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What material properties are necessary to embed a continuously rotating sphere into static space?

The Antitwister computer program did not originate with the Ayn Rand Institute, which is some sort of politics and philosophy organization like American Enterprise Institute, Cato, Hoover, Council on ...
Mark Hunter's user avatar
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Balancing of forces after the deformed body comes to equilibrium

electrostatic forces would weaken upon increasing the intermolecular distance It looks like you are referring to Coulomb's law for the force between electrical charges. But the forces associated with ...
Bob D's user avatar
  • 77.9k
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Balancing of forces after the deformed body comes to equilibrium

The resolution lies in the balance (modeled by an interatomic potential) of attractive and repulsive forces in solids. The average intermolecular distance is set by this balance. If you deform the ...
Chemomechanics's user avatar
-1 votes

Can a glass screen protector reduce the impact on a phone?

"Glass only breaks when the force of impact finally overcomes the surface compression. A scratch doesn’t shatter glass, but small stresses will eventually lead to it shattering." With a drop ...
MullItOver's user avatar
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How to determine if there is frictional force?

Ignoring creep, the left board does not provide friction if it suddenly becomes rough. (If you find the sudden emergence of mechanical friction far-fetched, replace it with an adhesive bond that sets.)...
Chemomechanics's user avatar
2 votes

How to determine if there is frictional force?

When you way "coefficient of friction," that leads me to assume you are talking about Columb friction, where we model friction as a force that opposes motion which can be up to some constant ...
Cort Ammon's user avatar
  • 51.7k
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Why do not tiny cracks heal in metal via cold welding?

Indium repairs itself at room temperature but it is very soft with a melting temperature of 157C. The answer is therefore that at room temperature self diffusion in most metals is very much suppressed:...
my2cts's user avatar
  • 26.6k
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Why do not tiny cracks heal in metal via cold welding?

It seems to me that the impurities that have coalesced at the triple points between the crystals forming the metal would be happy to migrate back along the crystal surfaces, preventing cold welding. ...
user462101's user avatar
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Limits of Poisson's ratio in isotropic solid

The nice answer by @Tyler-Olsen is a good summary of the derivation of the classical bounds on Poisson's ratio for a stable isotropic linear elastic material: $$ -1 < \nu < \frac{1}{2} $$ but it ...
David Bailey's user avatar
  • 13.2k
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Drift current and diffusion current in depletion region of diode at equilibrium

As the question itself explains: the net current is zero in equilibrium (when $V_A=0$), and not zero out of equilirbium (when $V_A\neq 0$.) This is reflected in the current-voltage characteristic, ...
Roger V.'s user avatar
  • 65.1k

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