
There are several ideas to enhance PDFBox. These are outlined below together with comments and the releases they are planned for as soon as there is agreement to do the implementation.

Enhance type safety

Enhance the type safety of PDFBox and add more generic collections and code cleanup.

Remove all deprecated methods

This is an ongoing effort and most/all deprecated methods will be removed in PDFBox 2.0.0

Handle large PDF files

In addition to the PDF parsing pdfbox does not always handle large PDF files well as some of the references are implemented as int instead of long

Switch to Java 1.6

PDFBox 2.0.0 has Java 6 as a minimum requirement.

Break PDFBox into modules

In order to support different use cases and provide a minimal toolset PDFBox 2.0.0 should be separated into different modules. This goes inline with rearranging some of the code e.g. remove AWT from PDDocument.

Enhance the font rendering

PDFBox 2.0.0 will render most of the fonts without using AWT.

Replace/enhance PDF parsing

The old "classic" PDF parser in PDFBox is not in line with the PDF specification as it parses a PDF from top to bottom instead of respecting the XRef information. The NonSequentialParser enhanced that situation but there is a need to have a cleaner foundation broken into several levels

  • I/O
  • Tokenization
  • Parsing according to structure
  • COS level document
  • PD level document
  • Add some self-healing mechanism to process corrupt files

In addition, handling documents which are not conforming shouldn't be part of the core parser but of an extensible approach, e.g. by adding hooks to allow for handling parsing exceptions.

Add the ability to create PDFs using unicode encoded text

The recent PDFBox version is limited to WinANSI encoded text. 2.0.0 should have unicode support as well.

Rearchitect the COS level objects

The COS level objects need to be refactored to be in line with the new parser. In addition method signatures, constructing ... should be made similar across the COS objects

Parsing on demand

Instead of always parsing the complete document PDFs should be parsable on demand making objects only available as they are needed to enhance performance and minimize memory footprint.

This might be achieved by providing a layered approach where a base (non caching) parser provides the on demand parsing and a caching parser built on top caches objects for use cases where this is beneficial e.g. rendering, debugging ...

  • the lexer would be the low level component delivering tokens to the parser. A sample implementation exists as part of PDFBOX-1000. The benefit would be a clean low level handling of tokens. The current implementation needs to be (slightly ?) revised though
  • the incremental (non caching) parser would allow for page by page processing moving forward only to support text extraction, merging, splitting … - the benefit would be a lower memory consumption as well as a potential faster processing
  • the caching parser would support applications such a PDFDebugger or PDFReader

Handling of PDF versions

The current implementation is a mix of PDF 1.4 and some adhoc additions without a clear distinction what is and is not supported. We could ad some support for explicitly handling versions in PDFBox e.g. my marking certain methods and properties to the PDF version support level. This could in addition be a good basis for PDF/A and other compliance checks.