ανερτησε εν βρασμο ψυχης η
στο αρχειο
Gia sena,
Peri Erwtos,
La Costruzione Di Un Amore
La costruzione di un amore
spezza le vene delle mani
mescola il sangue col sudore
se te ne rimane
La costruzione di un amore
non ripaga del dolore
è come un'altare di sabbia
in riva al mare
La costruzione del mio amore
mi piace guardarla salire
come un grattacielo di cento piani
o come un girasole
Ed io ci metto l'esperienza
come su un albero di Natale
come un regalo ad una sposa
un qualcosa che sta lí
e che non fa male
E ad ogni piano c'è un sorriso
per ogni inverno da passare
ad ogni piano un Paradiso
da consumare
Dietro una porta un po' d'amore
per quando non ci sarà tempo di fare l'amore
per quando vorrai buttare via
la mia sola fotografia
E intanto guardo questo amore
che si fa piú vicino al cielo
come se dopo tanto amore
bastasse ancora il cielo
E sono qui
e mi meraviglia
tanto da mordermi le braccia,
ma no, son proprio io
lo specchio ha la mia faccia
Sono io che guardo questo amore
che si fa più vicino al cielo
come se dopo l'orizzonte
ci fosse ancora cielo
E tutto ció mi meraviglia
tanto che se finisse adesso
lo so io chiederei
che mi crollasse addosso
E la fortuna di un amore
come lo so che può cambiare
dopo si dice l'ho fatto per fare
ma era per non morire
Si dice che bello tornare alla vita
che mi era sembrata finita
che bello tornare a vedere
e quel che è peggio è che è tutto vero
La costruzione di un amore
spezza le vene delle mani
mescola il sangue col sudore
se te ne rimane
La costruzione di un amore
non ripaga del dolore
è come un'altare di sabbia
in riva al mare
E intanto guardo questo amore
che si fa piú vicino al cielo
come se dopo tanto amore
bastasse ancora il cielo
E sono qui
e mi meraviglia
tanto da mordermi le braccia,
ma no, son proprio io
lo specchio ha la mia faccia
Sono io che guardo questo amore
che si fa grande come il cielo
come se dopo l'orizzonte
ci fosse ancora cielo
E tutto ció mi meraviglia
tanto che se finisse adesso
lo so io chiederei
che mi crollasse addosso
ανερτησε εν βρασμο ψυχης η
στο αρχειο
Agaph einai.....,
Peri Erwtos,
Fragile, era scritto sulla scatola di carta che
raccoglieva un sogno fatto insieme a te
una realtà che qui non è.
Facile, non è mica stato facile accettarlo sai
ne ho sofferto sia pur senza odiarti mai
e allora che fai ancora da me cosa vuoi...
Non è qui la tua vita
mi dispiace però devo dire di no
non è vuota senza te
c'è già chi l'ha riempita
dopo il niente che tu
hai lasciato da me.
Sappi che non ho smesso per un attimo di amarti e che
ho passato il tempo ad aspettare te
ma è tardi e lo sai
non sono più fragile ormai...
Non è qui la tua vita
sembra strano però è guarita da un po'
la ferita di un addio
c'è gia chi l'ha curata
con l'amore che tu
non avevi per me
hey... è la vita...
è bizzarro mio dio che stavolta sia io
a doverlo dire a te
ma tra noi è finita
lo sai bene anche tu
lo sai meglio di me...
No! Non è qui la tua vita
mi fa male però devo dire di no
non è tempo più per te
oramai è svanita
la paura che tu
fossi tutto per me...
è svanita...
è finita...
ανερτησε εν βρασμο ψυχης η
στο αρχειο
Θα φτιάξω κόσμο δικό μου και μέσα θα ζω
όλα ανάποδα θα ‘ναι εδώ.
Για μένα θα ‘ναι πια ψέμα το πραγματικό
κι η αλήθεια θα ‘ναι το φανταστικό.
Εγώ γυρνώ ανάποδα όλη τη γη
εγώ τρελό και πειραγμένο παιδί.
Όταν εσύ θα λες φύγε
τότε αχώριστη θα ‘μαι σκιά
κι όταν ακούσω το έλα
τότε θα φύγω ξανά μακριά.
Όταν εσύ θα λες όχι
σα να ‘χω ακούσει το ναι θ’ αντιδρώ
γιατί η καρδιά μου πια το ‘χει
κι έτσι απλά δε θα υποταχτώ.
Θα φτιάξω κόσμο δικό μου κι ελεύθερα μπες
θα παρακούω όμως ό,τι κι αν λες.
Δεν είναι αντίδραση μόνο ή εγωισμός
είναι απόγνωση, είναι θυμός.
Εγώ γυρνώ ανάποδα όλη τη γη
εγώ τρελό και πειραγμένο παιδί.
Όταν εσύ θα λες φύγε
τότε αχώριστη θα ‘μαι σκιά
κι όταν ακούσω το έλα
τότε θα φύγω ξανά μακριά.
Όταν εσύ θα λες όχι
σα να ‘χω ακούσει το ναι θ’ αντιδρώ
γιατί η καρδιά μου πια το ‘χει
κι έτσι απλά δε θα υποταχτώ.
ανερτησε εν βρασμο ψυχης η
1 κατεθεσαν
στο αρχειο
Agaphmeno mou Pc,
Παντα ανηφορα.....
I can almost see it
That dream I'm dreaming but
There's a voice inside my head sayin,
You'll never reach it,
Every step I'm taking,
Every move I make feels
Lost with no direction
My faith is shaking but I
Got to keep trying
Got to keep my head held high
There's always going to be another mountain
I'm always going to want to make it move
Always going to be an uphill battle,
Sometimes you going to have to lose,
Ain't about how fast I get there,
Ain't about what's waiting on the other side
It's the climb
The struggles I'm facing,
The chances I'm taking
Sometimes they knock me down but
No I'm not breaking
The pain I'm knowing
But these are the moments that
I'm going to remember most yeah
Just got to keep going
And I,
I got to be strong
Just keep pushing on,
There's always going to be another mountain
I'm always going to want to make it move
Always going to be an uphill battle,
Sometimes you going to have to lose,
Ain't about how fast I get there,
Ain't about what's waiting on the other side
It's the climb
There's always going to be another mountain
I'm always going to want to make it move
Always going to be an uphill battle,
Sometimes you going to have to lose,
Ain't about how fast I get there,
Ain't about what's waiting on the other side
It's the climb
Keep on moving
Keep climbing
Keep the faith baby
It's all about
It's all about
The climb
Keep the faith
Keep your faith
ανερτησε εν βρασμο ψυχης η
στο αρχειο
Agaphmeno mou Pc,
Musica Nuda
Guarda che luna, guarda che mare,
da questa notte senza te dovrò restare
folle d'amore vorrei morire
mentre la luna di lassù mi sta a guardare.
Resta soltanto tutto il rimpianto
perché ho peccato nel desiderarti tanto
ora son solo a ricordare e vorrei poterti dire
guarda che luna, guarda che mare!
Ma guarda che luna, guarda che mare,
in questa notte senza te io vorrei morire
perché son solo a ricordare e vorrei poterti dire
guarda che luna, guarda che mare!
Guarda che luna, guarda che mare! Che luna!
ανερτησε εν βρασμο ψυχης η
στο αρχειο
Agaphmeno mou Pc,
Aqua E Sale
Adriano Celestano
Semplici e un po' banali
Io direi quasi prevedibili e sempre uguali
Sono fatti tutti così gli uomini e l'amore
Come vedi tanti aggettivi
Che si incollano su di noi
Dai che non siamo poi cattivi
Tu non sei niente male
Parli bene e mi sorprendi quando tiri forte
La tua moto dal motore che sento truccato
E va bene guida tu che sei brava più di me
E io attendo che sia amore, sai
Ma io sono con te ogni giorno
Perché di te ho bisogno
Non voglio di più
Acqua e sale
Mi fai bere
Con un colpo mi trattieni il bicchiere
Mi fai male
Puoi godere se mi vedi in un angolo ore
Ed ore
Ore piene
Come un lago
Che se piove un po' di meno è uno stagno
Vorrei dire...
Non conviene...
Sono io a pagare amore tutte le pene
Vedi divertirsi fa bene
Sento che mi rido dentro e questo non mi conviene
C'è qualcosa che non va non so dirti cosa
È la tua moto che sta giù
Che vorrei guidare io
O meglio averti qui vicino a me?
Ma io sono con te ogni giorno
Perché di te ho bisogno
Non voglio di più.
Acqua e sale
Mi fai bere
Con un colpo mi trattieni il bicchiere
Mi fai male
Puoi godere se mi vedi in un angolo ore ed ore
Ore piene come un lago
Che se piove un po' di meno e uno stagno
Vorrei dire...
Non conviene...
Sono io a pagare amore tutte le pene
ανερτησε εν βρασμο ψυχης η
στο αρχειο
Agaphmeno mou Pc,
Peri Erwtos,
Before I start this dance
I take a chance in telling you
I want more than just romance
You are my destiny, I can't let go baby can't you see
Cupid please take your aim at me
Cherish the thought
Of always having you here by my side (oh baby I)
Cherish the joy
You keep bringing it into my life (I'm always singing it)
Cherish your strength
You got the power to make me feel good (and baby I)
Perish the thought
Of ever leaving, I never would
I was never satisfied with casual encounters
I can't hide my need for two hearts that bleed with burning love
That's the way it's got to be
Romeo and Juliet, they never felt this way I bet
So don't underestimate my point of view

Who? You! Can't get away I won't let you
Who? You! I could never forget to
Cherish is the word I use to remind me of your love
Romeo and Juliet, they never felt this way I bet
So don't underestimate my point of view
Who? You! Can't get away I won't let you
Who? You! I could never forget to
Cherish is the word I use to remind me of your love
Give me faith give me joy, my boy
I will always cherish you
Τωρα θα πειτε μερες ειχε να φανει
τι την επιασε με τα κερασια και την Μαντοννα
μπορει εσεις να μην καταλαβαινετε
αλλα για μενα,ε,κατι θα σημαινει χιχι!
παει μ'επιασε το καλοκαιρι
και εμπνεομαι,πως να το κανουμε...
τα μπλοκακια σας τα διαβαζω απο την συσκευη χειρος
σχολια απο κει δε μπορω να αφησω δυστυχως..
Θα αναρωτιεστε καλα επειδη αρχισε δουλεια
δε μπορει και δε προλαβαινει?
σιγα τα λαχανα και εμεις δουλευουμε
πως κανει ετσι?
Ειμαι μια του δρομου
"ντεν εχω πισουλη καρντιες μου"
τωρα οποιος παρανοησε
ας ψαξει το μπλοκακι να βρει απαντησεις....
ανερτησε εν βρασμο ψυχης η
στο αρχειο
Agaphmeno mou Pc,
Ενα Αστερι

Ένα αστέρι πέφτει πέφτει
το κοιτώ στον ουρανό
μια ευχή κάνω για σένα
τελευταία μου ελπίδα
τον Θεό παρακαλώ
Ένα αστέρι πέφτει πέφτει
το κοιτώ στον ουρανό
Μήπως το 'στειλε η ψυχή σου
μήπως το 'στειλε η καρδιά σου
τ' άστρο αυτό το φωτεινό
κι ήρθε να μου φέρει δάκρυ
ή για να μου φέρει ελπίδα
μες στην ώρα που πονώ
Ένα αστέρι πέφτει πέφτει
το κοιτώ στον ουρανό
ανερτησε εν βρασμο ψυχης η
στο αρχειο
Somebody to Love
μιας και σηκωθηκα με μεγαλα
μα μεγαλα κεφια λεμε
και αλλαξα το mytones στο κινητο μου
ετσι,για να περνατε καλα μεχρι να σας απαντησω
ειπα να τον μοιραστω με ολους σας...
γιατι μπορει να'χει συννεφια
και δε εχει ακομα αποφασισει αν εχουμε ανοιξη,χειμωνα ή φθινοπωρο
εμεις ομως εχουμε ανοιξη στη καρδια και μας αρεσει...
Μια Nelly για να φτιαξουν τα κεφια...
You got your ways enough of mine
It's taking up all of my time
We need you to adore me
Come sit and drink from a cup
Don't leave until you're filled up
You're tired of all your travelling
I don't need nothing at all
Nothing but your kiss
Nothing but your arms
I don't need nothing at all
But somebody to love
Somebody to hold
Somebody that I can feel in my blood
Somebody to hold
Somebody to own
Somebody to make me feel I'm in love
I know I'm missing for a word
I'm not trying to say a thing
I'm trying to live in this moment
Count all the sins, what it says
Tell me how long it'll take
To unravel your body
I don't need nothing at all
Nothing but your touch
Nothing but your hand
I don't need nothing at all
But somebody to love
Somebody to hold
Somebody that I can feel in my blood
Somebody to hold
Somebody to own
Somebody to make me feel I'm in love
I need somebody to love
Somebody to hold
Somebody that I can feel in my blood
Somebody to hold
Somebody to own Κερασιες ανθισμενες στο Κιοτο
ανερτησε εν βρασμο ψυχης η
στο αρχειο
Agaphmeno mou Pc,
Up in Smoke

They asked me how I knew
My true love was true
Oh, I of course replied
Something here inside cannot be denied
They said someday you'll find
All who love are blind
Oh, when your heart's on fire
You must realize
Smoke gets in your eyes
So I chaffed them and I gaily laughed
To think they could doubt my love
Yet today my love has flown away
I am without my love
Now laughing friends deride
Tears I can not hide
Oh, so I smile and say
When a lovely flame dies
Smoke gets in your eyes
Smoke gets in your eyes
ανερτησε εν βρασμο ψυχης η
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Seduces me...

Everything you are
Everything you'll be
Touches the current of love
So deep in me
Every sigh in the night
Every tear that you cry
Seduces me
And all that I am
And all that I'll be
Means nothing at all
If you can't be with me
Your most innocent kiss
Or your sweetest caress
Seduces me
I don't care about tomorrow
I've given up on yesterday
Here and now is all that matters
Right here with you is where I'll stay
Everything in this world
Every voice in the night
Every little thing of beauty
Comes shining thru in your eyes
And all that is you becomes part of me too
'Cause all you do seduces me
And if I should die tomorrow
I'd go down with a smile on my face
I thank God I've ever known you
I fall down on my knees
For all the love we've made
Every sigh in the night
Every tear that you cry
Seduces me seduces me
All that you do....
Celine Dion
ανερτησε εν βρασμο ψυχης η
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Αγγελε μου

Άγγελέ μου, αν κατέβεις προς την γη
θέλω να έρθεις να μιλήσουμε μαζί
περιμένω να μου δώσεις συμβουλή
πως να γιάνω μία καρδιά που αιμορραγεί.
Άγγελέ μου, έχει αγιάτρευτη πληγή,
από θαύμα είναι ακόμα ζωντανή
έχει τραύμα βαθύ κι η λεπίδα η κοφτερή
δηλητήριο είχε και έρωτα πολύ.
Άγγελέ μου, μία χάρη σου ζητώ
στο όνειρό μου, λύση στο αίνιγμα να βρω
την καρδιά μου γιάτρεψε την αν μπορείς,
με ένα δάκρυ από τα βάθη της ψυχής.
και αν την σώσεις θα σου τάξω προσευχή
στον θεό μου, να σου δώσει την ευχή
για να γίνεις των αγγέλων διοικητής.
Και ένα θρόνο στον παράδεισο να βρεις!
Άγγελε μου, άγγελέ μου
ανερτησε εν βρασμο ψυχης η
στο αρχειο
Upside Down Inside Out

I said upside down
Youre turning me
Youre giving love instinctively
Around and round youre turning me
Upside down
Boy, you turn me
Inside out
And round and round
Upside down
Boy, you turn me
Inside out
And round and round
Instinctively you give to me
The love that I need
I cherish the moments with you
Respectfully I see to thee
Im aware that youre cheating
When no one makes me feel like you do
Upside down
Boy, you turn me
Inside out
And round and round
Upside down
Boy, you turn me
Inside out
And round and round
I know you got charm and appeal
You always play the field
Im crazy you are mine
As long as the sun continues to shine
Theres a place in my heart for you
Thats the bottomline
Upside down
Boy, you turn me
Inside out
And round and round
Upside down
Boy, you turn me
Inside out
And round and round
Instinctively you give to me
The love that I need
I cherish the moments with you
Respectfully I see to thee
Im aware that youre cheating
But no one makes me feel like you do
Upside down
Boy, you turn me
Inside out
And round and round
Upside down
Boy, you turn me
Inside out
And round and round
Upside down
Boy, you turn me
Inside out
And round and round
Upside down
Boy, you turn me
Inside out
And round and round
Upside down youre turning me
Youre giving love instinctively
Around and round youre turning me
I see to thee respectfully
Upside down youre turning me
Youre giving love instinctively
Around and round youre turning me
I see to thee respectfully
I said a upside down youre turning me
Youre giving love instinctively
Around and round youre turning me
Diana Ross
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Η Ζωη ειναι Γυναικα

Γυναίκα μου,
ακούω το ταξίδι σου στο αίμα μου
ακούω να περπατάς μες στην ψυχή μου,
μονάκριβη εικόνα μες στο βλέμμα μου,
γυναίκα μου, γυναίκα μου, ζωή μου.
Και μόνο που αγκαλιάζω το κορμί σου
και μόνο που ακούω τη φωνή σου
την ώρα που μου λες "είμαι δική σου"
Σε σένα όλοι οι δρόμοι με γυρνάνε
εσένα κουβαλάω όπου να 'μαι
στα χέρια σου μονάχα δεν φοβάμαι,
γυναίκα μου.
Γυναίκα μου,
μεθάω όταν πίνω την ανάσα σου
σαν νιώθω τα μαλλιά σου πάνωθέ μου.
Για μένα θυσιάζεις κάθε έννοια σου,
γυναίκα μου, γυναίκα μου, άνθρωπέ μου.
ανερτησε εν βρασμο ψυχης η
στο αρχειο
The Power Of Love
The whispers in the morning
Of lovers sleeping tight
Are rolling like thunder now
As I look in your eyes
I hold on to your body
And feel each move you make
Your voice is warm and tender
A love that I could not forsake
'Cause I am your lady
And you are my man
Whenever you reach for me
I'll do all that I can
Lost is how I'm feeling lying in your arms
When the world outside's too
Much to take
That all ends when I'm with you
Even though there may be times
It seems I'm far away
Never wonder where I am
'Cause I am always by your side
'Cause I am your lady
And you are my man
Whenever you reach for me
I'll do all that I can
We're heading for something
Somewhere I've never been
Sometimes I am frightened
But I'm ready to learn
Of the power of love
The sound of your heart beating
Made it clear
Suddenly the feeling that I can't go on
Is light years away
'Cause I am your lady
And you are my man
Whenever you reach for me
I'll do all that I can
We're heading for something
Somewhere I've never been
Sometimes I am frightened
But I'm ready to learn
Of the power of love
ανερτησε εν βρασμο ψυχης η
στο αρχειο
Agaph einai.....,
Total Eclipse

Turnaround, every now and then I get a
little bit lonely and you're never coming around
Turnaround, Every now and then I get a
little bit tired of listening to the sound of my tears
Turnaround, Every now and then I get a
little bit nervous that the best of all the years have gone by
Turnaround, Every now and then I get a
little bit terrified and then I see the look in your eyes
Turnaround bright eyes, Every now and
then I fall apart
Turnaround bright eyes, Every now and
then I fall apart
Turnaround, Every now and then I get a
little bit restless and I dream of something wild
Turnaround, Every now and then I get a
little bit helpless and I'm lying like a child in your arms
Turnaround, Every now and then I get a
little bit angry and I know I've got to get out and cry
Turnaround, Every now and then I get a
little bit terrified but then I see the look in your eyes
Turnaround bright eyes, Every now and
then I fall apart
Turnaround bright eyes, Every now and
then I fall apart
And I need you now tonight
And I need you more than ever
And if you'll only hold me tight
We'll be holding on forever
And we'll only be making it right
Cause we'll never be wrong together
We can take it to the end of the line
Your love is like a shadow on me all of the time
I don't know what to do and I'm always in the dark
We're living in a powder keg and giving off sparks
I really need you tonight
Forever's gonna start tonight
Forever's gonna start tonight
Once upon a time I was falling in love
But now I'm only falling apart
There's nothing I can do
A total eclipse of the heart
Once upon a time there was light in my life
But now there's only love in the dark
Nothing I can say
A total eclipse of the heart
Turnaround bright eyes
Turnaround bright eyes
Turnaround, every now and then I know
you'll never be the boy you always you wanted to be
Turnaround, every now and then I know
you'll always be the only boy who wanted me the way that I am
Turnaround, every now and then I know
there's no one in the universe as magical and wonderous as you
Turnaround, every now and then I know
there's nothing any better and there's nothing I just wouldn't do
Turnaround bright eyes, Every now and
then I fall apart
Turnaround bright eyes, Every now and
then I fall apart
And I need you now tonight
And I need you more than ever
And if you'll only hold me tight
We'll be holding on forever
And we'll only be making it right
Cause we'll never be wrong together
We can take it to the end of the line
Your love is like a shadow on me all of the time
I don't know what to do and I'm always in the dark
We're living in a powder keg and giving off sparks
I really need you tonight
Forever's gonna start tonight
Forever's gonna start tonight
Once upon a time I was falling in love
But now I'm only falling apart
There's nothing I can do
A total eclipse of the heart
Once upon a time there was light in my life
But now there's only love in the dark
Nothing I can say
A total eclipse of the heart
ανερτησε εν βρασμο ψυχης η
στο αρχειο
It's all coming back....
That my body froze in bed
If I just listened to it
Right outside the window
There were days when the sun was so cruel
That all the tears turned to dust
And I just knew my eyes were
Drying up forever
I finished crying in the instant that you left
And I can't remember where or when or how
And I banished every memory you and I had ever made
But when you touch me like this
And you hold me like that
I just have to admit
That it's all coming back to me
When I touch you like this
And I hold you like that
It's so hard to believe but
It's all coming back to me
(It's all coming back, it's all coming back to me now)
There were moments of gold
And there were flashes of light
There were things I'd never do again
But then they'd always seemed right
There were nights of endless pleasure
It was more than any laws allow
Baby Baby
If I kiss you like this
And if you whisper like that
It was lost long ago
But it's all coming back to me
If you want me like this
And if you need me like that
It was dead long ago
But it's all coming back to me
It's so hard to resist
And it's all coming back to me
I can barely recall
But it's all coming back to me now
But it's all coming back
There were those empty threats and hollow lies
And whenever you tried to hurt me
I just hurt you even worse
And so much deeper
There were hours that just went on for days
When alone at last we'd count up all the chances
That were lost to us forever
But you were history with the slamming of the door
And I made myself so strong again somehow
And I never wasted any of my time on you since then
But if I touch you like this
And if you kiss me like that
It was so long ago
But it's all coming back to me
If you touch me like this
And if I kiss you like that
It was gone with the wind
But it's all coming back to me
(It's all coming back, it's all coming back to me now)
There were moments of gold
And there were flashes of light
There were things we'd never do again
But then they'd always seemed right
There were nights of endless pleasure
It was more than all your laws allow
Baby, Baby, Baby
When you touch me like this
And when you hold me like that
It was gone with the wind
But it's all coming back to me
When you see me like this
And when I see you like that
Then we see what we want to see
All coming back to me
The flesh and the fantasies
All coming back to me
I can barely recall
But it's all coming back to me now
If you forgive me all this
If I forgive you all that
We forgive and forget
And it's all coming back to me
When you see me like this
And when I see you like that
We see just what we want to see
Al coming back to me
The flesh and the fantasies
All coming back to me
I can barely recall but it's all coming back to me now
(It's all coming back to me now)
And when you kiss me like this
(It's all coming back to me now)
And when I touch you like that
(It's all coming back to me now)
If you do it like this
(It's all coming back to me now)
And if we
ανερτησε εν βρασμο ψυχης η
στο αρχειο
Gia sena,
Δεν πουλάω τη ψυχή μου
Όλη μέρα κάπου τρέχω
και σταματημό δεν έχω
σε μια τρέλα συμμετέχω
που δεν έχει τίποτα σκοπό
τι να πω...
Όλη νύχτα δεν κοιμάμαι
και τα όνειρα φοβάμαι
για το λίγο που κρατάνε
κάνουν τελικά πολύ κακό
στο μυαλό...
Όλα γύρω με στριμώχνουν
όλα σπρώχνουν να συμβιβαστώ
Όλα μακριά με διώχνουν
δεν θα πάρω σας ευχαριστώ
Δεν πουλάω τη ψυχή μου
κι ας τα έβαλε μαζί μου η ζωή
δεν πουλάω την καρδιά μου
κι ας χτυπάνε τα φτερά μου κεραυνοί
Δεν πουλάω τ΄όνειρό μου
εξαντλώ τον εαυτό μου στη φθορά
δεν πουλάω τη ψυχή μου
κι έχω τη συνείδησή μου μια χαρά
Όλη μέρα κάπου τρέχω
και δεν ξέρω πώς αντέχω
το κορμί μου περιστρέφω
γύρω από το ίδιο σκηνικό
τι να πω...
Όλη νύχτα δεν κοιμάμαι
τα προβλήματα θυμάμαι
εφιάλτες με ξυπνάνε
όταν πάω ν΄αποκοιμηθώ
δεν μπορώ...
Στίχοι: Νίκος Γρίτσης
Μουσική: Χάρης Βαρθακούρης
Πρώτη εκτέλεση: Χάρης Βαρθακούρης & Νίκος Μακρόπουλος ( Ντουέτο )
ανερτησε εν βρασμο ψυχης η
στο αρχειο