Talks by Giovanni Trovato
Paper given at the panel "Proclus' Theology as a Science" (organized by Anna Motta & Daniela P. T... more Paper given at the panel "Proclus' Theology as a Science" (organized by Anna Motta & Daniela P. Taormina) for the 21st annual conference of the International Plato Society for Neoplatonic Studies, Dublin, June 19-22, 2024
Paper given at the international workshop "Exegesis and knowledge from Antiquity to the Middle Ag... more Paper given at the international workshop "Exegesis and knowledge from Antiquity to the Middle Ages, Pisa, 7-8 september 2023
Paper given at the Workshop GANPH (AG Philosophy, Theology, and Religion)/ERC (Not another Histor... more Paper given at the Workshop GANPH (AG Philosophy, Theology, and Religion)/ERC (Not another History of Platonism): Philo, On the Eternity of the World, Online, 21-22 June 2024
Paper given at the Internationa Workshop "New Issues in Natural Philosophy from Antiquity to the ... more Paper given at the Internationa Workshop "New Issues in Natural Philosophy from Antiquity to the Middle Ages", Pisa, 15-16 december 2022

Maison des Sciences de l’Homme – 54, Boulevard Raspail – 75006 Paris
salle 15 (sous-sol)
Dans... more Maison des Sciences de l’Homme – 54, Boulevard Raspail – 75006 Paris
salle 15 (sous-sol)
Dans le cadre du projet "Pseudopythagorica : stratégies du faire croire dans la philosophie antique" (LabEx Hastec - LEM - Centre Jean Pépin).
Jeudi 19 mai, 14h30 – 18h
Stefan Schorn (KU Leuven)
How to Create a New Biography of Pythagoras: The 'Anonymus Diodori'
Pietro Zaccaria (KU Leuven)
The 'Pythagorean Notes' (Pythagorika Hypomnemata) Cited by Diogenes Laertius (8,25-33): The Role of Alexander Polyhistor as an Intermediate Source
Constantinos Macris (CNRS, PSL, LEM - Paris)
Biographie et doxographie dans la Vie anonyme de Pythagore conservée chez Photius
Discussion sur les trois ‘anonymes’
Vendredi 20 mai, 10h – 12h30
Giovanni Trovato (Università di Pisa)
Ocellus of Lucania’s 'On the Nature of the Universe' and Pseudopythagorean Cosmology
Matteo Varoli (Università degli Studi di Cagliari)
Pari e Dispari: la teoria degli gnomoni nel corpus pseudopitagorico
12h30 Fin de l’Atelier
Paper presented at the Workshop "Ancient pseudepigraphy and the anchors of philosophical innovati... more Paper presented at the Workshop "Ancient pseudepigraphy and the anchors of philosophical innovation" Utrecht (Online), 17-18 February 2022.
Organization of Conferences by Giovanni Trovato
EXEGESIS IN ANCIENT PHILOSOPHY 9.00-9.30. Saluti istituzionali Chair: Francesco PELOSI (Pisa) 9.3... more EXEGESIS IN ANCIENT PHILOSOPHY 9.00-9.30. Saluti istituzionali Chair: Francesco PELOSI (Pisa) 9.30-10.30. Filippo FORCIGNANÒ (Milano) Filistione di Locri nell'Academia? Alcune riflessioni a partire dal Timeo 11.00-12.00. Giuseppe NASTASI (Pisa/Firenze) Una nuova fisica aristotelica a partire dalle Categorie di Aristotele: movimento e quiete in Boeto di Sidone 12.00-13.00. Giovanni TROVATO (Pisa/Firenze) Esegesi e pseudoepigrafia: il caso degli elementi negli pseudopythagorica BIBLICAL EXEGESIS Chair: Rolando FERRI (Pisa) 9.30-10.30. Francesca SCHIRONI (Michigan) Un sacro rispetto? Esegesi, autorità, e (in)toccabilità del testo in commentatori pagani e cristiani
Talks by Giovanni Trovato
salle 15 (sous-sol)
Dans le cadre du projet "Pseudopythagorica : stratégies du faire croire dans la philosophie antique" (LabEx Hastec - LEM - Centre Jean Pépin).
Jeudi 19 mai, 14h30 – 18h
Stefan Schorn (KU Leuven)
How to Create a New Biography of Pythagoras: The 'Anonymus Diodori'
Pietro Zaccaria (KU Leuven)
The 'Pythagorean Notes' (Pythagorika Hypomnemata) Cited by Diogenes Laertius (8,25-33): The Role of Alexander Polyhistor as an Intermediate Source
Constantinos Macris (CNRS, PSL, LEM - Paris)
Biographie et doxographie dans la Vie anonyme de Pythagore conservée chez Photius
Discussion sur les trois ‘anonymes’
Vendredi 20 mai, 10h – 12h30
Giovanni Trovato (Università di Pisa)
Ocellus of Lucania’s 'On the Nature of the Universe' and Pseudopythagorean Cosmology
Matteo Varoli (Università degli Studi di Cagliari)
Pari e Dispari: la teoria degli gnomoni nel corpus pseudopitagorico
12h30 Fin de l’Atelier
Organization of Conferences by Giovanni Trovato
salle 15 (sous-sol)
Dans le cadre du projet "Pseudopythagorica : stratégies du faire croire dans la philosophie antique" (LabEx Hastec - LEM - Centre Jean Pépin).
Jeudi 19 mai, 14h30 – 18h
Stefan Schorn (KU Leuven)
How to Create a New Biography of Pythagoras: The 'Anonymus Diodori'
Pietro Zaccaria (KU Leuven)
The 'Pythagorean Notes' (Pythagorika Hypomnemata) Cited by Diogenes Laertius (8,25-33): The Role of Alexander Polyhistor as an Intermediate Source
Constantinos Macris (CNRS, PSL, LEM - Paris)
Biographie et doxographie dans la Vie anonyme de Pythagore conservée chez Photius
Discussion sur les trois ‘anonymes’
Vendredi 20 mai, 10h – 12h30
Giovanni Trovato (Università di Pisa)
Ocellus of Lucania’s 'On the Nature of the Universe' and Pseudopythagorean Cosmology
Matteo Varoli (Università degli Studi di Cagliari)
Pari e Dispari: la teoria degli gnomoni nel corpus pseudopitagorico
12h30 Fin de l’Atelier