When one uploads a 3D file on Commons they have to agree to patent license terms before proceeding. Currently one of the terms is shown on the main page which is being updated to new designs as documented in T347596. The proposed changes in the own work form/flow do not leave a logical place for showing a 3D patent license. Also some of the other patent related terms are listed in the dialog that appears when the user proceeds. By moving the patent terms from the main page to this dialog it will keep all the related content together without disrupting the new proposals.
Link to UI
Acceptance criteria
- Remove the patent license grant statement from the main page of own work flow
- Add the new copy (second statement under the Patent License section) to the dialog that shows up when one proceeds to next step.
- Update the copy under the warranty header as shown in the UI.
- The next button on the dialog is enabled after the user agrees to the terms by clicking on the checkbox (existing behaviour)
Note: This should not change any content on the patent dialog that shows up for "someone else's work"
Yet to be fixed
- Match line spacing with the wireframes. Currently it is too tight as pointed out in this comment.