Papers by Dorota Lorkiewicz-Muszyńska
KULTURA WIELBARSKA WIELBARK CULTURE Oddajemy Państwu do rąk monografię poświęconą jednemu z najci... more KULTURA WIELBARSKA WIELBARK CULTURE Oddajemy Państwu do rąk monografię poświęconą jednemu z najciekawszych ugrupowań schyłku starożytności, jaką jest kultura wielbarska-niejednoznaczna, tak z racji swych dziejów, jak również badań nad nimi prowadzonych. Wymyka się ona bowiem ze standardów, do jakich przywykliśmy w trakcie studiów archeologicznych nad pradziejowymi społecznościami zamieszkującymi wnętrze kontynentu europejskiego. Nie do końca jasna jej geneza oraz regionalne odmienności kulturowe, a nade wszystko posiadane przez nią skomplikowane i niejednoznaczne oblicze etniczne, są powodem do niekończących się w środowisku akademickim polemik i dyskusji. Charakter i skomplikowanie materii powoduje także to, że w jej analizowanie włączają się specjaliści z różnych dziedzin. Oczywiście prym wiodą archeolodzy, ale w swoich, nieraz zbyt wybujałych interpretacjach, są stopowani i korygowani przez historyków i filologów, dla których to jedyną uprawnioną perspektywę stanowią źródła pisane. Wydawnictwo Nauka i Innowacje
KULTURA WIELBARSKA WIELBARK CULTURE Oddajemy Państwu do rąk monografię poświęconą jednemu z najci... more KULTURA WIELBARSKA WIELBARK CULTURE Oddajemy Państwu do rąk monografię poświęconą jednemu z najciekawszych ugrupowań schyłku starożytności, jaką jest kultura wielbarska-niejednoznaczna, tak z racji swych dziejów, jak również badań nad nimi prowadzonych. Wymyka się ona bowiem ze standardów, do jakich przywykliśmy w trakcie studiów archeologicznych nad pradziejowymi społecznościami zamieszkującymi wnętrze kontynentu europejskiego. Nie do końca jasna jej geneza oraz regionalne odmienności kulturowe, a nade wszystko posiadane przez nią skomplikowane i niejednoznaczne oblicze etniczne, są powodem do niekończących się w środowisku akademickim polemik i dyskusji. Charakter i skomplikowanie materii powoduje także to, że w jej analizowanie włączają się specjaliści z różnych dziedzin. Oczywiście prym wiodą archeolodzy, ale w swoich, nieraz zbyt wybujałych interpretacjach, są stopowani i korygowani przez historyków i filologów, dla których to jedyną uprawnioną perspektywę stanowią źródła pisane. Wydawnictwo Nauka i Innowacje REDAKCJA NAUKOWA
International journal of osteoarchaeology, Jun 17, 2024
Numerous pathological and nonpathological changes examined on human bones are classified and rela... more Numerous pathological and nonpathological changes examined on human bones are classified and related to various types of physical activities practiced during life. Some activities in ancient populations can be reconstructed based on studies of specific patterns and types of skeletal changes. Recently, particular attention has been paid to evaluate diagnostic traits that are commonly interpreted as “horsemanship syndrome.” In the present study, as of the time of writing, 100 skeletons from 23 archaeological sites of the Strzyżów culture in south-eastern Poland have been cataloged and analyzed. Preliminary analysis showed that 31 individuals were of subadult age and 46 adult skeletons were poorly preserved. In further research, authors focused on pathological and nonpathological changes in bone morphology associated with horseback riding among the remaining 23 adult individuals. Diagnostic traits including pelvic and lower limbs entheses, acetabular shape (vertical ovalisation), femoroacetabular morphological changes, subtrochanteric shape (platymeria), and specific vertebral degeneration and specific trauma lesions were analyzed related to biomechanical stress from frequent horseback riding. An evaluation gave results with high level of diagnostic certainty for four individuals and included two males, one female, and one individual whose sex could not be clearly determined due to the fragmented and incomplete preservation of the skull and pelvis. Lower probability was received in the next three cases included one male, one female, and one probably female. This study revealed that a proportion of the Strzyżów culture population developed skeletal changes compatible with riding horses.
International Journal of Osteoarchaeology, 2024
Numerous pathological and nonpathological changes examined on human bones are classified and rela... more Numerous pathological and nonpathological changes examined on human bones are classified and related to various types of physical activities practiced during life. Some activities in ancient populations can be reconstructed based on studies of specific patterns and types of skeletal changes. Recently, particular attention has been paid to evaluate diagnostic traits that are commonly interpreted as “horsemanship syndrome.” In the present study, as of the time of writing, 100 skeletons from 23 archaeological sites of the Strzyżów culture in south-eastern Poland have been cataloged and analyzed. Preliminary analysis showed that 31 individuals were of subadult age and 46 adult skeletons were poorly preserved. In further research, authors focused on pathological and nonpathological changes in bone morphology associated with horseback riding among the remaining 23 adult individuals. Diagnostic traits including pelvic and lower limbs entheses, acetabular shape (vertical ovalisation), femoroacetabular morphological changes, subtrochanteric shape (platymeria), and specific vertebral degeneration and specific trauma lesions were analyzed related to biomechanical stress from frequent horseback riding. An evaluation gave results with high level of diagnostic certainty for four individuals and included two males, one female, and one individual whose sex could not be clearly determined due to the fragmented and incomplete preservation of the skull and pelvis. Lower probability was received in the next three cases included one male, one female, and one probably female. This study revealed that a proportion of the Strzyżów culture population developed skeletal changes compatible with riding horses.
Clinical and Experimental Obstetrics & Gynecology, May 26, 2023
Objective: Sexual and reproductive health is an integral part of the health and well-being of ado... more Objective: Sexual and reproductive health is an integral part of the health and well-being of adolescents. In this paper, the authors summarized the outline of the problems of sexual violence against children, with special emphasis on that against girls. The commentary was written from the point of view of general gynaecologists, sexologists, obstetrics and gynaecology nurses, clinical psychologist, and dermatologist. Mechanism: For the convenience of the readers' better understanding, we described things in the following order; first, we explained the concept of child sexual abuse, then we discussed symptoms of sexual violence against children, and special attention was given to the issue of Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STD). Lastly, we emphasized general principles of physical diagnostics in the case of suspicion of sexual harassment of children. Findings in Brief: This work reveals the importance of holistic care of sexual assault victims. Conclusions: The cooperation of gynaecologists with dermatologists, medical examiners, paediatricians, psychologists, and dieticians is essential to interdisciplinary collaboration for children. Acquaintance by doctors with symptoms that can be a sign of sexual abuse of a child is necessary. If they appear in the form of physical injuries or STDs, they will probably be possible to diagnose only by medical service.
Medycyna Rodzinna, Nov 7, 2018
Dental Forum, Jan 23, 2014
W pracy przedstawiono opiniowaną przez zespół biegłych, składający się z lekarzy dentystów i leka... more W pracy przedstawiono opiniowaną przez zespół biegłych, składający się z lekarzy dentystów i lekarza medycyny sądowej, sprawę z powództwa cywilnego o odszkodowanie za naruszenie dóbr osobistych. Pozwany lekarz dentysta usunął pacjentce niewłaściwy ząb (drugi ząb przedtrzonowy górny prawy zamiast drugiego zęba trzonowego górnego prawego). Mimo, że firma ubezpieczeniowa wypłaciła odszkodowanie z tytułu odpowiedzialności cywilnej lekarza, pacjentka wystąpiła, w drodze postępowania cywilnego, o odszkodowanie za naruszenie dóbr osobistych i pokrycie kosztów leczenia protetycznego. W wyniku analizy akt, pozornie oczywista sprawa, u której podstaw leżał błąd medyczny, przybrała niespodziewany obrót. Mimo zaniedbań lekarza dentysty polegających na nierzetelnym prowadzeniu dokumentacji medycznej i popełnienia przez niego błędu w postaci usunięcia niewłaściwego zęba, kluczową dla opinii sądowo-lekarskiej okazała się dokumentacja medyczna z innego gabinetu, w którym pacjentka leczyła się kilkanaście dni wcześniej. Z jej zapisów wynikało, że istniały bezwzględne wskazania do usunięcia obu zębów. W opinii wykazano, że lekarz zamienił jedynie kolejność ekstrakcji zębów i w efekcie błąd medyczny okazał się być błędem bezskutkowym. W dyskusji omówiono znaczenie prawidłowo prowadzonej dokumentacji medycznej oraz kwestie medyczno-sądowe istotne dla sprawy.
PubMed, Mar 29, 2014
Since a successful bitemark analysis depends on many factors, it is important that the phases pre... more Since a successful bitemark analysis depends on many factors, it is important that the phases preceding the analysis be carried out as thoroughly as possible. Interpretive errors in the analysis arise primarily from the complex nature of bitemarks, but also as a result of faulty research methodology, false assumptions or technical errors made during the identification and documentation process. The key role is played by qualifications, knowledge and experience of experts involved in the investigations. In case bitemarks are detected, it is recommended to seek consultations by forensic odontologists or members of an interdisciplinary team experienced in bitemark analysis. The thus obtained information allows for gathering evidence guaranteeing a reliable expert opinion.
Research Square (Research Square), May 26, 2023
Analysed graves of the Strzyżów culture, materials obtained and investigated in the last decade, ... more Analysed graves of the Strzyżów culture, materials obtained and investigated in the last decade, and results of anthropological analysis provided new information on the custom of disturbing burial pits in the Early Bronze Age. It is now possible to suggest and present entirely new conclusions concerning funeral rituals observed by the Strzyżów culture and distinguish ve types of disturbed burials from the Early Bronze Age. This paper develops the research of various types of cutmarks disclosed on the bones of the skeleton found in grave no. 13 in Hrubieszów-Podgórze. The authors focused on the application of the morphological characteristics of the bone defects in complex skeletal remains studies, to discuss the possibility of dating occurrence and specifying the tool type. Digital microscopic analysis of different groups of defects (in form of indents, super cial linear grooves, wedge-shaped notches, and gap) was performed. Observed features of the defects of the right bula and both iliac wings indicate postmortem occurrence, possibly at the same time, using a sharp-edged tool when the bones were ductile, not brittle. Additionally, the localization and characteristics of the tool features imprinted on the bula and hip bones also indicate the state of skeletonization of the remains at the time the damages occurred. The time interval between death and the occurrence of the revealed bone damage (right bula and both hip bones) could have been short enough for those still alive to remember the deceased well. nds? Why in some graves the remains are misplaced? Traces of reopening the grave is frequently considered as grave-robbing in search of valuable objects. If the grave goods are intact was there any other reason for such actions and are we able to recognize it? Archaeological framework-the Strzyżów Culture (SC) The Strzyżów culture encompassed the area between the eastern part of the Lublin Upland (Poland) and southwest Volhynia (Ukraine). It originated from post-Corded traditions with certain in uences of eastern communities such as the Pit Grave culture and the Catacomb Grave culture, and developed between the 2nd millennium BC parallel to the Mierzanowice culture (MC), and approx. 1600 BC, giving way to the Trzciniec culture. The cemeteries of the SC were usually aligned east-west and located on southern slopes of elevations. On planned cemeteries, burial pits were usually oriented east-west, sometimes with small deviations. Pits aligned north-south are rare. The deceased was usually laid extended and supine with the head pointing towards east or west. In burial pits, traces of wooden co ns or structures of burial chambers pasted with daub were recorded (Ślusarski and Ślusarska-Polańska 1988, 181, 188). In several cases, evidence of using re for burial rituals was found (Hyrchała 2021; Lorkiewicz-Muszyńska et al. 2021). Grave goods found in the graves include vessels of various kinds, placed by the head, feet, sometimes between the feet, or on one side along the burial pit. Equally common and typical are tools made of Volhynian int, often in the form of sickles, sometimes int projectile points, axes, and arrowheads. Among the ornaments, the most numerous are faiance beads, the number of which in a single grave reaches as many as a hundred items. They formed necklaces together with pendants made of shells, wild boars' tusks or other animal teeth and bones.
Problemy Kryminalistyki, 2017
Probative value of results obtained in the course of legal proceedings with the participants of t... more Probative value of results obtained in the course of legal proceedings with the participants of the criminal act may vary. This also concerns results of identification by an eyewitness. The exceptional role of its result in the criminal trial derives from the fact that categorical identification of a suspect by the witness becomes directly incriminating evidence. Problems connected with verification of identification parade result, which often occur both in Poland and in other countries, have been presented on the basis of a real criminal case. The main evidence submitted by the prosecutor was identification of several people who had been suspected of theft by an eye witness. Some important doubts relating to their guilt, however, arose in the criminal trial in court several years after the crime. The court decided to use the help of an expert in the field of anthropological identification. Comprehensive analysis of the CCTV recordings from the crime scene and additional examinations carried out by an expert made it possible to verify the results of the identification parade objectively and precisely. For the defendants the anthropological opinion was just exculpatory evidence. However, it opened up new possibilities to obtain information, especially when low quality of CCTV recordings does not allow for a detailed analysis of the characteristics of morphological elements of the head including its front part which is the face.
Mikroprzeszłość. Badania specjalistyczne w archeologii, 2021
Medycyna Rodzinna, 2018
The rights of a child stem from the dignity and uniqueness of a child as an individual and are en... more The rights of a child stem from the dignity and uniqueness of a child as an individual and are entitled to every young human being. For the first time children's rights were included in the Geneva Declaration in 1924, and their full collection was enshrined in the Convention on the Rights of the Child prepared by the United Nations in 1989. A child has the right to live without violence. In addition to physical trauma, the effects of sexual abuse of a child disrupt normal psychosexual development. Bullying of children is also punished. The law allows gentle discipline only by parents. Mental bullying, so-called systematic harassment of the child, humiliation, ridicule or insult. Sexual violence is a particular issue here. Sexual violence is defined by WHO as an abuse of children for sexual pleasure by adults or elder peers. The article discusses some issues of medical opinion in the case of sexual violence against a child. This is especially difficult for a disabled child. The k...
Papers by Dorota Lorkiewicz-Muszyńska