Papers by Peni Hanggarini

Journal of Indo-Pacific Affairs , 2024
Over the past three years, Australia has shifted its foreign and defense policy in the Indo-Pacif... more Over the past three years, Australia has shifted its foreign and defense policy in the Indo-Pacific region from a liberal engagement approach to a more ambitious neorealist stance, significantly increasing its interaction with the United States. Despite these changes, Australia remains economically dependent on China. This article analyzes the evolution of Australian foreign and defense policies and forecasts future developments. It also explores the implications for Indonesia, Australia's closest neighbor and strategic partner, and offers policy recommendations for Indonesia to manage its bilateral security relations with Australia. Using qualitative research based on a literature review, the article argues that Australia's geostrategic circumstances and historical factors necessitate a refinement of Canberra's foreign and defense policy. Consequently, Australia is poised to emerge as a rising power, increasingly reliant on the United States while also strengthening partnerships with Indonesia and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations as part of its broader Indo-Pacific strategy.

Historia : Jurnal Program Studi Pendidikan Sejarah/Ulul Albab/Historia: Jurnal Program Studi Pendidikan Sejarah, Oct 15, 2023
Tulisan ini membahas jalannya perang asimetrik di Afghanistan sejak 2001 hingga 2021 antara Ameri... more Tulisan ini membahas jalannya perang asimetrik di Afghanistan sejak 2001 hingga 2021 antara Amerika Serikat (AS) dan Taliban berdasarkan perspektif diplomasi pertahanan. Tujuan pembahasan ini untuk mengidentifikasi strategi perang asimetris yang terjadi serta mengevaluasi proses diplomasi pertahanan untuk menciptakan perdamaian. Metode penelitian yang diterapkan adalah metode kualitatif dengan teknik pengumpulan data sekunder dari buku, dokumen, dan jurnal. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan diplomasi pertahanan berhasil menuntun AS dan Taliban yang telah berkonflik selama hampir 20 tahun itu untuk menyepakati perdamaian di Doha pada 29 Februari 2020. Namun, proses penciptaan perdamaian ini tidak mudah karena faktor penghambat lebih berperan daripada faktor pendukung diplomasi pertahanan. Kekuatan militer yang dimiliki AS serta dukungan dari North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), Pakistan dan beberapa negara lainnya, bukan merupakan jaminan bagi AS untuk mencapai tujuannya berperang karena strategi berubah-ubah dan tidak tepat dalam implementasinya. Kegagalan AS memahami entitas politik Taliban terutama dalam aspek politik, sosial, dan budaya merupakan faktor penghambat utama bagi tercapainya tujuan perang serta kelancaran pelaksanaan diplomasi pertahanan. Kata Kunci: amerika serikat, taliban, diplomasi pertahanan, perang afghanistan.
Multidisciplinary Reviews, Aug 24, 2023

Masyarakat, Kebudayaan dan Politik, Oct 1, 2010
The role of Information Technology and Communication (ICT) was increasingly significant to the at... more The role of Information Technology and Communication (ICT) was increasingly significant to the attainment of the goals of diplomacy. However, there were limited studies on how ICT affected Indonesia’s diplomacy. Therefore, this study analyzed how Indonesia’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs had benefited from the information technology and communication in conducting its diplomacy toward three member states of Association of Southeast Asian Nations. The method of this research was descriptive analytical based on literary studies and interview. The study concluded that Indonesia had attempted to implement policy, formulate planning and implement the application, and establish infrastructure of the information technology and communication for its diplomacy. One of the instruments was through establishing integrated web portal. However, some recommendations needed to be raised in order to reap more benefits from the information technology and communication for Indonesia’s diplomacy in the future.

Multidisciplinary Reviews
Australia and Indonesia are two middle-power neighbors with the ability to maintain more friendly... more Australia and Indonesia are two middle-power neighbors with the ability to maintain more friendly bilateral relations than in the past. They also work actively to contribute to peace and stability in the region. Does the development of bilateral relations affect their status as a middle power? Can bilateral relations promote a transition from middle power to major power in the region? There is no consensus on how to define middle powers; thus, the objective of this study is not to suggest a new definition of middle power in the debate. Instead, it applies diverse interpretations of the concept in examining the feasibility of the concept of middle power transition. This notion can be used to measure the extent to which such a transition affects a middle power. Interaction between two middle powers serves as an independent variable, and the concept of middle power is the dependent variable in this study. This study uses a qualitative method to argue that Australia and Indonesia may ch...

Indonesian Perspective
This paper discusses how pillars in Indonesia’s vision of Global Maritime Fulcrum (GMF) are inter... more This paper discusses how pillars in Indonesia’s vision of Global Maritime Fulcrum (GMF) are interrelated, particularly maritime culture and maritime diplomacy. These two pillars need to be implemented as an entity concept. Previous literatures have mainly discussed how each of the pillars contribute to the realization of GMF vision. Based on the perspectives of International Relations theory, this paper explains how maritime culture can influence the formulation of strategy and implementation of Indonesia’s maritime diplomacy. The authors argue that the pillars of maritime culture and maritime diplomacy are reflection of the national interests supporting the GMF vision. Additionally, the embedded maritime culture in Indonesian society can have positive implications for the inputs, processes, outputs, and outcomes of maritime diplomacy. If maritime culture can be managed, it would serve as an instrument of soft power, it would construct the national identity and it would drive the cr...

Indonesian Perspective
This paper discusses how pillars in Indonesia’s vision of Global Maritime Fulcrum (GMF) are inter... more This paper discusses how pillars in Indonesia’s vision of Global Maritime Fulcrum (GMF) are interrelated, particularly maritime culture and maritime diplomacy. These two pillars need to be implemented as an entity concept. Previous literatures have mainly discussed how each of the pillars contribute to the realization of GMF vision. Based on the perspectives of International Relations theory, this paper explains how maritime culture can influence the formulation of strategy and implementation of Indonesia’s maritime diplomacy. The authors argue that the pillars of maritime culture and maritime diplomacy are reflection of the national interests supporting the GMF vision. Additionally, the embedded maritime culture in Indonesian society can have positive implications for the inputs, processes, outputs, and outcomes of maritime diplomacy. If maritime culture can be managed, it would serve as an instrument of soft power, it would construct the national identity and it would drive the cr...

AbstrakIndonesia telah melakukan transformasi teknologi militer, persenjataan, organisasi dan dok... more AbstrakIndonesia telah melakukan transformasi teknologi militer, persenjataan, organisasi dan doktrin militer dalam menghadapi perubahan lingkungan internal dan eksternal. Apakah transformasi militer tersebut sesuai dengan konsep Revolution in Military Affairs (RMA)? Tulisan ini menganalisa komponen RMA Indonesia manakah yang paling penting berhasil dilakukan sejak 2004 hingga 2021? Pada periode kapan RMA paling baik telah terjadi? Tulisan ini berdasarkan penelitian metode campuran (mix method). Metodologi kuantitatif berdasarkan Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) serta metode kualitatif berdasarkan Strength-Weakness-Opportunity-Threat (SWOT) melalui pertimbangan aspek Politik, Ekonomi, Sosial, Teknologi, Lingkungan/Environment, Hukum/Legal/Law (PESTLE). Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui kuesioner terhadap 9 responden ahli RMA, interview serta analisa literature. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan komando, kontrol, computer dan integrasi sistem (C4) merupakan komponen RMA yang pal...
Problems of Democratisation in Indonesia: Elections, Institutions, and Society, published in 2010... more Problems of Democratisation in Indonesia: Elections, Institutions, and Society, published in 2010 and edited by Edward Aspinall and Marcus Mietzner, convincingly introduces Indonesia's experience with democratization as both important and worthwhile to study. The essays chosen by the editors demonstrate, with Indonesia as the example, how complex the problems of democratization can be. Twelve of the fifteen pieces in the book are papers originally presented at the conference "Democracy in Practice," which was held at the Australian National University (ANU) in October 2009.

The role of Information Technology and Communication (ICT) was increasingly significant to theatt... more The role of Information Technology and Communication (ICT) was increasingly significant to theattainment of the goals of diplomacy. However, there were limited studies on how ICT affectedIndonesia’s diplomacy. Therefore, this study analyzed how Indonesia’s Ministry of Foreign Affairshad benefited from the information technology and communication in conducting its diplomacytoward three member states of Association of Southeast Asian Nations. The method of thisresearch was descriptive analytical based on literary studies and interview. The study concludedthat Indonesia had attempted to implement policy, formulate planning and implement theapplication, and establish infrastructure of the information technology and communication for itsdiplomacy. One of the instruments was through establishing integrated web portal. However,some recommendations needed to be raised in order to reap more benefits from the informationtechnology and communication for Indonesia’s diplomacy in the future.

Jurnal Global dan Strategis, 2010
China’s interaction with Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) has been mutually benefic... more China’s interaction with Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) has been mutually beneficial for both parties particulary in pursuing their economic and security interests. This interaction resulted in engagement which can be explained through different perspectives of International Relations. This essay attempts to explore China’s engagement in ASEAN security cooperation. It discuses to what extent Realist perspectives could explain China’s security engagement in ASEAN. Given the fact that China-ASEAN relations has been growing, therefore, it is important to analyze whether this can be maintained in the ASEAN Security Community era. This study has proved that since ASEAN can be explained by Realist and also by Constructivist perspectives, therefore China’s interaction in ASEAN could also be explained using these lenses. China’s interaction with ASEAN has somewhat constructed an evolving China’s security identity among its Southeast Asian counterparts. It builds a constructi...

Masyarakat, Kebudayaan dan Politik, 2010
In Indonesia’s post reformation era, the reformation of domestic policy leads to the reformation ... more In Indonesia’s post reformation era, the reformation of domestic policy leads to the reformation or restructuring of foreign policy. Given the fact that diplomacy is an instrument of foreign policy’s formulation and implementation, therefore, restructuring of foreign policy can reshape Indonesia’s diplomacy. This study attempts to analyze public perception in implementing multi-track diplomacy in supporting Indonesia’s public diplomacy. The method of this research is descriptive analytical based on literary studies, interview and survey. The study concludes that according to the public, Indonesia’s public diplomacy has not been sufficiently and effectively reached its objectives. This study recommends that public should acknowledge the underlying concept of public diplomacy particularly on the objectives, priority, aims and significant parties involved. It also suggests that organizational structure of Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the objectives pursued by the Directorate of Publ...
Papers by Peni Hanggarini