Art Journal

Some thoughts and pictures from the
Beautiful Paradise Peninsula

(otherwise known as the Wirral)

Thursday, 31 May 2012

Scavenger Hunt for May

Goodness, it seems like I haven't done a post in ages. 
Life is just getting in the way at the moment ... it's mad busy in work, Mr B. is struggling with a bad back again, and my camera is playing up. I seem to have dark spots all over the lens which are spoiling some of my snaps.
Anyway, moan over, here are my offerings for May.

Do you see what I see?  
Yes, this really is a cockatoo, perched on a woman's shoulder while she shops at the fish stall in a Paris street market
Historic - the famous gingerbread shop in Grasmere, in Cumbria. It's been selling Sarah Nelson's secret recipe here since 1854.
Nose .... Inca's, of course.
Beverage .... breakfast in Paris

Fragrance .... testing the wares at Occitane. 
Currency .... the much troubled Euro. It doesn't seem to go very far these days.
Station ... the beautiful metro station sign near Montmartre.
Yellow .... empty seats in the metro. 
Front page .... I loved this guy in Keswick market.
Nine ... this is a '99' will that do?
Good things .... macaroons in Paris. My goodness, how scrumptious are these?
Small packages .... a collection of tiny jewelled boxes on a market stall.

A splash of sunshine makes all the difference to life, doesn't it. Do you think it will hold up for the Jubilee weekend?

I'll try and post the new list for June tomorrow!

Saturday, 19 May 2012

An Afternoon at the Opera

This is the first glimpse of Paris as you step off the Roissybus from the airport. As we arrived late on Friday evening the space was filled with elegant Parisians leaving the Opera Garnier. We vowed to return the next afternoon to take a peek inside. Apologies now for a picture laden post!
I'm just going to show you some of my photographs, as I have run out of superlatives to describe the splendour of this building. It just fills you with a soaring feeling of awe and wonder as you gaze at the sheer opulence of the place.
The actual theatre itself is quite small, but has a beautiful ceiling painted by Marc Chagall, one of my favourite artists.
The viewing gallery was miniscule, and we had to patiently wait to get these shots, (with our fellow Europeans who have a limited concept of the art of queuing)
It seems that a trip to the Opera was really an opportunity to see and be seen by society's finest, and  long galleries were built for the sole purpose of promenading in your finery.

We were able to step out onto the balcony and view the wide boulevards around the Opera.
More ornate lighting .... imagine a time when these were candle-lit.
Down below the theatre is a sort of grotto area, dark and cave-like.
Which reminds me .... I must, must, must get to see the Phantom of the Opera as soon as I can! It's been on my list for years now!
We couldn't believe that entrance to this incredible building was absolutely free .....
.... but we still couldn't afford anything in the shop..... trop cher for us I'm afraid!
My daughter couldn't resist trying a feather mask .....
.... and I really fancied one of these lovely lamps, but I consoled myself with the thought that I wouldn't be able to get it in my hand luggage. Oh well ... another time perhaps!

Thursday, 17 May 2012

A Postcard from Paris

We  spent last weekend in Paris .... the weather was bright and sunny, but still as chilly as it has been here .... and we pottered about with no particular plan. Here are some things that caught my eye ...

The lovely arches surrounding the Place de Vosges
In the grounds of the Hotel Sully
A line of hand waving 'Her Majesty's in a shop window.
Sweet peas by the bucket load in a street market
A French 'air' played on a scratchy old record player at a street market
I love this lion guarding the back doors to the Hotel de Ville
My lovely daughter trying out one of the Paris 'velos' .... they are everywhere now, ridden by the very brave!!!
The front of the Hotel de Ville
The Seine
A tumble of towers
I had to snap this!!!!
Notre Dame
The lovers' padlocks on the bridge

So typically French
The book stalls along the river

 Wel, you can't go to Paris without  eating a cake, now, can you? It would be rude.
 Wonderful macarrons
 In the chocolate shop
 This was place was still open around midnight ,.... like a late night take-away for wealthychocoholics
 Duex kir Royales, s'il vous plait
 The view from our room
 Yes that is a diver's helmet at the Brocante on Sunday
 More brocante delights
Searching for old postcards

Saturday was filled with eating, drinking coffee and walking until our feet complained .... good fun!

I'll bore you with pictures from the rest of the trip very soon!


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