Tasty Banana Bread with Dried Cherries


Tweaking a classic banana bread 

works for me, 

particularly when 

dried cherries are in the mix!



As bananas ripen to their prime squishiness ~ when they are barely yellow ~ but streaked with black and brown, even solid black, that’s the time to make banana bread.  


Roasted Acorn Squash with Smoked Paprika


When the temperature dips
and the leaves are changing,
it’s time to cook heartier food!


An excellent accompaniment to roasted chicken and meats ~ this squash side dish is tasty, not to mention colorful.


You know,

nobody can ever

cook as good as

your Mama.

~ Paula Deen

You know, nobody can ever cook as good as your mama. Paula Deen
Read more at: https://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/paula_deen_431843?src=t_cook
You know, nobody can ever cook as good as your mama. Paula Deen
Read more at: https://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/paula_deen_431843?src=t_cook


Jules-Alexandre Grun

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