Boas Práticas de Fabricação de Rações
Boas Práticas de Fabricação de Rações
Boas Práticas de Fabricação de Rações
Deus, pela vida e por colocar no meu caminho pessoas especiais como:
meus pais, Neide Valeriano de Oliveira Gomes e Wellington Ferreira Gomes, meu
irmo Renan Gomes de Oliveira, meu namorado Vanderlei Loureno Fernandes
Filho e a todos os meus familiares e amigos que me apoiaram nos momentos que
Aos meus pais, por todo amor, pacincia e dedicao durante essa
trajetria. Pelo trabalho despendido para minha formao.
Cm Centmetros
G - Gramas
GO Gois
Hg Mercrio
Km Quilmetro
N - Nmero
Pb - Chumbo
R$ - Reais
% - Por cento
Quality control in recent years has become essential for companies of different
branches of the productive sector. It became fundamental the implementation of
quality management systems according to the requirements of legislation and
ever-changing consumer market. The good manufacturing practices (GMP) are
essential in quality assurance, standing out as important elements in the
production of safe food. Given the above, the aim of the present work, the
implementation of GMP in a factory feed and mineral supplements aimed at
improving the product manufacturing process. The Ministry of Agriculture
Livestock and Supply (MAPA) through Normative Instruction No. 4 of February 23,
2007, approved the technical regulation on sanitary conditions and GMP for
manufacturers establishments intended for animal feed and the inspection
checklist also suggesting the standard operating procedures (SOP) in order to
facilitate and standardize the installation of the GMP guide and these procedures,
it is suggested to adoption records, monitoring programs, corrective actions and
constant application of checklists, such such as health and hygiene of food
handlers; selection of raw materials, ingredients and packaging; preventive
maintenance and calibration of equipment; hygiene facilities, equipment, furniture
and fixtures; integrated vector management and urban pests; control of drinking
water quality; food collection program (RECALL) and waste management, in order
to have principles and rules that lead to the proper handling of food, ranging from
raw material to finished product. Complementing GMP have analysis program of
hazards and critical control points (HACCP) which is an important tool, because of
its scope, requiring simultaneous actions and interdependent procedures, their
application considers a logical sequence of the principles and basic manufacturing
steps the feed. Through the application of GMP can improve the handlers working
conditions, as well as of the same well-being and have a significant improvement
in the work process. Thus, the effort and awareness for the employees of the
companies practice GMP, becomes a key point to ensure reliable products of
recognized quality and therefore can ensure the survival of the company in the
market that is increasingly competitive. Across the stage it was possible to gain
practical knowledge about the feed manufacturing process and mineral
supplements and also on the implementation of GMP in this process.
De acordo com Costa & Batista (2004) deve-se observar o estado/ nmero
de conservao de reservatrios existentes e a capacidade de cada um. Tipo de
abastecimento da gua potvel e onde armazenada. Controle da potabilidade
de gua e indicao de onde esto arquivados os documentos comprobatrios de
controles de higienizao das caixas e anlises laboratoriais da gua.
Se for usada gua no potvel, indicar a finalidade e uso e a identificao
das tubulaes. A periodicidade da lavagem dos reservatrios e a descrio do
mtodo de higienizao da caixa de gua, contendo inclusive tabelas de diluio
2.5 Programa 5S
3.5 Inspeo
3.6 Armazenamento
externa da fbrica, as embalagens aps o seu uso devem ser guardadas em local
especifico, os utenslios de uso pessoal devem ser guardados nos vesturios,
ajuste do porto da fbrica s batentes, placas de instrues de higienizao das
mos nos banheiros, proibiu-se o uso de adornos; distncia da parede ao pallet
de no mnimo 0,50 cm; limpeza diria da fbrica e ordem de fabricao de rao
para evitar a contaminao cruzada (Figura 4);.
CORADI, Paulo Carteri; LACERDA FILHO, Adlio Flauzino de; MELO, Evandro de
Castro. Anlise de perigos e pontos crticos de controle (APPCC) no processo de
fabricao da rao. Revista Eletrnica Nutritime. v.6, n.5, p.1098-1102 set./out.
FURTINI, Larissa Lagoa Ribeiro; ABREU, Luiz Ronaldo de. Utilizao de APPCC
na indstria de alimentos. Cincia e Agrotecnologia. Lavras, v.30, n.2, 2006.
MOTA, Ezio Gomes da. Indstria de raes: legislao e sistema appcc aplicado
indstria de alimentos para bovinos. On-line. Disponvel em: Acesso em:
31 mar. 2015.
ZANI, Ariovaldo. Setor de rao animal deve fechar 2014 com produo de
67,3 milhes de toneladas. On-line. Disponvel em:
Acesso em: 14 mar. 2015.