Gerard Meszaros introduces the concept of Test Doubles in [Meszaros2007] like this:
The createMock($type)
methods provided by PHPUnit can be
used in a test to automatically generate an object that can act as a test
double for the specified original type (interface or class name). This test
double object can be used in every context where an object of the original
type is expected or required.
The createMock($type)
method immediately returns a test
double object for the specified type (interface or class). The creation of
this test double is performed using best practice defaults. The
and __clone()
methods of
the original class are not executed) and the arguments passed to a method of
the test double will not be cloned. If these defaults are not what you need
then you can use the getMockBuilder($type)
method to
customize the test double generation using a fluent interface.
By default, all methods of the original class are replaced with a dummy
implementation that just returns null
(without calling
the original method). Using the will($this->returnValue())
method, for instance, you can configure these dummy implementations to
return a value when called.
Please note that final
, private
, and static
methods cannot
be stubbed or mocked. They are ignored by PHPUnit's test double
functionality and retain their original behavior.
The practice of replacing an object with a test double that (optionally) returns configured return values is referred to as stubbing. You can use a stub to "replace a real component on which the SUT depends so that the test has a control point for the indirect inputs of the SUT. This allows the test to force the SUT down paths it might not otherwise execute".
Example 9.2 shows how
to stub method calls and set up return values. We first use the
method that is provided by the
class to set up a stub
object that looks like an object of SomeClass
(Example 9.1). We then
use the Fluent Interface
that PHPUnit provides to specify the behavior for the stub. In essence,
this means that you do not need to create several temporary objects and
wire them together afterwards. Instead, you chain method calls as shown in
the example. This leads to more readable and "fluent" code.
Example 9.1: The class we want to stub
<?php use PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase; class SomeClass { public function doSomething() { // Do something. } } ?>
Example 9.2: Stubbing a method call to return a fixed value
<?php use PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase; class StubTest extends TestCase { public function testStub() { // Create a stub for the SomeClass class. $stub = $this->createMock(SomeClass::class); // Configure the stub. $stub->method('doSomething') ->willReturn('foo'); // Calling $stub->doSomething() will now return // 'foo'. $this->assertEquals('foo', $stub->doSomething()); } } ?>
The example shown above only works when the original class does not declare a method named "method".
If the original class does declare a method named "method" then $stub->expects($this->any())->method('doSomething')->willReturn('foo');
has to be used.
"Behind the scenes", PHPUnit automatically generates a new PHP class that
implements the desired behavior when the createMock()
method is used.
Example 9.3 shows an
example of how to use the Mock Builder's fluent interface to configure the
creation of the test double. The configuration of this test double uses
the same best practice defaults used by createMock()
Example 9.3: Using the Mock Builder API can be used to configure the generated test double class
<?php use PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase; class StubTest extends TestCase { public function testStub() { // Create a stub for the SomeClass class. $stub = $this->getMockBuilder($originalClassName) ->disableOriginalConstructor() ->disableOriginalClone() ->disableArgumentCloning() ->disallowMockingUnknownTypes() ->getMock(); // Configure the stub. $stub->method('doSomething') ->willReturn('foo'); // Calling $stub->doSomething() will now return // 'foo'. $this->assertEquals('foo', $stub->doSomething()); } } ?>
In the examples so far we have been returning simple values using
. This short syntax is the same as
. We can use variations
on this longer syntax to achieve more complex stubbing behaviour.
Sometimes you want to return one of the arguments of a method call
(unchanged) as the result of a stubbed method call.
Example 9.4 shows how you
can achieve this using returnArgument()
instead of
Example 9.4: Stubbing a method call to return one of the arguments
<?php use PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase; class StubTest extends TestCase { public function testReturnArgumentStub() { // Create a stub for the SomeClass class. $stub = $this->createMock(SomeClass::class); // Configure the stub. $stub->method('doSomething') ->will($this->returnArgument(0)); // $stub->doSomething('foo') returns 'foo' $this->assertEquals('foo', $stub->doSomething('foo')); // $stub->doSomething('bar') returns 'bar' $this->assertEquals('bar', $stub->doSomething('bar')); } } ?>
When testing a fluent interface, it is sometimes useful to have a stubbed
method return a reference to the stubbed object.
Example 9.5 shows how you
can use returnSelf()
to achieve this.
Example 9.5: Stubbing a method call to return a reference to the stub object
<?php use PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase; class StubTest extends TestCase { public function testReturnSelf() { // Create a stub for the SomeClass class. $stub = $this->createMock(SomeClass::class); // Configure the stub. $stub->method('doSomething') ->will($this->returnSelf()); // $stub->doSomething() returns $stub $this->assertSame($stub, $stub->doSomething()); } } ?>
Sometimes a stubbed method should return different values depending on
a predefined list of arguments. You can use
to create a map that associates
arguments with corresponding return values. See
Example 9.6 for
an example.
Example 9.6: Stubbing a method call to return the value from a map
<?php use PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase; class StubTest extends TestCase { public function testReturnValueMapStub() { // Create a stub for the SomeClass class. $stub = $this->createMock(SomeClass::class); // Create a map of arguments to return values. $map = [ ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'], ['e', 'f', 'g', 'h'] ]; // Configure the stub. $stub->method('doSomething') ->will($this->returnValueMap($map)); // $stub->doSomething() returns different values depending on // the provided arguments. $this->assertEquals('d', $stub->doSomething('a', 'b', 'c')); $this->assertEquals('h', $stub->doSomething('e', 'f', 'g')); } } ?>
When the stubbed method call should return a calculated value instead of
a fixed one (see returnValue()
) or an (unchanged)
argument (see returnArgument()
), you can use
to have the stubbed method return the
result of a callback function or method. See
Example 9.7 for an example.
Example 9.7: Stubbing a method call to return a value from a callback
<?php use PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase; class StubTest extends TestCase { public function testReturnCallbackStub() { // Create a stub for the SomeClass class. $stub = $this->createMock(SomeClass::class); // Configure the stub. $stub->method('doSomething') ->will($this->returnCallback('str_rot13')); // $stub->doSomething($argument) returns str_rot13($argument) $this->assertEquals('fbzrguvat', $stub->doSomething('something')); } } ?>
A simpler alternative to setting up a callback method may be to
specify a list of desired return values. You can do this with
the onConsecutiveCalls()
method. See
Example 9.8 for
an example.
Example 9.8: Stubbing a method call to return a list of values in the specified order
<?php use PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase; class StubTest extends TestCase { public function testOnConsecutiveCallsStub() { // Create a stub for the SomeClass class. $stub = $this->createMock(SomeClass::class); // Configure the stub. $stub->method('doSomething') ->will($this->onConsecutiveCalls(2, 3, 5, 7)); // $stub->doSomething() returns a different value each time $this->assertEquals(2, $stub->doSomething()); $this->assertEquals(3, $stub->doSomething()); $this->assertEquals(5, $stub->doSomething()); } } ?>
Instead of returning a value, a stubbed method can also raise an
exception. Example 9.9
shows how to use throwException()
to do this.
Example 9.9: Stubbing a method call to throw an exception
<?php use PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase; class StubTest extends TestCase { public function testThrowExceptionStub() { // Create a stub for the SomeClass class. $stub = $this->createMock(SomeClass::class); // Configure the stub. $stub->method('doSomething') ->will($this->throwException(new Exception)); // $stub->doSomething() throws Exception $stub->doSomething(); } } ?>
Alternatively, you can write the stub yourself and improve your design
along the way. Widely used resources are accessed through a single façade,
so you can easily replace the resource with the stub. For example,
instead of having direct database calls scattered throughout the code,
you have a single Database
object, an implementor of
the IDatabase
interface. Then, you can create a stub
implementation of IDatabase
and use it for your
tests. You can even create an option for running the tests with the
stub database or the real database, so you can use your tests for both
local testing during development and integration testing with the real
Functionality that needs to be stubbed out tends to cluster in the same object, improving cohesion. By presenting the functionality with a single, coherent interface you reduce the coupling with the rest of the system.
The practice of replacing an object with a test double that verifies expectations, for instance asserting that a method has been called, is referred to as mocking.
You can use a mock object "as an observation point that is used to verify the indirect outputs of the SUT as it is exercised. Typically, the mock object also includes the functionality of a test stub in that it must return values to the SUT if it hasn't already failed the tests but the emphasis is on the verification of the indirect outputs. Therefore, a mock object is a lot more than just a test stub plus assertions; it is used in a fundamentally different way" (Gerard Meszaros).
Only mock objects generated within the scope of a test will be verified
automatically by PHPUnit. Mock objects generated in data providers, for
instance, or injected into the test using the @depends
annotation will not be verified automatically by PHPUnit.
Here is an example: suppose we want to test that the correct method,
in our example, is called on an object that
observes another object. Example 9.10
shows the code for the Subject
and Observer
classes that are part of the System under Test (SUT).
Example 9.10: The Subject and Observer classes that are part of the System under Test (SUT)
<?php use PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase; class Subject { protected $observers = []; protected $name; public function __construct($name) { $this->name = $name; } public function getName() { return $this->name; } public function attach(Observer $observer) { $this->observers[] = $observer; } public function doSomething() { // Do something. // ... // Notify observers that we did something. $this->notify('something'); } public function doSomethingBad() { foreach ($this->observers as $observer) { $observer->reportError(42, 'Something bad happened', $this); } } protected function notify($argument) { foreach ($this->observers as $observer) { $observer->update($argument); } } // Other methods. } class Observer { public function update($argument) { // Do something. } public function reportError($errorCode, $errorMessage, Subject $subject) { // Do something } // Other methods. } ?>
Example 9.11
shows how to use a mock object to test the interaction between
and Observer
We first use the getMockBuilder()
method that is provided by
the PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase
class to set up a mock
object for the Observer
. Since we give an array as the
second (optional) parameter for the getMock()
only the update()
method of the
class is replaced by a mock implementation.
Because we are interested in verifying that a method is called, and which
arguments it is called with, we introduce the expects()
methods to specify how this interaction should look.
Example 9.11: Testing that a method gets called once and with a specified argument
<?php use PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase; class SubjectTest extends TestCase { public function testObserversAreUpdated() { // Create a mock for the Observer class, // only mock the update() method. $observer = $this->getMockBuilder(Observer::class) ->setMethods(['update']) ->getMock(); // Set up the expectation for the update() method // to be called only once and with the string 'something' // as its parameter. $observer->expects($this->once()) ->method('update') ->with($this->equalTo('something')); // Create a Subject object and attach the mocked // Observer object to it. $subject = new Subject('My subject'); $subject->attach($observer); // Call the doSomething() method on the $subject object // which we expect to call the mocked Observer object's // update() method with the string 'something'. $subject->doSomething(); } } ?>
The with()
method can take any number of
arguments, corresponding to the number of arguments to the
method being mocked. You can specify more advanced constraints
on the method's arguments than a simple match.
Example 9.12: Testing that a method gets called with a number of arguments constrained in different ways
<?php use PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase; class SubjectTest extends TestCase { public function testErrorReported() { // Create a mock for the Observer class, mocking the // reportError() method $observer = $this->getMockBuilder(Observer::class) ->setMethods(['reportError']) ->getMock(); $observer->expects($this->once()) ->method('reportError') ->with( $this->greaterThan(0), $this->stringContains('Something'), $this->anything() ); $subject = new Subject('My subject'); $subject->attach($observer); // The doSomethingBad() method should report an error to the observer // via the reportError() method $subject->doSomethingBad(); } } ?>
The withConsecutive()
method can take any number of
arrays of arguments, depending on the calls you want to test against.
Each array is a list of constraints corresponding to the arguments of the
method being mocked, like in with()
Example 9.13: Testing that a method gets called two times with specific arguments.
<?php use PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase; class FooTest extends TestCase { public function testFunctionCalledTwoTimesWithSpecificArguments() { $mock = $this->getMockBuilder(stdClass::class) ->setMethods(['set']) ->getMock(); $mock->expects($this->exactly(2)) ->method('set') ->withConsecutive( [$this->equalTo('foo'), $this->greaterThan(0)], [$this->equalTo('bar'), $this->greaterThan(0)] ); $mock->set('foo', 21); $mock->set('bar', 48); } } ?>
The callback()
constraint can be used for more complex
argument verification. This constraint takes a PHP callback as its only
argument. The PHP callback will receive the argument to be verified as
its only argument and should return true
if the
argument passes verification and false
Example 9.14: More complex argument verification
<?php use PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase; class SubjectTest extends TestCase { public function testErrorReported() { // Create a mock for the Observer class, mocking the // reportError() method $observer = $this->getMockBuilder(Observer::class) ->setMethods(['reportError']) ->getMock(); $observer->expects($this->once()) ->method('reportError') ->with($this->greaterThan(0), $this->stringContains('Something'), $this->callback(function($subject){ return is_callable([$subject, 'getName']) && $subject->getName() == 'My subject'; })); $subject = new Subject('My subject'); $subject->attach($observer); // The doSomethingBad() method should report an error to the observer // via the reportError() method $subject->doSomethingBad(); } } ?>
Example 9.15: Testing that a method gets called once and with the identical object as was passed
<?php use PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase; class FooTest extends TestCase { public function testIdenticalObjectPassed() { $expectedObject = new stdClass; $mock = $this->getMockBuilder(stdClass::class) ->setMethods(['foo']) ->getMock(); $mock->expects($this->once()) ->method('foo') ->with($this->identicalTo($expectedObject)); $mock->foo($expectedObject); } } ?>
Example 9.16: Create a mock object with cloning parameters enabled
<?php use PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase; class FooTest extends TestCase { public function testIdenticalObjectPassed() { $cloneArguments = true; $mock = $this->getMockBuilder(stdClass::class) ->enableArgumentCloning() ->getMock(); // now your mock clones parameters so the identicalTo constraint // will fail. } } ?>
Table A.1 shows the constraints that can be applied to method arguments and Table 9.1 shows the matchers that are available to specify the number of invocations.
Table 9.1. Matchers
Matcher | Meaning |
PHPUnit_Framework_MockObject_Matcher_AnyInvokedCount any() | Returns a matcher that matches when the method it is evaluated for is executed zero or more times. |
PHPUnit_Framework_MockObject_Matcher_InvokedCount never() | Returns a matcher that matches when the method it is evaluated for is never executed. |
PHPUnit_Framework_MockObject_Matcher_InvokedAtLeastOnce atLeastOnce() | Returns a matcher that matches when the method it is evaluated for is executed at least once. |
PHPUnit_Framework_MockObject_Matcher_InvokedCount once() | Returns a matcher that matches when the method it is evaluated for is executed exactly once. |
PHPUnit_Framework_MockObject_Matcher_InvokedCount exactly(int $count) | Returns a matcher that matches when the method it is evaluated for is executed exactly $count times. |
PHPUnit_Framework_MockObject_Matcher_InvokedAtIndex at(int $index) | Returns a matcher that matches when the method it is evaluated for is invoked at the given $index . |
The $index
parameter for the at()
matcher refers to the index, starting at zero, in all method
invocations for a given mock object. Exercise caution when
using this matcher as it can lead to brittle tests which are too
closely tied to specific implementation details.
As mentioned in the beginning, when the defaults used by the
method to generate the test double do not
match your needs then you can use the getMockBuilder($type)
method to customize the test double generation using a fluent interface.
Here is a list of methods provided by the Mock Builder:
setMethods(array $methods)
can be called on the Mock Builder object to specify the methods that are to be replaced with a configurable test double. The behavior of the other methods is not changed. If you call setMethods(null)
, then no methods will be replaced.
setMethodsExcept(array $methods)
can be called on the Mock Builder object to specify the methods that will not be replaced with a configurable test double while replacing all other public methods. This works inverse to setMethods()
setConstructorArgs(array $args)
can be called to provide a parameter array that is passed to the original class' constructor (which is not replaced with a dummy implementation by default).
can be used to specify a class name for the generated test double class.
can be used to disable the call to the original class' constructor.
can be used to disable the call to the original class' clone constructor.
can be used to disable __autoload()
during the generation of the test double class.
Prophecy is a "highly opinionated yet very powerful and flexible PHP object mocking framework. Though initially it was created to fulfil phpspec2 needs, it is flexible enough to be used inside any testing framework out there with minimal effort".
PHPUnit has built-in support for using Prophecy to create test doubles. Example 9.17 shows how the same test shown in Example 9.11 can be expressed using Prophecy's philosophy of prophecies and revelations:
Example 9.17: Testing that a method gets called once and with a specified argument
<?php use PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase; class SubjectTest extends TestCase { public function testObserversAreUpdated() { $subject = new Subject('My subject'); // Create a prophecy for the Observer class. $observer = $this->prophesize(Observer::class); // Set up the expectation for the update() method // to be called only once and with the string 'something' // as its parameter. $observer->update('something')->shouldBeCalled(); // Reveal the prophecy and attach the mock object // to the Subject. $subject->attach($observer->reveal()); // Call the doSomething() method on the $subject object // which we expect to call the mocked Observer object's // update() method with the string 'something'. $subject->doSomething(); } } ?>
Please refer to the documentation for Prophecy for further details on how to create, configure, and use stubs, spies, and mocks using this alternative test double framework.
The getMockForTrait()
method returns a mock object
that uses a specified trait. All abstract methods of the given trait
are mocked. This allows for testing the concrete methods of a trait.
Example 9.18: Testing the concrete methods of a trait
<?php use PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase; trait AbstractTrait { public function concreteMethod() { return $this->abstractMethod(); } public abstract function abstractMethod(); } class TraitClassTest extends TestCase { public function testConcreteMethod() { $mock = $this->getMockForTrait(AbstractTrait::class); $mock->expects($this->any()) ->method('abstractMethod') ->will($this->returnValue(true)); $this->assertTrue($mock->concreteMethod()); } } ?>
The getMockForAbstractClass()
method returns a mock
object for an abstract class. All abstract methods of the given abstract
class are mocked. This allows for testing the concrete methods of an
abstract class.
Example 9.19: Testing the concrete methods of an abstract class
<?php use PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase; abstract class AbstractClass { public function concreteMethod() { return $this->abstractMethod(); } public abstract function abstractMethod(); } class AbstractClassTest extends TestCase { public function testConcreteMethod() { $stub = $this->getMockForAbstractClass(AbstractClass::class); $stub->expects($this->any()) ->method('abstractMethod') ->will($this->returnValue(true)); $this->assertTrue($stub->concreteMethod()); } } ?>
When your application interacts with a web service you want to test it
without actually interacting with the web service. To make the stubbing
and mocking of web services easy, the getMockFromWsdl()
can be used just like getMock()
(see above). The only
difference is that getMockFromWsdl()
returns a stub or
mock based on a web service description in WSDL and getMock()
returns a stub or mock based on a PHP class or interface.
Example 9.20
shows how getMockFromWsdl()
can be used to stub, for
example, the web service described in GoogleSearch.wsdl
Example 9.20: Stubbing a web service
<?php use PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase; class GoogleTest extends TestCase { public function testSearch() { $googleSearch = $this->getMockFromWsdl( 'GoogleSearch.wsdl', 'GoogleSearch' ); $directoryCategory = new stdClass; $directoryCategory->fullViewableName = ''; $directoryCategory->specialEncoding = ''; $element = new stdClass; $element->summary = ''; $element->URL = ''; $element->snippet = '...'; $element->title = '<b>PHPUnit</b>'; $element->cachedSize = '11k'; $element->relatedInformationPresent = true; $element->hostName = ''; $element->directoryCategory = $directoryCategory; $element->directoryTitle = ''; $result = new stdClass; $result->documentFiltering = false; $result->searchComments = ''; $result->estimatedTotalResultsCount = 3.9000; $result->estimateIsExact = false; $result->resultElements = [$element]; $result->searchQuery = 'PHPUnit'; $result->startIndex = 1; $result->endIndex = 1; $result->searchTips = ''; $result->directoryCategories = []; $result->searchTime = 0.248822; $googleSearch->expects($this->any()) ->method('doGoogleSearch') ->will($this->returnValue($result)); /** * $googleSearch->doGoogleSearch() will now return a stubbed result and * the web service's doGoogleSearch() method will not be invoked. */ $this->assertEquals( $result, $googleSearch->doGoogleSearch( '00000000000000000000000000000000', 'PHPUnit', 0, 1, false, '', false, '', '', '' ) ); } } ?>
vfsStream is a stream wrapper for a virtual filesystem that may be helpful in unit tests to mock the real filesystem.
Simply add a dependency on mikey179/vfsStream
to your
project's composer.json
file if you use
Composer to manage the
dependencies of your project. Here is a minimal example of a
file that just defines a development-time
dependency on PHPUnit 4.6 and vfsStream:
{ "require-dev": { "phpunit/phpunit": "~4.6", "mikey179/vfsStream": "~1" } }
Example 9.21 shows a class that interacts with the filesystem.
Example 9.21: A class that interacts with the filesystem
<?php use PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase; class Example { protected $id; protected $directory; public function __construct($id) { $this->id = $id; } public function setDirectory($directory) { $this->directory = $directory . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $this->id; if (!file_exists($this->directory)) { mkdir($this->directory, 0700, true); } } }?>
Without a virtual filesystem such as vfsStream we cannot test the
method in isolation from external
influence (see Example 9.22).
Example 9.22: Testing a class that interacts with the filesystem
<?php use PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase; class ExampleTest extends TestCase { protected function setUp() { if (file_exists(dirname(__FILE__) . '/id')) { rmdir(dirname(__FILE__) . '/id'); } } public function testDirectoryIsCreated() { $example = new Example('id'); $this->assertFalse(file_exists(dirname(__FILE__) . '/id')); $example->setDirectory(dirname(__FILE__)); $this->assertTrue(file_exists(dirname(__FILE__) . '/id')); } protected function tearDown() { if (file_exists(dirname(__FILE__) . '/id')) { rmdir(dirname(__FILE__) . '/id'); } } } ?>
The approach above has several drawbacks:
As with any external resource, there might be intermittent problems with the filesystem. This makes tests interacting with it flaky.
In the setUp()
and tearDown()
methods we have to ensure that the directory does not exist before and after the test.
When the test execution terminates before the tearDown()
method is invoked the directory will stay in the filesystem.
Example 9.23 shows how vfsStream can be used to mock the filesystem in a test for a class that interacts with the filesystem.
Example 9.23: Mocking the filesystem in a test for a class that interacts with the filesystem
<?php use PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase; class ExampleTest extends TestCase { public function setUp() { vfsStreamWrapper::register(); vfsStreamWrapper::setRoot(new vfsStreamDirectory('exampleDir')); } public function testDirectoryIsCreated() { $example = new Example('id'); $this->assertFalse(vfsStreamWrapper::getRoot()->hasChild('id')); $example->setDirectory(vfsStream::url('exampleDir')); $this->assertTrue(vfsStreamWrapper::getRoot()->hasChild('id')); } } ?>
This has several advantages:
The test itself is more concise.
vfsStream gives the test developer full control over what the filesystem environment looks like to the tested code.
Since the filesystem operations do not operate on the real filesystem anymore, cleanup operations in a tearDown()
method are no longer required.