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Questions tagged [bureaucracy]

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25 votes
4 answers

Why is the French Minister of Education's son accused of bypassing the national higher studies selection system by making a single choice of school?

Amélie Oudéa-Castéra was recently designated as the French Minister of Education. She triggered a few controversies, the last one being that her son somehow bypassed the national system of selection ...
WoJ's user avatar
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Is anyone held accountable when the Pentagon fails its audit?

Bloomberg reports that: The US Defense Department failed for the sixth consecutive year to score a clean financial audit, a goal routinely achieved annually by businesses that have a fraction of its $...
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Does the White House Chief of Staff in the US hold considerable power over others?

In various TV shows I've seen that the CoS has considerable influence over the executive and is shown to be "more powerful" (in some sense) than Secretaries (of State, of Defence, etc). How ...
whoisit's user avatar
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3 answers

How does India's BJP maintain party discipline over 180 million party members?

Being the world's largest political party, with such an enormous membership roll, the methods and techniques used by the BJP to maintain discipline must necessarily be very effective for any coherent ...
M. Y. Zuo's user avatar
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Could federal agencies be physically moved out of Washington DC?

Wondering if federal agencies (e.g., IRS, Dept of Agriculture, etc.) could physically be moved out of Washington DC? What if the IRS, for example, was relocated to Duluth MN or Elko NV, etc.). Or ...
SgtFriendly's user avatar
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Have any countries managed to reduce the total number of words in their laws?

As an example, the US tax code grew from 1.4m words in 1955 to 10m words in 2015: Are there countries that managed to reduce the total number of words in their legal code? To avoid an overly broad ...
JonathanReez's user avatar
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2 answers

Governments can organize themselves into a few bodies, or into many (ministries, agencies, etc.) What are the relative advantages and disadvantage?

For example, Japan, Germany and some other countries have governments organized into a small number of bodies Whereas Canada, Indonesia, Pakistan, and other countries have many. And considering the ...
M. Y. Zuo's user avatar
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Where is information stored, that shouldn't nessecarily be stored in law but still needed in government [closed]

A law is defined as: the system of rules which a particular country or community recognizes as regulating the actions of its members and which it may enforce by the imposition of penalties. Where ...
farderer's user avatar
6 votes
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How strong is the association between the complexity of the electoral process and beliefs in voting fraud?

It's been suggested in a fairly upvoted answer to a related question that the complexity of the electoral/voting process is a main driver in beliefs in voting fraud, at least in developed countries. ...
264 champagne bottles on ice's user avatar
13 votes
2 answers

What proportion of unemployment benefit spending actually goes to the unemployed?

One of the arguments for Universal Basic Income (UBI) is that it would be more efficient; targeted benefits require a gatekeeper bureaucracy to decide eligibility, detect cheats, start and stop ...
Paul Johnson's user avatar
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16 votes
1 answer

Private schedules of Donald Trump: What does "RON" in diary stand for?

Recently the private schedules of Donald Trump have been leaked. In those files, at the end of each day there is some acronym RON placed. What does this stand for? Example: 1:30 PM ...
Dave's user avatar
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1 answer

Why does Broward County FL need to apply a voter fraud law around handling of provisional ballots?

On November 6th an in-person registered FL voter, (whose driver's license was scanned on-site), was given a provisional ballot for reasons not clear at a later time. The voter then dutifully filled ...
agc's user avatar
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3 answers

What are the negative consequences of stricter opioid prescription policies?

Several states and the DEA have spent the past few years “cracking down” on doctors who prescribe opioids such as OxyContin. However, we are now experiencing a heroin epidemic and the opioid problem ...
Cannabijoy's user avatar
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What are different ways of allocating investigative power?

Background - The U.S. allocation of investigative power In the U.S. system of government, there are a variety of ways that a potential incident or public policy issue of concern can be investigated. ...
ohwilleke's user avatar
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Is the CDC Director really below the former Ambassadors to Palau?

I've been trying to determine the precedence of the CDC Director using The United States Order of Precedence and I was getting stuck. I don't see the position called out explicitly in the table, nor ...
Charles's user avatar
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5 answers

What is the US 'Deep State' and what evidence is there for it?

I've heard whispers of a 'deep state' run by the Clintons or Obama or various liberals/democrats and I never really gave it much thought. It sounds kind of crazy - that said, I have to admit, I don't ...
Phlegon_of_Tralles's user avatar