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According to Maxwell Equations, how does the light travel straight line?

The electromagnetic wave equation allows for plane wave solutions in the form of $$ \vec{u}=\vec{u_0}\exp(i\vec{k}\cdot\vec{r}-\omega t), $$ and since the wave vector can always be chosen to travel in ...
agaminon's user avatar
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According to Maxwell Equations, how does the light travel straight line?

From the Maxwell's equation you can derive the wave equation, whose solutions are a propagating wave. Next, we need to define what is meant by propagation direction of the wave, and then look to see ...
JQK's user avatar
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According to Maxwell Equations, how does the light travel straight line?

With the setup as shown in the figure the light does not propagate in a straight line - the setup is cylindrically symmetric, and the resulting wave is a cylidnrical wave... looking rather different ...
Roger V.'s user avatar
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Is there any radiation similar to Bremsstrahlung in electron-electron or electron-positron scattering?

You are comparing apples and oranges. You show the tree diagram, but there are also radiative diagrams: which are higher order, and hence fall under "radiative corrections". In practice, ...
JEB's user avatar
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Fourier Optics of lenses and free space translations in terms of wave vectors

You just need to use your Fourier theorems. The Fourier transform of the product of two functions is the convolution of their spectra. Likewise, the Fourier transform of the convolution of two ...
flippiefanus's user avatar
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Why these constants in angular spectrum in optics?

The scalar wavefunction $U(\mathbf{r})$ represents a physical field like electric field or pressure, with units we'll denote as $[U]$. From the Cartesian form of the angular spectrum representation: $$...
user465226's user avatar

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