*****This is a sticky post and will stay at the top of the blog until March 2nd,
Please scroll down for newer posts- been extended by 2 weeks *****

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Grab a Hot Cuppa or your fav cocktail!!
Hello everyone! I am THRILLED to say I have made it to 2 years young with my little blog! The actual anniversary Date is February 5th. In this time I made some friends, lost some friends, learned a thing or 2 and grown in sooo many ways! I've had children move out, children move back home, lost a furbaby, which the Cosmos quickly replaced with one almost identical right in my own yard! We also gained 2 grand furbabies with the child that moved back home. I've dealt with my own "normal" physical and ailment issues, and had a few new ones come and stay and come and go. I found a WONDERFUL Rheumatologist!
I have had some very dark times with my depression, and some wonderful times where I didn't know it was around. I've learned some lessons...several the hard way, LOL! I have found a new spiritual path for myself, and though it is not set in concrete and I am still reading and learning, I am for once, listening to my own heart.
I have heard very sad news from some of my friends and followers, a few that ate at my own heart. I have heard of some triumphs from friends and followers that I have leaped for joy right along with them!
(as much as a fat lady with a cane can leap, LOL)
I have learned some new techniques in paper crafting, and through observance learned a LOT about some of the other types of ART I want to really dive into.
I have been honored to be chosen for one digital stamp design team, and I was also honored to be chosen to be a product designer (1 of 2) for another Digital Image design company. I am currently in the works of becoming a design team member for a collage based company. (Collage is a true love of mine) I have also been chosen to be a design team member/event team member at a new Craft forum that I LOVE!
Additionally, I am planning on becoming at least the occasional "Book reviewer" and have my first book on it's way to me.
I have joined some new forums, including an "edgy, alternative and gothic ART" based one, which has some WONDERFUL people. I also joined others where so far I just kind of lurk, I KNOW I need to step into the light! I have also joined a few forums for witches and pagans and neo-pagans etc. (all are down at the bottom of my blog)
I have found soooo MANY wonderful blogs to follow, that sadly I am going to have to trim the list. (it is around 1200 give or take) Most are "arty" there are also fellow "solitaries" (none of them are getting trimmed) and then a whole lot that are based on other interests of mine or at least things I find interesting. (sadly I think this will be the area I trim the most)
I have found some truly AWESOME Etsy shops and have become a shopper of homemade, more than ever before in my whole life!
Some of these ETSY shops, Metaphysical/Pagan/Witchy, Homey and Arty Stores have been kind enough to donate prizes for me to give away for my 2nd Blogoversary Celebration!! Additionally some other stores as well. Some items I have to upload pictures of (when the prizes arrive) some I will be pulling right from their shops. other prizes are items the winner will get to pick. So JUST FOR NOW, I'll be listing the giveways + the name of the shop + their link. Additionally OF COURSE, I am also giving items away! PLEASE visit them all when you get a chance and leave some love! :)
First the rules to be eligible:
There will be 3 winners - one arty (paper crafts) - one witchy - and one "homey" (which is kind of a misc category)
The rules MUST BE adhered to 100% to count. (sorry, I have had way too many giveaways on this young blog where people do not follow the rules) If you have been a follower of mine, you know that I have OFTEN had giveaways, I'd like to continue to do so, therefore---PLEASE follow the rules.
* You MUST be a PUBLIC follower (say so in your comment)
**You MUST take the above picture and put it on your side bar (I made it easy, it has a code)
***You MUST comment on THIS post with ALL of the following:
-What you like about my blog
-What prize you want your name put in for (arty, witchy, homey)
-Visit at least 2 of the shops donating to your prize category and tell me something you like--*IF* they are an Etsy shop, contact them and leave some love
-Your email (sallyjo AT charter DOT net)this is an absolute
BONUS ENTRIES (you MUST place a comment HERE for ANY of these that you do):
*POST about my giveaway on your blog (come back and comment with the link)
**Hook me up to your Facebook page or profile page (come back and comment with the link)
***TWEET about it (come back and comment with the link)
**** For EACH additional 2 shops you visit and come back and comment on, telling me something you like on each site you will get one more entry
***** Pick a Post older than 6 months from my blog that you like and come back and comment HERE telling me about it, and what your thoughts are.
That is a TOTAL of 13 Possible entries!!!
(to clear some confusion, click on the store NAME, not the picture)
Here are the WONDERFUL stores and their prizes and links:
TalogWitch-- Welsh WitchEmporium…$39.00 Shabby-chic recycled denim, over the shoulder, body tote (Etsy) {The bag is the Homey}....
here it is:
Very well made and sturdy!
Lots of Inside pockets!
She even tucked her business card inside :)
2 pockets outside, and a key fob!
NEW today (2/8/12) I received from TalogWitch...a bagged set of Simple Witch Runes with info sheet--AND-- a General Healing(especially wounds and post-op) Crystal bracelet (Rhodonite)...useful and very pretty! both of these items come with a discount card for a purchase at her wonderful shop!....obviously {Witchy}
The Purple Flutterby…A mini album, and a crystal & herb psychic energy bag (Etsy) {1 Homey & 1 Witchy}
Here is the BEAUTIFUL ALBUM {Homey}
Beautiful colors, papers and Embellishments!
LOTS of space for the winner to put thoughts and quotes, and possibly photos!!
Even the back is beautiful!!
The Three Wise Cats...$20 prize package which includes: Celtic Whole being knot necklace
, a Vehicle protection amulet and an incense sampler
(Etsy) {Witchy}
Lilly Belle's Paperie...prize TBA (Etsy) {Arty} Did not follow through on her offer
Alpha Stamps…2 collage sheets, 1 unmounted stamp, and approx 3 yards of trims. (already in my possession) {Arty}
Blockheads Stamps…$15.00 to use on “Blockhead" brand stamps (a 4x5 set on cling or an 8x5 set untrimmed)
To start off (my contributions):
for the WITCHY Category--I'll be giving the winner a 1 year subscription to "Sage Woman" + a BN DVD of "Practical Magic"(there will be a surprise bonus to the winner depending on her answer to a question-if it is a "she")
for the ARTY Category--I'll be giving the winner a $20 Michael's Gift card + 2 dozen yards of ribbons + 2 dozen yards of fibers + 2 dozen 6 X 6 papers + 2 dozen Buttons + 2 dozen (plus and a few Japanese Rice paper napkins) Decorative Napkins for collaging and decoupage.
For the HOMEY Category--I'll be giving the winner a $20 Amazon Gift card + 4 Hard Cover Books (well known authors, all only read once) + A Coffee Cozy (for take out cups...save on paper) + a BN issue of Back Yard Solutions + A fun Advent Calendar kit by Making Memories + a Tin of "Holiday Tea" by Barney & Sons
MUCH MORE to come...