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I always try to do at least one drawing in October.
It helps keep my eye in - and truthfully, you get absorbed in drawing to the point it's almost meditative.
This year, I wanted to do a portrait - and the very lovely Miranda Dickinson,author and singer ( website HERE ) said that I could use her photo as a reference.
So I drew this portrait of Miranda's mum and daughter, hoping that I could capture the feeling of love and ease, between the two generations.
For those of you who know Miranda, you will also find the title of her latest release in the pile of books...
Happily Ever After
For the curious amongst you, this was done on Winsor & Newton paper, Medium Cartridge 70lbs, using a Derwent Graphic Designer pencil, Grade F.
As always, this can be found, along with all my other paintings and drawings, on my gallery site Pat Elliott Paintings - HERE