This project is not used anymore - To submit a new design request, fill out the "brief" template below and send it to [email protected].
We will confirm receipt and share next steps.
- Project title [Summary]
- Context (Things everyone in the project should know)
- Project details
- Objectives (what will happen) (problem to solve)
- Target audience (who, more specific the better) (who HAS to see it)
- Deliverables (what will be made) (what solves the problem)
- Key performance indicators (what numbers will show success)
- Organizational goal (please link to current Wikimedia Foundation Annual Plan details)
- Timing (when is this due)
- Planning:
- Production:
- Launch:
- Additional context & direction (don’t forget THESE details)
- Contact (who is leading this project on your team)
- Name - Title - Email