New EzeKey Port
New EzeKey Port
New EzeKey Port
- Duas sadas com transistores de potncia pata ativar contatos momentaneos ou com trava. - Sada de sirene. - Dois leds indicadores. - 30 cdigos de acesso com at seis dgitos. - Cdigo Noturno. - By-pass para entrada. - Indicao visual da bateria e programao. - Indicao audvel das teclas e programao. - Cdigo de Manuteno - No perde programao quando retirada alimentao. - Arme rpido para cada sada. DESCRIO DAS CARCTERSTICAS. Cdigo Noturno. Quando um cdigo noturno digitado para uma determinada sada, o teclado se tornar totalmente inoperante at que seja digitado novamente este mesmo cdigo. Sada da Sirene. Ser fechado um contacto com o negativo quando a tecla ( * ) for pressionado. A sada permanecer ativa at que a tecla seja liberada. Bypass da entrada. Quando acionado esse comando ser ativada uma sada negativa na sada 1. Arme Rpido If "latch with fast arm" is selected for the output control (location 99) then entering a "1" or "2" followed by "#" will latch, but not unlatch, the corresponding relay. Technician code. After this code is entered a 'control digit' must be pressed. 1 = activate output 1. 2 = activate output 2. 3 = activate outputs 1 and 2. 8 = unlock keypad. 9 = lock keypad. Keypad ceases normal operation.
The green power led; - Remains steady during normal operation. - Flashes during programming. - Flashes when awaiting an area number for area selectable codes. The red free leds are under user control. BEEPER OPERATION. Normal Operation. - Normal keypress - keypad beeps once when a key is pressed, each key has is own tone. - Valid code received - keypad beeps three times. - Invalid code received - keypad gives one long beep. Programming; - Beeper beeps once on each key press. - Beeper beep twice for a correct entry. - Beeper beeps one long beep on an incorrect entry. - Beeper beeps three times for a successful completion of a programming sequence. Shunts. There are three shunts on the back of the circuit board. The first two control the operation of the two leds and the third provides a method of entering programming mode when the master code has been lost or forgotten. Led control - when the shunts are in place the leds are linked to the state of the two outputs as well as being able to control them by grounding the respective control wire. When the shunts are removed the leds are controlled only by grounding their respective wires. Programming entry - If this shunt is closed when power is applied the keypad unit will jump into programming mode when the shunt is reopened. While the shunt is closed the keypad will beep continuously until the shunt is removed. If all else fails - In the event of a catastrophic programing error that leaves EzeKey inoperable the following method may be used to default ALL programming back to factory settings. 1. Remove power from EzeKey. Place programming shunt across pins. 2. Apply power. Ezekey beeps continuously. Remove shunt. Beeper stops. 3. Replace programming shunt. EzeKey beeps TWICE. 4. Remove and then replace shunt. EzeKey beeps THREE times then cleans out all programmed data, restores the factory new settings and then beeps continuously till the shunt is removed. KEYPAD OPERATION. Programming.
Master code; - (old master code)+"#"+"00"+"#"+(new master code)+"#". User access codes; - (master code)+"#"+(id)+"#"+(new access code)+"#"+(access code status) Selecting Keypad lockout after 8 incorrect codes. - (master code)+"#"+"97"+"#"+(1=lockout / 0=no lockout) Technician code; - (master code)+"#"+"98"+"#"+(new tech code)+"# Output operation. - (master code)+"#"+"99"+"#"+(output number)+(output control number) User Code Status. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 Operates output 1. Operates output 2. Operates output 1 and 2. simultaneously. Operates output 1 or 2. 'Nite Lock' output 1. 'Nite Lock' output 2. 'Nite Lock' outputs 1 and 2. -
Output Control. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 Momentary 0.5 second. Momentary 1 second. Momentary 2 second. Momentary 4 second. Momentary 8 second. Momentary 16 second. Momentary 32 second. Latch / Unlatch output ( no fast arm permitted ) Latch / Unlatch output ( fast arm permitted )
Quick arm. - output number ( 1 or 2 )+"#" Technician code lock. - (tech code)+"#"+"9" Technician code unlock. - (tech code)+"#"+"8" Technician code output operation. - (tech code)+"#"+(output number) Wiring (white)Output 2. Sink. (500 ohm resistor in series) (pink) Output 1. Sink. (500 ohm resistor in series) (brown) Led 1 Control (-ve) (blue) Led 2 Control (-ve) (green) Egress Input (-ve) (yellow) Bell Output. Sink. (500 ohm resistor in series) (black ) -12V Input (red) +12V Input NOTE. The outputs (1 + 2 + Bell) are 0.5 amp transistors. The 500 ohm resistor in series with each of these outputs may be linked (short) in production or changed for an alternative value to provide a higher current capability. Shunts o-o o-o oo Shunt closed = led 1 linked to output 1. Shunt open = led 1 controlled externally only. Shunt closed = led 1 linked to output 2. Shunt open = led 1 controlled externally only. Shunt closed on power up enters programming mode when opened. Also may be used to return all EzeKey programming to factory defaults. (see page 1.)