Here's a sample problem:
A block of mass $m$ is free to move vertically on a wedge of mass $M$ and angle of inclination $\theta$ that rests on flat ground. If all surfaces are frictionless, then find the magnitude of acceleration of the block and the wedge when the system is released from rest.
The usual approach would be to mark all the force vectors, balance the forces, and then use the constraint relation to find the acceleration. However, I found that the same result can be achieved by using Work-every theorem, and with much less effort. Here's my solution:
I take the horizontal displacement of the wedge to be $x_1$ and the vertical displacement of the block to be $x_2$. It's easy to figure that
$$ x_2 = x_1 \tan \theta. $$
Now, applying work-energy theorem on the system, I can write
$$ mgx_2 = \frac12 m\dot{x}_2^2 + \frac12 M\dot{x}_1^2 \\ \implies 2mgx_1 \tan \theta = m\dot{x}_1^2 \tan^2 \theta + M\dot{x}_1^2 \\ \implies \dot{x}_1^2 = \frac{2mg \tan \theta}{M + m\tan^2 \theta}x_1 $$
I don't need to worry about constraint forces because they don't do any work here. Differentiating with respect to $x_1$, I finally have the acceleration of the wedge as
$$ \ddot{x}_1 = \frac{mg \tan \theta}{M + m\tan^2 \theta}. $$
Hence, the acceleration of the block would be
$$ \ddot{x}_2 = \frac{mg \tan^2 \theta}{M + m\tan^2 \theta}. $$
See how short and efficient this technique is? I have found this technique especially useful in solving problems involving accelerated pure rolling.
My questions are:
$(1)$ Is the vectorial analysis technique more widely used solely because it gives one a feel for the problem?
$(2)$ Why couldn't I find much documentation for the technique I present here, on the internet? If this technique is a direct application of D'Alembert's Principle, as mentioned in a comment, I request a detailed explanation for why and how so.
I request the admins not to close this question as off-topic, because this might just become some meaningful conversation.