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Is sun orbiting the center of the Milky Way? [closed]

Are all the celestial bodies in our galaxy (along with the Sun) orbiting the center of the Milky Way Galaxy?
user356262's user avatar
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How many full orbits around the galactic center our Earth has done so far since its creation?

I have read that the estimated age of our Milky Way galaxy is 13.61 billion years which is by using our current size and status of our galaxy about 59.17 Galactic years which each galactic year ...
Markoul11's user avatar
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Estimating of the size of the Milky Way from the Sun's motion

I am trying to run a simple first-principles calculation to estimate the diameter of the Milky Way from what we know about the motion of the Sun around its center. In particular, from various online ...
space_voyager's user avatar
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Do we have to care about the force from the Milky Way black hole while analysing the Solar system from its Center of Mass frame?

And also while analysing Earth's spinning motion about its center? Do we have to care about the forces from the giant Black Hole at the center of Milky way? I guess we would have to take the Black ...
Ryder Rude's user avatar
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Will the Sun's orbit around the Milky Way degrade once it transitions to a white dwarf with half its original mass?

Does the Sun's mass factor in at all when it comes to its orbit around the Milky Way, such that if it lost half its mass, its orbit would change? Or is it a matter of the center of the Milky Way being ...
Mike Sickler's user avatar
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What's the eccentricity of our sun's orbit around the center of the galaxy? [duplicate]

Just thinking about "galactic habitability zones." Is this even a valid question?
Curious Layman's user avatar
-1 votes
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Does the Sun revolve around the supermassive black hole at the center of the Milky Way? [duplicate]

I'm curious to know, does the sun really revolve around the black hole at the center of the galaxy?
Abhishek Raj's user avatar
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The Sun's Orbit - Is it What We Think?

I was thinking that the sun must orbit something within our spiral arm in the Milky Way, or be affected by other astronomical bodies - surely not just the supermassive black hole centre. I have ...
QuantuM's user avatar
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Frame Dragging by Sag A star

Is frame dragging by the supermassive black hole Sag A responsible for the milky way's rotation? If so would we also be part of time dilation depending on how close we are to Sag A? Is the gravity ...
r2steve2's user avatar
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How has the world remained in balance?

In the center of our galaxy, there is a Supermassive black hole. We were told in early astronomy units of school that black holes are giant vacuums that will absorb/consume the area around it. My ...
callisto's user avatar
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Do we know what event caused the Sun and Solar System to form?

Some stellar formation theories suggest that stars are formed by shock waves from trigger events such as supernovae. This excerpt from Star Formation basically gives the background to my question: ...
user avatar
12 votes
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Are the orientations of spin-axes and binary/planetary orbits random or is there any relationship with the Galactic plane?

In an answer to another question, a claim has been made that orbit/spin orientations are random (at least within our own Galaxy), except perhaps towards the Galactic centre. I have dabbled in this ...
ProfRob's user avatar
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How can one get the eccentricity of the orbit of the Sun around center of the Milky Way?

How can one get the eccentricity of the orbit of the Sun around center of the Milky Way? Can it be measured?
alvoutila's user avatar
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