New answers tagged atmospheric-science
'Physics behind the morphology of clouds' book recommendations?
A Short Course in Cloud Physic and other numerous textbooks and notes with cloud physics in the title, which come in abundance in Google.
There are also some references in the comments and answers in ...
Community wiki
Does a pop pop boat work with vacuum above the water?
By way of example consider a pop pop boat with:
Exhaust outlet 3 metres below the lake level.
Boiler coil 1m above lake level.
Initially any water in the coil is vaporised and pushes any water out the ...
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atmospheric-science × 1212thermodynamics × 178
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fluid-dynamics × 95
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earth × 87
air × 79
planets × 75
scattering × 73
sun × 66
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electromagnetic-radiation × 55
thermal-radiation × 51
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gas × 38
density × 37