
Showing posts from November, 2020

Monday Afternoon, Darth Vader, Collar, Bear and Payback

 Monday afternoon in Nashville, white stuff falling from the sky.   At one point it looked like a blizzard. No sticking cause the ground was just to warm. Saddened to hear this, David Prowse AKA Darth Vader from Star Wars.  Yesterday I saw a couple pieces of wood and nailed them together to make a Christmas tree collar. Helps to hide the legs of the tree stand.  Someone of fb posted these adorable pics in  a series. I love this.   COVID boredom set in! haha While talking to my son Monday morning we got into a conversation about pay back! You see every Christmas for about the past four Cory has messed with his mom in laws  Christmas tree. At first it was just simple stuff like moving the ornaments around on the tree, you see she is compulsive about her tree. But last year it went a tad further. She did her  tree in red. Well, Cory had a red disc for disc  golf, apparently a small one, he put it in  her tree. Back on a branch that was...

Paintings Forgotten, Chalk Board and Deaths

 The other day I was going through an album I started when I started painting. My teacher told me to always take a pic of what you paint. I also keep an album on FB for my paintings, I realized this one was not on FB. Not the best pic since it is a pic of a pic.  I painted this years ago. It is of a church in Johnson City TN (East TN) during the fall. So I painted it.  Here is another pic of a pic. I gave to a friend that loved wine, but failed to tell her NOT to frame under glass. You don't frame oils under glass. I am not sure how it faired as the years went by.  And another early on in my painting journey. Years ago....and I do mean years ago, prob close to  10 or 11 I found this cabinet door piece at  Habitat for Humanity Rehab store. I had plans for it. BUT never did do what I planned.  A couple of weeks ago I pulled it out and decided to work on it. So I cut a piece of board to close the  hole up in the center.  Then since it was a dark...

Christmas Decor

 I miss the days that I could pull out the Christmas decorations and have them all up in one day. Alas, that is not the case these days. I moved the chair in the living room over two weeks ago to put up the tree and it did not get done. I did manage to get it up the day before Thanksgiving.  The wooden deer to the left of the pic I made several, several years ago before I really got into woodworking.  It took a couple of days to pull off the rest of the decor, between babysitting Misty and watching her to keep her out of trouble, doing laundry and not feeling up to par it has just taken longer. Yesterday though I got the shelve in the dining room done. I can sit on the couch and see this and I love it.  I bought the sign after Christmas last year. Tractor Supply had it for  29.00 bucks but I got it for 6.49. Got the garland and lights (20 count) at Big Lots.  As for the hats, I have an obsession I think. I still have a  few that did not get hung. ...

Vincent Price

 Was reading Rain's blog over at and she  has done a watercolor of Vincent Price. It was great. That sent me off to the web to do some reading up on ole Vincent the Man of Horror! (pic for the internet) Now I bet Rain would love knowing that Vincent  he graduated with  a degree in English and a minor in Art History from Yale. He  was also an art collector and arts consultant with a degree in art  history, and he lectured and wrote books on the subject. The Vincent  Price Art Museum in East Los Angeles  is named in his honor. He was also a noted gourmet cook. Price’s grandfather secured the family fortune by inventing the first cream of tartar-based baking powder. He sold this under the name  Dr. Price’s Baking Powder.  On top of that, his father owned the National Candy Company. Those are some pretty big shoes to fill for young Price! One of Price’s ancestors was the first white child born in Massachusett...

Sweet Visit

 I had a visit from these two beautiful ladies yesterday. This is Kristi, my ex hubs cousin and his aunt Sissy. I have seen Kristi several times over the years but this is  the first time I have seen Sissy in 30 yrs.  I have always thought the world of Sissy. She is the sweetest. Sissy is the sister of my ex mother in law, Ann who past of cancer about 30 yrs ago.  Ann also had a brother Jimmy that past around 2014 or so. Sissy is the only sibling left. She  will be 79 soon. Kristi is Sissy's only child and they live together. Sissy had a son that past with colon cancer many years ago.  It was so nice having them come and visit.  Kristi brought a bunch of  pumpkins over for me to deliver to the pigs. The pigs will be in  HOG HEAVEN. Later folks, Pam 

Thanksgiving Meal

 ROAD TRIP!!!! Headed out this morning to go to Amber's  (daughter) house for Thanksgiving.  And it was amazing! We had ham and turkey breast. We had deviled eggs, sausage balls, cheeseball. Sweet potato's, creamed potato's, green bean casserole, broccoli and cheese casserole, baked beans, mac and cheese, dressing, corn,  cranberry sauce and rolls.  Amber out did herself. Cause with all that she made these below! She was cooking! I offered to be bring anything  she wanted me to. I finally got her to agree to me bringing the cream potato's, tea, cranberry sauce and  the deviled eggs, she did all the rest. And it was GREAT. Hoping you all had a great Thanksgiving. Pam

Happy Thanksgiving and Some Christmas Stuff

 Hoping you and yours have ~ Two weeks ago I moved the chair in the living room to put up the tree. But.....the tree remained in the box downstairs, until today. Black is the new green! Tall and skinny with silver and purple. I sort of miss my homemade and craft ornaments but I am also liking the change. Last year after Christmas my sis in law, Kim gave me this ornament. She said it reminded her of Lily. I had this lantern that the glass was broken in but it works just great with the ball hanging in it with balls under it. I am going to pick up some white lights, 25 lights to put in the bottom. I only buy the 100 count so of course I need to go get some.  This next lantern sits on my coffee table with a candle in it. I removed the candle and just added some balls like I put on the tree.  I will work on some other things tomorrow evening or  Friday.  Can't do it all at one time anymore. Pam

Give a Little Christmas Toy Drive Thru

Give a Little Christmas is a charity for Wilson County children that the family income is just right over the  poverty line and can't get on any other giving list. Nov. 23th TN Tiny Weddings  and Elves came together for a toy drive thru for the charity.  A great big shout out to Jennifer Turrill with SignGypsies of Middle TN for setting us up with these signs! Then it was just a matter of folks following the  directions to TN Tiny Weddings.... or maybe the glow of the star! The decor was out and lite.  The photographer (me) even laid on the wooden floor of the Hitching Post for a great shot. Candles were lite.  Even candleholders were decorated with red bows. Hot chocolate was ready. Cookies were bagged.  And even some special cookies were brought by  Krys (runs the charity). Hats adored the pews. For those that could not attend the toy drive thru  due to working hours on a Monday can give to the link listed on the poster. WOW... and then loo...