Here are a couple of small finishes. Nothing earth shattering.
Just haven’t made pics of anything else, and Lauren ( Rugs and Pugs), who manages to post quite regularly, gave me a nudge.
This tiny penny mat was a club piece from Country Sampler’s Maggie B club many years ago. It is only slightly larger than my hand. I’m not sure why it took so long to get around to it.
It looks cute enough in this little vignette.
I had finished stitching this Brenda Gervais cross stitch several months ago, but just never got around to fully finishing it. I knew I didn’t want to frame it, but couldn’t decide exactly what I did want to do.
I ended up with a simple pillow finish, loosely stuffing it with sawdust and adding bias ribbon, rusty pin and bells. Frankly, I think that the ribbon and bells make it.
It is stitched on a mystery 32 count linen with called for overdyed threads. It is stitched one strand over two threads. I would have been happier with two over two….but by the time I realized it, I was too far in to change.
Jackson recently caught this big ole bass. Was he proud or what!!

Take Care,
Take Care,