Philip Giordano ( aka Pilipo) was born at Celle, a small coastal town in Liguria ( Italy), of a Philippine mother and Swiss father. He attended the Brera Fine Arts Academy in Milan, studied illustration at the IED ( European Institute of Design ) and subsequently gained a Masters in Animation Techniques in Turin. In 2004, Philip was selected for the Bologna Book Fair Exhibition and thanks to this visibility started working for children’s book publishers. His first books were with Hodder (London) and Zoolibri (Reggio Emilia). In 2006 and 2009, Philip was a winner of the Figure-Future competition at the Montreuil, Paris Book Fair where he won the Prix des Adultes and Prix des Médiateurs. In 2009, he was selected for the Portuguese illustration biennale, Illustrarte, and in 2010 Philip was again awarded in Bologna Book Fair where i won the " International Award For Illustration". His books have been translated in many parts of the world, including Japan, France, South Korea, South America, Thailand, United Kingdom, China, Spain and Slovenia.