Monday Afternoon, Darth Vader, Collar, Bear and Payback
Monday afternoon in Nashville, white stuff falling from the sky. At one point it looked like a blizzard. No sticking cause the ground was just to warm. Saddened to hear this, David Prowse AKA Darth Vader from Star Wars. Yesterday I saw a couple pieces of wood and nailed them together to make a Christmas tree collar. Helps to hide the legs of the tree stand. Someone of fb posted these adorable pics in a series. I love this. COVID boredom set in! haha While talking to my son Monday morning we got into a conversation about pay back! You see every Christmas for about the past four Cory has messed with his mom in laws Christmas tree. At first it was just simple stuff like moving the ornaments around on the tree, you see she is compulsive about her tree. But last year it went a tad further. She did her tree in red. Well, Cory had a red disc for disc golf, apparently a small one, he put it in her tree. Back on a branch that was...