Sunday, August 23, 2009

Making Bergedil Took Away Almost Two Hours Of My Life

I don't cook.

But once in a while, when a higher authority force me to cook, I will bring out my non-existent culinary skills and shout aloud, "Can you smell what the Rock is cooking?!" Then, proceed to turning the kitchen into a war zone.

Okaylah. Acah mak enon je. I'm super tidy in the kitchen. I need good ventilation and good music. And yes, most definitely, I need time.

Today, I had to make Bergedil. Awesome deep fried potatoes with herbs, taste so good, dare I say, it taste way better than McD's fries!

Tapi mak datuk, it takes berzaman to get these Bergedil done! Omputeh tengok, sure dah malas nak buat dah.

Here are the ingredients. Forgive me for my lack of cooking vocabs. I'm no Nigella Lawson.

  • 15 De-skinned Potatoes (deep fried ala wedges and then mash)
  • 1 Gunung Kecil Lada Putih dalam Sudu Teh (tumbuk halus)
  • 2 Bunga Bawang Putih (de-skinned and tumbuk halus, campur together-gether with Lada Putih)
  • 2 Bunga Bawang Merah Kecik (de-skinned, hiris and then goreng rangup)
  • 1 Jambak Daun Sup (hiris)
  • 1 Rumpun Daun Bawang (hiris)
  • 1/4 Papan Minced Meat (stir fried together with Daun Sup & Daun Bawang)
  • 3 Gunung Besar Garam dalam Sudu Teh

Mix ALL ingredients with your hands.

Crack open an egg and add it into the Mix and proceed to gaul it with your hands.

Then come the not-so-fun part. Using very clean and dry hands, you need to turn that huge lump of a Mix into small balls. I like them Bergedils bite size, so I make them as small as Kuih Makmur. Yum!

While the Oompa Loompas proceed with the "turn-Mix-into-small-balls" process, someone need to start cracking open 4 eggs and whip them up. If you're alone in the kitchen, then, sucks to be you.

Using the same oil I deep-fried the wedges earlier on, reheat them up and it's time for the final section of Making Bergedil Took Away Almost Two Hours Of My Life.

Take the small balls, one by one, quickly dip them in the egg mix and in a blink of an eye, throw the balls into the deep frier.

Hear the oil sizzles, the egg popping and using your own conscience, you decide when's the best time to take the Bergedils out.

Tadaaa!! (Tadaaa la sangat. Kalau 2 jam tu, takde la Tadaa sangat kan?) Siap.

Seriously, it took me 2 hours to do it. BLOOODY HELL lama okay~ Baik beli dekat gerai je. -__-

So during Iftar, came my bragging moment. "Homaigoat, cantik nya Bergedil-Bergedil ni. Ish." Self admire the Bergedils dengan muka bongkak bercampur puashati.

Then my father nodded and said, "A'ah. Cantik macam you la."

"PAAA! Ulang balik! Papa kata Nadiah cantik???!" How could this be?? Did my father just admitted that he has a beautiful daughter for the first time ever in my 26 years of living life on earth. Homaigoat!

"Ye la. Cantik macam Bergedil tu la. Kalau you rasa Bergedil tu cantik, then you cantik macam tu lah."


Today, my father just told me I am as pretty as a Bergedil (see below). FML.

Love You Long Time

Last Thursday night, we had a Full House at our regular joint. Remind me again, when was the last time we ever managed to pull that off? Yonks ago. When I still had my baby teeth, kot. (exaggerate)

Nana, nak gambar!

There were some highlights that should've been told / written about but I guess got left out due to the craziness of our schedules and the lack of motivation a.k.a. lazy. So, let's do a quick recap. Quick as in some keywords and pictures only.


Birthday 10 Juners. Coca indulgence. Officially Cek Bess a.k.a. Natt Bass. Farah muka tak puas hati birthday present smaller than Natt. The underwater miseducation by me to Dhani. We dressed up. Tshirt tie bergemerlapan Shasuleen.

My Birthday. Tarbush. Sedap. Shisha. Sedap. Meja berat. Kerusi berat. Diyana missing. Missing Diyana. Dhani demam. Awesomely random presents. Arokaya. Nana kena detention. Kena Shhh! Movie time. Bale & Depp: Cair (not me).

Birthday Diyana. In-house celebration. Pak Haji Rock & Doralin present. Dhani putih gell! Usop tak lari (Syabas!). Domino's. Coke. More Domino's. More pink for Diyana. Ibu muda. Tapi dia malas nak dress-up! Melodi. AroQafya.

Back-to-School-Cool. Miya uploaded some of the most awesomest (depends on how you look at it) pictures during our school days. Man, those were the days. Student Nigeria. Hikers. English Drama. Pateri semut. Camping dalam college. Pekan Rabu. Pre-puberty styles. Braces. Saujana Photoshoot. Mr. Pang POM POM POM! Here's a picture of us during SPM week.

Nuang. Havoc! Ariel madness. Tomtombak. Pierre. Click 5. The Gentle Giant. Juki' matang. Jungle drama. Makcik Robayah. Bibik Nadiah. Mysterious tent. Kabus ribut. Tapak kaki berpuluh orang. Shaxu's first 30-minutes killer Crack. Natt tak crack siap angkatkan bag Shaxu. Ayam golek sedap. Sambal kicap lagi sedap! Lamb dia, mak aih, cair di mulut. Stumbling blocks which we got over with. Dhani admitted into SJMC. Nana hyper. Budak kecik layan kretek. Pasukan penyelamat. Sesudu nasi basi.

Qaf cakap, "kalau nak carik calon isteri/suami, nak cari dan faham hati sebenar rakan-rakan bawaklah diorang berekreasi secara aktif, dalam sedikit tekanan dan dalam persekitaran yang agak mencabar..insyaallah korang akan lebih memahami siapakah orang-orang sekeliling korang".

Hasilnya, imagine this: Shaxu pakai gown kembang, bawak radio besar atas bahu, siap ada jala. T_T

Okay people. It's a wrap! Need to go down and make bergedil, now. Selamat berpuasa and selamat lagi berpuasa!!

Monday, August 10, 2009

blast from the past

Blast from the past. Miya has uploaded photos from high school era in the FB. Pictures of the innocent but nakal budak2 TKC batch 9600 are now available for view in FB..haha..see how different I am? with baggy clothes, roll-up pants and god knows what kind of hair style is that..haha..

i love as in LOVE high school..maybe most of the girls are homesick and wanted to go back often, I on the other side, love being in school, where I can see all my friends, everyday. For friends are everything. I'm the secretive one in my family. I don't share boyfriends problem with my family, I don't share who I like or what I like with my family..i share them with my friends..see how attached I am to friends??..haha

Anyway, high school is the best era of my life..I would say that I was playing hard rather than studying hard..(obviously!!)..staying up late at night at the corridor, tiru-ing homework, end up sleeping in the class (like everyday, every class (-__-"))..i've been up to the water tank, roof top, panjat block, roller-blading at night, naikkan pelepah kelape as bendera, singing or dancing or both for all side shows for ED..(all ke? x ingat) and bullying the juniors..not really bully la..suruh dorang tolong iron tudung aku je..haha.. i missed those days..fortunately my good friends are still with me, even I am not as kurus as back then..haha..tolong la kasik aku kurus again! so thankful to still be friends with these crazy bunch of people!..for girls are everything!!..i love you girls..\(^_^)/ hug~~..

Friday, August 7, 2009

Time Wasted, Tapi Fun!

mabis malam ni?
im supose to watch transvestite
ngn ikan toman
klu smpt hbs cpt aku join..or ill get tom tom bak to join too
Sent at 4:36 PM on Friday
harap tak hbs lmbt sgt
Sent at 4:39 PM on Friday
have funnn ah tengok transvestite
pls jgn horny horny man man man man
klu aku horny, aku pegang kau lps tu
takyah pegang aku ah
pegang rambut aku
kan lagi wild
tros aku tak jadi join korg, sbb aku dah gi clubbing ngn rmbt kau tros
for the time being, aku kena go bald ah
pull a v for vendetta sikit!
yezzaaa....tudung ada, takpaa
unless rambut kau mmg nak gi clubbing pon still pki tudung,,klu tak die rs mcm get naked yo!
mcm takde baju sket
mesti ah kena bukak aurat sikit


Tok Kok is what we do best!

Diyana turned 26 on the 4th and I just realized it has been the longest time since I tok kok with her! Bila lagi ni, Diyana?? Seriously, Mabis is missing you big time! And we are missing you BIGGEST TIME!


Monday, August 3, 2009


alamak..internet kat office aku is freaking slow!!! i can't download music anymore..can't stream the youtube..even replying email through internet is freaking slow..dammit!! streamyx people..keja or not????...

pendek kate..bole hilang la lemak-lemak aku di kala menunggu page nak load ~ sigh