Tratamento Curativo Do Carcinoma Do Recto em Estadio IV
Tratamento Curativo Do Carcinoma Do Recto em Estadio IV
Tratamento Curativo Do Carcinoma Do Recto em Estadio IV
Isabel Reis1, Manuel Magalhes2, Dora Gomes1, Franklim Marques2, Nuno Sousa2, Olga Sousa1 1Servio de Radioterapia, 2Servio de Oncologia Mdica Instituto Portugus de Oncologia Francisco Gentil do Porto Centro Hospitalar do Porto
1. Ferrand F, Malka D, Bourredjem A. Impact of primary tumour resection on survival of patientswith colorectal cancer and synchronous metastases treated by chemotherapy: Results from the multicenter, randomised trial Fdration Francophone de Cancrologie Digestive 9601. European Journal of Cancer (2013) 49, 90 97 2. Marin C, Robles R, Conesa AL et al. Outcome of Strict Patient Selection for Surgical Treatment of Hepatic and Pulmonary Metastases From Colorectal Cancer. Dis Colon Rectum 2013; 56:43-50 3. Cellini C, Hunt SR, Fleshman JW et al. Stage IV Rectal Cancer with Liver Metastases. Is there a Benefit to Ressection of the primary tumor? World J Surg (2010) 34: 1102-8
o Hiptese de cura (10-25%)3 Tratamento cirrgico Sobrevivncia Global (SG) aos 5 anos: 25-56% (metstases hepticas)2 21-43% (metstases pulmonares)2
1. Ferrand F, Malka D, Bourredjem A. Impact of primary tumour resection on survival of patientswith colorectal cancer and synchronous metastases treated by chemotherapy: Results from the multicenter, randomised trial Fdration Francophone de Cancrologie Digestive 9601. European Journal of Cancer (2013) 49, 90 97 2. Marin C, Robles R, Conesa AL et al. Outcome of Strict Patient Selection for Surgical Treatment of Hepatic and Pulmonary Metastases From Colorectal Cancer. Dis Colon Rectum 2013; 56:43-50 3. Cellini C, Hunt SR, Fleshman JW et al. Stage IV Rectal Cancer with Liver Metastases. Is there a Benefit to Ressection of the primary tumor? World J Surg (2010) 34: 1102-8
Cirurgia 3 o Hiptese de cura (10-25%) Tratamento cirrgico Teraputicas Metstases Alvo Sobrevivncia Global (SG) aos 5 anos: Cirurgia 25-56% (metstases heptica)2 Quimioterapia Tumor 21-43% (metstases pulmonares)2 Primrio
1. Ferrand F, Malka D, Bourredjem A. Impact of primary tumour resection on survival of patientswith colorectal cancer and synchronous metastases treated by chemotherapy: Results from the multicenter, randomised trial Fdration Francophone de Cancrologie Digestive 9601. European Journal of Cancer (2013) 49, 90 97 2. Marin C, Robles R, Conesa AL et al. Outcome of Strict Patient Selection for Surgical Treatment of Hepatic and Pulmonary Metastases From Colorectal Cancer. Dis Colon Rectum 2013; 56:43-50 3. Cellini C, Hunt SR, Fleshman JW et al. Stage IV Rectal Cancer with Liver Metastases. Is there a Benefit to Ressection of the primary tumor? World J Surg (2010) 34: 1102-8
o Caraterizar a populao de doentes com cancro do reto estadio IV tratados com inteno curativa e avaliar a eficcia teraputica.
Coorte Geral
Grupo 1 RT* QT
*RTQT ou RT (esquema curto)
Grupo 2 QT RT
Grupo 1 (n=31)
58 anos 6 (19,4%) 25 (80,6%) 27 (87,1%) 4 (12,9%) 31 (100%) 27 (87,1%) 4 (12,9%)
Grupo 2 (n=10)
57 anos 4 (40%) 6 (60%) 8 (80%) 2 (20%) 10 (100%) 7 (70%) 3 (30%)
Grupo 1
22 (71,0%) 7 (22,6%) 2 (6,5%) 3 (9,7%) 1 (3,2%) 1 (3,2%)
Grupo 2
10 (100%) 1 (3,2%) 2 (6,5%) -
Grupo 1
22 (71,0%) 7 (22,6%) 2 (6,5%) 3 (9,7%) 1 (3,2%) 1 (3,2%)
Grupo 2
10 (100%) 1 (3,2%) 2 (6,5%) -
Grupo 1 (RTQT)
2 (6,5%) 17 (54,8%) 12 (38,7%)
Grupo 2 (QTRT)
2 (20,0%) 3 (30,0%) 5 (50,0%)
Doentes com RC
SG aos 2 anos Sobrevivncia Mediana (SM) SM Livre de Doena 60% 38 meses 14 meses
o Ausncia de prejuzo teraputico (SG na coorte global de 26 meses) o Potencial benefcio (SG aos 2 anos nos doentes com RC superior esperada se a estratgia tivesse sido paliativa ad inicium).
8 de Maro de 2013
Schmoll HJ, Van Custem E, Stein A et al. ESMO Consensus Guidelines for management of patients with colon and rectal cancer. A personalized approach to clinical decision making. 2012 Annals of Oncology 23:2479-516
Schmoll HJ, Van Custem E, Stein A et al. ESMO Consensus Guidelines for management of patients with colon and rectal cancer. A personalized approach to clinical decision making. 2012 Annals of Oncology 23:2479-516
Grupo 1 Grupo 2
58,1% 30,0%