I would like to conduct this research study, hopefully next quarter: T187299: User-perceived page load performance study
It would require showing a survey to a low sample of users. I would probably leverage QuickSurveys for that, to avoid reinventing the wheel.
Ideally, this wouldn't be a one-off, but something we ask users (again, with very low sampling) continuously, to gauge whether or not people's perception of site performance evolves with time.
I would like for this to run on two wikis, to verify whether there are cultural differences or not in the results.
The wikis needs to have a fair amount of traffic, but they don't have the biggest. I.e. it's not necessary to "sell" this to enwiki for example - where from what I've heard there's an ongoing debate about research done directly on users - as the results would be equally valid on a smaller wiki.
I need help figuring out which wikis would be most likely to help us by letting us run this study, and validating community approval using whichever process those particular wikis use for that.