Here's a another Newsboy Cap from Stitch n' Bitch. Simple pattern with a pleasing end result!

Pattern: Headline Newsboy Cap
Source: Stitch n' Bitch
Yarn: Lion Brand Cotton Ease
Made for: Little friend of mine. She loved the other one I made so she requested one for herself!
Needle Size: Size 8 Size 10.5
Date Started: July 2007
Date Completed: July 2007
The following is the Ruffles and Ridges Wrap from Fiber Trends. This was my first "garment" although I'm not sure if it counts as one. I hate it.

Pattern: Ruffles and Ridges
Source: Fiber Trends
Yarn: Crystal Palace Merino Stripes
Made for: Me!
Needle Size: Size 10
Date Started: Jan 2007
Date Completed: Feb 2007

The back looks cool but since the wrap is edged with ruffles it doesn't lay right in the front. And it's too big! I want to frog this but do you know how many stithces I had to cast on with?? Over 1000! It took me hours to even start this project!

I've been looking online to see if anyone else has used this Merino Stripes from Crystal Palace so I could get some pattern ideas. No such luck. Any suggestions? I was thinking just a basic rectangular shawl or maybe a
And the following are from Knitty. The
fuzzy feet pattern. If you want to practice making socks, these are a good start. All you do with these is make a big sock on bigger needles with wool, felt them and these are the end result. You'll never know if you dropped a stitch or didn't turn the heel properly.

Pattern: Fuzzy Feet
Yarn: Lamb's Pride Worsted Wool
Made for: Me!
Needle Size: Size 10 I think
Date Started: Jan 2007
Date Completed: Feb 2007