Showing posts with label Floods. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Floods. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Change of Plans

The blogpost in which everything is done left handed....

Two minor floods in recent weeks, thankful we missed the torrential rains and major floods a short distance to our north. The rural location I grew up in had over 400mm (16") in one day! Needless to say, everything is beautifully green here as we head into autumn.

Enjoying some stunning sunrises and sunsets at the moment -reminding me of some amazing red skies of my childhood....

Miss N and Miss E are home from Sydney for a few short day - very exciting to collect family from the airport! 

I've been busily working on a large organic cotton quilt for J and Jess, enjoy the quilting process now which I am about half way through and was hoping to finish in the next week or two but last night I tripped coming up our stairs carrying things in both hands - dislocating my right shoulder  :(  I had never been in an ambulance before. They were really good at our local Accident and Emergency. The doctor popped it back in place but it came out a second time as I carefully tried to put my jacket on to leave.   :(  So I am now using a sling and resting it with quite a long wait ahead for quilting and many other activities. I don't think I can even use my camera left handed - but I can construct a blog post. The X-rays confirmed the only thing broken is the bowl I was carrying up the stairs  :)

Sunday, May 3, 2015

Sunshine After the Rain

Sunshine after the rain is all the sweeter! We've had quite a bit of rain over the last few days, thankfully not enough to be a real flood threat in our town (the sailing club at top is built beside the river and is designed to cope with flooding). This afternoon's warm, sunny autumn walk yielded unexpected treasures. With extra commitments recently I've not been walking as much as I like - time to try and address this....

Sharing at Weekly Top Shot.

Monday, January 27, 2014

Still Finding Beauty, Joy and Contentment

Galahs, an Australian native bird

It was indeed a pleasant walk this morning, to check on the older siblings' fishing endeavours at the local boat ramp

As I've looked over the photos this afternoon I can't help but compare them with last January's images. You see, we've had major flood threats in our town each of the last THREE Januarys. I decided to start blogging in the wake of the 2011 flood threat, choosing to actively focus on the positive in each day and not let the thought of floods steal my happiness and contentment.

This morning at the boat ramp                                            The same spot 29th January 2013

31st January 2013 as the waters went down

Nine days after the 2013 flood peak

                     Today                                                  The same spot nine days after the 2013 flood peak

This is my favourite photo of the day! These two sisters are becoming special friends.   

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Between the Showers

A weather beaten Blue Triangle butterfly tries to dry out between showers of rain.

2005, the year of their 50th wedding anniversary
Sunday afternoon

 It is SO good that my parents in law are now together. We visit my parents in law at the aged care centre often, trying to add a little sunshine to their days. My father in law's 83 year old "little" brother and his wife flew in from interstate to visit over the weekend also.

Another flood creeps up the walls of the sailing club building on Sunday evening, our third flood in the space of 5 weeks. This one was relatively minor. In the last 38 days we have had more than two thirds of our average annual rainfall. We've had rain on all but 9 of the last 38 days, with light showers forecast for each day this week also.

We look for and rejoice at pieces of blue sky.

Early this morning we had a little sunshine, great for helping insects, washing and the garden dry out a little before taking shelter from the next shower....

Sharing at Our World Tuesday.

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Whatever the Weather

A little higher and later than expected, our river peaked, safely within it's walls early this morning. The partially submerged building is the sailing club, built to withstand the flood waters. The water is very smooth and relatively slow compared to the last few floods we've seen.

The finial of the sailing club is wearing a wreath of debris from the January 29th record flood which totally covered it.

Master J about to catch his remote control glider before church

From church this morning the grazing grounds below appear to have turned into a lake, with ponded water from Friday's downpour.

Wild kangaroos, the regular inhabitants of the church grounds, seem happy whatever the weather. Summer showers and thunderstorms are forecast for the week, but nothing of major concern - except for those wanting to mow the grass!

Sharing at Our World Tuesday.

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Safe and Sound

7:30 pm Tonight - you can just see the homeowners surveying their disappearing"front yard"

29th January

31st January

7:30 pm Tonight - the water rising on the right 

29th January
29th January

7:30 pm Tonight - local government have made attempts to strengthen this section of levee wall

7:45 pm Tonight - the river flows swiftly but is not the raging torrent of January 29th

A late walk reveals the sure and steady rise of our big river. Thankfully we've had no further rain today. The waters from yesterday's downpour and earlier rains have swollen the river, it is predicted to peak through the middle of the night about another metre higher than this - still well below our levee height.

Thank you for your thoughts and prayers. We can rest easy again, although some other places are facing their own flood threats. We have much to be grateful for  - again.

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