Showing posts with label html. Show all posts
Showing posts with label html. Show all posts

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Squidoo Lenses

I have been spending some time working on my Squidoo Lenses. It is a bit addictive and I don't know HTML enough to give them that supercool look that some lenses have. They are very informative, though, and here is a list of them:

Pull Tab Crochet on crocheting with pull tabs and different kinds of fiber.
Plastic Bags, Let's Do Something About Them on different uses for the pesky plastic grocery bag, including turning it into yarn ("plarn") and crocheting with it.
Pull Tab Art on other things besides crochet that can be done using aluminum pull tabs.
The History of the Can Pull Tab that tells you how the pull tab was invented and how it evolved.
Exotic Pets: The Degu about the cutest, most interesting rodent ever, which I happen to have 2 of...
Hydroponics with Kids on soil-less agriculture and kids.
Pull Tab Redemption Myths that talks about all myths involving recycling of pull tabs and what you can REALLY do with them.
Loren Eiseley about a sensational person and his impact on the scientific and literary world.
Edgar Morin about a sociologist and philosopher and his take on science (among other things).

Now I have to study HTML code and start revamping them...