I am mostly aware of the Aharonov-Bohm effect's (AB effect) physical interpretation, as well as the corresponding mathematical/differential geometric interpretation.
What does confuse me slightly however is the physical part of the derivation leading to it. Namely, in a "heuristic" description, one usually brings up trajectories, namely that either "an electron going one way and another the other way around the cylinder will pick up a phase shift" or an "electron going around the cylinder will pick up a phase shift compared to its original value".
In QM there are no trajectories, however, though of course there is the path integral point of view, and I know the AB effect can be approached from this perspective too (Sakurai, for example). Buuuut, in a hungarian textbook I have seen a particularly simple way to derive the phase shift.
Let $C$ be the (solid) cylinder in $\mathbb R^3$ and let $M=\mathbb R^3\setminus C$. The manifold $M$ is not contractible, so Poincaré's lemme does not apply. In particular, if $\mathbf A$ is the vector potential, $$ \boldsymbol{\nabla}\times\mathbf A=\mathbf B=0 $$ does not imply that there exists a globally defined scalar field $\chi$ such that $\mathbf A=\boldsymbol{\nabla}\chi$.
Let $\psi$ be the wave function satisfying the Schrödinger equation $$ i\hbar\partial_t\psi=-\frac{\hbar^2}{2m}D^2\psi $$ with $$ \mathbf D=\boldsymbol{\nabla}+iq\mathbf A $$ the covariant derivative. I assume the proper interpretation should be that $\psi$ simply describes the state of an electron that is diffracted on the cylinder. Let $\psi_0$ be the wave function corresponding to the case of $\mathbf A=0$.
Now, let us partition $M$ into two halves, $M^+$ and $M^-$ such that both domains are contractible. Since they are contractible, with $\mathbf B=0$, one can choose gauge transformations $\chi^+$ and $\chi^-$ to "turn off" $\mathbf A$. Dropping the $\pm$ signs, this gauge function is given by $$ \chi(\mathbf x)=-\int_{\mathbf {x}_0}^{\mathbf{x}}\mathbf A(\mathbf y)\cdot d\mathbf y $$ where the integral is performed over any curve connecting the arbitrary initial point $\mathbf x_0$ with the target point $\mathbf x$ (as the integral is path-independent).
Since $\chi$ turns off $\mathbf A$ (in one of the $M^\pm$ domains), we have $$ \psi_0(\mathbf x)=e^{-\int^\mathbf x \mathbf A(\mathbf y)\cdot d\mathbf y}\psi(\mathbf x). $$
Reversing, we have $$ \psi(\mathbf x)=e^{\int^\mathbf x \mathbf A(\mathbf y)\cdot d\mathbf y}\psi_0(\mathbf x). $$
Now we perform this procedure on both trivializations and compare them: $$ \psi^+(\mathbf x_1)/\psi^-(\mathbf x_1)=e^{\int_{\gamma^+}^{\mathbf x_1}\mathbf A (\mathbf y)d\mathbf y}e^{-\int_{\gamma^-}^{\mathbf x_1}\mathbf A (\mathbf y)d\mathbf y}=\exp\left(\oint\mathbf A(\mathbf y)\cdot d\mathbf y\right). $$ (I have probably dropped some $q$s and $\hbar$s somewhere, but doesn't affect the basic method)
I am imagining that if the diffraction on the cylinder actually happens, then the diffracted electron is described by a wave function $\psi$, in particular, a wave function that is single-valued.
If the wave function is single-valued, then we should have a well-defined $\psi(\mathbf x_1)$, and we cannot have differing $\psi^+(\mathbf x_1)$ and $\psi^-(\mathbf x_1)$ wave functions.
However, despite what the connection-theoretic background would suggest, we did not calculate a parallel transport actually, but a gauge transformation. So the two wave functions need not agree, as they are in different gauges. However, then, why do we compare them? Comparing them and saying they differ would be akin to comparing a vector to itself in two different coordinate systems and saying they differ, cause the components don't agree.
If this derivation is "correct", then why do we compare wave functions in different gauges? In particular, why do we expect to get physically meaningful results from that.
If the derivation is incorrect, then what is a simple way to show that the phase shift is given by $\oint A$, that does not rely on path integrals?