanogenic (MP) microorganisms.
From the results obtained from Scenarios S1, S2 and S3, it is observed that there was
a lower organic matter removal efficiency in Scenarios S1 and S2 (Figure 4.4a). These
results are attributed to the insufficient organic matter availability for the simultaneous
AD/DN process. In this case, denitrification represents the primary route for the organic
matter consumption (Figure 4.6b). The fastest nitrate reduction rates were observed in S3
(Figure 4.5a). However, a significant nitrate and nitrite accumulation (Figure 4.5a and b)
was observed in S1 and S2 as a consequence of the inhibition of the methanogenic activity
acetoclastic (Figure 4.4b). This inhibition caused an accumulation of the acetate and a
reduction in the organic matter removal efficiency. This statement is corroborated by the
lower methane production in S1 and S2 (Figure 4.4b). In S3, the initial suppression of
the methanogenesis and its recovery is observed. In several studies, the nitrate and nitrite
have shown to be inhibitory to the methanogenesis, partly due to the elevated level of the
redox potential caused by the reduction in nitrate and partly to a direct toxic effect of
the compound itself (Chen e Lin, 1993; Akunna et al., 1994). A slower reduction in the
Capı́tulo 4. Modeling simultaneous carbon and nitrogen removal in an anaerobic-anoxic reactor treating domestic
94 wastewater
(a ) 5
N itr a te ( m g /L )
4 E x p e r im e n ta l
0 ( C o n tr o l)
[m L ]
3 1 0 S im u la te d
3 7 .5 0 ( C o n tr o l)
1 0
3 7 .5
(b ) 0
N itr a te ( m g /L )
A c e ta te [m g C O D /L ]
1 3 5 0 0 ( C o n tr o l)
1 0
9 0 0 3 7 .5
4 5 0
(c ) 4 0
N itr a te ( m g /L )
N O 3 1 0
[m g /L ]
3 0
N O 2
1 0
2 0 -
N O 3
3 7 .5
, N O
1 0 N O 3 7 .5
(d ) 0
1 0 0
N itr a te ( m g /L )
D P 1 0
[% ]
7 5
M P 1 0
D P , D M
5 0 M P 3 7 .5
D P 3 7 .5
2 5
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
T im e [D a y s ]
Figure 4.3: Model calibration for a batch reactor inoculated with strict methanogenic sludge after the
addition of different concentrations of nitrate 0 (control), 10 and 37.5 mg N/L: (a) methane production;
(b) production/consumption profiles of acetate; (c) consumption of nitrate; and (d) (DP) and (MP) % of
COD used for the denitrification and methanogenic process, respectively.
Seção 4.3. Results and Discussion 95
nitrate and nitrite associated with S1 and S2, could be the reason for the slower nitrogen
gas production (Figure 4.5c).
(a ) 1 0 0
8 0
R e m o v a l C O D [% ]
6 0
4 0
2 0
(b ) 0
/d a y ]
7 5 0
[k g C H
5 0 0
2 5 0
(c ) 0
S 1
6 0 0 S 2
V F A [ m g C O D /L ]
S 3
S 4 ( C o n tr o l)
4 0 0 S 5
S 6
2 0 0
0 2 5 5 0 7 5 1 0 0 1 2 5 1 5 0
T im e [d a y s ]
Figure 4.4: Results of the model simulation for continuous flow systems treating domestic wastewater:
(a) removal COD; (b) methane production; and (c) VFA
The alkalinity can be generated in the system during the partial denitrification and
causes a significant increase in the pH higher than of the control condition, thus confirming
the occurrence of the denitrification process. Furthermore, Ramakrishnan and Gupta
(2008) reported the increased alkalinity in the effluent as a result of the denitrification.
This increase is due to the use of a strong acid (acetate) and a weak acid production
(CO2 , aq) for the methanogenesis and denitrification processes. The pH value (Figure
4.6a) remains within the range of 6-9, as recommended in the literature. A pH value lower
than six and higher than nine can inhibit both the acetogenic stage (Campos e Flotats,
2003; Huiliñir et al., 2008) and the denitrification process (Estuardo et al., 2008).
Capı́tulo 4. Modeling simultaneous carbon and nitrogen removal in an anaerobic-anoxic reactor treating domestic
96 wastewater
(a ) 1 2 0
1 2 0
1 0 0 1 0 0
N itr a te [m g /L ]
8 0 8 0
6 0
6 0
4 0
4 0 2 0
2 0 0 5 1 0 1 5 2 0
(b ) 1 2 0
2 0
S 1
1 0 0 S 2
1 5
S 3
8 0
N itr ite [m g /L ]
S 4
S 5 1 0
6 0
S 6
4 0 5
2 0 0
0 5 1 0 1 5 2 0
(c ) 0
2 0 0
/d a y ]
1 5 0
[k g N
1 0 0
5 0
0 2 5 5 0 7 5 1 0 0 1 2 5 1 5 0
T im e [D a y s ]
Figure 4.5: Results of the model simulation for continuous flow systems treating domestic wastewater:
(a) consumption of nitrate; (b) consumption of nitrite; and (c) nitrogen gas production
The control scenario has the highest removal efficiency of the organic matter. However,
the simulation results for the strong domestic wastewater indicate that in the presence of
nitrate, the S3, S5 and S6 obtained the highest removal efficiency of the organic matter
(Figure 4.4a). This finding could be explained by the largest consumption of both the VFAs
(Figure 4.4c) by denitrifying and the acetate by acetoclastic methanogenic, resulting in the
largest methane production and an increasing denitrification rate, as indicated in Figures
4.4b and 4.5a. In Figures 4.6b and c, it can be observed that for Scenarios S3 and S6, the
primary route for the soluble organic matter consumption is the methanogenesis. Initially,
the VFA is used for denitrifying, and the acetate is consumed then methanogenic process.
The acetate is the predominant product, representing 45% of the total VFAs. This result
agrees with those obtained by Akunna et al. (1994), Bernet et al. (1996) and Mosquera-
Seção 4.3. Results and Discussion 97
Corral et al. (2001). However, in S5, the primary route consumption of the organic matter
is the denitrification, consequently, the methane production is lower. Additionally, it is
possible to observe a rapid nitrate reduction rate during the initial days with respect
to Scenarios S3, S5 and S6 (Figure 4.5a). A faster denitrification rate results in a pH
within the ranges recommended for a high survival rate of the anaerobic and denitrifying
microorganisms, even with the accumulation of acid in the reactor during the initial days.
(a ) 8 ,0
7 ,5
7 ,0
p H
6 ,5
6 ,0
(b ) 1 0 0
7 5
D .P . [% ]
5 0
2 5
(c ) 1 0 0
7 5
M .P . [% ]
5 0
2 5
0 2 5 5 0 7 5 1 0 0 1 2 5 1 5 0
T im e [D a y s ]
Figure 4.6: Results of the model simulation for continuous flow systems treating domestic wastewater:
(a) pH; (b) (DP) % of COD used for denitrification; and (c) (MP) % of COD used for methanogenic.
organic matter removal efficiency and the gas nitrogen production in S5 were higher due
to increased availability of the electron donor to perform the denitrification process. The
nitrate and nitrite accumulation resulted in a slower rate of the initial methane production.
Therefore, although Scenarios S3, S5 and S6 have similar values of organic matter removal
efficiency, it can be observed that Scenario S6 is more favorable for achieving the AD/DN
Capı́tulo 4. Modeling simultaneous carbon and nitrogen removal in an anaerobic-anoxic reactor treating domestic
98 wastewater
processes in terms of the SCNR. In this scenario, approximately 70% of the organic mat-
ter is removed, and the methane production and nitrate reduction rates are higher. This
behavior has also been experimentally observed by Akunna et al. (1992). They repor-
ted that the simultaneous denitrification and methanogenesis process occurred at 8.86 ≤
3 ≤ 53, while only denitrification was observed at COD/NO3 ≤ 8.86. Although
S6 has a higher methane production, a few researchers reported that the considerable losses
of methane in the anaerobic reactors treating domestic wastewater are primarily due to
the inappropriate gas-liquid-solid (GLS) separator device design, construction, and ope-
ration. Moreover, the inevitable loss of the dissolved methane in the effluent represents
a considerable fraction of the total methane produced from the low-strength wastewaters
(Kobayashi et al., 1983; Foresti et al., 2006).
Figures 4.7, 4.8 and 4.9 illustrate the effects of the HRT on the following properties:
COD removal, nitrate concentration, methane production, pH, VFA production, nitrogen
production, DP and MP. The HRT was gradually decreased from 15 to 4 hours as follows:
15, 10, and 4 hours on day 0, 50, and 100, respectively.
Figure 4.7a depicts a decrease in the organic matter removal efficiency when the HRT
decreases from 15 to 4 hours. The reason for the reduction in the COD removal efficiency
was observed because of the insufficient contact time available for the microorganisms to
mineralize the organic matters, allowing a part of the influent COD to leave the reactor
without proper treatment (Leitao et al., 2006). The organic matter removal efficiency
obtained in all of the scenarios was observed to be similar, with the exception of the
control scenario. This finding indicates that for the same increase in the HRT from 6
to 15 hours during the SCNR for strong domestic wastewater, the soluble organic matter
supply is limited at the beginning of the experiment, thus incomplete denitrification occurs,
resulting in the accumulation of the acetate and a decrease in the COD removal. In S5,
the soluble organic matter removal rate is higher in the first day of the 15 hour HRT.
This result may be attributed to the faster utilization of the valerate, butyrate, propionate
and acetate by the denitrifying microorganisms (Figure 4.9b) in the initial days as well as
increasing the fermentation rate of higher order VFAs due to an increase in the population
size of the fermenting species after all of the N-oxides were consumed. The results of the
effluent VFA concentration and DP support this observation: at longer HRTs (15 hour),
an increased VFA consumption rate and a reduction in the denitrifiers from 75% to 37%
Seção 4.3. Results and Discussion 99
was observed.
(a ) 1 0 0 1 6
8 0
R e m o v a l C O D [% ]
1 2
H R T [h o u rs ]
6 0
4 0
2 0
0 0
(b ) 1 6
1 2 5 0
1 2
/d a y ]
1 0 0 0
H R T [h o u rs ]
7 5 0
[k g C H
5 0 0
2 5 0
(c ) 0 0
1 6
1 0 0 0 S 3
S 4 ( C o n tr o l)
V F A [ m g C O D /L ]
S 5 1 2
H R T [h o u rs ]
7 5 0
S 6
5 0 0 8
2 5 0 4
0 0
0 2 5 5 0 7 5 1 0 0 1 2 5 1 5 0
T im e [d a y s ]
Figure 4.7: Results of the model simulation for continuous flow systems treating strong domestic was-
tewater experiencing three step decrements in the HRT from 15 to 4 hours: (a) removal COD; (b) methane
production and (c) VFA
Figure 4.7b depicts a decline in the methane production due to the decreasing HRT in
all of the scenarios, which caused a significant impact in S5. This result could be attributed
to the inhibition of the acetoclastic methanogens as a result of the accumulation of the
nitrates and nitrites (Figures 4.8a and b). The decrease in the nitrate reduction rate and
the lowest methane production is confirmed.
Figure 4.9a indicates that there was a small reduction in the pH in the initial moments,
where the HRT decreased, and remained without any variations. This results is primarily
related to the accumulation of the VFA. However, when the VFA consumption rate is higher
(Scenario S5), a increase in the pH during the initial hours is observed. It is interesting
to note that when the HRT is equal to 15 hours, the VFA consumption rate is lower in
Scenario S6, and the pH decrease and then increase thereafter. The decrease in the pH
was caused by fermentation, and the increase in the pH was caused by denitrification.
Capı́tulo 4. Modeling simultaneous carbon and nitrogen removal in an anaerobic-anoxic reactor treating domestic
100 wastewater
(a ) 1 2 0
5 1 6
1 0 0
2 1 2
H R T [h o u rs ]
8 0
N itr a te [m g /L ]
6 0
S 3 0 2 5 5 0 7 5 1 0 0 1 2 5 1 5 0 8
S 4 ( C o n tr o l)
4 0
S 5
S 6 4
2 0
(b ) 1 2 0 1 0 10 6
1 0 0 6
N itr ite [m g /L ]
1 2
H R T [h o u rs ]
8 0 2
0 2 5 5 0 7 5 1 0 0 1 2 5 1 5 0
6 0 8
4 0
2 0
(c ) 4 0 0 10 6
3 0 0 1 2
/d a y ]
H R T [h o u rs ]
2 0 0
[k g N 2
1 0 0 4
0 0
0 2 5 5 0 7 5 1 0 0 1 2 5 1 5 0
T im e [d a y s ]
Figure 4.8: Results of the model simulation for continuous flow systems treating strong domestic was-
tewater experiencing three step decrements in the HRT from 15 to 4 hours: (a) consumption of nitrate;
(b) consumption of nitrite; and (c) nitrogen gas production
Thus, the pH varied due to the balance of the fermentation and denitrification activities
in simultaneous methanogenesis and denitrification processes in the domestic wastewater.
Generally, it can be observed that the alkalinity can be generated during the denitrification
process with an increase in the pH, which leads to a increase in the pH compared to that
of the control.
4.4 Conclusions
A mathematical model of the AD/DN processes for domestic wastewater based on the
ADM1 was presented. The model simulations for batch experiments conducted with the
sludge of domestic wastewater fed with acetate for various initial nitrate concentrations
agreed well with the experimental data. The simulation results under continuous conditi-
ons clearly indicate that the best scenario for the AD/DN processes in reactors treating
Seção 4.4. Conclusions 101
(a ) 8 1 6
1 2
H R T [h o u rs ]
p H
(b ) 5 10 6
7 5
H R T [h o u rs ]
1 2
D .P . [% ]
5 0
2 5 4
(c ) 0 01 6
7 5
1 2
H R T [h o u rs ]
M .P . [% ]
5 0
2 5 4
0 0
0 2 5 5 0 7 5 1 0 0 1 2 5 1 5 0
T im e [D a y s ]
Figure 4.9: Results of the model simulation for continuous flow systems treating strong domestic was-
tewater experiencing three step decrements in the HRT from 15 to 4 hours: (a) pH; (b) (DP) % of COD
used for denitrification; and (c) (MP) % of COD used for methanogenic
cessary to increase the HRT to improve the SCNR. In this case, there is a longer substrate
contact time with the microorganism a greater efficiency of the removal of organic matter
and nitrogen into the reactor. When the organic matter is limited, accumulation of the
denitrification intermediates occurs, and a lower efficiency is observed in removing the or-
ganic matter. To treat the strong domestic wastewater, the primary route of consumption
for the organic matter is denitrification and, consequently, the accumulation of the VFA
acetate as the prime inhibition product of the methane production. Model calibration is
needed to use the proposed mathematical model to model the full-scale anaerobic reactors
fed with domestic wastewater.
Capı́tulo 4. Modeling simultaneous carbon and nitrogen removal in an anaerobic-anoxic reactor treating domestic
102 wastewater
Capı́tulo 5
Modeling of simultaneous carbon and nitrogen removal
in an anaerobic-anoxic reactor treating salmon fishery
Artigo submetido para publicação na revista
Water Research (0043-1354),
Fator de impacto (JCR 2014): 5.528.
This chapter presents the modeling of the SCNR, hereby extending the Anaerobic Digestion
Model No. 1 (ADM1) with denitrification processes for a synthetic wastewater generated
by a fish processing industry. The model was calibrated and validated using previously
published experimental data from a batch reactor with suspended biomass fed with a
mixture of a synthetic substrate and a saline protein-rich salmon-plant effluent. Based
on a sensitivity analysis, five parameters of the original ADM1 and of the denitrification
processes were estimated using iterative methods, which optimized the parameters with
experimental results. Simulation with calibrated parameters indicated good agreement
with experimental data, with the mean absolute error below 40%. The differences between
the experimental and simulated data in the first 5 hours were observed because lag or a
death phase are not considered in the ADM1 model. Cross-validation results indicated
that the calibrated model was able to predict the experimental results of effluent COD,
acetate, propionate, butyrate, nitrate and nitrite flows with good accuracy. This study
demonstrates a useful approach for the implementation of the model for the treatment of
a specific industrial wastewater.
5.1 Introduction
The wastewater composition from the fish processing industry varies widely depending
on the mode of operation of the processing plants. It contains large amounts of biodegra-
dable organic matter, mainly in the form of proteins and lipids and high levels of salts, e.g.
Cl− , Na+ , K+ , and Mg+ , especially when sea water is used in the processing. In addition,
a high ammonia concentration is sometimes observed due to the high blood content of
the wastewater. Among the different types of treatments for these wastewaters, biological
processes are the most appropriate (Chowdhury et al., 2010).
Although aerobic processes are traditionally used in the treatment of industrial efflu-
ents, anaerobic processes are gaining prominence due to their advantages, such as lower
sludge production, renewable energy production (biogas), smaller area requirements and
suitability for the further degradation of pollutants from high-load effluents (COD > 4000
mg/L), such as those produced by the fish industry (Chernicharo, 2007; Appels et al.,
2011). However, the nitrogen removal in the anaerobic system is practically negligible,
occurring only in the transformation of the organic nitrogen into ammonium nitrogen
The biological treatment method to remove organic matter and nutrients is usually ac-
complished through the anaerobic-anoxic-aerobic (A2 O) process. The process for nitrogen
removal, includes autotrophic nitrification and heterotrophic denitrification, which conse-
cutively convert nitrate (NO− −
3 ) to nitrite (NO2 ), nitric oxide (NO), nitrous oxide (N2 O)
and finally to nitrogen gas (N2 ) by denitrifying bacteria under anoxic conditions. This
process is characterized by high energy demand, operational costs and the problems of
sludge disposal (Kim et al., 2013). The integration of anaerobic digestion and denitrifi-
cation (AD/DN) processes in an anaerobic pre-treatment system for simultaneous carbon
and nitrogen removal (SCNR) is an approach that can change the traditional concept of
biological nitrogen removal. This configuration could lead to a SCNR reduction in treat-
ment costs, the removal of toxic compounds, lower energy consumption and reduced sludge
production (Chuan et al., 2009; Winkler et al., 2015).
Recent studies have reported the use of integrated AD/DN processes in anaerobic pre-
treatment systems to SCNR treat wastewaters generated by the fish processing industry
(Huiliñir et al., 2011, 2012). As can be seen, there have been several experimental efforts
in published, but, aspects such as the modeling of the process have scarcely been studied.
Tugtas et al. (2006) presented a first attempt, including the denitrification process in four
steps (NO− −
3 → NO2 → NO → N2 O → N2 ) to the Anaerobic Digestion Model No. 1
Seção 5.2. Methodology 105
(ADM1) model; however, this work does not included important variables such as the pH.
Huiliñir et al. (2009, 2011) have proposed models, however, the models were developed in
a steady state and specially for biofilm processes. Therefore, there is still a necessity for
improving the modeling of SCNR for fishery wastewater.
Mathematical models have proven their effectiveness for process design and operation.
With respect to anaerobic digestion, the ADM1 model was proposed as a common platform
for designing, developing, and validating models of anaerobic digestion processes (Bats-
tone et al., 2002a). Then, over the last ten years, ADM1 has become a practical tool for
dynamic modeling of anaerobic digestion. This model allows for the simulation and predic-
tion of anaerobic processes under different states and operating conditions, and has been
frequently expanded to accommodate an increasing range of processes (Batstone, 2006c;
Penumathsa et al., 2008; Girault et al., 2012; Souza et al., 2013). Although the inclusion
of denitrification in ADM1 has been proposed (Tugtas et al., 2006), the application of this
modified ADM1 to fishery wastewater has not yet been proposed. The use of a widely
accepted model could help the fishery industry in the application and implementation of
new biological technology such as SCNR.
Thus, the present chapter proposes an approach for modeling the SCNR in an anaero-
bic/anoxic reactor fed with a synthetic substrate to mimic the wastewaters generated by
the fish processing industry. The model was calibrated and validated by using lab-scale
data from a batch reactor, as proposed by (Huiliñir et al., 2012).
5.2 Methodology
et al. (2002a). The model was implemented as a set of ordinary differential equations
using the ODE15s as the numerical solver.
Based on the experimental observations previously presented in Huiliñir et al. (2012)
carbohydrates and their degradation intermediates were neglected as the organic compo-
Capı́tulo 5. Modeling of simultaneous carbon and nitrogen removal in an anaerobic-anoxic reactor treating salmon fishery
106 wastewater
nents of the substrate particulate. Therefore, the complex substrate used in this work
is defined as protein and lipids. As protein and lipids in the fishery wastewater have a
recalcitrant fraction (Aspe et al., 1997), and based on the ADM1 model and experimental
evidence, it was assumed that the protein and lipids has a biodegradable part and an inert
The proposed model considered only a two-step denitrification process (NO− −
3 → NO2
ganisms were assumed to reach optimal growth at a nearly neutral pH (Campos e Flotats,
2003; Estuardo et al., 2008).
Figure 5.1 indicate the proposed conceptual model for the simultaneous AD/DN pro-
cesses of salmon fishery wastewater. It includes the following biochemical processes: (1)
hydrolysis from protein; (2) hydrolysis from lipids; (3) acidogenesis from amino acids; (4)
acetogenesis from long-chain fatty acids; (5) propionate from acetogenesis; (6) butyrate
and valerate acetogenesis; (7) acetoclastic methanogenesis; (8) hydrogenotrophic metha-
nogenesis; (9) nitrate reduction; (10) nitrite reduction; and (9) the death and disintegration
of biomass into carbohydrate, protein, lipids, and inert substances. The biological kinetic
rate expressions and the stoichiometric parameters of the extended ADM1 model related
to the AD/DN process are reported in the Petersen matrix form as indicated in Table 5.1.
The degradation equations of the soluble substrate (valerate, butyrate, propionate and
acetate, i=4-7) in ADM1 including denitrification processes with the proposed modification
is given by:
Table 5.1 - Denitrification process included in the modified Anaerobic Digestion Model no1
Component → i 4 5 6 7 25 26 27 30 Process rate (ρj,n )
j Process Sva Sbu Spro Sac Sno3 Sno2 Sn2 Xf,nox (kg COD m−3 .d−1 )
Sva Sno3
8-1 Uptake NO−
-1 - (1-Yc4 )/1.14 (1-Yc4 )/1.14 Yc4 kno3,va K Xf,nox k
3 no3,va +Sva no3 +Sno3
of vale-
8-2 NO−
-1 - (1-Yc4 )/0.57 (1-Yc4 )/0.57 Yc4 kno2,va K Xf,nox k Sno2
2 no2,va +Sva no2 +Sno2
Sbu Sno3
9-1 Uptake NO−
-1 - (1-Yc4 )/1.14 (1-Yc4 )/1.14 Yc4 kno3,bu K X f,nox kno3 +Sno3
3 no3,bu +Sva
9-2 NO−
-1 - (1-Yc4 )/0.57 (1-Yc4 )/0.57 Yc4 kno2,bu K Xf,nox k Sno2
2 no2,bu +Sva no2 +Sno2
Seção 5.2. Methodology
Protein Lipids
NO3- -N 11 Disintegration
(Xpr) (Xli)
Xch Xpr Xli Inert
Hydrolysis 1 2
Denitrification Amino Acids Long Chain
(Saa) Fatty Acids (Sfa)
3 4
Acidogenesis Death
N2 7 8
Methane (Sch4)
Figure 5.1: Conceptual model of the simultaneous AD/DN processes of salmon fishery wastewater.
dSliq,i q X X
= (Sin,i − Sliq,i ) − ρj νi,j − (ρj + ρj,nox ) νi,j − ρ11 ν7,11 Inox − ρj,n (5.1)
dt Vliq j=5−7 j=8−10
In Equation 5.1, the first term of the right side is the substrate mass balance for a
continuous stirred-tank reactor (CSTR). The second term represents the process equations
for the uptake of amino acids by fermentation, obtained from the ADM1 matrix. The
third term is the fermentation (acetogenesis) of soluble compounds i in the absence of N-
oxides by denitrifiers. The fourth term represents the methanogens obtained by the ADM1
matrix multiplied by an N-oxide inhibition factor (Inox ) to account for the inhibitory effect
of N-oxide on acetoclastic methanogens. The inhibitory effect was simulated using non-
competitive inhibition functions. The fifth term represents the uptake of soluble substrates
by denitrifiers in the presence of nitrate and nitrite. The general rate equation for the
utilization of butyrate, valerate and propionate by facultative anaerobes in the absence of
N-oxides is expressed as:
Si KS,no3 KS,no2 Si
ρj,nox = km,j × Xf,nox , (5.2)
KS + Si KS,no3 + Sno3 KS,no2 + Sno2 Sva + Sbu + Spro
where km,j is the rate constant for the fermentation of process j (kg substrate COD/kg
biomass-COD.d), and Xf,nox is the population facultative anaerobes (kg biomass-COD/m3 ).
The general rate equation for the utilization of N-oxides (nitrate, nitrite and nitrogen gas,
i = 25-27) is defined as follows:
Seção 5.2. Methodology 109
dSi,nox q
= (Sin,i,nox − Sliq,i,nox ) + ρj,n , (5.3)
dt Vliq
where Si,nox is the concentration of N-oxide i (kg N/m3 ) and ρi,nox is the rate of produc-
tion/consumption of N-compound i as a result of denitrification (kg N/m3 .d). Equation 5.4
represents the mass balance used by the ADM1 model to describe the dynamic behavior
of particulates in the liquid phase:
where, SAc− , SPr− , SBu− , SVa− , SNH+4 , SHCO−3 , SNO−3 and SNO−2 are the concentrations of
ionized forms of buffer components.
Whereas the nitrogen gas is assumed to obey the ideal gas law and exists at a tempe-
rature that is equivalent to the liquid phase temperature in a constant volume (completely
mixed) and a constant pressure headspace (Batstone et al., 2002a), the general dynamic
gas phase concentration equation of nitrogen gas is written by Equation 5.6:
dSgas,N2 Sgas,N2 qgas Vliq
= + ρT,N2 , (5.6)
dt Vgas Vgas
where Sgas,N2 is the gas phase concentration of gas of nitrogen; qgas is the gas flow outside
the reactor; and Vgas is the reactor gas volume (headspace volume). ρT,N2 is the specific
mass transfer rate of gas nitrogen expressed as follows:
where kL a is the volumetric gas-liquid mass transfer coefficient, KH,N2 is the Henry’s law
coefficient of nitrogen, Sliq,N2 is the liquid phase concentration of nitrogen gas and pgas,N2
is the gas phase pressure of nitrogen calculated from the ideal gas law as follows:
By summing the gas phase concentration of all gas components, a dynamic behavior
is shows (CH4 , CO2 , H2 and N2 ), and the total pressure of the gas phase above the liquid
Capı́tulo 5. Modeling of simultaneous carbon and nitrogen removal in an anaerobic-anoxic reactor treating salmon fishery
110 wastewater
is equal to one atmosphere minus the vapor pressure of water at the specified reactor
temperature. The gas production rate can be estimated by Equation 5.9:
RT ρ
T,H2 ρT,CH4
qgas = Vliq + + ρT,CO2 + ρT,N2 . (5.9)
Pgas − pgas,H2 O 16 64
The set of governing equations is solved simultaneously to simulate the dynamics and
biological kinetics in reactors. Details about model governing equations, input parameters,
and underlying assumptions are described in Batstone et al. (2002a) and Tugtas et al.
two sets of experimental data were chosen for calibration and direct validation (data set D1)
and cross validation (data set D2) of the proposed model. Furthermore, experimental data
measured in TOC were converted to COD because this is the ADM1 unit. The COD/TOC
conversion factor of 2.185 mg COD/ mg TOC was based on experiments conducted by
(Aspé et al., 2001) with wastewater from the salmon industry. The authors found a linear
correlation with a regression coefficient (R2 ) equal to 0.921.
The influent COD concentrations of data set D1 and D2 were 2,720 mg COD /L and
2,904 mg COD/L, respectively. The initial nitrate concentrations of data set D1 and
D2 were 34.95 mg NO− −
3 / L and 85.95 mg NO3 / L, respectively. The initial biomass
concentration of the seven microbial populations contained in the ADM1 (Xaa , Xc4 , Xpro ,
Xac and Xh2 ) are defined as follows:
Seção 5.2. Methodology 111
Xi = Xtotal , i = 17, ..., 23 , (5.10)
where Yi is the observed yield coefficient of each microbial group, Ynox is the overall observed
yield coefficient, and Xtotal is the total biomass concentration in the reactor measured as
volatile suspended solids. The Yi and Ynox values were obtained from the yield coefficients
and decay rate (0.02 d−1 ) as suggested by Batstone et al. (2002a) and Tugtas et al. (2006),
respectively. Denitrifiers were assumed to be 40% of the butyrate, valerate and propionate
degraders in the baseline model.
Sensitivity analysis has been widely applied to reduce the complexity of parameter
estimation procedure, to determine the significance of model parameters and to identify
the dominant parameters (Tartakovsky et al., 2008). Therefore, a parametric sensitivity
analysis was performed to define the most sensitive parameters of the ADM1 extension.
The parameters evaluated were hydrolysis constant rates for proteins (khyd,pr ), Monod ma-
ximum specific substrate uptake rate (km ), and half-saturation constant (KS ). Although
Jeong et al. (2005) mentioned that the yield of product on substrate (f ) and yield of bio-
mass production (Y ) values showed high sensitivities to components of the ADM1 exten-
sion analyzed, in this study these parameters were negligible due to their small variations.
Concerning to parameters denitrification only the half saturation coefficient of component
i on process j (KS,j ) and Monod maximum specific uptake rate for process j (km,j ) were
The sensitivities were quantified in terms of the variation of measurable process va-
riables under the perturbation of model parameters in their neighborhood domain. The
average of absolute differences between simulation results with prior determined parame-
ters values suggested by Soto et al. (2002), Gonzalez et al. (2005), Tugtas et al. (2006), and
Batstone et al. (2002a) and with parameters with a relative change of target parameter
was used as the sensitivity index (SI), as presented in the following equation:
|CST D (t) − CSEN S (t)|
SI = , (5.11)
where CST D (t) and CSEN S (t) are the simulation results with the suggested parameter values
and the parameters with a relative change of target parameter, respectively, for each given
time (t), and N is the number of data. The sensitivity analysis of kinetic parameters for
four components was carried out by changing the value of a target parameter from 50% to
50% with respect to their suggested values (Jeong et al., 2005).
Capı́tulo 5. Modeling of simultaneous carbon and nitrogen removal in an anaerobic-anoxic reactor treating salmon fishery
112 wastewater
Calibration of the more sensitive model parameters was carried out. Model calibration
was performed on an expert basis by a trial and error approach, driven by knowledge
from the sensitivity analysis and using the parameter ranges reported in the literature as
constraints. The iterative procedure reported by Mendes et al. (2015) was applied.
Direct and cross validation are usually considered as to be steps of the model vali-
dation procedure. The data then were then divided into two subsets as recommended by
Donoso-Bravo et al. (2011): (1) data used during model calibration (data set D1) for direct
validation, and (2) unseen data (data set D2) for cross validation. The accuracy of the
predictions for direct and cross validation were evaluated by using the mean absolute error,
which was classified as a quantitative prediction with high (±10%), medium (10-40%) or
low (40-70%) accuracy (Batstone e Keller, 2003).
Model calibration was performed by comparing the model results with the experimental
measurements for the nitrate, nitrite, COD, butyrate, propionate, and acetate concentrati-
ons and adjusting the unknown parameter until the model results adequately fit the expe-
rimental observations. Optimization was made using the fminsearch optimization function
in the MATLAB
R toolbox, which is based on the Nelder-Mead simplex algorithm. The
biomass initial values are key parameters in the model calibration. The typical strategy
proposed by Donoso-Bravo et al. (2011) was used to optimize the initial biomass values. It
consists of simulating the process several times until the biomass concentrations are cons-
tant. After the calibration and direct validation process were complete, cross-validation
was performed to verify the agreement between the model results and the experimental
measurements using the previously calibrated value parameter. The cross-validation was
performed using independent data set D2.
The results of the sensitive analysis for organic matter (COD) and nitrate reduction
3 ) are indicated in the Figures 5.2 and 5.3, respectively. As indicated in Figures
5.2a,b,c and 5.3a,b,c, the parameters, proteins hydrolysis constant (khyd,pr ), Monod ma-
ximum specific uptake rate for amino acids utilizers (km,aa ) and half saturation value for
amino acids utilizers (KS,aa ) indicate more influence in the COD and NO−
3 . High sensitivity
values were also observed for Monod maximum specific uptake rate for acetate utilization
Seção 5.3. Results and Discussion 113
rates by the denitrifiers (kno3,ac ) and half saturation value for the utilization of the acetate
by the denitrifiers (KS,no3,ac ) (5.2d and 5.3d). Based on the sensitivity results, we decided
to use khyd,pr , km,aa , KS,aa , kno3,ac and KS,no3,ac for parameter estimation.
Table 5.2 shows the initial values of the kinetic parameters and their respective opti-
mized values. The initial values of the protein hydrolysis parameters (khyd,pr ) was found in
the range of values found in the literature (Gonzalez et al., 2005). khyd,pr parameter was
chosen based on Gonzalez et al. (2005) because the similarity of the substrates (fishing
wastewaters). Concerning the calibration of the denitrification parameters, the KS,no3 and
KS,no2 values for the utilization of the nitrate and nitrite, respectively, were chosen based
on data from the literature (Soto et al., 2002). The others, such as, the km values of the
electron donors by the denitrifiers, KS the values of electron donors by the denitrifiers and
yield of electron donor denitrifiers (Y ) were maintained the same as those suggested by
Tugtas et al. (2006).
(a ) 3 0 (b ) 3 0
k h y d ,p r
k m ,a a
2 5 2 5 k m ,c 4
k m ,p ro
2 0 2 0 k
m ,a c
S I [m g C O D .L
S I [m g C O D .L
m ,h 2
1 5 1 5
1 0 1 0
5 5
0 0
-5 0 -2 5 0 2 5 5 0 -5 0 -2 5 0 2 5 5 0
R a n g e [% ] R a n g e [% ]
(c ) 3 0 (d ) 3 0
K k n o 3 ,b u
S ,a a
2 5 K K
S ,c 4 2 5 S ,b u ,n o 3
K k n o 3 ,p ro
S ,p ro
2 0 S ,a c 2 0 S ,p ro ,n o 3
K n o 3 ,a c
S I [m g C O D .L
S ,h 2
S I [m g C O D .L
K S ,a c ,n o 3
1 5 1 5
K S ,n o 3
1 0 1 0
5 5
0 0
-5 0 -2 5 0 2 5 5 0 -5 0 -2 5 0 2 5 5 0
R a n g e [% ] R a n g e [% ]
Figure 5.2: Sensitivity indices (SI) of the organic matter calculated for different ranges of (a) hydrolysis
constant rate; (b) Monod maximum specific uptake rates; (c) half-saturation constants; and (d) parameters
In the calibration procedure, the disintegration constant was first estimated by mat-
ching the model outputs with the measured outputs. Then, the model outputs for the
concentrations of acetic acid, propionic acid and butyrate acid were changed by changing
the half saturation constants and maximum uptake rates.
Capı́tulo 5. Modeling of simultaneous carbon and nitrogen removal in an anaerobic-anoxic reactor treating salmon fishery
114 wastewater
(a ) 3 (b ) 3
k h y d ,p r
k m ,a a
k m ,c 4
m ,p ro
2 2 k m ,a c
S I [m g N O
m ,h 2
S I [m g N O
1 1
0 0
-5 0 -2 5 0 2 5 5 0 -5 0 -2 5 0 2 5 5 0
R a n g e [% ] R a n g e [% ]
(c ) 3 (d ) 3
K S ,a a
k n o 3 ,b u
K S ,c 4
K S ,b u ,n o 3
K S ,p ro
k n o 3 ,p ro
2 K 2 K
S ,a c S ,p ro ,n o 3
K k
S ,h 2 n o 3 ,a c
S I [m g N O
S I [m g N O K S ,a c ,n o 3
K S ,n o 3
1 1
0 0
-5 0 -2 5 0 2 5 5 0 -5 0 -2 5 0 2 5 5 0
R a n g e [% ] R a n g e [% ]
Figure 5.3: Sensitivity indices (SI) of the nitrate reduction calculated for different ranges of (a) hydrolysis
constant rate; (b) Monod maximum specific uptake rates; (c) half-saturation constants; and (d) parameters
The optimum values for the parameters obtained throughout calibration are given in
Table 5.2. The parameters as, km and KS for acetic acid, propionic acid and butyrate acid
were optimized together as they exhibit the lowest correlation and the highest relevance
(Batstone et al., 2003).
Table 5.2 - Initial and estimated kinetic parameters of the implemented extended ADM1.
Parameter Units Initial values Calibrated values Reference
khyd,pr h−1 0.09 0.05 Gonzalez et al. (2005)
km,aa h−1 2.08 1.87 Batstone et al. (2002a)
kno3,ac h−1 0.12 0.09 Tugtas et al. (2006)
KS,aa kg COD m−3 0.30 0.23 Batstone et al. (2002a)
KS,no3,ac kg COD m−3 0.50 0.38 Tugtas et al. (2006)
KS,no3 kg NO3 m−3 0.00047 0.00047 Soto et al. (2002)
KS,no2 kg NO2 m−3 0.00036 0.00036 Soto et al. (2002)
Figure 5.4 shows the simulation results after calibration for data set D1 in comparison
to the experimental values for COD, VFAs, nitrate and for nitrite. It is expected that
the simulation results merge with the observed data by the end of the calibration period.
Seção 5.3. Results and Discussion 115
In general, the results of the calibration indicated a good fit between the model and the
measured data, exhibiting a mean absolute error below 40% (15%-38%), which is considered
as a mean accuracy quantitative prediction (Batstone e Keller, 2003). However, a higher
relative deviation between the measured and predicted values of the COD, VFAs, nitrate
and nitrite and quality have been found in the 5 first hours. This behavior can be explained
because in the ADM1 model, a lag or death phase is not considered. It is assumed that
there is unrestricted growth of the biomass.
The complete reduction of nitrate and nitrite occurred in an period of 11 h. The ma-
ximum nitrate consumption rate was found between 6 and 8 h, when nitrite accumulation
also took place, reaching a maximum concentration of 20 mg NO−
2 -N/L. A lag phase in
the reactor was observed in the first 5 hours of operation. During this period, the organic
matter in the reactor (protein) was not degraded by the microorganisms. This phenome-
non likely occurs because of the changing of the substrate used at the beginning of the
experiment. The substrate for the inocula reactor was proposed by Akunna et al. (1992),
where K2 HPO4 and KH2 PO4 buffers were discarded and glucose as the organic matter
source was replaced by peptone. As the peptone degradation rate is slower than glucose,
microorganisms would have to adapt to the new conditions of the reactor. Thus, the re-
sulting protein degradation VFAs and nitrite to nitrate reduction only occur after 5 hours
of operation. In the period from 5 to 10 hours, the VFAs are consumed simultaneously
with nitrite and nitrate degradation. Therefore, its consumption was directly associated
with the denitrification process. After the nitrite and nitrate concentration became cons-
tant, the COD concentration became almost constant, and a VFA accumulated up to a
concentration of 1002 mg COD L−1 . Acetate is the main VFA, representing 45% of the
total VFA.
A model validation study was performed to assess the quality and applicability of the
calibrated model. The model outputs were compared with data set D2 without changing
the previously optimized parameter set.
Figure 5.5 shows the comparison of model predictions and experimental values for the
process variables during the validation study. As seen, the COD, VFAs, nitrate and nitrite
levels were moderately predicted by the model, showing a mean absolute error below 40%
Capı́tulo 5. Modeling of simultaneous carbon and nitrogen removal in an anaerobic-anoxic reactor treating salmon fishery
116 wastewater
(a ) 1 0 0 0 3 0 0 0
7 5 0 2 2 5 0
[m g C O D .L
V F A s [m g C O D .L
C O D e x p e r im e n ta l
S a c
e x p e r im e n ta l
5 0 0 S p ro
e x p e r im e n ta l 1 5 0 0
S b u
e x p e r im e n ta l
S s im u la te d
a c
S p ro
s im u la te d
2 5 0 S b u
s im u la te d 7 5 0
C O D s im u la te d
(b ) 0 0
4 0 E x p e r im e n ta l N O 3
E x p e r im e n ta l N O 2
S im u la te d N O
3 0
[m g N .L
S im u la te d N O 2
2 0
, N O
1 0
0 5 1 0 1 5 2 0 2 5
T im e [h ]
Figure 5.4: Comparison between simulations and experimental data for D1 set after calibration
Seção 5.3. Results and Discussion 117
(a ) 1 0 0 0 3 6 0 0
7 5 0 2 7 0 0
C O D e x p e r im e n ta l
V F A s [m g C O D .L
C O D [m g C O D .L
S a c
e x p e r im e n ta l
S p ro
e x p e r im e n ta l
5 0 0 S b u
e x p e r im e n ta l 1 8 0 0
S a c
s im u la te d
S p ro
s im u la te d
S b u
s im u la te d
2 5 0 C O D s im u la te d 9 0 0
(b ) 0 0
E x p e r im e n ta l N O 3
7 5 E x p e r im e n ta l N O 2
S im u la te d N O 3
S im u la te d N O
[m g N .L
5 0
, N O
2 5
0 5 1 0 1 5 2 0 2 5
T im e [h ]
5.4 Conclusions
An extension of ADM1 with nitrate reduction was proposed, calibrated and validated
to the describe the anaerobic digestion of salmon fishery wastewater. Sensitivity analysis
showed that among all kinetic parameters, khyd , km,process , and KS,process showed high sen-
sitivities to almost all components. Important parameters including khyd,pr , km,aa , KS,aa ,
kno3,ac and KS,no3,ac were estimated using iterative methods, which optimized the parame-
ters with experimental results. The model predictions regarding COD, acetate, propio-
nate, butyrate, nitrate and nitrite were in good agreement with the experimental data
produced during the model validation. The kinetic parameters and the model structure
proposed in this work can be considered valuable for describing the SCNR process in an
anaerobic/anoxic reactor fed with wastewaters generated by the fish processing industry,
increasing the applicability of ADM1 to a specific industrial wastewaters.
Capı́tulo 6
Conclusões e sugestões para trabalhos futuros
6.1 Conclusões
é menor que 10, é necessário aumentar o TDH para melhorar a RSCN. Os resultados das
simulações mostraram que quando a matéria orgânica é limitada, ocorre um acúmulo de
nitrato e nitrito e uma redução na eficiência foi observada.
No Capı́tulo 5 foram apresentados os resultados da calibração e validação do modelo
matemático baseado no ADM1 para remoção simultânea de carbono e nitrogênio em rea-
tor anaeróbio-anóxico tratando águas residuárias de processamento de salmão. Os dados
experimentais foram obtidos a partir de um reator em batelada anaeróbio-anóxico ali-
mentado com substrato sintético para simular um efluente de processamento de pescado.
Uma análise de sensibilidade foi realizada para identificar os parâmetros mais importantes
do modelo. Os resultados simulados das variáveis DQO, butirato, propionato, acetato,
nitrato e nitrito aderiram satisfatoriamente aos dados experimentais na calibração e va-
lidação do modelo com um erro médio absoluto variando entre 15 e 38%, respectivamente.
No entanto, foi observado um desvio entre os valores dos dados experimentais e dos si-
mulados nas cinco primeiras horas. Este comportamento esta relacionado à ausência da
modelagem cinética da fase lag no ADM1. Os resultados demonstraram que o modelo
matemático proposto nesse estudo pode ser considerado valioso para avaliar a RSCN em
reatores anaeróbio-anóxico tratando águas residuárias de processamento de pescado.
8. Aplicar métodos para avaliação da incerteza de medição associadas às variáveis de en-
trada e aos parâmetros dos modelos matemáticos proposto neste trabalho em regime
estacionário e transiente;
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