What is the problem?
We'd like Nick to review the final version of the medium-term plan before posting the final version on to Meta on May 31st. We want to make sure that there is less jargon and more consistency in language before posting.
How can we help you?
Copyedit the final version, fix remaining corporate jargon, make sure the terms we do use are consistent across the whole document, and generally check that all community feedback has been properly incorporated where possible. See this doc for a summary of the community feedback: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1fA8GVY-qqnzmjHfYdkPiSxq9EsOZcZ6Tl7fxRPV85oY/edit#heading=h.ofo6nuruzdam
What does success look like?
A final MTP that respects the feedback we received during the community comment period and is better suited for external audiences.
What is your deadline?
May 31