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Konsep Balanced scorecard adalah pendekatan terhadap strategi manajemen yang dikembangkan oleh Robert Kaplan (Harvard Business School) dan David Norton pada awal tahun 1990. Balanced scorecard berasal dari dua kata yaitu balanced... more
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Dalam Artikel ini membahas tetang Corporet Internet Sustability Reporting yang mana dalam konsep penerapan dan membahsa mengenai Corporete Social Responsibilty diIndonesia secara mandatori maupun volantori dari hasil pembahasan dapat... more
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    • EBSCO
The purpose of this study was to determine whether there is a significant difference between the normal average stock retrun around the outside of Rahmadhan 2016 and to determine whether there is a significant difference in the average... more
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The purpose of this study was to determine whether there is a significant difference between the normal average stock retrun around the outside of Rahmadhan 2016 and to determine whether there is a significant difference in the average... more
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    • Auditing