Ambipar Participações E Empreendimentos S.A Companhia Aberta
Ambipar Participações E Empreendimentos S.A Companhia Aberta
Ambipar Participações E Empreendimentos S.A Companhia Aberta
Companhia Aberta
CNPJ/ME nº 12.648.266/0001-24
NIRE 35.300.384.466 | Código CVM 2496-1
A Companhia esclarece que esta aquisição não será submetida à aprovação dos seus
acionistas, tampouco ensejará direito de recesso, tendo em vista que: (i) foi realizada
por meio de sua subsidiária, de capital fechado; e (ii) o preço pago pela aquisição não
ultrapassa uma vez e meia o maior dos três valores previstos no artigo 256, II da Lei no
Suprema has been operating for 26 years in the management, handling and
treatment of waste, co-processing, recycling of recyclables, loading and transport of
rock, with a focus on the mining sector. It has expertise in equipment customization to
meet specific demands and has been awarded annually by customers as a standout in
the provision of services and Quality and Safety management practices. It has national
coverage, with operations in São Paulo, Minas Gerais, Rio de Janeiro, Espírito Santo,
Goiás and Rio Grande do Sul.
This acquisition allows the Ambipar Group to diversify its client portfolio and
operating sectors using Suprema as a platform to offer complete solutions in total
industrial waste management with a focus on recovery, in line with its strategic
growth plan, capturing synergies and potential margin and return maximization.
The Company clarifies that this acquisition will not be submitted to the approval of its
shareholders, nor will it give rise to the right of withdrawal, considering that: (i) it was
carried out through its privately held subsidiary; and (ii) the price paid for the acquisition
does not exceed one and a half times the highest of the three amounts provided for in
article 256, II of Law 6,404/76.