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Questions tagged [eminent-domain]

Questions about eminent domain, a legal process by which a government can buy private property without consent of the owner.

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-1 votes
2 answers

Why doesn't the British government simply expropriate all royal property? [closed]

In order to get the incomes from royal domains and other properties owned by the nobility.
Maxim Baurov's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Has any significant political group in the US opposed eminent domain in all circumstances?

Has there ever been any significant political group (more than a very small number of people, not necessarily a group with a large amount of influence, e.g. a minor political party counts, but a few ...
Someone's user avatar
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10 votes
2 answers

Are there any statistics on Eminent Domain?

I googled and only found some feeble neglected Quora questions on this. Can anyone help? Any stats on: How many times has eminent domain been used at any or all levels of government in any year The ...
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6 votes
4 answers

Why are European politicians usually reluctant to use expropriation to speed up public works?

Every European state has a provision in its laws to use expropriation from private persons when it is necessary for the public good. However despite the presence of such laws European politicians seem ...
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