The image as built right now does not include any php-related file; however, the docroots link to files in the /srv/mediawiki/php directory:
www-data@mediawiki-pinkunicorn-b5db99bf9-fp27f:/srv/mediawiki/docroot/$ ls -lart total 0 lrwxrwxrwx 1 somebody somebody 24 Feb 23 23:42 skins -> /srv/mediawiki/php/skins lrwxrwxrwx 1 somebody somebody 28 Feb 23 23:42 resources -> /srv/mediawiki/php/resources lrwxrwxrwx 1 somebody somebody 29 Feb 23 23:42 extensions -> /srv/mediawiki/php/extensions
and those links are broken within the image. We need to add them back somehow.
Outstanding problematic URLs: (due to T288848)