"What The Mouse?" is an artistic stop-motion short film covering the subject of Finding one's self Identity. The story follows a character named "What" in the form of a mouse who was abandoned at birth by his parents, due to his unpleasant...See more"What The Mouse?" is an artistic stop-motion short film covering the subject of Finding one's self Identity. The story follows a character named "What" in the form of a mouse who was abandoned at birth by his parents, due to his unpleasant appearance. "What" seeks advice in finding who he really is and where he came from, dealing with mental health issues including depression, social anxiety, and abandonment issues. Throughout his quest, he meets some unique characters which help him cope with his disposition in life. These characters include an anxious stray Hairless Sphinx cat with severe A.D.H.D, an eccentric owl filled with paranoia, and an agoraphobic snail who refuses to come out of his shell, literally. This unlikely friendship breeds understanding through one another that it doesn't matter who or what you are, or what anybody else thinks of you, as long as you learn to love yourself. Written by
Jhonny Parks
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