I don't cook.
But once in a while, when a higher authority force me to cook, I will bring out my non-existent culinary skills and shout aloud, "Can you smell what the Rock is cooking?!" Then, proceed to turning the kitchen into a war zone.
Okaylah. Acah mak enon je. I'm super tidy in the kitchen. I need good ventilation and good music. And yes, most definitely, I need time.
Today, I had to make Bergedil. Awesome deep fried potatoes with herbs, taste so good, dare I say, it taste way better than McD's fries!
Tapi mak datuk, it takes berzaman to get these Bergedil done! Omputeh tengok, sure dah malas nak buat dah.
Here are the ingredients. Forgive me for my lack of cooking vocabs. I'm no Nigella Lawson.
Mix ALL ingredients with your hands.
Crack open an egg and add it into the Mix and proceed to gaul it with your hands.
Then come the not-so-fun part. Using very clean and dry hands, you need to turn that huge lump of a Mix into small balls. I like them Bergedils bite size, so I make them as small as Kuih Makmur. Yum!
While the Oompa Loompas proceed with the "turn-Mix-into-small-balls" process, someone need to start cracking open 4 eggs and whip them up. If you're alone in the kitchen, then, sucks to be you.
Using the same oil I deep-fried the wedges earlier on, reheat them up and it's time for the final section of Making Bergedil Took Away Almost Two Hours Of My Life.
Take the small balls, one by one, quickly dip them in the egg mix and in a blink of an eye, throw the balls into the deep frier.
Hear the oil sizzles, the egg popping and using your own conscience, you decide when's the best time to take the Bergedils out.
Tadaaa!! (Tadaaa la sangat. Kalau 2 jam tu, takde la Tadaa sangat kan?) Siap.
Seriously, it took me 2 hours to do it. BLOOODY HELL lama okay~ Baik beli dekat gerai je. -__-
So during Iftar, came my bragging moment. "Homaigoat, cantik nya Bergedil-Bergedil ni. Ish." Self admire the Bergedils dengan muka bongkak bercampur puashati.
Then my father nodded and said, "A'ah. Cantik macam you la."
"PAAA! Ulang balik! Papa kata Nadiah cantik???!" How could this be?? Did my father just admitted that he has a beautiful daughter for the first time ever in my 26 years of living life on earth. Homaigoat!
"Ye la. Cantik macam Bergedil tu la. Kalau you rasa Bergedil tu cantik, then you cantik macam tu lah."

But once in a while, when a higher authority force me to cook, I will bring out my non-existent culinary skills and shout aloud, "Can you smell what the Rock is cooking?!" Then, proceed to turning the kitchen into a war zone.
Okaylah. Acah mak enon je. I'm super tidy in the kitchen. I need good ventilation and good music. And yes, most definitely, I need time.
Today, I had to make Bergedil. Awesome deep fried potatoes with herbs, taste so good, dare I say, it taste way better than McD's fries!
Tapi mak datuk, it takes berzaman to get these Bergedil done! Omputeh tengok, sure dah malas nak buat dah.
Here are the ingredients. Forgive me for my lack of cooking vocabs. I'm no Nigella Lawson.
- 15 De-skinned Potatoes (deep fried ala wedges and then mash)
- 1 Gunung Kecil Lada Putih dalam Sudu Teh (tumbuk halus)
- 2 Bunga Bawang Putih (de-skinned and tumbuk halus, campur together-gether with Lada Putih)
- 2 Bunga Bawang Merah Kecik (de-skinned, hiris and then goreng rangup)
- 1 Jambak Daun Sup (hiris)
- 1 Rumpun Daun Bawang (hiris)
- 1/4 Papan Minced Meat (stir fried together with Daun Sup & Daun Bawang)
- 3 Gunung Besar Garam dalam Sudu Teh
Mix ALL ingredients with your hands.
Crack open an egg and add it into the Mix and proceed to gaul it with your hands.
Then come the not-so-fun part. Using very clean and dry hands, you need to turn that huge lump of a Mix into small balls. I like them Bergedils bite size, so I make them as small as Kuih Makmur. Yum!
While the Oompa Loompas proceed with the "turn-Mix-into-small-balls" process, someone need to start cracking open 4 eggs and whip them up. If you're alone in the kitchen, then, sucks to be you.
Using the same oil I deep-fried the wedges earlier on, reheat them up and it's time for the final section of Making Bergedil Took Away Almost Two Hours Of My Life.
Take the small balls, one by one, quickly dip them in the egg mix and in a blink of an eye, throw the balls into the deep frier.
Hear the oil sizzles, the egg popping and using your own conscience, you decide when's the best time to take the Bergedils out.
Tadaaa!! (Tadaaa la sangat. Kalau 2 jam tu, takde la Tadaa sangat kan?) Siap.
Seriously, it took me 2 hours to do it. BLOOODY HELL lama okay~ Baik beli dekat gerai je. -__-
So during Iftar, came my bragging moment. "Homaigoat, cantik nya Bergedil-Bergedil ni. Ish." Self admire the Bergedils dengan muka bongkak bercampur puashati.
Then my father nodded and said, "A'ah. Cantik macam you la."
"PAAA! Ulang balik! Papa kata Nadiah cantik???!" How could this be?? Did my father just admitted that he has a beautiful daughter for the first time ever in my 26 years of living life on earth. Homaigoat!
"Ye la. Cantik macam Bergedil tu la. Kalau you rasa Bergedil tu cantik, then you cantik macam tu lah."
Today, my father just told me I am as pretty as a Bergedil (see below). FML.