Papers by Surendra Kumar Sia

This article examines the relationship between perceived gender discrimination and the dimensions... more This article examines the relationship between perceived gender discrimination and the dimensions of work engagement and the role of future time perspective on this relationship. Based on a social cognitive frame work, it was hypothesized that future time perspective is positively related to work engagement. Further, it was also expected that future time perspective would work as a compensatory motivational resources and weaken the negative relationship between gender discrimination and work engagement. These questions were examined using a sample of female employees working in textile and apparel companies in Chennai and the Puducherry region of India (N=234). Results indicate that future time perspective has a positive relationship with physical, cognitive as well as emotional engagement of the respondents. It also moderates significantly the relationship between perceived gender discrimination and cognitive as well as emotional dimensions of work engagement. However, no significant moderating effect appears for the relationship between gender discrimination and physical engagement of these employees.

The major thrust of the present paper, pertaining to employees’ growth and development at work, a... more The major thrust of the present paper, pertaining to employees’ growth and development at work, attempts a systematic analysis of attitudinal outcomes and performance improvement due to psychological capital. The constructs, namely psychological capital, and work attitudes like job involvement, job satisfaction, organisational commitment, cynicism, and turnover intention have been described.
Based on far reaching Indian as well as western literature and findings, it is suggested that psychological capital would be positively related to desirable attitudes like job satisfaction, organisational commitment, and job involvement whereas negatively related to undesirable attitudes like organisational cynicisms and turnover intention. Through extensive literature and findings, the researcher is aiming to formulate a conceptual model of psychological capital based on propositions and to show how psychological capital is related to job attitudes. With respect to organisational development, this paper also covers practical implication where systematic intervention of psychological capital is given utmost priority. With reference to various organisations and workplaces, how psychological capital can be applied in a scientific direction
through proper training, workshop, and web-based programme in order to promote healthy and balanced life.

This article examines the relationship between perceived gender discrimination and the dimensions... more This article examines the relationship between perceived gender discrimination and the dimensions of work engagement and the role of future time perspective on this relationship. Based on a social cognitive frame work, it was hypothesized that future time perspective is positively related to work engagement. Further, it was also expected that future time perspective would work as a compensatory motivational resources and weaken the negative relationship between gender discrimination and work engagement. These questions were examined using a sample of female employees working in textile and apparel companies in Chennai and the Puducherry region of India (N=234). Results indicate that future time perspective has a positive relationship with physical, cognitive as well as emotional engagement of the respondents. It also moderates significantly the relationship between perceived gender discrimination and cognitive as well as emotional dimensions of work engagement. However, no significant moderating effect appears for the relationship between gender discrimination and physical engagement of these employees.

Perception of organizational fairness is an important indicator of effectiveness of diversity cli... more Perception of organizational fairness is an important indicator of effectiveness of diversity climate of any organization. In the present study, a sincere attempt has been made to examine the perception of organizational fairness among diverse group employees. The study was conducted upon 207 lower and middle managerial level employees of two reputed public sector units situated at Orissa, India. The total sample was spread over five different social groups, namely—Oriya Hindu male, Oriya Hindu female, Oriya reserved category, non-Oriya Hindu male and Oriya non-Hindu male. First, we tried to examine the difference, if any, among the employees
belonging to these different groups upon their perception of fairness in the organization. Also, multiple stepwise regression analyses were carried out to explicate the contributions from different dimensions of nature of training, informal activities and psychological contract towards perception of organizational fairness. The results indicate that, Oriya reserved category and Oriya Hindu female employees differ significantly from Oriya Hindu male employees and other groups upon perception of fairness. Regression analyses
reveal that perceived relevance of interpersonal training and accommodativity of technical training are stronger predictors of perceived fairness in case of all the groups, whereas level of participation in informal activities and psychological contract on power emerge strong contributors towards fairness perception of reserved category as well as Oriya Hindu female employees. The findings have been discussed in light with relevant literature along with future implications.
The present study examines the perception of the employees regarding the diversity climate of the... more The present study examines the perception of the employees regarding the diversity climate of their organization. The dimensions covered under the diversity climate are organizational fairness, inclusiveness and personal diversity value. The study revealed that mainly the Oriya Hindu Female and Oriya Reserved Category employees differed significantly from the other groups upon perceived fairness and perceived inclusiveness. However, no significant difference was observed among the respondents of the different groups upon personal diversity value

Employee engagement at work can be referred to as the harnessing of organizational members’ selve... more Employee engagement at work can be referred to as the harnessing of organizational members’ selves to their work roles. In engagement people employ and express themselves physically, cognitively and emotionally (Kahn, 1990). Through the present study an attempt has been made to identify the contribution of some antecedents towards employee engagement. Under the antecedents we have taken two
relationship-oriented variables (co-worker cohesion and supervisor support), three personal growth
variables (autonomy, task orientation and work pressure) and three system maintenance variables (clarity, control and physical comfort). The researchers attempted to investigate the contribution of these antecedent variables towards level of engagement by conducting the study upon 100 semi-skilled
employees from food processing organizations situated around Patiala, Punjab. The level of engagement of the employees has been explicated in terms of cognitive, emotional and physical engagement. Stepwise
multiple regression analysis has been carried out separately for each of these engagement variables to delineate the contribution of the eight antecedent variables towards them. The finding indicates that two personal growth variables, namely ‘work pressure’ and ‘autonomy’ have significant contribution towards cognitive as well as emotional engagement followed by the contribution of the relationship oriented variables. However, except ‘peer cohesion’, there is no significant contribution of any other variable towards physical engagement. The findings have been discussed in light of related literature.

Nowadays, researchers are expressing more concern regarding the use of scales which were not vali... more Nowadays, researchers are expressing more concern regarding the use of scales which were not validated or standardised in the Indian context. Direct application of such scales to the Indian population is sometimes not practical due to differences in culture, belief, language and lifestyle. In order to get accurate validation and applicability, we should verify the nature and structure of original scales in the Indian context through factor analyses. Based on this need, the authors carried out factor analyses involving both exploratory factor analysis (EFA) and confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) on psychological capital questionnaire by Luthans, Avolio, Avey and Norman (2007) and CFA for organisational commitment scale by Mowday, Steers and Porter (1979). The study involves a sample of 276 employees (150 male, 126 female) from three manufacturing units in India. The EFA of psychological capital suggested a three factors model instead of a four factors model. When it was estimated with CFA, the three factors measurement model was more well fitted than single factor as well as four factors models. The series of CFAs conducted for the organisational commitment scale through the measurement model reported that two factors structure is good enough to measure commitment behaviour. Internal
consistencies through Cronbach’s alpha have also been checked. Structural equation modelling (SEM) analysis reports that psycho-logical capital contributes significantly to organisational commitment. The researchers conclude this article with implications and directions for future research.

In the present global business environment, organizations need different approaches for overcomin... more In the present global business environment, organizations need different approaches for overcoming the current demands and future challenges for which a creative workplace is a prerequisite. To understand workplace creativity in depth, we need to examine the interactions between personal and
contextual characteristics as well as interactions among the contextual characteristics in an organization. Although researchers have attempted to understand the interactions between personal and contextual characteristics, enough attention has not been paid to the interactions among the contextual variables of employee creativity. In the present study, an attempt has been made to examine the interacting
role of task complexity with work autonomy in contribution towards workplace creativity. The study has been carried out upon 304 information technology (IT) professionals working in different IT companies located in the Kochi and Trivandrum region of the state of Kerala. Findings reveal that the three dimensions of work autonomy, namely, work method autonomy, work schedule autonomy and work criteria autonomy have a direct positive contribution towards workplace creativity. Direct positive contribution towards workplace creativity is also exhibited by task complexity. As far as the moderating effect is concerned, task complexity is found to moderate significantly the relationships of work criteria as well as work schedule dimension of work autonomy with workplace creativity.
Papers by Surendra Kumar Sia
Based on far reaching Indian as well as western literature and findings, it is suggested that psychological capital would be positively related to desirable attitudes like job satisfaction, organisational commitment, and job involvement whereas negatively related to undesirable attitudes like organisational cynicisms and turnover intention. Through extensive literature and findings, the researcher is aiming to formulate a conceptual model of psychological capital based on propositions and to show how psychological capital is related to job attitudes. With respect to organisational development, this paper also covers practical implication where systematic intervention of psychological capital is given utmost priority. With reference to various organisations and workplaces, how psychological capital can be applied in a scientific direction
through proper training, workshop, and web-based programme in order to promote healthy and balanced life.
belonging to these different groups upon their perception of fairness in the organization. Also, multiple stepwise regression analyses were carried out to explicate the contributions from different dimensions of nature of training, informal activities and psychological contract towards perception of organizational fairness. The results indicate that, Oriya reserved category and Oriya Hindu female employees differ significantly from Oriya Hindu male employees and other groups upon perception of fairness. Regression analyses
reveal that perceived relevance of interpersonal training and accommodativity of technical training are stronger predictors of perceived fairness in case of all the groups, whereas level of participation in informal activities and psychological contract on power emerge strong contributors towards fairness perception of reserved category as well as Oriya Hindu female employees. The findings have been discussed in light with relevant literature along with future implications.
relationship-oriented variables (co-worker cohesion and supervisor support), three personal growth
variables (autonomy, task orientation and work pressure) and three system maintenance variables (clarity, control and physical comfort). The researchers attempted to investigate the contribution of these antecedent variables towards level of engagement by conducting the study upon 100 semi-skilled
employees from food processing organizations situated around Patiala, Punjab. The level of engagement of the employees has been explicated in terms of cognitive, emotional and physical engagement. Stepwise
multiple regression analysis has been carried out separately for each of these engagement variables to delineate the contribution of the eight antecedent variables towards them. The finding indicates that two personal growth variables, namely ‘work pressure’ and ‘autonomy’ have significant contribution towards cognitive as well as emotional engagement followed by the contribution of the relationship oriented variables. However, except ‘peer cohesion’, there is no significant contribution of any other variable towards physical engagement. The findings have been discussed in light of related literature.
consistencies through Cronbach’s alpha have also been checked. Structural equation modelling (SEM) analysis reports that psycho-logical capital contributes significantly to organisational commitment. The researchers conclude this article with implications and directions for future research.
contextual characteristics as well as interactions among the contextual characteristics in an organization. Although researchers have attempted to understand the interactions between personal and contextual characteristics, enough attention has not been paid to the interactions among the contextual variables of employee creativity. In the present study, an attempt has been made to examine the interacting
role of task complexity with work autonomy in contribution towards workplace creativity. The study has been carried out upon 304 information technology (IT) professionals working in different IT companies located in the Kochi and Trivandrum region of the state of Kerala. Findings reveal that the three dimensions of work autonomy, namely, work method autonomy, work schedule autonomy and work criteria autonomy have a direct positive contribution towards workplace creativity. Direct positive contribution towards workplace creativity is also exhibited by task complexity. As far as the moderating effect is concerned, task complexity is found to moderate significantly the relationships of work criteria as well as work schedule dimension of work autonomy with workplace creativity.
Based on far reaching Indian as well as western literature and findings, it is suggested that psychological capital would be positively related to desirable attitudes like job satisfaction, organisational commitment, and job involvement whereas negatively related to undesirable attitudes like organisational cynicisms and turnover intention. Through extensive literature and findings, the researcher is aiming to formulate a conceptual model of psychological capital based on propositions and to show how psychological capital is related to job attitudes. With respect to organisational development, this paper also covers practical implication where systematic intervention of psychological capital is given utmost priority. With reference to various organisations and workplaces, how psychological capital can be applied in a scientific direction
through proper training, workshop, and web-based programme in order to promote healthy and balanced life.
belonging to these different groups upon their perception of fairness in the organization. Also, multiple stepwise regression analyses were carried out to explicate the contributions from different dimensions of nature of training, informal activities and psychological contract towards perception of organizational fairness. The results indicate that, Oriya reserved category and Oriya Hindu female employees differ significantly from Oriya Hindu male employees and other groups upon perception of fairness. Regression analyses
reveal that perceived relevance of interpersonal training and accommodativity of technical training are stronger predictors of perceived fairness in case of all the groups, whereas level of participation in informal activities and psychological contract on power emerge strong contributors towards fairness perception of reserved category as well as Oriya Hindu female employees. The findings have been discussed in light with relevant literature along with future implications.
relationship-oriented variables (co-worker cohesion and supervisor support), three personal growth
variables (autonomy, task orientation and work pressure) and three system maintenance variables (clarity, control and physical comfort). The researchers attempted to investigate the contribution of these antecedent variables towards level of engagement by conducting the study upon 100 semi-skilled
employees from food processing organizations situated around Patiala, Punjab. The level of engagement of the employees has been explicated in terms of cognitive, emotional and physical engagement. Stepwise
multiple regression analysis has been carried out separately for each of these engagement variables to delineate the contribution of the eight antecedent variables towards them. The finding indicates that two personal growth variables, namely ‘work pressure’ and ‘autonomy’ have significant contribution towards cognitive as well as emotional engagement followed by the contribution of the relationship oriented variables. However, except ‘peer cohesion’, there is no significant contribution of any other variable towards physical engagement. The findings have been discussed in light of related literature.
consistencies through Cronbach’s alpha have also been checked. Structural equation modelling (SEM) analysis reports that psycho-logical capital contributes significantly to organisational commitment. The researchers conclude this article with implications and directions for future research.
contextual characteristics as well as interactions among the contextual characteristics in an organization. Although researchers have attempted to understand the interactions between personal and contextual characteristics, enough attention has not been paid to the interactions among the contextual variables of employee creativity. In the present study, an attempt has been made to examine the interacting
role of task complexity with work autonomy in contribution towards workplace creativity. The study has been carried out upon 304 information technology (IT) professionals working in different IT companies located in the Kochi and Trivandrum region of the state of Kerala. Findings reveal that the three dimensions of work autonomy, namely, work method autonomy, work schedule autonomy and work criteria autonomy have a direct positive contribution towards workplace creativity. Direct positive contribution towards workplace creativity is also exhibited by task complexity. As far as the moderating effect is concerned, task complexity is found to moderate significantly the relationships of work criteria as well as work schedule dimension of work autonomy with workplace creativity.