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31 votes

Can the Tyranny of the Majority rule be applied to the UN's General Assembly?

From the Wikipedia quote: The tyranny of the majority (or tyranny of the masses) is an inherent weakness to majority rule The key word there is "rule". The UN General Assembly has no power ...
Steve Melnikoff's user avatar
22 votes

Why were some important countries such as Japan, Britain, and India absent from the recent UNGA?

Abstention doesn't mean absent. Turkmenistan was absent for instance. (Azerbaijan too but not on that vote but only on the Canadian amendment), and a few other countries, but the ones you mentioned ...
264 champagne bottles on ice's user avatar
16 votes

Which were the 55 countries that voted against condemning Hamas at the UN?

I managed to find it; they only seem to post these on Twitter. China and Russia were among those opposing that amendment. And the countries in their vicinity (Central Asia). Plus many Muslim countries ...
264 champagne bottles on ice's user avatar
15 votes

Can the Tyranny of the Majority rule be applied to the UN's General Assembly?

Additionally, UNGA has a procedure that allows a simple majority to call a vote that subjects a resolution (or amendment) to a 2/3 majority threshold for adoption. This surely because of their broader ...
264 champagne bottles on ice's user avatar
12 votes

Can the Tyranny of the Majority rule be applied to the UN's General Assembly?

Is comparing UN inaction towards PRC the best of comparisons? Given that PRC has a veto and has developed client relationships with much of the developing world? And, far as I know, PRC, for all its ...
Italian Philosopher's user avatar
11 votes

Why is abstaining so common in the UN General Assembly?

You should note that the votes in UNGA (United Nations General Assembly) on such political issues are nothing but symbolic and aren't always binding. In other words, they mean just political ...
Rathony's user avatar
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9 votes

Why is abstaining so common in the UN General Assembly?

It has to do with international relations. If a big country (say, the US) votes against, but you want to vote for, you abstain to stay in good terms with the US. Good terms can mean here financial, ...
SdaliM's user avatar
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7 votes

Can the Tyranny of the Majority rule be applied to the UN's General Assembly?

The tyranny of the majority (or tyranny of the masses) is an inherent weakness to majority rule in which the majority of an electorate pursues exclusively its own objectives at the expense of those of ...
Steve's user avatar
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7 votes

Which were the 55 countries that voted against condemning Hamas at the UN?

In list format... Algeria Bahrain Bangladesh Belarus Belize Bolivia Brunei Darussalam Central African Republic Chad China Comoros Congo Cuba Democratic People's Republic of Korea Djibouti Egypt Gambia ...
justcool393's user avatar
5 votes

Did the UN[GA] ever declare Israel to be a colonizer (state) or to have engaged in colonization projects?

No. Short of calling them an occupying force, no UN resolution has so far called them a colonizer. But, this maybe more an issue of legal technicalities as both nations started attacking each other ...
sfxedit's user avatar
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4 votes

Weighted voting in the UN

No. UNITED NATIONS SECURITY COUNCIL Each member of the Security Council shall have one vote. General Assembly In the UN General Assembly, the rule is: One country, one vote for the delegations that ...
Italian Philosopher's user avatar
4 votes

Weighted voting in the UN

In the General Assembly, each country has a vote. Votes can be suspended over unpaid dues. These are assessed through a formula which is based on GNI and debt (i.e. capacity to pay), but with a floor ...
o.m.'s user avatar
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2 votes

Have past UNGA investigations without the cooperation of the host/target country achieved anything?

Achieving as in managed to write reports? Then the Special Committee on Israeli Practices would count if we consider Israel as the defacto country that controls access to the mission's region. The ...
Martheen's user avatar
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1 vote

Can the Tyranny of the Majority rule be applied to the UN's General Assembly?

The UNGA makes no binding rulings/execution in your example, so there is no rule to begin with. A UNGA resolution stipulating the two-state solution to the Palestine Question in 1947 was used by ...
Steve Z's user avatar
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1 vote

Can the Tyranny of the Majority rule be applied to the UN's General Assembly?

Yes, the tyranny of the majority rule can be applied to the UN's General Assembly. There are few, if any, measures in the UNGA that are known to work at the level of a nation to counteract the tyranny ...
Timur Shtatland's user avatar

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