University of Oxford
Exeter College
Despite Anti-Corruption having been a growth industry for more than a decade, success stories are relatively few and far between. The dramatic impact achieved by the Public Expenditure Tracking Surveys (PETS) in Uganda has been one of the... more
- by Geir Sundet
A pesar de que el movimiento anticorrupción ha sido una industria en crecimiento por más de una década, las historias de éxito son relativamente escasas. El impacto dramático que tuvo PETS en Uganda ha sido uno de los triunfos más... more
- by Geir Sundet
Bien que l'anti corruption soit une industrie en pleine croissance depuis une décennie, les cas reconnus de succès sont relativement rares à trouver. L'incidence radicale des Enquêtes de suivi des dépenses publiques (ESDP) en Ouganda est... more
- by Geir Sundet
industria en crecimiento por mas de una decada, las historias de exito son relativamente escasas. El impacto dramatico que tuvo PETS en Uganda ha sido uno de los triunfos mas celebrados. Por tanto conviene senalar que, pese a que el... more
more than a decade, success stories are relatively few and far between. The dramatic impact achieved by the Public Expenditure Tracking Surveys (PETS) in Uganda has been one of the most cited successes. It is therefore interesting to... more
croissance depuis une decennie, les cas reconnus de succes sont relativement rares a trouver. L’incidence radicale des Enquetes de suivi des depenses publiques (ESDP) en Ouganda est l’une des reussites les plus souvent evoquees. Il est... more
The study and this brief are part of REPOA's Tanzania Governance Noticeboard programme, which seeks to strengthen accountability and transparency by making information on public affairs readily available to the public, and by assisting to... more
The 1999 Land Act and Village Land Act are arguably among the laws that most directly impact on the well-being of most Tanzanians. They occasioned considerable debate when they were enacted, particularly on aspects pertaining to gender.... more
- by Geir Sundet
The centre is operated by the Chr. Michelsen Institute (CMI:, a private social science research foundation working on issues of development and human rights, located in Bergen, Norway. U4 Partner Agencies: DFID (UK), Norad... more
Doctorales de Sorbonne Université, « Solitude et multitude », 5 juin 2021
During the 18th century, astrologers were frequently satirized by Enlightenment thinkers, who tended to deride as ‘superstitious’ anything that did not fit into the framework of established science and religion. Yet those who appear in... more
Le but de cette journée d’étude est de réfléchir à la manière dont les discours et les esthétiques « de marge » ou sur la marge et la marginalité au XIXe siècle font « événement » à travers le scandale, des voix artistiquement... more
Version publiée d'un article présenté le 1er juillet 2022 à l'Université de Rouen Normandie au colloque "Lectures ésotériques des textes littéraires. Séminaire de recherche interdisciplinaire", sous la direction de Catherine Douzou, Frank... more
"The Eranos Experience: Spirituality and the Arts from a Comparative Perspective", 17-18-19 November 2022 at the Fondazione Giorgio Cini, Venice. The conference was organized jointly by Fondazione Giorgio Cini (Francesco Piraino) and the... more Beaten horses were the topic of a recurring though minor literary scene in the second half of the 19th century. Their overexploitation let facts of ill-treatment increase and become... more
In the vast constellation of Fernando Pessoa’s reception, African Lusophone writers seem to play a minor role, if existing at all. This article examines the complex case of João Manuel Varela, a Cape-Verdean poet. The name of Pessoa, whom... more
This book examines colourism (the process of discrimination based on skin colour among people of the same ethnicity), from a historical and political perspective and highlights how religion and slavery both contributed towards the spread... more