15. August 1946, Chewton Mendip, Bath, Somerset, England
Waldegrave, William
Waldegrave, William Arthur, Baron Waldegrave of North Hill (vollständiger Name)
Wikipedia-Link: | William_Waldegrave |
Wikipedia-ID: | 6654317 (PeEnDe) |
Wikidata-ID: | Q332864 |
Wikimedia–Commons: | William Waldegrave, Baron Waldegrave of North Hill |
GND: | 170155315 |
LCCN: | n/78/43551 |
VIAF: | 1270235 |
ISNI: | 000000008081117X |
NLA: | 35842196 |
SUDOC: | 078887062 |
Vater: Geoffrey Waldegrave, 12th Earl Waldegrave
Mutter: Mary Hermione Grenfell
Ehepartner: Caroline Waldegrave (1977–)
Kind: Katharine Mary Waldegrave
Kind: Elizabeth Laura Waldegrave
Kind: James Victor Waldegrave
Kind: Harriet Horatia Waldegrave
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