Anything non-trivial in the new interface would benefit from having test coverage. See HelpBanner.test.js for an example of how to write these tests. See also
Run tests with npx jest, which is also called by npm test during CI.
- App.vue
- Automatic edit summary, including replacement count.
- CategoriesList.vue (Mell)
- Format categories as expected.
- CategoriesSection.vue (Mell)
- Empty when there are no categories.
- Link to category pages.
- HelpBanner.vue
- Dismiss button saves user option.
- FileTitle.vue (new) --> T350933: Codex: Split out the title edit component
- Click on title enters editing mode. →
- Normalized title warning message. →
- ImportFile.vue
- Parse categories response.
- Focus file info text area when entering edit mode.
- Parse request is formed correctly.
- Submit form includes data from all fields.